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/fa/ - Fashion

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14975478 No.14975478 [Reply] [Original]

Is S E X C O R E basically just /fitfa/?

>> No.14975489

he is not /fa/

>> No.14975490

Male equivalent of slutcore

>> No.14975520


that is very /fa/

It's a CHAD style. and he gets all the pussy

>> No.14975521


>> No.14975528

SEXcorers are very different people from those found on /fit/. Most of those are gymcels who don't know how to dress at all and wouldn't dare touching a woman like that.
If you've ever been to a gym you'll notice somewhere in a dark corner is a guy wearing a hoodie doing deadlifts, that's the /fit/tard. Meanwhile somewhere in the centre of the room is a guy with horrible form just slamming around dumbells while talking about his juice routine on the phone, he's a SEXcorer

>> No.14975558

sex isnt fa therefore sexcore isnt fa. continue being a sheep though and putting emotionless sex at the top of your schievements and goals. just because you came doesnt make your life any less vapid, empty, and unfulfilling. the people in this photo are miserable, they seek only gratification through others or substance abuse and will never be comfortable in their own heads.

>> No.14975569

Ok virgin

>> No.14975583

not if they shared love that night?

>> No.14975609

im married
thats not how love works

>> No.14975611

Ok virgin

>> No.14975624

school shooter-core

>> No.14975633

>nooooooo you cant party nooooo you can have fun ans you cant have sex, you have to be an autistic loser like me with an ugly nerd wife whose high point of the week is reaching a new level on the nintendo

>> No.14975677

so close to being so based

>> No.14975707

I mean yeah but not really

Being /fa/ isn’t a brand or a wearing clothes that look painted on. Granted being /fit/ and having a good shape to your body is essential for looking good in clothes. You must realize that being /fa/ is about utilizing proper color theory, getting matching patterns with clothes, wearing good fabrics and materials, accessorizing with pieces around the neck(necklaces,scarves), face (glasses that match your face shape/outfit), hands (jewelry, /watch general/) and head (ie hair). Also knowing proper dress for different occasions and proper dress for locations/climates. And hell I’ll even say perfume/cologne is what will set you apart from the rest. Also don’t skimp on the skincare thread if you need it

Now all this being said you MUST have confidence in being /fa/ as well as /fit/ and these two are heavily correlated the better you dress the more confidence you’ll have, and the fitter you are the more confident you’ll be

Combine these two and you’re in a League of your own. Combine the qaudfecta of /fit/,/fa/,/lit/,/sci/ and the world is yours

(Following the stickies of course)

>> No.14975709
File: 77 KB, 750x780, 1580368711699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a weird angsty incel that thinks that the fact women are repulsed by him is some kind of superiority.... is both objectively NOT /fa/, but also irrefutably cringe and inarguably cope.

>> No.14975719

>putting emotionless sex at the top of your schievements and goals

Achievements like sacrificing your youth to be "economically productive"?

Emotionless sex beats 99% of the achievements you're thinking of.

>> No.14975729

>Achievements like sacrificing your youth to be "economically productive"?

What sacrifice? Because anon doesn’t want an STD ridden slut who’s been with 62 guys prior and would later face rape allegations over it? Yeah big fucking sacrifice you’re a literal animal if drugs and sex is all you want. A little cuckold simp faggot

>> No.14975805

Thats why its not /fa/

>> No.14975811

I have a small stable of regular sex partners I've accumulated over the last couple of years through shared interests/ mutual friends. It's a very lovely thing to have people who are not constants in your life but are connected to you in some way. It's all about creating a depth or a texture to life I think.

I seem to accumulate interesting people when I'm really inwards focussed, I think that people who are treating themselves well and trying to live their lives as well as they can can sense each other, it's an energy. I have quite a lot of sex because I'm not really looking for it.

>> No.14975814

We are all literal animals.

You don't understand the man you are trying to be and you are never ever going to make it unless you lose the chip on your shoulder and live life earnestly.

You don't know anything and should stop thinking you do.

>> No.14975834

sexcore is just being goodlooking. naturally, this is not viable for anyone here

>> No.14975837

>and would later face rape allegations over it?
Imagine browsing /pol/ and /r9k/ this much.
You need to get off this site once in a while, lol.

>> No.14976248
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x1350, 69796265_2466603743428731_5942977475443311259_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. buzzfeed test levels
flush yourself you utter gaylord

>> No.14976335

This hairstyle has to be peacocking. The guy would look better with any other hair

>> No.14976402

Who gives a shit? As I said sex is meaningless so wtf would I care what you do?

>We are all literal animals.

Strive for something greater you little faggot, you have sentience literally no other animal has that and you’d rather revert back to primitive living. You’re literally a waste of human life you’re subhuman

Im speaking from experience dip shit. Since the rape allegations I stopped pursuing meaningless brass rings that people tell You are important. Sex without the intent of having a kid is meaningless and if your partners body counts don’t matter to you you’re literally so devoid of introspective thought that talking to you would be like picking dialogue options in elder scrolls oblivion

>> No.14977586

How do you personally bust a nut then?

>> No.14977711
File: 64 KB, 960x910, 94CE11F9-FB67-4EAC-89A9-B1827468B6FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rock on anon

>> No.14977939

is this really what virgins and neets aspire to be


>> No.14977948

No it's basically just cheap stuff a size too small you don't mind getting hooker pussy juice stains on

>> No.14977950



I unironically own a Nintendo switch....and I actually own the switch fit game lol

>> No.14977977

gonna have to give you a certified based on that one.

>> No.14977985

>you must consoom to be /fa/
Ok, this is epic.

>> No.14978145

Go to a park with calisthenics equipment and with consistent training you can look phenomenal also


^thats a guide on how to bulk for less than 40 dollars a week

Literally go second hand shopping, learn to look for good and bad quality clothes, don’t skimp on footwear tho buy that first hand

If you have a smartphone or computer you can access nearly any book via PDF files

What’s the matter? Baby can’t do math problems cause that goes against his wickedly cool personality of not doing anything? Because then anonymous strangers night call him names on his favorite message board? Hey baby your diapers full of piss and shit fucking baby

>> No.14978191


>> No.14978281

You sound normal.

>> No.14979072

i don't understand why a good-looking guy like that is with that tranny-looking abomination

>> No.14979077


>> No.14979083

>so many replies to this

>> No.14979102

Seething roastie.
They're perfectly equivalent.

>> No.14979120
File: 135 KB, 1458x945, 1575071282593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone would kill to look like that.

the only better body type is twink.

>> No.14979284

>that vascularity

Totally not steroids... eye roll. Having a constant pump is a number 1 sign of steroid usage, the 2nd is his popped out pumpkin shoulders which 99% of people can never have naturally.

Oh look another "natural" person with the same vascularity. The steroids are probably speeding up his hair loss. Sad!

>> No.14979335

not at all, that guy is a perfect 10 muscular stud.

that woman has a man's face. she looks masculine even with all that makeup smothered on her

>> No.14979422

go to r9k man this isn't an incel board, stop confusing the cultures

>> No.14979424

>this isn't an incel board
lol yes it is. 90% of 4chan is made up of incels, no matter which board

>> No.14979431

That's not true, you're just coping for your own shit life. You newfags think the whole site is r9k and pol whereas it was never that way. Instead of coping just fix your life so you don't have to cope..

>> No.14979502

>That's not true, you're just coping for your own shit life.
Not really. We normies post over at Reddit. I just come here every once in a while to laugh at how stupid the racist incels here are.

>> No.14979756

There isn't much individuality when it comes to sexcore. I prefer sleazecore cos it looks good and you can still be a chad

>> No.14979761

Man I used to talk like this until I got my dick sucked and realized I was a being a faggot

>> No.14979864

undeniably based and coompilled
cringe and bluepilled coomers