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/fa/ - Fashion

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14983509 No.14983509 [Reply] [Original]

What are /fa/'s thoughts on Hugo Boss
I have a job interview this thursday

>> No.14983516

My thoughts are not the designer, only the factory owner and producer of the designs already made.

>> No.14983530

Someone needs to permaban you

>> No.14983533

Based on what? OP posted the nazi pic in relation to Hugo Boss in the misguided notion that Hugo Boss designed the nazi uniforms when he never did. Hurr ban this guy for clearing up myths and telling facts!

>> No.14983604

sorry to offend you

>> No.14983607

Great brand, just very overpriced

>> No.14983649

Hugo boss did make ss and nazi costumes

>> No.14983659

thanks for the feedback, guess ill have some staff discounts tho. so it won't be that big of a problem

>> No.14983671

Not offended at all, it's just people always say Hugo Boss are great designers because of the amazing looking nazi uniforms when they never designed them.

Which is what I said. Their factories did, they were not the uniform designers though.

>> No.14983674

okay but what do you think of the brand at this day

>> No.14983683

No i mean i hate you as a person. 100% worse than igor

>> No.14983685

It depends on materials sued and where it was made. Those are the main factors. Hugo Boss like all brands also uses it;s name to sell, so you could get some China made polyester blend Hugo Boss suit with little value, you are just paying for the name. If you had a suit with say 100% wool and 100% viscose or silk lining with the Hugo Boss name then it will be quality. Sadly brands tell little story these days and are just sued to sell items rather than be of high quality.

>> No.14983688

Well I still like you friend, if anything you should see me as an inspiration. If some 40 year old little bald dude can not care and be himself, surely you can too? Ya know? Who has more fun than people?

>> No.14983689
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Hugo Boss is based

>> No.14983706

Who tf is igor

>> No.14983896

Its a poster on /fa/

>> No.14983901

>What are /fa/'s thoughts on Hugo Boss
>I have a job interview this thursday

Is it working in store? what country? I used to work for Boss, drop some questions and i'll try to get back to you.

>> No.14983904

Hugo Boss make nice jackets and jumpers and other top clothes. Just make sure you look on their website as most of their store collections are shit

>> No.14983905

lmao that has to be shopped, sill B&R tho

>> No.14983925

Not OP but curious about your stories working retail. Please tell us some goodnight stories, will you?

>> No.14983933

got a grey suit from them and some shirts and shit i love it. the suitpants is so well fitted and sits real nice. and overal its always good quality/price

>> No.14983964

I bought garments from Boss over sthe span of the past eight years. The materials are mediocre, and the quality of the tailoring has gone from mediocre to pretty bad. The suits went from half canvas to glued. The coats, which used to be excellent, now fall apart after about two years. The linings are often not properly fitted and tear quickly.
Shirts are trash. You can practically throw them away after one way as ironing them is near impossible. Shoes are trash. Watches are absolute shitters. Open the back of one if you wonder why.

The casual clothes are quite alright. Socks are good. Underwear is pretty good but not amazing.

Overall the fit of suits and coats is still very good, but they‘re mostly poor quality. I‘d maybe buy something again if it is on sale.

>> No.14983987

>Not OP but curious about your stories working retail. Please tell us some goodnight stories, will you?

>Chinese customers will literally always ask you if the items on display are fake, because in China everything is fake
>Used to serve internationally known celebs, was on first name terms with them
>Dgaf about treating them any different, they're just human after all
>Management are 'big four' tier wagecucks
>Pay and hours can be kinda shitty
>Better hit your KPI targets goy
>Work hard play hard mentality was good
>Staff discount is great
>Free suits, Ties, shoes, shirts etc. for uniform

And the most important experience of all:
>You learn first hand how to network, converse and sell to high net worth individuals.
One of the most important skills for getting ahead in life.

Kek, stop buying Boss Orange and HUGO you turbopleb. I know for a fact that BOSS Black label suits aren't glued, I sold them for a living and wore them every day. Also, the shoes and shirts are good too. Finally, only /sexcore/ mouthbreathers buy their crap watches.

>> No.14983990

Hey op here, live in The Netherlands. used to work for G-Star. Is it a good job ? what are the pros and cons ?

>> No.14983995

Thank you for taking your time and typing all of this out.

>> No.14984023

Please stop shilling for Boss. I used to love their stuff too, but quality has declined so much over the years it‘s not even funny.

The fact that you don‘t even know that Boss axed the Orange line speaks volumes about your knowledge.

>> No.14984029

I posted some pros and cons here mate >>14983987

Overall, it's a good job for networking with HNWI & learning sales, and it's really great to have Hugo Boss on your CV. Also, the training is great if you're an autist about fashion (which you no doubt are since you are on /fa/ kek). Another thing is that if you're up for it they can also send you other countries to work abroad for a few months, which is pretty cool.

As for the interview:
>Make sure you're visibly confident (aka hide your autism)
>Show that you are passionate and knowledgeable about both the fashion industry and clothing itself
>Be well groomed like you're straight out of GQ or Esquire (fresh haircut, clean shaven or groomed stubble)
>wear a well-fitted suit if you have one
>Show that you have knowledge of the history of the brand
>Be really chatty and personable with them and sell yourself
>Demonstrate you have sales knowledge and have worked to KPI's in the past

Np man

>> No.14984038

>The fact that you don‘t even know that Boss axed the Orange line speaks volumes about your knowledge.

They axed it after I stopped working for them, cunt.

>> No.14984041

What if I don't fit my suit anymore ?

>> No.14984093
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In that case I guess wear something smart that still fits the season, like an overcoat over a shirt with trousers and shoes, pic related is two examples from their website that are in the ball-park of what to aim for.

Also another few things I forgot to mention is:
>they're big on CRM - you have to sign up customers (and near enough anyone that walks through the door) to their CRM system through the stores iPads (signs them up to mailing list, tracks their shopping, sends them invites to in-store events).
>Customer Service is key, they even offer customers free drinks - (beer, tea, coffee) whilst being served
>I highly recommend going to a Boss store pre-interview and getting a feel of their sales/customer service process

>> No.14984094

And yet you claim to be perfectly informed on current quality.

>> No.14984102

Shut up and go play in traffic you fucking nonce, i'm trying to help anon get a job over here.

>> No.14984104

Thanks man big help to me. Just tried the suit on it fits but it is a bit tight would they notice. its just the pants that fit like that.

>> No.14984122
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Nah, if it's all you got you should be fine dude, just rock it and make sure you have all the other bases covered.

>> No.14984126

Thank you so much !

>> No.14984871


>> No.14985326

>sir. people on Twitter keep giving us shit about "the early days". i think it's hurting our brand image.
>ba! und ve ver so CAREFUL!
>vot ve vill do is... is. ah! hire an historian und say it vasint us.
>i mean, it vas us, but ve wer just following orders. jew know the grunt vork.
>it vorked for za whiermackt. zo vei not us ja?

>> No.14985910

Fucking kek

>> No.14985914

It wasn't though lol...

There were like 2 German dudes who designed the uniforms, neither were Hugo Boss, he just made the shit in his factories.

>> No.14986004

Sadly one of those brands like Levi’s than did much better stuff Before. WWII suit are fucking bomb not those shitty glued plastic things.

>> No.14986314

Hugo boss is cringe, Suitsupply is where it's at.

>> No.14986662
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you did say the guy never designed them you dumb piece of shit

>> No.14986735

are there straight people on this board?

>> No.14986778

Which is correct. Karl Diebitsch designed them.

>> No.14987510

Op here,
Interview is in 60 minutes wish me luck boys.

>> No.14987529

Godspeed anon

>> No.14987721

Op here,
I got the job !!!

>> No.14987738

Is fa the lowest IQ board there is? I make simple statements and people can't even understand them. How does this poster ever remember how to breathe?

Oh hallelujah. Finally someone here who is not a total 55 IQ mouth breather. Yeah designed by him and produced by Hugo Boss. Why was that so hard for people to understand?

Someone will still get it wrong again. This board definitely has people underage. Maybe 13 or 14.

>> No.14987739

Get those free suits baby

>> No.14987749

The fact that the first thing everyone thinks of when they hear Hugo Boss is Nazi uniforms should probably tell you all you need to hear.

>> No.14988282

Lurk more

>> No.14988658

so they are a cool brand?

>> No.14988683
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>> No.14989610

Tnx king

>> No.14989862

I don't know how it is anywhere else, but everyone I know thinks a bit tacky since the only people who wear Hugo Boss are troublemakers and drug dealers. Babbys first designer you could say

>> No.14990043

this. pay attention to the materials and the way it's sewn together overall. a lot of the more "vintage" clothes will be better made but you might lose some style there since they're older. watch some vids on youtube on how to discern between clothes with actual quaity vs. crap and you'll have a better base to go off of.

>> No.14990442
File: 13 KB, 254x320, hugo boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good clothing

>> No.14991844

Among many others. Namely people at the Reichzeugmeisterei der NSDAP.

>> No.14991929

I know the guy on the left, name is Julian, nice guy, very fashionable irl

>> No.14992913


>> No.14992989

love brother

>> No.14993461

Cecil, sometimes you’re a dumb nigger. Other times you post something that isn’t entirely retarded. Keep at it

>> No.14994189
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>> No.14994375

shut up nigger

>> No.14994530

Enjoy being a retail wagie cuck

>> No.14994553
File: 252 KB, 1301x907, wakey wakey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I am just a truth seeker and truth giver.

Joe Momma.

>> No.14994969


>> No.14994982
File: 92 KB, 355x380, the chad drake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro do you know you are talking to a CHAD now! Show some respect to me.

>> No.14995010

I don't dislike you but why did you choose to post on /fa/ out of all the boards if you're apparently not into fashion

>> No.14995048

Who said I wasn't into fashion though dude? By the fact I knew that about Hugo Boss would be more of an indicator that I am into fashion, no?

>> No.14995116

Seemed like it was common knowledge

>> No.14995120

Not at all, I am educated in all aspects of fashion, my good friend.

>> No.14995865


>> No.14996529
