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File: 294 KB, 2048x1152, london.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15387015 No.15387015 [Reply] [Original]

londoner hikkimori here. it seems like everytime i leave the house to go into the city, the unique character and charm of london has been destroyed. am i correct or are there parts of the city where things are still /fa/?

>> No.15388183


>> No.15388214
File: 80 KB, 630x434, 1589527385540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

London is by far the greatest city on Earth and has occupied this position for around 150 years.
That being said the native English and especially cockney flight has destroyed the soul of the city. Only to be replaced by cheap 3rd world labour and crime that comes with it.

>> No.15388220

Poor London , is like a vomit now

>> No.15388232

what happened in the 1870s? the downfall of napoleon iii?

>> No.15388266
File: 66 KB, 720x593, 101939114_244906493479002_8672737542240445151_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

franco-Prussian war.
British empire asserts dominance in every area by the sea, the growing importance of India.
The shift in European power towards Germany, which will lead to WW1.

>> No.15389603


>> No.15389610

The famously non-criminal cockney people were replaced by savages

>> No.15389621

all major cities are being stripped of their charm, since about two decades ago
>t. nostalgic city dweller being kicked out because of rent

>> No.15389626

>everytime i leave the house

>> No.15389728
File: 30 KB, 400x600, AD082371-6454-4632-97BB-0CB67F2131A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can a city filled with the lowest kind of humans be fa? The streets are covered in spit out sunflower husks, the air is filled with the smell of curry, kebab, urine, feces and sperm. Walls are covered in quran verses, disfigured, brown smelly people with no kindness on their faces roam around unproductively and lazy. Their garments express their inability to understand beauty but incest and bestiality.

>> No.15389730

The wealthy parts still are

>> No.15389757

Man I love this movie, but I think I like the lesser known Zulu Dawn better.

The stories from that battle are something else. A handful of redcoats surrounded by savages so they all shake each others hands and say how jolly nice it has been serving with each other as the Captain raises his sword after that and leads a forlorn charge into the savages.

Heroes were made that day and heroes died that day.


>> No.15389763

real estate in a Brexit London is simply not as valuable as real estate in a global London

the phase "London as a billionaire habitat" will slowly disappear

>> No.15389771

>Midwestern education

My problem with London isn't the constant fatwas I have to endure effort walking with my uncovered gf, it's the soul-less corporate nature of the place. It's a playground for the super wealthy and an overpriced dump for young waveslaves to spunk all their money before giving up when they turn 30 and having to move out to somewhere like Luton because they want to buy a house.

>> No.15390938

Fucking good. Working class are the backbone of this city, not fucking toff rich bastards

>> No.15391099

don't think we've had a non-bougie artistic movement from this city since grime
i guess drill counts but that's more of a crime scene than a music scene desu

>> No.15391115

quite the opposite is true, post brexit london will be more valuable than ever to the wealthy elite - could be come a true safe heaven for capital, dont forget the tons of ofshore islands - england is a financial superpower, brexit will strengthen uks unique position

>> No.15391124

It's been too gentrified to be considered effay.

15-20 years ago if you went outside there was a much higher likelihood of you getting beat up/robbed, but you had a reason to go out.

Now the likelihood of you getting robbed isn't as high, but there also isn't any reason to go out anymore, because it's all a bit meh.

>> No.15391135

big cities are not fa anymore

>> No.15391145

I moved to back to London after living 5 years in Paris. I actually want to go back. Paris is much cooler.

>> No.15391148

Who are you trying to convince, yourself?

>> No.15391168


quite the opposite. the tories will turn the uk into a tax haven and due to its proximity to mainland europe, super rich people will swarm the place even more.

>> No.15391197

i live in an ok area of london. pretty gentrified but clean and quite natural. i doubt i'm gonna live in london my whole life desu.

>> No.15391203

but to answer your question >>15387015
yes I do think london is still fa. im not cool but loads of people ik are theres tons of opportunity and activity here. ik a few people who are models so id say that its fa.

>> No.15391213

How? I ask as a hikikomori but I had to move into the countryside with very cheap rent to make it work.

>> No.15392438

i feel you anon. soho has been murdered and camden is just about hanging on (still pretty good for punk/metal gigs as well as all ages records, camden market is dead tho). shoreditch is still there i guess but everything is so fucking expensive nowadays. are peckham/brixton/dalston/deptford/new cross as interesting as time out makes them out to be?

>> No.15392447

and yeah like i said earlier i don't feel there's much of a working class underground culture anymore, i mean sure there's plenty of hipsters and art hoes but they're too privileged to create anything of value or authenticity

>> No.15392668

American brain

>> No.15392696

I've heard that it's full of shitskins, mongrels etc. and there aren't many anglos living over there. And shitskins can't really into /fa/

>> No.15392721

don't believe everything you read on 4chan. don't be stupid.

>> No.15392729

this isn't /pol/ you fucking mong

>> No.15392736

I'm actually back to 4chan after a 1 year break. I saw in the news the london streets and paki mayor of london, that's why I thought it's full on africa/middle east mix. I'll maybe watch some travel videos later, maybe someone dared to challange no-go zones.

>> No.15392746

every fa london anon ive met on discord is a raging autist who doesn't leave their house and spends money on clothes that makes them look autistic

>> No.15392751

So what? I can't think that shitskins aren't fashionable over here? This board is full of fat vs skinny yet we can't spaek about race? The fact that brown people are ugly has nothing to do with politics.

>> No.15392777

I'm gonna tell you the truth rn. I've lived in London my whole life Ik this shit. London is super divided by class. the poor live in one area, the middle class in another, and the rich in their own sheltered bits. London is made up of 32 boroughs and each own is basically like a town. some of much nicer than others but nearly all have shit areas. Edmonton is an area filled with poor people for instance. most of them are black and middle eastern. whereas Kensington is an area filled with rich people. most of them white. but it's a very diverse city so there's a lot of rich non-whites living there too. look these places up and you'll see the differences. I live in an area that's got a lot of Jews but barely any crime.

>> No.15392789

Every london anon from here is high on the spectrum

>> No.15392798

there was supposed to be a london meetup a few months ago, did it happen?

>> No.15392873

>parts of the city where things are still /fa/?

Camden, Peckham, Kensington, Brick lane, Brixton sometimes

>> No.15392928

its a truth that reveals itself when you grow mature, convincing needed, "enjoy" cities in your youth

>> No.15392932

*no convincing needed

>> No.15392958

thought kensington was bougie?

>> No.15392965
File: 694 KB, 828x577, Alexandra Road Estate London 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to live in Chiswick about ten years ago and loved it there. Had a flat literally 1 minute from the thames, took 10 minutes to get into the city and the neighbourhood was posh enough to not get harassed by low lifes. It's still one of my favorite cities after having moved back to Germany but it's not the same, it's losing a lot of its charme and soul. Camden's pretty effay though, beautiful brutalist buildings and estates thanks to Cook's borough architecture work in the 60s and 70s.

>> No.15392976

fuck yeah, once it's safer to travel on the tube i'm gonna go walk round pic related and the barbican for fun

>> No.15392989
File: 380 KB, 1600x1067, Lulot Gardens London 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

London's full of wonderful architecture

>> No.15393029
File: 323 KB, 1200x900, Dunboyne Road Estate 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15393032
File: 88 KB, 512x384, Branch Hill London 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15393070


>> No.15393080

these are amazing, thanks for sharing anon

>> No.15393081


>> No.15393152

Check out this book if you're interested in more:

>> No.15393166

>the fact that brown people are ugly has nothing to do with politics
based and true

>> No.15393307

London is mostly a grim shithole although the nice areas are still nice they are filled with hipsters, tourists and arab petro-princes.

idk what other british capital city could take its place: Cardiff is irrelevent, Belfast is a shithole and while Edinburgh is much nicer than London in every way the wall to wall chink and american tourists ruin a lot of what is effay about the city centre

>> No.15393315

>no kindness on faces
Anglos are the most unfriendly people you will ever have the disadvantage of meeting. Bongs, Australians, Kiwis, you name it. They are all stone faced, especially their dyke looking women. They actively avoid eye contact with all people, even amongst themselves naturally. If you enter a lift with an Anglo their first response is to look down at the ground and ignore you. Not even a friendly hello, nothing.

>> No.15393324

You're dumb. Anglos are reserved, not loud and gaudy like Americans. You're confusing being reserved with being unfriendly. Beyond that, they are one of the most friendly people there are.

Ohh noo some stranger in an elevator didn't say hello to me!! They are so unfriendly!!

You're just weird too.

>> No.15393715

will check this out, thanks!

>> No.15393860
File: 39 KB, 515x686, a2fzg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true tho, London is <50% white. It's a Muslim city now.

>> No.15394124

Say Cardiff is irrelevant one more time and I'll break your fucking legs.
Cymru am byth!

>> No.15394169

Anglos can be unfriendly in their country, shitskins can be in theirs. Still Anglos are nicer by comparison to your quran-sexualised brown man.

>> No.15394174

this will be dealt with, not the first time islam was kicked out of europe

>> No.15394243

What kind of people living there? Old or young? Upper class or middle class?
Native/european or foreigners or mixed? Also do people rent these flats for long or short term?

>> No.15395946

It's a housing estate so I think that is an indicator of what you'll find there.

Similar to section 8 housing in the US.

>> No.15396257

Nowadays it's filled with (upper) middle class families that have been living there for years. The Alexandra Road Estate has a strong sense of community. A friend of mine had a flat there that was quite expensive, even for London.

>> No.15396269
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>> No.15396278

Nah mate, the cockney all fled to essex and got consumed by nigger culture. The working class went on the dole and got pushed to council estates. Eventually the low income housing got swallowed up by faggot hipsters and with them came the paki plague. The pakis swallowed up more and more boroughs until the town was 90% paki and nigger. The remaining whites are either faggots or living as a minority in paki ridden communities and adopting their culture.

London hasn't been /fa/ as long as it hasnt been white.

>> No.15396289

>still crying about muh refugees

>> No.15396293

>muh eco brutalism

>> No.15396297

traditional architecture is gay and not /fa/ sorry faggot.

>> No.15396312

I'm Danish you dumb bong. Whiter than you'll ever be and at least our people are friendly. Cope and seethe.
Kill yourself tripfag

>> No.15396317
File: 856 KB, 1512x887, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off nigger.

>> No.15396339

>can't handle the truth
>hurr durr kill urself

Autistic Dane who doesn't understand the concept of being reserved and not some sperg bugging people in an elevator saying hello to them. Take your meds.

>> No.15396347
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>> No.15396355
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>> No.15396489
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>> No.15396512

you're a fucking idiot. whats it like being a virgin at your big age?

>> No.15396534
File: 29 KB, 753x707, 1593574775889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to my once beautiful country lads

>> No.15396538
File: 110 KB, 600x785, UpFrontC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

England was literally never beautiful. Yeah immigrants suck but look at the north and white trash areas. England fucking sucks- it literally always has.