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/fa/ - Fashion

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14921735 No.14921735 [Reply] [Original]

Since the fashion industry is basically gay as fuck why is mainstream men's fashion not sexy and flattering? All the men are wearing oversized shirts, feminine clothing, dorky haircuts, baggy shorts down to their knees at the beach. For red carpets all the men are wearing fucking fruit-loop candy crush spy kids suits.

If you're gay and in Fashion, you have one fucking job why aren't you doing it?

>> No.14921781

>why is mainstream men's fashion not sexy
Everyone has a different definition of 'sexy' maybe yours is out of step with normal thinking.

>> No.14921912

Bears just aren´t sexy no matter what they wear, twinks look good in feminine clothing.

Easy as that.

>> No.14922006

Twinks are only hot to faggots and fat chicks
Women find rugged men hot, its pure evolution, what is the twink gonna defend her from
>thinking 30 yrs of feminism can rewrite 100.000 years of evolutionary psychology

>> No.14922045

nah look at the most popular young male actors each decade, that girls were constantly fawning over
>johnny depp
>river phoenix
>ashton kutcher
>leonardo di caprio
>timothee chalamet
>tom holland
all were twinks or had some sort of feminine quality to them

>> No.14922597

>tries to refute a point by citing actors that were popular among teen girls in last 30 years
How underage are you?

>> No.14922611

Mark Hamill
David Cassidy
Alain Delon
James Dean

>> No.14922612
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>> No.14922649

>james dean

All the other are irrelevant
Why do I keep responding to bait
You will never fuck lmao

>> No.14923467

you think james dean wouldnt be considered a twink today?

>> No.14924051
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Marlon Brando fucked him, he made him his bottom bitch.

>> No.14924063

Mens fashion reached perfection a long time ago. Nothing will beat a well-fitted suit or a good pair of jeans and a t-shirt, perhaps with a leather jacket. All a man has to worry about is accessorizing, which should be minimal at best (a watch, and maybe one or two rings and maybe a single necklace).

>> No.14924349

I really love how hipsters fucked boomer fashion in the ass
Cant wait for the full hipster aesthethic and music revival later in 2020s

>> No.14924483

>Why do I keep responding to bait
It's not "bait" just because you have no idea how to answer to it.
Just admit you got BTFO'd and fuck off

>> No.14924487
File: 77 KB, 380x349, 1525388794348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>REAL women like big guys like me. *sip* it's totally legit evolution whatever bro, they don't like pretty boys like Johnny Depp or Dicaprio, they only fuck big burly hairy bears like me *burp*

No but really, if you actually left the house you'd know that "bears" are mostly a gay community fetish. 90% of women, and 99.9% of young (16-30) girls find bears less than ideal.

>> No.14924495

>samefagging this bad
Twink cope is cosmic energy I swear, imagine thinking that women are not attracted to masculinity and masculine features

>> No.14924507

>every teen girl that lusts over popular male actor is a fat chick

>> No.14924508


>> No.14924529
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Try harder nigger

>> No.14924537

>masculinity and masculine features
only some masculine features. beer bellies and back hair aren't attractive.

>> No.14924658

In what niggerville are those masculine features

>> No.14924667

Gentscemts proves you wrong on both counts

>> No.14924802

> A man named Heidi