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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 334 KB, 1024x1280, googled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15345970 No.15345970 [Reply] [Original]

This probably wont go over well, but is /fa/ looking into getting tattoos? within the next 3 years Id like a sleeve so Im doing my research into what I like and artists. Just looking for some /fa/ tattoo inspo

I used to know this preacher/ physics grad student who was basically a Chad, muscular, perfect jawline etc. But he was double sleeved up all the way too his neck. The buff captain america ned flanders vibe he gave combined with being tatted was an absolute crazy vibe. He dressed conservative as hell, and it worked. Its hard to find tatted people on google who arent the usual hipster

>> No.15345984
File: 37 KB, 377x772, mrhands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ofc with anything, handsome dudes look good with and without tats/muscles/ or fashion but still.

This guy gets a pretty cool cyberpunk 2077 vibe with the hand tatts.Its super subtle like a watch. Playing around outside the hipster zone interests me

>> No.15345989

I am thinking about it but it's already starting to show how badly some designs age. I've seen a lot of 30 year old former hipster moms who are covered with flowers, birds, stick-and-poke style doodles or lowpoly-animal heads. It's starting to feel the same as one would look back on the early 2000's tribal craze: dated and a product of it's time. What's cool now will look dated rather soon. So if you're getting tattoos, look for something timeless or so unique that it's not recognizable as a trend.

>> No.15345995

Also look for something where the design inherently ages well. Contrast is #1 apparently and blacks age better. Id probably test out stick on sleeves for awhile. But id gladly fork over good money for an amazing sleeve. For the style Im going for, a tattoo elevates it alot and even moreso as I age.

>> No.15345996

You do realise a sleeve can take you literally ages to do right? Maybe 2 years atleast and is going to cost you thousands unless you want some shit wobbly tats by a no one

>> No.15345997
File: 100 KB, 672x929, nickwooster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its much more fun to check out tattoos from more fashionable older guys. He rocks this pretty well I think

>> No.15345999

Fortunately for me money wont be an issue.
Single T.medfag resident about to go full $$$ in about 2 years or so

>> No.15346001

Still, your gonna have to find a artist and have consultations etc with them, i cant even get a consultation with mine because he isnt avalible for the next 3 months so gl with that, also design will take ages you should start doing this stuff now if you want one within the next 5 years

>> No.15346003

Agh yeah this world is pretty new to me, Im just looking through IG artists and what not first. I suppose I should do more digging into the actual process of getting it done.

>> No.15346004

ah yes
trendy mutilation
dont bother

>> No.15346007

Look for artists you would also actually be able to get to

>> No.15346010

It just looks so generic, and you're nailing yourself down to one style for your entire life.

>> No.15346015

Yeah the pic you posted is a great vibe, but do be sure to always style yourself right with the tattoos: see it as a piece of clothing you HAVE to incorporate in your outfit, and if you combine it wrong it'l look bad. Every time I see a 20/30 something guy with facial hair, a crew neck, sneakers and a sleeve it's hard not to automatically assume he's soi. If you try to emulate the pic you posted in your 20's you'll just end up looking SEXcore. Style it in such a way where people don't get the wrong impression of what you want to convey through your clothes, even if you think you're sending the right impression.

>> No.15346025

Tattoos are a extention/expression of yourself and personality, not a fucking styling accessory, you obviously have no tattoos

>> No.15346030

If you only want tattoos to look cool dont bother, and you probably wont anyway

>> No.15346035

>Tattoos are a extention/expression of yourself and personality, not a fucking styling accessory, you obviously have no tattoos (sic.)
Ah, that explains why most tattooed people look the same...

>> No.15346038

Well I obviously am not trying to dress like an older man, its just im trying to show non traditional non barista type dudes.

>> No.15346041

You must be blind, its ok the handicapped are accepted in fa too your fine here :)

>> No.15346042

You dont need a reason to make anything. Of course it would have meaning, but in the end 90 percent of people will see the tattoo without the explanation anyway so it looking cool is a big part of it whether you like it or not. Its a fun fashion piece if you do it right.

>> No.15346043

You sound like the type of person who wouldve got one of those geometric lions or a watercolor tattoo 3 years ago

>> No.15346047

Whatever man, if putting people in a box helps you live your life go ahead dude.

>> No.15346133


Wow. One of the confident, logical tattoo fags taking tats at face value. Your tats probably look good on you.

Otherwise, I agree with the other tattoo bashers though. It's always immediately apparent that your tats are overcompensating for your lack of personality. And it's not a matter of putting people in boxes... rather, it's that people with tattoos are just uninteresting. It's like blacks being bad tippers, asians being bad drivers, jews being cheap, white women being entitled.

People with tats are generally losers 9 times out of 10. What are ya gonna do. Just accept it lol.

>> No.15346181


read this

>> No.15346192

No he’s right. I’m in an animation school, and most people with tattoos are gigantic losers.

t. Keep coping shitty

>> No.15346198

I dont think flower and animal designs will ever look as bad as tribal tats. At least the hipster tattoos were tats of *something*

>> No.15346199

and the I know a chief resident surgeon with tats and at least half the trauma team as well.

>> No.15346211


and what are you? are you a chief resident surgeon? lmao

Let me tell you, you've missed the point anyways. The thing which is most remarkable about this "chief resident surgeon" person you're describing is not his or her tats.

>> No.15346221

Fucking cringe

>> No.15346245


thinking trauma team members having tats is unique or indicative of anything positive at all is also incredibly cringey

>> No.15346289

I personally don't take seriously people with tattoos, they pretend to have something to say when in reality it's just immediate gratification thru others people attention

>> No.15346293
File: 41 KB, 640x479, fat wolf tattoo the horror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No tattoo looks good over time. Most, and by that I mean the vast majority, never look good. Think long and hard before you pay a stranger to permanently etch his mark into your skin

>> No.15346301

Tattoos are just pretentious, even if you done them for yourself and all that bullshit

>> No.15346334
File: 159 KB, 900x900, 230319-1029-8736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find an artist/style you really appreciate before you jump into something just for the sake of being inked. i'm personally fond of biomechanical for one, pic related is a random example of that done well

also these days most people our age have a couple or are planning to get some, so broad generalisations about 'all people with tattoos are [x]' are largely to be ignored

>> No.15346345

Why you want look like a yugioh card?

>> No.15346348
File: 31 KB, 400x320, mcdonald-s-logo-psd-442576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15346480

Kill yourself

>> No.15346518
File: 266 KB, 750x1334, 2020_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15346528

Sad wet cunts with nothing to say

>> No.15346545

Very cool, bro! You'll finally be as unique as everyone else.

They look like ageing hipsters. Again, that is so very cool!

>> No.15346567

Do me, im 35yo by the way

>> No.15346575
File: 222 KB, 750x1334, FT101A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15346581

Post your aryan brotherhood prison tats

>> No.15346582
File: 137 KB, 787x604, MEb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15346586

Insecurity. Tattoos to look "unique and interesting" and steroid use because of again, insecurity and self esteem issues.

>inb4 hurr durr not steroids!!

Thew shoulders are an absolute giveaway.

The shoulders and traps have the most steroid receptors hence you can easily tell when you see people. Even Brock Lesnar doesn't have pumpkin poppin' shoulders when he's off the juice.

Your regular build appears to be about 160lbs lol and 180lbs on roids. Sad!

>> No.15346587

I don't have any tattoos nor have I ever been, or are in the Aryan Brotherhood. I have hung out with them and fought with them (not against them) but kinda happy I never got asked to be one or I'd be in for life and it's a pretty bad move to even reject them.

>> No.15346595
File: 593 KB, 1012x336, no roids here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for people interested. The 3 shoulders here pop out - they are all on steroids. Then we have Brock Lesnar, a huge genetically gifted guy and even when not on the juice his shoulders don't pop out. Shoulders are not supposed to, only roids can ever do that. So if you notice it on someone, it's 100% steroid usage.

They will still try and convince you otherwise because most users are too stupid to even understand how the shoulders take to steroids and how you can predict the look and how it;s impossible to have that pop without roids.

>> No.15346597

Your arguing with no one schizo

>> No.15346601

Who the fuck cares though? You are here again attention whoring and shitposting. Get a life.

>> No.15346616



Who hurt you? lay off the roids, shrimp.

>> No.15346625


>> No.15346629

All depends on the design, if you go for a bald eagle biker style, sure it's gonna be tacky as hell but if you go for a more refined with fine line even geometric style, if you have a classy style, it's gonna go great

>> No.15346639

Geometric was a shit trend that died 3 years ago and looks trash

>> No.15346676
File: 168 KB, 678x908, megym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im flattered I really am. lol im "Brock lesnar" tier to you LOLOLOLOL holy shit.

>pic related
10 years ago, this is a 10 year old photo (25yo)
im 35yo ~6'0' 173lbs

What steroid man hurt you? lol

>> No.15346703

Have you seen him though? He is a goblin with inferiority complex.

>> No.15346756

No, But I wish he felt better about himself. absolutely sperged himself at the sight of tattoos and fitness

>> No.15346773

Notice this guys overreaction when he's been found out? Making it more obvious. You posted an old picture prior to steroid use to.. prove you're not on roids now? Cool logic, bro.

I know all about roids. You can't fool me. Maybe you can fool some kids here. The shoulders don't lie.

Work on your self esteem and less on your arms.

LOL. I spent 5 years in the Cali penitentiary system. tattoos and roids were daily life. You're fucking clueless.

>> No.15346833
File: 267 KB, 735x980, Ft0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
9 years later

LOL honestly, It made my day. Im considered "roid-tier" now. like
ive finally
>"made it"
its all true, we really are all going to make it one day bros LOLOLOL

going to "prison" is for literal baby-bitches. fucking daycare for adults. If you ever come to Indiana, lol ill Fold you up like origami and mail you back to tranny-land

>> No.15346852

Go away, no ones cares about your sob story. You got raped in prison by tattooed roid ragers and now you have PTSD every time you see a tattoo thread?

>> No.15346867
File: 1.22 MB, 1250x691, sheriff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to "prison" is for literal baby-bitches. fucking daycare for adults. If you ever come to Indiana, lol ill Fold you up like origami and mail you back to tranny-land

Are you retarded bro? You got to hurt you had to resort to threats? I've been in one of the toughest systems in the USA along with the most violent and toughest gangs. I served 5 years, weak ass bitch. I have a record of ultra violence and cops are only allowed to arrest me when there are over 20 of them. I've posted an arrest sheet previously with all the arresting officers names.

Come to Seattle bro, I'm easy to find. I'll have you fucking chewing the sidewalk. I've smashed up niggers 3 times your size and you are still on roids. Lol SAD.

>> No.15346872
File: 715 KB, 781x591, warrior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also know who you're talking to bitch. A marine with 2 active tours of duty in the middle east. Pic related. My weapon of choice. I can take a bear down with this and I can take your ass out with it. Sit back down, kid. Sit back down before you get hurt.

>> No.15346876

Ohh no no!! I can't handle people calling out my basic bitch common as fuck average tattoos!! NOO!!

Basic bitch cope.

>> No.15346937

Who said I have tattoos, gnome? Calm your tits and get help.

>> No.15346940

cringe as someone who has tattoos

>> No.15347064

why you seething on every thread, the guy doesn't look like he is on the roids. you clearly don't know the difference though because you never go to the gym

>> No.15347081

>You'll finally be as unique as everyone else.
Says the tripfag

>> No.15347096

Yeah because posting on 4chan with a name is as cringe as having scribbles on you forever

>> No.15347103
File: 56 KB, 1172x659, ea42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if not more so

>> No.15347121

I can delete the "username" field in 5 years.

You can't erase

"Too cringe to live" on your arm

>> No.15347151

you could also lose weight
but you dont do either

>> No.15347178
File: 126 KB, 212x235, salah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a joke, right? I really hope so for your own sake

>> No.15347191

Demanding to be noticed on an anonymous image board is 10x more pathetic than a person customizing their body, especially when the latter seems to piss off the former so much

>> No.15347232

>broad generalisations about 'all people with tattoos are [x]' are largely to be ignored
We can safely make a narrow generalization about people with biomechanical tattoos to have shit taste

>> No.15347239

100% agreed, they are only one step above watercolor tattoos

>> No.15347242

I could also fuck your bitch but I don't do that either

>> No.15347244

Beta cuck, cant even be my wifes boyfriend

>> No.15347250
File: 28 KB, 659x659, 1591790070139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga u are a fat short mexican u are not fucking anyone
except this ugly ass bitch

>> No.15347271

If what you said is true then it means your bitch is uglier than that ugly bitch.

So....nice self own

>> No.15347283

Just kiss and fuck eachother already baka

>> No.15347284

the fat clogging your frontal lobe? learn to read english you retarded cunt

>> No.15347320

>you clearly don't know the difference though because you never go to the gym

Lol imagine thinking you have an argument when you can't spot the most obvious signs of steroid usage.

Even some 5ft guy at 100lbs with popping shoulders is on juice. The receptors in that area to make them pop out are only activated to that extent by steroid usage. Low IQ detected.

There are a tiny number of trip users here. How does your "argument" maker any sense? Are you OK?


The epitome of incel stupidity is thinking you can attack people based on how they look all while you remain anonymous. If you're going to go down that route, you have to post a photo of yourself. You won't though. I already know that because you look like complete shit and just project your insecurity on to others.

>> No.15347424
File: 7 KB, 276x182, ugly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15347431
File: 537 KB, 706x891, choose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And? Your point?

>> No.15347450

Based Cecil

>> No.15347458

Wtf is going on with your chest

>> No.15347475

I'm getting a Gangsta Patrick Starfish face tat and my stage name under my eye once I've saved up enough from working at the gas station

>> No.15347482

Never did really recover after she left you, did you? Bet shes now off happy with her new bf/husband

>> No.15347604

>There are a tiny number of trip users here. How does your "argument" maker any sense? Are you OK?
I'm making fun of them begins they are belittling someone else for wanting to stand out, when they are using a voluntary identifier on what's supposed to be an anonymous image board

>> No.15347607

because* not begins, should have checked what my spell correct was correcting to before changing lol

>> No.15347647


>> No.15347652

So posting online under a name is worse than getting shitty pictures on your skin forever lol zoomers

>> No.15347718

Meany meany, betchu got a small peeny!!

She will come back to me. It's written in the stars.

But tattoo users don't say they want to stand out, they legit try and tell you it's some "personal self expression" or other pretentious shit and lies.

And tattoos are incredibly common. They are part of the majority for most of the youth. Trip users are not the majority? I don't want to stand out either with a trip, I just want to be responsible for my shit.

When someone asks a question, anon could reply with any shit. When you it's me, you'll know I am posting a legit reply and you will have seen many of them from me so you know I am not trolling.

Bro, I hope what you said made some semblance of sense in your head, cause it sure as shit didn't to me.

>> No.15348353

>tattoos are part of the majority of the youth

Please refrence some actual statistic backing that up cause your just talking shit again

>> No.15348372
File: 51 KB, 1024x683, tatoos_ilobeq_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was 5 years ago, so
i dont know if its the majority but it's a huge portion
not him btw, i like tattoos

>> No.15348625

>she will come back to me, its written in the stars

Genuinely the saddest post ive ever seen you post, its ok bro shes happy now without you, not like that was gonna be hard anyway

>> No.15349170 [DELETED] 
File: 446 KB, 1438x1460, 20200613_130131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro I'm on roids and im telling you that dude aint

>> No.15349180

end your life you pathetic cunt

>> No.15349199 [DELETED] 
File: 678 KB, 1734x2054, 20200625_233438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy ive been bncing for over 2 years now - that dude is defs natty kek
that 3d delt you talk about is real tier but that doesnt mean every guy who does lateral raises is on juice haha, hes maybe 85kg sopping wet bro hea natty as fuck.
im 105kg lean im telling you from first hand experience that dude couldnt be nattier
i posted another pic earlier - THESE are roid delts, that guys just lean.

>> No.15349273

I want to get DNR NO FUNERAL on my neck over my pulse, and I want a mushroom cloud and a grim reaper and a vietnam war field grave with an m16 stuck in the ground on my left arm. and i want a bunch of stick houses with frowny faces in them with a sign saying frown town which i definitely stole from a /b/ post years ago on my right arm. and i want my knuckes to say "hate" and "hate" instead of love/hate. and i want an electric chair on my chest. and i want a door opening into a black void on my chest. and i want maybe like a black flag logo but with red ink somewhere. red pirate flags means take and give no quarter, fight to teh death. but i will never get any and all my ideas are gay. also captcha just made me identify a mailbox as a parking meter lmao retards. oh i want a skeleton in a hawaiian shirt wearing a dunce cap smoking and drinking that says 2 dum 2 die under it but i stole that from this old punker dude i know. and i want a poker hand but all the cards say 0 in different suits (idk about 5th card desu, that's why i haven't gotten this) and then beneath it it says "All in." and maybe like a skull somewhere. no dragons

>> No.15349306

Hey, I live in Seattle too. I also have no tattoos, and I work in bars and restaurants and hang out with punks and shit and I'm the only one with no tattoos. Do you ever feel judged for NOT having tattoos in Seattle? I do sometimes. Also side note have you been to CHOP at all? I've been every day and it's getting weird and tense. I was there before too, I got hit in the face with a flashbang and lost an eyebrow and eyelashes, and I threw tear gas canisters back at cops which felt pretty gnarly.

>> No.15349336

What's /fa/ stance on nostrils and other piercings?

>> No.15349425


mental illness, daddy issues, probably smells, also lacks a personality. all around low class

>> No.15349766

Genetics, the way your pecs insert can differ person to person. He got unlucky

>> No.15349773

septum gets me hard
all ear piercings are cool
other than that they're meh

>> No.15349826

LMFAO how much of a skinny fat retard do you have to be to think that guy is roiding

>> No.15349892

If you would like to know why the shoulders "pop" it's because of the way he's standing. If he had his arms straight it wouldn't be that round. Also some people are just genetically more gifted in the shoulder area. Seethe harder phatty

>> No.15349922

cringe as fuck

>> No.15350310

Yeah seeing mid to late 30's with tribal and tramp stamps... Now I'm seeing a ton of forrest silhouettes on forearms, rose and compass, under boob henna style shit, hipster core flash stuff that makes no sense, and flying bird silhouettes.

Also, almost everyone has tattoo sleeves nowadays. If you're going to get a tattoo, don't get what everyone else is getting. And pray whatever you get doesn't catch on

>> No.15350317

how do I git gud at archery? looks fun

>> No.15351539

I've always wanted to get a neck tattoo, the only thing stopping me from doing so is job opportunities. More ideally, I'd probably get ink done on my arms

>> No.15352086

>ISO: one crew of reliable copers to help me move some goalposts. Please put GOALPOSTS in the subject of your email! No scammers!

>> No.15352113

Kill yourself

>> No.15352314

>can take you literally ages to do
Nope. My cousin did his maori tribal in two 12hr sessions. 3k each sesh tho

>> No.15352323

Post pic, obviously if its a basic easy design you can do it in 2 12 hour sessions but op is also a little bitch pussy fag who wont last 1 hour

>> No.15352849

Not him, but my japanese sleeve+chest panel is so far 16h, in 3 sessions. Another one or one and a half session left. 5-6h is enough for a session for me and my tattooer too, after all he is the one drawing with a vibrating needle. Some spots are really nasty, like the elbow ditch and the inner part next to it, so progress is slow on those, but muscles are fine. Also length depends on the design too.

>> No.15352928
File: 107 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 6-16-20 at 10.13 AM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% natty af

>> No.15352935

also tattoos are literally for women and fags. I understand that they used to be badass/cool at one point but those days are long gone, nowadays try finding me a woman or a fag you doesn't have tattoos, I'll wait.

I also understand that Chad gets tattoos and sloots love them but you ain't Chad and he was slaying pussy with or without them

>> No.15353047

Based and truthpilled

I'm not the shirtless tatted guy but you're cringe as fuck my guy. Anti-/fa/. You're as corny as reddit except without the positivity lmao

>> No.15353090
File: 7 KB, 236x339, 43BB63D7-DDAC-4476-8D29-DE3C1CC70CF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this be an effay tattoo?
i want some national socialist tattoos that aren’t some faggoty ass rune/pagan shit.

>> No.15353110

Wh*tes with Maori and Japanese tats? Lmao fucking cringe.

>> No.15353116

>nowadays try finding me a woman or a fag you doesn't have tattoos
>women and gay people have tattoos therefore if you get a tattoo you are a woman and/or gay
>pedophiles drink water therefore if you drink water you are a pedophile

>> No.15353164

I want to know where you keep seeing loads of people with tattoos anon, you dont leave your room anon

>> No.15353219
File: 9 KB, 299x293, 1564951749336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol dyel