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15347281 No.15347281[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is fashion officially dead in 2020?

>> No.15347306

no? did people stop wearing clothes this year?

>> No.15347412

Yes. This is communism. People think, wtf? What do you mean?? Crazy!!

In the Soviet Union, you would see things on tv, hear people talk on tv and you'd know it was lies. You knew it was bullshit. But you just had to play along with the fantasy or you would be called out and attacked.

The same applies here. We know the 2020 picture is of a fat ugly woman. We can't say this openly though. So we just play along. We remain silent. We say nothing. We do nothing. Some even convince themselves it is true and she is beautiful.

>> No.15347454

>Some even convince themselves it is true and she is beautiful
Not with that face.
You can look good when you're overweight.
You won't look too good with that nose holy fuck.

>> No.15347464

>This is communism
thats not communism at all, why are some people so fucking stupid?
communism occurs when the means of production rely on the Government, thats it, when private corporations dissapear, this is not communism, is how private market adjust its sales scheme to sell more and to sell shit to certain kind of people. Communism dont put a fat nigger on a Bilboard, communism take control over Calvin klein and make it a Industrial textile supplier, dont be so fucking retard.

>> No.15347465

It's actually a trans "women" btw - even worse.

>> No.15347478

They will still convince themselves. She is objectively pretty fucking gross.

Teenagers interpretation of communism. Lol. Educate yourself, retard.

Hahahah why does this not surprise me FFS!

>> No.15347484 [DELETED] 

I'm honestly getting so sick of black people. Like holy shit. My country fucking enslaved Chinese people waaaay after blacks were let free and now those Chinese people own half the country. Black people are soooooooo fucking lazy.

>> No.15347490

They are marxist idealogues manifested into corporate identity. Now it's been forcefully shoved down everyone's throat in the name of equality and tolerance.

>> No.15347492

Fashion isn’t dead just because a company put an ugly person on a billboard

>> No.15347493


>> No.15347494

It's hilarious that all this BLM and forced black shit isn't making people more accepting of it, it's making them sick and tired of blacks. I don't talk of politics during work but I went in recently and the former even liberal white dude I work with (this is Seattle!) was even shit talking blacks. I love it.

>> No.15347500

Yeah that's happening at my work also lol.

>> No.15347499

You're wasting your time. The kid has the most basic interpretation of communism I've ever seen.

>> No.15347519
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as societies drift from the Sky/Sun-derived Blood and Spirit of Aryans, they fall into the brown, earth-derived degeneration of the dirt mono-race. but, this cycle inevitably repeats, when the weakling idiotic mass of the browns are trampled under the hoofed (or, in the next cycle, tracked and metallic) beasts of war the Aryans ride. The fungal, matriarchal model of society is replaced by a more animal, patriarchal one, and the associated aesthetics change with them.

>> No.15347526


>> No.15347555


At the beginning of this year, I still got myself a haircut at the barbershop that I went for in 2009.

>> No.15347557

it's just a cycle

>> No.15347566

Sounds like their understanding is significantly more comprehensive than yours.

Their marketing strategy is a reflection of our own cultural shifts. Its marketing 101: if the people want to see a whale, they get a whale.

Nice fantasy world bud.

>> No.15347574

Reminds me of something from Zoolander

>> No.15347577

that pig on the right makes me hard

>> No.15347587

lets see how long it lasts. stay visible while safe tho

>> No.15347640

Mainstream fashion is, niche stuff is were is at.

>> No.15347642

Marx didn’t care about corporate idpol. Explain

>> No.15347646

durrrrr......fat people bad.......durrr ... trans bad..... black people bad
pol ruined 4chan

>> No.15347651

4chan was alwats a racist shithole you fucking newfag. Literally always.

>> No.15347672 [DELETED] 

Pools closed

>> No.15347683

Wrong, sure people always said "nigger" but never the type of racism there is now

>> No.15347689

None of that shit is fashionable faggot

>> No.15347690

I've been here for 14 years you dumb fuck and I can guarantee you that this place has only gotten tamer.

>> No.15347693 [DELETED] 

Oh shit I've been here for 15. Habeebit

>> No.15347694

the picture on the right is fucking ugly and it doesn't have to do anything with race or gender

>> No.15347697


>> No.15347701

That's an orc on the right

>> No.15347707 [DELETED] 

Yes! Haha

>> No.15347711


>> No.15347734

Nobody wants to see a whale. It appeals to the minority. The marketing is based on the application of Marxism upon culture. It's cultural Marxism in motion.

Hurr it;s just about da people owning da means of production!!

Right. And that's why in Soviet Russia little kids would get brainwashed at school to would tell on their parents for being against communism and their parents were taken away and executed. Another naive fucking zoomer. A useful idiot.

>> No.15347741

Lol this. The people who are always against racist stuff are obsessed with race. It's not the fact the women or whatever it is, is black. It's the fact they are fat and ugly. Period.

>> No.15347755
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Pol made tranny Nigs ugly? I didn't know they had that power

>> No.15347819

>She is objectively pretty fucking gross
It takes one to know one.

>> No.15347843

Corporations dont care about shit except money. Know how I know they want to see a whale? Because people with the market research it takes a small country's GDP to afford are showing you a whale. And save the 'lib cuck' shit. They have no agenda but cash

>> No.15347987

Actually it doesn't.

>> No.15348093

Fat people are objectively disgusting, in both a physical and ethical sense. If you are fat, and you are not actively making efforts to lose weight and become fit, then you are worthless and the world would be better off without you.

>> No.15348869

Nah, just the normie companies trying to sell to as a big a fldemographic as possible. Actual good clothing companoes don't care.

>> No.15348909

lose weighht laquisha

>> No.15349009

Pretty sure none of this tranny nigger bullshit happened in the USSR, this is capitalism

>> No.15349024

>da people
he said government
are those the same to you?

>> No.15349177

not fashion but good taste

>> No.15349186

ussr created racism as a psy-op to fuck america because america had blacks in it to whip up into a frenzy.

>> No.15349194

>reading cynical corporate liberal idpol as evidence of somehow 'marxist' infiltration of corporations
just be upfront and say you're dumb buddy

>> No.15349207

Right is genuinely way more aesthetic.

>> No.15349229

4chan conservatives are so fucking pathetic holy shit, you're too afraid to say what you think so you invent this narrative that everyone else is the same as you underneath it all

>> No.15349237

Youre so fucking retarded, its cringe. The market place paved the way for a fat woman to be on the board. That proves theres a market. Retard, if youre angry anout it, you dont "remain silent." You live in a free world. Go out and yell at it, send angry emails.

>> No.15349241

Zara undercutting you with fast fashion getting tomstoees before you can? Target the bbw market and make it so Zara can't afford to make cheap clothes that utiliz that much fabric

>> No.15349256

>Teenagers interpretation of communism. Lol. Educate yourself, retard.
i doubt you can even read other posts on here i don't expect you to be able to read marx. this is populist advertisements because they think they'll get more sales, it's marketing, not communism, you actual retard.

>> No.15349301

just kill yourself

>> No.15349417
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>> No.15349443

you got him! xD

>> No.15349454

t. brainlet

>> No.15349494

it is a tranny

>> No.15349565

Of course it has to be a tripfag spouting bullshit takes on politics, and whose entire understanding of the world comes from youtube and Jordan Peterson. Off yourself, please.
This shit has nothing to do with Marxism. If you even had read one fucking line of marxist theory you'd knew. This is identity politics, a theory born with race-obesessed American academics that has been recuperated by mass-media and gigacorporations. A marxist talks about class and material possession, something that is distincly lacking in the identity saturated zeitgeist of today.
Jesus, you've made me mad. Again, kill yourself.

>> No.15349610
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Cecil how can you be such a retard honestly it’s amazing

>> No.15349618

You know cecil won’t process this right? He’s just going to pick up the insult and go in a fit of rage and try to demolish your ego through poorly crafted ad hominems

>> No.15349639
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Demoralized (((liberals)))

>> No.15349683
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>born during the worst cycles

>> No.15349823

There's a soviet remark from the 50s, I've forgotten who said it though. Went along the lines that: a man can learn to tolerate swallowing a live frog, maybe once, maybe even twice. However, the third time he is sure to vomit.

>> No.15349827

>Many people in 2020 promote diversity. Corporations are going to follow suit (somewhat mindlessly) for positive PR = better sales.


>> No.15349834

You could argue that the presentation of bald-faced lies as truth under soviety russia was similar to today. Only instead of the government it's corporate power (that serves to profit from pandering to fatties) that is putting the thinking man in a straight jacket. I don't think that's what Cecil was honestly arguing though. I think he's just retarded.

>> No.15349855

Sorry, hold up, what the fuck exactly is the "bald-faced lie" here? Skinny people are more attractive than fatter people? Yeah no fucking shit.

But does that mean a fat person can't be marketed to buy more fashionable clothes? Why not? They have to wear clothes from Walmart until they get skinny? AND THEN they're allowed to look at billboards to get more advertising?

>> No.15349968
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>> No.15349973
File: 60 KB, 460x386, soviet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you anyway. Capitalism is as bad as communism.

>> No.15349979
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