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15117477 No.15117477 [Reply] [Original]

Skin care basics:http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment:http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Ridding dark eye circles:http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

- Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
- How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
- How to improve your skin tone through diet
- Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
- How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, skincare ingredients

>> No.15117911

How long does it take to get rid of bags under my eyes with sleep and ample amounts of water

>> No.15118775

>- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face

Then what soap should I use for my face and body?

>> No.15118794

Just bought it. Hope it works.

>> No.15118860

Okay this sounds really dumb, I should probably know this already, but I will ask anyways.
I grew a beard for something like 10 years, never really worried about skincare or whatever, but now that I am shaving I notice I get zits and shit. I use aftershave balm, but they still show up. Neck rashes too... How do I avoid this?

>> No.15118928

what will actually get rid of blackheads on the nose? using face peels do not work

>> No.15119276

They are not blackheads, they are sebaceous filaments. Toner and cleanser will go a long way, if no luck then SA

>> No.15119656

my skin has been getting better since quarantine... what does this mean? is the outside air dirtying my skin? or maybe the subway air?

>> No.15119700

What you're eating probably?

>> No.15119851

Try exfoliating there.

>> No.15119856

Less sun or pollutants.

>> No.15119893

Here's a tip on how to instantly get pornstar-tier lips even if they are brutally chapped:
apply water on them until it no longer absords fast
apply hyaluronic acid and wait for it to dry a little bit but not too much
apply aquaphor, if combined with water it should turn white but then go transparent after a few minutes
you'll get the most luscious lips ever all without putting on biohazard lipstick

>> No.15120346

Am I supposed to rinse my face with apple cider vinegar after I wash my face with Dr. Bronner's liquid soap?

>> No.15120789

I'm getting a lot of comedomes

Should I just use Epidou (adapalene and benzoyl peroxide) until they go away?

I have no idea why they all appeared, I haven't changed anything. Pillow is clean, not touching my face etc etc.

>> No.15120823

It is me, or are retinoids the cheat code to beating any skin condition

Less stress and sun. Also, luck

The Ordinary's AHA + BHA peel once a week if you tolerate it well. Also stridex pads and anything with salicylic acid. Also products with niacinamide. Sebaceous filaments are hard to deal with because they're kind of supposed to be there, and their visibility is somewhat up to genetics.

Epiduo is good, but I would just go straight for tretinoin. The BPO might not serve you as much since it's more antibacterial and anti-inflammatory than unclogging. Also you should exfoliate with salicylic acid a couple times a week.

>> No.15120858

alien looking bitch

>> No.15121327

Is there a facial equivalent to NoPoo which is natural and effective without the need for excess products?

>> No.15121328

How often should I wash my face?

>> No.15121338

Or just use lip balm.

>> No.15121341

I just slaughtered my face in Avacado oil. What should I expect?

>> No.15121342

Twice a day is recommended generally I believem

>> No.15121564

>had face acne all my life
>around age 22-23 began getting painful cystic acne on cheeks
>had to go to dermatologist to get those suckers drained
>one nasty cyst kept coming back on my right upper cheek which reached my bottom eyelid
>every type of medication or topical my dermatologist prescribed didn’t work. She suggests I go on birth control and/or go on accutane
>I go on regular birth control pill
>all cystic acne magically cleared up
>still get occasional breakouts of regular pimples on chin and corners of mouth, but not one cystic pimple since
>have been on the pill for almost 7 years now, and still no cystic acne

Only downside is over the years, my sex drive has gone down and I’ve had occasional mood swings. I’d love to get off birth control, but my big fear is my cystic acne will come back.


>> No.15121618

Is drink 3 L water a day good for skin or bullshit?

>> No.15121678

Just 2 L is enough, no need to go so far

>> No.15121759

So I have pale sensitive acne prone skin that tends to get dry

I haven’t had break outs on my cheeks in years, but there’s red pigmentations that just won’t go away. They get even more red whenever I wash my face.

Thoughts? Tips?

>> No.15121773

Bumping for this. I don't want to put any chemicals on my face.

>> No.15121777

how old are you now? Maybe look at your diet for any endocrine disruptors, and take them out
sugar is a big one

>> No.15122000

outside has dry air. dry air can cause dehydration of skin and lead to skin problems.

>> No.15122094

I’m now 30. I’ll be 31 later this year.

>> No.15122365
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is milk really that bad when it comes to acne? I'm trying to gain some weight and I find it hard to be done without milk
also is pic rel not gonna harm my skin while extracting my blackheads?

>> No.15122559

Milk is especially bad for acne for Asians. their inherent lactose intolerance amplifies the damage dairy does to the skin. Source: me and basically every other Asian I know

>> No.15122562

What if you're lactose tolerant?

>> No.15122581
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Which ingredients are most important to incorporate into my routine right away? Looking at hyaluronic acid, niacinamids, tretinoin, vitamin c, and AHA

>> No.15122589

I mean if you have the patience, you can test what adding dairy to your diet does to your face versus avoiding dairy

>> No.15122598

i use those tools. not the needle thing though(seems unhealthy to stab at your face) mine broke last week and my skin looks awful from popping with my fingers. plus creates more from having to touch my skin. it was so much better with the tool, got one ordered and on the way.

>> No.15122881

which is the best one?

>> No.15123142

Dissolve aspirin tablet in water, apply the mixture with cotton pad on the area affected.

>> No.15123718

Can you guys post your routines (including name of products you use, and if possible why you chose that one over others)? I'm pretty new to this and it feels like I'm doing something wrong because nothing seems to be changing. Also will my face ever recover from popping pimples and blackheads with my hands during my teenage years?

>> No.15123723

My skin just wont adapt to tretinoin. I'll use it for a week until my skin looks and feels like I fell asleep in the Sahara and then recover for a week.

>> No.15123981

had my acne treated with Tretinion, everything went well but seems like it came back in less than a year after I stopped taking it
Don't really know what to do now

>> No.15124002

Lactose intolerance has nothing to do with acne. Stop spreading misinformation.
Milk has a high insulinemic index and so can raise insulin levels which directly affects sebum output and shedding of the inside lining of the pores. Considering you have blackheads then your skin is most likely oily to begin with, any additional oil output wouldn't be good on you. However doing sports does raise insulin sensitivity which effectively minimizes its levels and handling. If you don't see milk negatively impacting you then keep going.
Don't use any physical extraction tools because you risk damaging the skin. Best would be to get a BHA exfoliant and let it do the skin regulation. The ones by CORSX or Paula's Choice and the more popular choices out there, the former is the cheaper of the two.

>> No.15124004

How old are you? What's your skin like? What particular problems do you have with it?

>> No.15124017
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Early 20s. I'm mainly trying to make the pores on and around my nose less visible, and give my skin a less dull appearance.

>> No.15124112

Did you consider changing your diet? The most important thing is to minimize insulin levels by absolving of foods that increase it, either directly or via blood sugar increase. Having an active lifestyle can help at that as well.
Judge the amount you drink by how clear your piss is: if it's as clear as water then you don't need so much. The best target is for it to be just a tiny bit yellowish.
Wash face twice in the morning and evening with cold water. That's as nopoo as you can get. Natural skincare is a sham meant to suck out money.
Did you think of getting a thicker moisturizer or adding an occlusive for the night?

>> No.15124123

i just ordered one on amazon, nothing special and if you mean which tool any of the circular ones work. only difference is the cheaper ones might break after a while like mine did

>> No.15124136

>Wash face twice in the morning and evening with cold water. That's as nopoo as you can get. Natural skincare is a sham meant to suck out money.

This good enough to prevent acne and make my skin clear and healthy?

>> No.15124154

it got even worse since I changed my diet, drinking only water, eating veggies and fruit daily,cutting out bread entirely

>> No.15124168

guise pls help.

I have bad dandruff all over my head and it is literally the worst thing every. Everywhere that has hair, my beard, scalp, and even my eyebrows, flake profusely and refuse to stop.

I've tried using tar coal shampoo and that stuff absolutely destroys my hair.

Is there any way to fix this without making my hair super brittle and dry??

>> No.15124816

Yes, walking about with your natural fucking acne and wrinkles. If you don't want that, you're going to have to stop being a dumb pussy and use proper products with ingredients that treat your concerns.

A light lotion followed by petroleum jelly is the red pill. I have accutane lips rn and that combo has them almost normal if I can be fucked doing it

Should have just gone on accutane, which for thots means going on birth control anyways. Accutane works for the long term by retraining your skin cells to stop being retarded. It can come back and you could have to do a second round, but eventually most people get off it and go on to have clear as fuck skin. Topical tretinoin is also a good alternative, but you might have tried that already with your derm before she suggested accutane. Topical retinoids like tret eventually work, but they can take a few months to clear you. Spirolactone can also help considering the pill cleared you up.

Bullshit. Just drink until you're not thirsty or to satisfaction.

Azelaic acid sounds like the perfect treatment for you.

It's complicated. You'll only find out by drinking milk and monitoring your skin. Worse case scenario you'll have a minor breakout.

Niacinamide and tretinoin. Exfoliate once a week with AHAs and BHA, but be careful doing jt while you're gaining tolerance to retinoids like tret.

Apply it every other day and/or over moisturizer. You can also train yourself with adapalene first.

Bare minimum you'll need a sunscreen, or the sun will make you look like shit over time. Most people will need at least a little help from products to have nice skin.

Dove anti-dandruff shampoo is what treated my itchy scalp that shed massive flakes every day. I had fallen for the DANDRUFF SHAMPOO BAD meme, but it just werks if you just shampoo every other day, or as soon as you start to feel greasy.

>> No.15125197

Well shit this is the perfect thread for this question. I'm sure plenty of you use retinol/tretinoin. I want to start using it for anti aging purposes, Im 25. Figured now is an early time to use it and look like im 25 when im 40. Does any Americans use beauty bliss? They are an american based company that sells it. Sales without a prescription is obviously illegal, but this company apparantly sells it under the radar labeled as something else. Ive seen others on reddit have luck with it. Anyone use this site before?

>> No.15125198

looks sort of sketch put people do say they get it

>> No.15125202

Im basically going to go on an anti aging kick. I saw that bill burr special about how white guys dont know they are ashy, well turns out I have dry skin. Just looking to go on a full anti aging kick, but only evidence based shit.

From my brief research
2 sunscreen
3 vitamin c / niacinamide serums

( with washing with cold water twice a day).

My house is in order as far as diet.

I just saw a lot of black dont crack celeberities and they have amazing skin for their age ( like the black comedian godfrey, He's 50 and carries it like hes 30)

>> No.15125213

don't think it's a good idea
I was using it and had to have my blood checked every month since it affects liver and I had very high cholesterol because of it, not to mention the nosebleeds

>> No.15125214

True probably best I see a doctor for it. Derms themselves are on it just for the anti aging, its the best their is.

>> No.15125618
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I would spoiler this image if i could, I'm sorry.
How do I get rid of this? I've tried a ton of creams, none work for feet.
My hands used to bleed from dryness so some hand creams work a bit, but I've used multiple products for over a year now and I haven't seen any improvement on feet.
Tried using no socks, tried showing less&more, tried cold showers only, tried walking less.
It gets much worse after I shower, to the point that I can grind the skin off of a rug if I drag my feet over it.
Looks disgusting

>> No.15125752
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>long warm shower before bed
>nettle shampoo, aloes honey body cream
>deep pore cleanser/ exfoliating face scrub
>herb mint facial mask, coconut conditioner
>brush teeth and floss
>not oily moisturizer
>melatonine, eye cover mask for bedtime
>growing mother-in-law's tongue next to bed
>30 min meditation with whim hoff breathing
>no sleeping on belly, chest or face
>7.5 hour SLEEP
>30 min meditation with yoga
>hot to cold shower
>single blade shave
>aftershave lotion
How to improve?

>> No.15125931

See a dermatologist
Please I beg on floor
This is the wrong place to ask about something so serious

>> No.15125974

Not just dryness. Athlete's foot. Fungal infection spread to the hands.
If you've already tried topical OTC anti-fungals, then see a derm. Don't forget to scrape off the peeling skin in the most affected areas, after showering, before applying the cream/spray.

>> No.15126013

Every time I try to grow a beard my chin area develops dry skin/dandruff. It's fucking gross.

Also, can you use face moisturizer on shaved head?

>> No.15126181

opinions on skincare with copper peptides? I'm already using vitamins A, B, and C.

>> No.15126311

Desperately need a deodorant rec because I sweat through most brands

>White shirts ruined with sweat stains
>Black shirts ruined by deodorant marks

>> No.15126619

Opinion on copper ghk peptide?
Also I'm going to get some sort of cleanser for the first time tomorrow, can i expect to solve at least 50% of my greasy whitehead acne prone inflamed nose region with it?

>> No.15126722
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What the fuck should I do about my constantly inflamed nose? Pic related is what it looks like now (right after waking up), but yesterday it was as red as a fucking clown nose. It has been like this for years.

>> No.15126970

Aquaphor and/or Vaseline until you can go to a dermatologist.

It's worth a shot I guess. Keep in mind getting tret legitimately is pretty simple. Telemedicine sites like Apostrophe can send you it after they do a rubber stamp "consultation." This actually looks better than alldaychemist, considering ADC uses sketchy ass payment methods like wiring, BTC, and mailed checks/money orders.

You're thinking Isotretinoin, aka accutane. Tretinoin is applied topically and the only side effects are you typical dryness, irritation, or peeling where you applied it. Technically it's also a chemo medication when taken orally.

Your cleanser sounds shitty and overly stripping. Try a CeraVe one. Exfoliating scrubs are dumb, get a purely chemical exfoliator with AHAs and/or BHAs and use it 1-2 a week. Eye creams/masks are overpriced moisturizers that come in smaller jars. Just get a nice thick moisturizer for night time. I use CeraVe's night renewing night cream. Consider getting tretinoin (or plain retinol) into your skin routine for anti-aging and acne goodness. Aftershave lotions are kinda dumb, I just use my regular moisturizer.

Niacinamide serum

>> No.15127191
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>long warm shower before bed
>nettle shampoo, aloes honey body cream
>deep pore cleanser/ exfoliating face scrub
>herb mint facial mask, coconut conditioner
>brush teeth, tongue and floss
>not oily nivea cream on hands and feet
>ceraVe's night cream with retinol on face
>melatonine, eye cover mask for bedtime
>growing mother-in-law's tongue next to bed
>30 min meditation with whim hoff breathing
>no sleeping on belly, chest or face
>7.5 hour SLEEP
>15min stretches with sun and moon salute
>hot to cold shower
>single blade shave
>sunscreen moisturizer
Is this better?

>> No.15127230

does 0.5 or 1 percent retinol do anything if you use it once a week, ive been using 0.5 in squalene from the ordinary because its the cheapest and it doesnt feel like its made much of a difference in smoothing out my skin

>> No.15127522

definitely not if you use it only once a week!

>> No.15127641

bar soap isnt as gentle on the skin as a good cleanser would be. theyre usually scented as well which isn't going to be the best for your face. just use a cream cleanser instead.

>> No.15127706

true for bar soaps in general, but not the syndet ones mentioned in OP.
they're pretty much cleansers in bar-form

>> No.15127723

You need to be using it daily for months to see results. Retinol work but they need time.

>> No.15127798

How can I remove raised head moles without surgery?