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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 99 KB, 612x612, 1548969576677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15362206 No.15362206 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't art hoes ever good at art

>> No.15362227

Women are not good at anything other than birthing and nurturing children, and singing

>> No.15362240

Men sing bwtter than women.

>> No.15362254


>> No.15362289
File: 95 KB, 700x880, 1592413826591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because to be good at art you have to actually be introspective not for attention but to actually learn. If they did this they would no longer be able to play the victim and would realise that they don't really hate their dad they hate themselves for letting him down.

>> No.15362293

Do you have to even be good at art to get a BFA?

Isn't that a daddy's rich I draw pictures and get a degree degree?

>> No.15362301

Is anyone good at art anymore?

>> No.15362360

>Ninety-nine percent of maternal deaths occur in developing countries.
Women aren't even good at giving birth without the assistance of male-invented medicine

>> No.15362399

Children raised by two parents have much better life outcomes than children raised by single parents, and children raised by single fathers have much better life outcomes than children raised by single mothers

>> No.15362410

I know one that is

>> No.15362420

arent you unemployed
yes, the market is just different than it used to be
no one gives a fuck if you want to be the next davinci

>> No.15362432

tasteless betamale

>> No.15362435

how is it dff

>> No.15362474

Well for starters the front doesn't fall off.

>> No.15362531

They buy things for their imaginary self rather than their authentic self.

Most people are guilty of it.

>> No.15362589
File: 1.71 MB, 1270x1268, Screen Shot 2020-06-30 at 1.58.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would they need to be good at something? It's not like they're men.

>> No.15362593
File: 79 KB, 578x800, 1582186913665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically yes there are still people out there who do more than throw paint cans at a canvas or photograph fat women shitting on a can of beans

>> No.15362596

They're art hoes, not porn artists

>> No.15362598

>All women
>Most women
>Some women

>> No.15362602

You're not wrong

>> No.15362609

>They buy things for their imaginary self rather than their authentic self.
interesting, care to explain?

>> No.15362661

would you trust any of these e-thots with your children? Cope with the rope or go to Asia and stop posting here.

>> No.15362703

Anyone identifiable as an 'art hoe' is necessarily more concerned with their appearance than anything of greater substance. They pursue art as a hobby, something to decorate their identity. Their art contains neither mastery nor subtlety, and exists only to say 'I make art'.

>> No.15362726
File: 325 KB, 1125x1120, 1592188320946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. they are acting a certain way because they saw it on tumblr and thought it looked good. not because its how their "authentic self" acts.

>> No.15362756

It's because they capitalize on the "hoe", not on the "art"

>> No.15362765

Good good answer. Everyone consider this.

>> No.15362784

Because women deserve to be hung, they contribute nothing to society

>> No.15362841

There's no way she can walk outside in that skirt without her entire ass falling out. I get wanting to buy a too small skirt to hike way up to show off your waist, but just get a skirt that's meant to go that high on your body so you can actually live in it.

>> No.15362844

she wants her ass to hang out cause shes a useless whore not worth anything, just a useless cum dump

>> No.15362851

I'm in socal I've seen short denim shorts that reveal more. Like the ones that show half cheek.

>> No.15362858


>> No.15362863

source pls,
and thank you

>> No.15362865

They sucking the best dick in the world. Other than fat chicks. One art hoe even licked my asshole, felt like a wet turd it felt really nice.

>> No.15362870

This makes so much sense

>> No.15362890

Male children raised by single mothers are raised using the 30+ year old ideology of what they would want from a husband that will never have, so they just get raised as useless incels.

>> No.15362895

Literally any guy from the left

>> No.15362911

needs more pics of art hose

>> No.15362996
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, dhuyb1fw6v651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to know struggle to make good art. women don't struggle.
their life revolves around egotistical pleasures. they see no purpose in anything that doesn't give them immediate primitive satisfaction. a man sees purpose in his failures and in his grief, that is to be better and do better. how can you appreciate 'good' when that's all you have known in your life? to know beauty means to know pain - guacamole nigga penis

>> No.15363026

cringey incel thread

>> No.15363036

Kill yourself

>> No.15363068

the only art they need to be good at is the art of SUCKING MY DICK

>> No.15363127


>> No.15363130

Not him but you should kill yourself because your life is going to be from pussy until the day you die

>> No.15363138

Kill yourself

>> No.15363164

Because women are not good at anything, theres a reason they were kept isolated at home for decades.

>> No.15363182

You guys love anime and video games, you wouldn’t know art from your asshole.

>> No.15363261

They are not even good at that. They constantly struggle with birthing and rarely raise quality people.

>> No.15363263

Art hoes are good at ornamentation and cohesion of aesthetic. I wouldn't say they're bad at art, per se. I would just say that they're good at making bad art.

>> No.15363465


>> No.15363723


>> No.15363733
File: 63 KB, 1024x706, 2321213123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will you incels stop posting roasts?
/fa/ is 90% male yet all you post or post about is whores

>> No.15363798
File: 42 KB, 400x258, dix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because art requires a certain independace from the mainstream. A lack of fucks given about what other people think of you. Dare I say - being based.
This is also exactly why soviet realism and other art backed by mainstream ideologies is shit.

>> No.15364149
File: 35 KB, 480x360, 5b7fe72007bd0699777e5419ca93e8f2cb33650bfc3e5fbbfb4a6b4750678e38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silence cunt. Femoids are about 5 years from being replaced with robots and artificial wombs, then you'll be nothing but the obsolete cum receptacles you are

>> No.15364573

Because they use Art as a crutch for their lack of personality and think being artistic and creative means dressing up differently and drawing shitty sketches of a naked woman drinking wine. It's like a facade that makes them appear deeper, more complicated and a lot cooler than they actually are inside. It's mostly the girls who LOVE attention (positive/negative) and thrive on it everyday who end up being Art Thots. There are real artistic girls out there obviously but they're usually the less fucked up ones. Usually.

>> No.15364623
File: 207 KB, 700x696, C2300BF7-8E26-4CC4-A617-51328D183FD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is that woman?

>> No.15364629

>Why aren't art hoes ever good at art

They usually don't even have good taste in art

>> No.15364632


>> No.15364819

the best singers are boy sopranos. Theres a delicate beauty that no other age group nor the other gender has.

>> No.15364845

why aren't music hoes actually that interested in music, same shit

>> No.15365198

But I'd still hit if I could...

>> No.15365210

Most men (people in general) act exactly like how you described as well.

>> No.15365211
File: 2.56 MB, 336x335, 1451236053045.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


muh boobs/vag

using the label and attire as a fashion statement. lazy and stupid, like most people.

>> No.15365249

They're too busy virtue signaling to get good at it.

>> No.15365266

>They buy things for their imaginary self rather than their authentic self.

just like this whole board

>> No.15365289

They buy things for the imaginary, not skinnyfat, balding/receding hairline at 20 weak chin manlet self

>> No.15365293
File: 26 KB, 200x201, thumb_of-i-love-you-i-love-jesus-and-his-beautiful-24528731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNNHmomRUHY [Embed]

>Rejoice my soul, how long will you wait?
>Rejoice my soul, how long will you fear?
>I long to touch your face
>May I
>The sun is falling down again
>Jesus, I hope you're coming back soon

January 28, 1997

>> No.15365306

a whore

>> No.15365328
File: 117 KB, 998x1048, dark academia clothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365499
File: 106 KB, 1004x1024, osgm8t8si9z31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He means men with left leaning political ideals are more than likely raised by single mothers for turning out the way they did.

>> No.15365516

ah i see ty anon dunno why my brain wasn't worknig

>> No.15365523

The link between single parent households and crime is more difficult to determine but the link between single parent households and poverty is pretty straightforward

>> No.15365629

miss me with that Gustav Klimt bullshit painting

>> No.15366953

u can clearly see this is a 27-30 y/o w*man larping as a 16 y/o girl

>> No.15367049
File: 16 KB, 205x300, 1557180964774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old goth best goth. zoomers pls go

>> No.15367056
File: 26 KB, 380x400, 1550618862201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15367058
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>> No.15367061
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>> No.15367066
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>> No.15367078
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>> No.15367219

thats how it is but for some reason 4chin pretends women are ratraded. probably because its all male beta virgins here

>> No.15367379
File: 36 KB, 968x681, winona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15367846

Literally look up any serial killer and you will see they are a product of single parenting by a mother

>> No.15367917

Same goes for mass shooters as well

>> No.15367972


>> No.15368138

Any girl I met that does actual art is ugly as shit and/or extremely mentally unstable

>> No.15368140


Well most women arent even good at THAT

>> No.15368145
File: 139 KB, 218x500, 1562429829432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know thats a known incel talking point, but every arthoe I know is broken in some way
Be careful kings, they are very thorny roses that are probably not worth it besides filling your ego/ showing off infront of your friends

>> No.15368146


They are only Good for company, to fill a mans empty void

People think getting kids Will be like their fantasy fairy tales, but always end up in struggle, regret and cope.

>> No.15368165


>> No.15369229
File: 61 KB, 396x594, Christina+Hendricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dayum, young and old she's fit.

>> No.15369235

Women are just cock sleeves that complain and take your money, they are worth nothing more. Save your time/mental and money and just get a onahole

>> No.15369241

cringe larping millenial that wasnt even alive yet

>> No.15369246

nice cope, sorry women are mean to you because they don’t see you as worthy of their time and attention

>> No.15369250

Women are good as your emotional sewage but then you are theirs lol

>> No.15369359


>> No.15369808

Women aren't good at anything other than being whores and lying

>> No.15369961
File: 484 KB, 640x480, 1576750137733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome anon :)
Its Britney Spears when she had a breakdown. She shaved her head and started attacking some paparazzis car with an umbrella. I found it on /x/.

>> No.15370024
File: 272 KB, 680x566, coom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are great, love those

>> No.15370044

why is /fa/ OBSESSED with "art hoes"?

>> No.15370073
File: 652 KB, 392x400, 1590005923186.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art hoes are the derivative of everything /fa/ is.

Take instagram and a coombrain male kid just finding his fashion sense and wanting to investigate deeper. Go to the 4chan fashion section, find other like minded coombrains and start to acquire a strange niche sense of fashion from autists. They see a female that doesn't wear ass pants and spaghetti straps with a pinch of fashion taste and there you have it.

Retards attracting retards, who woulda thought?

>> No.15370288
File: 172 KB, 1080x1080, christina hendricks goth high school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently she used to be bullied for being a goth in high school, I doubt this would happen if she was in high school now with the huge demand for big titty goth gf.

>'My school days were pretty unhappy. I had the worst high school experience ever. I went to a very mean school and was bullied like crazy,'

>> No.15370298

They ARE art, anon. You just aren't SEEING them.

>> No.15370319

I dated one when I was like 28 and she was turning 21. I had her committed to the psych ward twice, once with the police. It became almost impossible to break up with her. At the end I was cheating on her with some other young girl doing a Goldman Sachs internship, much cuter and much better blowjob skills. Sadly I ended up with neither.

>> No.15370340

Damn. Too true.

>> No.15370977

she was perfect

>> No.15371150

It's a part of a tacked on personality they use to seem quirky. They are also only into shit art.

>> No.15371297


>> No.15371299

All the incel comments actually apply to ""art hoes."" Never met anyone who actively embraced the aesthetic that was actually good at any form of art. It's like tik tok girls or instagram hoes, some groups of women are entirely based around this idea of getting by on looks alone

>> No.15371353

All women are completely based on using their looks to get by. If they're not its because they're ugly

>> No.15371358

blows my fkn mind, even if it was the 90s, as if you wouldn't wanna smash.

>> No.15371378

Not true, know a girl that is drop dead fucking gorgeous and she is just as good of a person on the inside, it's weird

>> No.15371386

Holding this opinion just outs how few women you've interacted with. A lot are shit, I'm not denying that, but there are also plenty that have a lot more to them than their appearance

>> No.15371387

Your just a simp, but she knows she can get by on looks shes not retarded, god she even tricked you

>> No.15371391

Finding a woman who doesn't care about looks is like trying to find someone on /b/ who isnt a incel

>> No.15371402

average age here is like 16 and zoomers are obsessed with whatever they see on instagram

>> No.15371480

she still is

>> No.15371490

I think for you finding a woman in general is like a tape worm trying to find some innocent sushi lover. They avoid you.

>> No.15371511

cause they are not artists usually

>> No.15371533


>> No.15371702


I completely agree. Though a lot of them are sweet and delightfully awkward, they often carry a lot of baggage and you have to be prepared to deal with that.

>> No.15372086

Ok Dwight

>> No.15372120

for an art hoes she has shitty taste in art and decoration

>> No.15372121 [DELETED] 

The only good artist I know doesn't dress like an arthoe, just dresses like a 00's indie girl.

The only girls I know who dress like art-hoes were born into money and seem to do art school for the lulz/alt boy dick.

>> No.15372124

4 real. Certain chicks love these paintings...

>> No.15372333

you have to be an incel to be good at art

>> No.15372335

fashion artists are low IQ no?
real artists are smart

>> No.15372336

most rock and pop songs are low IQ

>> No.15372347
File: 42 KB, 306x423, thanks fireman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.15372349

Bad news for you, im a edgy eboy so its more like moths to a flame

>> No.15372633

If you're observant you won't need sources to come to this conclusion.

>> No.15372723

thats not good
yeah mc ride is

>> No.15372800

Thanks for that Earl .gif, definite save

>> No.15373225


when did goth chicks start getting tattoos as a staple? what happened to the 80's & 90's rock goth style?

>> No.15373313

God my Ex was this to a T. she always dressed the part but whenever she actually painted it was shit. at least she was hot.

>> No.15373315

it looks good

>> No.15373384
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>> No.15373386
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>> No.15373387
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>> No.15373389
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>> No.15373390

i'd korta her tag

>> No.15373490

Think of it like an autist playing with legos. They get nothing out of it but the satisfaction from the crafting itself. They do it even when it's a social detriment. That's who good artists are, people who are weirdly compelled to make shit even when no one will see it or care.

>> No.15373512

because they are artist's group girls, even if you hook up with one, they'll dump you as soon as some gay musician shows some interest

>> No.15373568

>starving artist complex
fuck off with that dumb shit.

>> No.15374388

>yeah mc ride is

>> No.15374405

its actually turbo /fa/ you spoiled fuckwit

>> No.15376000


>> No.15376011

If women had any common sense, they would all be studying philosophy.

>> No.15376019

chelsea on MY fa??
supremely based post. trips confirm

>> No.15377181

It is possible for the father to just be a fuck up too.

>> No.15377201

More woman than men study philosophy and the humanities you fucking retard.

>> No.15377301

if there were a respectable way for me to die

>> No.15377309
File: 82 KB, 768x960, 1592612829215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't piling on makeup count as good art?

>> No.15377317
File: 643 KB, 468x583, beauty of seattle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool you're all posting internet photos of girls you will never meet. Here is my ex. Stay jelly. She is an actual artist too!

>> No.15377327
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, GOD DAMMIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15377332

You forgot to include mine? Idiot.

>> No.15377367

cecil i can guarantee that is not your ex girlfriend.

>> No.15377370

I can guarantee you're dumb. Of course it is, that's Huey. There are photos and videos of me and her. She's the girl who paid for my bus ticket to Seattle.

>> No.15377372
File: 566 KB, 474x589, seattle siren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15377377

>There are photos and videos of me and her.

no, there arent.

>> No.15377386
File: 57 KB, 800x450, 75B51199-4F21-4793-BEEC-98E2A23396D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely fucking based

>> No.15377390
File: 576 KB, 845x408, my love for her is eternal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is me watching a video of me and her. Take your meds.

>> No.15377434

post time stamp or end this charade and log off

>> No.15377454

yeah maybe thats your step sister or your sponsor or something but not your ex gf.

i dont think im the one off my meds

>> No.15378233

Women having no father figure makes them promiscuous. Men having no father figure makes them psychopathic. 4chan thinks the former is a bigger problem than the latter.

>> No.15378321

The fact people post 2000s goth girls. Who listened to shit like Marilyn manson, lamb of god etc but then go abd say they they listen to 80s synthwave goth shit shows none of you have any idea what your on about

>> No.15378341

shut up

>> No.15378347

Cope from a bunch of incels dreaming of an art hoe who can't believe me, a 41 year old bald 5ft guy got some prime art hoe pussy.

UR MAD lol. Seems like being a bitter little bitch ranting online isn't the best course of action to get an art hoe g/f.

>> No.15378361

>prime arthoe pussy

Lad shes a 3/10 at best, she only got with you because everyone else rejected her, and even she realised you was worthless and left you

Its a hard flex when its your ex who you are still crying over

>> No.15378368

>when your phone autocorrects "autist"

>> No.15378369

And exactly what out of 10 is your art hoe girl? Oh, silly me. That's right. You're single. Just as it always was and always will be. Bitter virgin. Lol owned.

>> No.15378373

If you have a problem like that, I mean we could just step outside, we could figure it out

>> No.15378374

Your single, she left you. Nice projecting

>> No.15378379


Hurr durr I am better being a virgin than guys who have had girls but are single now!!

Cool logic, bro. Cope.

>> No.15378381

>still crys daily and complains about a girl who left him
>never will cope and probably hero within a year

>> No.15378383

The term is "an hero" you retard. How bitter are you? Lol classic seething angry incel. Just pay for it bro. That's your best option.

>> No.15378385
File: 70 KB, 1125x1125, EV5QyGJWoAAg3j1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15378387

Dont need to, you're exs standards are so low that shes probably getting d*ck by a random anon right now, how does it feel knowing you're sitting home alone saying you love her while some guy is ballsdeep in her

>> No.15378389

just ignore retarded newfags

>> No.15378391

>you're exs

Lmao. Are 12 or a total fucking retard? You don't even have a grasp of basic grammar. Go back to school, kid.

She has high standards. That's why she choose me. I'm a great guy. The fact that she doesn't base everything solely on looks only makes her more special.

Seriously, get laid.

>> No.15378392
File: 173 KB, 1080x1350, 1593990238201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15378393

True. It's just hilarious how they have no self reflection upon how stupid they come across.

>> No.15378394

Mad that shes pleasuring other guys right now, how does it feel knowing shes starting to forget you even exist while fucking random guys being a little c*mdump

>> No.15378398

Are you talking about my ex or yo momma right now? Because it sounds more like yo momma.

>> No.15378399

Tell us how all the guys cum taste on her lips if you ever kiss her again

>> No.15378400

My 90s crush!


>> No.15378405

You sound like such a repressed homosexual. Just go for the dick, bro. Nobody is judging you.

>> No.15378427
File: 9 KB, 220x220, 1588973450801.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Cecil derails another thread by shitposting some more shitty pictures and opinions

>> No.15378432


I am the only person who posted a legit girl that I know, is an art hoe and that I dated. The rest of you are just fantasy story telling. Your "opinions" hold no weight.

>> No.15378436

you could honestly convince me its a guy

>> No.15378437

Sad old man

>> No.15378438
File: 268 KB, 898x365, i luv huey always.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mad and jelly. She is cute AF!!

>> No.15378441
File: 17 KB, 320x320, f6fcb4a1b1ae2d0dabae444ebca3b924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15378849

who are some IG arthoes with onlyfans accounts? asking for a friend here

>> No.15378857

why the edgy middle school art for this (garbage) post?

>> No.15378878
File: 129 KB, 750x1000, 1587952357650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ doesn't know what the words 'poser' and 'tool' mean.