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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 72 KB, 1280x720, E09BBFDF-A0FE-457E-B0F5-259C605C0F26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15163459 No.15163459 [Reply] [Original]

stinky edition

>> No.15163461
File: 1.63 MB, 3022x3831, 86FD4833-4341-44C0-AF6F-97E9C4E980F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this me

>> No.15163463
File: 2.38 MB, 3021x3898, 5C0AE582-3E90-472E-9A95-FBC67254EF0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this me feet

>> No.15163467

he fell for the troll praise

>> No.15163469

wear pants that fit

>> No.15163588 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 900x1200, 20200420_095548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, seriously. proportions matter.

>> No.15163593
File: 190 KB, 900x1200, 20200420_095548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fix your proportions, imbecile.
going for a different look today

>> No.15163601

nice, minimalist solid fit.

>> No.15163645
File: 576 KB, 393x960, Screenshot_2020-04-20-21-01-55-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the jacket, I assume Levis jacket?
Not a fan of the top, but do you

>> No.15163677

you look like the size of a child wearing your 6'4 dads clothing
really aught not speak of proportions

>> No.15163679
File: 659 KB, 750x1334, 25112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good everyday wear

legendary fit

>> No.15163682
File: 37 KB, 360x480, suck a dobermans dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to get out of my pyjamas to go to the Azn grocer.

>> No.15163701
File: 136 KB, 828x1104, image2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't say 6 feet away from all of you

>> No.15163773

w2c pants?

>> No.15163786
File: 984 KB, 836x1045, popipopipopopipo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why yes, i do shop at banana republic. how could you tell?

cool mask and jeans. you remind me of logan paul for some reason
>fix your proportions
this is nice :^>
this is decent

>> No.15163795
File: 2.83 MB, 1606x2349, HYPER_20200420_181418_sRGB+b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pirate drip
The inverted Steve jobs

>> No.15163812

I like it! Can I have an ID on top, and trousers

>> No.15163836
File: 1.53 MB, 761x1134, boringcore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing special here, really.

A solid fit, I can dig it.
You look like a tutorial sub-boss in Shenmue.
The camera really ties your ensemble together.
Not much to say, a decent fit.
Too powerful.
It would be better without the shorts, but not terrible?

>> No.15163849

top - some random banana republic thermal i found on eBay
trousers - uniqlo u jersey wide fit pants from last year

>> No.15163856
File: 3.04 MB, 4032x3024, 54D0158A-19C9-4F57-BD40-C611C0182E28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not really sure, I thrifted them and I can’t understand the logo on the button. Here’s a pic of the logo if that helps

>> No.15164048
File: 2.74 MB, 2193x2193, IMG_20200419_161100_682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happi frog

>> No.15164056

I wanna chokeslam frog into the mossy covered woodland floor

>> No.15164057

ur a normal dude, what do you browse fa for
u need some lighter shoes
i like u
okay why not
what is happening

>> No.15164166

This photo is fucking me up

>> No.15164173


>> No.15164182

i might be high as shit but are you balancing on the tip of your bike's wheel

>> No.15164186

Well, good outfit first off, but it looks like you're levitating

>> No.15164189

>The inverted Steve jobs
sides in orbit

>> No.15164192

What happened with you and the Italian?

>> No.15164214
File: 982 KB, 750x983, 1587386706000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore weird positioning of feet

>> No.15164223
File: 307 KB, 1049x1645, iMarkup_20200421_025001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15164227

the tuck and jacket throw off everything else. difficult to see how the jeans even fit you

cringe. only redeeming part are the boots but even they look clowny on you

everything fits in a boring way, nothing interesting or inspiring here



v cool top and pants, not sure bout the shoes tho

are you argentinian? the oversaturated edit of the pic screams south american. otherwise ok fit but different shoes would be better


v cute outift, reminds me of somethign i'd see on popeye or cluel

>> No.15164281
File: 248 KB, 1280x960, A05DE075-B892-404E-B3CF-881EDD7BAFD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck man, just as I post mine on the old thread
Pretty sick, jacket seems big though
File name related

>> No.15164320

dam you got the tactical ipad case like youre flying drones in Afghanistan or smth

>> No.15164329
File: 2.70 MB, 3472x3472, IMG_20200419_180512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bbbboring full black fuck it I'm negative like Igor
Nice, I think other shoes would fit better but it works
Proportions meme but not that bad if you're into that, don't like the shirt but it's personal
Kinda normal
Cool, nice hair
Normie core
My favorite fit of yours probably, are the pants Dickie's?
Not a fit but seems comfy for summer
Walmart core
Cool shirt
Pretty normal, probably browse /k/, give me your guns anon

>> No.15164331

i am standing on a rock guys

>> No.15164332 [DELETED] 
File: 2.24 MB, 3000x4000, FF7F4A88-573B-48C2-82D5-0C674ABBEEA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what it do babey ;))

>> No.15164340
File: 1.39 MB, 845x1213, 1582950683532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! I had to zoom in to see!

>> No.15164344

you aren't wacky, nor are you quirky
if you want upboats on for trying too hard and looking like a fucking faggot go back to r*ddit

>> No.15164346
File: 701 KB, 3000x1688, 24russia-kim-videoSixteenByNine3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15164352
File: 55 KB, 335x640, hitler-stupid-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was his birthday yesterday was he /fa/ here?

>> No.15164353

haha get it guys, hitler bad? teehee i said it guys, ironic post! haha!
please leave

>> No.15164354

next time use the clip art to cover your entire outfit so i dont have to look at it

>> No.15164355

That's how the file name was I didn't edit it

>> No.15164356

>i-i s-swear i d-d-didn't...

>> No.15164357

he was a manlet with NPC eyes who was convinced the Übermensch was blond with blue eyes
he would have never made it

>> No.15164359

>who was convinced the Übermensch was blond with blue eyes
That's actually a lie BTW

>> No.15164361
File: 446 KB, 800x1162, cd1a39e49f113774180acb4a36ad85f0-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15164365

>convinced the Übermensch was blond with blue eyes
Yea, my history teacher said the same thing. Then I took out his book and a compile of all of his table talks and asked for a direct quote stating this and she froze. Maybe you can find one though?

>> No.15164374

ok /pol/, prove me wrong

>> No.15164375
File: 782 KB, 1667x2560, 180430_r31962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was quite handsome when younger and /fa/ looking

>> No.15164381

that's not how the burden of proof works, and i never ever go on /pol/
you aren't going to get upvotes by epically hating on nahtzees here

>> No.15164386
File: 133 KB, 1024x692, 1587436369586m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was not even a requirement for the SS. Whilst it is true that many NS prominent leaders such as Himmler made excessive statements about Nordics and hoped to breed Nordics they were not the only people to be accepted. Aryan did not equal Nordic, Aryan equaled many Europeans under the Third Reich.
Hitler did have light brown hair and blue eyes, and many of his closest comrades had brown hair. In no speech of Hitler did he specify the blonde hair blue eyes myth. He just wanted racial rejuvenation. I don't know where the myth originated.

>> No.15164387

i dont give a shit about anyones political view
either way, you cant refute a factless statement with another factless statement
if you dont want to i dont care, point is: Hitler was not "effay"

>> No.15164390

you're so fucking dumb it hurts
when you make a claim you need to prove it

>> No.15164392

because these retards don't know what aryan means. aryan was a title given to indo-european settlers in northern india because of their fair skin and light eyes (see buddha for example). objectively speaking all europeans are aryan, hitler never said you only needed blue eyes and blonde hair to be aryan

>> No.15164394

>Himmler made excessive statements about Nordics
my bad, it was the propaganda team of hitler that made these statements, not him directly, even though he never corrected them or hinted that they were "wrong"
people just assumed that everything that nazi germany did was because Hitler gave the order for it
Fun Fact: The final solution for the jewish population was decided at the Wannsee conference, which Hitler did not attend and had practically no word in
He never ordered the gassing and mass extermination of the jews but everyone credits him for it today

but you dont?

>> No.15164395

The final solution was them wanting the Jews out of Germany, they wanted them shipped off to Madagascar at first, then settled with Palestine
IIRC (Havara agreement)

>> No.15164406
File: 85 KB, 640x480, D9F0BA02-86C1-403D-8DB0-3CC40E8F8265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t own guns, I’m a /g/ guy but damn side by sides are cool, I want one

>> No.15164410

Is that an ipad? I don't remember them being that big

>> No.15164418
File: 297 KB, 1200x1800, slidez or derbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking out trash fit
did i get these pants cropped too high?

doktor! your style has not changed
yay froggo
if that's a pearl necklace, then these are some truly grandma vibes.
nice setting. i like the coat. shoes seem to clash with middle layer
not sure but the something seems off with the shirt.. have you tried tucking?
stem studentcore
classic fa outfit, looks sharp

>> No.15164440

id on that button up

>> No.15164442
File: 598 KB, 600x599, phit 87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the belt + jeans, but that's it everything else is basic and boring

You look like a fucking dweeb

boring but you're probably too old to develop your own style at this point

Sick combat boots

Even for you this is really basic, there's nothing else to say I mean I like your pants + shoes but you've had much better outfits in the past

This is what you wear first thing in the morning don't even post this shit it's pointless

boringcore indeed

I like your pants and I like your beret the outfit is missing something it needs another layer or two but also if you're riding your bike around fair enough don't wanna get sweaty and stinky

You look like a european scientist

Okay this entire thread has been a bunch of nothing outfits, give me something interesting next time, add some colour, accessorize

You look like every other asian

Once again you win the thread not usually a fan of all black outfits but this one is perfect (except for the excessive amount of belt seriously tuck that shit in it makes you look like a 14 year old eboy wannabe)

>Slidez or derbz
as if that's even a question you need to ask never wear those fucking sandals unless you're in your backyard. Yes your pants are cropped about an inch shorter than they potentially could be but it's not a bad thing at that length it's passable. It's not about how it looks to others it's about what you prefer and I usually prefer my pants cropped lower.

>> No.15164525
File: 426 KB, 1536x2048, B742585C-280D-47F7-89BE-3976D71AB16D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad thread you all dress like the average zoomer there’s literally nothing noteworthy or interesting about your cheap and ill fitting clothing

>> No.15164530

Coming from the most pretentious fag whose style never evolved beyond buying budget Rick off grailed or on sale at sense.

Your opinions are hard to take seriously since your style has not evolved whatsoever nor does it bear any personality.

>> No.15164534

I’m the only here who’s even wearing designer clothing. Do you really think you have any right to criticize me when you’re either wearing some fast fashion garbage or other soulless trash you found at the thrift store?
Yeah that’s what I thought. Don’t bother commenting on something you’re unable to comprehend, it just makes you look foolish

>> No.15164537

owning designer =/= better sense of style so stop bragging about it on a mongolian horsebetting forum

>Don’t bother commenting on something you’re unable to comprehend, it just makes you look foolish

you are really a simpleton aren't ya

im not the guy who first replied im him >>15164214
and the outfit i posted has more variety of designers than any of your fits ive ever seen you post.. jacket is vintage issey, pants acne, shoes apc, blazer kapita

>> No.15164542

this opinion boggles the mind, what you’re wearing is literally indistinguishable from fast fashion shit lmao

>> No.15164545

I hope you get covid and die

>> No.15164549

Nothing you’re wearing is avant-garde in the slightest nor does it have any cohesion since you mix and match multiple brands with designer. This is why you shouldn’t speak on things you clearly have no understanding of

>> No.15164550

If this guy is posting a list I guess I’ll too. I’m >>15164281. Jacket is a 1945 vintage Eisenhower jacket, jeans are PBJ ks-013 raw denim, and not pictured shoes are scotch grain welted brogues.

>> No.15164555

wearing only rick =/= you have superior style

avant-garde fashion =/= objectively better sense of style

>> No.15164556

>Nothing you’re wearing is avant-garde in the slightest
he didn't say it was avant-garde, are you fucking retarded?

>> No.15164561

holy samefag

>> No.15164566
File: 51 KB, 1572x519, niceoneretard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice one retard

>> No.15164567

that's sad

>> No.15164578

I only wear Rick because there’s no one else who even comes close to filling his niche

Avant- garde is infinitely more interesting than any of the basic ass outfits posted here
He compared wearing a variety of mismatched brands as being more interesting than a single avant garde designers clothing that are complimentary and cohesive to one another

>> No.15164583

>He compared wearing a variety of mismatched brands as being more interesting than a single avant garde designers clothing that are complimentary and cohesive to one another
it is tho I would rather see people try to be creative and interesting with the different designer pieces they have then some bland fuckhead who only buys rick. Because it gets old seeing the same fucking rick pieces from you.

>> No.15164631

bruh this is just a shirt

>> No.15164703
File: 1.71 MB, 1468x2608, 2020-04-20 06.18.39 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brokeback mountain core? lol but nah its basic but it suits you gives you a masculine tough guy vibe, I like it. 7/10

Decent I fuck with the vibe but its alittIe too militant for me but its good on you 6/10

Best fit in thread so far good proportions and the colors compliment each other well.I also like how that the pants have a pattern and you know how to accessorize with it being over the top.

This is the kind of fit I would wear and look fine in person but you need something to break up the black or better lighting

Basic but really good fit. Nice and simple but your still playing with proportions so its interesting. One of the best fits in the thread. Would be nice if you were some rings or a chain.

>> No.15164729

dude you unironically look bad. Like a normal person on the street would see you and think "that guy looks pretty bad, why would he wear that shit" before stuffing the memory of seeing you into their subconscious as a generally unpleasant experience for the next few months.

>> No.15164738

w2c boots and pants?

>> No.15164835

I shouldn’t bother posting a photo but these are pretty much the only clothes I brought to maine sorry
what the hell is this
ssense->sale->filter->price->low to high
Actually cool rick

>> No.15164839 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 2355x3140, ABC17019-A9B2-479E-B5C9-813DA392BE5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this time with photo I shouldn’t bother posting anyway

>> No.15164840

Your legs look so short because of the proportions lmao

>> No.15164883

lmao wear heels next time shorty

>> No.15164887


>> No.15164891

mate you shouldn't wear coats if you are that short

>> No.15164892

you probably think your the shit while walking down the street xd

>> No.15164897

shut up his fit is 1000000x better than yours. you look like your still stuck in 2013

>> No.15164900

cute touch with the bike but ur hat and top is different colors plus texture on that bag doesn't go with your fit

>> No.15164902

great fit

>> No.15164903

literal /normiecore/ still better than 90% of this thread

>> No.15164906


>> No.15164912

nice shoes but your jacket seems like a smaller size, your pants bigger size belt buckle too high and there is dust on yo shoes. also the mask ruins whatever the fuck you were tryna do

>> No.15164929

Thanks jacket is a cheap target brand champion rain jacket. 4 years old and holding up though. Wish I could see your whole fit
Preciate it dude I like your fit. It was an all black kinda day
I would tuck but my only belt is fucked up. Been trying collared shirts without tucking in and it is a wild ride. I can't see the cropping in your pants at all really but your silhouette seems like it would be good with a small crop
Sorry anon next time I'll accessorize with a video camera and shitty haircut

>> No.15164942

u dress like shit but ur right this board is trash

>> No.15164945

I agree and you are also trash

>> No.15165010

Someone tell this faggot that there are other colors than the skin color of the guy that fucks his mom on a daily basis

>> No.15165045

were on fucking lockdown you mongoloid, what the fuck do you want people to post, most cant go outside, also your pic is fucking shit and not even a fit

>> No.15165048

hate the diaper pants but I know that's a preference thing

>> No.15165109 [DELETED] 
File: 364 KB, 1355x1800, 1587492163320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15165149

Yeah they can look strange sometimes

>> No.15165170

I didn't think it was possible to look cringe and cool at the same time you have proven me wrong

>> No.15165198

Who else /d e p r e s s e d/ core?

>> No.15165199
File: 3.46 MB, 4160x3120, 20200421_113836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15165278


>> No.15165503
File: 2.32 MB, 1917x2267, 20200421_223735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15165507
File: 2.10 MB, 1936x2046, 20200421_223610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15165525
File: 1.34 MB, 1008x2268, 1576203715065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best in this thread

>> No.15165562

You paid 100s for that disgusting "designer" t cmon man lol you're a fool

>> No.15165619

You can't even see the clothes in your fit pic

>> No.15165638


>> No.15165702

thrifted. tag says High Sierra. the sleeves are cut really frekin wide

>> No.15165925

my mans got the cum shoes on

>> No.15165934

the what?

>> No.15166163

The only good fits

>> No.15166165

>good fit
you've disqualified your post

>> No.15166169
File: 2.06 MB, 2432x2375, 20200422_022543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15166171

Is it because he is black?

>> No.15166172

I always find arachni pics to be one of the more interesting ones

>> No.15166174

cringy kc tier post

>> No.15166178

are you mentally deficient?
he has no style
wow discord faggots really this defensive

>> No.15166185

You're that fucker who stream sniped ice poseidon arent you

>> No.15166198

He dresses like some low income middle schooler who's clothes are either donated or bought by his mom at goodwill

>> No.15166647

Really not fucking with this one compadre

>> No.15166660


>> No.15166665
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 28295fd7250146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15166669


God damn you were so close

>> No.15166670

;_; some dweeb in the watch thread got it

>> No.15166674


what a bastard

>> No.15166679

imagine recording yourself with a camcorder using a mirror, then taking a picture of the video using your iphone, just so you can show off how shitty your haircut is

>> No.15166831


see >>15163856 for pants

boots are thrifted too, no logo tho

>> No.15166861

jacket id?

>> No.15166866
File: 971 KB, 1481x2261, 0C93D8A0-77BD-4A54-9337-79101DCEEADE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to rate cuz of froggo
Shirt just doesn’t seem right to me but hey, might be comfy so there’s that.
Normie core but it’s ok. What type of pics do you take, I mean you must use that camera for something, right?
The hair is immaculate, fit ok and looks ok on you, just wish you had on a shirt that was less baggy
P good as always
10/10 qt
Much love Froggo, love the pants
Sleeves look too long aaa
Really liked this one, can’t really see the crop perfectly but might be tiny bit too short
Vest is making it too bulky but I like the colors

>> No.15166873

L.A? Tell me you’re from L.a please please pleaseee

>> No.15167009

clown shoes

>> No.15167011

You're trying and the effort is cute but

>> No.15167017

>What type of pics do you take, I mean you must use that camera for something, right?
Nothing it's basically an artifact nowadays

>> No.15167347

Lager 157, a dirt cheap Scandinavian chain. Pants are from the same place

>> No.15167401


>> No.15167563
File: 1.74 MB, 2100x1500, Senza titolo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always me >>15164329
I don't like this edit and I regret posting it, my face looks dumb and I'm not sure about the outfit either

never ever been on /g/ I hate technology but I need it
ty and very nice fit, simple, clean and it goes well with your hair and your figure in general
Ty, cool shirt and I like your pic, like, the photo itself. I know about the belt but desu I've never seen eboys doing it, and objectively it doesn't look bad. I might just cut it tho idk
man I told you already, no one gives a fuck about the brand of what you wear except a very niche circle of circlejerkers
ty man, I know i usually don't go full black. Nice fit but I personally don't like rick's pants
cool top
a bit confused but overall nice, I' d change the pants with something less skinny
ty, cool color palette
just normal stay in home fit I guess
Nice, you have froggo vibes, very cool depressed dog in the background

>> No.15167570

I didn't get enough sleep and I look like a young CecilDrake or how it's called

>> No.15167575

based nice poster, also love the colors

>> No.15167608
File: 369 KB, 1144x2048, 94316063_587183275223765_2096008082705350656_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it even qualifies as something to post on /fa/ but dresscode is dresscode
I'm in desperate need of a haircut

>> No.15167628

those shoes suck ass stop wearing them with everything

>> No.15167632

good stuff

>> No.15167638

best one here for now, everything looks good except the clown shoes

>> No.15167647

aye, I've been eyeing some dress shoes or chelseas but since stores are closed and I don't like buying shoes without trying them on first I'm stuck with docs. It's not so bad really, I don't think I go full into clown teritory with them

>> No.15167658

I actually like em on his fit

>> No.15167665

If you mean the merrels I never ever wore them for an outfit before taking these pics

>> No.15167784
File: 181 KB, 686x1024, 1578054829910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually I am able to spot who frequents /fa/ irl by just seeing who dresses like a retard who escaped out of a Down-Syndrome hospice.

>pants so pulled up it's on the verge of hillbilly fashion
>"fix your proportions"
>wears shirt almost reaching the knees
Looking good
Looking retarded
Not bad but maybe button up a little bit more
trying to be a meme or stereotype of "chad" and "average american in the 80s action movies"
pants don't fit well with that top, you look like you belong in Star Trek.
get proper shorts and you'll be looking good. Also put some socks on, damn man.
Looking good but don't take a jacket with you that you're not going to wear.
If you don't live in rural france or a chique metropolitan area you're going to look very weird in public.
I wouldn't go to public transportation or near children parks with that thing on
tuck pants in boots, not boots in pants, other than that looking good
kid from avatar got fashion sense, looking good
your face looks like its been mirrored and you look like you're about to tell me you're satan and if the coin you've flipped lands on heads my soul is yours.
looking good but maybe unbutton the top button or you risk being mistaken for a special-ed student
Introducing the NEW blanket shirt! It looks like your dad is 2m tall and you're 1.6 and he gave you his shirt
also the graphics on the shirt seem to be misplaced, might want to fix that
spiritual negro, looks good but the tip of your shoes look goofy, i think skinny blue jeans would tie the whole outfit together
nothing unusual, not bad
fingerless gloves, shoe mouths, going for the bum aesthetic
untuck the hoodie and you may have the best outfit here
nothing unusual, not bad
iron your shirt and pants then try again

>> No.15167789
File: 30 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-841196116-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks good but those pants do not match those shoes at all, consider wearing boots, timberland style not dr. martens style
looks pretty good

>> No.15167895


the chinese in that is 军迷家 if it helps you look

seems like it's chinese faux milsurp

>> No.15168163
File: 275 KB, 1500x1500, IMG-20200422-WA0035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonus pic with da jacket

Man your fits are better than 95% of the stuff people post on here, it looks good and the bag is a nice touch, btw from the pic your hair seems totally fine, and the doc derbys work very well with it, but if you want to change them I'd suggest chealseas as you said or Clark's or some classic mocassins
I'm Satan, wanna flip, Mr. Hitler?
Ty maybe I am too negative about it, maybe it's nice
It would work but I don't like timbs, I have some docs and it works with them but idk I feel like it would work also with Chuck's or some '90 lookin sneakers

>> No.15168263

Pretty spot on, the kid has never posted anything not Walmart-core, and I weep for anyone who praises his outfits

>> No.15168286

Chaldean at a club aka mall tier trash
saved. Best waywt post in months
good, assuming this isn’t a pic stolen from Instagram

>> No.15168304
File: 11 KB, 500x500, russia why worry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does that mean?

>> No.15168330

Lol poeple steal pictures from ig thats pretty sad

Thank you anon

I haven't been here in along time, while theres some things I like about the format I just think once you actually find your style theres no reason to post here

>> No.15168489
File: 926 KB, 1956x3480, IMG_20200422_140735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mah new jeans got here in the mail

>> No.15168524

wat shoes, baka

>> No.15168613

PF Flyers

>> No.15168640
File: 691 KB, 1616x1212, 20200422_181227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rothco m65 jacket, plain white T-shirt, standard Hank Hill jeans, brown belt, boots out of frame are black Corcoran combat boots
Disgusting fatbody (213 lbs) edition

>> No.15168649

how tall are you troll
post normal full pic troll

>> No.15168669

My tripod is fucked, and my room's carpet looks awful

>> No.15168698

i thought april fools was over

>> No.15168725

dewit anyway, this fit is literally impossible to fuck up no matter how fat you are

>> No.15168756

>it's about what you prefer
i agree but i still wanted outside perspectives
thank you based zaraninja
i am not adequately equipped to evaluate this
cool fleece
ty. nice dubs, midlayer is a bit awkward there. something shorter, more sheer, or with slits on the sides would work better imo
>very nice fit
grazi. kek i'm not big on those shoes either but overall the palette and shapes are fun
looks fine
>maybe unbutton the top button
it is undone, mr. fuhrer
solid choice. doomer girl achieved

>> No.15168865

Tell us how froggo used you and then shat you out? What’s her hygiene like in reality, she looks septic on some pics and lovely in others?

>> No.15168876

That's a fantastic jacket, where is it from?

>> No.15168884

lol had the same rxn, apparently they are descendants of ancient mesopotamian Christians or smth? that's what a quick search seemed to yield

overwhelming amount of frames on the wall. standard quar fit, could be cooler if it was an industrial/noise tee

>> No.15168973
File: 984 KB, 1000x1333, 1558349760261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mucha gracias friendo for the complimento. Colours are too over the place, but the good clothing choice.

All black is safe, but it's aight I guess

Can't see shit.

Pants are good, but the top is terrible.

>> No.15169006
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200422-203403_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SSDD. I'm tired and want to go home.

>> No.15169029
File: 19 KB, 510x288, images(62).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15169037

You really made me laugh you retard, her hygiene was perfect ahah. I am pretty open about myself, I would have no problem talking about it but I would have to give off personal info about her and I'm not willing to do it out of respect for her. I'll just say she's a dangerous person, towards others and towards herself, I really think she's got problems with affections and love and I was naive in believing I could help her or fix her. Personally I have no regrets, and I don't hate her, I would still talk with her I think but well it's up to her, and she's probably reading this, I don't care
I bought it on asos, I think the brand is Nooak or something like that, tomorrow I will check of you can't find it

>> No.15169047
File: 51 KB, 850x400, 1586932947524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see Marx

>> No.15169049

The problem is is that she's Polish bro

>> No.15169054

I'm kidding btw

>> No.15169055

dont be a fucking retard bro, shes just had a rough life

>> No.15169065

Yeaa bruhh!

>> No.15169154

does anyone on this board actually know how to dress, or does everyone dress like trash?

>> No.15169167

show us how it's done

>> No.15169243
File: 1.21 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200422-223940_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15169984

Lil bump

>> No.15170013 [DELETED] 

yes? I think these are bretty good

>> No.15170016

>does anyone on this board actually know how to dress
yes? I think these are bretty good

>> No.15170062

I'm the Italian retard and I'm not >>15169055 I'm not such a simp, but yeah bro you're kinda right she suffered like crazy, but I think suffering surely fuck us up but it can make us kind or bitchy and ultimately it's up to us what we make of ourselves

>> No.15170063

how dare you say that retard, I don't want to see you in these threads again

>> No.15170155
File: 2.24 MB, 2087x2448, 20200423_131355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dressing up today as had to go out

>> No.15170171

ID on trousers?

>> No.15170173
File: 1.43 MB, 2448x2448, 20200423_130216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does my fucking phone render me out as 75% torso

Here's a better slightly blurry pic where I don't look 25%legs

>> No.15170514
File: 765 KB, 1080x1921, 20200423_103519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going out on a work inspection.

>> No.15170519

KC tier

>> No.15170540
File: 300 KB, 1144x2048, 94392697_1575498322618685_2666286504464089088_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's surprisingly warm today
Also have no idea what the fuck is that smudge on my belly

>> No.15170542
File: 3.30 MB, 3072x4096, 15876568960223463446957520771603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quarantine fit!

>> No.15170545

I suffer with narrow joints

>> No.15170547

i'm disappointed anon

>> No.15170557

>people on a fashion forum will call this "good"

>> No.15170561

I don't know what this means.

>> No.15170565

this guy has such a punchable face

>> No.15170567


not bad actually

>> No.15170568


>> No.15170581


>> No.15170592

w2c everything here? all of the shades work so well together, I can't find anything that stays BLACK

>> No.15170598

Froggo enough

>> No.15170599


>> No.15170707

cute doggo/10

>> No.15170713

>Hitler did not attend and had practically no word in
>He never ordered the gassing and mass extermination of the jews

Perhaps he didn't initiate it, but was it not Hitler who made the order to accelerate the murder of Jews in concentration camps once he received notice that his Germany was losing the war?

>> No.15170721

You look quite buff, mirin'
nice and simple, got some skater boy vibes
pretty solid aside from the cap, makes you look like megamind

>> No.15170850

Source this

>> No.15170954
File: 174 KB, 717x967, photo_2020-04-23_21-03-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoes are 3 ring worker boots martens like and jeans are vintage 501 levis
like this one
80s insert activity outside core but nice
drop those shoes otherwise nice fit
seen this core many times but it's fine
this is ok around the house otherwise nope

>> No.15170984

those hands don't lie faggot

>> No.15171050

other than the jacket its boring

>> No.15171060

I would gf unless she has a dyke vibe about her

>> No.15171108

I certainly come here to find out things about myself

>> No.15171129


>> No.15171310

god this board is dead

>> No.15171439
File: 1.29 MB, 2607x3230, IMG_20200423_232554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck am i an essential worker edition

>> No.15171447

whats the point of this pic when we cant see what you are wearing
bit gay

>> No.15171456

F-for you

>> No.15171464

Pleb, just like silence is an important part of music, sho is the absence of fabric in certain areas, embrace the nipple

>> No.15171745

kys n

>> No.15171989

This is so cute, you are so cute, I love this fit I love this pic I love itttttt so mmuccchhh. I wanna post a fit pic just so I don't feel weird about replying only to your fit but I'm just wearing jeans and a tank today (laundry day). Maybe will post later, fellow curly haired.

>> No.15172024
File: 547 KB, 902x1792, 397750EB-FAA2-4BC0-A228-F94C7E7124C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15172106

How did she “suffer” exactly? Did you literally meet her in reality thru 4chan you Mussolini cockswoggler? Romantic!

>> No.15172303
File: 767 KB, 1080x1921, jj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*watches Drive once*

>> No.15172406
File: 1.38 MB, 1265x2386, 20200424_065917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not giving up on these shoes.

>> No.15172960

I would have never imagined you were Hispanic bruh, looking good, don't like the branded sweater tho, but just cause I don't like having brands on my clothing
Very good imo, fresh and stylish
Train those quads man
Ty, and nice fit, I like the jacket, the whole thing has a nice vintage American vibe to me
Looking good bro no homo, maybe you cut cut a little bit but it's fine
Thank you really, dw about looking weird, does this seem like a place for non-weird people to you? : ) Btw, post pic, I'm pretty sure I guessed who you are but I'm not sure fellow curly haired
Beatles? You can listen to something better anon, pants and shoes are nice tho
Le heckin driverino has arived, it's not too larp tho, it can work, if you would work out you would own it much better doe
It's not bad, it's pretty chill, bit it gives me a vibe of "highscooler who listens to subgenres of metal" which can be fine if it's your kinda stuff

>> No.15172975

Are you from Florence bro? I knoe you said in old threads youre from the north. I have family from the north of Italy, specifically Florence I have been told whom I know nothing about unfortunately

>> No.15172986

so is the secret to being mired literally just having ramen hair?

>> No.15172993

Yes tons of girls like curly hair. It signifies the Roman in us women love conquers just ask your mom

>> No.15172999

I would give away my left testicle for having curly hair

>> No.15173005

well I was commenting more on his fit, the way he edited it and stuff, it's fun and playful and I like fun and playful things! I think this board needs more fun and playful fits and fit pics sometimes.

>> No.15173014

Are you >>15166866
Would smash

>> No.15173018

That girls like 23 right?

>> No.15173044

All my clothes are washed out colors, nothing too out there. I think like 60% of my wardrobe is either black or white or grey, and I have no idea about the fitment of stuff. If it fits in me I use it. I want to dress more "out there" like >>15167563 for example, but idk what pants to wear, what fitment of pants, what to throw on top, what color should the top be, if it'll look good on my skin tone. Fashion is hard and this board is useless. Nowhere have I gotten good advice other than "kill yourself", which is pretty good advice LMAO.

>> No.15173048


>> No.15173056

I live in Canada and not in Toronto, sorry but it's over for me. There are 3 thrift stores in the whole city and they're all branded franchises like Goodwill and Value Village.

>> No.15173066

no sorry anon im the girl who looks like Brittany Venti >>15172318

>> No.15173079

I'm not willing to give off personal info about her. Yeah, I obviously met her irl, we posted pics on here back then
Nope, I'm more northern, near Milan, Florence is a very beautiful city tho you should go there if you can
Ty, I think playful was exactly what I was going for
I am the guy from the pic, I don't follow any rules or stuff, I just visualize colors and shapes before buying something, like I think "this would go well with that'' and I just do it. If you try to visualize colors in your mind you can imagine what works and what doesn't, same goes with shapes, or if you try to put together things
you have or to watch what others do you'll automatically start to get the ideas in your mind, it can be a trial and error sort of thing, after a while it comes pretty naturally

>> No.15173084
File: 362 KB, 842x1200, 1579169230293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, I obviously met her irl, we posted pics on here back then
We remember

>> No.15173110

I like your hair

>> No.15173112

Ahhhh I remember now you guys were that depressed couple

>> No.15173127

Thanks brother, gyms closesd due to chinaids, trying to stay in shape with home excercise, hope i can cut a little in time for beach season

>> No.15173131

This looks so grim. The whole environment, from the gloomy weather to the decrepit concrete and patchy grass swamped in wet dirt.

It's testament that fashion can be linked to environment in someways in that wearing some light pastel colors would look so odd and out of place there as opposed to some sunny beach front.

Her depressed "I want to die" facial expression is just the cherry on the cake.

>> No.15173139

I really enjoy the photo personally

>> No.15173143

wdym "imagine colors"? I can't tell if 2 colors go well together just by imagining them I have to literally see it with my own eyes. Also for shapes I don't know what goes well with what, I thought baggy shirts look like shit but then I saw someone tuck em in and now they're good like that. I unironically envy people who just "know" what'll look good

>> No.15173169

It's cool setting for that aesthetic. It all fits together but it's just gloomy and depressing. I'd just hate to be there. I'm in a sun and beach mood, I guess.

>> No.15173227

Oh I was just fucking around with the spanish. I'm actually Turkish and Filipino, and thnks bruhhh

>> No.15173422

If you’re gonna double up on denim, it looks better if it’s the exact same tone. But besides that, I think you rock the look.

>> No.15173458


>> No.15173469

please be my gf/bf (i can't tell what you are)

>> No.15173501
File: 916 KB, 1205x3266, IMG_0421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15173641

them pants is too high you jive ass mother fucker

>> No.15173709
File: 840 KB, 1000x527, schott626vn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15173711

actually made me laugh out loud, yeah they're kinda high and i'm not sure what to do about it. i love the cut/design otherwise, maybe just don't tuck when i'm wearing them?

>> No.15173726

She looks pozzed. I refuse to believe her vag doesn’t smell and/or taste like sardines and cat vomit.

>> No.15173730

damn you had tallchad vibes but here you're almost the same height and she's visibly slouching. just don't know what to believe

>> No.15173743

Everyone looks sad in this picture.

>> No.15173789

i'm a girl

>> No.15173854
File: 2.77 MB, 1500x1500, 20200424_141513 resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15173919

stupid knock knees and your upper body looks soft. jacket looks a bit too tight at your current specs

>> No.15173937

I'm not that tall but not that short, I'm 1,83m/6'0 believe it or not, froggo is pretty tall

>> No.15173978

New place, no full mirror yet :(

>> No.15173979


>> No.15173986
File: 64 KB, 1023x890, 1477306003062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15173991
File: 725 KB, 3024x4032, B834E2F2-EDA9-4371-99DF-2D5C6BCB544B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck iPad posting

>> No.15174011

Really? I always thought it was the opposite, to avoid the whole denim tuxedo thing?

>> No.15174078

Looks like the Stacy wojak

>> No.15174230

what music do u make ? techno or house

>> No.15174241

both. mostly house.

>> No.15174244

cool! soundcloud?

>> No.15174255


>> No.15174271


>> No.15174468
File: 240 KB, 1080x835, IMG_20200425_095339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15174999

Post a picture of the synths and stuff behind you

>> No.15175131
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x3024, E0512144-E96C-4272-82F7-CE2425A46EBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shits cluttered rn.

>> No.15175135

that diiv album is great

>> No.15175139

Love them.

>> No.15175310


Where in Argentina is this?

>> No.15175322

Amazon fulfillment center I’m assuming ?

>> No.15175504

damn that's a lotta gear

>> No.15176034
File: 2.52 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're all looking very dapper

>> No.15176222

Me gusta tu camiseta pero odio esa cadena

>> No.15176278

lol, is that an Arrival tattoo?

>> No.15176380

id on shoes? really nice fit

>> No.15176887
File: 1.64 MB, 2553x3621, DA45AC29-A8ED-4614-8F66-A124E10B7754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey how fake does my fake Chanel look ?

I’m scared someone will be able to tell and bully me

>> No.15176956

i dont think anyone would care enough to
it looks real enough

>> No.15177021


>> No.15177032

bumping, wanna know too

>> No.15177035

La plata

>> No.15177090

might just be the image quality but it looks kinda cheap to me honestly

>> No.15177157
File: 277 KB, 1314x2336, fLv0g4fw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're from 8ch aren't you

>> No.15177191

really good color scheme, w2c shoes and flannel?

>> No.15177274

legs to die for

>> No.15177277

the veins in the foot on the left look like the same on my dick when i opened this pic

>> No.15177312
File: 1.20 MB, 1261x1604, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15177324

shoes are onitsuka tiger gsm, flannel is a carhartt hubbard flannel. don't see it online besides limited sizes on amazon, i thrifted this one

>> No.15177392

Lmao fuxxing stop it!! STOP BULLYING ME!! I don't look that goofy for gawds sake!

You are making me look like a dumb goofy ass retarded vampire and girls here might think it's legit.

>> No.15177398

What an original band never seen a sonic youth t shirt before

>> No.15177416

that's ok i just like the band

>> No.15177450

I think you are memeworthy in a good way. I want to see your face in every thread. Do you understand me?

>> No.15177454

Hi! Few things to start off with =] 1. Yes I replied to you because you're a female fashion fan, 'tis and awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Cecil. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not like a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D

>> No.15177530

hi cecil

>> No.15177818


>> No.15177820


>> No.15177868

No, but why do you think so?

>> No.15177881 [DELETED] 

New RM Williams.
You guys like stacks or cuffs more?

>> No.15177969

I legit don't know what your MO is. I know you have a channel where you talk about nazi shit and whatnot, and you never WEAR anything, so I really don't know why you're here. Do you honestly not know you're ugly? What does trolling here get you?

>> No.15178134


>> No.15178156

vibin this hard
shoes sorta eat ass but i guess it helps dress it down

id on the vest plz cutie?

>> No.15178197

gross and gross

>> No.15178415
File: 2.00 MB, 1200x1200, 1558028291385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you related to Jeff Cavaliere from Athlean X (The high king of Rotator Cuffs)?

>> No.15178448
File: 1009 KB, 2792x1545, IMG_20200404_185324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought that too, I look very similar to him, well I am much fatter and smaller than the king, I should probably do more facepulls

>> No.15178495

>sonic youth band tee
>flannel shirt
>Pants are too small
It's a yikes from me dawg

>> No.15178687

Link to based Cecil’s hardcore race-hatred fuhrer channel?

>> No.15178704

Here friend, it's yours.


>> No.15178710
File: 1.86 MB, 3024x4032, 5D3BB2A8-88B2-44F2-85E8-51C6ECFBA6AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plaid shirts in dark color waves are goth lesbian school shooter tier, just Imo after knowing so many kids like that who wore dark plaid in hs
Don’t self harm
Without the shirt everything about your outfit is better.

>> No.15178746

spot on

>> No.15178752

the chan is just a gimmick desu. I dont know how to feel about it either. thanks for the feedback.

Caterpillar Intruder

>> No.15179382

More? He’s a fascinating fascistic specimen.

>> No.15179828

sick delts