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File: 365 KB, 476x593, EP505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15057438 No.15057438 [Reply] [Original]

Tall women try so hard to look good with fancy clothes and 500 pounds of makeup but it pisses them off that at the end of the day men still prefer plain short lesbian women in men's clothes.

>> No.15057468

As perfect as she is, what can tall women do aside from shoot for the model look? They’re funneled into it

>> No.15057645

In my experience most guys don't even like tomboys, much less full-fledged crossdressing dykes. I'm pretty sure most would absolutely take an attractive and feminine tall woman over an awkward pseudo-manlet. I'm 158cm (5'2") and have basically never had a straight man show any interest in me.

>> No.15057651


>> No.15057781

>at the end of the day men still prefer plain short lesbian women in men's clothes
I don't know why you project your strange preferences onto other men but you're wrong. No man other than you likes that.

>> No.15057895
File: 120 KB, 456x337, 114x3r65wet4ga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men don't show interest in me
Where the fuck do you live that men don't like short women?

>> No.15057905

Way to miss the point. Men love short women, but only if they're actually feminine and cute. I'm pretty sure most guys don't want a girl who's overtly masculine, even if they're short.

>> No.15057918

Fair enough. I'd imagine it's more personality though. From what i've seen, tomboyish girls either have a fuck off attitude or are extremely loud and outgoing.

Granted maybe i'm just projecting though. I've always assumed that all men didn't really give a shit what women wore. A chick could be in ratty old sweats for all i care.

>> No.15057930

Tomboy stops being a thing after you turn 18, then you turn into closetlesbiancore.

>> No.15057936

are you cute?

>> No.15057938
File: 3.73 MB, 540x740, 3B9715E1-8FAF-477D-8CD2-BA8A6F2AB18E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s fun to read the cope from short people with shit genetics.

>> No.15057941
File: 183 KB, 1080x1349, 72AA022A-39E9-44D5-A226-3228907523D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15057942


>> No.15057952

who’s the blondie?

>> No.15057989

No, I'm not. That's what I've been saying.

>> No.15058048

then its not the height dumb bitch, u just ugly

>> No.15058057

That's literally my point you fucking retard. Being tall or short means nothing if you aren't conventionally attractive too.

>> No.15058079
File: 388 KB, 960x1440, remember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pinnacle of effay

>> No.15058733

I know a girl that looks just like the one in the middle

>> No.15059510

i love tall women, i think short women are a bit weird looking

>> No.15060044

I have an Amazon fetish, so no, I don't prefer the womanlet dyke.

>> No.15060225

you must just be ugly then. sorry

OP is 100% fuck tall women, where the short QTs at

>> No.15060635

Lol :)

>> No.15060883
File: 124 KB, 640x507, lamenting angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my thirst for tomboys is such that I've had to resort to pre-op FTM cam"boy"s
>actual straight tomboys out there feeling jaded and unwanted

Why life gotta be like this

>> No.15061091
File: 57 KB, 640x718, 1567999802733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POST PIC! now we all gotta know!

>> No.15061193

fucking this but im 5'5' and dress in mens clothes but not to overly masculine mostly just basics

>> No.15061475

I ma shorter than you and have several men showed interest and have a bf of 6 years. Still get hit on all the time. You must just be ugly lol

>> No.15061481

post pic baby i love you
i love you baby

>> No.15061495
File: 188 KB, 500x520, 1451815751553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck kinda place do you lot all fucking kick it? I've been looking for a qt tomboyish gf with short fucking hair, and found some but they're either cuffed or lesbo/bi-ish.

Senpai, I want my girl to have shorter hair than me, and be able to fucking go at it with me. None of that fufu, overly sensitive, clingy bullshit, give me someone that can outsmoke me and outdo me in being a loveable cunt.

>> No.15062154
File: 1.52 MB, 1080x1920, 54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I love giving people material to insult me with.
I guess so? Nobody really pays any attention to me, positive or negative. I have to go out of my way to get people to talk to me at all.
Pretty much all my friends have been male and as far as I can tell none of them ever found me particularly attractive. The best compliments I ever got were noncommittal stuff like "Yeah, you look fine." My current best friend (male) constantly shows me pictures of the long haired curvy hyperfeminine anime milfs he likes, and I just have to play along and pretend to not be dying inside.
I know there's an audience for everything, but I've never seen it myself, either for being unattractive, in the wrong place, or just unlucky. Outside of the internet, I've never encountered someone who I thought was genuinely interested in me. Even when I went to university and actually tried to socialize, I don't remember anyone ever speaking to me unless they had to. Maybe I'm just an unsociable autist.

Also, I feel like "tomboy" is a really nonspecific word, and most people probably have a different opinion on what it means and what counts as "tomboyish." I don't really know myself, but whenever I see people talking about tomboys I wonder what their specific interpretation is.

Anyway fuck this blogpost, just call me a coronavirus tranny or something and get it over with.

>> No.15062194
File: 26 KB, 337x420, 1565118176918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight then build us a profile of yourself and I'll see what the fuck kinda anomalous situation you're in, and maybe try to give some tips. Like what do you think makes people treat you that way, and how do you look, behave, and carry yourself.

Also, where and with who the fuck do you hang, cause that's a whole different thing, as my less advantaged friends (The crowd I grew up with, and turn to in times of hardship) are fucking perplexed with the fact I like tomboyish/more masculine (In the sense of looks, ie short hair, non-traditionally feminine clothes, brash, etc. women) women, whereas the more artsy and party crowd gets where I'm coming from and actually shares some views with me.

Imagine having this discussion on a Friday night on a Tibetan traditional bead anklet making forum. I must've fucked something up in my life along the way.

>> No.15062246

I'm Asian and can't seriously tell if you're xx or xy. I had a friend who looked exactly like you and was ultra fob so this pic just reminds me of him.

I really think the photo is just bad to really pick up

>> No.15062254

You're exactly my type looks-wise, to the point I feel sad I will never know you. New England pls.

>> No.15062349

I don't personally use the word "tomboy" to describe my type. If you've ever seen the drama Coffee Prince, growing up I had a huge crush on the lead girl. After that I gravitated towards a more reserved and confident vibe but with the same general aesthetic.

I've only ever dated feminine women. I struggle with their emotions. Its not that I view tomboys as emotionless, but I imagine their expression to be more subdued.

Idk. I really long for a girl I can go on late night walks with, drink a beer or eat something, and have conversations without any pretenses or expectations. Something like a male friend but with the deep emotions and vulnerability I can only feel with a woman.

>> No.15062390

It's not the photo quality, I just look like that. Can't really blame anyone for thinking I'm male or trans. I have a boyish figure and a low voice too, imagine being typecast this hard by life. It used to bother me a lot, but it's not as though I can do anything about it, so I might as well commit to the look.
Up to drive for 20 hours across the country?
A mellow and introspective personality isn't really gender-specific. I think a lot of people expect tomboys to be a bit of the opposite, honestly. More aggressive and callous, like a stereotypical rough male.
>what do you think makes people treat you that way
I'll admit to being socially anxious and mildly autistic, but I'd like to think that it's not outwardly apparent. I can understand why someone wouldn't like me after actually talking to me for a while, but I don't really know why nobody even gives me the chance. I think I manage surface-level social interactions fairly well (or did when it mattered), and I don't think I do anything that really signals awkwardness, but I'm probably wrong and don't notice it.
>where and with who the fuck do you hang
Nowadays I'm pretty withdrawn and really only interact with people online. When I was in school I really did try to make real-world friends, but as it turns out it's pretty hard, especially if you don't already have some to begin with. Being a non-white immigrant in the United States probably didn't help much either, but I'm not social justice enough to blame that. All the friends I did have I pretty much got by accident, and they were honestly all kind of awkward, nerdy introverts. Birds of a feather and all. Ultimately I guess what all of this means is that I don't actually know anything and am completely socially naive, but that's just how life has been for me. All I'm really good for is overly personal rambling to strangers on the internet.

>> No.15062398
File: 306 KB, 1280x1707, 2QSuBu0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhh, you're not a tomboy per se, more so androgynous. I would really struggle to tell if you were male or female, or at least based on that picture. If you're attracted to straight men, maybe dial back the "masculinity" and up the femininity a bit.

Perhaps change up the cut to something more akin to a pixie cut (Or try something else, perhaps a bob cut or some other medium length cut). Try to bring out the feminine aspects of your face, as you already have gorgeous skin so try adding just some highlights, mascara and lipstick once in a while (Don't know much about make-up really, but there definitely are things that makes even men look feminine asf without fundamentally changing their appearance). Accessorise with some more feminine jewellery as well as trying to accentuate those aspects in your body and with clothing.

Try to consciously think about the way you act and the things you say, and ask yourself whether or not those things line up with who you want to be, or how you want to be perceived as. It's a struggle everyone goes through till pretty much death, but I suppose that's the price you pay to be the most authentic version of yourself that you want to be.

I mean, end of the day, you just do you boo, but we do have to recognise what we want, and realise that sometimes change is necessary, and may be even something you fall in love with (I know I much prefer a well lined-up stubbled beard to my old scruffy hobocore one, even though I couldn't let go at the time, among many other more embarrassing details).

>pic related is someone I don't think has a traditionally feminine face, hair, or style, but does well to balance out those aspects for an attractive end product
Will post some more inspo in a minute

>> No.15062400

this is possibly the gayest thing i have ever heard.

Go out on dates, meet girls and hang with them. Keep meeting them and get to a point where she actually has feelings.

Are all men on this board like horrible with women?

why do all the men like do this. There is no hope to meet a girl you see on the internet or ig. Go out and meet women. I've met lots of famous women on instagram just by actually having convos with them and them realizing im a worthwhile person for them to give me their time. Is that so difficult?

>> No.15062402

You shouldn't assume so much anon

>> No.15062406

Do short women have more or less estrogen levels than taller?
I would assume less because there is less OF them.

>> No.15062410

asian guy here. What do you mean you can't do anything about it? You actually attempted to look more feminine? (not saying you have to).

Before i looked terrible without having a clue what i was even doing, I finally shelled out my own interest and went towards what I think is genuinely me. I look different, feel different, and who i am right now is the embodiment of using my experience and willpower to obtain my look.

Don't settle anon. Don't give up

>> No.15062412

are you new? 4chan is has been all about assumptions

>> No.15062423

>Up to drive for 20 hours across the country?
I will if you're serious.

>> No.15062426

Unsolicited straight male comment, but absolutely would smash and even do gross shit like hold hands.

>> No.15062429

bro... she has a fucking boyfriend. wtf are you going to accomplish driving 20 hours, having to pay for gas, having to risk your life, trying to pay for hotel, the off chance she doesn't even show up, drive back 20 hours.

For what?

>> No.15062435
File: 49 KB, 256x256, 4e045dru435rx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off faggot, i've already got her claimed. Imma make a nice mask out of her.

>> No.15062437
File: 676 KB, 1048x1325, 1531904121442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, bad advice upcoming
>I'll admit to being socially anxious and mildly autistic
Ever tried being an alcoholic? Works wonders for 6-8 hours or so before you crash
>I can understand why someone wouldn't like me after actually talking to me for a while
Just philosophical hyperboles coming up, but I think this over with myself quite a bit. You might be good and likeable, but just not enough for people to sacrifice spending time with others who might be even more charming and better at certain aspects. Call it opportunity cost I suppose, giving up the next best thing in a way. This is just some depressing shit, but I guess that's all self-reflection. Still, the only way to get better, is to get better.

>Nowadays I'm pretty withdrawn and really only interact with people online
And there's part b, the main problem actually. You can't just meet people by hoping to meet people. I know it's some dumb shit, but identify your interests, and participate in them. Yourself being a girl, even going alone to your relevant interest hangouts/areas/parties/etc. will make you some friends, rather than a guy going there alone and having to build up the courage to meet people that maybe hostile or cold towards him for not being perceived as a possible mate or a harder to talk to option (Last part is some bitter virgin shit but hey). You do that, and do it on a regular, and I promise you will build some of the best friendships you've had in a while. It's not easy, it takes time, but is very much worth.

pic related

>> No.15062442

i have shoulder length hair but irl normie girls are much more highly preferred by men

>> No.15062444

I'd suggest a different hair style if you really like that length desu
but a shoulder length would be perfect imo

>> No.15062446

Well, there's a lot in between her state and mine. I've done Boston to Phoenix with stops on the way. Made connections and had fun... I don't see whats wrong with it.

>> No.15062454

OP pro tip: you don't know till you know.

I don't know your situation of living area but if you have no asian communities then it's def hard mode. Especially if you're not in a city or a place people come in and out.

Even being in my city i have a difficult time but I always attempt and do make random connections here and there. How long they will last is uncertain but I try to make new friends either online (then eventually meet) or random people that have a common interest with me.

I was on fa longer than most and came back since it's pretty fun trying to "help" these people who are completely clueless. Reading your post reminds me when I first got on 4chan where I was a antisocial loner. Becoming social and stuff is a muscle you gotta work on. You'll find a pattern that is yours and it'll be easier to make friends. Use instagram and follow people who seem at your level or higher and go to the events they post or some shit. That worked for me in a very positive way but you gotta find out what you're good at

Don't become an alcoholic. My patient fucking had seizures from it and I went to AA for my class and all these people are at a worse point in their lives cause of drugs and alcohol.

>> No.15062458

You saw a picture of her, vaguely posts on this thread, and you want to meet.

Wtf is wrong with you.

>> No.15062459
File: 87 KB, 640x640, 1417191933140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality > Quantity, but then you'd have to assume the guys you attract are quality, which in my case is false unless you consider getting fucked up and fucking shit up that

Also, how can anyone take some normie over this

>I really long for a girl I can go on late night walks with, drink a beer or eat something, and have conversations without any pretenses or expectations
Have sex. That is literally basic bitch core, except you don't really want to be interesting or put in any effort. Most women are the embodiment of what you described, and it's fucking boring.

>Don't become an alcoholic. My patient fucking had seizures from it and I went to AA for my class and all these people are at a worse point in their lives cause of drugs and alcohol.
Boring, but yeah, that's why I said it was bad advice I suppose. Although half a dozen shots every weekend or so cannot hurt.

>> No.15062468
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 1568324253987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pay attention cockface! you basically got an invite, all you gotta do is drive 20 hours. get going

>> No.15062473

Maybe since the liver can regenerate but alcohol does way more harm than good. Me and a bunch of my friends quit drinking. Only people at my age that drink are like using it to cope and one dude really edged his luck into the danger territory (lots of shit happened to him like gf break up and etc).

If you think having seizures and edema and kidney failure is fun, go ahead

>> No.15062484
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>> No.15062520
File: 53 KB, 625x627, enhanced-16141-1460754569-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...but alcohol does way more harm than good. Me and a bunch of my friends quit drinking. Only people at my age that drink are like using it to cope...
>If you think having seizures and edema and kidney failure is fun, go ahead
And now you're just a right cunt, and an uninformed one at that. Get a fucking life senpai, coping is part of living, and if you're not coping then you aren't living.

And you don't really see normal weekend drinkers or regular party goers getting seizures left and right, do you know why? Because that's not fucking alcoholism. Lacing your coffee with rum is alcoholism, drinking a fifth to go to sleep is alcoholism, having a flask on hand at all times is alcoholism, and the withdrawal from that is what causes seizures.

In conclusion; have sex, you fucking incel

>> No.15062540

I'm already wearing makeup in that photo, I'm just not good enough with it to do anything except even out my complexion. I feel like anything more than that just makes me look like a man who's trying too hard to look like a woman, but that's probably because I don't have a lot of practice.
I also already constantly think about what I say and how other people perceive me due to anxiety. If anything I probably need to think less and be more natural. Just look at how long it takes me to respond to these posts.
Yes, I've attempted, and I wasn't satisfied. What exactly am I suppose to do about my bone structure, spend thousands of dollars that I don't have on cosmetic surgery? Reshape my body through sheer willpower?
Please don't, actually.
I have a pretty low alcohol tolerance (and addictive tendencies), so that's probably not a good idea.
I know I can't make friends by sitting around, but I'm only doing so after trying and failing. I did try to go out regularly before. I know a lot of the problem is still mine, though.
I've been meaning to let it grow out a bit. We'll see how well it goes, I guess.

>> No.15062652
File: 57 KB, 720x720, 56389409_10157246886706940_2897298488779866112_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look sort of like a younger version of my work colleague. She's "tomboyish" in the sense that she looks weird and has quintessentially male interests.

She was a complete mess until she started dating a guy who had a firm style down. I don't have a pic of them together, but she had an incredibly passionate relationship with this moderately /fa/ Italian man 10 years younger than her who rode around in a ducati motorcycle and wore nothing but FILA tracksuits. He made no effort to assimilate at all, rode his motorcycle around campus even though he was told not to, and used to smoke cigars during his lectures. I later learned he was a Ph.D in linguistics from a top university in Italy so I was surprised how well-educated he was.

Very strange fellow but his students loved him.

Prior to dating him she wasn't into fashion, but he encouraged her to wear lots of Burberry/Barbour type clothing and then get into mod culture. All of a sudden, with that hair and look she started to get a lot of attention.

It was horrific living next door to them, though. They had loud, almost angry-sounding sex at all hours.

She had nasty skin and was kind of stand-offish so I didn't think she had much of a chance but her new clothes made her a star at this school. That's the best case I imagine you'd get. Just being honest/anecdotal because you look sort of like her.

I don't know why I'm telling you all this, those two just left a strong impression on me I guess. Pic on the left is that guy.

>> No.15062741

Uh, okay? I honestly have no idea what to make of that story and I can't really tell if you're encouraging or discouraging me, but I'll take it as the former.
I'd actually like to own a small motorcycle or scooter myself, but I'm pretty sure I'd end up getting splattered across the asphalt within a couple weeks.

>> No.15062796
File: 371 KB, 1594x1919, MOGGED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. got mogged by a tall goddess and is desperately trying to cope

>> No.15062828

What's this supposed to prove? My body type (5'7, 115lb) is closer to the taller girl but, as a dyke, I find the shorter girl hotter.

>> No.15062835

too bad nobody cares what dykes think

>> No.15062840

You're literally a gay male if you find that body type hotter. Sorry you had to find out this way.

>> No.15062853

massive dyke cope

>> No.15062859

Nice projection, homo. Cope some more.

>> No.15062867
File: 215 KB, 1920x800, Widows-0568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry your insecurities keep blinding you to the facts of life, maybe if you weren't a bitter dyke you would learn to appreciate tall women like the rest of the world.
Case in point, no statues of short women exist.

>> No.15062876

>you would learn to appreciate tall women like the rest of the world.
I actually prefer taller women in general lol. That one in particular was just body-mogged by the short girl. I get how a fetish could blind someone from seeing things objectively, though.

>> No.15062884

The short girl is way too fat, you need to have your eyes examined.

>> No.15062885


>> No.15062891

I don't know what else to say to you besides stop going on /thinspo/. Seriously

>> No.15062933

My man wants to COOOOM

>> No.15062940

A dyke is mildly acceptable, but a fat dyke? there's just no hope for you.

>> No.15062944

Female height doesn't matter, they're all shorter than me anyways. Would be interesting to have a gf taller than me, but then I'd have to for a trannies and those aren't real women.

>> No.15062956

Shitting on tall girls is only done by insecure manlets. You should see them as a fun challenge to prove your worth instead of their existence being the deciding factor to your failure as a genetic being.

I am 5'5" and I have been with a 5'11" girl and let me tell you it's a lot of fun.

>> No.15062961

Winona is tomboyish in a cute way. And she is far more "cute" than she is a "tomboy"

>> No.15063037

For me, its lanklettes with long hair

>> No.15063386

holy shit lankoid coooooooopppppeeeeeeeeeee KWAB

>> No.15063388

based as fuck

>> No.15063449

You don't look feminine enough to be a tomboy. I know that sounds stupid but hear me out.

A tomboy os a girl who is into boyish things and has a bit of a boyish mannerism. They are still very distinctively girls though. You look androgynous, and sounding manish definitely makes you more andro than tomboy. So my suggestion would be to grow your hair out and work on changing your voice, yes it is possible to change your voice to a certain degree but it takes a lot of training.

>> No.15063471

Ignore him. He was dumped by his gf and copes by shitposting endlessly. He is a very pathetic person.

>> No.15063667
File: 101 KB, 849x565, 75058-849x565-reverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...probably because I don't have a lot of practice
Practice makes perfect
>Just look at how long it takes me to respond to these posts.
You're on a chink autism think tank photoforum, there's not much wrong you could say.
But what I mean is, how those things would be perceived, like are you being flirtatious when you say that, or more so cold and casual, etc. You might not even recognise it, but what you say and how you say determines how people view your interactions with you. There's a few girls I talk to and I'm attracted to, but they cannot see my interest, and so just respond nonchalantly, and after a while you just lost hope, and I've been told later that they really liked me too. Again, liquor helps if you got something or someone set on your mind.

>What exactly am I suppose to do about my bone structure
You have nothing wrong with your bone fucking structure, or how you fundamentally look. Refer: >>15062398 and >>15062437

>I have a pretty low alcohol tolerance (and addictive tendencies)
Yeah, don't take that literally, but a drink or two to loosen the screws helps
>I know a lot of the problem is still mine, though.
You recognised, and now just have to act

based Mediterranean

>but then I'd have to for a trannies and those aren't real women
Don't be too dismissive anon :^)

>> No.15063703

>Dying inside
Don’t we all?...

>> No.15063751
File: 227 KB, 800x1036, Abbey-Lee-Kershaw-Vogue-Russia-Cover-Photoshoot07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only tall women can be fancy because long legs don't grow on shorties.

>> No.15064518

extremely massive dyke cope, too masculine to be a woman and too feminine to be a male, you're stuck in a self imposed gender limbo, you will die alone and never marry or have kids, cry more.

>> No.15064557

Yeah, I'm aware that I fall more into the androgynous or "reverse-trap" category. A few people have called me a tomboy in the past but I try to avoid calling myself one, though I suppose it slips out sometimes. I also used to be more feminine, and am probably emotionally stuck on that a little.
In any case I don't really mean to give the wrong impression by using certain words.
I mostly meant my figure, actually. I've sort of come to terms with my weird face, but I'm still struggling with my weird body. Pretty much the entire reason I started wearing loose, masculine clothing was just to hide it. Nowadays I struggle to even try on overtly feminine clothing without feeling a bit sick and bitter. Guess that's what they call conditioning?

>> No.15064583

Sounds like you're starting to develop some kind of serious body image issue.