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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 35 KB, 738x415, 45y87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15302082 No.15302082[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so do we have any iconic /fa/ photos yet out of these riots?

>> No.15302095
File: 78 KB, 967x670, 0d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the nig to deal with the gooks

>> No.15302098

The protests remind me of like Coachella or pitchfork. It’s like festival season is canceled so all the hipsters have to dress up in their summer fest to go a parade around feeling woke

>> No.15302154
File: 422 KB, 724x789, ABCE9FE6-3E87-4DA0-A715-866E4718E183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fit is fire

>> No.15302176

> They're disbanding the police

Ohhohoho fuck yes, dick is diamonds.

Who knew it would all go so well with just on term of daddy Trump?!

>> No.15302183

Second term Trump please:

>Disband BATFE, repeal NFA, close border with Mexico.

Bringing a year to my eye, this country is finally becoming libertarian

>> No.15302197
File: 293 KB, 1896x844, Screen Shot 2020-06-06 at 11.28.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody knows about this, this is information isn't hidden and was literally reported by CNN, also the only reason you even care is because it fits your agenda.

its sad when anyone dies, but Like you'd actually give a shit about this guy if it didn't fit your agenda.

>> No.15302198

Got video of the stream?

>> No.15302208

Pot calling the kettle black. No one cares about either. Global race baiting is retarded and so are you nigger faggot.

>> No.15302212

Can we just concentrate for a moment on the fact that SLAVERY is still legally legal in the USA in 21st century. maybe hence why while being 5% of the planet's population Americans house 25% of its prisoners.

>The Thirteenth Amendment (Amendment XIII) to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude,
>except as punishment for a crime.

>> No.15302711

slavery exists and has existed in africa for hundreds of years, before america even existed - but nobody wanna talk about blacks enslaving blacks

>> No.15302732

That wasn't chattel slavery and it's a petty whataboutism that doesn't address our problems here and now.

>> No.15303308

>That wasn't chattel slavery
Literally untrue in West Africa, the source of the African portion of the Atlantic slave trade. Islam partially abolished this, but mostly just abolished sale to Europeans.

>> No.15303339

the only problem we have here and now is the cancerous 24/7 news entertainment industry.

>> No.15303345

is that from a John Woo movie?

>> No.15303354

the "disband the police" rallying cry doesn't mean getting rid of the police altogether. are you retarded?

>> No.15303607
File: 41 KB, 229x280, A1AC137A-DB6B-444A-A322-45ABC322947B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15303919

Nothing changed..

>> No.15303926

me on the right

>> No.15303934

people were more /fa/ back the even the poorest

>> No.15304075
File: 1.05 MB, 1136x640, churchill protest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lad is /fa/


>> No.15304107

maybe those videos where those instathots are trying to get the perfect shot for the gram and treating the protests like it's a music festival

>> No.15304130

Dorn's tragic death doesn't negate the movements legitimacy. Floyd's still dead, that hasn't changed. Any decent human would be pissed about both these things, and I think most people aren't happy a looter shot someone.

>> No.15304259

Mutts can you please burn down your country faster so that Redditors can leave again?

>> No.15304263
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yes check /p/ retard

>> No.15304274
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>> No.15304288


horses are always /fa/, nice

>> No.15304484
File: 171 KB, 1029x994, 2BEDC8FB-2B91-4A03-898E-E78EA6EFB79A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15304490
File: 94 KB, 760x428, FCD1AAA0-4117-44B5-844F-35C3071EF722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15304494

>Dorn's tragic death doesn't negate the movements legitimacy
yes it does
the movement has had a net negative impact on black lives, and the black community. More innocent blacks have died due to this "movement" than innocent black are killed every year by the police.

>> No.15304510
File: 185 KB, 810x474, 7BC9A1AE-71B6-419A-B00E-95CECC5423D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15304513
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>> No.15304517
File: 108 KB, 1200x630, Blackface-protest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15304524


>> No.15304528


>> No.15304563

Gotta light?

>> No.15304568

How is it Global Race Baiting, Institutional Racism isn't as simple as just killing, it is something that is baked into our society.

The Ego of white people will be there downfall

>> No.15304571

>good photography
they just argue over spec sheets

>> No.15304652

Based J,cole

>> No.15304653
File: 1.06 MB, 798x493, atl1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15304656
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>> No.15304658
File: 1.20 MB, 626x839, atl3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately they are probably cointel, or at least highly suspect given they have photos with cops

>> No.15304671

has nothing to do with my post you just wanted to repeat a meme you saw

>> No.15304673
File: 390 KB, 1536x2048, 81k8gdm9za251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude doing a laser flip in front of a burning cop car is crazy

>> No.15304680

Hes flicking foward so hes doing a 360 flip

>> No.15304691

thinking trump is actually making this country libertarian how retarded r u

>> No.15304692

my bad

>> No.15304703

They're The New Black Panthers, a group the OG Panthers do not associate with or endorse, as they're basically the black KKK.

>> No.15304707

Holy fuck you're assbackwards. Trump will literally never deliver on any of those things. He's a fucking backwards lying prick that will say anything to placate his idiot base.

>> No.15304717

> He's a fucking backwards lying prick that will say anything to placate his idiot base.

Truly the only politician to do this right now. :)

>> No.15304720

What Source do you have on this, and Considering the Government Locked up most of the actually radical black panthers does this even hold weight

>> No.15304724


>> No.15304725

are you retarded? that's not what this thread is about. post fits!

>> No.15304728
File: 210 KB, 675x1024, 675px-Schrijver_James_Baldwin_presenteert_nieuw_boek_op_persconferentie_in_Americainho_Bestanddeelnr_927-5828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Watch this vid

>> No.15304745

Look at the patch on their beret's, its their logo.

>> No.15304752

These aren’t good pictures

>> No.15304767

pic is gay asl try harder

>> No.15304769

what is this pussy going to do with that gun?
I think im starting to become racist

>> No.15304772 [DELETED] 

you've always been stupid

>> No.15304773

Retarded enough to have a $1500 order at NAR shipped my way to prepare for the boog

>> No.15304783

She's not holding a real ar-15.

See the lack of a F/A ?

See the the bcg? How it lacks the dust cover shove out notch, and the gas ports for the DI to purge gas.

See how her magazine has that 22 long rifle esque loading tab thing

>> No.15304805

exactly, what is she going to do with it?

>> No.15304806

Intimidate white liberals who have no idea what an ar-15 looks like or how it operates.

It's like if I drove a tank around with no turret or canon only no guns liberals would be afraid of it

>> No.15304826
File: 39 KB, 674x843, IMG_20200531_201303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15304829

That chink shit plastic "body armor" wont protect shit.

>> No.15304832

Hey man hesco nij4 cermaic were on back order....so party city was the obvious second choice.

At least it looks better than that dog shit ar500 sells

>> No.15304835

have you left /k/ for good fatty? have all the mean (you)s gotten under your lard?

>> No.15304840
File: 193 KB, 1125x1386, af3mkvd51ku41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can confirm
i'm a liberal but blacks are scary

>> No.15304853

>If i drove a tank around people would be afraid

What a stupid revelation, no shit dumb ass Lol.

Let me point my unloaded rifle at you and be surprised when you flinch

>> No.15304879
File: 288 KB, 1536x1024, apathy, white privilege, and racial disparity in Athens, GA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw racist are losing the fight
>mfw people get fired for tweeting racist shit
>mfw companies wont hire you for tweeting racist shit

>> No.15304880

what..? a tank can still crush my car or bike

>> No.15304884

I'll be back once the "help I'm buying a gun due to Rona for the first time what's good" shit dies down

Or the "how do I buy a gun and hide it from my parents" shit is done with

>> No.15304885

I can still pistol whip you with a .22

>> No.15304891

>white "privilege"
>the privilege of being the only group of people that can be legally discriminated against in their very own nations

Whites only have "privilege" when they allow non-whites to live in their nations that the non-whites readily come to. If the nation is 100% white there is no white privilege. Only once their borders open to non-whites do they suddenly gain that privilege.

Apply the same logic to Japan, Japanese privilege? China? Even most African countries themselves.

Imagine blacks seeing that on the media 24/7. Of course they end up angry at whites and want to attack them. Then whites start to despise blacks and the media then comes along SEE! I told you they were racist and the issue grows and grows.

If I told you more men are arrested than women, would you start screaming about sexism? Misandry? Anti-male discrimination? or would you simply say that men commit come crime than women?

Yet when the same is applied to blacks, that they commit more crime (and not, not walking down the street, actual violent crime) you then call that racism?

Are blacks supposed to commit the exact same percentage of crime as whites? As every other race? That is absurd.

Furthermore, there are many non-white groups that on average earn higher incomes than whites. Yet this is not racism towards whites and blacks?

People who talk about "white privilege" are the most ridiculously idiotic group I have come across. The same people who push ridding a country of police will somehow improve crime rates LOL.

>> No.15304901

they arent mine blm spergs
chill out

>> No.15304931
File: 58 KB, 1200x803, 1200px-US_incarceration_timeline-clean.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for The Essay Faggot, you still have white privilege if you actually think that Arrest numbers have anything to do with Law and Order and Not racial Politics.

Also "White Countries" Stopped Existing when they left theirs to fuck over everybody else

>> No.15304946

yea probably
i've never been in a fight before or anything
kinda happy about that

>> No.15304951

Low IQ reply as expected.

>you still have white privilege

You can't just throw out statements without refuting what I said. You just repeated yourself. Repeating yourself does not alter reality.

>Arrest numbers have anything to do with Law and Order and Not racial Politics

This has been investigated (by black groups) other and other and victim statements are taken by non-police organizations and there is found to be no racial bias whatsoever.

It's a fact unarmed white men are more likely to die by a cop than unarmed black. It's an irrefutable FACT.

You keep making statements without the actual data and proof. What does your graph even prove? There is no racial breakdown.



All you're listening is to the media and skewered facts, but it's already known that people like you don't even want the facts. You thrive on this. On the violence and on the hate.

What you're believing and following is a debunked lie.

>> No.15304960

Low IQ reply as expected.

>you still have white privilege

You can't just throw out statements without refuting what I said. You just repeated yourself. Repeating yourself does not alter reality.

>Arrest numbers have anything to do with Law and Order and Not racial Politics

This has been investigated (by black groups) over and over and victim statements are taken by non-police organizations and there is found to be no racial bias whatsoever.

It's a fact unarmed white men are more likely to die by a cop than unarmed black. It's an irrefutable FACT.

You keep making statements without the actual data and proof. What does your graph even prove? There is no racial breakdown.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpBPKbir9us [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPAeYpl3Vhc [Embed]

All you're listening is to the media and skewered facts, but it's already known that people like you don't even want the facts. You thrive on this. On the violence and on the hate.

What you're believing and following is a debunked lie.

>> No.15304963

Damn that's sad

>> No.15304969

They sound and look pretty fucking based

>> No.15304978
File: 59 KB, 636x324, blacks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little jamal was only going to the store for a candy bar

Almost all the retards believe this total garbage.

Cops arrest blacks for serious crimes, murder, violence and robberies. They commit those things at a much higher rate than whites. The police respond to the situation (such as a murder) so it's a fucking impossibility for a racial bias to come int it.

They have asked people at the protest and they think like 20,000 unarmed black guys are killed a year. They are the most ignorant retards ever.

>police respond to violent crimes
>unaware of the race
>only what has happened
>blacks commit more violent crimes
>therefore more blacks are arrested than whites

It's not rocket science, but apparently it is.

What BLM idiots believe

>blacks walk down the streets
>cop turns up, arrests or shoots them for simply being black

This is not happening and because it's not, this shit will never end or be "solved" because they refuse to believe the reality of what is happening.

All that happens is blacks get angrier at cops and cops are either too scared to respond and get killed or another black gets killed because of how angry they are and the riots happen once more until an all out racial conflict.

>> No.15304996

larpers are never based

>> No.15304997

can i join if im white?

>> No.15305006

just filtered

>> No.15305011

Even "white privilege" itself is from Marxist critical theory, it's not from any science and it's doing exactly what it is designed to do. Create the oppressor vs the oppressed just the same was as they used the bourgeois and proletarians to divide.

It's described as "fluid" because it can't even be explained in any actual factual nor scientific terms, by describing "white privilege" as fluid you don't have to have a definition and you can constantly change it.

Yet how many of these zombies bleating about it even understand this and can't see the destruction it's already causing based on nothing but communist propaganda and lies.

They think the term popped up out of nowhere with a real basis and not from an extreme political ideology.

You're all witnessing first hand how communism spreads and what it does to nations. Yet people have facts and the internet to research things and see this but no, once they are brainwashed into an ideology, it's impossible to break.

>> No.15305027

imagine being cecil XD

>> No.15305028


>> No.15305032

And here is the lost footage of the hero himself, clearly the cops are acting very soft and clearly he is RESISTING ARREST.



>> No.15305050

He sounds like he gets more pussy than all the lonely zoomers on this board...

>> No.15305090

>police respond to violent crimes
>unaware of the race
Proof you're a retard that thinks they know more tha. They actually do.

>> No.15305094

>they're basically the black KKK

>> No.15305095

was 1 nanosecond away from posting that

>> No.15305117

yeah and og panthers were communist racists themselves

>> No.15305149

i love when fags are so weak, they literally have to shield themselves from opinions they don't like.

>> No.15305155

based juice world

>> No.15305160
File: 3.41 MB, 4854x3236, Elmo riot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15305288
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>> No.15305293
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>> No.15305294
File: 263 KB, 1600x900, EZxnoq4XQAECUKk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since they made a quarantine exception for "protests"

>> No.15305298

Gonna be honest, it took me a minute to figure out the white dude on the right didn't have a backwards negro left arm.

>> No.15305301

>Bringing a year to my eye, this country is finally becoming libertarian
He's even sending in armed forces to enforce mandatory libertarianism.

>> No.15305302

Her rifle is also a .22 so I don't think she cares about what's effective.

>> No.15305580

>$1500 order at NAR
The fuck did you buy? This is the one and only time where it's okay for you to reply to me.

>> No.15306232

This is what Kanye West was talking about but everyone was too hung up on the whole Trump hat thing to notice.

>> No.15306313


>> No.15306348

Based IGOR, Sieg is a bent over bastard.

>> No.15306363
File: 23 KB, 497x333, SGHNPWXKAE5Y7HVA4TWRGQ7VYM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Skewed Facts, Have you even heard ALEC, A Corporate Owned Lobbying group that has pushed most Law and Prison Reform bills over the past 20 years.

I say you have white privilege because you obviously yourself haven't looked at the facts because your life isn't actually on the line.

Like you literally lied in your post

>> No.15306389

How can you not believe in White Privilege when every time a non-white person even posts on this board someone has something racist today.

>> No.15306427

>blacks commit more violent crimes
This is the real issue. I agree with the fact that there is a lot of misinformation around the movement and intentional bias. However, black people are more prone to crime because they are disproportionately from lower income communities, which can be attributed to a history of segregation and race suppression.

>> No.15306433

[chimp gibberish begins again]

>> No.15306437

i heard sesame street recently became a black symbol but wow

>> No.15306441

I'd advise them to have sex

>> No.15306449

>accuses me of lying
>can't refute one single thing
>uses basic graphs they saved from twitter
>no in depth break down whatsoever

I showed you the facts from last year regarding unarmed black men killed by cops and how unarmed white men are at a slightly higher risk of being killed by cops.

You show me a basic graph that starts almost 20 years ago (lol) and ended 10 years ago (lol) and blacks use weed at a higher percentage than whites, majority black areas are policed by majority black cops who make the arrests.

Your graph is like all the other basic IQ 65 graphs. Oh look, more blacks are arrested than whites. This proves racism!! Hurrr it doesn't matter they commit more crime. It doesn't matter black cops are arresting black people, hurr it's still racism!

There is not one of your type who can ever provide actual refutes with factual data.

Jesus Christ, we went from unarmed black men being shot dead by police to a graph about weed possession from 20 years ago.

They call this GRASPING AT STRAWS. You just prove you have no argument.

There are more anti-white posts and "that's white privilege" posts here then racist non-white posts and you have to consider, the board is likely 99% white. if this board was 99% black and a white kid popped up once in a while, do you think he wouldn't get any shit?

You've obviously never seen black 4chan equivalent boards and the insane amount of racism they have in them. Another white kid in his ivory tower. Sad!

>> No.15306452

>because your life isn't actually on the line.



Why are you LYING? Refute them NOW or STFU.

>> No.15306453
File: 335 KB, 640x354, churchill.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man among the ruins

>> No.15306480
File: 158 KB, 640x944, EYm0HljUwAAyXH8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>communist racists
that sounds incredibly based
good on them

>> No.15306491

kill yourself nigger

>> No.15306497

>natsocs wanting anything to do with russian kikes

>> No.15306501
File: 18 KB, 558x614, haha this is you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youtube videos as evidence

>> No.15306550
File: 39 KB, 600x400, one_struggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15306563

Notice how they NEVER, EVER have a counter argument?

Every video I post will have their sources meanwhile they post random twitter graphs.

if what they say is so real and all around us, they should be able to destroy whatever I say in a second. I can what they say. But no, that's why they shut people down.

Normal people want the truth. They decide from that. These people just want their little narrative though, even if it is a big lie.

After all, how can you virtue signal and feel good about your low shitty self esteem when you have nothing to virtue signal about? Sad!

I am waiting for one of you, just one of you to disprove that more unarmed white men die by cops than unarmed black men do and the figure for blacks killed by cops has fallen for the past few years.

If little unarmed Jamal going to the store to get candy is blasted for being black, you should no problem disproving me. You can't though. Because you know you're lying. You can't handle the fact white people might not be so evil after all and you're the ones committing crime. You're just racist.

>> No.15306662
File: 1.79 MB, 1133x960, 1589150630987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rugar 10/22 is a very capable weapon, not for war purposes but the application of crowd control and such. But it is fucking stupid to put a $160 kit on it to look like an AR.

>> No.15306681

Not any of them, and I agree with you on the idea of privelege being absolutely stupid. Discrimination against the majority population in any country based solely on their culture and societal advantage is stupid. Even given the existence of "privelege", constantly bringing focus to it and demonizing moderates over their privelege ultimately self-sabotages any state of awareness you are trying to bring to your cause.

Still, I feel a need to refute your statements about "blacks committing more crimes so they get put in jail more disproportionately." This is true, but there are clear systemic reasons for it. Going as far back as Nixon and his war on drugs, it's pretty obvious that the police have been put into a position where it is more advantageous to target black communities in order to meet arrest quotas, and collect on forfeitures. A large aspect of this discrimination comes from the continually growing salary going into swat teams and the fbi. Most cities have their own personal swat team now, and there needs to be justification for them to exist. So naturally, they tend to disproportionately target inner city ghettos and black youths. Redlining, subsidized housing, mass migration and white flight, all have led to urban areas being flooded with poor minorities, who are inevitably targetted heavily by the police system. You can read up on this and get all the statistics you need, just by reading Alexander's "New Jim Crow", or Balko's "Warrior Cop". Warrior cop is much less racially focused though, and is the much better book of the two.

The cops themselves aren't necessarily to blame for our system of militarized oppression. And you're right, whites ARE often killed unfairly when put in the exact same situations as blacks. The difference is that blacks are put in those situations more.

There needs to be systemic changes to the police. I don't think this should have been framed as a racial issue personally, I think it cheapens the movement.(pt 1)

>> No.15306687

man shut up nigger lmao arguing on the internet is cringe we get it youre racist

>> No.15306689

Framing police brutality as a racial issue hasn't worked in the last 100 years. Historically, these protests and riots give politicians excuses to spread fearmonging and convince the masses into agreeing on even stricter law and order policies. I suspect police brutality issues to get worse because of these protests.

Plus, I think outside of systemic factors, another large aspect of black oppression comes from their own culture. They were thrown in a hostile enviornment, and they know it. They had to adapt, and built a culture that revolves around crime and glorification of violence. This culture is fast becoming outdated, but because the black community can constantly frame themselves as the victims, and because the left gives them constant cop outs, they haven't had a mirror put in their face in a long while. Even without the current systemic factors in place, I find it doubtful that the black community will ever rise up above poverty until it addresses issues within itself. They are like crabs in a barrel right now.

>> No.15306703

These people are actual larpers. They run a modeling/acting agency.

>> No.15306731

Why does Cecil make such long posts? Can you fuck off? I'm sick of this faggot.

>> No.15306738

Sounds to me like you didn't account for the much larger population of whites in America vs blacks. If you adjust for that and then look at the rates then I'm sure it won't be the same.

>> No.15306747

Someone as ugly as him should just be euthanized. And he has the nerve to post on the fashion board.

>> No.15306760

Extremely based, not a bad fit either.

>> No.15306763

based white girls

>> No.15306776

you ain't black

>> No.15306783

I like how they graduated from college and the photographer is trying to make them look shallow.

>> No.15306819

yeah they got nursing and psychology bachelors nice bro who gives a shit

>> No.15306833

How can you not assume that the police would skew their own data when police have been shown time and time again to be corrupt. with your own proof your not even taking into account that white are still 60% and blacks are 12%, shouldn't the white obviously have been shot more by police on an even larger scale.

White people are so blinded by Racism they even bootlick when the police have literally made violent crime rise so significantly without any end shit with the war on drugs. MS-13 was literally made in American Prisons and the police answer to that is try an put them in prisons.

>> No.15306839

You don't know that and even if they did, it's still more than the other crowd.

>> No.15306849

I appreciate an actual real reply. So respect for you on that. I do not claim there was no bias in the past though but I am talking about now, or within the past 5 years. I am talking about policing how it is now. That way you'll see vast improvements have been made and progress.

As for the most of your post, such as this:

>Most cities have their own personal swat team now, and there needs to be justification for them to exist.

You need to provide actual evidence on things such as this. You can't say they just target a black neighbouhood to justify a SWAT teams budget and they do this via racism.

There is a vast amount of data checking every inch of the police force and they all come to pretty much the same conclusion that no racial bias exists.

Are you really using a counter argument that cops, in a police force get together and say "hey, let's justify our SWAT team budget now and just target some niggers?" Like really dude?

Like I said, I need evidence of your claims. Data, facts. Without that, it's just some random opinion. You know?

I have provided real evidence that you can verify such as the number of unarmed black men killed by cops last year.

Also, almost all the crimes blacks are arrested for, a crime was already committed. Murder, theft, and violent incidents. So to say police teams are entering a black neighborhood just to look for blacks to arrest or use a SWAT team on does not really make any sense.

>The difference is that blacks are put in those situations more.

They're not though? The cops are already responding to an incident. They do not create the incident, they simply react to it.

And when cops react to a white or black incident, the blacks on average will either have a weapon, attack the cops or both.

>There needs to be systemic changes to the police

Such as what? The rate in which blacks are killed is falling. All the data and investigations inc. by POC indicate no racial bias.

The cops wife is not even white!

>> No.15306859

>white flight

Even this too. You are blaming whites for fleeing black crime. Yes, non-whites get put into a white area to "diversity" it. Blacks create a lot of violent incidents in said area, in term whites flee and the area becomes more black and more dangerous.

It's like whites are racist and bad but you want them to stay near blacks to make the area safer?

This is another thing that's absurd to me. You don't want to live in a majority white area but you don;t want them to leave the area. You want some specific percentage of whites?

Blacks talk about "their people" but if whites want to live with "their people" they are bad and they have to be forced to live alongside blacks even though blacks do not see them as their people and outsiders?

Bro. Come the fuck on. Absolutely ridiculous and leaves whites perpetually trapped in what they can and can't do. The game is rigged.

Surely a 100% black area with black cops can make no racial bias and nobody with "privilege" exists? But you don't want this.. you want whites..

>> No.15306869

>Plus, I think outside of systemic factors, another large aspect of black oppression comes from their own culture. They were thrown in a hostile enviornment, and they know it. They had to adapt, and built a culture that revolves around crime and glorification of violence. This culture is fast becoming outdated, but because the black community can constantly frame themselves as the victims, and because the left gives them constant cop outs, they haven't had a mirror put in their face in a long while. Even without the current systemic factors in place, I find it doubtful that the black community will ever rise up above poverty until it addresses issues within itself. They are like crabs in a barrel right now.


>> No.15306871

>hurr durr i can only read 1 sentence at a time!!

Yeah bro, I am retarded. I don't know what per capita is. Hurr durr!! YA GOT ME!

No, it's adjusted for the population difference and the point is still true.

So now what? Are you going to admit you're wrong and have been mislead?

yeah right.

>> No.15306883

95% of humans are subhuman to me

>> No.15306884

>How can you not assume that the police would skew their own data when police have been shown time and time again to be corrupt

Because their data is accessed and reviewed by independent groups inc. those headed by POC. More total ignorance from you who will try anything to avoid fact and reality.

> your not even taking into account that white are still 60% and blacks are 12%,

Yes I am dumbass. See my point? You're ignorant and stupid. All variables are taken into context. Of course the population percentages and per capita is FFS!

As expected, not one 1 person again has refuted anything. Just posted ignorance.

If you're so right and I am so wrong, how hard can it be? Lol..

>> No.15306902

Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.15306925

Bro you sound jelly and gay for me. Are you mad cause you envy me?

For you...


>> No.15306930

Honestly a lot of these "protestors" deserve to get killed. Shame so many of them only end up getting injured by the cops.

>> No.15306932

is this even you
why is this like the only video you ever post

>> No.15306935


>> No.15306936

Yes and it's not the only one, not to mention the numerous pics I share. You like what you see, eh?

>> No.15306940

yeah post more so i can ddos you faggot

>> No.15306956

>DDoS from me posting pics of myself

Uhh we don't even have a script kiddie on our hands, it's more retarded than that.

Yo momma


>> No.15306964

What could I possibly be jealous or envious of? You are a disgusting malformed abomination who is also poor and doesn't own nice things. There is nothing about you to look up to. I don't even like looking down on you.

>> No.15306965

nah i just find you disgustingly attractive
choke my twink ass

>> No.15306973

Feels like the Jewish libertarian set him up for this lel

>> No.15306978

You want me, it shows and it's so obvious.

I'll have my riding crop across it hard, son. I only play consensual non-consent.

>> No.15306990

I want you to kill yourself or succumb to whichever organ fails first.

>> No.15307025

Uhhh a BSN is a very respectable degree

>> No.15307027
File: 87 KB, 780x520, piper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know why I call yo momma the pied piper?

Because this is what she looks like when I am in the bedroom with her and she's blowing me

>> No.15307065

I don't think you have ever been intimate with a woman in your life. Not only would you have to pay but you can't afford to because you're such a broke bitch. The only way I could believe someone has touched your dick is if your parents molested you or if someone gave you a reacharound in prison.

>> No.15307077

Immediately discarded

>> No.15307090

I don't see what's the problem with this. Labor for crime, so what? You want them to just rot in a prison cell instead? I worked with a guy who served in San Quentin and he was used as firefighter during the fire season. Said he absolutely loved it and it ran on a volunteer basis which made it extremely competitive to get the work. Other jobs in the prison was all enjoyed by the population. Good, make them work for the state.

>> No.15307100

Look at this way.

People connected to slavery bad hundreds of years ago and should have known better so they are all evil and racist.

Well how about in 50 years time people consider those who purchased clothing made in dangerous sweat shops like India and China etc. as bad and evil?

You're both using a kind of slave labor. That's why things can only be judged by context and what period they were set in and not by some radical ideological belief that pops up.

All of fa is guilty of purchasing clothing from what is essentially slave labor except by name and by non-white people.

Most of my shit is made in the USA, Europe or thrifted.

>> No.15307101

Black people make me cringe idk what it is

>> No.15307103


>> No.15307109

Like the Wakanda shit, it's all too larpy. Worse because they larp about empires that only exist in movies while whites are bad for having actual empires of the past apparently.

>> No.15307135

Man of culture

>> No.15307227

>Defending other, richer people's shit even when off the job.
He was a cuck till the end.

>> No.15307242

You are 100% correct. That's why I always laugh at conservatives who whine about Soviet Gulags but go on about how perfect the Constitution is. Literally just a system to rehabilitate criminals.

>> No.15307246

You know most nurses don't even have college degrees right?

They're tech school equivalent.

And an EMT is literally 1 single college semester. That's easy as fuck.

>> No.15307251

that's sad is what it is

>> No.15307254

When you make an industry out of people in Prison then a certain amount of People always need to be in prison or else that Industry Collapses.

>> No.15307263

Why? Do you think flipping burgers should require a year of lessons? Basic first aid while you drive someone to the hospital doesn't take that much.

>> No.15307264

You can no longer wear Hawaiian shirts or white polo shirts without being associated with these guys. What will they take next?

>> No.15307274

Floyd was a drug addled violent criminal and I am of the belief that no one outside of his direct family is legitimately mourning him. If they were then that doesn't correlate with how there was little to no outrage when this exact same thing happened to a few white people not to long ago. In fact those claiming "black lives matter seem to forget that the biggest killer of black lives are other black people, and the amount of black people killed by white people is nigh infinitely smaller than the amount of white people killed by black people.
In short George Floyd was scum that met a fitting end and those crying about it are weak anarchists using it to falsely virtue signal and cause chaos. This is all fun and games until an entire neighborhood's worth of rabid rioters are justifiably removed from this mortal coil.

>> No.15307275

>without being associated with these guys.

You mean the CIA? The FBI?

Most of their agents are young and you're seeing their latest recruits who have grown up in the Western Marxist system so are totally retarded.

The most obvious honeytrap there is.

>buga whatever boys
>wear kek patches
>shit posters patches
>nobody has even heard of them


>> No.15307276

I mean the demand for EMTs is pretty damn high and the Pay is shit, theres such a lack of funding im pretty sure America uses mainly volunteers.

>> No.15307280

Protesters don't give a shit. Most of them are using it as an excuse to just throw out anti Trump shit when unarmed black deaths by cops has lowered under him.


The same way Justin Trudeau keeps his job after using black face on numerous occasions as an adult. But he has the right politics. It's all about politics and power, not black people. With white girls thrown in to virtue signal and take pics for social media.

They are thinking of themselves and not black people.

>> No.15307283

I think he had a huge influence on the Houston Rap scene and was a pretty big community leader there.

You have to be a real fucking asshole to Disrespect and Publicly shame such a recenty dead man who did nothing to you for politics, regardless of race thats a real low

>> No.15307294

Whether they are actually abc agency or just memers is besides the point.

Red hats, Hawaiian shirts and white polo shirts are being associated with alt-right types or whatever you call them because it's being worn in public like a uniform/badge of identity. So what's the next item?

>> No.15307302

Yeah but it's still dumb and someone who thinks wearing one of those items is also dumb. Soon we will have to all be naked and then that will be associated with them.

Plus they wear it with certain pieces and weapons like a uniform, simply taking the shirt is fine. Even then it depends on your country, even in America only a tiny amount of people have heard of them and the polo shirt alt-right thing was 3 years or so ago. It's over.

>> No.15307321

Every criminal will get their comeuppance, no matter what they did for their community. George Floyd has been involved in drug abuse, theft, criminal trespassing, aggravated robbery as well as entering a woman’s home and pointing a gun at her stomach while looking for drugs and money.
He was snuffed before the taxpayers had to feed him. That's a win in my book.

>> No.15307329

Protip: if approaching a large crowd of retards, maintain a steady speed and lay down on the horn, if they're smart they'll get out of the way. And while most of them aren't that smart their cowardice will force them to move.

>> No.15307330

Would you actually avoid wearing a white polo because of that?

>> No.15307333

Also real Africans hate African Americans for exactly this reason.

>> No.15307335

wouldn't risk it. there's gonna be at least one tranny in that crowd and he might decide that finally ending his own life while destroying yours and becoming a media hero is too good of an opportunity to pass up.

>> No.15307338
File: 658 KB, 700x700, airborne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More moving targets.

>> No.15307339

Stop Projecting something you probably heard once as if its what everyone believes

>> No.15307340

i'm almost convinced that afrocentrism stuff just exists to inb4 white people talking about their own past achievements.
"hey, did you know there was this greek dude 2300 years ago that conquered all the way to india?"
>lol, omg, white people doing we wuz kangz now!

>> No.15307345

That's why you only go 2 - 10 mph

>> No.15307346

How can White People live with themselves, if they weren't so afraid of being raped in prison and busy wage slaving i feel like they'd all be serial killers

>> No.15307354
File: 407 KB, 478x456, die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Projection at its finest. Either that or a blacked cuckold.

>> No.15307438

>Demand for EMT is high

No it isn't the demand for paramedics and registered nurses is high.

Lvn and EMT is basically "hey I was shipping out packages at the Amazon warehouse and now I work in medical" level of training...

I have a college degree so if I continued my medical training I can achieve paramedic level in about a year but I'm not a firefighter or police swat so it wouldn't lead to an increase in pay

>> No.15307470

the guy is talking about how he wants to kill people by running them over

>> No.15307473

No, if you take a heat course they tell you to not slow down or stop the car.

If you stop the car or slow down then the mob fucks you up

>> No.15307656

Well, I did give citation for my claims anon. Just because you didn't read them doesn't mean my recommendations don't stand.

Anyways, I think falling upon the "current year" argument runs a bit flat, when you give no examples or precedents of changes to polive infrastructure. The same Law and Order rhetoric that went into funding the police, and transforming the SWAT from an anti-riot unit into a drug bust conglomerate continues to flourish. It is an unfortunate fact, and not one that needs to even be heavily researched, that the police make much of their profits from civil forfeitures, and subsidies from prisons. You can simply look up forfeitures on wikipedia if you really want to fight me on that, it's such easily accessible information.

The bias is not individual, it is instituitional, hence the term "systemic". I mentioned it a few times in my rant, but I do not blame any specific officer, just the system from which officers are being trained.

Also, police are very open about their practice of going into ghettos to fudge numbers for arrest quotas. You can see this in plenty of documentaries on the issue, as well as interviews with cops on youtube. Do Not Resist, 13th, etc.

You seem to acknowledge the fact that the black community WAS created by the enviornment they were put into, but for some reason believe these enviornmental factors have disappeared. The only significant changes to police militarization I have seen in the last 4 years, was Trump refunding and expanding on the 1033 program. Hardly a positive change. There are racial factors of oppression, but in my opinion the police institution as it is, is a blight on all Americans now, regardless of race. It has become a military complex on standing american soil, and is inherently unlawful. You questioned me about the SWAT, so I will throw your question back at you. Why do the SWAT need to exist? What is their purpose? Can you justify the funding we give them?

>> No.15307697

as for the changes that need to be put into place. Defund the FBI, drastically reduce the available members of SWAT in a given polive station, especially in cities with less than 10k citizens. Siphon those funds into de-escalation training, and shift police infrastructure to be more community oriented(akin to practices in Fresno/Richmond CA, or Honolulu). Get rid of the 1033 program completely. Reorient drug laws, many sentences are very disproportionate to the crime and racially biased. The most common example of this disparity shows in the comparison of sentencing charges for crack vs powder cocaine. Raise IQ limits on who can be let into the police, the fact that there is no lower limit, but there IS an upper limit on who they accept into the force is laughable. Write out more transparenct laws. Each major police station SHOULD have publically accessible records, and dashcam video should not be withheld under any circumstances. Criminalize stop and frisk/forfeiture practices. The fact that cops can legally stop you and steal your wallet for zero reason is appalling.

There's plenty more I can write out but you get the general idea.

>> No.15307721

btw sorry for the typos/run on sentences/shitty formatting. I am phoneposting. Anyways, probably won't look back at this thread but whatever. Good luck anon. I genuinely recommend that you read Balko's Warrior Cop if you have the chance though. I promise it isn't race baity, liberal schlop.

It is an objective study into the history and statistics leading up to the current day police institution in the US.

>> No.15307736

It's over, the white race will never recover

>> No.15307763

>Well, I did give citation for my claims anon

Lol no you did not. You gave a book by an ACTIVIST and a JOURNALIST.

I need actual government stats and investigations, fbi and so on, That's what I give. Throwing out activists books will just be confirmation bias and misleading to fit their agenda.

If I pushed a book by "John Doe" that refuted your claims, would you take it as serious? Of course you would not.

Let me repeat myself...


Refute this. Please. If you can't the notion of innocent unarmed black men repeated again and again is FALSE and a LIE.

>Anyways, I think falling upon the "current year" argument runs a bit flat, when you give no examples or precedents of changes to polive infrastructure.

The statistics speak for themselves about the lowering number of black men killed by cops. Of course the current year argument works because it shows and proves progress has been made. There is no point showing stats from 20 years ago because we are not back then.

>the police make much of their profits from civil forfeitures, and subsidies from prisons

Dude, you are not even sticking to the subject matter now. You're making a different argument.

You are now saying blacks are not targeted for their race but to make profit. That's a 100% different argument.

The protests (and your argument) is about blacks targeted on a racial basis. Targeted (and killed) because they are black. This is what all this is about and the protests.

Which has proven to be false, fake and lies.

>Also, police are very open about their practice of going into ghettos to fudge numbers for arrest quotas. You can see this in plenty of documentaries on the issue, as well as interviews with cops on youtube. Do Not Resist, 13th, etc.

>> No.15307768

all you fucking retards are so annoying you sit on here and argue about your stupid fucking opinion to someone else that has a different opinion for no reason. neither one of you are going to change your mind. what the fuck is the point of this shit you're just wasting your time

>> No.15307771


You are pushing youtube docs, activist books. I NEED REAL POLICING STATICS THAT HAVE BEEN VERIFIED BY OUTSIDE BODIES INC. POC. That's what I am giving you.

An "interview with a cop on a youtube video" are you serious? That's not a valid refute to all of this. Not at all.

>You seem to acknowledge the fact that the black community WAS created by the enviornment they were put into, but for some reason believe these enviornmental factors have disappeared.

I can acknowledge that blacks could commit higher crime rates because of the environment that they were put into. Yes, their crime rate could be because of this. This could also not be their fault. But this still means cops are responding to crime and not race.

The same also applies for poor white/hispanic etc. neighborhoods too.

But what is the solution to this? It's to address that environment and poverty. It is not to simply claim cops are all racist.

>police institution as it is, is a blight on all Americans now, regardless of race. It has become a military complex

I don't disagree here, I think a lot of cops are really bad people. I think they treat all races equally as bad though.

>Why do the SWAT need to exist? What is their purpose? Can you justify the funding we give them?

No I can't and nor do I know everything about them but then I never claimed to.

How did you get from unarmed black kids walking to the store get targeted, shot and murdered by cops for being black to how the SWAT is funded?

>> No.15307779

All your replies just go on and on and on and you don;t even answer the original questions and the protest reason.

The protests, blacks and whites are saying black men are targeted because of their race. Innocent, unarmed black men and boys are targeted and killed for being black. They are told it's unsafe to even be around a cop and they are targeted x amount of times more than whites.

That's it. Nothing else. That's the basis of it.

Which has been proven FALSE. A lie. Argument over. You either agree with that, or you don't, which is logically impossible as those are the facts. If you can refute them, do it.

It has nothing to do with "swat teams need funding so they go and arrest blacks because they need the money by putting them in prison"

Even blm are not making such claims.

Plus the data shows the majority of arrests are made because the blacks first committed a crime. The swat never rolled and started anything.

Your only argument could be they commit said crimes at a higher rate because of the environment they were born into which came from racism. But nobody is making that claim. They are claiming they commit little crimes and the cops just come along, arrest or kill them.

So which is it?

>> No.15307790
File: 133 KB, 778x548, Screen Shot 2020-06-10 at 12.38.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Blacks are 13% percent of the American Population, Whites are 60% of course more of them would be killed. You have to look at the statistical likelihood based on Population size

>> No.15307797

I've addressed this 10 fucking times. Holy shit, you people. It's already done per capita.


You are posting a simple graph about overall deaths by cops. More blacks are killed because more are armed and attack the cops. The stats are there too.

This is all you people do. Don't even understand the context of random graphs you save from twitter.

>10 white guys shoot at cops and get killed
>30 black guys shoot at cops and get killed


Refute my claim. Do it.

>> No.15307807

>there is a higher life time risk of being killed by cops if you are black because there is a higher lifetime risk of blacks using weapons on cops

It's that simple but it's a misleading graph for brainlets like you who don't understand simple context.

>> No.15307815

For instance a police force might use deadly force 7 times more on blacks than whites.

That sounds terrible, right? That's racism.

But that's because blacks are 9 times more likely to use deadly force on cops than white people do, so the deadly force the cops use on blacks is less than they should. It should be higher.

I know this shit sounds mind blowing to people like you, who think that's crazy, it can't be true. But it is and all data shows us this.

This is when you can spot a brainwashed person because they think facts are crazy. They spent all their life online being fed bullshit.

>> No.15307825

Here is a simple wiki stat for all to see:



>According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with Whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for African Americans was almost eight times higher than Whites

>The offending rate for African Americans was almost eight times higher than Whites

So they commit murder at a rate 8 times higher than whites which means violent murders come into contact with cops hence why more blacks are killed. It's also why their arrest rate is much higher.

The cops respond to the crime (violent murder)

There is no racial bias at play here at all and there is no targeting innocent blacks.

>> No.15307837

>According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness. Racial disparities in arrest have consistently been far less among older population groups.

Notice how the racial differences lessen due to age because the vast majority of crime is committed by blacks aged 16 to 25.

16% of blacks in that age group are committing almost 60% of the murders.

Of course they will have more interaction with cops, a higher arrest rate and a higher death rate by cops because a large percentage of them are armed and fight back.

I am waiting for the "random twitter graph" people to refute all of this.

>> No.15307843

If blacks were targeted for being black, all blacks of all ages would be arrested and killed.

But the figures of them arrested or killed correlates exactly with the high amount of crimes inc. murder blacks aged 16 to 25 commit.

So the cops are targeting crime, and not race.

>> No.15307847
File: 432 KB, 619x563, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is people who share those graphs when given facts, not even hidden facts or from "far-right" websites, simple wiki and fbi facts still go ignored


>> No.15307859

So why do you believe cops and black people have such a bad relationship, explain your "context" deeper

"Whites are killed by cops more then blacks" was your original point that i'm proving wrong, i proved it wrong and now your saying "well yea thats because black people shoot at cops more" something that your proving because its just obvious context to reality for you and its dumb to even question it

>> No.15307863

>In 1978, Michael Hindelang compared data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (then known as the National Crime Survey, or NCS) to data from the Uniform Crime Reports, both from 1974. He found that NCS data generally agreed with UCR data in regards to the percent of perpetrators of rape, robbery, and assault who were black.[77] For instance, Hindelang's analysis found that both the NCS and UCR estimated that 62% of robbery offenders were black in the United States in 1974

Blacks committing crime 10 x or so against whites is nothing new either, it's been going on for 50 years.

>> No.15307875

They have a bad relationship because blacks are 10 x in all areas more likely to be committing a crime.

They have a bad relationship with young black males who's small percentage commits 60% of murders. How do you expect their relationship to be?

Even so, cops still do not target them on racial grounds or kill them on racial grounds. The facts are there ffs.

>"Whites are killed by cops more then blacks" was your original point

No, my point was UNARMED.

And of course context matters, unless you are retarded like your stupid no context graphs. That's how people use propaganda and mislead.

So the reason why blacks are killed at an overall rate armed/unarmed more than whites is because overall blacks attack cops more.

It's really, REALLY simple. I know you can break your mind virus conditioning.

>> No.15307883

You are no more likely to be killed by a cop if you are black than white if you are not violent in your interaction with them.

You have an increased risk of being killed by them if you are violent and most blacks are, whites would have the same outcome if they too were as violent and armed as blacks were but they are simply not hence they lower rate of likely death by cops.

>> No.15307889

>The federal government publishes a list annually of Hate Crime Statistics, 2009.[83] Also published by the federal government is the Known Offender's Race by Bias Motivation, 2009.[84] According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Report database, in 2010 58.6% of reported hate crime offenders were white, 18.4% of offenders were black

So even in racial hate crime whites are under represented and blacks are over represented. Blacks are more likely to be racist than whites.

>> No.15307893

>Studies have examined that ethnic/racially heterogeneous areas, most often neighborhoods in large cities, have higher crime rates than more homogeneous areas. Most studies find that the more ethnically/racially heterogeneous an area is, the higher its crime rates tend to be.[87]

So a 100% white area is much safer and has much less crime than a "diverse" area which is supposedly a positive? And you are surprised why "white flight" happens.

Pretty much everything liberal white kids have been sold is one big lie and all the data is right there.

>> No.15307895

based picture

>> No.15307901


>> No.15307914

>However, black people are more prone to crime because they are disproportionately from lower income communities, which can be attributed to a history of segregation and race suppression.

I never disagreed with things such as this. I simply disagreed that blacks are being targeted for being black and simply walking down the street.

They commit a lot of crime and cops respond to that.

Is creating a big lie and blaming cops for racism going to change blacks lower income communities? Of course not.

That is what should be addressed. Change that and you change their crime rate. Nobody will look at that though. Their narrative is blacks don't commit a lot of crime, cops just ride by and target them so the underlying causes will never get solved.

>> No.15307950

I'm also really interested in that how sure, racism and poverty can make people steal and commit those types of crimes.

But how do those factors justify blacks being over represented in rape?

Does a history of racial segregation justify rape?

Why do new arrivals from Africa into Sweden with no such history in the country also have a high degree of rape?

I'm confused.

Why also other Western countries with different histories than the USA, the black crime rates of murder, theft and rape also mirror roughly those of the USA?

Even those with relative newcomers who never experienced racism or discrimination growing up in Africa?

>> No.15307953
File: 1.26 MB, 3370x2527, kkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least while it's at the height of public consciousness, yeah. If your livelihood and social life depend on you not being overtly racists then you avoid symbols associated with that.

If I wore pic related and it got out my life would be completely changed. Only a billionaire could get away with it and live comfortably but even then their net worth would tank.

>> No.15307965

>At least while it's at the height of public consciousness, yeah. If your livelihood and social life depend on you not being overtly racists then you avoid symbols associated with that.

Lmao imagine having friends that will call you out because you never kept up to date what some small random group of people were wearing because they had different political views to you.

>comparing kkk robes to some random item of clothing like a polo short

Lmao. Maximum autism. Where do they come from. This place is a hotbed of low IQ and autism.

>> No.15307966

It's to influence the interested impartial thread reader. By reading these debates and being amused by them we are aligning ourselves with the worldview that reflects our preferences. I prefer hard data and statistics, reasonable assertions and it is encouraged as well by my bias towards self preservation as a white person who is pretty happy with the way the world I engage with is. Keep it up Cecil you demonic little cunt, you are a shit poster from another era. Too weird to live, to rare to die.

>> No.15307968

Its Only Really Really Simple if you simply don't care that this changes at all. The Reality is that cops killing these people doesn't make these communities better in fact it makes them worst.

Cops aren't all Racist but the Reason why Nobody Cares that over 2 million Arrest into the Drug War the Problem has only gotten worse because this problem only targets the black community.

Cops, seeing that essentially their whole job is to serve community, should probably have realized this and changed their method, but instead they continue to be violent and make these communities hate them more and more

Because Everyone knows Cops, at-least in America, have always been one of the most racist work forces in the Country, even white people make passing jokes about this.

>> No.15307977

i should rephrase, the drug war doesn't affect only the black community, but mainly.

>> No.15307986
File: 440 KB, 1338x1206, 1591767061999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of hat and shirt the guy on the right is wearing?

>> No.15307995

>I prefer hard data and statistics

Which is what I gave fren There is no debate here. There are facts and lies.

>Keep it up Cecil you demonic little cunt, you are a shit poster from another era. Too weird to live, to rare to die.

The internet belongs to the boomers.

You are still talking about different things.

Out of violent crimes (simply being busted for drugs is not a violent crime) such as murder, rape etc. not petty crime. blacks commit these at a much higher rate than whites.

So they are arrested at a higher rate. They also are more likely to have a weapon when committing said crimes and also more likely to attack the police.

BLM message is that blacks are targeted walking down the street for being black and nothing else and that they don't commit such high rates of crime. They also believe unarmed black men are killed all the time by police.

This is all wrong. This is all lies. Why can't you respond to this?

You compare actual figures such as 1,000 white arrests compared to 1,000 black arrests. Then compare out of the groups which had a deadly weapon. Then you compare out of the groups which were violent towards the cops.

The answer is the black group, by the way.

This is what we're talking about. Is this true or not?

>> No.15308004

60% of all murder is committed by a small percentage of young black males aged 16-25. Racism isn't doing that.

>The Reality is that cops killing these people doesn't make these communities better in fact it makes them worst.

Holy shit but that's not happening! Cops are not killing anyone. They only killed 10 unarmed blacks last year out of a country of over 300 million ffs and even then 5 attacked the cops.

The other cops killing blacks is because the blacks tried to attack/injure/kill the cops.

It really is, and I'll say it again, brainwashing. I refuse people are too stupid to understand these simple things.

>> No.15308009

Also the vast majority of blacks are killed by black cops as they police the black areas they are from/grew up in. And the vast majority of black citizens are killed by blacks.

>> No.15308030

"soft" is when you are slowly asphyxiated over the course of 8 minutes in front of a small group of knuckle-dragging mouth breathers with a license to kill

>> No.15308040

Trump will not do any of these. He's not even said he'll repeal the NFA LET ALONE the ATF.

>> No.15308041

>Lmao imagine having friends that will call you out
The more extensive your networks the more likely this will happen. If you wore a polo shit now it would be fine, If you wore it right after Charlottesville it could damage your reputation and social standing.

>>comparing kkk robes to some random item of clothing like a polo short
>Maximum autism.
Not sure you realize but Autists have trouble with symbols because what they represent isn't always spelled out explicitly...

Fashion is about understanding how people see clothes. You might think fashion exist in a vacuum but to everyone else the clothes you wear reflect who you are and what your position in society is.

>> No.15308047

Wouldn't have got to that stage if a career criminal in the act of committing another crime didn't resist. Especially when you lack the IQ to understand at your size of 6'6" if you resist you could quickly overpower a cop so they will be nervous and take you to the ground.

He died of an overdose.

>> No.15308049

God why is cecil so autistic?

>> No.15308058

So let me get this right, if you usually dress in polo shirts, your friends see something on tv with "bad" guys wearing polo shirts and you have to, burn your whole wardrobe?

Can you not say this is what you usually wear and it has nothing to do with them and your friends are not reasonable enough to understand that?

Shit man, why not go up to all your friends and say you saw a far right group wearing socks and they're all racists now if they have socks on? Are people such as you serious?

>Not sure you realize but Autists have trouble with symbols because what they represent isn't always spelled out explicitly...

KKK is a uniform, they invented it, I guess? Only they wore it. And only when doing their rituals or whatever. You can't compare that with a polo shirt that people have worn for pretty much 100 years on a casual basis.

I know, next time I see some kid on the street in black pants and a black t-shirt I will accuse him of being antifa and a terrorist now.

What a way to live... you must be terrified if a group starts wearing your fav items of clothing. Normal rational people understand this, something your extremist friends, and that's what they are, are not.

>> No.15308061 [DELETED] 

>full psych test done
>100% mentally healthy
>iq of over 140
>studied law in prison
>studied psychology in prison
>studied anthology in prison
>read over 400 books in there

You: Masturbated online to trap porn in your room with your parents 2 rooms away ashamed of you.

>> No.15308063

>full psych test done
>100% mentally healthy
>iq of over 140
>studied law in prison
>studied psychology in prison
>studied anthropology in prison
>read over 400 books in there

You: Masturbated online to trap porn in your room with your parents 2 rooms away ashamed of you.

>> No.15308065

Maybe he shouldn't have been such an uncle Tom.

>> No.15308066

take your meds schizo you are an unemployed 40 year old

>> No.15308069

22's will fuck you up.

>> No.15308073

What did you end up in prison for?

>> No.15308081

you are fucking stupid beyond belief

>> No.15308084

>/pol/ posts
>circlejerk ensues
>person who actually did more than look at a headline posts
>"get back on topic anon this thread is about fashion silly"

>> No.15308092
File: 235 KB, 1089x1467, Hippy to yuppie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So let me get this right, if you usually dress in polo shirts, your friends see something on tv with "bad" guys wearing polo shirts and you have to, burn your whole wardrobe?
No, but you might not want to wear it immediately and see where the wind blows.
>Shit man, why not go up to all your friends and say you saw a far right group wearing socks and they're all racists now if they have socks on?
If they all wore a specific type of socks with a pepe decal and I then wore the same exact type of socks then it perfectly reasonable to think I'm associated with them.
> You can't compare that with a polo shirt
Yes, I can. Even if it only a piece of a uniform it still is a part of that uniform.
>I know, next time I see some kid on the street in black pants and a black t-shirt I will accuse him of being antifa and a terrorist now.
This now happens to everyone who is aware of antifa even if the person observing never call them out.

Seriously, it's weird that you are arguing in a fashion board that clothing in fact doesn't matter and doesn't have any social impact or meaning.

>> No.15308095

I'm 41 and I have a job.

A black guy tried to steal my bike (lol) and pulled out a large knife, called me a white bitch ass cracker and threatened to slit my throat with it so I had my bike lock and I smashed his dumb ass up. But because I am only supposed to take him down and call the cops I got 5 years for beating him until he was almost dead.

Threaten to kill me, you die. Yet people think I love the cops and system.

>> No.15308097

Why are you so autistic?

>> No.15308103
File: 69 KB, 1346x204, Screen Shot 2020-06-10 at 2.52.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Guess I Agree that yes as a blanket statement Black People in America are more likely to be violent with cops,

I don't think that also means that black people aren't targeted by cops way more then white people wether they commit the crime or not.

And i don't think that is a reason to discount anything associated with the movement to change how race is dealt with.

Most People who are doing things right now are only associated with BLM in that they say Black lives Matter as a statement, so quoting the leaders of the actual group doesn't discount the whole movement.

>> No.15308104

>No, but you might not want to wear it immediately and see where the wind blows.

Why? They clearly know you wear them shirts and you're not in an alt-right gang. What if you never saw the news that day and they did, are you still guilty? Do you have to keep checking the news for what right wing people are wearing to make sure you don't wear it for a few months after?

>it perfectly reasonable to think I'm associated with them

Your friends know you, that would all not count if you had the same fucking socks on and suddenly it's viable to your friends you're now in the alt-right?

>Yes, I can. Even if it only a piece of a uniform it still is a part of that uniform.

They also had socks on. And shoes. And pants.

>Seriously, it's weird that you are arguing in a fashion board

No breh, you're either a troll or fucking real world clown. Either way, thanks for the giggle (what a fucking weirdo...)

>> No.15308109

>police should treat the more violent group the same as the less violent group

lel, dumbass, but they do, in a backwards way. go look up the video of Daniel Shaver getting shot.
the cops lit him up while he was begging for his life because he instinctively went to pull his pants up when they were coming down.
you know why? because a black person really would be fucking dumb enough to pull a gun in that situation so they train all the cops to the lowest common denominator.
blacks exist in the moment to the point where they will try to murder cops arresting them because they think they'll be free after that.

>> No.15308115

REAL DATA BRO. Not some Marxist feminist college professor...

You quote sources in which your brainwashing comes from.

And to make it clear, I'm not making any kind of argument as to if they are sentenced longer due to racism. That's an argument for all the actual privileged rich Jewish judges, which they will never address. It's about cops and arrests.

>I don't think that also means that black people aren't targeted by cops way more then white people wether they commit the crime or not.

There is no data about cops targeting blacks for no crimes. You are still running with the cops just drive by, see a black person, get out their vehicle and arrest or kill them. No data backs that up. ZERO.

>And i don't think that is a reason to discount anything associated with the movement to change how race is dealt with.

Because read their website? BLM isn't simply about that. IT's about the overthrow of capitalism, it's about breaking down the "cis normative" society and all those other far left extreme Marxist ideals. It's a far left ideology. not simply a black racial thing.

As you're posting things from college professors who likely are pushing all that too, you're probably like that also.

>so quoting the leaders of the actual group doesn't discount the whole movement.

Lol yes it does because the movement is based on lies. IT's based on lies about blacks. cops and it's true aim is to overthrow capitalism hahah my god.

They are saying nothing about black crime rates and how racism put them in poverty and that raises crime, they won't do that so they won't solve it. And as above, it does not explain the high rate of rape nor does it explain why in every country with a black minority the pattern is repeated.

>> No.15308121

>Daniel Shaver

That shit was so much worse than any of these black killings. Guy crying on his knees and blasted away. Nobody even knows about him.

>> No.15308122
File: 228 KB, 1024x912, Come on now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please wear any one item from this fit when you have the chance.The fedora would be perfect but the finger-less gloves are cool too.

Don't worry, negative association with individual items of clothes in fact don't exist as you have so persuasively argued. Best part is your friends won't think you are a geek as you have wore a fedora since 2010 and it only fell out of favor recently.

>> No.15308130

Cop that did it got a PTSD pension, he doesn't have to work again in his life.

>> No.15308141

Of course you would look like a nerd wearing this shit but that's because nerds worse that design when it first came out and always have. Nothing like a polo but whatever I judge, it would be harmless, not that you're some crazy political guy.

I just looked it up. Can't believe he is retired under 30 on $2,500 a month for life.

It's one of the worse things I ever saw, the guys fear and all the silly instructions shouted at him and asking if he wants to die. No surprise the guy was a nervous wreck crawling around.

Yet a cop restrains a 6'6" career criminal guy who resists arrest and 4 cops end up being charged.

"A white supremacist country" LOL

>> No.15308148

>that's because nerds worse that design when it first came out and always have. Nothing like a polo
You insist it isn't like a white polo but all clothes are subject to being associated with the majority of people who wear them and their media presence.
The fedora is a perfect test case. Sure it originally was worn by Hollywood actors but in the 2010s it was worn exclusively by out of touch autists trying to look like Hollywood actors.
I'm just wondering what the for the next item that will fall out of favor will be because a bunch of politicized retards decided to wear them, yet your arguing that such a thing can never happen for some reason...

>> No.15308168
File: 264 KB, 2400x3400, refund the police.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys realize that race is just part of the equation of these protests, right? The two major strains of argument I've heard are pic related and defunding the police, neither of which have anything to do with race. Police just have too much power and not enough accountability or training.

Which kinda makes the whole "more white people are killed by cops" argument irrelevant (if it weren't already completely disingenuous given the relative population sizes of white and black people)

>> No.15308171

What Separates Real Data to you from fake data, you're using data that is literally given and arranged by the subjects versus data from a University because to you University's=Liberal Brainwashing.

>They are saying nothing about black crime rates and how racism put them in poverty and that raises crime, they won't do that so they won't solve it. And as above, it does not explain the high rate of rape nor does it explain why in every country with a black minority the pattern is repeated.

People literally are talking about and explaining all these things and have been since the fucking 1940s,

Are you telling me you cant find a single person who stands with black life matters or the george floyd movement that talks about and explains systemic racism and the lasting effects of Colonialism. Because that legitimately makes no sense

>> No.15308173

>Sure it originally was worn by Hollywood actors

yes it was only worn in movies, not anyone else. that's why they used to call them actor hats. ignorant people then came to call them gangster hats.

>> No.15308174

Cecil is being retarded again. Keep being devils advocate dude, I’m sure the payoff is massive. Contrarian cunt.

This was a good thread but you had to detail it with your shitty boomer posting kys

>> No.15308176

this thread never had potential because all of the people involved are bad dressers.

>> No.15308179

Holy shit dude, holy fucking shit. Can you stop it with the reddit spacing and the spam posting? Go back to fucking r/the_donald where there isn't an age limit of 18. I know puberty is tough and all but you don't have to take it out on us. And y'know /pol/ types really irritate me but at least they have the balls to say something of substance unlike you.

>b-but that's not an argument
I'm not trying to argue with you dumbass

>> No.15308184

Maybe so, but the inspo was good. “Was” is key here. Yet another thread derailed by cecil.

>> No.15308187

cecil is unironically the best thing to happen to /fa/ in a long time.

>> No.15308195
File: 27 KB, 600x418, B1494343-21C5-434D-A119-F58E6465A90E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15308200

cecil posts his ugly face for all to mock and doesn't care. it shames the narcissists that are too scared to post their own.
the more cecil activity i see the less narcissist activity i see.

>> No.15308204

Man it would have been funny if you left the name on

>> No.15308222

>if it weren't already completely disingenuous given the relative population sizes of white and black people

can you read? he has answered this question 100 times in this thread. the stats are based on a per capita basis so population size is already taken into context.

>> No.15308235

Why couldn’t you dumb mutts just pick your own cotton. What a mess you’ve made of your country.

>> No.15308238

I post my face all the time on face threads since I’m not an ugly kyke like him. I’m just tired of his boomer politics and thread derailing

>> No.15308255

what i mean by narcissist activity is a kind of poster you have no doubt seen.
you know that kind of faggot that snipes at others but absolutely refuses to post a fit, a photo, an opinion etc.?
they are incapable of making a worthwhile post because that would be risking someone else sniping at them for a shit opinion.

>> No.15308462

>disband the police

How based would it be if they did the same to the army? Seriously. Only real conservatives (not republicucks) reply please.

>> No.15308470

they don't want to get rid of police. they just want to get rid of local police. they want all the police to be federal so they have more direct control.

>> No.15308471

maybe because of your racism? lmao

>> No.15308474

>I think im starting to become racist
newsflash: you already are