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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 194 KB, 588x588, gallery_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14810229 No.14810229 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14810232

well I'm not white so no

>> No.14810235

you do you. people should stay behind their own tribe, regardless of right or wrong

>> No.14810243

Redpilled: The process of becoming radicalized by fringe 'men-rights' and 'incel' communities online which believe their god-given access to vaginas is being stymied by feminist politicians. The deep irony that this phrase originated from a movie written and directed by two transgender women about a man breaking out of his false reality and into his true identity - only to be co-opted by misogynistic adult virgins chanting 'Transgender is a mental disorder' appears to be completely lost on them.

>> No.14810245

red pilled
Brainwashed by Nazis.

>> No.14810246


>> No.14810263

You're born in your team jersey whether you play the game or not.

>> No.14810264
File: 64 KB, 600x467, rs_600x600-190421122255-600-jessica-simpson-family-easter-042119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14810279

must be a cuck to marry such a dumb whore

>> No.14810285

You're full of shit.

>> No.14810286

You can't be right-wing and /fa/

>> No.14810290
File: 51 KB, 970x546, 1280_jessica_simpson_eric_johnson_spl1282492_031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's Goliath but sure buddy, keep typing

>> No.14810299

based and retardpilled

>> No.14810303

old far-right is /fa/ (unfortunately)

>> No.14810356

>old far-right

>> No.14810663

Which huffpo article is this from?
Lol. How many facial piercings do you have? It's in the double digits, isn't it?

>> No.14810678

tell me that in the prison shower, duchess

>> No.14810690

dictators knew how to dress
inb4 le hittle

>> No.14810769

Red pill equals faggotry and an unwillingness to understand these modern times taking a redpill is just willful ignorance.

>> No.14810771

You give people who never existed outside of the internet way too much credit

>> No.14811391


>> No.14811451

>never existed outside of the internet way too much credit

How many men have you slept with?

>> No.14812022

>redpill is just willful ignorance
Found the retard.

>> No.14812179

imagine a world without non-whites

make it happen, oh god, please

>> No.14812187
File: 100 KB, 634x822, 40C78C2900000578-4541868-image-a-25_1495725769276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think Oscar occasionally dose cocaine with his daughter?

>> No.14812190
File: 93 KB, 798x240, Screenshot_2019-11-23 oscar de la hoya height - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when little Oscar mogs your ass

>> No.14812201

Found the incel

>> No.14812207
File: 108 KB, 634x864, 40C9A03100000578-4541868-image-a-56_1495726989850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Travis Barker's wife is her mom

>> No.14812223

Can we agree that hwite women are boring?
For me, it's the spicy senoritas.

>> No.14812419

How does considering something mean you are radicalized? Wouldn't that make the opposite indoctrination? Especially when you believe the thoughts being considered are harmful. It's almost like you're pushing a one-sided narrative from a perceived moral highground, even though there are many "redpills" on different subjects, each of which you are free to judge differently. People like that use the term "gaslighting" to describe someone having a reason to hold a belief and sharing it when asked. Pretty overdramatic

>> No.14812421

Did you start coming here after tumblr? Because they have fashion advice too

>> No.14812534


>> No.14812686


>> No.14812719

he's a super lib (like most smart, successful, good looking white people)
watch his interview on tigerbelly

>> No.14812841


>thinking that most smart successful good looking white people are lefties

hes an actor celeb, they are all commies, no surprise there. Most successful people are not affiliated with hollywood. There is an entire world out there aside from propaganda flicks you watch that are directed by big noses if you catch my drift

>> No.14812843

you mean psychopath

>> No.14812917

>their god-given access to vaginas

which one is this, /fa/? is it women projecting their entitlement to dick? (try rejecting a woman sometime)
or is it women being attracted to the few men that have that entitled so they imagine all men are like that?

>> No.14813093

kek so many bluepilled faggots unironically posting here

>> No.14813112

no, they are just loud because they know they cant ban anyone of wrongthink

>> No.14813113

I have blue eyes and are only attracted to girls with blue eyes, really makes you think

>> No.14813115

not so fast

>> No.14813418

This image makes me feel happy.

>> No.14813424


>> No.14813453

Smoke show

>> No.14813478

She looks like she dances in the wheat field

>> No.14813500

Slaves to your urges thinking that by forcing life on poor souls you'll give meaning to your miserable existence.

>> No.14813670

> bunch of amerimutt
into the trash it goes

>> No.14813677
File: 1.19 MB, 500x350, b96.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being the one pathetic cuck who actually marries that one old giant slut
>what a chad!

>> No.14813680
File: 34 KB, 224x423, ODH-FN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but he probably wears her clothes when shes not home