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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 194 KB, 960x960, fsv5kmuswvf41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15077984 No.15077984 [Reply] [Original]

>Just get a nice haircut, bro!

>> No.15077988

A tapered haircut would be far better than that head-extension shit. Don’t blame the haircut, blame the poor choice in haircut for the head shape.

>> No.15078019


2020's guido haircut

>> No.15078098

white somali

>> No.15078136

The add-on to this advice is lift. While buddy here can't fix is jaw, he can fix his shit posture and pencil neck

>> No.15078140


>> No.15078145

did a double take, genuinely thought this was me

>> No.15078165

Yo this nigga a bird lmao

>> No.15078170

Look at his lower third. A bigger neck would literally swallow his jaw.

>> No.15078446
File: 43 KB, 357x500, 752C81E0-8990-4E7B-B95F-4E4A929B8B39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh hey bevis

>> No.15078461

Gay alien skull alert

>> No.15078473
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>> No.15078492
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You need a haircut that suits your face and skull shape.
With that said, ime, hairdressers are a meme and the best haircuts are generally made by just going medium length all over and combing it back, or going buzzcut all over.
Which also happens to be how peoples' hair would naturally grow weird huh?
This is also, btw, the type of haircut rich people have.
They don't do the meme short back and sides thing. They go uniform length and when it gets long enough they sweep it back.

>> No.15078496


>> No.15078507

I basically have this physiognomy...
wut do bros?

>> No.15078512
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>> No.15078531


consider suicide

>> No.15078543

I have, but I've got too much FOMO to dip out early

>> No.15078551


LeFort 3 + bimax then or a massive jaw implant

>> No.15079937
File: 1.67 MB, 3088x2320, 4821FA12-7FD9-42C3-8D3B-3C2081714B95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long face
>big forehead
>still getting acne
>cant shave without bumping up
>ugly face
>shitty haircut

Im 6,2 205 lbs, is there any hope for me? Any redeeming features? Any hairstyles that will let me keep length and not look shit? Will some kind of miracle happen if I lost 30-40 pounds or is this all I should expect?

>inb4 nigger

>> No.15079996

You're decently good looking objectively, very masculine features and decent nose for a knee grow, I wouldn't be do down in yourself. Your face does look a bit fat so absolutely go to the gym and diet, cutting bodyfat will make a huge difference in defining your face.
I would suggest watching this video to improve your eyebrows
And plucking them so they are more defined have a downward tilt instead neutral tilt.
Also grow your hair out into loose braids or a bigger afro, it would compliment your face.

>> No.15080107

massive genetic failure

>> No.15080123

>let's roleplay we are rich people: the post.

>> No.15080131
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>> No.15080139
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>what is curly hair

>> No.15080181

You look like a shook character from a horror movie. That being said your height is perfect so that is your saving grace

>> No.15080187

*smacks lip*
*eats watermelon*
*loots shoe store*
*fried chicken appear of nowhere and shitty music starts playing*

>> No.15080216

From what I learned being on fa is buzzcut it and live the life as a chemo patient

>> No.15080233

you need a headcut instead of a haircut

>> No.15080485
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>> No.15080492

except thats not a nice haircut for him.

>> No.15080663
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>> No.15080690
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>> No.15080703


>> No.15080850

Why your face shiny

>> No.15080851

you look dirty and im not saying that because you black. you greasy ass motherfucker.

>> No.15080864

niggers can go to their local shearing shed

>> No.15081505

shut up Butthead

>> No.15081507

This the nigga who makes fun of your hairline

>> No.15081521

This pic gives me nightmare

>> No.15081872

>This is also, btw, the type of haircut rich people have.

>> No.15082831
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>> No.15082844
File: 80 KB, 960x959, Shaun Pollock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15082897
File: 198 KB, 960x960, 1584130913513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy asked for the Number 3 haircut. His barber took it too seriously

>> No.15082902
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>> No.15082927

go to a black barber shop that deals will black hair and see what they have to offer, also grow out beard/ clean your face daily so you dont look so greasy and change your diet a bit if acne is still and issue, also stop touching your face

>> No.15082944


>> No.15084287

Do you use an electric shaver? Wetshaving got rid of most of my acne.

>> No.15084319

you look no where as ugly as you think you are. improve what can be improved and youll be golden

>> No.15084331

>Just get a nice haircut, bro!
You have to actually follow the advice.

>> No.15084380

Short hair/ grow beard + hit gym
You cant do anything else with shitty genetics

>> No.15084455

Do you know where the muscles are on your neck, dude? Buddy isn't gonna be any worse off with a bigger neck.

>> No.15085116


I was hoping to keep a clean shaven look, will it not workout otherwise?

>> No.15085137


This picture and caption where posted in r/shortcels a month ago, do you have anything to say for yourself OP?

>> No.15085150

if he took the neckpill he would look so much better

>> No.15085164

Women don't care as much about how you look, they care more about success. Men are the visual sex.

Not like it matters, the world is full of ugly women.

>> No.15085445
File: 43 KB, 431x800, C9F22D95-71E4-441F-A2C7-DEC90AEA13C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15085510

senpai you are a turbovirg

>> No.15085996

>best haircuts
buzzcuts only look good on super handsome people with ugly hair.
99.99% of people with buzzcuts look like shit
t.buzzed my hair for 22 years and still haven't gotten laid

>> No.15086512

this picture has been posted on /tv/ three months ago

>> No.15086515

you are objectively handsome

>> No.15086516

that's not a nice haircut

>> No.15086533
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 1582144869447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a pic of me with a buzzcut what do you guys think

>> No.15086657

>buzzed my hair for 22 years and still haven't gotten laid
Maybe thats because youre retarded, ugly people get laid all the time but if youre ugly and autist thats your fault, only a handfull of people is so ugly to not be able to have sex, no haircut makes you enter that category

>> No.15087088

You are relentlessly nigger

>> No.15087805


>> No.15087808

Grow a goatee. Helps hide the chin without going full soi beard.

>> No.15088333

>shit posture
it's called SITTING

>> No.15088386

Grow your hair out and get dreads

>> No.15088469
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I wish I could but my facial hair only grows in this pattern

>> No.15088587
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>> No.15088673
File: 370 KB, 804x749, Millennial_Mercenary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15089230

You look like your average negro (no offense) odd what your on about. People on this site have an extremely negative borderline delusional view of themselves.

>> No.15089234

you are not ugly, but you better get a proper haircut

>> No.15089342

>and combing it back, or going buzzcut all over.
yeah people with big foreheads disagree

>> No.15089733
File: 1.55 MB, 3088x2320, 106C70E0-03AC-47FE-B9AE-4598BE19C01C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont want to lower my standards just because I am a negro, I want to be compared against the general populace (including white people). If the answer is 4/10 too black I will accept that, but I absolutely dont want to hear yeah youre pretty good looking.... (for a black guy).
Anyways heres my side, theres no /fag/ general so ill just post it here.

>> No.15089741

you look like you fuck wyte w*men

>> No.15089742

4/10 too black

>> No.15089781

I'd just suggest tightening up the sides and back of your hair and maybe growing a goatee or stache. Also wash your face.

8/10, would be friends with

>> No.15089875
File: 1.99 MB, 360x360, 1437641769282.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real
How do I get an haircut that looks good on me? I don't want any of that zoomer crap but I had the same haircut since i was 7 yo.
Currently 26

>> No.15090139

looks good
t. whiteboi

>> No.15090600
File: 607 KB, 400x200, gandahahalf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15090825

nice try

>> No.15091023

Unironically you have a good profile.
Hair is nice, you'd look good a full beard.
You're skin looks oily and dirty as fuck in those pictures though so do something about that.
Also you're taking unflattering pictures, only 10/10's look good in every picture.

>> No.15091444
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go full Vector OP.

>> No.15091470

Bro i know youre black but you dont have to fucking shower in vaseline. Just use moistorizer

>> No.15091472


>> No.15091726

Each of those were when I got out the shower after using cerave facial cleanser and a moisturizer. Ive been trying to go to a dermatologist but until then idk what else I can do.

>> No.15091790

Since OP is fake and this everyone is after this nigger, I'm gonna throw in my two cents
Learn how to rotate a picture, nobody wants to rotate their head just to end up seeing a 3/10 nigger

>> No.15092537


>> No.15093086

try that asap rocky or travis scott braids look

>> No.15093168


>> No.15093322

Become the most fashionable amish-core motherfucker you can be. Drunk me believes in you.