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14838684 No.14838684 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you wear them? If so, which ones do you recommend? I've never warn them before, just curious because I'm literally a fucking midget in the Netherlands at 5'6 so I need some help and I don't know what do.

>> No.14838702

>manlet cope: the thread
Just accept it you pint-sized faggot.

>> No.14838709

I have but it's made me miserable

>> No.14838777

Gozer hoe is het mogelijk om zo klein te zijn hier

>> No.14838799

Ik weet het niet :(

>> No.14838800

there's no point for you live in this world, kill yourself

>> No.14838832

5'6? Pshh

>t. 5'3 spic

>> No.14839677
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>be 6'1
>wear 40mm heels
>looks proportional to my long ass legs

>> No.14839933

I promise you people only focus on your height if there is nothing more interesting about you.

>> No.14839935

checked and based

>> No.14839939

I don't wear em even though I am short too.
>Women/girls will figure it out once you take the shoes off anyway
>I feel like I'd have to keep wearing them otherwise my height would look different if I wore other shoes

>> No.14839949

Just ordered a pair with a 2.75" height increase from Don's Footwear. I think I'll have to get longer pants to wear with them. I'm 5'7" but I have long arms and size 11 feet, so I'm thinking some extra height may suit me.

>> No.14840043

I'm 5'6 (167 cm) wear chelsea boots with elevator heels. they are undetectable and make me significantly mroe attractive. I think they have a 2.5 inch increase or so

>> No.14840843

I'm 5'6 as well and I've worn them in the past. I'm slightly involved in politics and you wouldn't imagine how many people wear these things.

>> No.14840866

>I have but it's made me miserable

Why? Let me guess. You think women don't like you because of your height? Everything else in your life is fine except that you can't get a girlfriend? Pro-tip: you're single for other reasons your height has nothing to do with it.

>> No.14840867


Neger, draag gewoon normale schoenen. Als je geen persoonlijkheid hebt om mee te beginnen gaan schoenen je niet helpen, integendeel, je zult er nog belachelijker uit zien.

>> No.14840919

Not OP but women don't like short men; it's like a fact at this point. Why even try if women don't want you. Honestly OP, become a trap or priest or something. If you lived in America, I'd say go after a latina but you're dutch lol rip.

>> No.14840962

I'm 6'2 and I wear derbies with massive soles to dominate manlets even more.
Great feel.

>> No.14840967
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My man.

>> No.14840968
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>also 6'1"
>whenever I do a group photo with my mates I stand on my toes to tower over them even more
>whenever anyone asks my height I say 5'10" just to blow the cover of my manlet bros who all use 6'0" as their cover height
>they spill their spaghetti trying to explain to any girls around that I have to be like 6'3" or something

>> No.14840976

>be 6’
>have strangely long legs
>look taller automatically

>> No.14840986

>women don't like short men; it's like a fact at this point

No it's not. Stop saying stupid shit. There's a ton of shit that goes into choosing a mate. Stop trying to reduce women into based beasts that only want the tallest, strongest, fastest cave man they can find. It ends up hurting men more than anything, especially if the guy is already inexperience, all they end up doing is thinking about the basics of appearance and completely ignore the other parts of what it means to be human and attractive in other ways.

>> No.14840994
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Being a tall motherfucker and towering over 95% of people fixes most of my insecurities.

>> No.14841008

Oh buddy you're like me 3 years ago.
Gonna get hurt hard unless you're really lucky.

>> No.14841018

oh shut up. I'm not short, or out of shape, or ugly, but I see plenty of short, fat, and not so great looking men out there with girlfriends, wives, and kids.

Only online do people think short men can't meet and woo women.

>> No.14841024

>Only online do people think short men can't meet and woo women.
Because people are honest online

>> No.14841031

>Because people are honest online
No one is stupid enough to believe this if they paid any type of attention to what's been going on with the internet for the past eight years.

>> No.14841043

This was pathetic to read

>> No.14841062

I'm not saying you won't find girls.
I'm saying that really they only care about looks, status and power, ~85% of attractive girls I've met were like that.
If you assume something different and try to build a relationship with a girl based on friendship and trust and not just stimulation (like I did), statistically you're fucked.

>> No.14841078

>85% of attractive girls I've met were like that

This goes for truly attractive and high status women and not the general population of, not at all ugly, but average people. People are competing for the attention of the top 2-1% of the population and that's why we get so many people saying women (or attractive guys) are shallow. Ofc they don't want mediocre ass lol, they have options. Not to mention too many men make it harder on themselves because they're indiscriminately horny and it comes off as desperation and that's the biggest turn off ever.

>> No.14841149

Obviously average girls will have lower standards, gotta fulfill that biological role, preferably before 30 lmao
Why would you want to go for them unless you yourself are average though?
I'm not denying I'm not shallow either, wouldn't ever be with a girl who's less than an 8/10 in my eyes, no matter what her other virtues may be.

>> No.14841152

denying I'm shallow*

>> No.14842533

Possibly worth but be really careful to not push it, maybe get second opinion from friends. I know a manlet who wears big lifts and once you notice them for the first time it's more embarrassing than him being short

>> No.14843316

Former school bully here. If someone has insulted you because of your height, it's probably because they've sensed that you're insecure about it and they know it would hurt you.

The people saying that probably don't actually hate all short people, they just wanted to make you upset because they knew saying it would. They probably got a funny reaction out of you or something.

>> No.14843562

While I have never let myself get bullied.
Retards like you have made occasional comments in the moment just to make themselves feel better in the moment. Their isn't much thought behind it.
I didn't care about it at all since these dudes are retards anyway.
I would like to be taller for myself not to one up some retard or for some roasties

>> No.14843572
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hey me too! I wear dr Martens 1461 with a slight platform. Got a few compliments on them too :)

>> No.14843573

Nederlandse /FA/ meetup wanneer

>> No.14843579

wear one of those backpacks with a ceiling fan with sharp blades on it to decapitate lanklets

>> No.14844451

I'm 6'2 barefoot. >>14841062 See this, I was burned by a totally unrelated matter.

>> No.14844490

Ik zou onironish komen als t dichtbij was

>> No.14844983

lol at u if youre a guy

>> No.14845600

I've just started wearing them. Not the most comfortable shoe ever (usually wear sneakers and you have to get used to a different feeling), but fuck me if they don't give me the biggest confidence boost in my life.

- You can get them dirt cheap and people will still think you're wearing some high designer brand (Literally getting asked every week if my shoes are Gucci/louis)
- I'm only 5'8, so they be helping me cope with my manlet height.
- That Jojo aesthetic
- Unique, so normies actually think you know something about fashion, even if you don't kek

Making the cons and showing pic of shoes in a follow-up

>> No.14845608
File: 80 KB, 1024x1536, 5604002040_2_3_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- You can't wear them to every occasion, or people will think you're a tryhard/ a faggot
- Again, not the most comfortable shoe, but it's alright I guess
- You actually have to think about the rest of your fit, so you can't wear sweatpants and other casual Friday stuff.
- If you're fat you can't wear them. You're going to look like the biggest autist on earth.

Bought these from Zara for 66 dollars with free shipping, and they've def become some of my fav shoes of all time.

>> No.14845665

Zara sells lifts?
How tall are they?

>> No.14845673


Nooit, ben volaan in de dertig, kan alleen maar super awkward worden.

>> No.14846419

Not much, like 2.5-4 cm.

But that can make a HUGE difference for some girls

>> No.14846427


>> No.14847119

damn. what are these?

>> No.14847934

armani derbies

>> No.14847952

Fellow 5'6 midget here. I wear insoles with a 1,5-2,5 thick heel (buy them on eBay). But never more then that.
A. I don't want to appear visibly shorter when taking off my shoes.
B. Lower insoles are easier to fit in most shoes and comfortable to walk around in.