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15349953 No.15349953 [Reply] [Original]

what is the most effay drug that doesn't make you ugly in the long term?

>> No.15349958

Sugar. No shitposting, only truth

>> No.15349963


>> No.15349969


>> No.15349975

The feeling of cold morning or night air against your face

>> No.15349997

china pls go

>> No.15350002

fat ass

>> No.15350010

bought a ten strip yesterday and about to go on a fucking vision trip

>> No.15350011


>> No.15350015
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what about against your bare chest?

>> No.15350017

mushrooms are great for your mental health

healthy mind = healthy body

at least for me anyways.

>> No.15350024

just be moderate and don't neglect your general health and you can do most drugs without looking like shit

>> No.15350030

With a car, you can go anywhere you want


>> No.15350062
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This! As long as youre mentally healthy i.e. stable, Acid wouldnt do any harm whatsoever. In turn its positive effects are quite remarkable. It boosts your creativity, it helps understanding the deep parts of your consciousness, it helps you being more honest with yourself and of course it lets you laugh about yourself and the funny things happeing around you while being on a trip.

I guess, shrooms are very similar, but i am more the acid guy.

Of course its not an every day drug and one should always pass at least 4-5 weeks before dropping another trip.

>> No.15350072

Probably weed, I wouldn't say Acid or Shrooms are particularly /fa/

>> No.15350079


especially brown sugar

>> No.15350114


Then youve never experienced an utterly chlilling trip, being surrounded by a minimalistic smart home and a garden full of blooming roses and hydrangeas, where you enjoy laying back, watching the clouds warping by, while enjoying an ice cold gin tonic, pimped with some home grown mint, listening to some very awesome jazz or stoner rock, realizing that that the mediterranean dish full of sweet tomatos, garlik, pickles, melon, italian bacon and three different sorts of pesto, just fits amazingly well to 200 micro of acid.

>> No.15350121


>> No.15350128


not even close to a fa/ggot

>> No.15350190

sugar makes you ugly though

>> No.15350202

I’m 77kg at 1 87m. Project harder. I said sugar because I stuffed my face full of candy as a young kid and all it did was destroy my teeth’s protective layer and nothing else. Thankfully I’m out of the hell that is sugar addiction and I’ll prob avoid diabetes

>> No.15350213
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>> No.15350225


>> No.15350227

Estrogen blockers

>> No.15350233

>tfw interested in experimenting with acid or shrooms but not mentally healthy

>> No.15350237
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5% bb

>> No.15350239 [DELETED] 

I was just watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9po4oo2TkM

>> No.15350241

For me I've always been a happy guy for the most part. Usually I can see the brighter sides of things.
However, about 4 years ago my dad kicked me out and I had no where to go. So naturally I went to colorado to smoke some weed. Ended up tripping off shrooms in the mountains by myself.
Changed my life for the better. After that I was a little bit more empathetic towards people, even my folks.
Now I'm living my dream life, just bought a house 2 weeks ago and after I moved in I took 2 tabs and just explored.

>> No.15350273

Too much Testosterone makes you ugly tho

>> No.15350283

also hair loss, aging

>> No.15350312


Idk your mental shape, though i know, that in some cases dropping a trip was the solution for somebodies issues. A friend of mine, not a close one, but we used to see each other spontaneously, had some very bad drug related mental issues. He was sort of that guy ruining his whole life bc of severe coke and extasy addiction combined with drinking. Last year he showed up when i just had dropped a trip and was enjoying the show. He was asking for some acid as well, though he never had a trip b4. First i was quite reluctant, but then i just decided to give it a go, bc he already was totally fucked up. so i gave him 200microgramms of acid, a quite huge load for the start. As it turned out, this guy struggled a bit in the beginning with handling the trip, but some time and smooth tracks from a heavy psych band later, he was pretty comfy with it. You could literally see the lightbulb emerging over his head when he mentioned: "Dude, what the fuck have i been doing all the years by taking all those crap drugs..." Since that day he stopped abusing coke, molly and drinking, even got rid of smoking. He turned his life 180 and has grown since then. Could have gone wrong as well but this trip definitely changed him for good.

>> No.15350350

yeah that's the weird thing, i either hear people saying that shrooms/acid are actually good for your mental health, giving a new perspective on life, etc, while others tell me to not take them because of my poor mental state: no idea which side to listen to.

>> No.15350393


Well, thats on you. I personally never had any mental issues, away from being depressed for some time bc of shit like break ups or the death of loved ones. So idk how it feels beinf constantly depressed or shit like that. But what i know for sure is, that youll never give someone a trip you dont know, thats answering the question for his mental state with "yeah i dont have any issues and im a stable person" while showing fresh scars from cutting and a pack of neuroleptics pops out of the pocket. Neuroleptics and Acid is never gonna be a good mixture. So if youre not on some sort of running with scissors neuroleptics, why not doing it? Of course its better to do it with a person thats used to it and can handle your needs while tripping to make it as comfy as possible for you.

>> No.15350415

I've been doing a lot of ambien.

>> No.15350418

sugar makes you ugly as fuck
my vote is coke or h OP

>> No.15350434

Drugs, alcohol, and smoking are about the least /fa/ thing you can do.

>> No.15350436

That's because no two people experience psychedelics the exact same way; reactions to shrooms, acid, etc. can vary drastically from person to person.Trips can range from terrifying to enlightening, and there's really no way to predict how you'll respond.

The best advice I can give is to try a low/threshold dose first to gauge how your mind and body respond to the drug, wait a weeks, and then, if the first experience wasn't awful, take a medium dose. Rinse, repeat until you've worked your way up to a strong dose (this could take several months - you have to be patient), and stop if at some point during the process you have a really bad trip.

There are a bunch of comprehensive resources on proper harm reduction, but all that information can be a bit overwhelming. Imo the most important factor is setting: get high in a familiar place (preferably your house or apartment) where you can guarantee that you won't be disturbed by anyone for at least 12 hours, and where you have easy access to water, a clean bathroom, and a comfortable place to lie down. Trip sitters are a good idea if you're taking an astronomical dose, but not really necessary for a low - medium one, even for a first-timer; and in my experience, a bad/annoying trip sitter can ruin an otherwise good trip.

And - this is super important, and something I had to learn the hard way - don't expect psychedelics to fundamentally change your personality or your overall outlook on life, or instantly cure your depression or anxiety. Outcomes like these are honestly pretty rare, and when they do occur, you have to work hard after the fact to maintain them. You might feel as though your worldview has profoundly and permanently changed after your first heavy trip, but if you don't follow up on that feeling and thoroughly interrogate it (through self-reflection, meditation, therapy, creative pursuits, etc.), it will eventually fade, and you'll be back in the same place you were before the trip.

>> No.15350442

what does the S0A stand for?

>> No.15350455

Does anyone wanna sell me their year1 4chan pass? I will pay a few hundred dollarinos from btc.

>> No.15350457

all I have is a 2017 pass, I want a year 1

>> No.15350467

Caffeine, THC, LSD, Whatever the fuck's in shrooms, MDMA, Cocaine, Heroin if you prick somewhere nobody can see and amphetamines of all sorts

>> No.15350472

Sucks 0ff Aniggers

>> No.15350510


>> No.15350565

Amphetamine in controlled amounts.

>> No.15350598

I personally love K
But you can’t do too much in public bc you look like an actual retard

The after-effects are incredible if you do enough. Cures depression and anxiety if you do enough in a small timeframe.

My “Cool” effay friends like coke

Acid. Molly. At festivals.

But i don’t do more besides wine. I’m too old for that shit. Unless I’m at a festival. Let loose for a few days and get that shit out of your system.
Get k rocked for 3 days straight - who cares if I look crazy - there’s always someone weirder than you there.

Dammit I love k

I wish I didn’t have an addictive personality

>> No.15350659


>> No.15350676

You should do some now, you should double or triple your normal dose to get krocked longer..

>> No.15350688


>> No.15350764

I've been on the down(opiates)for like two and a half years. Face looks fine but I've gained a ton of weight.shit makes you laazy and I'm not a homeless junkie so I can eat when I want. Back when I was addicted to xans I never felt like eating so I was skinny as shit, but I was always fucking barred out so I acquired some facial scars among others. Also after getting so addicted I was looking 30 bars a day, I was losing a little hair. When I quit that shit it grew back and I grew like 59 pounds in two months...

>> No.15350773

>Trips can range from terrifying to enlightening
And the two aren't mutually exclusive either, so there's that.

>> No.15350804
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Nice blog post, addict. Get healthy or die, loser. You need to hear this. Get healthy.

>> No.15350809


>> No.15350819
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Then die, you fat waste of oxygen.

>> No.15350825


>> No.15350839

I wish this mf knew about the memes for him

>> No.15350842
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You don't have a choice.

>> No.15350873
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>> No.15350884
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Did you know that Russia has tigers

>> No.15350907


No expert here so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I’ve suffered from depression, paranoia, suicidal thoughts etc and never had a bad trip. It really is more about being in a good headspace at the time you’re tripping. Your environment is a huge factor so obviously trip somewhere you’re comfortable and familiar with, and if possible with someone that can be there for you during the trip.

With that being said, I’d also recommend starting small. If doing acid maybe just one tab and if shrooms 1.7 grams for a light trip. With such a small amount you shouldn’t be getting heavy visuals and it’s only difficult within the first hour of going from sober into your trip. Acid has made me feel incredibly creative and horny, whereas shrooms take you on a very introspective trip where you can have epiphanies one after the other. It’s a very helpful thing both physically and mentally. My most recent shroom trip helped me overcome my caffeine addiction.

I would advise to do your research beforehand and see if you can find any info on your specific mental issues and how psychedelics may affect you because of it. Best of luck anon and I hope you get to experience them in a positive way some day because it’s a beautiful experience.

>> No.15350914

i took 2 tabs of acid and it made me realize how dumb ppl are

>> No.15350915

t, schizo

>> No.15350960
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>> No.15351007

1.7 grams is a light trip? I took .5g and I felt extremely suicidal, which is odd because I don’t even have depression or anything.

>> No.15351033

Yep half an eight for shrooms
But makes sure you’re with good people and I would suggest being outside
River, mountains...concert/music

Idk I always avoid the “real” world bc it can fuck with you

>> No.15351057

RIP big boss Fredo !!

>> No.15351133

my friend took shrooms and then "felt the collective suffering of every animal on earth" and then became vegan the next day. he's still vegan, and this was years ago.
how often does shit like this happen? it's really turning me off of trying it, because I know I have a pretty obsessive brain.

>> No.15351148


It’s usually the recommended dose to get enough of a trip but not be very overwhelming.

Could also be that you were overthinking/freaking out. You don’t have to be depressed to overthink and let negative emotions take over. Do you recall what was going through your mind prior to feeling suicidal?


Exactly. Half an eight is pretty standard for babby’s first trip.

>> No.15351172


Sounds like your friend had an effective trip. Not saying that shrooms will turn you vegan but they really break down the walls of societal norms and allow you to tune in with your emotions tenfold, become a lot more empathetic, etc.

Last time I tripped shrooms I ended up crying while petting my dog because I was overwhelmed with how great of a pet she is. Shit like that happens lol.

Shrooms are very introspective, so if you’re looking to giggle and stare at pretty colors you may be better off with acid. If your obsessive brain is one that’s curious about things and fully understanding things about life, humanity, etc then shrooms may be very enjoyable for you. Keep in mind every trip is different.

>> No.15351179

Have you done anything besides alcohol?

I always deemed you the “too scared to break the rules” type

>> No.15351182

I think acid is more for me then, I want to be distracted. I get enough mental stimulation doing research and I'd rather not turn into a crackpot

>> No.15351188


Understandable. Shrooms are great as well if you’re struggling to overcome certain personal matters and can help make amazing breakthroughs, so definitely keep that in mind as well.

If you try acid definitely have some music queue’d up and fresh food/drinks. You most likely won’t be hungry but it’s better to avoid heavy foods, meat, alcohol etc.

>> No.15351193

Yes, I cleaned up my act after getting arrested, processed and charges dropped got a better career, and have hundreds of thousands of dollars in guns at risk...if I fuck anything up anymore

>> No.15351195

"half an eighth" do you Americans not even know fractions
it's a 16th... or you know just 1.75 grams like shit

>> No.15351199

>hundreds of thousands in guns
How big did you penis grow in flaccid size?

>> No.15351203


Murricans use grams and ounces interchangeably, it’s annoying but nobody would call it a 16th. Hence why I said 1.7g in my other post.

>> No.15351204

0 inches, but guns are a good investment. Especially since laws and off roster handguns die to roster fall off etc

>> No.15351710

I doubt he'd approve

>> No.15351725

unironically, weed.

>> No.15351804

>Gained weight
>On opioids

Fucking how?

>> No.15352223

drug your coffe, all drugs in public makes u look bad even weed

>> No.15352257

shrooms. Acid, but there's a limit to how much you can take in a lifetime

>> No.15352565

Adderall and lots of Water also Coke or Weed

>> No.15352570

Coke and ket

>> No.15352577

The most /fa/ is definitely ketamine, followed by benzos. Stimulants for getting thin. I love psychedelics but I don't see how anyone could think they are /fa/.

>> No.15352582

What's the point of this gay LARPing. If you want to become an addiction counselor then get off 4chan.

>> No.15352584

Benzos are for neets and low lifes but I agree with everything else you say

>> No.15352617

im a fa low life so they are perfect for me right ? im only doin weed and pregabalin but toleracne on pregabalin so so fast

>> No.15353514


Ketamine fa? The drug that, that turns you instantly into a slobbering spastic not able to move or talk? Sorry but even smoking crack is more fa than Keta m mm m ket m mmmm.


>> No.15353558

lmfao found someone whos never used ket

>> No.15353642

It's pretty clear you have never interacted with anyone who is /fa/, so your opinion is easy to dismiss.

>> No.15353772

where do people get acid from ;-;

mods, I'm not asking for sources, just asking for a generalized answer. pls no ban

>> No.15353775

Unfortunately the only answer is multivitamins

>> No.15353791

>that turns you instantly into a slobbering spastic not able to move or talk?

lmao what? This has never happened to me or anyone I know on either isomer of ket you retard

>> No.15353867

Small amounts of wine and micro dosing magic mushrooms

>> No.15354138


I would imagine they get it from other people who have it and will trade it for currency

>> No.15354148

if its their first time doing it - and they do too much haha
i could see it

i love k
im just saying for newbies it can be a bit much
esp if they dont have experience with drugs

>> No.15354150

The following 7 days were the best days of his life, then he died

>> No.15354163

never tried but dark web

>> No.15354166

you gotta know people who have clean acid
thats all im gonna say

find some old deadhead hippie type

worst trip of my life was from some shitty acid:
i literally came to consciousness - sitting on the floor of my bedrrom with scissors and bleeding from my toes...idfk what i did - all my other friends were chillin just felt awkward ..but it turned out it was some weird 2cbi crazy shit......i didnt take acid for 10 years after that...


>> No.15354170

How has acid worked out for sammy

>> No.15354181

2cb is great wtf are you talking about

>> No.15354206

um idk
i liked 2ci
idfk for sure they keep changing the chemical comp little by little every time they illegalized it...but it got too nutty buddy
i like k
those designer drugs can be unpredictable
just like some shit mushrooms and shit acid

>> No.15354699

Cock and poop best drug for me love cock poop hehehehe fart and cocks drugs but bad for who SBS hvem et bru seg hehehehe

>> No.15354786


>> No.15354794

Stop it

>> No.15354865



Lulz, two ppl, that never experienced consuming lab grade ket

>> No.15354903
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Estrogen. It makes you feel giddy/euphoria and it makes you look younger than you really are.

>> No.15354905
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>> No.15354999

tripfagging and giving hiroshimoot your shekels are about the least /fa/ things you can do

>> No.15355009

depends on your country's laws on analogs. in burgerland you can buy 1p-lsd (metabolizes into LSD in the body) for research purposes as long as you don't consume it, and unless you buy a shitton or publicise that consumption is your intent then the worst that'll happen is a letter from customs. in some other countries its as illegal as normal lsd.

>> No.15355029

Xanax unironically

>> No.15355111

Or maybe I'm not a retard who does supermassive amounts of a drug and then complains about it being too fucked up.

I've never had a bad experience with DPH either, love it. :^)

>> No.15355119

Except when you stop taking it your anxiety goes through the roof

And if you overdo it you may wake up in a jail cell wondering wtf happened

I do love how it feels tho - I’d take it every day if I could

Oh and did I mention the withdrawals can kill you

>> No.15355202

Psychedelics are pretty meta

>> No.15355210

doesnt matter, that makes it more effay

>> No.15355211

dark web

>> No.15355304
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Gross. I’m actually 21 so I don’t need to pretend to be young like you and I’m striving for a healthy hormone profile so I can have children with my wife in a few years. no thank you.
Embarrassing excuse for a man/woman whatever you are
Btw you literally look 45 in that pic on the left and no matter what poison you ingest or how fast you run you will never outrun your real self. Also you don’t look 21 in that. It’s pretty embarrassing. Mental illness.

>> No.15356612

This right here

>> No.15356662

amyl nitrates... Poppers

Cute twinks do it while taking massive cocks in their boipussays.... Try to tell me that is based and hot, and all while looking better than any of you guys(and probably getting fawned over by every bitch who watches them do it)

>> No.15356666

Absolutely this

>> No.15356667

this but replace twinks by lolis

>> No.15356693



>> No.15356834

Yeah when I was a noob I got sold 2ci crap when I ate it it was bitter and made my tongue numb which acid isn't supposed to do..

Long story short it was a bsd experience and I felt bad hypertension in my heart and just felt really bad..
Later I learned that tons of people died from that stuff because the effective vs lethal dose is just double of what the Nor mal dose is I think 1/2 mcg makes u trip but 1 mcg you can start to die, so if some retard fucks it up or you take a bunch your gonna have a shitty death.

But also regular acid is some satanic cia mindcontrol shit.
Shrooms is much cleaner.

Heroin and cigs are /fa/ but don't do heroin

>> No.15356966


>> No.15356981


>> No.15356987

>satanic cia mindcontrol shit
took a little too much there buddy

>> No.15357027

the coolest ones seem to me some that presumably no one actually does anymore and I'll probably never do
-barbiturates: more fatal version of benzos (?), killed Jimi Hendrix, 60s counter culture would have been /fa/ as fuck at the time and this was their shit, reminds me of depressed Japanese protohipsters, sunglasses and rituals at a nocturnal beach bonfire in that Mishima story
-opium/laudanum: goes without saying that 19th century romantic poets were remarkably /fa/, and this always calls to mind them picking some up from the local pharmacist and then going off to commune with the muses. invokes original Sherlock Holmes and the bohemian underbelly of Victorian England

>> No.15357099

Really? I thought that SIBERIAN tigers were from Chicago!

>> No.15357103

Uppers for a bit until you're skinny enough

>> No.15357110

xanax makes you fat cuz you start not caring about what you eat

>> No.15357165

that's funny, it's true though, I've been eating Xanax like crazy recently and I forget to eat and sleep for like 15 hours, it suppresses my appetite also.

I need to lose 10 kilos so I'm water fasting with hydrolysates whilst eating Xanax, two days in and I don't even feel like anything and time just disappears.

>> No.15357173


>> No.15357367
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>> No.15357371

anon, we'll all be ugly with time

>> No.15357373
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>> No.15357403


>> No.15357527

ghetto fred armisen head ass

>> No.15357545

at some point you will accept that you can stop chasing that bigger and better high

>> No.15357602

dude...drugs lmao!!1

>> No.15358566

ether soaked riot bandana

>> No.15358599

yeah dude like totally
i get high on jesus

>> No.15358628

fucking hell

>> No.15359293

idk man u sound like a faggot to me

>> No.15359388

girls cant handle drugs

>> No.15359417

Who the fuck?
Boy...were the ones smart enough to get free drugs

>> No.15359451

youre emotional and get weird like you did in that story, seen it 1k times. You also get strung out easy because you sell that puss or just imply you will.

>> No.15360563

You eat while on acid? Wtf

>> No.15360675


Why not, somehow i despise smoking when being on a trip as well as yummy fastfood, but Some light snacks, the mediterranean way ist no problem. Also a dish filled with fresh veggie base colored stuff looks kind of funny yummy while tripping.

>chasing that bigger and better high

bigger no, better yes i.e. Heroin vs. Acid
When youve been nearly through almost any drug somehow available, you just pick the one with the highest chill factor. for me thats Acid combined with cold longdrinks, good food, awsome stoner rock, some colours and a huge canvas or acid and diving gear. The older the wiser, i dont do the other stuff anymore, even dont like smoking pot.

>> No.15360812

yeah well when people start selling "sixteenths" ill call them that.

>> No.15360830

Lol wtf
This dude clearly doesn’t do drugs
And good on you dude :)
I kinda wish I never did either

>> No.15360962
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>for me thats Acid combined with cold longdrinks, good food, awsome stoner rock, some colours and a huge canvas or acid and diving gear.

>> No.15360974


>> No.15361034


imagine being so poor and insecure you think eating good food is "onions" kys

>> No.15361051

HAHAHA oh man if that's what you nit-picked out of that, you're so stupid its almost sad

>> No.15362179
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Based casual toker bros

>> No.15362549

Lmao are you me? I’m also using Xanax to cut and lose weight right now. It definitely works if you’re disciplined

>> No.15362554

haha, i'm still here bro.

still haven't eaten :)

>> No.15363637

K is cool but absolutely shreds your bladder.

If you use it often enough eventually your bladder will dissolve and you'll be fucked for life, something you don't wanna get addicted to

>> No.15363646

It's real, cia was behind lsd and the hippy movement

I got psychosis and I saw another layer of reality, I had some crazy powers and coincidences / synchronicities.
entities were speaking through the music and people at the festival
I eventually worked it out and lost the powers, absolutely terrifying
Will never touch psychedelics again
I dont wanna go back "there"

>> No.15363669

That it does. And your liver. It’s very addicting too. I got an ounce to sell, except What happened was I didn’t leave my house for a week and did it all myself...ended up peeing blood and that is the most excruciating shit my body has ever been thru.
Imagine being scared to pee.

My family had an intervention and threw me into detox after that.

I don’t go hard like that anymore..but ketamine is amazing for my mental health (at least that’s my excuse)

>> No.15363677

>Amazing for my mental health

It's not working sweetheart

>> No.15363680

no it wasnt you fucking retard lmfao
you developed psychosis

>> No.15363710
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Weed definitely. Xans and blow too if you don't go overboard.

>forget to sleep
>on Xanax
We talking about the same thing here? Whenever I take a xan I sleep like a fucking rock.

>> No.15364820
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b u m p

>> No.15364963

Potassium cyanide and then formaldehyde

>> No.15364965

Anarchist cookbook

>> No.15366135


Lol. It’s done a lot...you should see me without periodic k therapy

>> No.15366143

Tommy Chong Still looks decent & he's 82.

>> No.15366153


>> No.15366232

The first time I tripped I drank probably 13 G&Ts while listening to Cocteau Twins. Simpler times.

>> No.15366449

It seems you are very blue pilled on the cia involvement in the manufacture, distribution and experimentation of lsd.
All those psychedelic bands in the 60s were cia, the whole counter culture was led and controlled by the cia. Its white easy to confirm this doing a bit of research, but I will not spoon feed you if you choose to stay in ignorance.

>> No.15366460

Yeah I can see that, it has some SSRI anti depressant effects.
It has a crazy effect if combod with mdma
I stopped doing all that stuff and going to festivals..
Nowadays I just stay inside comfy on opiates.
Ive been trying to take less each day to get past the addiction so ill see how that goes..

>> No.15366539

Oof. I hope you can do it dude. And if you do - you have a will made of steel and a brain made of gold. Gluck

>> No.15366568


>> No.15367222

I have horrible mental and have had several bad trips back to back. It's fine I only suffered a mild psychosis (no intervention just suffered alone). I'm still mental but I don't take back the good I encountered with the drug. The first time I took it a switch flipped in my head and sorta gave me another layer of introspection I had never really had before.

>> No.15367239

This is why ketamine is amazing
It’s a tranquilizer
So you are Being chilled out while getting a psychedelic/dissociative effect

>> No.15367300
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Seriously dudette, why do you take such a half baked tranquilzer? Im in love with downers as well bc. of a very special woman. And if youve got the type of personality falling in love with downers, then do it at least the most effi way and enjoy some time on thefast lane by just consuming good quality heroin straight from the brick. Form of consume doesnt matter at all, though for obvious reasons, shooting it holds the risk of contracting utterly not so effi diseases. Special person was pretty fixated on shooting it. Though most junkies shoot it for economical reasons, which might be quite understandable, i never have seen any surplus of shooting compared to just chasing the dragon or smoking it through a pipe. If youre not in an utterly bad social and financial situation, theres no reason harming yourself with disgusting syringes, because you can just smoke it. Smoking 3-4 pipes of good quality heroin lets you nodding away in no time as well . Who cares if this takes only 2 minutes or 5 minutes when smoking it? Outcome is the same. Last but not least my memento mori concerning H is as follows: One of the most enjoyable drugs on planet earth, but it will even wreak havoc on Chad, the father of very man. Its sneaky as fuck and even personalities with no mental issues and strong personalities will find their master in this drug. 4-5 years of regular usage fucks you up for at least 2-3 years and spawns problems, you were never able to even imagine. I had severe luck not developing a psychosis or even worse a lasting addiction.

TLDR: Why using shitfuck downers when you can just use effi heroin instead? Of course the price of heroin is, that it will sneakily overcome the strongest personalities turning you into an enslaved asshole.

>> No.15367323
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>> No.15367330

Pretty sure you’re replying to a post that was about psychadelic-ee drugs
You don’t need to teach me about opiates - I know way more than I would like to.

Good on you for not developing a crippling addiction that destroyed your life.

I’m at a point in my “journey” where I figured out what I can and cannot do without ferocious consequences.

I was thing that also Maybe you shouldn’t suggest heroin to a board made up of easily suggestible young adults with issues like anxiety and low self esteem
(And no I’m not referring to myself, I’m not young - I’m talking about the vulnerable people and at risk teens here)

Cmon now. You are actually trying to kill this board for real?

>> No.15367375

Psychedelics ruin people’s lives. Don’t buy the hype. Doesn’t matter how “mentally healthy” you are, one day you can just snap something, and you don’t know about your diathesis until it happens to you. Then you can enjoy being dysfunctional for months, years, or a lifetime.

>T. Somebody who worked at tertiary care hospital for patients with mental illness. Also, spent 5 years of my life fucked up because I ate edibles once when I was 17.

>> No.15367387

Heroin, meth, crack, can end lives directly and indirectly...
Psychedelics make life more colorful

Unless you’re already on a fucked up mental state that’s only gonna lead to a mental institution....like taking a hit of acid and think you are a glass of orange juice...in which case you should have padded walls and supervision at all times anyway

>> No.15367426
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BaSed answer dudette, one, that has been in touch with opiods, always sniffs it by just looking at some other persons, doesnt matter if on a pic or in plain reality. Its this fa melancholic deepness behind their eyes. And no, i dont wanna kill this board. im just like you, a grown up person, that found his master in this sneaky bitch of a drug godess called Heroine.


>I’m at a point in my “journey” where I figured out what I can and cannot do without ferocious consequences.

implies you belong to the 2%-3% of people to cope with that drug in the end and not go done the drain like the rest. Of course getting over that queen leaves lasting scars in every smart ex user bc. its the only hard drug devastating everbody that used it and itll always leaves some scars the one or the other way. I wont suggest it too and i havent concerning my last post. Also i assume that even the dumbest, depressed incel anon, has somehow freedom concerning his behaviour and its not my job to educate weak personalities on things that are just obvious for even the most smallminded imbeciles

>> No.15367429
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Shroom and Acid virgin confirmed. Hach ja...

>> No.15367445

Holy shit, is this what drug abuse does to people's brains?

>> No.15367466

Dark web. Best to have a friend deal with it though. Doing all that research and buying bitcoin seems like nerd activity.

>> No.15367471

Everyone does poppers, not just faggots

>> No.15367484

Why the fck would you do this?
Bc you could also Find friends In the right places w the right connections...
Still blows my mind people are able and willing to do this? To your Fucking house?
Go outside and make some friends

Maybe I am just old and don’t understand the new ways...but the only drugs I would get sent via mail to me, would be from very trusted people that I know good and well.

ordering illegal drugs online - godamit im old...or maybe never lacked connections idfk but that’s crazy if you ask me

>> No.15367488

>Everyone does poppers, not just faggots
Literally no one does poppers except gay men and 15 year olds who don't have access to any other drug.

>> No.15367498

Nitrates as in NO2?

>> No.15367501


>> No.15367535

I abused dxm for a while which is also a dissociative. I've never tried K but I know enough to know the experiences aren't too similar (roa difference too) Dxm trips are probably the most intense experiences I had, rivaling my brief experimentation in the DMT realm. Dissociatives to my consciousness what acid did except the opposite direction (life verification with lsd versus death verification with dxm -- in consecutive language -- BAD) Counterflips (dxm + dph) brought me as close to full blown schizophrenia as I've ever been. The hallucinations are fully realistic such that they incur no "purple elephant, this is odd" trigger in the mind. I never went deep enough into that to lose control. Dxm was really good to me except it freaked out my five freaky friends at the time and prevented me from EVER making a new one cus I was always dexxed out or recovering) Had to quit after realizing negative health and social effects. I crave that high to this day and apparated routines fizzle on my omelette brain "it's a trip away" oozes out the yolk. 225 mg gel cap bottles at the dollar store. 8 bucks trip every week for a month. 450 mg Robocough dozens, wew. That grape sucralose smoothie pharma fuckmyass. The pukes were gnarly. Still better than my HBWR vasoconstrictive nausea nightmare of a time.

>> No.15367773

Yea ur just old, you can order all sorts of high quality drugs at cheap prices on darkweb without having to go to some nigger hoodrat and risk getting shanked

>> No.15367789

its kinda neat to see firsthand innit?

>> No.15367814

Interesting. Never did the robotrippin thing - but met a young nice guy who had a problem with cough syrup in outpatient treatment. Doesn’t it make your belly hurt consuming all those gel tabs or whatever the hell? I’ve always been told it feels like a dirty high.

Lol u think u paid less ordering online?
Hahaha ooook
I get it - not everyone has enough friends to buy drugs in the real world... all I’m saying is connecting your address to an illegal substances via sources unknown used to be a ludicrous idea

>> No.15367825


>> No.15367956

>ugly in long term
But kicking the bucket early is effay

>> No.15367974

>doesn't know the prices online
>shitting on people because they think it's cheaper
>all I’m saying is connecting your address
Use a P.O box or your neighbors.

The largest drug carrying service in the world is USPS

>> No.15367980

>thinking making it past 30 is /fa/

>> No.15367982

>past 30
Try 27

>> No.15368000
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Drug threads almost always make me cringe.

>> No.15368006

If you're paying a "friend" for drugs you're getting overcharged. Friends don't charge for drugs.

You overpay for your drugs the same way you overpay for your derma products.

>> No.15368036

when your friends are the dealers and you are asking for more than a hit or a bump....its just rude
furthermore makes it clear you dont know shit about real world drugs and dealers

why would you ask your best friend for a ball of k for free? that doesnt even make sense
ugh i hate these types of people that come into threads about shit they know nothing about ...buying drugs on the "dark web" is about as little life experience in drugs as you can get...and im sorry you had to do this
but lets compare some prices? im curious how much shit you pay for online from total strangers?

>> No.15368042

omg you guys are fucking retards
i highly doubt you get anything cheaper online
i would imagine it would cost more
plus your friends IRL hook you up and you can trust the quality

>> No.15368047

youre retarded and dont understand anything about darkweb markets
lsd is about 2.5 a tab on empire and you can easily test it if you dont trust the thousands of reviews

>> No.15368065

im so sorry
ive never paid for acid bc that is something that ive always gotten for free

it just blows my mind that anyone thats "into" doing drugs...doesnt have connections and goes to online bs where they literally expose themselves

(and yes IRL distribution is risky too...i just cant imagine having to buy drugs online...)

im not retarded all the way btw...i just think i have more friends than you

>> No.15368070
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anything you buy I can get for cheaper
I think you're just ignorant and aggressively pretentious about it

>> No.15368074

>ive never paid for acid bc that is something that ive always gotten for free
We have to pay because nobody wants to fuck us.

>> No.15368087

sorry about that

aggressively pretentious?? im asking for numbers about shit i do pay money for
good god you guys are always so fucking sensitive
ok so how much for a ball of quality K on there?
and its absolutely going to come to the address no BS??

>> No.15368324

Fuck yeah we do that i dont want to associate with some low life druggies to get my drugs.

>> No.15368460

CBD, Texas Lager, Black Tea, and the Holy Bible

>> No.15368485


>> No.15368487

where did u find the picture lmfao

>> No.15369057

I'm too responsible and smart to ever do heroin. I have an extremely addictive personality and I know I would be fucked for life if I did it, I've done a lot of pills and poppy tea but ive always gotten off of it with kratom without the debilitating withdrawls I can maintain with kratom since it tickles the same spots, and fsr less deadly and destructive.

I'm an addict but I have limits for example back in the day I had hundreds of etizolam pills. And I controlled myself perfectly, since I am well aware of the devastation and life threatening effects addiction to theae substances has. Same with alcohol I used to love getting drunk and always end up blacking out, but ive never gone longer then a week of continuous use, simply because I know the severity of what addiction would do.

I used to snort adderal every Friday for months until it stopped working , never got dependant on it and meth is also something I will never do since it destroys your dopamine receptors.

I know heroin doesn't damage your body, maybe if it was dirt cheap and non illegal it would be worth it for daily use.
But I'm far too stingy to pay so much for a habit, this is the main reason I've never had a major problem with pills. There's just no fucking way id ever consider spending hundreds for my daily dose lol I would rather save it and invest.
I already hate how much nicotine addiction costs overall.
I dont drink anymore either since I got into legal trouble and alnost got shot by cops during a blackout.
But I've tried over 40 different substances, when I was younger I was very interested in drugs, now I'm more mature and just trying to stop everything and make my life more positive.

My blogpost

>> No.15369501

Thizz desu. If you're not from East Oakland or Vallejo you won't know the greatest, most /fa/ high known to man (exported to the richest celebs on earth).

>> No.15369526

thizz sucks that shit makes me tweak out and see in 4 player split screen

shit is weird man

>> No.15369530

do it anyway
im not sure why people say you need to be in a good mental state to take psychedelics, in my experience its less about your mental health and more about if you can let go and stay calm while tripping. In fact people with poor mental health are the ones that need to use them the most because psychedelics can be useful tools for dealing with mental illnesses. Shrooms helped me with depression.
But if you do experiment with lsd or shrooms do if with someone who's experienced

>> No.15369543
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>>Also, spent 5 years of my life fucked up because I ate edibles once when I was 17.
Such weaknesses

>> No.15369591

Lean is based and doesn't make you ugly

>> No.15369605

Never tried lean but weed definitely sissifies you and even gays you up.

>> No.15369608

I want a girl with me when I'm on weed.

>> No.15369627


Leans is liquid heroin and you're gonna look like a fucking fiend after prolonged use, just without any needle marks

>> No.15369649

you are so fucking gay dude lmfao

>> No.15369651

I'm not

>> No.15369654
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>> No.15369663

prison gay

>> No.15369664

In the absence of normal sex, interaction with vaginas, your brain gets fucked up.

>> No.15369672

No, just gay

>> No.15369673


>> No.15369675

Cecil doesn't talk about gay porn all the time

>> No.15369678

Why did you add the little dots to the screenshot?

>> No.15369711


>> No.15369980

Rotting flesh and visisible bones is so effay

>> No.15369985

This but unironically

>> No.15369986

нe дoждeтecь, пидopы))

>> No.15370289

why do people chat so much shit about what psychedelics are like

They have a strange headspace but the shit about being one with the universe and feeling the energy of everything around you is absolute bullshit and they know it

so many hippies make up proper shite and energy and chakras they have the same mindset as conspiracy theorists

>> No.15370303 [DELETED] 

mxe is underrated

>> No.15370308

mxe like ket stronger, easier 2 get and doesnt give u kramps
or just smoking wet

>> No.15370359

this nigga looks like john witherspoon had an autistic lovechild concieved at a rave with corbin blue

fuckin hell lmao

>> No.15370480

You’ve never done clean acid at a proper dose with molly..

Shit gets spiritual esp if you’re out in nature/mountains surrounded by people that are all kind to each other with good music playing on a stage - everyone all unified and friends with strangers - sharing and caring and dancing And having the best time of their life away from conventional world and reality

>> No.15370542

Oh hey it's that cute girl, this the reason you were so paranoid last night? How were the horses today?

>> No.15370562

Had to watch a couple brats as a favor so didn’t get to ride today

Post pic

>> No.15370607

How unfortunate, how old were the brats?
Sure, as long as you're not stringing me along.

>> No.15370620

6 and 11
You said you weren’t hideous so what are you hiding?

>> No.15370644

My identity. I don't recall making any claims to my attractiveness. I only remember promising that I was neither of your friends from here.

>> No.15370648

Friends? Haha

And you def said your weren’t ugly or obese or something like that I don’t remember exactly bc I was ~ 4 glasses deep but I swear I didn’t just make that up in my head

>> No.15370669

Doesn't sound like me, I don't have have that big of an ego. You are very cute though, might have had me acting like an egotistical asshole as a result. You still have my email right?

>> No.15370686

Nobody something something right? Yea I have it somewhere on my laptop
Just didn’t create a dummy email yet

>> No.15370689

Yes, so you don't consider those people your friends? I was under the impression you guys are part of some social circle and joke around.

>> No.15370695

Fuck no - there might actually even be some legit hate coming from the fat Mexican...he can’t handle it and blocks me bc he’s a bussy bitch

But I did have someone I considered kind of a friend here once 6-7 years ago...kinda lost touch bc I got bored with this place and dipped...lost my dummy email.

Hi Scott if you’re out there hope life is treating you well :)

>> No.15370701

If we start mailing each other, I expect some hot photos at some point before I send you a picture of me.

>> No.15370705

Wtf nah dude that’s ass backwards
I’m not sending shit until I know for sure you’re some greasy goofy looking fat fuck

(No hate to the greasy goofs out there)

>> No.15370707

NOT*** some greasygoofatass

>> No.15370709

you're fat

>> No.15370711

Don't be a prude. I need to know if you are worth it for my pictures. I have only seen your face. I want to see the rest. You might be fat.

>> No.15370714

Some guy is pretending to be me responding to you. Most of these aren't me.

>> No.15370715

She is

>> No.15370717

lmao that backtracking because she said she wouldn't send nudes

>> No.15370720

Don't troll her pretending to be me, thanks. I'm after more than just nudes by the way. I'm trying for a meetup and possible motel room date.

>> No.15370723

>possible motel room date

Use her like a cheap whore, anon.

>> No.15370728

I would call myself curvy
Like a woman should be
Def not skin and bones - def not fat/chubby

Why the fuck would I send you shit - you literally could be 76 year old woman for all I know

>> No.15370731

I would love to see a pic of that curvy body.

>> No.15370732

Oh ok...
This is exactly why I started tripping is shit like this

The greasy bald dudes try to ruin everything

Motel? Is this another troll?

>> No.15370735


Buzzword for FAT.

>Def not skin and bones

Lol mad and jealous at women in shape. Holy shit. Seethe harder, fatty.

>> No.15370742

Nope that was actually me, just said motel because it makes it sound way dirty and sexy. I'd actually probably get us a room for a weekend at the Hilton or something since I'm lame like that. Seems like a lot of these guys don't know how to talk to women, and like to ruin whatever conversations they see.

>> No.15370752

I could bring some toys too to the motel. You can prove to me you are not some white power racist girl by riding the 9 inch black mamba dildo I have

>> No.15370757

Do you put it in your ass? Bc that sounds kinda hot

>> No.15370758

Post a ''Lean fiend'' never ever seen one

>> No.15370761

No you white supremacist. I want to see you use it and prove you are not a racist POS! #BLM

>> No.15371111


>> No.15371115
