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14829024 No.14829024 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I meet Dark Academics?

>> No.14829029


>> No.14829204

Universitie faculties of philology or philosophy. And most important: academies/schools of art

>> No.14829208

Welfare offices

>> No.14829211

on 4chan
because nobody irl dresses like this

>> No.14829226

I just posted a picture of one though

>> No.14829261

Can I just hang outside the places or what how does that work

>> No.14829262

staged photos do not count

>> No.14829271

how do you know its staged

>> No.14829296

>faculties of philology
thats not a thing anymore

>> No.14829300

Lol everyone in this thread is retarded

>> No.14829305


>> No.14829310

never in my life seen a professor or a college student dress like that

>> No.14829316


>> No.14829373


>> No.14829385

Private schools in the North

>> No.14829386

I can't get into private schools

>> No.14829441


>> No.14829474

Usually to be found among the faggots who did arts as their degree because they were too stupid for STEM

>> No.14829590

I lived with a dude who studied Electrical Engineering. He was the only non-humanities housemate we had and was the most irritatingly brain-dead philistine I have ever known. He would make a baked bean, BBQ sauce and pasta bake and throw raw chunks of sausage into the massive glass trough he would eat directly out of (why bother with crockery, or table manners for that matter?). His room was perpetually clammy and smelled like sweat, and he automatically assumed that any girl talking to him must've been sexually interested and tried it on with every girl in my halls (though no one took him up on it).

He had the same snobbery towards arts courses that you do, so I can only imagine you suffer from the same crippling social faux pas and clueless redundancy as him. May god have mercy on your soul

>> No.14829600

You have the same snobbery towards stem as the person you're replying to does in regards to arts. Sounds like you're both faggots except you're more of a faggot because what he said isn't exactly wrong.

>> No.14829624

sounds like just cishet men in general

>> No.14829655

no you have to either belong there as the mysterious new student, 6' tall muscular chad in glasses and tweed coat or belong there as the established post-grad 6' tall muscular chad in glasses and a tweed coat. literally the only two options.

>> No.14829664

Why do art schools have so many hot women

>> No.14829670

>you're both snobbish but I'm above both of you!
It's snobbish to have enough standards not to eat raw fucking sausage meat? Come on, dude. I don't have any issues with STEM students in general, I'm just speaking from experience that the most unpalatable person I've ever met also happened to be a stem student who thought he was superior to my friends and I because he got to use a calculator in his exams.

>> No.14829672

Wew looks like we've triggered one.
But you are correct a lot of engineers are autistic freaks

How does it feel that your degree is basically all rote learning and making things more complicated than they need to be with stupid waffle language.
Your entire course can be learned by any retard by simply reading a few books

>> No.14829684

>Your entire course can be learned by any retard by simply reading a few books
lmao sure m8. This is literally what every stem student says until I lend them my copy of Beckett's L'Innommable, at which point they complain its all "pretentious nonsense" and give up in order to protect their ego from being shattered

>> No.14829685

>but I'm above both of you

I never mentioned anything about myself, this is the problem with your attitude. Posting your biased personal experience and then saying you don't have a problem with stem students in general just means you're better of not posting at all instead of being spineless.

>> No.14829693

>I never mentioned anything about myself
You don't need to, as a fence sitter you have already made it about yourself by giving your redundant opinion where it was never required. Also, why is my experience "biased" but that anon speaking about all arts students in general is not?

>> No.14829704

>Beckett's L'Innommable
Read it along with many others. Your degree is another man's pastime

>> No.14829709

it is a black turtle neck, wtf you on about?

>> No.14829716

Rewording what I said to use it against me doesn't work coward. Calling him less of a faggot than you because I agree stupid people settle for arts degrees over stem isn't fence sitting, it's legitimate. I have no bias towards either unlike you, you can trust me ok?

>> No.14829744
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tfw my house mate looks like her but I haven't fucked her yet and I don't think i'll ever get the chance

>> No.14829764

>Your degree is another man's pastime
Not if you make something of it. Science can't understand the ethical or transformative dimensions of rhetoric and aestheticism, it can only contest with what is factually, rigidly, true. Your reading list of "many others" is just an endless series of boxes to be ticked, whereas I treated my studious as studiously as you scientists and mathematicians. I gave Beckett as an example because so much of his work is consumed by that same mechanical precision and dedication to form.

>Calling him less of a faggot than you because I agree stupid people settle for arts degrees over stem isn't fence sitting, it's legitimate.
How is it legitimate? You've already established a hierarchy by assuming people settle by taking arts degrees and not stem, when you can just as easily "settle" for a stem degree at a college with low entrance requirements. Stupid people will do whatever they want, even if its against their own interests, but that is in no way particular to the arts

>> No.14830128

I'm 5'7 hispanic ugly and I only own 2 pair of shirts will that get me in

>> No.14830129

STEM degrees only use is being a wagecuck and making CEO's millions of dollars.

>> No.14830291

I meet a lot of dark academics when I hang out at old dusty cathedrals and ancient libraries

>> No.14830300

can we post pictures of other cute dark academic girls? I want to jerk off now that it is December 1st.

>> No.14830308

Grad school

>> No.14830316

To be fair, earning a degree isn’t that far off from engaging in a really rewarding pastime. I work full time and am enrolled in a university full time, as I had planned to go into the workforce after high school, but received a scholarship that paid for my entire tuition at one of my “dream” schools. So, I just live a normal life off campus while learning about things I find interesting, getting my 4.0, and working towards a degree. I don’t understand the “double major in history and philosophy? what the hell kind of job are you going to get with that?!” comments, as I already have a steady job and benefits and all that, I just truly want to learn about stuff and respond very well to being actively taught and given feedback as a supplement to personal study and reading

>> No.14830412

This "STEM vs humanities" shit is manufactured nonsense, you're a retarded fucking idiot if you aren't studying both. Besides that 99% of people working in stem are literal tools, a means to an end, you're the hammer, not the architect. The 1% of actually intelligent autists are going to make the hordes of medicore bandwagoners obsolete in less than a decade. Can't wait.

>> No.14830414

>read it
No you didn't

>> No.14830422

they can just marry into money, that’s why, duh

>> No.14830440

It's funny how art is now a female dominated field when 99.99% of masterpieces from the beginning of civilization in every single culture were created by men. I unironiclly believe half the reason why contemporary art is in a crisis because most wannabe artists are now woman and woman are incapable of creating true art. Everything they do is just a rehash of something created by a man. I would be bitter too if I was a female, I understand the feminist mindset because of this

>> No.14830452

>women (of the west, that’s all i’ve studied) barred en masse from having their work displayed, popularized, and commissioned, both by explicit restrictions and other social restraints that kept them from creating art in the first place throughout most of recorded history
>the art of female artists (whose work survives and is attributed to the correct female artist) is on-par with the work of their contemporary male artists
>works, schools, and movements of ambiguous origin seen as created by men as a default
>laypeople are willing to question and criticize why certain pieces of art are seen as “masterpieces” from any given period, like the mona lisa, or starry night, or the thinker, but never on the basis of sex
>laypeople are unwilling to concede that women are capable of full human thought or expression

what an odd world to live in

>> No.14830501

Really? In my country it is, im studying in one

>> No.14830585

cool, never seen a tin foil beret before

>> No.14830595

Why dont you all study geology?

>> No.14830609

It's quite a shame that stem attracts the high IQ crowd since they would be quite useful in social sciences. Instead we get a bunch of midwit sophistry from people who don't have a better option than clinging to an academic career. Since the web of causes and effects becomes so complex I believe you need an innutive grasp of propability paired with a good deal of common sense to do anything useful.

>> No.14830612

STEM is actually full of retards and to be good at humanities require you to be cultivated
t. STEMfag

>> No.14830620

A lot of STEM majors are pretty useless as well though. You may as well just say "engineering" or "compsci", since literally every other major course of study is something that some fag is gonna call useless for no reason other than pompousness.

>> No.14830622

Are seen as pretty useless*

Oh well, too late to change it lol

>> No.14830633

That's engineering wagies (especially compsci, compsci attracts autists who want a job where they can be successful without interacting with other people). In the sciences, you don't see crippling autism (at least you don't see them making it very far unless they're inordinately intelligent).

Never seen Dark academics, pretty sure its a gay LARP. The closest I've seen to it is that some philosophy students and professors wear some of the stuff but its closer to trad/ivy.

I agree as in many subjects, it's an outsider who makes big breakthroughs.

pretty much, I remember hearing premeds say that sort of stuff when we looked at a paper on Deinococcus Radiodurans in an elective class. They just can't understand why you ought to look into something unless there is an immediate application for it. That's why I feel solidarity with some of the lads in the Arts (at least in the good ones like philosophy).

>> No.14831044

>women haven’t created as much surviving art as men for reasons other than their own deficiency as people
>haha, neat conspiracy!

>> No.14831052


>> No.14831085

i'm a shitskin and study computer science, am I a dark academic?

>> No.14831086


>> No.14831140


>> No.14831164


art school

>> No.14831278

>tfw graduating in biology
>work with plants
>everyone around me dresses like fucking hippies except for me

I feel alone.

>> No.14831293

Well you’re not going to meet any at SUNY Buffalo, I’ll tell you that.

T. SUNYfag

>> No.14831297

inshallah brother

>> No.14831337

>Where can I meet Dark Academics?
Night school

>> No.14831344


>> No.14831372

Florida A & M
(because black people go there)

>> No.14831469

>women are capable of full human thought or expression
It's a question of intelligence. There is way more super smart men than women. It's safe to say the ability to produce good art and your intelligence are correlated. There could be some other things at play as well but I think that has a lot to do with it.


You think actual college students dress like this.

>> No.14831510

There is no reason to learn STEM. Humanities is the only thing that matters. The only use for STEM is to make goodies as a wagecuck for the rest of us.

>> No.14831515


>> No.14831518

What if you enjoy making those goodies, ya bum

>> No.14831526

We aren't talking about enjoyment. No one gives a fuck what you enjoy.

>> No.14831528

I mean, I give a shit what I enjoy. Which is why I study what I enjoy, which will also happen to get me a well-paying job. I'm sorry math intimidates you.

>> No.14831535

You might enjoy eating shit too but it's not relevant to the conversation.

>> No.14831537

I don't think eating shit would allow me to travel the world, make a pretty penny and study the sciences. Unlike my passion for engineering.

Get a life, pal. Other people's successes aren't diminished by your petulance.

>> No.14831552

Iron workers, garbage men, and police officers can say the same thing. It's not relevant to the conversation. Go make computers for your boss to get rich off you and I can get cheap pc parts.

>> No.14831555

just watch the three mothers triology by Dario Argento

>> No.14831558

>passion for engineering

>> No.14831561

You know that there was only one Snape at Hogwarts OP? I don't even think this was meant to be a genre.

I think you are meant to be the Dark Academic of your school, its like Lich King there can only be one.

>> No.14831577
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>> No.14831637

>Where can I meet Dark Academics?
You can't "meet" something that doesn't exist.
The whole D.A. thing only occurs in the minds of shitlords shitposting on boards like 4chan, insta, and pinterest.

>> No.14831684

stemfags btfo

>> No.14831686

in a church obviously

>> No.14831885

broo man up, get flirty with her and shove ur cock in her wet hole eventually! make us proud

>> No.14831928

>Social science

Is not a science

>> No.14832053

Good luck kid. I've only ever seen one Dark Academic on my (elite) campus, and it was in the Law department. Art is the last place I'd look.

>> No.14832558


>> No.14832562
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>> No.14832598 [DELETED] 

Cute of you to assume I'm American.

>> No.14832615

It’s almost like he’s preoccupied by his stem courses and doesn’t concern himself much with people who opted into sleepaway camp for adults

>> No.14832618

>pure math is used to make goodies

>> No.14832629

>you can only be passionate about sports or drawing

It's not difficult to become passionate about engineer or finance or analysis if you have high IQ and find the beauty of the work, you're probably just stupid and lazy

>> No.14832707

>engineer or finance or analysis if you have high IQ and find the beauty of the work

>> No.14832717

So preoccupied with his courses that he can't cook raw meat before eating it or not act like a stuck up fag to his roommates?

>> No.14832744

university, in africa, probably.

>> No.14832751

>T. SUNYfag

I feel like ending my life every time I step foot on campus lol

>> No.14832928

For 95% of Stem workers it's only interesting when you apply it's fundamentals to humanities work. Structural engineer taking orders from an architect, cs monkey coding a video game, physicist moving into analytical philosophy, mathematician analyzing economic development through history with probability and statistics, neuroscientist creating a political system to fit within the material constraints of the human brain, mechanical engineer under the orders of an Italian car designer, ECT ECT. You aren't building spaceships, quantum computers, developing AI, or going to become the next Isaac Newton. You aren't the top 1%. You're an organic stand in for something that will be automated in the near future. You're a tool

>> No.14833477

>Where can I meet Dark Academics?
on Tumblr

>> No.14833490

Yes and no. The reason inspired STEM people (or middle-of-the-roads like me, I do econ, but p heavy on data science) get into the field is that we dislike the world being an uncertain place with blurred lines and conflicting information. Autism and the irrationality of the world don't play nice. So we actually are kind of passionate about converting the world into something that we can model and interact with in an informed way. And sure, at some point we probably will get shrunken down because of AI, but at this point it's not even close to producing results that will replace a human analyst.

>> No.14833660

>econ/statmonkeys representing all mathematicians
shiggy diggy

>> No.14833777
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>> No.14833826

Suspiria is the only good one

>> No.14833829

That was a big fad in art colleges during the shoegazey revival. Everyone from my circles who dressed like that no longer dresses like that and either moved onto the next fad or collapsed into the "I'm in my 20s so I have to dress like Ned Flanders" thing that normies do.

>> No.14833993

Which one do you go to? I graduated from Geneseo (the most /fa/ SUNY). I miss it honestly. Grad school sucks.

>> No.14834004

I dress like that, I'm a philosophy major currently applying to law schools, most often seen in coffee shops and the campus library.

>> No.14834299
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>> No.14834304
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>> No.14834422
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>> No.14834433

I liked Inferno too

>> No.14834439

probably in a gay cruising area most likely in the role of bottoms