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15344832 No.15344832[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How should I dress to attract girls like her?

>> No.15344835

Be a provider

>> No.15344837

money suit or 6'4 and skinny with black underbags on the eyes

>> No.15344845
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>> No.15344847

Be a chad or be artsy and semi chad or be a novelty like a nigger

>> No.15344885

Be a normie, this type of girls who base their value on appearance have a very low self esteem and are scared about the fact that they will not be at their best in every moment of the day unless they will dedicate several hours to get ready, so they feel not judged and not contantly under pressure only if they have someone uglier beside who can't tell her she's not enough for him.

>> No.15344892

this paragraph reads very much like some IMAX level projection

>> No.15344896

Nothing. Run towards her with a massive boner, punch her in the stomach, throw her in the ground, press her face against the floor with your feet and rape her until she bleeds, vomits and faints.

>> No.15344898

Be black.

>> No.15344905

i bet you're Brazilian

>> No.15344907

I am.

>> No.15344910

did you just tell a leaf to roofie someone on /int/ as well or are you guys just on the same ape instincts

>> No.15344914

Be 6ft and handsome or be rich and decent looking or be some famous rapper/actor/famous person in general.

>> No.15344916

just don't have short legs

>> No.15344917

>be top 1% of the population
yeah no shit
retarded thread

>> No.15344918

This girl looks boring af

>> No.15344919

How do you figure?

>> No.15344920

Everything you are doing right now
Do the complete opposite

>> No.15344924

No shit, the op wanted an answer so I provided it, don't understand why people still ask these questions, these girls are top 5% so of course they go for top 5% guys.

>> No.15344926

just carry cocaine on you

>> No.15344927


>> No.15344929

probably would work

>> No.15344931

You have very low standards

>> No.15344935

Imagine being so simp that you need to spend money on drugs for a skinny white whore

>> No.15344936

Top 5 percent? She’s just skinny, not particularly pretty

>> No.15344944

ok nonwhite

>> No.15344945

not really, just giving an honest answer.

>> No.15344951

depends on where you live, this could be a 5% in who knows where but an average girl in LA or something.

>> No.15344981

Lol this teenage boy thread. Western men are done for. You put average females on such a pedestal.

It's just a slim girl. She's not particularly attractive. It's the "sexy underwear" that is selling it for you as is designed to. Put any average looking girl who is slim in underwear and the result is the same,.

You wouldn't even take note of her in the day if she was fully clothed. This is just soft core porn for you and that's what is attracting you to her.

Girls like her are everywhere and anywhere. That's not the hard part.

Girls like that with intelligence and personality is. But they don't need that now to attract guys, and why? This thread is why. You don't even care. It's just muh dick.

Hurr you need to be 7ft tall and have millions in the bank! You're all simps. You're simping for an average girl. When an average girl is told by guys the only guys good enough for her are 7ft rich guys then guess what? You only defeat yourself. You make her believe that.

Of course the outcome is she never ends up married, never has kids, she ends up a cat women after being used by a handful of guys as she forever chases that fantasy you sold her of her worth and you end up bitter too, having to get with her in the end after she has rode the cock carousel many times over.

Instead you could, you know, stop being pathetic and understand it's just an average girl, and you're an average guy and she is within your grasp. That way everyone ends up happy and realistic.

>> No.15344990
File: 38 KB, 300x225, look at this meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats that smell? smells like cope to me!

>> No.15344991

okay cecil i will indulge you
what is your guide to fucking anyone you want
>inb4 le bee yourself/confident

>> No.15345016

Your post makes no sense. What is cope about telling a bunch of desperate simps a girl is average? What is cope about telling guys to stop putting girls on a pedestal? I never said 2/10 wouldn't bang. She's certainly not 8/.10 though. You're exactly what I am talking about.

A simp and a simp enabler and defender. No!! Noo!! You are ugly!! Loser!! You can't call an average girl nothing less than a Goddess who can only date guys with a million or more in the bank!!

I can smell your virginity through the monitor.

I've never said just bee urself. That's simp talk. Of course some of the ugly creatures here can't fuck anyone no matter what. But you can improve your chances.

Firstly lie. Create power if asked about your job title. Nobody is impressed with your shitty job unless you are a legit 10/10. No dumb lies, like a pilot or secret agent though. Never put her on a pedestal, talk to her like anyone. Never be afraid to walk away, nor put her in her place when she gives you a shit test.

I could go on and on. But to cut it short, I just recommend picking up a book. A good place to start is behavioral psychology between the sexes.

>The Rational Male: Tomassi, Rollo

You'll read that and notice all the simp things you do and bad patterns of behavior towards women.

>> No.15345019

im not ugly u r

>> No.15345036

I even read the The Mystery Method almost 15 years ago. PUA has moved on a bit now and PUA is full of simps attacking it on behalf of women.

I slept with around 40 women using that though.

The thing is most men are clueless and they are raised clueless. While women grow up being natural manipulators. Even the little girl learns to bat her eyes and say "Oh plsss daddy" when she wants something. Men simply grow up thinking they just treat a girl nice or whatever and that's it.

So they are not on the same level, you get very simple guys with girls who spent their life learning manipulation and getting what they want. That's how guys are always out of their depth and resort to simping.

The chad knows their tricks though, he counters them, he sometimes has natural ability which others can learn. The score gets even.

Of course you can't wake up most simps. They don't want to hear it so they continue what they are doing. Eventually one will get a used up girl and he will brag to himself, to me and his friends "hey, it happened, you just have to hang in there guys and keep being a good guy, you will find her in the end"

Meanwhile she had 100 dicks while he was waiting for her.

Guys grow up in a feminized society. Be kind to women, be polite, be a good guy, never argue with them, don't be sexist blah blah. So you are like lambs to the slaughter with women. When guys point this out, you attack the guys, further giving power to women that they also hold over you.

>> No.15345038

You're a virginal simp. There are ugly old men with model women. That blows your hurr durr 6'4" chad BS out of the water. There are many things that attract women, but for average women, like OPs pic it's about not being a simp that will get you laid with them.

>> No.15345039

>I even read the The Mystery Method almost 15 years ago. PUA has moved on a bit now and PUA is full of simps attacking it on behalf of women.
>I slept with around 40 women using that though.
this is some tai lopez grow your dick quick for only 3 40$ courses pyramid scheme garbage and youre a sucker. this website is quite a waste of time

>> No.15345043

even if it is, what do you lose by reading these online and seeing if you learn anything from it

>> No.15345046

Uhh.. it's psychology. Behavioral psychology between the sexes.

Nobody is selling you shit. You are elarning about human behavior and interaction, most notable, about female behavior when it comes to the opposite sex.

Take for instance, your friend asks if you want to go to the bar:

I would like to, but I can't


I'm afraid I can't, I would really have liked to though

The 2nd is much better and positive, even though they are the same thing essentially. You've got a long road ahead..

What answer did you want exactly?

>> No.15345050

Read (download for free..) the above book I mentioned, the rational male. Read the first 20 or 30 pages. That's all you have to do.

Nobody is selling you anything. It's about how people interact. It's why natural chads have success with women because they make positive interactions while simps make negative. Simply changing their behavioral interactions makes a big difference alone.

>> No.15345055

Holy based

>> No.15345061

A simp at a bar:

ur hot!! can i buy u a drink!???

All that says is that the game is over already, you already think she is hot, you've basically said what the last 100 guys did and you're so pathetic, you need to pay her (purchase a drink) to even talk to her.


Not at all. Meanwhile if you don't outright call her hot, you're already different than the other 100 and she will start to think why, you'll be on her mind, she will even try and question her hotness in her mind and attempt you to validate it by talking to you.

Simps don't believe in behavioural psychology though. Just BE URSELF BROO!!

>> No.15345062

So with ugly girls i should use the first method?

>> No.15345063

what, that's how a male is supposed to be

>> No.15345065

Women are catty and bitchy too, even simps know this, at least I think they do. The hot female in her group is used to the simp targeting her right away. When you ignore her and talk (and flirt) with her friends suddenly it creates strong emotions in her (and women operate on an emotional level; especially when getting laid while guys are physical) she will get jealous and try and get your attention.

But most of all, never ever listen to women, especially online. They will always tell you the opposite of what they want and how things are. They keep playing their manipulation games to keep you (simps) in control.

>> No.15345072

The biggest turn on for a girl it's see another girl have sex

>> No.15345074

NO. An ugly girl doesn't get guys approach her, you approaching her already peaks her interest. But you should approach her about something neutral as an opener and if you then come across as a cool guy and not a simp she will grow more and more interested in you.

A simps mistake is that ugly girls are desperate for anything and anyone when that's not true at all. ugly girls can get laid easily.

>> No.15345078

Ehh not really going to be doing that at the bar

>> No.15345093

here is what one guy had to say about the book:

>Gentlemen, this is a must for all men. As a member of Gen X, I can tell you that I grew up with the wrong teachings of interacting with women. I will let you know in advance that this will shake your foundation (which is required) to change your core principles of intergender dynamics. I have read this book several times, not due to being a hard read but because it was needed in order to change. In order to become the best version of yourself as a man, this tackles the inner philosophy of why and how.

The same applies to simps here. Everything you know about relationships and women is probably wrong. That's because you grew up in a feminized society taught mainly by females and learned by them so they taught you all the things they wanted you to know and the things to control you.

It's like how they tell you diversity is a strength when in most cases the most "diverse" places are full of conflict. You are taught a total untruth. Now image kids from birth to 18 being taught total untruths about women. That's why the truth is such a bomb for simps to take.

>> No.15345094

>The Rational Male: Tomassi, Rollo
Alright I will bite. You seem to have a worldview based upon selfishness, and that every woman falls into the "taking advantage of you" or "suck chad's dick". imo there is more nuance to it but I will read your suggestion just to see from your point of view.

>> No.15345106

I promise if you're open minded and not some hardcore leftist you'll learn a lot and open your eyes. If you think any critique of women is "misogyny" or whatever, then probably not.

>you seem to have a worldview based upon selfishness, and that every woman falls into the "taking advantage of you" or "suck chad's dick"

And you seem to have one based on all women are fair or generally good and just want a good guy? Which is based on? The sad fact is, most women are selfish. Not because they're bad people but because it's in their nature as a species. All women follow the law of hypergamy and that's a species survival instinct of marrying a man up so they have better chances of passing on their genes and the survival of their offspring.

The world isn't fair and just. Humans have patterns of behavior as do animals. Especially when it comes to choosing a mate.

The book will explain why women take these actions.

>> No.15345114

Imagine thinking that arguing online on 4chan is not a complete waste of time.

>> No.15345119

Shes painfully average looking, just go outside once in a while and you will see that, most girls are not on tinder (only the whores and uggos, because normal girls have standards and dont need to use it to find a guy) so you have a warped perception in the girls that exist because you consider the %30 who use tinder as the only ones that exist

>> No.15345120

Just remember there is a literature board on here with many books...

You'll find yourself never simping over some random girl in her underwear online and wasting your time posting on an internet message board on how to get a girl such as that...

What do people who post said threads even want, a magic pill? You'll get one, but you have to put in the effort.

>> No.15345126

If anyone takes my recommendations it's not a waste of their time, nor is it a waste of time for me as I consider it valuable for others to learn. I wish somebody had told me about these things at 18.

>> No.15345132

>with many books
/lit/ doesn't read though.

>> No.15345136

No I don't. I don't argue that your worldview is wrong, because I myself do not know, but you are taking generalizations and applying them to individuals, and that's a flawed approach. For example, it could be true that most woman, liek you said, are selfish, but the point of mate selection is to find the one who isn't, and despite the majority of women being selfish, there are a lot of selfless women too. Applying some techniques based on generalizations to get a selfish woman is off the point.

But i have to agree that some generalization helps with filtering out the whores from the good ones, which is why i m interested by what you say (from the first few pages, it reads like someone from /pol/ or /r9k/ but we will see).

>> No.15345142

I just go to that board for the e-book link to download books although I own physical copies of the books I have been talking about because I thought their work was worth it

>> No.15345156

Thinking all women are selfish just shows you dont know many women, i know plenty of really nice girls who do everything for everyone else and just wants a nice guy who takes care of her, they dont even go for chads or anything, because they dont like that type of person because it doesn't match them

>> No.15345168

good one

>> No.15345170

Humans are governed by patterns of behavior. You simply can not change that what is the inner workings of the species. Humans are animals.

>it could be true that most woman, liek you said, are selfish, but the point of mate selection is to find the one who isn't

No because this implies being selfish is a personality trait and negative. It's a species trait shared by all women. Some women are more selfish than others, yes. Some might not seem selfish at all. But out of her control, how she overall operates she has no power over and that will have selfish traits.

If she meets a 2 men she likes equally but one can better provide, she goes with him. is this selfish? Perhaps so but not necessarily a bad thing.

The book will explain it better than I ever can.

> (from the first few pages, it reads like someone from /pol/ or /r9k/ but we will see).

That's because you have been conditioned to think that way. That when women are talked about how I am talking about them they must be some bitter incel. That means for most people they ignore what is said, put the book down and the circle continues. Will you realize that? Only time will tell. The author isn't some bitter incel anyway.

It helps if you have had some experience with women too as you will likely notice you did the same things that are written about.

>> No.15345172
File: 45 KB, 600x579, 1FC8C961-6DC6-409B-9489-7EF1972499C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good one

>> No.15345174

This is what you call a blue pilled simp. The women make you think that way so they can keep plate spinning you, simp.

Are any of them dating and fucking you? Lmfao. Yeah, it's a no. Don't answer.

>> No.15345177
File: 376 KB, 420x420, 1588328740674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw god made you off by a foot and you are 7'4"

>> No.15345181

No, they are the female versions of incels, last girl i know was literally handing herself on a plate to my friend who is a good 3/10 at best and he still rejected her but she spent another whole year still trying, really nice girl

>> No.15345184

Tried to give a actual genuine reply but you incels are too warped, gl dieing alone retards

>> No.15345187

seething redditor
>gl dieing alone retards
you're afraid of dying alone which is why you simp for and commit yourself to bargain bin women
your own insecurities will be your downfall

>> No.15345188

They are probably meeting guys from online and fucking them, they don't tell you because they want you thinking highly of them.

No girls are incels. Go check out some hook up or swingers web site. You'll see fat gross girls get offers of sex from 1000 guys a day.

Or better yet, open your mind and download the book I said and actually read a little.

>> No.15345197

I never said i commit myself to bargain bin women, im the one who actually fucks your art hoes you cucks keep posting because guess what, the way you dress does actually matter and dressing in anything reccomend by this board is your first downfall

>> No.15345203

I lived with many girls at university, trust me some girls have 0 luck with finding guys
>t. Drunk girls crying about it

>> No.15345206

Maybe its because so many guys have given up with women and spend all their time online so theres less around, im not sure, less men wanting a girl. Less girls with a bf

>> No.15345220

>No because this implies being selfish is a personality trait and negative. It's a species trait shared by all women. Some women are more selfish than others, yes. Some might not seem selfish at all. But out of her control, how she overall operates she has no power over and that will have selfish traits.
being selfish is a characteristic of humans anyway, but like you just said some are more selfish and others are less. and the less selfish one is the one we should be looking for persay. there is nothing wrong with that i had pointed out.

about the /r9k/ /pol/ comment, you don't need to take it as an offense, because I didn't associate those boards with incels or any negative predetermined judgement to his arguments. I just stated it because he isn't an impartial professor sharing his knowledge nor is he a careful author trying to appeal to the masses. it doesn't take away anything from his arguments but knowing the level of bias/personal experience is nice before a read.

>> No.15345224

I know what I say is true, all the data is there anyway. It's the same as the tinder myth that it's full fo cock hungry girls and any virgin ugly ass guy can get laid non-stop. It's the folly of teens online and their myth pushing.

They have zero luck finding a "good guy" because their standards are too high but that does not mean they are not fucking guys while leading people like you to believe they are "great selfless pure girls"

Hey if you want those rose tinted glasses, I'm not here to stop you.

Just like fatties, I can only help those who want to be helped.

>> No.15345235

No professor is going to touch on such a taboo subject though and you can only appeal to the masses by watering your stuff down.

All I can say is that he's not some angry teenager but an older guy with a wife when he wrote the book. He doesn't hate women, he is just explaining their behavior and guys behavior and how often it is very wrong and how to interact the right way to create meaningful and lasting relationships.

>> No.15345237

Not sure how their fucking guys when i literally live, spend most of the time with them and go out drinking with them 4+times a week but ok, cope harder alone old man

>> No.15345257

>cope harder alone old man

And there it is. Argument lost. Noo!! All the psychology is wrong!! Women are just so nice and selfless! They don;t sleep around at all, so many are virgins!!

I know.. from a few girls at my college that haven't even fucked me.

Be gone, SIMP.

>> No.15345274

Well guys, hope some of you enlighten yourself today and don't end up a simp like a few itt. 9:30pm. Time for this old mans bed time.

>> No.15345281

Nothing lost, i shared genuine experience. You quoted a book, not everything written in books apply for every human that ever existed

>> No.15345284

why would anyone listen to this loser lmao

>> No.15345349

it's a different mentality when reading something from professor because they are mostly statistical based and very much more general, where as appeal to the masses, will have to read between the lines. it was just a remark on the style of writing.

i read the first 25 pages. I shared most of views before reading already actually. it does read like a married guy just giving me tips on relationships so that's nice. I like his explanation of imagination, i definitively do what he says already but being able to express in words is another level. the soul mate question I don't agree, I think it's still better to keep an ideal in head and select the closest to this ideal as possible (of course the simping part of it is not good). could be that he wasn't married until way later so it's an older mentality which is fine too (in his own logic, he would be the one having less option/time, so having an ideal is detrimental to his relationships). The part about negotiation too, is a bit extreme. this is where the idea that not all woman is the same seflish cunt comes into play: a more logical woman wouldn't deprive sex to win an argument to begin with, and also negotiation and backing down in general from both sides strengthens the relationship. Of course if it is a selfish woman to begin with, I agree with what he says but this might just leads to a break up anyway.

seems like we share common views anyway, i'm a little more optimistic perhaps due to me being younger. for me these values he explain in his book derive from essentially keeping self respect, self improving and balance in a relationship. I will continue to read the book tho because the little tips he articulates come from experience and that's stuff i m mostly looking for, so thanks for sharing!

>> No.15345388

Where can we go to get good fashion advice then? And any go-to outfit recommendations?

>> No.15345399

Just wear all black you dont need all this shit cringe raf johji whatever, just a tshirt jeans and boots, they dont want to be seen with someone who you can tell is autistic just by looking at them, and thats their type edgy tall skinny guy who wears all black and usually looks like he couldve been in bmth

>> No.15345407

>tfw this works but you were actually interested in the friend and not the hot girl

>> No.15345410

it's over bros...

>> No.15345558

>just wants a nice guy who takes care of her
wow, they want a caretaker, how selfless of them

>> No.15345577

Perhaps cecil is a little based after all

>> No.15345611


>> No.15345693


"yeah, paramore/fall out boy/panic! at the disco are really sick!"

rinse & repeat

>> No.15345703

Its cringe but its what these bitches go for, cope

>> No.15345709

is it 2008

>> No.15345713

Unironically yes

>> No.15345714

i think girls like this like indie bands now

>> No.15345717


Dunno what it's like for you guys but here in Australia women have gone throttle in trying to make early-mid 2000's pop punk popular again. Last year it was twenty-ninescene, now it's the rawring 20's.

Awful shit.

>> No.15345718

No, pop punk has became popular again because they just like mgk and he likes them so

>> No.15345720

Exactly this

>> No.15345728

fuck man I hate that shit

>> No.15345731

Just dress/look like your from bmth or sleeping with sirens and you get literally all these types of girls because theres not many guys who still dress that way
>t. Im one of those guys

>> No.15345743


seconding this, used to be one of that scene and all it took was the right band t-shirt at one of those 'emo nites'. Hell I got together with my ex gf who is this type over a BMTH shirt lol.

>> No.15345748

Always ironic how these fags spam post these girls and say "how to attract a girl like this" you tell them to just wear black and listen to that type of music so you have a common interest atleast, then reply with some dumb shit or just say cringe

>> No.15346117


>> No.15346134

Just dress basic, (i.e. skinny jeans, tees, harrington/trucker jackets, white sneakers) be skinny and use coke for confidence.

Works with all girls btw.