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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 160 KB, 828x822, 3903F887-7BA3-4528-9F11-2E53D9B050DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15029858 No.15029858 [Reply] [Original]

why don't women dress femininely instead of like turbo dykes?

>> No.15029861

because they're all turbo dykes

>> No.15029863

thats not feminine, thats just turboautistic cosplay

where i live women dress quite feminine though, lots of dresses and shirts, loafers etc. just not in winter, but i cant blame them since winter fahsion is fucking shit

>> No.15029873

>a simple white dress
>turboautistic cosplay
this is what slampigs ACTUALLY believe

>> No.15029880

its literally the female equivalent of reviewbrahcore

>> No.15029887

you are deranged and i can tell you're some blue haired freak

>> No.15029892

im not even a fucking woman you mong

>> No.15029895

implying you need to be a woman to be a blue haired freak. your mentality is all the same

>> No.15029909


>> No.15029923

>if you dont dress '30s cosplay you're a blue haired freak
ok you little spastic

>> No.15029930

>women can’t wear full dresses without them being seen as cosplay
Is this really the effect anime has had on the world?

>> No.15029938

>a feminine dress causes all this seethe
Dyke stop

>> No.15029942

nothing you say makes sense, your embarrassing sperg out is painful to watch. Obvious highschooler

>> No.15029949

do you really expect me to believe you're not some fat ugly bitch considering how hard you're shilling against feminine clothing?

>> No.15029981

Women don't know how to be women anymore

>> No.15029997

fucking tradcucks jesus christ

>> No.15030017

What is your definition of feminine wear that is somehow unrelated to the OP, oh wise one?

>> No.15030090

Why do women need to dress "feminine" for you when you're probably any combination of the following: overweight, badly dressed, shit personality, or an incel.

>> No.15030094

this is literal projecting

>> No.15030099

I’m none of those things. All I can have these days is meaningless sex, I haven’t found a girl that has made me feel anything in years. It’s just an endless stream of cheap thrills.

>> No.15030113


>> No.15030126


>> No.15030132

Nah I got to agree with that guy. Chick is clearly overdoing it to try and pull of some faggy 'classy' look.

>> No.15030138

it's all larping. Women don't dress like the woman in the op because it's incredibly impractical. There's plenty of modern feminine clothing, you think modern women don't dress in ways that display femininity? If you dressed like a modern woman, people would call you a crossdresser. You don't care about feminine clothing, you're a larper who wants women to dress like disney characters because you think it makes them pure or some shit.

>> No.15030146

how is the OP pic impractical? not reading the rest of your rambling

>> No.15030155

>women can't wear long dresses without being accused of larping or cosplay
So this is what it's come to

>> No.15030168

Christ you're retarded

>> No.15030176

it's loose, flowing material. The dress is going to constantly get caught on shit. The sleeves are too long and will get in the way if she needs to do literally anything with her hands. It's less convenient to wash, and less convenient to get in and out of, and less convenient to use a toilet wearing. The material is thin, expensive, and very easy to tear and stain. It's only comfortable in particular climates. It would be too cold to wear in the winter, and probably a bit warm in the summer. Not a good material to sweat in, either. It is a very impractical garment, and there is good reason why dresses like that are mostly reserved for formal attire.
It's fine for a formal event. Wearing it outside a formal event is silly, and would be rightfully seen as similar to wearing a suit casually.

>> No.15030202

oh god i can tell you've never worn a dress hahahaha please stop speaking for us, thanks. also obviously the sleeves aren't part of the dress they're part of the cardigan are you retarded

>> No.15030205

This is the most amount of mental gymnastics I've ever seen in a single post.

>> No.15030208

a tradcoomer is behind this dumb post.

>> No.15030211

t. fat dyke

>> No.15030223

cope more. you can't seem to accept the fact that normal men think you're a retard

>> No.15030227

who? there are more people ITT agreeing with me than the two seething autists including yourself triggered over a dress

>> No.15030231

W2C this dress or something similar?

>> No.15030241 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15030244

you're right, I haven't worn a dress unlike you tranny. Post your dresses, larper
not an argument

>> No.15030246

Even if that's true that's not related to the topic you fat whale.>>15029997

>> No.15030248
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>> No.15030250

>calling others trannies
>because they choose to dress girlier than you
>while you make up shit regarding how comfortable, practical, convenient, etc the clothing is
lmao stop

>> No.15030254

No we don't you whore enabler.

>> No.15030255

post your dresses

>> No.15030256

why would i do that?

>> No.15030280

Damn women are so hyper jealous of each other that even the slightest mention of some women dressing more femininely triggers the others. The seethe in this thread is unmeasurable

>> No.15030412

i was talking normal men.

>> No.15030961
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Why are those against this question so irrational?

Like, calm down!

>> No.15030971
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give aggie

>> No.15031017

jew rat

>> No.15031048
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Hold your tongue, goyim.

>> No.15031054 [DELETED] 

Get the fuck out kike-lover.

>> No.15031071
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The age of Hu-wh*te-men is over, the time of the Jew has come.

>> No.15031103

Coming from a woman who does dress fairly femininely: OP’s image is impractical. Not saying people can’t dress that way but it takes a whole bunch more effort, dresses like that are expensive and yeah that one does look a larpy like what >>15030132 said. I say this as someone who does spend a lot of money on feminine attire, it’s more work to dress like OP’s image than what most women wear now, and cheaper. Also you can dress feminine without going all out like this, it’s definitely try hard.
>inb4 the men who have never kissed a woman start seething at this comment like the rest of this thread
seriously men are so oblivious to women

>> No.15031136
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>> No.15031469


>> No.15031829
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>> No.15032130

from what i can tell half the posters itt are girls and girls have already said they were long dresses and don't find them impractical
also i highly doubt you dress as femininely as you think you do

>> No.15032131
File: 8 KB, 231x218, 1560029790349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you dress like OP it's a larp!! real women don't dress like that!!!!

>> No.15032137

Never realized this board was full of so many fat chicks. Of course you think it's impractical, your bare thighs chafe when you walk.

>> No.15032156

Yes they do, they just don't fall into your incredibly narrow, retarded and inbred expectations.

>> No.15032159

That's a whole lot of seethe. Post your fit and lets see how you dress

>> No.15032163

lose weight samefag

>> No.15032406

from what i can tell half the posters itt are girls and girls have already said this style is impractical and larping
also i highly doubt you know any women who dress like OP’s picture or know their care routines but go off

>> No.15032411

I’m literally underweight. If you can’t handle a woman’s opinion on women’s clothes but then ask “why don’t women dress like this!!1!” You’re a tendie loving misogynist and it’s clear why you’re still a virgin

>> No.15032419 [DELETED] 

Post an outfit pic OP. Let’s see how you dress and if you’re worth femininely-dressed women.

>> No.15032697

you hags are so defensive over a simple question

>> No.15032930

That looks incredibly annoying to wear and walk in

>> No.15033064

how? i just know you've never even attempted to wear a dress like this

>> No.15033069

Neither have you.

>> No.15033071

Let’s see how you dress OP. Post an outfit pic.

>> No.15033084

adding my female 2 cents
If you like how a style looks enough you kind of get over any minor discomforts or annoyances that come with wearing it. I wear tall heels and long drapey sleeves all the time and am just used to them at this point. The only issue I see with wearing something like this particular dress is that since it's pretty different than what most girls wear it stands out and if you're uggo and self-conscious then it becomes negative attention. You have to be pretty and confident to not look like a fool wearing this stuff.

>> No.15033093

yes that's why there's a million hambeasts ITT crying over clothes like this because they know they'd look ridiculous in it. you're one of the only chicks in here with a brain

>> No.15033095

Where do you live OP? This is pretty location dependent

>> No.15033101

I literally wear longer dresses like that all the time but okay. I also have super long skirts, mostly midi length. They're super comfortable and you can sit however you like and do pretty much anything so I know most of the women here haven't actually tried wearing a dress like that or are just mad for no reason.

>> No.15033205

>I literally wear longer dresses like that all the time
post fit and dab on the haters

>> No.15033230
File: 27 KB, 425x415, 298DBB99-FB81-4BC5-9948-48FCA3A0543C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fit looks like she be wearing these as shoes

>> No.15033383

today i learnt it takes just 1 (ONE) midi dress to make girls on /fa/ completely seethe. i should start making threads like this too

>> No.15033404

A lot of women wear dresses in my uni, and it's the most liberal/feminist uni in the whole country. I like wearing long dresses but I don't larp as a tradfem like most of this board seems to be demanding from women lately.
Like other anons said the pic you posted looks like a mix of larpy, childish, cheap kind of clothing I don't see most young women pulling off. Like the ugly ass bag with a golden chain or the weird thin see-through violet cardigan with frills lmao. The dress itself looks like an old grandmas nightgown, it's cute but not that casual which I reckon is the setting you wish you'd see more girls wearing dresses in. I think just the aesthetic of the image appeals to you but if you saw a random 23 year old girl in this you'd wish she went back to wearing mom jeans and tucked in shirts.

Also to people thinking it's annoying to wear dresses in day to day situations, that's only if the dress is super short otherwise you're safe and comfy unless it's a particularly windy day.

>> No.15033449

The only based reply so far.

>> No.15033459

Overweight people (women) would be too self conscious to post here, since most of us praise the skinny, we even have a thinspo thread.

>> No.15033462

this is not true have you seen how many genuinely fat chicks post in WAYWT threads? and i'm not talking thinspo retards definition of fat but genuinely fat

>> No.15033494

Itt: seethe

>> No.15033513

girl where. OPs dress is impractical cuz if u got a huge ass like me it automatically becomes a sexy dress- see through and delicate material that moves with every bounce. its not fun getting stared all throughout the day. Ass is genetics too before ppl start saying im a fat lesbian. 5'7, 118 lbs and no boobs.

>> No.15033516

women realized that men are not worth it so now they dress to impress other girls

>> No.15033523

Pretty sure OP wasn't specifically talking about that dress in particular but feminine clothing (aka longer dresses, skirts, etc) in general but all the women here wanna get mad and nitpick on that dress in particular like what is all y'all bitches problems???? It must be easier to nitpick that particular dress than explain why no one wants to look pretty

>> No.15033531

depends on what you define as pretty? just overly feminine?

>> No.15033536

>overly feminine
How are longer dresses or skirts overly feminine? Explain without resorting to strawman

>> No.15033572

it just reminds me of older times and what 'traditional' women wore in history (housekeepers really). I like longer skirts (mid calf) but i dont really wear them with frills , usually A line and plaid. It is more feminine than when i wear jeans ofc, but when wearing that i dont feel overly childishly feminine which some can seem when they wear dresses like OP. Like look throughout history, women past their teens didnt wear those types of dresses as often

>> No.15033608

It is reminiscent of traditional clothing but that's the beauty of it. I think most men (including myself) wouldn't look at that type of loosely gathered fabric (that's gathered not frilly) and think it's childish or overly feminine. Whereas maybe A-line skirts in solid colors can come off as officewear or too serious depending on the rest of the fit.

>> No.15033612

If you got it, flaunt it.

>> No.15033617
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>> No.15033628

I think you may have answered the question why some women do not wear dresses like OP, wearing pants or dresses in solid colours and more structured material is associated with maturity and they wish to be taken seriously instead of being considered "soft" and just pretty. I think the dress is a nice idea but yea its for an occasion or a specific mood

>> No.15034593

>reminiscent of traditional clothing but that's the beauty of it.
But anon that's quite boring. Why don't men dress like it's the 30s/50s? Shits out of style yo. Might come back eventually. Looks cringy when you wear a large suit with a fedora does it not? Think of all the fat rockabilly girls, it's not that appealing.
I think most men here are really just in love with the idea, a pure virginal waifu that dresses like a Disney Princess and she totally loves you and cooks for you and your kids uwu, which is why most of the girls in this thread started seething. It's not something that appeals to us, especially when you read into the whole tradfem movement that got really popular lately. Not even saying most girls here are turbo feminists, it's just that this overly feminine stepford wife woman is not what we want to look or act like because it's obnoxious. It comes with a lot of implications and constraints, acting feminine that is.

>> No.15034609
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REMINDER: This is how “men” of /fa/ looks like irl. These are the same guys that are demanding women to dress in silk, dainty, and feminine dresses every day.

>> No.15034625

fat lesbian

>> No.15034643

It's too much hard work, they have the eggs so they should just plug themselves into the sperm machines if even dressing is too fucking difficult

>> No.15034781

it's obnoxious to you because your ideals are so out of whack. you see a long dress and you assume a girl is roleplaying trad or some shit opposed to just liking the style of clothing. don't @ me

>> No.15034785

If you are opposed to looking like an actual female then there's something wrong with you not with the "incels". What does you potentially looking your best have to do with the appearance of whomever delivers the message?

>> No.15034802

Not at all, I wear long dresses all summer. Pic op posted is just bad and childish. Bad for a fashion board especially.

>> No.15034808

you just said it's boring and now you say you wear it

>> No.15034810

>trying to shit on Reviewbrah
Do you even know where you are?

>> No.15034815

I personally changed the way my girl dresses. She’s more girly now, bought her plenty of dresses. It’s about matching your looks. Imagine a guy dressed in all black, full techwear with bdsm-straps and with a girl who’s in a floral dainty summer dress. I care about looking good with my girl. Second, it also depends on the location and time, you can’t be wearing a dress all the time.

This. He’s pretty fucking tasteless, something you expect from a neck beard from /pol/.

>> No.15034818

Your post brings up a good point. I was walking in the store the other day and in the distance I see two people 1 man, 1 femme. The fem was nice and tall, and stylishly dressed. The guy was short wearing a graphic tee, autism jeans, and bulky shoes. I was wondering how the two got together and then I walked past them and heard his distinctive gay voice. The rest of the night I was just people watching and realized couples usually tend to be on the same level of attractiveness and presentation. So dress for what you want.

>> No.15034827

Putting on long dresses is probably a lot of effort compared to a simple T-shirt and pants

>> No.15034830

I fail to see how the OP pic is tasteless in any way, or bad or childish for that matter. Also I'm yet to hear someone criticize anything without the use of buzzwords. It's just a dress, it's deadass so simple, you people make it out like it's the coming of the apocalypse. Yeah the handbag is shit and so is the cardigan but imagine seething over a simple dress because it hurt your ego that OP called you a dyke.

>> No.15034831

>t. someone that’s never been with a girl or had a girlfriend
Dresses are so easy to fucking put on and off lmao, I actually have to rush sometimes when I’m going out with my girl because I take longer to put on clothes than her. Dresses are literally just slip ons.

>> No.15034909 [DELETED] 
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First of all, that was my first reply and I’m a guy, not a dyke. I’m not a seething at all, I think it’s OP who’s seething here because the dress he posted is getting called out. In fact, I think it’s you’re OP who’s just pretending not to be him.

I called you tasteless because you are. That dress is something you’d expect from a /pol/tard’s “tradwife” folder. If you knew even just a little bit about fashion, you’d know that there’s been a HUGE resurgence of dresses that started about four years ago and the trend is yet to stop.

It’s all about dainty dresses, wrap-arounds, and silk-slips nowadays. Obviously not exactly right now as it’s winter but you should get my point.

>> No.15034912
File: 967 KB, 1125x1268, FC903F97-470E-41FA-B049-8CC1AC28DA23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, that was my first reply and I’m a guy, not a dyke. I’m not a seething at all, I think it’s OP who’s seething here because the dress he posted is getting called out. In fact, I think you’re OP who’s just pretending not to be him.

I called you tasteless because you are. That dress is something you’d expect from a /pol/tard’s “tradwife” folder. If you knew even just a little bit about fashion, you’d know that there’s been a HUGE resurgence of dresses that started about four years ago and the trend is yet to stop.

It’s all about dainty dresses, wrap-arounds, and silk-slips nowadays. Obviously not exactly right now as it’s winter but you should get my point.

>> No.15034920
File: 1.54 MB, 1125x1377, 13148D86-5836-4DFC-B079-ECE6E94E2642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another reason why I can tell you’re another /pol/tard clueless about fashion is all your insults are “muh feminists” “you’re a dyke” “you’re a blue haired freak”.

You just can’t accept what people have already told you. The dress is literally cosplay-tier.

>> No.15034932

Honestly, it looks better than the abomination you posted. Hipster-ish quasi-feminity/arthoe > whatever this is.

>> No.15034938

Also don´t get me wrong, I´m not against feminine styles, at all, but some things should die and never return; high heels for example destroy every outfit and look shitty on every women. Same for those dumb ass "summer hats" and similar things that are often part of what people imagine as "feminine".

>> No.15034940 [DELETED] 
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And to add, why some girls prefer not to wear dresses is because of comfort & pervs. My girl gets absolutely repulsed at being stared at like meat by pervs. I’d say most, if not all other women are like her.

>> No.15034950
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And to add, why some girls prefer not to wear dresses is because of comfort & pervs. My girl’s absolutely repulsed at being stared at like meat by pervs. I’d say most, if not all other women are like her.

>> No.15034957
File: 153 KB, 1080x1350, 744D3AA0-214D-4D25-B62F-451AABFC0514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A true fucking tasteless /pol/tard >>15030241.

>> No.15034967
File: 190 KB, 1080x952, 5C6B9F3D-D069-40D2-B6E4-8108BF255A94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don’t like the cosplay dress? Reeee you must be a feminist dyke kike trying to hold back women from femininity1!1!1

>> No.15034983

I have had a girlfriend tf you mean?

>> No.15034994

>Putting on long dresses is probably a lot of effort compared to a simple T-shirt and pants
Please explain to me how putting on a literal tube of fabric takes more time than putting on two separate pieces of clothing.

>> No.15035004
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Most women are attention whores tho.

>> No.15035021
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Are you a brainlet? Do you not see the stark difference between that dress and the dresses I’ve posted? Your pic is the typical thot wearing a “give me attention” dress. It’s club trash, not fashion.

>> No.15035038

Well that’s a long dress plus a vest over it. Just seems impractical to dress fancy when there’s casual clothing.

>> No.15035052

Relish in the attention and flaunt your assets. Also carry a taser lmao.

>> No.15035058

ITT: girl-repelling /pol/ incels demand females to fulfill their LARP fantasies

>> No.15035062
File: 157 KB, 1080x1345, waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her so much, brehs. Can't believe she is married with a baby now and I am stuck on this shit board with a bunch of autistic teenagers.

I know I am destined for great things but when...

>> No.15035068

Be honest, what kind of people off this site did you expect to actually meet eachother in person? I have interest in meeting these fucking faggots, and I'm pretty sure the majority of users feel the same. A lot of people on here don't have an amazing sense of style, they're really just people looking to express themselves with clothing, and discuss the looks they like while also refining their personal style. Sure there are tons of autists, incels, racists, and retards. But there are quite a few relatively normal people as well.
Some dudes do have aesthetics more like the 30s/50s, but generally there are much less of them compared to the normal fashion that people use these days. I would say the same goes for women dressing more traditionally, but it may be even more rare than those guys. Out of my personal experience I don't think I've seen a woman dress traditionally at all within the past decade. It's just kind of a shame to see the aesthetic be essentially dead. Personally I miss seeing women wear more dresses and skirts, I feel like most men and women dress pretty much the same these days. I understand you guys want pockets though lmao. I wish there was a solid in between, or that at least dresses would become more trendy again.

>> No.15035076
File: 1.01 MB, 1270x2000, 26E2DE9E-208F-4F9B-A679-63F40F4B5C1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I understand you guys want pockets though lmao
Reddit moment
>I wish there was a solid in between, or that at least dresses would become more trendy again.
What kind of shithole do you live in where you don’t see women wearing dresses when the weather permits? Go leave your house, you clueless /pol/tard.

>> No.15035095

to prove a faggot on a middle eastern cotton farming forum wrong obviously
now let's see them dresses

>> No.15035100

Based and patricianpilled.

>> No.15035104

Based and fempilled

>> No.15035126

the real answer in somewhere around "women don't know how to dress old school femme whilst still getting the same amount of attention as thots"

>> No.15035195


>> No.15035316

imagine not knowing how to argue without strawmen because people don't prescribe to your idea of "fashion", while simultaneously putting down the women who do actually like to dress like this because someone initially made a strawman argument against what you like or what your girlfriend likes or whatever the fuck is going on here with all this bruised ego, and you're responding with even more strawmen.

>> No.15035368

It's literally a single piece of cloth, you can slip the entire thing on in under 10 seconds

>> No.15035411

How about instead of strawmaning yourself you actually read the posts you're allegedly quoting

>> No.15035417

i didn't strawman a single time. avoid using words you don't know the definition of

>> No.15035472

Sure thing bud

>> No.15035484


Buy it for your gf then if you want her to wear it.

>> No.15035488

point out where i used strawman idiot.
or how about we just look at all the times you and other ITT said the dress is cosplay tier(?), for tradwife wannabes, LARP, /pol/-tier etc because it's a bit longer than you want it to be and has some ruffling

>> No.15035505

So many seething roasties in this thread
Dressing femininely isn’t impractical or expensive or difficult, pic in op is ridiculously simple and easy. You would have to go out of your way to make dressing like that inconvenient. If women don’t it’s because they’re lazy or they’re whores. Or they’re fat
I haven’t worn pants in years outside of exercise or yard work it’s not hard

>> No.15035511

>mix of larpy, childish, cheap kind of clothing I don't see most young women pulling off
The only women who can’t pull off op pic are fat or ugly seethe more

>> No.15035560

This is why no actual women browse /fa/.

>> No.15035581

thank goodness, no one wants to hear butch "femmepilled" opinions

>> No.15035650

Nta but plenty of girls here said they wear long dresses, just that this particular dress looks boring and a has some borderline grandma's nightgown vibes and generally just looks outdated. Besides most girls will be wearing longer dresses because they're more comfortable and you don't have to worry about flashing someone accidentally as you would in a short dress.
Also where the hell do you people live that girls that don't wear dresses?
Or they look more mature/elegant instead of cute. I swear for a fashion board it seems like people can't comprehend the fact different things fit different people.

>> No.15035845

>different things fit different people
Clothes fit people, tents fit whales

>> No.15035930

I'm sure if you say that enough times every woman in this thread will become fat

>> No.15035964
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when will dressing like this come back

>> No.15035997

OP got BTFO’d so he’s ignoring these posts

>> No.15036000

All the women ITT seething haven't posted a single fit to prove that they do in fact dress femininely (hint: they don't)

>> No.15036045


>> No.15036104

OP still haven’t posted a single fit to prove that he’s not an obese neckbeard who thinks he deserves a 10/10 virgin tradwife

>> No.15036305

America lmao, no women really wear dresses in my area. I don't browse /pol/ but believe what you want.

>> No.15036782

post more

>> No.15036881

then GTFO out of the fashion board you utter ugly DYEL

>> No.15036882

i wish

>> No.15037261


>> No.15037307

I visit /fa/ once in a month and there's always a thread like that, what's the problem? If you want to dress feminine, dress feminine and don't care what others say

>> No.15037347

>complaining about the board you post on every single day while crying about the silver spoon that should’ve been yours
You are so pathetic. I can’t even call it tragic because that would imply a fall from grace and you’ve stayed consistently graceless your entire 4chan career. You are everything I fear about the future so thanks for being a great roadmap of what not to do during middle age

>> No.15037808


>> No.15037809


>> No.15038356
File: 88 KB, 302x271, 1575405771317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for bringing up one of my repressed childhood traumas

>> No.15038755



>> No.15038865

Who cares

>> No.15038938

based. the females in this thread are fucking insufferable

>> No.15039007

Do women not subscribe to the same ‘~self improvement’/ ideal physicality that many men subscribe to? I am gradually working my way up to becoming the man I want to be and many people who use 4chan will say the same, that includes having a certain appearance of objective manhood. I would think women eventually want to present the ideal feminine physique just like I do for the masculine physique but its probably not the case.

>> No.15039011

based and truthpilled. these retards need to crawl back into their holes

>> No.15039337
File: 195 KB, 650x854, 51CEF06B-48CE-4068-89BE-D1CD44AD2666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>157 posts
>79 posters
Does this seething roasty really think she’s fooling anyone?

>> No.15039343
File: 34 KB, 554x702, D7F7458C-FD9B-4420-AF00-FC8A1499CB68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15039350


>> No.15039358

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.15039389

who makes that dress?

>> No.15039390
File: 142 KB, 1050x741, 3B09E5BA-6D22-4507-93A4-219A792A477B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15039549

I forgot who this was, sorry.

That wasn’t me you fucking mongoloid. You’re still yet to reply to me, you just keep resorting to shit-tier ad hominems. Let’s face it, you know jack shit about fashion and you’re clearly fucking American.

Réalisation Par.

>> No.15039689


>> No.15039702


i bet you're fun at parties

>> No.15039722

I´d bet you my left asscheeck that at least 4 out of those 5 Girls would lose interest in you even if they found you interesting on first look when you Show them this Picture with this text.

Few Things women find more repulsive then men who try to tell them that they should be/behave a certain way and argue for this with the Argument "do it so men will like you"

>> No.15039753
File: 137 KB, 1080x1350, BE686CA5-6B9A-4369-B837-202A1A22C34D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit really just proves you’re an autist from /pol/ clueless about fashion, triggered about not seeing women in cosplay dresses.

>> No.15039882

Define “dressing like turbo dykes”

>> No.15040577


>> No.15041261

Op is a neckbeard, end of story.

>> No.15041271

itt: virginazincel
t. woman

>> No.15041300


Because liberals are trying to turn men into women and women into men. Also, turbo dykes = kek.

>> No.15041306


You don't need to say "literally." You sound like a fucking retard.

>> No.15041308


wow. that's quite nice.

>> No.15041354

any one of those girls could have tattoos, or debt, or not be virgins. fun fact: just because someone dresses a certain way, it doesn't make them your fantasy woman. i look like the second one most of the time and i have 3 tattoos, but you would never never unless i was wearing short sleeves.

>> No.15041369

Short sleeves are for whores. Next you'll tell me you go out without your father or brother accompanying you.

>> No.15041376

in the modern world, they need practical clothing that can function.

>> No.15041381

based and pinkpilled

>> No.15041382

He ain't black, he ain't white, he sure as hell ain't a Ninja but don't cross this man cause you'll end up a severed head on the cafeteria floor.

Switched friend groups, doesn't know what he's doing here, hates being in photos and constantly feels socially awkward. He's also the strongest in the group but never uses his retard rage unless extremely provoked.

>Kekashi 6ix9ine
The clown. Keeps up the 69 shtick for years until his new obsession came along: Jared Leto's Joker.

>Lanky Frank
Used to listen to Lo-Fi Indie Folk but switched to Sadboy Trap 6 months ago. Has 1000 instagram followers but is still exremely friendzoned.

>Spic Munster
Has a mild case of down syndrome but is actually a pretty cool guy. Secretly talented at Baseball but got bullied out of sports at a young age.

>Neo DiCaprio
Started an Urbex photography crew with Lanky Frank in hopes of losing his V-card by the end of the summer

Only member of the group to have had sex. Will soon switch to sexcore and spend his free time lifting alone at the gym.

Carries Moth Balls in his pockets everywhere he goes as he is constantly targetted by the dusty-winged critters. Handsome but collects bugs.

>Adolf Cripler
Has two obsessions: Y2K Fashion, and the Third Reich. The least autistic when it comes to his hobbies and is the easiest to talk to in the group. Some say he's their charismatic leader.

>> No.15041388

fucking cumbrains

>> No.15041399


this. millennial "women" are dykes and the "men" are liberal beta cucks.

>> No.15041653

my gf has a few dresses with frills on them but she rarely rares them because handwashing fucking sucks

>> No.15041662

Extremely based.

>> No.15041707
File: 340 KB, 1241x1218, IMG_20200220_170614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15041737

What the fuck is that shit

>> No.15042021

the shit tradcucks fantasize about

>> No.15042050

Heavens. High heels should be banned.

>> No.15042060

>gets dangerously buttblasted that men like feminine things
>starts posting ugly shit no one wants to see as some sort of "counterpoint"
what did women mean by this

>> No.15042061


>> No.15042067


>tradfeminine isn't feminine!!!!!

what did teenage virgins mean by this

>> No.15042070

just because something is trad or feminine it doesn't make it not ugly
op dress isn't ugly but whoever posted this hag was obviously upset by something

>> No.15042071

you’re such a fucking retard op go neck yourself

>> No.15042074

ok schizo. everyone is op because they disagree with you. everyone is op for calling you out on your weird uglyposting "counterpoint"

>> No.15042075
File: 924 KB, 975x2089, 16B85F45-EBD4-4041-98AE-3C13B8B2A39B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that wasn’t me you fucking idiot

>> No.15042078
File: 873 KB, 975x2149, 4205963C-F3FB-42D9-8306-FD57E0558672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who’s the schizo here?

>> No.15042080

so? what are you trying to prove here? it doesn't matter if you're one or two separate people what does it have to do with the fact that the initial post is pathetic, extremely transparent and retarded lmao

>> No.15042083

>calling you out on your weird uglyposting "counterpoint"
>call you out
it’s pretty obvious you’re the op by how you staunchly defend that ugly dress in the op and by how you always blame “the wahmeeen”

>> No.15042085

lol i thought i was talking to the person who made the initial post, it literally doesn't matter you fucking moron. the point stands either way. i'm literally arguing with a woman here aren't i?
>everyone is op because they disagree with you

>> No.15042087

>everyone who thinks that dress is ugly is a woman
neck yourself you tasteless faggot

>> No.15042088

only a woman would get so inconceivably and illogically mad at the thread that they would feel the need to start posting ugly trad shit in place of a counterpoint. forgive my mistake, kind gentleman!

>> No.15042091

absolutely based and btfopilled

>> No.15042129

not him but thanks too. been looking similar dresses like >>15034920 for a while now

>> No.15042132


>> No.15042207

>99 IPs
>205 posts
This thread really ruined a couple roastie's days huh?

>> No.15042226
File: 66 KB, 1828x286, Screenshot 2020-02-27 at 16.03.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao most of the replies were from you calling everyone a seething dyke for disagreeing with you and ignoring those who actually made great points.

>> No.15042372

That was the first time I posted in this thread. Also it was at 99 IPs before I posted and then it changed to 100 after so I don't understand what your point is sweaty.

>> No.15042377
File: 248 KB, 1080x1349, A43AA7ED-08BB-4567-B71B-D78E422D21F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get a cute (biological) girl?

>> No.15042381

>pic not related

>> No.15042394

ok tranny

>> No.15042404

She's a run of the mill social media floozy. Wake up.

>> No.15042414

she's cute as fuck her face is perfect her smile is perfect her hair is perfect. jealousy is a disease

>> No.15042431

That's all as maybe, but what I stand by what I said. Lust is perhaps an even greater disease, though.
>Implying I'm a woman in either case.

>> No.15042433

Because it's fucking cold out you mong.

>> No.15042437

you said an objectively cute girl isn't cute i'm gonna call you either a tranny or a homo mate

>> No.15044122

From time to time I see some girls who will wear a dress, although it's important to note it only really occurs under a couple of conditions.
>it's in a rich area
>the girl is white
t. socal resident

>> No.15044126

ITT: How millennials actually think
since when did half of the users on 4chan become whiteknight spergs anyway?

>> No.15044831

All women are whores.
Don't let these cunts tell you what clothing they think is appropriate KINGS! Men have dresses women for thousands of years and only until they started dresses for themselves did they start to look absolutely rancid.

>> No.15044911

I just want you to know you're appreciated.

>> No.15044919
File: 189 KB, 1080x1350, 1582272127977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even a guy with no interest in fashion could see how impractical this is if you were to step outside.
>women have to wear what I say!!
your probably wearing shorts & a mismatching t-shirt

pic related is 100x more practical & still feminine
clothes dont make a person feminine, the person wearing them does.

>> No.15045145

one singular roastie keeps repeating this over and over itt but it's been disproved by other women that wearing a dress in no way shape or form is impractical. why is she so obsessed with this thread?

>> No.15045155

Or its a white knight koreaboo. Either way sad af.

>> No.15045192

To rebel against the establishment, maaaaaaan.

>> No.15045218

Someone lives in country without wind clearly.
Or stairs.

>> No.15045627
File: 14 KB, 342x443, 8e32e18e-8c50-4b5b-9de9-9707c0142df0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with the OP but my vision of feminity is little bit different.

>> No.15045630
File: 28 KB, 640x640, Women-Dress-40s-50s-60s-Vintage-V-Neck-Swing-Rockabilly-Pinup-Ball-Gown-Party-Dress-Black.jpg_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045637

You aren’t serious with that shit right?

>> No.15045645

>have sex incel

>> No.15045647

These are dresses from the 50's/60's .
Not a very good era for period, I can understand

>> No.15045650


>> No.15045653

Nigger you expect women to wear prom dresses every day lmao.

>> No.15045659

Yes, I call it elegance

>> No.15045670
File: 215 KB, 1123x1084, 7C50FA7D-B348-4841-9CBB-EC34D024F951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15045671

>she be


>> No.15045673


>> No.15046153


>> No.15046293

You can't be serious these look like costumes

>> No.15046469


>> No.15046599

>why do women don't fit into my arbitrary idea of what they should look like
gee, it's almost like it's the 21st century and people are finally starting to realize that gender really doesn't matter much and that you're free to dress however you feel like. /fa/ of all boards should be the last one to have threads like these

>> No.15046601

It’s a basement-dwelling /pol/tard. Look at his replies, it’s all kikes, dykes, feminists, and etc.

>> No.15046672

Yes I'm totally sure the 116 posters in this thread are all the same evil cartoon character you have imagined in your heads. Why are women so irrational bros?

>> No.15046674

not a single poster has given us a rational explanation as to why women should dress in a particular way, so yes, they are all idiots

>> No.15046675

you will never pass

>> No.15046676

>everyone i don't agree with is a caricature of a minority
i'm cis but stay mad lol

>> No.15046680

Honey, this thread isn't a question of "why should they" but rather "why aren't they"

>> No.15046682
File: 73 KB, 732x960, 22A1F107-1E84-4E0B-B2AC-C753163EEE7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15046686

also, how does blaming transpeople for how ciswomen dress make any sense? if anything most transpeople generally try to conform to gender norms in an attempt to pass more easily/feel more confident
then the answer's simple: they don't want to. the majority of women dress like, well, how women are expected to dress. some of them like it and some of them prefer to dress in a more androgynous or masculine way and no one ITT has given me a reason as to why that's a bad thing
i never said i was a girl and i don't see how posting an image is an argument, but go off

>> No.15046690


I'm scared of pics like this. Do women practice this kind of posing in front of a mirror? Do they take 100s of 'spontaneous' laughing pictures to see how to bend or look so it looks natural?

>> No.15046691

you sure you're "cis"? you type like a literal faggot woman if that was ever possible

>> No.15046696

playground sandbox-tier comeback

>> No.15046707

haha okay homo girl

>> No.15047359

what the fuck this board is just redditors now

>> No.15047359,1 [INTERNAL] 

I agree with you about it and i always tend to convince my customer to design a femininely wedding dress instead of turbo dykes design, some of them really love to wear a crazy special dress on their special day. i’m a freelance designer, i used to make custom designs of wedding dresses for many customers and also celebrities and many dresses and shoes designs to big fashion company such as Zara, Gucci, Prada. and recently i signed a contract with big fashion company here in US for custom designs for customers, the company i work with is lilylulufashion, i have working with them to design nice rain macs for winter 2021 you can it here: www.lilylulufashion.com/rain-macs/ , i’m also ready for custom designs for all clothes.

>> No.15047359,3 [INTERNAL] 
