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15438077 No.15438077 [Reply] [Original]

I’m so attracted to goofy then moody slightly white trash girls from broken homes.
The stoner/alcoholic/party girls with bad tattoos and anger issues who chainsmoke menthols, live on gas station coffee, drink 7 Monsters a day, and chew gum like it’s crack.
The kind of girls going to school to be hairdressers or bartenders but who will probably drop out because they can’t make it to class half the time anyways but who aren’t ready to become strippers just yet.
How do I need to dress if I don’t want to smash them, I just need to?

>> No.15438713

Until you live with them, and you realise they dont do anything but eat and not clean up after themselves. Slobs.

>> No.15438888

Dress bogan/chav/redneck inspired but also make sure you add enough flair in so that you set yourself apart from the men who actually are

>> No.15438922
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I guess that’s already me then.
Mission accomplished?...
Well, no, definitely not...

>> No.15439193

sell drugs and you can wear pijamas for all they care

>> No.15439297

Dress however you want and be a coke dealer. Hang out at the bar in your area that you would most likely getting a fight/verbal altercation at. You know the place. The ones with a lopsided pool table, only has cheap domestic beer, and sells long island iced teas for 5 bucks and served in a pint glass. Where the bathrooms are used for doing blow and everyone just pisses in the adjacent parking lot.

>> No.15439375

You're his dream girl. Make his dreams come truuuuuuuuu

>> No.15439684

I don’t know the place.
How would I know the place?

>> No.15440476

Enjoy your shitty pathetic life, anon.

>> No.15440553

Dress like you have drugs to sell. Actually have drugs to sell.

>> No.15441415

This, I had a gf like what OP is describing AND she was goth. Very toxic relationship, lost a lot of hair but once it was over it all grew back thankfully.

>> No.15442796
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>Dress like you have drugs to sell. Actually have drugs to sell.
How do you dress like this? If I dress like pic related for example I just come off as an autistic manchild

>> No.15442845

You do?

>> No.15442876

Probably because you look like a bitch, man. Just dress like a wigger, looking like druggie rat clad in streetwear is much easier to pull off since you don't need to look tough, and you will still get drug guy bonus points from trashy chicks.

>> No.15442893

I wear band Ts, adidas skate shoes and Amazon brand slip ons and like Levi’s and Carhartt and stuff. And I have indie/skater boy hair. How am I doing?/OP.

>> No.15442899

Sounds like the average fit of kids who try to pull off this aesthetic. You probably think you look like a manchild because you self-conscious about adopting a style that isn't in line with your own personality and lifestyle. No one will properly comment on your style by description alone.

>> No.15442901

these types of girls just remind me heavily of the early 2000s and the trashy girls i grew up with and it makes me unreasonably horny. stupid fucking nose/bellybutton rings, blonde hair usually with roots or a messy bun, typically skinny as fuck

>> No.15442915
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I got so horny reading that.
Side nose rings are prime cutie smoke weed in your basement beanie “chill girl” piercings.
Bellybutton rings are commitments from party girls who know they’re “I don’t get jokes” hot.
I want her to almost look fragile while not shutting up about what a hardcore bitch she is.
She can legitimately drink her body weight in vodka.

>> No.15442917


great... another how do I need to dress for blah blah. . .

>> No.15442924

I think people think I’m more innocent than I am sometimes because I’m very quiet because I’m a very anxious person and often overly polite and apologetic and self conscious/self aware to a fault so there’s probably more things that imply stoner than scream it to people but I wouldn’t say it’s not in line with my actual personality. I’ve been legitimately interested in punk, alternative, stoner culture and kinda just fashion in general for a bit now but whether anybody believes me I guess is another story.

>> No.15443266

fpbp I had a gf like this except she came from a rich family who paid for everything. I moved into her place because why not leave mom's house for free and it was nasty. But hey we fucked, drank, did drugs and watched netflix all day so I was pretty happy at 21yrs old.

>> No.15443337

Yeah you don't just look like a bitch, you are one. Sorry man, you're too neurotic to ever realistically get what you're after.

>> No.15444009

a. how exactly are you able to discern this?
b. what can I do about it?

>> No.15444018

just smoke a blunt in front of the girl you like retard

>> No.15444082

How the fuck am I supposed to smoke a blunt in front of a girl I don’t know?
In public?

>> No.15446391

Full Rick.

>> No.15446399

It would be the bar that's open the latest that's really hard to get banned from. Go out in your downtown area and bar hop. You'll know it when you find it.

>> No.15446993

The love of my life, Jenny, was one of these girls. Should have seen what she was at that age but I let her slip through my fingers. She's married and has a kid now. She's doing really well and I'm happy for her.

>> No.15447093

Wtf I thought it was just a coincidence and a meme when prince Harry went instantly bald after marrying Meghan, do women really siphon a man's life force like that?

>> No.15447100

All three Jennies I've ever met have been hot blondes with sweet personalities. Good name.

>> No.15447113

That’s how it works. You gotta scoop them up and be the change they need to go from goofy/moody/broken gf to goofy moody wifey/mother. You’ll never get bored, and she will forever be grateful and love you for it.

>> No.15447123

All the best Jenn’s I’ve ever known have been like chill girls.
Some parents choose Jennifer hoping for a Stacy and still get a weird girl but most Jenn’s especially dark haired ones are the chill girl.
Not obnoxious, but a stylized feminine interpretation of a tomboy I guess usually.
Will let you know she likes beer/football/dumb movies but not in a cringe way.
You overhear that “Oh, hey, Jenn.... “ from another guy and your “mind” just starts fucking racing.

>> No.15447138

And smoke weed all day and night

>> No.15447147
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>that’s my girl, hahahhh!! :D

>> No.15447165
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I'm from the country so they were all outdoorsy relaxed types, which I guess is pretty tomboyish in itself. One I actually met in the army and she pulled her weight like no other girl despite being rather short, without complaining, and it was the first time I was ever impressed by a woman's physical and mental strength and remains the only time I felt that way to this day. Shame I was fresh out of high school and she already had a job as an accountant, being a couple years older than me.

>> No.15447238

Bro you just rape them. Broads like these have been sexually abused to the point they just view rape as another day in the life. In fact they kinda like it and stop fighting after a while. Usually if you have some stamina and give her a pounding she'll text you a few days later asking if you want another hangout... then she will pull the same "I don't know I'm not ready please stop no no not this I don't want this stop stop stop" while dripping wet. You can usually """"force"""" girls like these into doggy and riding... now think about that for a minute. It's pretty hard to force someone to ride you if they don't secretly want it.

Guaranteed these broken broads will never ever #metoo you like the spoiled college princesses do.

>> No.15447239
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I want a next level white girl.
One who can talk on the phone, apply makeup, smoke a cigarette, and eat a bagel while driving simultaneously.
All while wearing sunglasses.

>> No.15447251

Mate you're riddled with insecurities. You're literally too insecure to dress punk, overthink everything, and behave like a fragile, anxious, scared little bitch
Get addicted to some kind of drug that makes you feel 100 feet tall and lose all self awareness. Booze is a good choice but probably meth is the best way

>> No.15447542
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>> No.15447797


>> No.15449563

Do look at her him like that Will you know he ain't wrong.