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/fa/ - Fashion

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14791925 No.14791925 [Reply] [Original]

Smoking is objectively the most effay form of drug consumption. Post your favorite cigarettes

>> No.14792010
File: 20 KB, 400x309, Two-Empty-Swiss-Marlboro-Red-Box-Cigarette-Packs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

however, no drug consumption is effay

>> No.14792022

they are fashionable yes, but I wish my friends would stop smoking

>> No.14792026
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>> No.14792030

I smoke light blue spirits and I tear out half the filter. Only a few a day though. I wish I didn't smoke but my life is crumbling so I'm just trying to keep it together. Nic feels really good in bad times.

>> No.14792041
File: 35 KB, 700x525, cohiba_club_white_cigarillos_cuban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically not cigarettes but fuck you I like my commie smokes

>> No.14792061

Just had some smokes delivered to my college PO box. Some Japanese shit, Parliaments (my dad used to smoke them) and Davidoffs because I heard good things. Marlboros still hit the best though...
been meaning to try these
if you keep it to under 4 a day you'll be alright, and tapering down from there is relatively easy if you decide to quit

>> No.14792085


I've had a couple cigs and cigars when out drinking and I just decided to stop before I got addicted because I fucking loved the taste of it and having a cig with a glass of whiskey. Dodged a bullet there. I agree that it's /fa/ as fuck though, just don't want the trouble of it.

>> No.14792108

The cohiba whites smoke more like romeo y julietas, but with a bit more flavour and a potent nicotine kick

>> No.14792165

escaping trough material gratification does not help you, it make things worst.

>> No.14792181

lmaoing at you fags addicted to sucking on phallic objects
p a t h e t i c

>> No.14792187
File: 284 KB, 600x600, Forte-Charcoal-Filter-Mini-Cigar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a pack of these , the charcoal filter hits super smoothly and they burn pretty slowly

>> No.14792226

Man i wish to smoke one of those WW2 ration cigs

>> No.14792281

Imagine being so lame that you can't just have 2 or 3 smokes a week just for the aesthetic without getting addicted

>> No.14792293

Cigarettes are about as /fa as meth and heroin, enjoy your COPD addicts.

>> No.14792367
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>> No.14792379

>smell like shit
>dirty nails
>stained teeth
>several different cancers

if you smoke you're fucking retarded and have a weak will

>> No.14792385
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>just for the aesthetic

>> No.14792402
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Smoking is not effay, it's contrarian. The aesthetic literally exists because of aggressive, subversive advertising

Nicotine has it's place like alcohol but don't be fooled, it's just as basic to everyone older than 20

>> No.14792718

2-3 a week ? what's the point then ? you lit a smoke when you see a qt approaching and start posing at the same time, hoping that she will look you way and not be disgusted by the smell ???

Do you only smoke for pictures ?
If it's for aesthetics, in what conditions do you smoke then ? When you want to impress preschoolers ?

>> No.14792763
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>> No.14792810

Which is more effay? Alcoholism or nicotine addiction?

>> No.14792998

i smoke american spirits

>> No.14793220

>Rebel Yell on the rocks
>Pack of cowboy killers
the life of a student

>> No.14793237
File: 125 KB, 786x786, Gia_Carangi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heroin addiction

>> No.14793837

>thinking smoking is effay because multibillion dollar companies told you so through decades of marketing and getting cool people in movies to smoke
Smoking causes acne and shit breath, don't fall for it

>> No.14793924

That jacket without the patches on it is effay, prove me wrong. Protip: you can't

>> No.14793928

where, in japan?

>> No.14794086

micro dosing amphetamines

>> No.14794295

not him, but I sometimes smoke at bars/clubs/parties either to get away from the noise and people for a second (i'm an introverted faggot) or on the contrary to try and meet/talk to somebody, I find it easier to do that way

>> No.14794310

why not both

>> No.14794529

effay if you can pull it off, which most cannot without being a war criminal
Website called ciggiesworld, kind of a convoluted process but they have alright prices. That pack was like 4 bucks

>> No.14794538

Marlboro gold

>> No.14794669

has this hairstyle been dead long enough that it could be considered retro and fa again

>> No.14794794

what are these?

>> No.14794815

Cuban cigarillos

>> No.14794817

do you have to make a money transfer?
why can't that son of a bitch do a normal setup

>> No.14794922

Yeah it's a pain but relatively quick delivery and packaged well, if extremely shady looking (cigs wrapped in thick paper, then surrounded in black bubble paper that makes it look like a brick of coke)

>> No.14794926

that's funny about the packaging.
i'm in EU and I wanna buy some blue spirits because I assume I wouldn't be able to find them locally anywhere, but they're out of stock

>> No.14794952

>things that companies shill arent /fa/
What about the entire fashion industry?

>> No.14795118

been smoking for 4 years now and I came to realise that I fucking hate smelling like shit and also my skin's getting worse too
how does one quit if he enjoys smoking despite of what I mentioned above?

>> No.14795128
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>> No.14795183
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It's Toasted!

>> No.14795186

and so are your lungs!

>> No.14795193

Fair enough

>> No.14795201

can't wait til you faggots have a hole in your throat, i'm going to laugh so hard

>> No.14795243

> implying I won't probably be dead from suicide long before the cancer sets in

>> No.14795260
File: 2.15 MB, 1152x648, huehuehue.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

robot voice is effay

>> No.14795330

What's a good intro to tobacco?
When I turned 18 I bought light green AS and got p ill, been traumatized since. Tried camel menthols and idk it's such a synthetic smell and flavor.
What's the tastiest and healthiest route? Cigars or should I roll my own cigs?

>> No.14795339

smoke some cock instead

>> No.14795406

Get a pipe and some unflavored fermented tobacco

>> No.14795432

Puff bar vape

>> No.14795472

>hey look, a thread about a thing I dont like. I'll go in it and be angry the whole time and start arguements about the topic!
Why is /fa/ like this?

>> No.14795536

because /fa/ is full of a bunch of faggots

>> No.14795961
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I smoke these, not everyday though

>> No.14796001

You're goddamn right. I came here looking for advice a couple days ago and everyone just shit on me instead of offering any constructive criticism.

>> No.14796075

How fedora would you look smoking these in public

>> No.14796094


This is the thing that newfags don't understand.
Once you learn that you'll know how to ask shit on here.
Til that go ask reddit.

>> No.14796103

that movie is fucking retarded

>> No.14796143
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>> No.14796152

Go back to R*ddit queer?

>> No.14796189

You'd only look fedora if you flaunted it. People who know cigars would respect you and normies would just think you're smoking colts.

>> No.14796615

Is the tourist influx in the board

>> No.14796629

I smoked a pack a day for 10 years then stopped and bought a juul. I can safely say I definitely used to feel cool smoking and feel embarrassed to be seen hitting the juul

>> No.14796631

Ok boomer

>> No.14797172
File: 91 KB, 555x555, skruf-slim-fresh-ultra-stark-white-portionssnus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smoke irregularly, mostly as a social activity, in situations such as ones >>14794295 mentioned. Additionally I go to shisha bars and sometimes use snus as a quick dopamine booster if I feel effects of panic disorder or anxiety setting in.
I'm fucking bummed that I can't buy kretek locally. EU and its dogshit tobacco laws.

>> No.14797189

Shisha is terribly, terribly bad for you.

>> No.14797194

Local laws arent much better, I can get Dunhills on the airport, or when I travel to spanish-owned islands, but not in central yurop.

>> No.14797203

So is tobacco, so is snus. I'm well aware. 1h of shisha is equivalent to, what, a pack of cigs or something. If I were in good enough shape to not have self-destructive tendencies, I wouldn't use nicotine or be a borderline alcoholist. Substance abuse isn't good coping.

>> No.14797206


Is Aspirin /fa/ though? I take one a day for no particular reason

>> No.14797236

What's the state of pipes these days? Acceptable, or pretentious fedoralord tier?

>> No.14797273

gonna say alcoholism here, giving me A E S T H E T I C sadboi eye bags.

>> No.14797279

Depends of the pipe and the outfit.
If you smoke a lotr-larp churchwarden in chris-chan tier clothes you'll obviously look like a fedora, but a lacroix veritable with loafers, slacks, and a dress shirt? Puff away, baby.

>> No.14797342

both of these examples are peak LARP

>> No.14797439

Hahaha nope. No smoking a pipe in public. I guess at your own house or a bonfire/camp it is reasonable.

>> No.14797450

Go with cigars, bruh
Pipes are pepaw tier

>> No.14798637
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cig thread on page 10? Not on my board

>> No.14798755
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Hey there cigar /fa/g

>> No.14798818
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Cigarettes have become so expensive in Canada that I buy these from overseas and I still save money.

1 gram out of every 200 grams of tobacco is selected to make these cigarettes.

>> No.14798826

>be off nicotine for a month
>go to play rugby
>take a shoulder to the face and get knocked out
>come through on the bench
>100% concussed
>ask my teammate (who’s out for the season) what happened?
>fills me in and starts ripping Juul
>gives me a few tips
>don’t realize what I’m doing because I’m concussed as shit
Do I have to reset the timer lads? I haven’t had any since recovering.

>> No.14798845

djarum select

>> No.14798851

So Shia wore that famous tanker hat with a context, and Kanye just parroted it like a dumb nigger

>> No.14798854

Smoking. Alcohol makes you bloated and piss a lot. It just isn't as /fa/ as smoking a cig.

>> No.14798861

>can't even articulate their thoughts coherently
>giving advice to others

>> No.14798888
File: 283 KB, 714x1071, https _hypebeast.com_image_2017_06_kanye-west-yeezy-runner-photo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this dude

>> No.14798950

wasted quads, he looks cute and comfy

>> No.14798951


>> No.14798954

This is why artists often end up suiciding. We normies cringe at ourpast but imagine the insane pressure experienced by the pop idols when they look back at their body of work and don't feel it or feel disgusted by it.

>> No.14798958

Kanye is a cringy gay cuck

>> No.14798964

You get what you deserve.

>> No.14798965

What you've merited, you get.

>> No.14798968

But microdosing THC in a vape is more effective, less harmful, and just as functionally effay

>> No.14798969

samefag unrelated autism

>> No.14798970

That's just how the universe works. And it's not your friend. Just look at how fast the lifetime flies by. Unless we get reincarnated.

>> No.14798974
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less harmful, maybe. Effay, absolutely not.

>> No.14798976
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fuck you

>> No.14798981
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>imagine being born a nigger

>> No.14798986

feel like smoking a joint better than smoking cigs

>> No.14799162

>implying Kanye ever cringe at himself

>> No.14799617

mouth/throat cancer gang

>> No.14799618

It kind of is since it's not addicting, but any kind of smoke hurts your lungs if you smoke it long term

>> No.14799620

Where the fuck are you guys getting cuban shit?

>> No.14799621

Kanye is performing Jesus Walk at basically every show he does nowadays, plus TCD is probably in his top 2 albums

>> No.14801064
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>> No.14801131

they all "taste" the same. just pick the ones with the pack you like the most.

>> No.14801402

based underage
charcoal filters are top

>> No.14801544

> t.mutt

>> No.14801571
File: 397 KB, 782x954, Screen Shot 2019-11-19 at 1.16.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kretek cig
made from indonesia.

i love this

>> No.14802528

I'm so fucking jealous, they don't sell it here. The closest place to get it would be Poland and that's like 600km from where I live.

>> No.14802763
File: 68 KB, 665x386, 1557135096432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>definitely /fa/g

>> No.14803329

>He doesnt have his own personal cubans rolling cigars

Never gonna make it

>> No.14803332

Go back to the 6ix, Quebec Classiques Noir are top notch.

>> No.14803435

Smoking def LOOKS effay

However it smells horrible and lingers on your person. It fucks up your teeth and tongue. Neither of these are effay.

Plus it stops being fashionable and turns into an addiction (smoke breaks, smoking in your car, constant need for lighters and fresh packs)

But, hey, it looks cool so fuck it. We're all gonna die anyway.

>> No.14803446

i smoking going to make me happy?

>> No.14803580
File: 366 KB, 1440x1902, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine doing anything to be happy

>> No.14803582
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im asking because i will do anything to be less of a sad sack of shit all day long

>> No.14803602

you won't find happiness in superficial things like smoking. personally, it's nice to enjoy here and there, but there is no joy in it. happiness comes from within, anon

>> No.14803627
File: 54 KB, 800x500, ((You)).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always jerk off when i'm sad
then i get horny and go find someone to fuck
then i'm not depressed any more, i'm claustrophobic because some bitch has been in my bathroom for the past 2 hours talking on the phone and i have to get to work by 7am because the quarter is ending

>> No.14803930

reset the timer on what, cravings? youll always feel some cravings but after a couple days the main withdrawl symptoms are done so if you havent smoked in like a week youll be good.

>> No.14803936

the combination of straight liquor in a fluted glass and a cigarette is unbeatable

>> No.14804088

Pre-FSC marlboro reds. They say they just put those speed bumps in the paper but they never tasted the same after that.

>> No.14804512

based eca stack bro

>> No.14804535

isn't that like a champagne glass?
what liquor do you put in a champagne glass?

>> No.14804559

demauriers, you fucking poseur

>> No.14804706
File: 1.78 MB, 2880x2160, 20191120_133108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post humidor contents you scrubs

>> No.14804754

lots of pomade to loot in occupied France i guess

>> No.14805822

i just used the semen of my fellow tankmates

>> No.14805845

Just a reminder that if you are in a shitty university buying cigars to sell is a great investment

>> No.14806355
File: 109 KB, 736x920, feec97982defddd96121558831a218dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gitanes you fucking scrub

>> No.14806808
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you're right, I meant something like pic related but didn't know what to call it

>> No.14806874
File: 59 KB, 640x732, 1562226228659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm a social smoker and use snus only occasionally, how long can I expect to be able to get the delightful nicotine high before my body gains too much tolerance? This shit makes my brain and body feel so goddamn good.

>> No.14806901

If that’s actually yours, don’t smoke that cohiba, it’s counterfeit, the band is a dead giveaway. Those counterfeits are literal floor sweepings and often have rubber bands/other assorted garbage in them.
t. oldfag who’s been smoking cigars for over a decade

>> No.14806980

It costs like 10$ to ship them here. And all i want is a pack of camel and LS non filtered

>> No.14806990

Really? It was a gift and she said she bought it at the factory.

>> No.14807005

either that or he is stupid and didn't store them properly.

>> No.14807007

ok it's a fake

>> No.14807021

they're both good and depend on the aesthetic- sometimes both and sometimes neither. being as I'm in the military, both would be okay but my crippling alcoholism is enough. yes I was hungover yesterday and the day before and no I wasn't late. barely.

>> No.14807184

Now that you mention it the wrapper does look pretty sloppy for a cohiba

>> No.14807194
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>> No.14807733

Stupid question
How can i get cigarette smoke really thick when smoking? I noticed it in films and movies and just wanna replicate it

>> No.14807772
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they likely use visual enhancers. I was rewatching Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and noticed a digital wisp of smoke at one point.
The smoke will look thicker if there's no wind blowing it away. Also smoking in cold temperatures is nice because the steam from exhaling makes the clouds look huge

>> No.14807794

red gauloises master race coming through

>> No.14807841

High moisture content. Juice the shit out of a humidor to get it to 85% humidity and throw your smokes in there.

>> No.14808153
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>Smoking is bad for you

>> No.14808699

Except it is. When I smoke I'm under no delusion that it's safe.

>> No.14808720

being this insecure
do something healthy fa

>> No.14808723

Perhaps the world will go to shit and when we're old the survival instinct will kick in keeping us from just dying, and we'll live miserable old lives.


>> No.14808847

Only grandmother's smoke these