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/fa/ - Fashion

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14825401 No.14825401[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn't smoke because he's afraid of cancer

>> No.14825411
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>she asks if she can smoke in the car

>> No.14825500
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i want to pretend to smoke to look cool. what are the best/softests brand/flavors i should get?

i was thinking maybe menthols?

>> No.14825502

so after everyone replying to your thread calling you retarded you think "yea this is a good idea"

>> No.14825503



>> No.14825504

Cigarette smoking simply isn't respectable. It's paying out the ass to be an addict and everyone assumes you are too weak to get off of the drug and that you picked it up because you were... Kind of a semi-failed normie where you needed a crutch to talk to and hang out with other people.

If you smoke pipes or cigars I am willing to respect you as a connoisseur of tobacco.

>> No.14825505

shit thread.
if fucking fashion makes you consider smoking you're a retard. smoking doesn't make you a retard, but if you smoke for literally any other reason that enjoying it or wanting to die you're a retard.
fuck you.

>> No.14825507
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this isnt my thread you loser. it was a genuine question

>> No.14825510

also this is a falseflag you fucking apes

>> No.14825512

>wanting to smoke to look cool
>calling others loser
I think you are broken

>> No.14825514
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>tfw my mom might have cancer
>it took her getting cancer to stop smoking
Smoking is one thing but dragging other people into your retarded shit habit means you desreve a special place in hell.

>> No.14825518

you are pathetic for making this thread.

>> No.14825519
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>he's afraid of cancer when every processed meal he eats is more likely to fuck up his health than cigarettes

>> No.14825520

lmfao what

>> No.14825522

i said pretending. not actually smoking. id vape but that looks gay.

im glad i revived this thread to witness all the buthurt. /fa/ may be gayer than /lgbt/

>> No.14825523

Idk bruh, I just smoked two cigs last night with my friends 'cause I wanted to experiment how does it feels. (They told me to not do it, but fuck it, I wanted to do it)

I think I'm just leaving it to "special ocasions"

>> No.14825529
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If by "pretend" you mean smoking but not inhaling, then you'll just end up with mouth cancer instead of throat cancer

Also I would avoid menthols regardless, if you're a guy, because they allegedly lower your sperm count

>> No.14825535

good enough bait or actually 16

>> No.14825537

thats how it starts

>> No.14825543

Your already smoking so might as well try crack.

>> No.14825544
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Hello, based department?

>> No.14825611
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>he doesn't smoke because he realizes how badly cigarettes ruin your facial aesthetics

>> No.14825635

i tried to get into smoking since all of my friends were doing it, but it just wasnt worth the effort. i ended up getting cancer anyway

>> No.14825642


this. if you get cancer its just your genes fault. my granmda smoked until she was 60 and died at 88 without cancer.

>> No.14825646

>its just your genes fault
for me it was a mutation in the gene TP53 to be exact

>> No.14825651

literally how it started for me

>> No.14825661

So imagine what it would do to you if you're doing both retard.

>> No.14825668
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>tfw every kid I know who started smoking in high school already looks like shit in their mid twenties

I actually can't contain my smugness around them sometimes. They were so beta they got jewed into smoking and now they have the looks to match

>> No.14825669

when it starts to feel good, you're addicted.

>> No.14825677

>he gives up his own vitality and looks to look cool. You know people who do stuff like that are just normie cool

>> No.14825682

Pretending to smoke is even worse than actually smoking you fucking poser. Just fade away and die.

>> No.14825690

it ruins your skin.

>> No.14825710

this, I stopped buying cigarettes and this was my #1 reason. gives me acne around the mouth

>> No.14825748

I don't see that many smokers anymore around, which is nice since it's disgusting.

>> No.14825785

It's still prevalent in Eastern Europe. I'd say 90% of my friends and acquaintances do it.

>> No.14825792

The cancer and lung problems hit way earlier than you would expect. Depending on when you start and how much you smoke you can ruin your lungs by 30. That shit doesn't go away, you get it and you have it for the rest of your life.

>> No.14825823
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>> No.14825866

I wouldn’t date anyone that smokes.

>> No.14825882

>she smokes

This is how I know your a low IQ alcholic std slut

>> No.14825883

Everyime I walk past someone smoking I make sure they give me eye contact before I hold my breath and keep distance away from them, just to show them no one wants to be near a smoker

>> No.14825917

Cigars have virtually no impact on your lungs. Totally different.

>> No.14825958


>passive smoking is not bad for you dude

>> No.14826134

There are ways to show that smoking is a disgusting habit but this is probably not the a good move anon, passive aggressive at best and autistic at worst.

>> No.14826144

i smoke before work. calms my nerves
only smoked a pack a week

>> No.14826165
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>> No.14826235

I think OP will just buy the pack, throw out a few and just flash them around.

>> No.14826486

So, no more cigs for me then.

>> No.14826515

He is smart, unlike you, whore

>> No.14826519

>he thinks is cool irl
>he thinks stinking and having yellow teeth is /fa/

>> No.14826641

You must have angered god somehow

>> No.14826653


>> No.14828075

>smoking but not inhaling
what's the difference?

>> No.14829341

When you puff you just pull the smoke into your mouth and let it out
When you inhale you pull the smoke in the lungs and let it out.
Inhaling is more intense.

>> No.14829355

Smoking is cool until you hit your mid 20s and start noticing the negative effect it has on your health. Find me a smoker over 25 that has nice skin and teeth

>> No.14829408

This is the reason I don't smoke

>> No.14829502

>Cigars have virtually no impact on your lungs. Totally different.

That's part of why I'm willing to respect a cigar smoker but more that cigar smoking is about appreciating and enjoying tobacco rather than just:
woke up
>gotta have a smoke
drinking a beer
>gotta have a smoke
about to drive somewhere
>gotta have a smoke
just finished driving somewhere
>gotta have a smoke
Coomers are literally more respectable than cigarette smokers.

>> No.14829505

Dont eat processed food then you dumb fuck

>> No.14829549

>used to smoke regularly (but not a pack a day)
>throat would regularly get irritated
>have to wait it out
>breathing was slightly harder
>feel fucking HORRIBLE if smoking/drinking the night before
>throats totally fucked the day after
>stop smoking 5 months ago
>gym x4 a week with 30 mins of cardio
>can breath deeply and smoothly
>sleep soundly and wake up feeling well rested
smoking cigs is fucking retarded and stupid

>> No.14829557

I don't smoke because the rush is barely a rush and it smells disgusting.

>> No.14829575

Imagine defending smoking in any capacity and being so insecure that reading this makes you assume I put myself on a pedestal for not doing it which further proves my point.

>> No.14829589

I already have throat cancer, and i never smoked anything in my life(tobacco, weed, whatevs)

Trust me fellas, its not worth it. I now have a huge slash across my neck from the operation... Not /fa/ at all

>> No.14830480

I get mad at my bf when I can smell cigarette smoke from him. Is this legitimate reason

>> No.14830546


>> No.14830558

id like to smoke cigars but i live in australia and they tax the hell out of tobacco products and im poor as shit. a 20 pack of smokes is over 30 dollars for the cheapest option.

>> No.14830574

Gudang garam

They taste amazing and annoy faggots miles away

>> No.14830615

Pretending doesn’t look cool, you have to actually smoke to look cool, but it’s absolutely worth it, the fags in here talking about how it ruins your facial aesthetics and your teeth are idiots, all of Hollywood smokes all your favourite singers smoke a healthy diet and drinking enough water is way more important than not smoking.

I’d start with Marlboro gold and move to Camel once you’ve got some experience have fun and don’t take advice from uncool losers

>> No.14830618

I do not smoke because it saves me around 120€ a month, shitty smell on clothes, bad teeth and shorter life span.
>tfw not smokelet

>> No.14830632

>don’t take advice from uncool losers
Kek, you sound like a kid trying to "peer pressure" another kid into smoking in a PSA

>> No.14830641

This. Despite common misconceptions, women do prefer a man who does not fall to social obligations like >>14830615. Having high standards for yourself absolutely helps with women.

>> No.14830649

The other kid asked first so it’s not really peer pressure

Smoking is a social obligation? Almost no one smokes these days and there are plenty militant non smokers just look in this thread.
It’s a fact that smoking is cool though and being cool absolutely helps with women

>> No.14830699

>It’s a fact that smoking is cool for some teenagers though and being cool absolutely helps with some teenagers
FTFY, everyone else rightly considers you a junkie

>> No.14830715

So you shouldn't smoke because bad things happened to you and you didn't smoke?

>> No.14830734

No I'm afraid of aging.

>> No.14830741
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>he doesn't do heroin because he's afraid of overdosing

>> No.14830794

American spirits are mild and burn pretty slow

>> No.14831094

A lot of judgement against smokers in this thread. Didn't realise people frequenting /fa/ erroneously thought they have something to live for.

>> No.14831170

It's more about making your quality of life worse
I don't care if something slowly kills me I care that it costs a lot of money and will make me smell like shit for no reason

>> No.14831255

"I love the smell of cigarettes!"
-No one ever