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File: 65 KB, 598x960, F530ABBD-C942-4DC6-9520-B456BD61F3E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14776693 No.14776693[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What’s the most effay kind of underwear?

>> No.14776698

the kind that racebaits incels

>> No.14776699


Boxer briefs > tighty whities > those boxer briefs that come down super low on the thigh > boxers

>> No.14776701

>get 'em before they're extinct
Are they referring to white people?

>> No.14776760

>product named dinos
>extinct jokes
insecurity is blinding

>> No.14776762

She has a bigger dick than that dude.

>> No.14776768

>Bill Burr intensifies.

>> No.14776773

Lmao that was the 1st thing I thought too

>> No.14776805


>> No.14776810

Hello incel it’s a dinosaur joke

/pol/ has rotted your brain

>> No.14776829

White genocide is a myth, based on pseudoscience, pseudohistory, and hatred, driven by a psychological panic often termed white extinction anxiety. There is no evidence that white people are dying out or that they will die out, or that anyone is trying to exterminate them as a race. The purpose of the conspiracy theory is to scare white people, and justify a commitment to a white nationalist agenda in support of increasingly successful calls to violence.

>> No.14776858

>fags being this triggered by a joke

>> No.14776886
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>> No.14776916

i bet this picture was taken in an area that has been majority black for a long time lol who gives a fuck dude lmao

>> No.14777292

Just like tumblr fags, /pol/ kikes get offended and pissed off in an instant.

>> No.14777318

You're fucking retarded if you don't think they were doing a white genocide joke.
It doesn't matter if they believe it or not or if white genocide is real or not.
They make the joke because they know it will upset some people who will then circulate this ad and get more eyeballs on it and maybe even some articles get written about it.
You don't think they're capable of this?
Another example: they had Brie Larson saying feminist stuff in her publicity circuit for Captain Marvel to frustrate right-wing people so they would talk about the movie and give them free publicity.
It doesn't matter if Larson is a feminist or not or if Captain Marvel is a feminist movie or not: the marketers know this stuff exists in the culture so they capitalize on it.

>> No.14777325

>There is no evidence that white people are dying out or that they will die out

White birth rate is literally under replacement in basically every white country.
Here's what happened: supply and demand.
Big business wants to make more profit. A good way to make more profit is to decrease labor costs. To decrease labor costs you increase the supply of labor.
They did it after WW2 by getting women out of the home and into the workplace. This effectively doubled the labor supply which increases productivity while they got to pay everyone less.
But then, since they were working, women started having less children.
This meant that the labor supply was decreasing which would mean labor costs would start to increase again, right? They don't want to pay you more they want to keep up productivity and keep down wages.
The solution was to import labor from developing nations.
This increases the labor supply again so they can keep lowering those costs.
There you go I just gave you a reasonable economic explanation of what is happening that involves no far-fetched conspiracies or deliberate efforts to destroy a particular race.

>> No.14777329

Inbred American pig blooded whites aren’t worth saving and are genetic deadends

Lol The pure aryans in Europe have nothing to worry about faggot

>> No.14777332


>> No.14777339
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>> No.14777340
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>> No.14777345

Of course they're referring to the whites.

Opioid Crisis

What else am I missing?

>> No.14777351

Whites are naturally dominant and more intelligent.
We have been on top in every culture and every country around the world since the beginning of time.
This is not going to change despite the jews trying to start a race war.

>> No.14777352

Friendly fire by a psychosis driven swaggerless virgin white male terrorist

>> No.14777355

I can even give you a *mostly* non-conspiracy reason why so many ads look like OP's.

First part is that marketers know they want to use a beautiful woman to get people to buy a product. They have studied this and found it actually works on BOTH sexes. That's why women's magazines usually have a smiling beautiful woman looking at you on the cover instead of a hunky man which might be more intuitive.
The second part is the blonde hair. Blonde hair is rarer and generally considered the most attractive hair colour. If you go to some places in Asia with blonde children people literally attempt to buy your children from you.
The third part is the black guy. Marketers love using contrast because obviously contrast stands out. A black guy contrasts more than a white guy or an Asian guy would.
Marketers want things that stand out: that's why gingers are a tiny amount of the population but like half of kids in ads are gingers.

>> No.14777358

Cultures thrived and survived before the white burden, coming in, believing and strong arming your way on to others is not a feat by any means it’s simply the easiest way to win, all that natural Mumbo jumbo is you believing fictional self serving nonsense lol

>> No.14777360

Not really, I think it's because of which religion is more superior.

>> No.14777362
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>> No.14777387

Oh I forgot the fourth part which is getting more conspiratorial. Think about who is making the ads. Think about who it is that actually goes and studies photography and art design.
What do you think the creative product of art hos and gay male versions of art hos will be?
That is especially who is taking the pictures in the ads you see. Left-wingers, perverts, homos, art hos.
So if you don't think any of their beliefs or their fetishes makes it into their creative product you are just kidding yourself.

>> No.14777388

I love that guy. No matter if you aren't into standup comics, you can't deny Carlin's delivery, the mimicry, he is just awesome. And he was right about a lot of stuff.

>> No.14777406

Thats why sweden, germany, usa, australia, canada, england ect are all experiencing massive demographic shifts that nobody voted for that are being imposed upon them. Look at the pew research stats all of these and nearly every majority white country on earth will be minority white by 2050-2100. Thats why the media and hollywood routinely say things about white people that would be unacceptable about other groups. Thats why there is article after article in the NY times and every major publication starting with the axiom that there is something inherently wrong with a state or country being majority white. Thats why white priveledge curriculum is being put in place in schools across the country. But yea its just a right wing conspiracy theory and not observable reality.

>> No.14777410


>> No.14777414
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>george carlin

>> No.14777417

your avatar?

>> No.14777423

what’s wrong with him you fucking asshole

>> No.14777428

Some of his views are kind of dated, they were formulated a long time before you could just google shit.
Another part of it is he was so influential that he can feel played out because you've seen dozens of his successors.

>> No.14777432

he comes across very selfish, which is not cool

>> No.14777787

This is absolutely, unironically true and. Based.
Cringe and blue pilled.

>> No.14777831

Why don't you post your reasoning behind your post?

>> No.14777858

the joke is that dinos are extinct not that white people are going extinct dipshit

>> No.14777865

interracial adds are just so boring, such low-quality bait. Not even that racist.

Another brand to the do not buy list.

>> No.14777868

That all makes sense, also being ok with interracial relationships is woke and woke is hip; it seems more like capitalizing on trends and prevailing sentiment than forcing a narrative to me.

>> No.14777869


>> No.14777885

Don't listen to all these trans fags on here. It's obviously is a subtle backhand to whites. I'm not even white and I saw that from a mile away.

>> No.14777934
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Of course it is referring to whites. It's disgusting and sad. Everyone this that race mixing is sooo progressive and loving but would cry if they saw the barren wasteland of the future devoid of all culture and beauty and personal identity. All races are beautiful and the only way to preserve that is to discourage the rise of this type of ad thing.

>> No.14777945

Take your meds, boomer

>> No.14777952

I can't go that far with you. Being okay with it is legitimately a narrative being pushed from above. Get to the ground level and people don't actually like it that much. And they will LIE about it because they know it's a landmine issue now.
eg. There's millions of white girls out there saying it's the best thing ever while they will never, ever date a non-white. Meanwhile there's millions of white guys out there saying they don't like it while they have an Asian gf.
There's not really any reason why people should be perfectly okay with it, it's incredibly novel and unprecedented that it was even a mass option.
On the other hand there's every reason to expect not liking it to be part of evolutionary psychology.

>> No.14777954

No arguments detected, zoomer.

>> No.14777962

don't argue with drones.

>> No.14777963
File: 35 KB, 500x500, E9A194AF-D724-475B-8C86-E21CFABFAB1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but really what are some good underwear brands? I admit I’ve been wearing Hanes/Fruit of the Loom my whole life and want to upgrade.

>> No.14777967

It ain't broke.

>> No.14777971

Pretty sure they're talking about the upcoming race war and the resulting systematic ethnic cleansing of black people.

>> No.14777981

But I lost 20 lbs and have to hold them up with a belt lol

>> No.14777984

Lel, the only reason I spend good money on underwear (underarmour) is that I'm overweight and get infected hairs from chafing.
I mean if cheap underwear (that fits) works for you then I wouldn't spend more.

>> No.14778007

Why do we wear underwear again?

>> No.14778018

Less likely to get ass acne

>> No.14778034
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Fruits are pretty good everyday briefs. Then there's Calvin et al for dressing up.

hygiene, comfort, ball support, boner containment

>> No.14778039

>Calvin Klein
opinion discarded

>> No.14778040

I thought it was to hide men's obvious bulges from triggering sjws and feminazis and to hide women's cameltoes from triggering incels.

>> No.14778204
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>> No.14778262
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>> No.14778263

Triggered and seething lol

>> No.14778267

Whites* but good luck either way champ

>> No.14778282

>nazis getting dogwhistled

>> No.14778283
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>he's back

>> No.14778287

>is to scare white people
I agree. The despair is to have even less white kids. If you believe your home is lost, you wouldn't have kids.

>> No.14778290
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>> No.14778294

skinheads are niggers

>> No.14778401
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>independent thought
Nah thats just you being retarded m8

>> No.14778430
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>when you use dogwhistles to trick racists into doing your viral marketing for free with complete plausible deniability

>> No.14778447

>you fucking asshole
you even type like a redditor jesus

>> No.14778532

please stop watching blacked.com

>> No.14778542

I thought that was funny. Just bought a pair

>> No.14778546

is much better

>> No.14778587

no Chinese and Koreans are smarter

>> No.14778591

that meme isn't true.
there is just a larger sample size.

>> No.14778600

nice bait

>> No.14778601

I don't understand the hate for Calvins, is it because they're overpriced? My Dad wears them but he has a pretty large disposable income to spend on whatever.

Anyway, for any females (or trannies I guess) lurking, this brand is really good for underwear, sports bras and loungewear:
It's a bit overpriced but the quality is amazing. I'm wearing their long johns and some boxer briefs rn to keep warm.

>> No.14778697
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>> No.14778733

this image keeps getting posted over and over again, and morons cannot help but git this bait free (You)'s

>> No.14778833

Why cant you crakkkers take a joke without getting all butthurt?

>> No.14778855
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How is white genocide real? Just have sex lmao

>> No.14779124

Re-read my post, idiot. You're not getting it: the marketer doesn't necessarily have to believe anything he can very well just be cynically using groups of people like "/pol/tards" and "sjws" to spread his advertising.
Why would he not do that?

>> No.14779146

whitoids are truly fragile and easily triggered race,pathetic

>> No.14779150


>> No.14779177

If you call a black person a nigger he is allowed to murder you because the system acknowledges that he is so violent and has so little impulse control that he can't help but murdering people that upset him.

>> No.14779203
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very fa

>> No.14779207
File: 916 KB, 1536x2048, pppd4633f3d-7c9a-4a04-86ec-d6ceb9f871e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even better

>> No.14779210

what the fuck has this to do with underwear!!!

>> No.14779282

Nothing: it has to do to the post I replied to, you retarded pavement ape.

>> No.14779391
File: 312 KB, 389x386, A59F9F02-F4CF-4D48-9BD3-6AD9DCBAFE7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit namefag
Ackchually it’d be median

>> No.14779502

Blacks are too busy ethnically cleansing each other and their own children to be a threat, buddy.

>> No.14779565

why is interracial propaganda so cringe god dam

>> No.14779575
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you are the cringe

>> No.14779595
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It makes you cringe because it's your natural human aversion to social conditioning through marketing tricks. It's fucking disgusting.

>> No.14779596

too bad Vince Vaughan is a half-arab sissy

>> No.14779600
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>half-arab sissy
Lol yeah he moves like a sissy homosexual. I was watching picrel and it's too comical, no fluidity, effeminate skinnyfat lanklet energy. Reminds me a bit of Vincent D'onofrio

>> No.14779636

when did the coomer convert to nazism?

>> No.14779646
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>effeminate skinnyfat lanklet

>> No.14780472

go fuck your self tosser!!!

>> No.14780510

Because he's a kike

>> No.14780781

not those

>> No.14780786

It's not worth it anymore. The said it all already. These people are way too deluded and far gone. White extinction is an excuse to justify the evils of white supremacy.

>> No.14780801

>Theres a white woman and dark male in the ad they are totally referring to white genocide
not at all. wfbm is a common couple for underwear ads, it's a dinosaur joke and pure coincidence of the pictured couple

>> No.14780804

weird how people of color step over each other to flood into nazi countries.

>> No.14780807

>is a common couple
>pure coincidence

Pick one. I gave you non-conspiracy reasons both for why they would do wfbm and for why they would make that joke.
You are pissing in my ear telling me that this is something they do all the time but there's no reason for it, just coincidence.

>> No.14780818

do you really think some 26 year old advertising intern thinks about the symbolism of interracial couples let alone a joke about white genocide when they are pumping out these small change jobs for a multi million dollar firm?
we both know why it's become common place, but we are in a phase now when this shit is carried out without thinking because it's been standard practice for decades

>> No.14780822

You didn't answer my question at all. Why do you believe that they do wfbm so often in their ads?

>> No.14780825

Also, do you see the narcissism in your post? I put some cards on the table for you to shit on and you did shit on them. But you're fucking afraid to speculate as anon on a chinese book-binding collective.

>> No.14780827

>we both know why it's become common place
I did answer your question, because jews control the entire advertising industry and companies "want to look progressive"
constant in your face conditions the subconscious, is that the answer you would like?

>> No.14780832

You might have said it to someone earlier in the thread but you didn't in that post.
>is that the answer you would like?
Passive-aggressive shit like that makes the reader wonder if you meant what you said before it or you're being an irony bro.

>> No.14780903

apologoziies for the hostility, I only come into these threads to call people retarded

>> No.14780909

Please stop saying effay, use other words please

>> No.14780914

Fine. Kino, then.

>> No.14780949
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>> No.14780958

only sensible response in the thread

>> No.14780966

You realise the artist is an actual neo-nazi, yeah? No better way to invalidate your opinion.

>> No.14780978
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>> No.14781009

google black couple

then google white couple
brainwashing is real