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15171972 No.15171972 [Reply] [Original]

Are there ways to reverse hair thinning besides taking drugs that will make you go infertile?

>> No.15171977

>drugs that will make you go infertile?
they don't make you infertile retard

>> No.15171984

>spend thousands of dollars on surgeries that might work
>embraced baldcore life

>> No.15171986

They might.

>> No.15171998

>drugs that make you sterile
Either it’s too late to reproduce or you’ve got bad genes, I don’t see why you’d worry about it. Also that’s not a thing

>> No.15172000

Vitamins and change of diet do not make you infertile. They do the exact opposite lmao.

>> No.15172058

Receding hair line is patrician as fuck. You can get away with much fancier fits if you look old.

>> No.15172075

fin doesnt break your dick
read the studies properly instead of parroting fucking greentext.
im convinced that this meme is a psyop to send young men into a spiral of depression instead of easily solving their problem with a harmless pill.
its the same shit with accutane, doctors dont want to prescribe it because of the stigma about depression side effect, but having acne causes mental health issues by itself

>> No.15172078

if you are a 50 year old man who will suffer from erectile dysfunction a few years from now anyway, yeah they might

>> No.15172128

But I’m less than half that age.

>> No.15172829

Remove ur testes

>> No.15172831

hair implants

>> No.15172833

shut the fuck up, how is this fashion? this is the 100th fkn hair loss thread, just google it please its not hard to find information on this. Fucking hairlet kill yourself

>> No.15172838

im 18 and look 14

>> No.15173270

There are no reputable studies supporting that notion so nah bro. But also, hair transplant, easy.

>> No.15173339

massage your balls twice a day with argan oil, it will normalize your testosterone levels.

>> No.15173850

200mg spirolactone
4mg estradiol valerate :^)

>> No.15173855

>wanting to pass on bald genes

>> No.15173887
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right now, you’re idubbbz, in a years time you will be one of picrel

>> No.15173890

>that conspicuous carabiner
is fantano a homo?

>> No.15173905

just kill yourself

>> No.15173913

I would rather be Fantano than Idubbbz, seems like a nice life.

>> No.15173940
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fantano could actually probably pull off hair if he found a competent barber

>> No.15173955

Don’t spend your time and money trying to fight the inevitable

>> No.15173962

What is the rundown on proscar/propecia? I am seriously considering it.

>will be 30 this november
>look way younger, mainly because of a healthy lifestyle and exercise also hair was decent length.
>always dated younger women, in fact I hooked up with a 19 year old who is infatuated by me a few times
>corona virus comes
>being a dumbass narcissist who is on a vacation, I shave my head
>looks like shit, the girls hate it, the 19 year old particularly said I ruined myself because I look like a 40 year old
>starts to grow and I see that it's rarer on the top than on the sides

TL;DR I want to take finasteride but I am scared of it affecting my body and muscles plus the dick.

>> No.15173974

just take fin and if you get sides do topical minox.
also supplement with biotin, iron, zinc, b12, omegas, and c

>> No.15174144

Too expensive and i refuseto take fin

>> No.15174239

if you aren't a man enough to grow some bitchtits and get feminized you never wanted your hair bad enough

>> No.15174257

a 3 month's supply of minox is like $30
even old spice is making their shitty version of it.
and most of the supplements can be attained by eating better. spinach, lean meat, eggs, and cauliflower are your best friends.

>> No.15174261

kirkland's 6 month supply on ebay for like $35 with free shipping, there is no excuse to be a baldfag in 2020

>> No.15174281

DHT blocker will be your go to

>> No.15174499

lol your life is over

>> No.15174575

Jimmy McGill? Is that you?

>> No.15174578

Jimmy McGill is a team of professional comedy writers, beatch.

>> No.15174592
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Rogaine won’t make you sterile. Infertile is the term for women, sterile is the term for men.
Taking vitamins that women take to make their hair long will not have any feminizing effect on men. They will do the same thing.

>> No.15174718

>60 "gummies"
>Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Biotin

How is this better than just taking a regular multivitamin?

>> No.15174721

As someone looking into this, it’s pretty simple.

>things that work
Hair transplants
>negatives for above
Side effects

vitamin stacks

>What should you do?
Take fin. If side effects, reduce dosage. If side effects still take minox.

>> No.15174727

I refuse to believe that dermarolling shit won't fuck up your skin, give you an infection, make it worse

Sketch as hell and all the dermarollers are chinkshit

>> No.15174729

Well, the evidence isn’t good. I wouldn’t dermaroll because it’s a waste of time.

>> No.15174734

Actually look into the scientific studies and not random forum posts.

For the people reporting negative side effects take a look to see if your situation is similar to theirs or not.

Just remember it is something which as soon as you stop taking the hair will go back to thinning out as usual

>> No.15174739

cold showers

>> No.15174789

Reminder that rampant baldposting wasn't a thing on this board for 10+ years.

>> No.15174791

More or less this as well. The drug is fairly old and the side effects known. Essentially, the drug can cause sexual side effects, but these reduce drastically by dosage. Likewise, permanent side effects are extremely rare. A while back a group of men brought a class action against Merck, who still produces the drug, and managed to get 1000 men to sign. It's been 20 years, and millions of people have taken it.

Likewise, when doing double blind studies, the group with sexual side effects is just barely over placeabo.

>> No.15174798

The board has gotten older.

>> No.15174813

One of sean's only decent fits because it's not shitty streetwear

>> No.15174836

I heard cold showers cause the pores to shrink and close up causing them to fall out

>> No.15174842
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>> No.15174902

this but the opposite.

>> No.15174907

Some people make very little money anon

>> No.15174914

That's not how it works, though. Let's say you were 15 in 2008. Front and sides would typically come out around 21. Bald-posting should have amped up in 2014. It's a lot of years after that.
15 yo is 27 now. He will not make any
>oh wow, am i actually going bald?
threads because he fucking knows.
A typical feature of bald-posting is that they are surprised it is happening to them. These are zoomers.

>> No.15174917

The majority of the internet were early zoomers. And late millenials pretending to be older. Theres just no other reason for things like ragecomics and camarallsden or whatever to have been as big as they were
So yeah it does line up that 2020 everyones bald posting
Also you are forgetting that everyone is quarantined and stressed out.

>> No.15174938

No, I'm 27 I'm googling around about balding; I'm not even very bald.

>> No.15174940

Also this, I'm noticing I'm balding because I have too much time to look in the mirror and also not treat my hair decently.

>> No.15174942

Are you actually surprised that it is happening to you, though?
If you're a typical case you're closing in on a decade of having signs of baldness.

>> No.15174951

You're not understanding the important part. The surprise.
Here's a typical case of bpd:
*first signs visible from 18-19 years old, extra hair on the comb and mild hairline recession.
*front and signs coming out around age 20-21 almost all at once. shocking "gorilla hands" in the shower.
*increased hair loss noticeable on your comb from 21 onwards.
*most of your hair gone on top in early to mid 30s.

No one that experiences the gorilla hands stage will fail to recognize he is going bald.
So anyone that is surprised is almost certain <22 years old.
These aren't old guys these are zoomers.
I'm a millennial and I knew I was going bald over ten years ago. I didn't bald-post about it and I barely ever saw bald posts except in the last couple of years.

>> No.15174955

Thats literally what ijust said. If you areas old as you say youare then you are way too old for arbitary generational warfare. Especially when alot of zoomers are also oldfags

>> No.15175002

No, keep in mind I'm also not making threads, but what the fuck is /fa/ going to tell me?

>Pretty much getting diffused thinning, actually perfect candidate for finistride since I'm not really receding
>Signs I noticed were: hair no longer styles like it did, part has gotten a bit bigger, hairline in direct light looks a bit thinner
>Family has 50/50 odds of going bald, two older brothers, one balded, one didn't

>> No.15175275

>younger brother still in college is almost completely bald on top, has a groovy cul de sac/sideburns going on that drives my mom insane
>he doesn’t care, he’s yoked and has a smokin gf, looks like a warrior monk
My hair is super thick but I’ve always had a high widows peak, if it ever starts to go I might just shave it all off

>> No.15175298
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>> No.15175301

finasteride unironically causes erectile dysfunction. just ask /fit/

>> No.15176004

I took a supplement that apparently works in the prostate and had dht lowering effects and I had a weird pressure in my balls and my dick didn't work as good. Went a
way after I stopped taking the supplement.

Does that mean I'm a bad case for fin, since the effects would undoubtedly be stronger?

>> No.15176010

what supplement? Saw palmetto? are you sure it wasn't nocebo? many people report ball ache in the first week or 2 but then it goes away, I didn't have any ball or dick probems whatsoever but after 2 months I started getting nipple pain and got scared so I stopped, I'll give it a try again soon

>> No.15176016

In terms of side effects I was talking about finasteride here, not saw palmetto of course*

>> No.15176021

Pygeum, I tried to wait it out but it just got more painful and I didn't want to continue.

>> No.15176247

Hold on are you saying that because you have hairy ass knuckles you will end up a bald fuck?

>> No.15176259

Everyone is going bald young now, I'm a zoomer and I see people my age that are almost bald pretty often. Even I am receding.

>> No.15176261

Yeah, Pete was balding, but we had no idea if the Campbell hairline would hold. The man was a fighter until the end.

>> No.15176281

how did our generation get so fucked by the universe? women all whores, home prices completely out of touch with reality, norwood reaper breathing down on our necks, wtf did we do in previous life to have this happen to us?

>> No.15176289

Wrong place wrong time bro, it just means that we have to train ourselves to be even stronger. Cheer up though, I have feeling we'll get our chance at glory one day - and it won't be long in coming.

>> No.15176312
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truth is, the game was rigged from the start

>> No.15177750

if you’re in such a money crunch that you can’t save up $35 for something you want, you shouldn’t be browsing /fa/

>> No.15177983

This is considered receding? Looks fine...

>> No.15177988

Nioxin shampoo/conditioner

Didn't give me my lost hair back, but made the remaining hair strong enough that it wont fall out. Gotta keep it up though.

>> No.15177997

Talk to your doctor about propecia.
I got it prescribed and had no side effects
buzzpill is retarded unless necessary.

>> No.15178674

Jesus Christ, hair loss world is depressing. I saw a post from this forum saying that bald men are saved because hair cloning is going to be the standard in the next 2 years. The post was made in 2014.

>> No.15178695

That's because balding is literally a punishment from god and will never be fixed unless you trade your soul with some tranny meds that might not even work

>> No.15178722

>thinks not taking the pharmaceuticals is the psyop.

lol neck urself sheep

>> No.15178871

Get Fin 1mg but either halve or quarter the pill when you start out it will ease your body into it and will prevent sides.

>> No.15178882

Bitch I'm 27 and JUST started receding and getting "gorilla hands" in the shower. Shut up.