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File: 52 KB, 174x134, plshelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15306800 No.15306800 [Reply] [Original]

What are these things called on shirts where the suspenders go under?

>> No.15306804

Epaulettes, shoulder boards, shoulder straps.

>> No.15306810

Thank you very much, I have been looking for an answer for hours.

>> No.15306826

>I have been looking for an answer for hours.

JUST EMBARRASSING. I knew what they were called but:

>go on google
>shoulder straps on shirts
>Epaulettes are fastened to the shoulder by a shoulder strap...

It's the first answer to come up and you should have been able to find it out within seconds.

Seriously, this isn't aimed at you but has something happened to this board? There are so many posters as dumb as a rock.

>> No.15307073


>> No.15307113

>Seriously, this isn't aimed at you but has something happened to this board? There are so many posters as dumb as a rock.
They aren't dumb, zoomers are just the most tech illiterate generation to date. Even boomers are perfectly capable of operating the tech of their youth. I don't claim to know what are the underlying reasons for this phenomena, but it's perfectly evident.

>> No.15307130

Yeah I know I sound like an ass, but really, 1 hour? Must improve.

Yeah I would think they should be really tech literate because they grow up with it but then most of it is made really simple, so I guess not. Everything is so simple, 1 click install and it all works. Programming a VCR was much harder.

I think also because when I came online in the 90s, I was trying to learn things and find out, explore and saw it as some great big library.

Now the average zoomer just wants to be online for social media.

KKK website circa 1999. I remember checking this out lol..


>> No.15307307

>came online in the 90s

Cecil how can you be a 30 year old man on the 4chan fashion board and actually have any self pride.

>> No.15307315

I'm 41.

Because when I was a teen I was partying, getting pussy and drinking alcohol? I wasn't sat on my virgin ass online.

What are people my age supposed to do? Logically if they are single, and I am, they would be more likely to now be online and not at a party.

That's why this is clown world. You're the losers, not me.

>> No.15307350

>y-you're the loser, not me

said through tears lol,

you know being single doesn't make it less weird that you have no friends or outside hobbies

>> No.15307855

shut the fuck up tripfag

>> No.15307892
File: 167 KB, 728x546, v4-728px-Identify-Military-Rank-(US-Army)-Step-9-Version-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


arent these for military ranks?

>> No.15307897

Uhh my friends are all here anon, you seem confused.

Stfu peckerwood.

>> No.15307904
File: 219 KB, 1200x897, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but if your uniform has braces or a Sam Brown belt then you also route the straps under them.

>> No.15307917

Is this an actual sex-core military uniform or just homos larping?

>> No.15307928

homos larping

>> No.15307931
File: 601 KB, 2501x1563, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the real parade uniform of the Spanish Legion