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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2 KB, 263x192, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15355383 No.15355383 [Reply] [Original]

old one is old

>> No.15355392
File: 1.76 MB, 902x1792, 85CFD051-BCD1-4495-BE71-93A0A5F17A98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s get her going boys.

>> No.15355394
File: 406 KB, 986x1632, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15355406
File: 724 KB, 720x1280, IMG_6042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15355709
File: 599 KB, 1052x2674, 20200627_190416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polo is a bit darker in person. Red/white melange

Pretty decent. Good colors and comfy textures
Was going to compare it with the one above, but this is a decent silhouette. I think the shoes/boots needs a cuff though.

>> No.15355919
File: 495 KB, 1536x2048, 0C3246AD-A48D-42B7-9099-5C45F35140FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk more you dumpster fires

>> No.15355934
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200627_234546_com.android.gallery3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going home to visit my family and my dogs

>> No.15355993

you look like they fished you up out of a lake

>> No.15356074
File: 879 KB, 1433x2628, B93B24E9-7801-42EB-84F6-0656CB6653C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the jacket, fits nice
Kinda wish the polo was unbuttoned
Comfy, have fun

>> No.15356095


>> No.15356112
File: 576 KB, 1536x2534, 78D9F83B-56AA-46B4-A759-0BADA2B57544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to figure out what to wear with my old Dick ovens aircut shorts, haven’t rly worn them in a few years but I like them too much to sell

>> No.15356126

Face of a 35 year old
Body of a 14 year old

>> No.15356128

Currently wearing patagonia baggies and a thin t shirt as i have spent the whole day inside. take my feedback as you will


switch the black nike branded tee for an unbranded tee, take a better photo, and you have an arachni fit

lurk more, get better fitting jeans


i dont even think youre that well dressed but your attitude is funny

need better pic but looks comfy

pretty sick, though im not always a huge fan of tonal stuff. love that kapital sweater tho

potentially good depending on shoes

>> No.15356130

Well I’m 23 so the average is pretty close ;p

>> No.15356133

Can't tell if you're an ugly guy or girl

Whatever it is I don't like what I'm looking at

>> No.15356134

Dude are you some Reddit shill just trying to get everyone to leave 4chan for Reddit?

>> No.15356136

Idk what shoes would be good desu I was kinda worried about that since I sold me geobaskets and only have
>yzy 750 chocolates
>yohji qasa highs
And like a dickload of different kinds of combat boots

>> No.15356142

we are all laughing at you and have been for years

think id personally prefer the chocolates but im also a fan of 750s a bit more than qasas

>> No.15356147

>can’t tell if your a guy or a girl
Neither can I
>I don’t like what I’m looking at
I haven’t for years

>> No.15356181

the greens have rather different vibes. I think you should go with tan or brown for the pants

>> No.15356381
File: 406 KB, 853x1280, 8A59917B-0A27-4CE6-B3DE-0A36DC0B9E28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll post crit in a bit, so far
This is my fave

>> No.15356441
File: 47 KB, 600x800, IMG_20200627_221156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15356488

spending a shit ton of money too like like a dweeb, boots way too slim a silhouette..wait are they fucking guidis? LOL jesus christ dude get a clue you're dressed by the internet, you're also displaying all of your shoe boxes? shitty plant, ikea furniture man it's like you take your interior design cues from the internet as well

the tarot card tee is kinda like very 2012 ovate tier bullshit, shorts look fine, just get some long drapey tee, lose the gay vest

also drop the self loathing bullshit no one cares

ugly,poor, attention obsessed,shitty band shirt to signal even worse taste hit on all your usual bits, pretty bad as to be expected

this ain't it

honestly for a summer rick fit this is far from the worst thing i've seen today so yeah ok i guess, kind of boring dressing in one designer though

>> No.15356567

Hey man you’re kinda acting like a dick head. Not sure why anyone would listen or care about what you have to say if you’re just spitting bile and not even back up your knowledge with an outfit or something

>> No.15356570

What's that thing hooked to your pants called and what do you put in there? I like that style but I don't know what to take with me, all I have is my phone and wallet

>> No.15356597

talk shit post fit, as they say

>> No.15356607
File: 1.08 MB, 1458x3144, 20200622_232833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the worst fits I've ever seen
Do a pull up
Fat ass
Nice fit. Cool hat.
Almost. Shoes are bad.
Ayyyy lmao
Nice but also Gay
Ugly dom mazzeti

>> No.15356960
File: 617 KB, 609x1362, F9913450-54A8-4A6C-A0C3-5F24936A0307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15357059

bad bait

>> No.15357098

this is alright

if either of you told me you were into fashion i would laugh

in contrast you all look like shit and actually put effort


>> No.15357234

Id on shoes my nigga ?
Simple fit but everything is nice

>> No.15357235

Try harder. Also nice negative shoulder waist ratio faggot

>> No.15357254

why post this? genuinely curious why you felt the need to post such an obviously shit fit

>> No.15357280

sorry i don't like this one, blue shirt doesn't work with brown pants.
i like pants and shoes, rest is meh
i hate the shoes, what are those chinos pants ?
Rest is ok but not amazing.
worst as usual, really looking like shit homie.
You're a good looking guy why did you spend so much money to look like a fisherman with a dress.
I would save the shoes i guess
ok to me / comfy
id on pants ?
really not a fan of the shoes.
You legs are very very long.
keep the tshirt, sell everything else
i like it very much as usual
ok / hello
post entire fit please
hobo core
(terrible means bad for you ?)
Simple fit but everything is nice
>lurk more, get better fitting jeans
i don't get it / is it because the actual trend is to wear short jeans / pants ? some people here are asking id on my jeans so maybe they like it.
I don't want to follow the actual trend on pants as i am not a sheep.

>> No.15357310
File: 759 KB, 3200x2400, 8D283CFC-B783-4E22-BC31-C67A4824B04C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like Laura Les. Outfit is nice. What shoes though?

>> No.15357547
File: 191 KB, 750x1334, 04390E39-0039-416F-A117-1535EB934BDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to breakfast, will rate when I come back, also got earring on with a Versace belt that thankfully no one will see

>> No.15357597
File: 924 KB, 1838x2464, IMG_20200628_215229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15357706

What brand/model are these chinos?

>> No.15357723

No fan of cargo pants, nevertheless nice relaxed look and colorful without going full dashiki

Cultural appropriation, kneel down on Tik Tok to the Cheroke nation

Are butt plugs still effay?

>> No.15357804
File: 3.71 MB, 2470x1280, asfagtg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I still look like I read Jane Austen?

I'm not into the giant exopocket trend but you go ahead and ride that trend. It looks decent with those shiny boots but *man* they've gotta be ridiculous in the heat. Think of your feet. Wear sandals. It's ok.
that smug little mouth and a pink shirt and do I see a neckchain? I bet you reek of sickeningly sweet perfume too. You could've looked cool in a crinkly, flowy shite shirt-blouse with puffy sleeves. Then you could even keep the neck chain.
I wouldnt guess you care about how you dress. Looks nice. Effortless, duh.
Nice. Think I would've enjoyed it more with sandals or slippers. Either way there's a bit of a clash with the pitch black of the socks+shoes and the middle tones you've got everywhere else. I guess your hair kinda ties it together.
erm...sure. The wholecut style shoes make me uncomfortable, though. Maybe if they'd somehow fit better with the rest, but they don't seem like all that obvious a choice.
I like this. guess I'm a pleb now
very npc. Could see you grow into an npc middle aged man, too.

>> No.15357815

id on the shoes?

>> No.15357924
File: 100 KB, 250x283, sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15357547 <<<<< this is me
nice colors
seems kind of bland to me
based as fuck
simple clean fit
wow you look like a clown in all black
you're getting there, i dont think the nose ring suits you and switch out those shoes with something more casual wear
please try harder
this isn't /fa/
sweet fit
pockets are dumb otherwise very /fa/
I was going for pink cuz I'm the 80's gay Tony Montana that fucks your wife whilst your in the office, moving on to your outfit I appreciate you posting here because you may be the epitome of /fa/ very, very cool fit. I would switch out the sneakers though.

>> No.15357933

I dig the comfort, heavily.

ID on the sweater? It looks great.

Shirt is really nice here. Try a smile though.

>> No.15358019


>> No.15358144

Pants are cool.

The purse is gay, you guys need to be redpilled on this subject, the gay mafia elite are trying to reverse the genders, making men wear women clothes and women wear mens clothes.
This is the cause of the trend of men wearing "designer ((bags)) (purses)*

these zoomers literally wear women's gucci purses nowadays like dat shit fire swagg

>> No.15358172

air max tns

>> No.15358174
File: 544 KB, 1000x1332, xfPac3l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real good

interesting in a good way


shorts are cool





the goat

pants shoe interaction kinda botched but the concept is sweet

i like the boots

>> No.15358215

Where is the dress from? Looks like something my gf would wear, looks good.

>> No.15358275
File: 35 KB, 360x480, IMG_20200628_144414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok / hello
>post entire fit please

>> No.15358330

>>>15355406 (You)
>very npc. Could see you grow into an npc middle aged man, too.

What do you mean by NPC ? No player character ?
I love your fits so much and you're really a beautiful woman <3

>> No.15358337

>>>15355406 (You)
>based as fuck
Thank you <3

>> No.15358343

i would just wear the shirt without the t-shirt and change the sneakers for something black.

>> No.15358358

Charles Thyrwitt "soft washed"

>> No.15358466
File: 67 KB, 717x767, WIN_20200628_19_34_20_Pro (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize your level of self awareness and with it the pink shirt seems all the more appropriate :) I bet you wore it well. thanks for the compliment, it's entirely too much :) I think I'm keeping the sneakers. My alternative is black wholecuts and with them I look too damn fancy, pic related.
it's cmeo collective. the panel at the bottom weighs a ton. their tailoring isnt perfect and i did minor alterations to the boning in the cleavage cause it looked retarded when I bought it. still would recommend.

>> No.15358496
File: 65 KB, 750x808, 73280837_264465844824616_3194864615073540216_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dayum :3
if you are crhistian i respect you
i like trousers
dafuq :D

>> No.15358607

post body and 1rm

>> No.15358617
File: 50 KB, 576x768, IMG_2033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15358624

I would you feel about having sex with me woman

>> No.15358626


>> No.15358651


>> No.15358654

come on bro. you didnt have to post this. if you are actually the person in this image i feel very sorry for you. you do not have the face or energy to pull off this look

>> No.15358657

nigga you look like evo morales tranny son gtfo
daddy short legs

>> No.15358667

what makes you say that?

>> No.15358673

I wanna see her curvy thighs and ass.

>> No.15358674

Just don't be stubby legged.

>> No.15358689

Aren't you literal aids ridden FAGGOT?

>> No.15358707

What brand are the pants?

>> No.15358723

>i don't get it / is it because the actual trend is to wear short jeans / pants ? some people here are asking id on my jeans so maybe they like it.
I don't want to follow the actual trend on pants as i am not a sheep.

No its because your jeans fit like shit you delusional faggot

>> No.15358737

jeans like that are fine for some looks, but he clearly doesn't know what he's doing and how his jeans fit won't change that

>> No.15358747

>he clearly doesn't know what he's doing and how his jeans fit won't change that
i am here if you want to speak with me.

>> No.15358750

I dont know what the fuck you're going for or if what you put on was intentional but you look horrendous

>> No.15358752
File: 11 KB, 500x500, russia why worry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you say that?

>> No.15358763

Ditch that belt asap

>> No.15358767

haha show your fit faggot

>> No.15358774
File: 1.77 MB, 3008x3296, joe exotic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An outfit from one of my dj gigs

>> No.15358775
File: 433 KB, 2048x1366, 26gap-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see how his jeans fits

>> No.15358776
File: 267 KB, 868x1920, ccd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldn't know anything about this, filthy fucking shitskin nigger

>> No.15358783

ok ok i like that fit.
what shoes ?

>> No.15358785

kanye, your daughter is annoying as fuck

>> No.15358829

not really good, but ok for a club nite

>> No.15358866

damn this sucks man, switch out the shoes, pants, dress shirt

>> No.15359032

why are you larping as pigfuck lol

>> No.15359038
File: 334 KB, 922x2048, yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359156

No but you look pretty

>> No.15359166

imagine larping as mart

just imagine

>> No.15359202


>> No.15359203
File: 2.73 MB, 4128x2322, 20191113_154510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do I get it right this is all the same? The fit isn't all bad. There's a couple of things that make it NPC: the uninteresting items, the uninteresting combination of them, and the uninteresting color palette. I think if it'd been this muted but at least lighter and thus more summery (you get hot in these colors, don't ya) it would've been less NPC, cause when you choose to wear dark colors (and "hiding" under several layers) in spite of the heat it tells me you're making a very active choice to blend into the background (and not really succeeding, ironically).
I think what I like the least about this and what makes it most NPC to me is how there's this slight baggyness everywhere which makes you look shapeless like if you've lost 100 pounds and are trying to mask all the loose skin. There's a slight outward curve at your belly between the jacket ant the untucked shirt and loose crotch, the shoes are broad and rounded, even your "bag" is shapeless, and like the others mentioned: the pants. The fit. Okay, you can have creases at the bottom, but if you also have bulges where your knees have been it just looks like you're wearing sad, worn out pants. It doesnt look fashionable to anyone. Knee bulges equals working pants cause they occur in loose or stretchy pants that you kneel in. If you think you can look half dressy with them you look sorta clueless to me.

If your pants didnt have excess fabric around the knees, and less excess fabric at the crotch, and if your shoes were more pointed or slim then this would be a solid 7/10 for me IF and only if you're actually somewhere sort of cold. If you're wearing this where it's 90 degrees then lord you do not know how to dress at all.

>> No.15359232

Absolutely based, mogging everybody in WAYWT since, dunno can't even remember when you started posting.

>> No.15359277


>> No.15359540

Cringe reddit tier

>> No.15359543

cringe twink

>> No.15359617 [DELETED] 
File: 286 KB, 1242x2208, 001EABC8-11EA-43BF-9A87-745CB4DAF731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love these

>> No.15359812 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 640x480, 83CBFE52-0FDE-4511-A45F-AAC0BAD040C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359818
File: 68 KB, 480x640, 1314105A-6D3D-4C73-AF08-E8130645ADD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359856
File: 282 KB, 1242x2208, E58CB346-136D-4CE9-9902-7F0AD1834C94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this silhouette, sweater and pants are just the right amount of boxy

>> No.15359937

It's actually a winter pic and even if it's not that hot here in France i don't wear a bombers in summer.
Ok i understand for the pants.

>> No.15360008

bad. not sure how to give advice since I don't find any part of it redeeming but the belt and pants are the worst
kinda nice. different pants would be better
agreed about swapping shirt for a plain unbranded one
I am so close to loving this but the rise of the pants throw me. if they were a little lower and a belt was peeking out below the sweater I think it would be great
idk about the shoes but I think they're nondescript enough to work
shorts + docs doesn't work great
agreed sandals would be perfect
you really wear your shirt like that?
kinda blurry can't make out the bottoms
boots look ridiculous with shorts and they way the shirt is laying looks bad
I don't understand any of this paired together
dress is not the most flattering
pretty nice
black shorts would look best imo but I guess this is more interesting
you look 15 years old
shoes are garbage, pants are pajamas, shirt looks like a school graphic shirt
looks fine for a kid in HS but not fashionable
something is off about the pants. I'm not saying you're fat but the pants make you look kinda fat
can't tell if you're wearing a belt or that's built-in? looks weird either way
shirt looks pretty nice, idk about brown boots

>> No.15360115

And lose the whole point of the outfit? Yeah, no

>> No.15360173

First time. Are trenchcoats cool?

>> No.15360180
File: 1.27 MB, 1217x2660, IMG_20200628_204325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.15360188

this is what happens when you press random in character creation

>> No.15360528

Not like that bro looks like a bathrobe.

>> No.15360592

Original imageless post was better senpai

>> No.15360652
File: 815 KB, 616x911, IMG_7815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the palette
general structure is good, i agree with >>15360008, everything is kinda, tight?
three wolf moon core
cool top, id?
love the shirt
this is bad, you are trying too hard
very nice, good palette, i like the even levels of saturation in bag/jacket/sheos. Silhouette also looks good
dress and jacket r nice, I dont like the sneakers, the shoes next to them might be better.

>> No.15360672

id on boots?

>> No.15360678

she's a normal child u retard.

>> No.15360715

Based Breton, lookin good

>> No.15360827

Those shoes are a bit too fancy for the fit in most settings but I bet it looks absolutely marvelous when it's all put together for a special event.

>> No.15360829
File: 89 KB, 969x1920, me on a night out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i was rocking the cuban coke dealer look

>> No.15360837

meh boring
something feels very off with this outfit
like others said, the pockets suck
cool fit
this picture smells like flowers and European musk

>> No.15360912

I have big legs from lifting the pants are kinda tight
Thanks king I like your fit
Doc marten chelseas 2976 I believe

>> No.15361108

That's kind of what I dig about it but I guess you're right

>> No.15361154
File: 211 KB, 750x1124, mauna-ulu-volcano-eruption.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15357804 me
it's a nice idea, the casual flowy fit in soft light hues. that being said it looks sorta ragged, unintentionally so. im also not sure if the colors actually clash. Maybe a straight white shirt would've been that one which looks like a yellow/eggshell kind of deal? it's not awful, it's just not great either. Also yes it does look like a bathrobe. Maybe a bathrobe wouldn't have been bad, actually :P and slippers... youre not too far from dude-core
I like what's visible, but do post entire fit. Also is your fly open? It it isnt you ought to get it fixed cause a visible zipper isnt cute either
really nice on the eyes, for a teen. it is very teen.
yeah you look sort of cool but you're not fa and youre not even trying so get out of here

>> No.15361156

is the off thing that my fly is unzipped

>> No.15361157

the dress is too formal for what i'm assuming is supposed to be a casual outfit

>> No.15361165 [DELETED] 

Go for the salavtore gnacci look

>> No.15361173
File: 271 KB, 1108x2084, D79E1FAB-D7A8-4569-A96A-1D8682AAE36B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15361174

Go for the gnacci look

>> No.15361194

I think I see a qt anime fit behind a NASTY mirror

>> No.15361202

do you have an instagram that i can follow? would like 2 see your other fits

>> No.15361220
File: 2.43 MB, 1440x1278, jytfyjtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, no i don't. I post here though. Periodically. I wore this today

>> No.15361227

that's a damn shame, very cute fit by the way

>> No.15361241

Is that a short door or how tall are you? I remember you saying you were short. Either way, I would suck your dick

>> No.15361324

my fly is in fact, unzipped, embarrasing. I didnt know what shoes to wear, so i just cropped my feet out. waht do you think would look good? some kind of loafer? Im not well versed on that type of shoe.

>> No.15361327
File: 2.56 MB, 1342x1232, sadfasff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize I looked like I'm damn near as tall as the door. I struggle with getting my setup right. I'm 5'4.
Thanks for the offer, I could really use a dick sucking after my abortion on wednesday. There's probably gonna be some excess blood that could use some help. See you at my place, say 8 pm?

>> No.15361335

fug i'm sorry to hear about the bortion

>> No.15361337

or should i say good for you

>> No.15361351

I was taking a piss :P

>> No.15361359

thought this girl stopped posting

>> No.15361360

good, relieved to hear

>> No.15361361

pretty sure it's someone reposting her
the verbal style reminds me of cecil on meth, based otterbrah and many others

>> No.15361365 [DELETED] 

Wrong, she knows the obscure cheap shoes she wore on the photo.

>> No.15361382
File: 126 KB, 750x563, EF504D69-4968-433C-AD61-FE052A8B7665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already posted mine earlier in a dwc thread, its really casual but whatever
I'm wearing the basic black doc marten 1460s but mirror cut it off
I fw the fit i love the oversized jacket and the color palette
Just rewatched Blow the other day i wish i could dress like the female version of this but there isnt one

>> No.15361384 [DELETED] 

Wrong, she knew the obscure cheap shoes she wore on the photo.

>> No.15361387 [DELETED] 

>the verbal style reminds me of cecil on meth, based otterbrah and many others
That's just a typical faggot way of speaking lol

>> No.15361393

damn nigga yo head is huge

>> No.15361394
File: 608 KB, 600x409, boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, she knew the obscure cheap shoes she wore on the photo.

>the verbal style reminds me of cecil on meth, based otterbrah and many others
That's just a typical faggot way of speaking, boisterously faggy

>> No.15361396

will you marry me? pls be from toronto

>> No.15361397

I've been living in a country from which you can't post to 4channel the last half year. Did a paid internship and saved up for some nice new investment pieces. Mostly paid for tailoring and materials over design, though.

The posts are not reposts. These fits are new, and they're much better than when I left. You should be able to tell by the length of my hair, and that the last fits were distinctly autumnal. I also used to dress for shit for my body shape.

150 usd shoes are at least mid prized.

One of these days I'll make my own thread and stop fucking up the waywt's. Sorry. I'm considering to just make it a tripfag thread. Igor might wanna join in.

>> No.15361399

igor get on your meds your shitting up the thread faggot

>> No.15361404

If anything, Igor improves the shitty threads, bitch

>> No.15361407

>150 usd shoes
Dude they were ALDO fucking hsoes. You paid 150$ usd for those?

>> No.15361411

I would spend more than $40 on ALDO shoes, if I had to buy the cheap shits

>> No.15361412

lol I thought you meant my vagabond wholecuts. No, the aldos were cheap. holy shit how do you remember the aldo boots

>> No.15361413

ok igor

>> No.15361414

That's how I knew it wasn't just someone reposting your pics. Who would be able to quickly ID some aldo shoes?

>> No.15361416

fuck off incel faggot

>> No.15361419

Igor calm down and take your schizo meds

>> No.15361420

I just have a really small bone structure and am thin, my mom says i look like a bobblehead figure

>> No.15361426
File: 130 KB, 725x610, putin laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the schizo, y our gay ass gaslighting won't work on me, faggot

>> No.15361450
File: 1.98 MB, 2304x4608, IMG_20200629_224400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my drip! I think it do be lookin hella moist!

>> No.15361478
File: 137 KB, 800x516, fafafafafa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look really cute in that dress.
Not sure about the shoes on that fit but btw what are those new balance ?
love the bag and belt.
You're doing it right, improving your style.
a bit less fan of this one but i don't like light blue with the brown of the pants which are perfect alone.
Shoes are nice.
I don't know if it's bait or not but sorry about the abortion in any case <3
cute but take better pictures please

>> No.15361482


I was off my tits, I barely ever do anything but my god I was out of it, doing the mcgregor walk down the street and singing Italian songs at the top of my lungs.

>> No.15361491
File: 2.08 MB, 4032x2268, 20200629_164412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Plus for the cross)
(+ for physique)
But put on some muscle mate. Great Ivy fit and I know what its like to be skinny but trust me man you'll feel and look much better
>>15361382 but only if you're a boy. Don't dress like this if you're a woman

Not gonna rate the bad I like to keep things positive

>> No.15361490

last fit you posted an improvement. dont make ur own threads just for fits tho

>> No.15361500
File: 3.51 MB, 2268x3633, 20200629_174023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops. Here's a regular version hopefully

>> No.15361501

>Not gonna rate the bad I like to keep things positive

not even abble to post a good picture of himself not even abble to post to rotate his picture before posting
juging other people beside posting the worst fit of the day

>> No.15361505

>I like to keep things positive
then die

>> No.15361511

lose weight

>> No.15361521

Hahaha I didn't mean it like that! I was lazy and didn't want to rate the fits I thought were lacking. I realize this could be taken to mean I think everyone else's fits were bad, my mistake lol. Anyways man got any helpful criticism?

>> No.15361522

haha no

>> No.15361530

I see.
I would wear a simple black t-shirt
the pants are too long, cut it and change those shoes.
You have big feets those don't help

>> No.15361542

What shorts are those

>> No.15361544


>> No.15361554

Hey you know what they say about big feet "dang that dude has big feet"!
Hahaha yeah I know I need new shoes these are some old ass Reeboks I got when I was 15. Thinking about getting some Asics Gel Kayanos. As for the pants yes they are too long, what can I say Uniqlo had a deal on em it 10 buck a pair, don't think it would be a huge problem but I see now I cuffed em pretty much into my shoes which ruins the point of cuffing to begin with. As for the shirt... that isn't REALLY a criticism is it, more a matter of personal taste wouldn't you say?

>> No.15361567

I'm a girl not a boy, do you have any advice on what to change? I like the baggy unisex clothing look and am a big fan of faggy deepwebcore + military clothing but i dont want to look like a lesbian, i have a boyish frame too but i'm 4'11" so i try to dress more "cute" than hot or elegant

>> No.15361609

I believe in general women should strictly wear dresses or long skirts. Women are born women for a reason, and with more grace and beauty than men. I've known women who thought like this as well, that they didn't have what it takes to pull off stuff that's feminine but after making the switch women become more confident in themselves. And "sexy" is severely ovverated, try for modest but feminine. You'll be immediately recognizeable for this because most women will either dress like men or like whores.

>> No.15361611

To offer some advice though.... maybe a gray gingham long skirt with the shirt? Plaids actually suit the "deepwebcore" look especially more muted ones

>> No.15361625

>As for the shirt... that isn't REALLY a criticism is it, more a matter of personal taste wouldn't you say?
I have nothing against that tshirt even ifi don't find it "amazing".
it's just that it doesn't work really good with the pants and necklace.
Anyway yes fa is just a matter of personal taste

>> No.15361638
File: 3.53 MB, 3507x2268, 20200629_183410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry imma wear my cross and pendant of the Blessed Virgin no matter what I'm wearing bud.

>> No.15361673

Some retro Adidas shits I pulled out of the bargain bin at the thriftorium.

>> No.15361688
File: 7 KB, 242x259, 1532239831911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here little baby. You've gotten a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

I'm so, so, sorry in advance for what is about to happen. Trolls are going to come into the thread and they will be saying some very hurtful things about you. They will call you some very hurtful names. But none of those things are true. How could they possibly know? How could they possibly know how beautiful you really are? How sweet and compassionate you are? I'm so sorry about them, please do not let them hurt you.

I just want to see you shine and flourish. You are so precious to me. I want to write poetry and sing songs about my love and adoration for you and all of your perfections. My name is Brian, by the way. I know that you're tired of all the assholes and jerks. I know how you feel baby girl. I know. I am different. I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen.

>> No.15361792

my deadlift is 365

>> No.15361797

One of the funniest episodes

>> No.15361798
File: 8 KB, 183x275, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15361916


>> No.15362109
File: 280 KB, 750x1334, 0B92FE47-7228-43B1-91A8-0243F4B2B645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a huge fan, wouldn’t go with shorts for this fit and the shoes aren’t working too much w this either. What kinda shit you DJing tho?

Very sick. Literally just Oasis-core but it’s sick lol, wish I could see the shoes tho

Lol not a fan of the necklace or shirt and that’s all that’s visible but hey you got a nice head of hair and a kind face so

Boring, looks like you got out of bed n put socks n shoes on

Nice boots, would wear the pants just a little lower for better proportions maybe I’m not sure something just feels a lil off

This would be decent wo a jacket and cleaner shoes

Fit is actually good but posters are cringe

Get a nice suit jacket and matching pants, too mix matched here and the jacket looks a little cheap and ill fitting

Is okay, comfy fit to go to the deli or st

Nice bag and the shoes work surprisingly well w this

This one I like less

Can’t see shoes

My homie is caked up. nice forearms too man

Usually I don’t like your fits on here but this one works surprisingly well

All the colors are at odds with each other and it all fits really weird, get a new belt too this one is too big. For what it’s worth you seem to have big arms so just dress more like a normal person and you’ll be fine man

>> No.15362115

Should mention I ended up ditching the belt

>> No.15362164

Out here looking like slenderman gone fishing.

>> No.15362191

Fuck the retards in skinnies hating this is actually based

>> No.15362199

This cool

Looks like you don't even care about how you dress

Basic not much to say

I like

Not my thing but fine

Dress is cool

I don't like that the jacket is navy instead of grey or black

Undo bottom button on your jacket
Can't see enough of the rest to have an opinion

Shirt is cool

Coat doesn't make any sense here

Would look better with the sleeves rolled

I hate those flame vans so much

Shirt is awful lol

>> No.15362204
File: 2.24 MB, 2229x3968, IMG_20200629_191234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot fit

>> No.15362331

you look poor

>> No.15362512

bro fix up those pants

>> No.15362668

why dont you move on ? you have been posting here for like a fucking decade dude. grow up

>> No.15362673

oh no no no no no no no

>> No.15362687

Are they stained in real life? I can't tell by the photo but they look filthy. Also your proportions look terrible. Your midsection look tiny.

>> No.15362810

Im pukin

>> No.15362813
File: 186 KB, 738x669, 1591243284403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15362839

i fucking hate when new posters dont rate those from the top of the thread rather the recent, fuck u faggot

>> No.15362850

it hurts to lurk around for a new one to be a first poster only to see people reply fairly and reply to x fits before them, doesnt it?

>> No.15362922

works because of your physique, noice desu

>> No.15362924



>> No.15362982

i really like your confidence

>> No.15363021
File: 2.13 MB, 1192x2792, 20200623_205021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's winter where i live
large and in charge
you look like a cool dude
you look cool, im waiting for some cool jordan 4's to come out
this is cool, i like your pants

>> No.15363059
File: 188 KB, 750x1334, F1DF5763-E849-4DED-A776-3DA79EA7C6E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya already know what time it is

>> No.15363424
File: 184 KB, 750x1334, G4CG8496-H573-3FDC-B594-7GD74HD44B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15363449
File: 1.56 MB, 1114x1276, jytfjytfjytf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll top every single one of you with what I have in my bag

much better pants this time. It's weird to me how you can be french and just now learn to dress. Did you actually just lose a lot of weight? It's still very discreet, but ok. A lot of people take offense at combining blues, especially dark blues, with black. Better to pair blues with brown. I like that your undershirt isnt visible this time.
wouldnt guess youre into fashion
amazing bod and attitude. You could get away with the wifebeater and distressed jeans if they werent a fucking BOOT CUT WTF and what are those sneakers? do they have bling on them? makes me suspect you're excited to be 12 in the 90ies again.
nice fit but yeah the pants low key look like filthy pajamas pants. If they were clean and in a more thick fabric (or in a shorter cut so they didnt bulge that much at the bottom) this'd be a 9 for me. now its just a 7. filthy pajamas looking pants are definitely not one of the worst crimes out there. it's sort of nice and casual-sensual, actually.
only men in your specific demographic are impressed by this. Me, I don't get this at all. But I guess you don't get me either.

>> No.15363480
File: 131 KB, 630x1200, gwen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again with the judging! I'm the pink shirt man, I wear different types of styles for different reasons, if i'm going out with a girl to brunch i'll wear something like what I posted yesterday and I went skating earlier today at like 6 am so I'm wearing something much more comfy yet still nice at least in my opinion... regardless I adore you and your posts gotta reiterate that xD

>> No.15363510

You look perfect I remember u from before u had issues dressing appropriately for your small stature

>> No.15363581

are you >>15361500 ? if yes, dude you tucked a printed t into a preppy looking pants & belt combination, what do you expect. forget that I'm a girl. you're on /fa/

>> No.15363635

>>15357547 <<< me
dang man did you even read what I wrote, I said pink shirt.

>> No.15363728

what's ur height/weight? or bmi
also: like the fit, very glamourous, must have taken a long time to do all those buttons on the dress though

>> No.15363752


>> No.15363754


>> No.15363787

wtf is wrong with you lol

>> No.15363830


oh if you had an instagram half of /fa/ (including myself) would follow you. your fits are cool and you look great :-)

>> No.15363866


>> No.15363909
File: 154 KB, 624x1544, whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always like your shoes/glasses/bags etc but rarely your actual clothes
good but give this poor kid's skirt back >>15358617
you like like you know a guy that's sponsored by monster energy
keep up the good work

>> No.15363915

this board is extremely gay and suspicious, do yourself a favor and don't post here

>> No.15363930

>>15362109 — Checkin in

I clowned on you for the PTB shirt before but this is definitely a lot better. Pants could use a wash but I really fw the parachute boots.

Thanks my guys

Most 4s are horrendous yeah lol. PSGs are coming out soon, not a huge fan personally but others seem to like em.
Fit is basic but I like the cut of the jeans

Nike adidas bad

Basic but cute

I’m excited to be a teenager in the mid naughts is more the look I’m looking to emulate. On my own wave. Fit looks good here and the dress compliments your body well.

Also in my defense they’re d&g flare pants from 05, n yes the shoes are Pure Money 4s so they have silver lace tabs.

Lol fr simping on an anonymous board

>> No.15363971
File: 135 KB, 800x535, Sans-titre-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>>15361478 (You)
>much better pants this time. It's weird to me how you can be french and just now learn to dress. Did you actually just lose a lot of weight? It's still very discreet, but ok. A lot of people take offense at combining blues, especially dark blues, with black. Better to pair blues with brown. I like that your undershirt isnt visible this time.

Thank you. You know, i am just not a young man. I am a middle age man and i didn't lose a lot of weight lately. I lost some weight long time ago when i was a teenager. Are you asking that just because i like to wear some loose clothes ?
maybe i like to hide my beautiful body under a lot of big clothes.
Anyway you look great again.
Not a fan of the glasses but i like the bag and especially that dress.
The shoes are also interesting.
Do you have some ideas on the way i should dress ?
boots are ok
it's ok but a bit teenager
shoes and pants could be ok but sweatshirt is meh
proportions as usual are fucked up
interesting vest and boots
hum nice attitude

>> No.15363974

Great band

>> No.15363978

really hate that one for some reasons.
Exactly the kind of people i can't be around

>> No.15364016

Maybe you’re a low confidence baby bitch boy.

>> No.15364133
File: 1.65 MB, 3088x2320, BB0C0AC3-3D8F-4D82-A731-23AF7B8CA174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15363930 — Today’s Fit

>> No.15364140

I don't know how you should dress. Combine your interests, your lifestyle, your income level and how much effort you like to put into how you look it should be almost obvious to you what your style is. You seemed to have some pretty neat silver fox stubble going on in an earlier pic which could work for ya in many ways. I guess you could work with either dad core or dude core or sleaze core or something more preppy or.. like.. anything. Your bodyshape is decent and you're actually an adult. Most of the kids here would look like idiots in half the cores I mentioned, while you could fool anyone into accepting anything you choose to wear. The world is yours. You're sort of wasting potential by dressing like you do.
I'm 5'4 / 163 cm, and my weight is 54 kgs. It's a BMI of 20.3
I'm sorry, I misunderstood ya. I assumed you'd posted a second fit which was among the ones I commented on. I'm not much more judgemental than many others here, and the ones who are less judgemental than me aren't judgemental enough. We're here to improve, not circlejerk.

>> No.15364146

Lmfao fuck sorry y’all

>> No.15364201

Anyone hating on this fit is retarded. This is really well executed. If you cant see this you just into fashion im sorry

pieces dont fit well unfortunately

not a fan of the belt. everything else is fine

>> No.15364219

>yea I like Delroy Edwards

>> No.15364259

>>>15363971 (You)
>I don't know how you should dress. Combine your interests, your lifestyle, your income level and how much effort you like to put into how you look it should be almost obvious to you what your style is. You seemed to have some pretty neat silver fox stubble going on in an earlier pic which could work for ya in many ways. I guess you could work with either dad core or dude core or sleaze core or something more preppy or.. like.. anything. Your bodyshape is decent and you're actually an adult. Most of the kids here would look like idiots in half the cores I mentioned, while you could fool anyone into accepting anything you choose to wear. The world is yours. You're sort of wasting potential by dressing like you do.
Thanks !

>> No.15364295

>posting 5 pictures of yourself in a WAYWT thread

>> No.15364317

>calls other people redditors
>uses the classic plebbit double spacing enter button
something doesn't add up here chief

>> No.15364397


>> No.15364582

I just got the same Eva Shirt from Uniqlo. Sad that they ran out of the super aesthetic white one :<

>> No.15364592


>> No.15364610
File: 365 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20200630_195014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something simple today, just headed to the pub for an after work.

FUN FACT: the distressing on my shorts cost $0.00 and the result of some intense flux core arc welding in minus degree temperature.

>> No.15364613

> Flux core

Okay cool do you're poor? Miller syncrowaves are like $500 on Craigslist

>> No.15364618


The shirt is dope. I would wear higher socks to improve!

>> No.15364630

Yes, ORRRR I'm a professional welding technician and my client's data sheet specified this process so I had to spend a season in Canadian winter patching in new shellplate for a Great Lakes icebreaker using the weak but user friendly process that is FCAW because the discount poo in loo """"" engineers"""" needed to justify their existence by nixing the 7018 stick electrodes we've been successfully using for the last century...

>> No.15364638

Is my wife's green Hyundai accent (over my left shoulder) effay or a bingo bitch econobox?

>> No.15364751

your Indian parents were probably disappointed when they saw looking like this

>> No.15364761

fashion victim

>> No.15364800
File: 829 KB, 949x2001, 5550137B-BEEC-4EFE-B66C-8E43D8EB174A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad would like to see shoes
Bit depressing but nice
I like the bag!
Pretty cool!
I like this good colors and textures
Nice green colors
Very nice all black
Relaxed I like
Cool boots
Nice dress

>> No.15364978

fuck off gregory

>> No.15365203

Very nice
Boogaloo ready
I like that you try, even though it’s hit or miss. Most people here don’t take risks.
Is this you as well? This looks nice but the sneakers fall short. Would look nice with docs or even white stans >>15356960
Clean. Good.
Best in thread. It’s not just the clothes or even principally the clothes.
You choose good surroundings and you don’t look uncomfortable and awkward

>> No.15365319

Really nice

>> No.15365433

>>>15355406 (You)
>I like the bag!
thanks it's one of my drawings on it

>> No.15365504

nice bondage goat fur m51 parka bruh

>> No.15365571

Thanks! I feel like crying and eating a tub ov icecream in happy weh Luv u guiz :-)

>> No.15365579

Nice toes, i would suck.

>> No.15366388

Looking cute
Would stick my face up in that butt and sniff hard

>> No.15366390
File: 280 KB, 1122x2208, 6311C9DA-0DDD-46C2-91FA-A9568ABC4B79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could see this working with a blank tee and better shoes
Everything looks too big on you
Better than most of your fits
Meme sweater
Not a fan of drop crotches
Pretty good but would look better with some Birkenstock Arizonas or Bostons
Would swipe right on and then never message
Not a fan
Bad fit nice hair
Not a fan
Comfy if you’re a girl cringe if you’re a guy
Good fit
Not a fan of the patch but overall solid fit
What’s in the bag?
Very aggressive taper

>> No.15366737

>>15363449 , >>15361327 , >>15361154 , >>15357804
me. I don't wanna be the only one posting an outfit a day
It's nice. I don't see any crimes here. I suppose contrasting a white shirt with a black leather jacket isn't unheard of, but I don't much like it. I imagine it's too hot, too.
meh. Nice hair
almost sure it's not fa, but I like it. I'd wanna hang with you. I imagine you've got humor and self awareness.
I like this a lot. Cool dark wash jeans and a white printed t doesn't fail. Nice build, too. The shoes aren't my taste
I wanna live in a world where this is what we mean when we say SEXcore
Really cute, and really cute body too (especially your knees) and really clichéd. Maybe experiment with mixing in elements that repel men or put them on edge? That was my best progress after my phase of dressing all cutesy-sexy :)
Nice. I like the hair-cap-glasses-stance-lumberjack shirt on acid-combo. low key really sexy.

>> No.15366804

>Everything looks too big on you
I read that / then i look at your picture and i am like (:^/) dude, don't you think that everything look very fucking big on your skeleton body ?

>> No.15366808

shit fit, old tshirt, old pants, ugly ass shoes : delete

>> No.15366809
File: 141 KB, 606x809, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15366811

even the carpets look like shit

>> No.15367307

lmao best poster

>> No.15367651

absolutely god awful outfit

>> No.15367735


>> No.15367829

hey, please stop posting my pictures. you’ve been doing it for months. thanks.

>> No.15367954

this is the worst waywt ive seen in years

>> No.15368214
File: 615 KB, 1512x2016, 75627596_596269644426546_1259629582504024231_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15368263

thanks mr skeletal (i actually like it tho)
the top half says you're trying to recapture your youth in the late 70s/early 80s but the bottom half says you're trying to recapture the youth of today. Keep it consistent, that's my advice.
It's simple and it's not really my thing but you're rocking it and I respect that
Cute dress it compliments your figure, love the sunnies and the handbag and for once you're wearing nice shoes and not a tacky pair of NB's.
cute shirt + love your pants.
This one is okay but it's a bit bland, needs a bit more going on maybe some layering.
Four fits in one thread fuck sake cunt stop being so greedy. I like the dress a lot, not a fan of the shirt I think you can find a better shirt to wear on top. The NB's look cute but they don't match the outfit.
Default asian girl who watches too much anime
I like your pants
Like the jean jacket. Please fix your trousers before taking a photo/going outside cause it makes you look stupid.
I like your style but I'd wear a tee with a different graphic instead of some dumb goofy slogan
Top half screams "I love mac demarco!' but the bottom half says "my mother still buys my clothes"
Decent outfit, it's colourful and vibrant and fun. Glad you matched your blue shoes with the orange windbreaker. Fucking love the Mobil 1 hat!
Thanks again Mr. Skeltal
for some reason I REALLY dig it

>> No.15368291


nice shit, sick earrings

>> No.15368398
File: 2.71 MB, 4032x3024, 76C6B8A8-8CEA-4587-9CEF-92574D33175D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15368404
File: 2.39 MB, 640x1136, A00CE8A1-ED14-43D5-8D6F-16220397ED6D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15368616
File: 741 KB, 758x772, B4DC2D77-B916-4327-8DB1-3350A1B59FC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15368622

absolute faggot belt

>> No.15368653

send pussy

>> No.15368667

anon I....

>> No.15368670
File: 112 KB, 955x536, 0BD6DFA4-6750-43BD-A8F4-3B29330D395C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15368759

i see you've abandoned pants all together hahaha

>> No.15368806

What a lewk
Drop your instagram hunty

>> No.15368909


>> No.15368941


>> No.15368948

honestly like this fit but you look anorexic. put on at least 5kg

>> No.15368989

Post feeet

>> No.15369211

I'd tongue your arsehole so hard whoever could get out would be crowned king arthur

>> No.15369457

kc tier

>> No.15369616

What are you even doing if you're not posting one fit a day? This goes out to everyone

>> No.15369620


>> No.15369721
File: 1.51 MB, 1438x1280, jhgkg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something for the lurkers to learn from cause it's sad in here

>> No.15369757

this is bad

>> No.15369758

>t. jealous roastie

>> No.15369761

>everyone who doesn't like my fit is a women

>> No.15369765

Short probably needs ironing but otherwise pretty

>> No.15369767
File: 382 KB, 934x1920, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15369769

I don’t think anyone would be jealous of that hairline

>> No.15369772

are these leggings? i don’t think they go well with this fit
high-rise straight black pants with a light material would be better here

>> No.15369777

my mom would only take me to express

>> No.15369783

well you talked shit to the best dressed female poster here without posting your own outfit so...
lol youre grasping at straws

>> No.15369835

id on boots?

>> No.15369844

Are you boy or girl, can't tell

>> No.15369853

bad pants

>> No.15369862

It's aesthically sound and the materials look good quality for the most part

Silhouette is kind of odd tho
And I'd pick different shoes though or maybe not wear socks

Beautiful shot photo though and nicely posed

>> No.15369869

you dress like shit

>> No.15369908

I like it, pants look like they fit slightly awkward, but that may be the angle.

I like it, but I agree with the other poster, silhouette looks slightly odd, would probably be better off with different pants

I like everything but the shoes, they clash with the rest of the outfit.

>> No.15369916

look how big that nigga feet is obviously boy

>> No.15370083
File: 89 KB, 960x1280, to1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15370105

save these three /fa/ servers from shitty cargo short posters. post your best fits and upgrade the quality
/fa/ 1 https://discord.gg/V2AuYHC
/fa/ 2 https://discord.com/invite/dreAVmM
/fa/ 3 https://discord.gg/y6uRkGy

>> No.15370134
File: 26 KB, 344x612, DvnvUSSUcAEAzNr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look ugly as shit lol.

>> No.15370137

Say that to yourself, fag.

>> No.15370152

manlet faggot

>> No.15370157

rly cool! u could do faith from mirrors edge

>> No.15370163

tux is a faggot

>> No.15370173

Ok tux#9159. chill the fuck out homo.

>> No.15370278

Why do you think you're the pinacle of /fa/ it's really sad

>> No.15370374

That’s hot I like it but no shoes

>> No.15370396 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 826x1102, IMG_20200702_232237_740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15370400

post whole cock?

>> No.15370401

Why you so angry in the pic, nobody on 4chan gave you that pathetic hoodie.

>> No.15370408
File: 11 KB, 300x173, Beat+me+to+it+i+downloaded+the+pic+and+all+_ef74b884954dea4c4882f35185797fd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You expect people to be impressed by your pretentious attitude towards a typically normal fit. You think your pose is soooo good but look at your fucking curled up hand.

>> No.15370433

Where the fuck do a lot of you people live to be wearing jackets and shit in July, shit's going to be 110f/43c for the rest of the month where I live

>> No.15370543

yeah righto mate

>> No.15370634

nice like a Ripley vibe. tone up ur arms tho..

>> No.15370877

>you look ugly as shit lol.
have you seen your fucking face ?

>> No.15370891

you have a beautiful face but not enough boobs for me and a strange ass but i still like you.
fit is great but nothing very special on that one.
I like pant and shoes, cardigan is cool too.

>> No.15370894

i like
it's simple but well executed

>> No.15370912

It's called a hemisphere fat retard NPC

>> No.15370947

cringe thread. the average poster here looks worse than the average normie on the street

>> No.15370961

Yeah thank god we have you contributing, otherwise it'd be a shithole.

>> No.15371073

which jumpsuit though

ive been searching for ones that have internal elastic shoulder straps for ages

>> No.15371134
File: 288 KB, 1536x2048, 0BAFC2F3-1C30-4262-9954-2DB007EEC759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15371439


sorry, had just got home and no shoes in house rule

yeah i know my arms are shit i'll take it into consideration

literally just bought an aviator flight suit form amazon

>> No.15371464

This fit fucking sucks

>> No.15371477

>Jeans and a graphic t
Why though

>> No.15371492

100 % would suck titties

>> No.15371588
File: 306 KB, 1639x1092, effay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets go mang0

>> No.15371729

What do you mean? It lookes good bro stay mad. Give actually criticism or dont reply at all loser

>> No.15371733

Ok and are you going to actually saw whats wrong with it or no??

>> No.15371776

new anon here
nothing's really wrong with it. The distressing of the jeans looks particularly fake, which i guess equals cheap. it could really use a full shot. shoes, hair or face might ruin it.

>> No.15371909

post and entire fit to start with.
What do you expect ?
We can see shit on your picture.
Post shoes, post entire pants, etc

>> No.15371917

ty. i like your outfit too : )

>> No.15372226

what r the pants

>> No.15372257

My criticism is that you should post an actual outfit. You sound like you have severe emotional difficulties if this is how you react to someone saying "why though". So I wouldn't recommend posting the rest of your clearly amazing outfit since I don't want you to neck yourself.

>> No.15372258
File: 631 KB, 1536x2404, 21118C2F-F186-4723-AB5C-70EE269821DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God how is this thread still up
Anyway I ended up wearing this outfit to hang with my gfs family cause they still think I’m a straight guy and I don’t know how to dress myself properly
Wish I still owned my geos, yeezys look whack with it imo
I have a dick you faggot
Alright come through, wya??

>> No.15372271

I love your outfit but it doesn't doesn't pass the straight guy test.

>> No.15372279

im not sure anything will look straight on him with those wispy soft angelic locks. this is ethereal tier

>> No.15372320
File: 741 KB, 1536x2894, 27B08615-3678-4FE8-963F-EC5CDFFB26BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair, I’m not really straight or a guy anymore ha
I just don’t feel like coming out to gfs family on her moms birthday >.>

>> No.15372346

youre so cute

>> No.15372460

You're so beautiful it's crazy. You look like an angel. Also what do you do to your hair? It looks super soft.

>> No.15372491

plz anon

>> No.15372559

Thanks, I know ;p
Ah thanks, I don’t rly do anything with my hair desu Besides shampoo/conditioner
I use like, this expensive shampoo my gfs mom gives me? She’s a hair stylist so idk it’s like the good stuff. Apparently it’s like 70$/bottle. Idk what it’s called but I know it’s made by davines if that helps

>> No.15372596

oh damn I follow you on IG. Good looks dude.

>> No.15372617

looks like shit retard

>> No.15372941

PLEASE id shorts

>> No.15372984

where you located? you dress kinda bad but you're very good looking

>> No.15373019

Rick Owens aircut shorts, from like 2016 or something
Lol chicago burbs
Figuring out clothes is hard but I try my best :(