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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 498 KB, 1000x1000, 1J794C_standard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14845556 No.14845556 [Reply] [Original]

Is it acceptable for a 35 year old man to wear Chuck Taylors casually?

>> No.14845559

When you get that old no one cares what you wear.

>> No.14845571

So I can wear chucks and chinos with a button up shit and I won't look like some old dude trying to look young? I've been NEET for so long I don't know what's acceptable for someone my age.

>> No.14845591

>chucks and chinos
People might think you're badly dressed, if they think anything at all, they certainly won't think you're trying to look young.

>> No.14845598

This fit and thread are death

>> No.14845610
File: 368 KB, 1200x800, 1575727840135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine. Just as long as I don't look like that dude trying to fit in with the young crowd.

>> No.14845654
File: 64 KB, 675x900, hightops-converse-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this look but with a shirt?

>> No.14845668

White sneakers plus chinos and shirt is a common fit people wont think anything

>> No.14845675

Yeah its fine iths how every uni student dresses where i live.

>> No.14845708

You’re all morons. Converse aren’t acceptable for anyone over the age of 17 to wear, much less a fucking Gen Xer. Put in some effort and get some real clothes.

>> No.14845743

And what exactly is "real clothes"?

>> No.14845835

t. tip autist

>> No.14847030


>> No.14847031

Converse are all over take ivy

>> No.14847049

Do you play basketball?

>> No.14847093

After 17? Converse is chillwear for really all zoomers, after about 25 you should start dressing more maturely

>> No.14847101

This. So many older people wear converse because they have been for decades. My dad is in his 50s and wears converse, blue jeans, and plain pocket t shirts

>> No.14847114
File: 1.18 MB, 1358x2048, B987B663-50EE-489B-BD97-D579202CE9AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14847693

/fa/ once again showing it has no idea what it's talking about

>> No.14849054
File: 1.88 MB, 572x480, Texas Method.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ok for women to wear Converse shoes whenever but not males???

>> No.14849133

yes, but it really depends on the rest of your fit

>> No.14849205

its fine id jus tbe concerned if you didnt want to look a lesbian

>> No.14849208

dont get mouse gray ones the only acceptable color is navy or black/white

look on wear .jp search Chuck taylor and see how people pair them with paler clothes

>> No.14849359

Why does she bother? I'm an average male with barely any muscle definition and I would obliterate her in a fight. Like, literally a single punch full-on would put her in the hospital. Why the pretense of trying to "get into shape" when she could never match the combat prowess of an average male?

>> No.14849481
File: 1.95 MB, 562x556, batstrut.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lifting helps dull the 'tism.

>> No.14849722

>wearing Converse past the year 2007

I SERIOUSLY hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.14849727

If you're from the era that invented them, it's ok for you to wear them.

>> No.14849770
File: 364 KB, 828x1462, 9FA52FB8-C3C7-4B59-B93E-63BDB146CD4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 year old doomer here and I wear converse everyday

>> No.14849776

you arent as attractive as joaquin so theres no point doing what he does

>> No.14849780

uhh, to look good?
fucking sperg lmao

>> No.14849955

Converse are timeless, fuck off

>> No.14849968
File: 73 KB, 600x800, C40794AC-DE9F-42A1-A2D7-67FD3C2CDB83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your ig, bro?
you’re handsome and i like your fit
n-no homo

>> No.14850001

>being this retarded

Converse are classic/timeless

>> No.14850006

Same I’m almost 40 and haven’t worked in over a decade I love wearing chucks every day because I can

>> No.14850040

People wear flat shoes when they work out their legs all the time, I don't see the issue.

>> No.14850045
File: 5 KB, 225x225, fat fucking retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does she bother? I'm an average male with barely any muscle definition and I would obliterate her in a fight. Like, literally a single punch full-on would put her in the hospital. Why the pretense of trying to "get into shape" when she could never match the combat prowess of an average male?

>> No.14850050

Yeah, they're a timeless way to look like you're a fucking child with fashion sense that never developed past middle school.

>> No.14850053

What is up with you narcissistic little faggots taking mirror pictures with your foot on the fucking counter? I hope I walk in on this one day so I can kick your other leg and knock your brittle little body to the ground.

>> No.14850068

They look good no matter the age and you only hate them because they are popular and you are a contrarian.

>> No.14850103

It's not acceptable to be 35 years old period.

>> No.14850137


>> No.14850234

Normally I hate chucks but I like them here

>> No.14850301

eat something

>> No.14850412

>posting threats on /fa/
You have the absolute lamest power fantasies

>> No.14850425

Only if you're super tall.

>> No.14850428

t. Never been in a fight so he massively overestimates his abilities.

>> No.14850964

Yeah they’re timeless like others have already said

>> No.14851159

Others have also said to not wear them. So what is it?

>> No.14851224

Because they’re autistic retards that think trying to be edgy with their contrarian beliefs is cool. Literally converse is one of the most popular shoes in the world worn by everyone of all ages. They’ll wear ramones but not converse

>> No.14851239

Thanks for clearing that up, based Anon.

>> No.14851733
File: 158 KB, 817x1439, B48C3149-BC1B-4FD0-B8AD-ED4A99F9496B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my dick

>> No.14851737

Fuck I love chucks

>> No.14851838
File: 55 KB, 485x409, 1496979063959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear them almost every time I lift weights. There are better options, even if you're into minimalist shoes, but these are relatively cheap and somewhat durable. You're not making a statement or representing something when you're wearing them, despite what their ads say. They're just basic sneakers that are flat and aren't terribly good for running. They're so common among weightlifters, that I know a few people who associate them with lifting. So go lift more.


>> No.14851852

>acceptable for someone my age
Wear whatever you want you fucking goon.
People who look like they're trying are the people who buy clothes that they don't like and are not comfortable in because they think wearing those clothes makes them cool. If you don't like dressing like a gay dad then you'll look stupid dressed like that.

>> No.14852144

ill suck your dick :)

>> No.14852156

Yeah, why not? I have a coworker who does. Actually, he wears it to work everyday. I work on a law firm btw.

>> No.14852191

>Converse aren’t acceptable for anyone over the age of 17 to wear

absolutely false, this sounds like something a zoomer would say

>> No.14852202

Is there anybody here in their 30s? What do you wear casually?

>> No.14852389

T-thanks anon its leonkarsson
I’m gay for pay :)

>> No.14852453

Oh, you're a fag? Too bad :(

>> No.14852458

I’m not actually gay (pls be hot female) :)

>> No.14852466

Do.. do you want to see my toon town TGC collection?

>> No.14852596


>> No.14853071

for sure man, don't listen to these assholes

>> No.14853153

dont seek validation from this board
if you like it wear it, simple

>> No.14853870

Might cop some pink converse because of yo. They look good with black fit

>> No.14854265


>> No.14854269

what would happen if i dunked my converse in bleach in an attempt to lighten them or make them white

>> No.14854270 [DELETED] 

chucks are popular with men for doing squats, doesn't matter your age, they are timeless iconic shoes

>> No.14854274
File: 593 KB, 800x600, Sp26JXF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chucks are popular for doing squats, doesn't matter your age, they are timeless iconic shoes

>> No.14854275


>> No.14854280

Chucks are cringe now. I prefer Sneeds (formerly chucks)

>> No.14854463

>I don't know what's acceptable for someone my age
it shows, buy leather shoes.
a black oxford, a brown derby/oxford, and some boat shoes once warm weather appears are all you need in life.

>> No.14854472

Don't, you'll create nerve gas that way.

>> No.14854474

i cant afford that

>> No.14854479

not even mr rogers wore that 24/7 anon. you guys completely misconstrue what an adult man should dress like based on an outdated image that never existed in reality

>> No.14854486

Ok, kid.

You buy a brown derby and once you need to attend something extremely formal buy a black oxford. Buy used if you want.

>> No.14854493

How old are you

>> No.14854503

29, but dressing like an adult applies once you're over the age of 25. Why?

>> No.14854551

i'm 40

>> No.14854715

Those shoes are 400 dollarydoos. What kind of person spends more than $80 on casual shoes?

>> No.14854812

Gross, be gone ojiji

>> No.14855252

I wear the converse one stars like Kurt cobain killed himself in

>> No.14855291

Never is anyone over the age of 29 justified in wearing sneakers. Running shoes for working out, loafers for indoor casual events, derbies/boots for work/more formal events and boots for anything outdoors. Obviously if you don't do one of those things - don't buy shoes for it.

It's almost like you all grew up black, poor and stupid.

>> No.14855296

>running shoes
holy fuck i just cringed

who is letting flyover morons like this post on a fashion imageboard??? mods???

>> No.14855314

Why, so he can look like he works in the IT department?

>> No.14855317

Fuck boy

>> No.14855524

Love it

>> No.14856903
File: 59 KB, 646x431, 1547880988499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of shoes are these?

>> No.14857064

wow, pretty fuckin' based post

>> No.14857122

IT is my passion core

>> No.14857135


>> No.14857153

all the no answers are from clueless fedora faggots, the type that don't wear sneakers

>> No.14857845

Where to cop chucks for cheap

>> No.14857871

that's the problem

>> No.14857976
File: 104 KB, 960x769, 1573923850336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question, how do you NEETS actually survive for this long without working? How do you guys get money to live (eat, buy shit, comp upgrades etc), and where do you sleep/shit? If it's one of your parents, how do you stay under their radar / not get kicked out? Like it's genuinely amazing that you can get away with this I just really want to know

>> No.14858144

Git gud

>> No.14858216

Some of what is said here is correct. If Chuck will work will depend on your fit and the situation you find yourself in.
If you work in a bank (even as an IT guy) you will get clowned for wearing Balanciaga Triple S shoes.

>> No.14858337

NEETbux and both parents are dead.

>> No.14858495

When I was a neet I pretty much earned my food and internet in house keeping.

>> No.14858499

So you were employed thus not a NEET

>> No.14858548

what an absolute fuccboi kek
stop dressing like you skate you fag piece of shit

>> No.14858582

no everyone whats to fuck a landwhale

>> No.14858851

My parents think/accepted they did a shit job parenting and think they are the reason im a neet so they let me live with them and pay for everything as a result because they think if they kicked me out I’d just give up on life and be homeless and die lol. And they don’t want that so they keep supporting me

>> No.14858950

That was me until they died now I'm on NEETbux. I hope you have a plan for when your parents die.

>> No.14859441


My plan is to just sell my parents house once they die, move into a small apartment or house, and live off the rest. House is worth like 700k

>> No.14859444

Is the mortgage paid off?

>> No.14859448

Yes. My parents are in their early 60s now. Both have health/weight problems.

>> No.14859470

What’s your life like? What do you do with your time? Your age? You don’t work? Do you have a gf? I’m curious

>> No.14859478

>”Gen Xer”
retard alert

>> No.14859486

Looking for work or disability money from the government. Do you get all your money from your parents? I was like that before mine died. That was a pretty sweet life.

>> No.14859512

Yeah. All my money comes from my parents. My dad is an accountant and my mom works at a bank.
I’m 26. Never had a job before. Mostly sleep, play video games, browse the internet, watch movies, order food. I used to have a gf in college. I’m ugly though so it’s hard to find a new one.

>> No.14859526

Are you a virgin? And can you post a pic of yourself?

>> No.14859549

Do you wear chucks or think it would be weird to wear them?

>> No.14859556

Not a virgin. Had sex all the time with my gf In college which is why I miss it. I gained a ton of weight past few years and I’m ugly so now I’m hideous. Now I just go to the massage parlor once or twice a month and have sex with the massage ladies. If I can get my dad to give me enough money I’ll go to the strip club instead and find a stripper that works as an escort as well. They’re always hotter but cost a lot more which sucks

>> No.14859561

I wear chucks but not as much. They always rip on the side though because I have wide feet

>> No.14859626

Get a home gym and get in shape, faggot.

>> No.14859677

people actually have sex at massage parlors? i always thought that was just in porn

>> No.14859706

Literally why a lot of people go to massage parlors.

It cost more than a regular massage and I have a gf so I never really do so, but I go every once in a while for an hour deep tissue massage and they’ll jerk you off the last 10/15 mins. Honestly better than sex since your body is all loose and relaxed and you just lay there. Feels good. Asian girls are always sweet too. Best $60 you can spend imo

>> No.14859715

Literally one of the best sneakers. Anyone who hates converse are faggots who have no taste.

>> No.14859897

Nobody is denying that but is it ok for a 30 year old to wear them?

>> No.14859900

no, above the age of like 25 you start to look bad.

>> No.14859903

Yes. The man who help invent this look wore them well into his 30s.

>> No.14859908

Well which is it?

>> No.14859912

Wtf I need to stop paying for camwhores and premium snaps and just go to a massage parlor

>> No.14859925

look if you look young at 35, it's probably okay depending on your fit. however, the fact that you even have to ask means either a. someone called you out on wearing chucks at 35 OR b. you're doubting yourself because you're starting to look older. my advice is just to 86 that shit and stop trying to be younger, embrace being older. middle aged people can pull off fashion younger people just can't normally, so it's not a bad thing.

>> No.14859946

every other part of your aesthetic has to compliment the addition of them. you can't just be a 35 year old softbody balding white dude and throw on a pair of chucks with your office casual outfit/highwater jeans/soulless uniqlo basics. you have to have an alternative edge of some sort -- it's why people like conor oberst and noah gundersen can easily wear them at 30+

>> No.14859962

Well it's neither of those. I've never been out of shape in my life and nobody has said anything. I've been wearing chucks and vans since my teens and I thought maybe it's time for a change but there's nothing else that looks good to wear casually. I was hoping someone here would know but it seems not. I did notice that the bald and bankrupt dude wears them so I guess I'm wearing chucks until I'm 50.
I have no idea who those people are.

>> No.14859973

Usually vans, sometimes chucks. Always all black. I think I pull it off

>> No.14860147

I have a few pair of converse. I wear them with jeans/hoodie

>> No.14860154

There's really neets on here huh.

>> No.14860223

I bought mine from a hobo

>> No.14860226

I do skate and I’m better than you :) I literally helped design shoes for lakai

>> No.14860494

you look like the type to post no comply tricks videos with trap music on instagram and think that's skateboarding. start listening to grindcore, thrash and stoner, maybe you will grow out of your eboy phase

>> No.14860826

This. Like wtf is part of this thread. Embarrassing

>> No.14860851

Like I know right???!! Neets on 4chan??? Srsly like big time cringe and yikes!!!

>> No.14861523

the berrics/metroskateboarding and a bunch of other skate instas have reposted me doing a no comply 700 flip

>> No.14861726

I wear converse to do yard work or like go to amusement parks

>> No.14861745
File: 111 KB, 900x1200, 5335235523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does she bother? I'm an average male with barely any muscle definition and I would obliterate her in a fight. Like, literally a single punch full-on would put her in the hospital. Why the pretense of trying to "get into shape" when she could never match the combat prowess of an average male?

>> No.14861972

Must be nice. I’m good looking and still a virgin. I can’t force myself to pay for sex though. 22 btw.

>> No.14862251

Converse only look good on college sluts

>> No.14862258
File: 71 KB, 768x609, Wear-Converse-with-Suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes anon! It is perfectly acceptable.

>> No.14863408

yes, i've seen plenty of people over 30 pull it off.

the issue that most older guys have with wearing converse is that they're inherently a slim-profile shoe and don't really work with non-slim bottoms or on bigger guys in general. it's like wearing common projects without wearing slim bottoms - it just doesn't work.

younger people tend not to make this mistake (and are typically less large to begin with).

tl;dr be slim or fit and you can wear them with slim bottoms at any age

>> No.14863444

Suck in those cheeks a little more, faggot.

>> No.14863789

Someone’s a jealous fatty

>> No.14864365


>> No.14864374

Not even women care? What about employers?

>> No.14865550
File: 404 KB, 828x1274, 92F17D94-41E2-4EE7-B7F7-87C5656EF776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14866356


>> No.14866368

What do you consider a hot female? Asking for a friend

>> No.14866370
File: 266 KB, 1080x1080, a5ef088125a6d999d3e6a33e2b4098b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I went tts on 70s converse on a brannock, but the toebox feels pretty tight from the top. Anybody else run into this? Thinking of going up a half size to get some more room.

>> No.14866405
File: 1.14 MB, 832x720, video_2019-09-23T04.29.46.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14866414

I hope you know no female on 4chan looks like that

>> No.14866445
File: 38 KB, 500x375, 1563006379120_981avkxe49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this then

>> No.14866449

What is that

>> No.14866495

do you think people only workout to be able to fight?

>> No.14866496

a tranny

>> No.14866499

Fat and manface. Is this a tranny?

>> No.14866704
File: 31 KB, 307x600, 1396778180064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a tranny. Khazar milkers.

>> No.14866713

>liking cowtits

>> No.14866728
File: 36 KB, 429x463, 1529255399673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tits are the best part about a woman after her face and hips.

>> No.14866733

Then why are you posting one with an ugly face?

>> No.14866776
File: 142 KB, 900x1200, 1510228759069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she has nice milkers.

>> No.14866788

must be nice

>> No.14866816

We don't know her face but walmart-chan has a nice body at least.

>> No.14866821

Being a neet sucks. Trust me his life sucks. That’s why he has to pay to fuck strippers that only pretend to like him. I used to be a neet, then I grew up and joined the real world

>> No.14866825

700k wont last for a life time unless you live in absolute squalor. You will have to get a job or kys

>> No.14866840

>then I grew up and joined the real world
How did you do that?

>> No.14866847

Stopped sitting on my ass playing video games and mooching off my parents went out and got a job and roommates to live with to begin with. Eventually got better job and better pay and got my own place. Once I had my own place I started dating/ having girls over all the time. Eventually met my now wife and we’re now expecting our first kid. Now we’re looking for our first home rather than apartment. None of this would have happened if I never left my bedroom/parents house and stayed there forever. I’m 29 now btw

>> No.14866858

Oh... You're a neurotypical. Well of course the NEETlyfe wasn't for you. If you can function normally in society then you should definitely do it. That's not for everyone though.

>> No.14866878
File: 123 KB, 594x442, Jack+Black+2009+MTV+Video+Music+Awards+Arrivals+cQ6rS6rbIf-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14866891

Jack Black looks like THAT?!

>> No.14867671


>> No.14867676

my parents didn't kick me out. I applied for college the other day though, and I did work until November when the restaurant I worked at closed down. Anyway, I guess my parents are nice.

>> No.14867680

>I used to have a gf in college. I’m ugly though so it’s hard to find a new one.

Ugly guys fuck tho...

>> No.14867684


Can confirm they do, not all the time but I have had sex in about ten. It's part of the fun. Actually it's depressing getting sexual massages because you paid for something you could have done yourself. Cumming is not that great. Going into the place is actually the most exciting part.

>> No.14867688

lakai sucks. are you Jeff?

>> No.14867692

This, you have to have the right vibe.

>> No.14867693

no, women care about a bunch of shit before how you dress. They make jokes all the time about how their bfs can't dress well but they're loveable and pay for everything.

>> No.14867695

I hope to do this soon. I'm 35.

>> No.14868153

so much cringe

>> No.14868629

Pic of you

>> No.14869207

I wish :(

>> No.14869392

What is an acceptable casual shoe for a 30 year old then? You people don't go grocery shopping in formal shoes do you?

>> No.14869490

Don’t listen to them. I’m 29 and still wear converse casually. Along with my siblings who are older than me. My parents are in their late 50s and wear them too. Don’t listen to these teenage kids trying to tell older people what they can or can’t wear. They truly have no idea.

>> No.14869583

ill wear some dirty black sneakers

>> No.14870280

Ok boomer

>> No.14870565

Whats up fairies, /o/ here.

My everyday is what op posted, straight cut blue jeans and a white tshirt, sometimes with a 70s army jacket (the plain green one with the high collar and lots of pockets) I got from my grand-dad.

I what fits like a chuck but doesnt have the man-child look? Im almost 25 and look like someone drew john wick from memory

>> No.14870568

Chucks are so iconic that I think everyone can wear them.

>> No.14870759

>nobody cares
this board is 18+

>> No.14871283


>> No.14871329
File: 34 KB, 700x525, 81JJZcTvVsL._SX700_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When you are an adult, you should understand that shoes are a way to flex every day without really trying. Put something nice on your feet.

Chuck Taylors are shitty shoes. If you want to wear tennis shoes working around the house or running errands or whatever, its fine. If you are anywhere else in public, you should try and have something stylish on your feet. Could be good simple chelsea boot or some brogues or wingtips. Some monkstraps.

If you don't want to think a lot about your shoes and only have 1 every day pair, go to zappos.com and look in the Mens - Oxfords. You'll see what shoes you should be wearing most of the time. Ones that have leather soles or are super shiny are usually more formal, but the casual end covers most occasions.

This picture is a really generic example of what style you should be wearing.

If you are wearing shorts, boat shoes are good.

>> No.14871333

As a 35 year old myself I never understand these posts... is it autism or stupidity from the posters? Here is a big secret....


At least not strangers in your daily life. Base things on how you look as to if it will look odd or not. I can pass for 25 so I look fine in young things. Now somebody 25 who looks 40 would look like they are dressing too young. It's all about how you look, not the number. Why do people not understand this?

>> No.14871342

>reddit spacing and those shoes
like pottery

>> No.14871679


>> No.14872774

this is true and everyone saying cringe is either a cope or faggot

>> No.14872824
File: 192 KB, 473x488, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14872911

Holy poop that's stupid. That's not an oxford it's a derby and it's a shitty derby sneaker hybrid at that. I seriously hope you guys don't wear this shit as an adult. Grow up, get some taste, and pony up more than 100 dollars for a shoe

>> No.14872965

sure. you can't just wear some dress leather shoes and a fucking suit all the time.

>> No.14872966

>more than 100 dollars for a shoe
Nobody actually does this do they?

>> No.14872985

>pony up more than 100 dollars for a shoe

I never do that. it's just not worth it.

>> No.14872995

New Decent GYW leather shoes start at like 200. I hope you guys are under 20.

>> No.14872999

is fa still getting new users? im amazed

>> No.14873004

I'm 32.

>> No.14873009

For $200 they'd better last until I die.

>> No.14873012

They literally do. Take care of the leather and you can resole once or twice. They'll last forever. 200-300 sounds like a lot for shoes but if you're wearing them to work/school/every day then three pairs still have a really low cost per wear

>> No.14873826

Converse are gay

>> No.14873870

>this whole thread
Jesus christ what's wrong with you retards? You have one life and you're pissing it away in your thirties living off your parents with no income?
I half assed my way through life and make $120,000/year and I just turned 30 AND I'm a lazy piece of shit.
I cant even imagine how absolutely fucking retarded you guys have to be.

>> No.14873879

What’s your job that you make 120k a year?

>> No.14873882

Job? I don’t believe you

>> No.14873953

I work for my dad's fortune 500 company. I don't do shit and still get paid six figures. You fucks still living at home off your parents teat are just lazy.

>> No.14874119


>> No.14874204

I do HVAC, which I honestly doubt most people in here could do, but it isnt a hard job unless using tools and talking to strangers terrifies you guys.

>> No.14874220

Sounds like daddy's still taking care of you Anon.

>> No.14874542

>dad pays him to slack off for 120k a year
>"lol look at this losers living off their parents"
How are you actually this retarded

>> No.14874634


>> No.14875310

You only work there because your dad. I can only imagine how many times he has had to cover for you so his coworkers dont think you’re such a retard

>> No.14875918

$100 for shoes isnt a lot

>> No.14876010

poorfag detected!

>> No.14876068

Not wasting money on something that isn't important doesn't make one poor.

>> No.14876897

No Bart Simpson.

>> No.14877922

I said $100 wasn’t a lot retard. I’ll spend 2 to 500 on shoes/boots

>> No.14877942
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>> No.14878841
File: 86 KB, 1050x700, mister_rogers_feature_2_1050x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you have a stoplight and trolley in your house and you constantly sing to children.

>> No.14878864

Go with "zip up sweaters" next time

>> No.14878886

Every body's fancy
Every body's fine
Your body's fancy
And so is mine.
*visualizes mister rogers naked*

>> No.14878904

this guy smokes meth thats not cool fuc boi

>> No.14878911


>> No.14878912


>> No.14879263

i bought my first pair of converse all star at age 38, I didn't give a shit about fashion until this point, but I have to admit it's a simple way to enrich your daily life experience. I don't get it why you consider them to be for young people only, imho they are very universal, transcending age, time and place

>> No.14879271

>for young people only
the only thing about chucks is that the flat soles can be a bit harsh on some older feet
some oldies i know need to wear orthotics with chucks

>> No.14879568

Wearing converse right now without any socks. Love getting them nice and stinky and taking them off near people then rubbing my feet :)

>> No.14879731

Converse low top or Yeezy boost? Which is the more /fa/ casual look?

>> No.14880573

Just copped a pair of white high top 70s. How did I do?

>> No.14881670
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>> No.14881781

Nice fake chucks anon

>> No.14881815

lmao they're walmart knockoffs I got at goodwill for like 4 bucks because I needed some grey sneakers. Ironically they have thicker canvas and have lasted longer than any of my actual chucks, which are complete chinkshit

>> No.14881841

I'll tell you what my teacher from last semester wears. he's like 30 I think and girls in the class think he's cute.

>red wing reddit boots
>Clark wallabees
>moc toed boots
>hiking boots
for heavy snow days
>flannels and oxford button-downs
some plaid but mostly solid colors
>has 1 black hoodie
>brown and black cardigan
>black and navy chinos
everything is well fitted and proportioned
no jeans

he's the only male teacher I've had that doesn't look embarrassing

>> No.14881846

also, I have never seen him wear anything besides a button-up and that is OKAY

PLEASE stay away from any kind of graphic tees op

>> No.14881859

these are the dudes that make art hoe threads

>> No.14881863


>> No.14881868

im a trust fund baby living the dream

>> No.14881886

what age were you when you got your shit together? I'm 24 finishing up school. I just inherited a good amount of money and quit my shitty part-time job and am on winter break atm so im in NEET mode. I still want to move out soon though. I feel like shit being 24 going on 25 still living w/ my mom.

>> No.14882220

I was 23 and a half when I moved out and finally got roommates. I was 22 when I graduated college. I basically sat around and did nothing for about a year

>> No.14883104

yeah you'd probably go down in one punch you glass jaw fag, shut up lmao.

>> No.14884111

Why does it matter, if it looks good it looks good.

>> No.14884177

But what if 18 year old girls think you're younger than you are and start hitting on you? Wouldn't that be weird?

>> No.14884193

what shoesize do you wear?

>> No.14884197

converse are for women

where sk8hi like a real man

>> No.14884285

Obvious bait, retards

>> No.14884894

UGLY as all hell. Don't wear dark denim under any circumstance, it NEVER looks GOOD.

>> No.14884933

Non mass produced, non falling apart after a few months type of clothes
Maybe she wants to be healthy, you fucking brainless shit.
Fucking trendhopper, you're the humanoid equivalent of a rat hopping around ships and spreading disease. Get purged.
I hope you've never worn jeans then, queer.
>24 year old faggot here I wear converse everyday
fixed that for you Herr "Doomer"
mommy mommy there's mean people in the computer!
those who care and or can afford it?
2010 called, they want their memes back
Why do you care about fashion?
holy based
>Im almost 25 and look like someone drew john wick from memory
do you even know who john wick is?
in most cases the number corresponds to how old/young you look, so it's a useless distinction to make
literally top tier bait
ok vs cancer, which is better?
redditor spotted

>> No.14885029
File: 294 KB, 1200x1870, zendaya-on-the-set-of-spider-man-far-from-home-in-new-york-10-15-2018-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zendaya should've been naked with only Chuck Taylor's and black socks on her feet

>> No.14885388

interesting, I personally had flat feet my whole life and I feel comfortable in shoes that are flat themselves

>> No.14885945
File: 273 KB, 807x1252, 176338CA-3999-4631-A7D9-52422A7EB1D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas Eve fit

>> No.14886077

Where is this? Looks familiar

>> No.14886570

Loooks like nyc

>> No.14887142


>> No.14887815
File: 14 KB, 400x401, 11898941_10155965789930111_5624360403606504046_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guaranteed (You) when you reply to everyone

>> No.14888756

We can’t see anything

>> No.14888762

What the fuck is up with your mirror

>> No.14889055

there's too much retardation to leave it unanswered.

>> No.14889527

Looks like a public bathroom

>> No.14890312

honestly a cool fit

>> No.14890336

Lil peep was only cool after he died so either make it with the drug overdose already or stop being a faggot it's not that hard