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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 62 KB, 640x421, douris-chastel-le-pionnier-1706-cuerno-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14756121 No.14756121 [Reply] [Original]

Every man should have a tool on his person, what does /fa/ carry?

>> No.14756123


>> No.14756129
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>> No.14756434
File: 455 KB, 2000x1354, purJAxx3PcikmFnQko4obH_I_yQC7eNwtslHVetvnbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this fella... Doesnt seem to practical tho.

>> No.14756449
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>> No.14756453

I appendix carry a bersa thunder or I 4 o clock carry a colt commander in .38 super. as for a knife I have a few folders but I'm more fond of fixed blade knives and my usual one is a mini ka bar with a 3 inch blade. sometimes I carry a full size ka bar like I mentioned in another thread yesterday but where i live that isn't weird at all.

>> No.14756839
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>every man should have a tool on his person

>> No.14757540

Why do knife makers insist on still putting corkscrews on knives/multi-tools when virtually no one sells wine in corked bottles anymore.

>> No.14757553
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Anything more is neckbeard coping

>> No.14757557
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For me it's a falchion. Snicker-snack!

>> No.14757712

That's a French knife, lots of wine is still corked in Europe

>> No.14757723

>lots of wine is still corked in Europe
Where? Not the parts I'm familiar with.

>> No.14757733

>carrying a knife
uhhh bros??

should i go to school today???

>> No.14757742
File: 1.80 MB, 3876x2669, 1569183769068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i carry.

(no bully please.)

>> No.14757746

if your wine isnt corked then its fucking cheap

>> No.14757875


>> No.14757933


>> No.14757994
File: 9 KB, 300x266, mtehc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its got a key chain holder at the end, a nice spring assisted blade, and a bottle opener for when I drink beer. It is a little heavy for pocket use but you can remove the clip if you want. Good deal for less than 10 bucks.

>> No.14757999

Imagine living in such a shitty neighborhood that you have to carry a weapon!

>> No.14758035

many functions, not all stabby.

>> No.14758159

Imagine being a complete cuck and not being prepared for any scenario.

>> No.14758184

I don't get why I see this argument on every thread about knives. Do you really live such a simple and safe life that carrying a knife for any reason at all is so strange? You never ever go anywhere where you might need to defend yourself if something happens? Or open a box, cut a seatbelt, pry something open, etc. You never have to do any of those things ever? A knife is useful for a surprisingly wide array of things. It could save your life if it came down to it.

>> No.14758193

>You never ever go anywhere where you might need to defend yourself
I really don't.
Where do you go that you feel you do?

>> No.14758238

Fucking edgelord. Nobody is out to get you. Your knife won't protect you from shit.
Weapons are just proof that you have a micro penis and have never been touched by another human being.

>> No.14758244

>he thinks knives are self defense weapoons

>> No.14758251

>might need to defend yourself
You can't do shit with your knife. You're just an edgelord.

>> No.14758255
File: 33 KB, 450x450, spoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my knife effay?

>> No.14758257

>trying to pull the 'are you REALLY so SHELTERED' rhetoric when you're so fucking misguided you think knives are useful for self defense

>> No.14758263

I mean, i get that, but how often do I need to open boxes and cut twine? (Protip: never)

It's a tool you never need outside of the home. In home, just have scissors, kitchen knives and bottle openers like normal people.

>> No.14758267

>prepared for any scenario.

Kek. Okay Bear Grylls.

>> No.14758271


Literally my key works for those aside from the absolutely retarded boneheaded notion of a self defense knife

>> No.14758272

Kek. Seriously op and his brothers are autistic af.

>> No.14758274

you can cut boxes with a fucking key. never understood this argument

>> No.14758277

Op and his brothers were home schooled

Op and his brothers actually believe bthe trolling on /pol/

Op and his brothers take medication for "spectrum disorders"

>> No.14758282

That's how I do it. Seriously, knives are for people with fragile masculinity.

>> No.14758287

imagine being such a teenager you carry a knife on you for 'self-defense' rather than a fucking gun and then you try to argue the knive's pure utility in your day to day life when you get called out

>> No.14758293


>opening boxes with a key.

How limp are your wrists?
Just shoot the boxes open with your DailyCarry gun.

>> No.14758310

It’s an odd way to say “having a knife handy is very practical” but ok pal. I have a bunch of random folders I’ll swap between, but I think the Mercator is cool. It’s definitely not a practical length for most crap but it does sit in a pocket nicely.

>> No.14758317

>rather than a fucking gun
guns are illegal in Bongistan
>inb4 so are knives and porn!
knives are easier to conceal

>> No.14758325

>>Every man should have a tool on his person
Men are usually born with one.

>> No.14758334

Do you live such a simple and safe life that you think that fumbling with a pocketknife while a mugger patiently watches you pull an edged weapon on him is going to do you any good?

>> No.14758341

Best knife in the thread

>> No.14758367

home schooling is for the patrician. I'm not OP, but I wish I'd been home schooled

>> No.14758372

is that a potato peeler?

>> No.14758376

imagine being a dumbass burgerstani who thinks everyone on the internet is also American
newsflash, buddy, guns aren't dealt out like candy elsewhere around the civilized world

>> No.14758386

Why the fuck does the idea of carrying a knife trigger retards so much? You know, carrying a weapon has been the norm for all of human history up until recently.
>b-but muh not necessary
not an argument

>> No.14758402

t. actually used a knife for self defense once. I mentioned it in another thread yesterday. this was the second time I got stabbed. a guy pulled a knife out on me first, he stabbed me once in the arm and once in the abdomen and I stabbed him several times in the abdomen, stomach and both arms; he never went to the hospital (he was actually homeless or close to it) and he ended up dying almost a week later which is how the cops ended up finding him too. ill never understand that, I mean the pain must have been excruciating.

>> No.14758403

then move idiot you act like thats not trivial in european countries

>> No.14758415

Autism detected. You aren't comfortable around other people.

>> No.14758417

good id rather be uncivilized. ive never understood the obsession with being civilized to begin with. ive never thought of america as first world and i enjoy it that way

>> No.14758420

cause its not a weapon and your misguided advice could result in someone dying

>> No.14758421

Pocketknives are not weapons. They're only slightly more dangerous than a corkscrew.

>> No.14758423

A lot of european countries allow for someone to carry a pistol
even then a knife is the worst thing
you could carry pepper spray
you could carry a baton
all are better than a knife

>> No.14758432

no I'm not autistic, and yeah, I am comfortable. stop projecting, retard

>> No.14758433

"It's not necessary" is a great argument, tho. You're just projecting to the world that you have autism and a small penis.

People like you make the world a more dangerous place.

>> No.14758435

>ive never thought of america as first world and i enjoy it that way
-Someone who's never left the first world

>> No.14758441

>pepper spray is better than a knife
yeah bullshit. at least a knife has the potential to be deadly or do anything at all besides piss someone off. I carry a .380 or a .38 super now but like I said before I HAVE used a knife for self defense in the past and the guy even died later on.

>> No.14758442

I have and america is not 1st world but its also obviously not fucking dirt huts
i believe theres more of a spectrum between the two extremes

>> No.14758444

idiot. pepper spray is better period.

>> No.14758445

Where did I give any advice? And some knives are weapons, anyway.

How do I make the world a more dangerous place, autismo? If anything, it's the opposite.
Why do you people even come into threads that are about posting your knife, just to whinge about it? Are you like that in real life, too?

>> No.14758447

You are a fool who got lucky. The point of self defense is not to kill the other person necessarily. It's to DISABLE the situation. This is why a knife FAILS. Get that through your dumbass skull. Just because you got lucky( and did you? you still got stabbed. but your story lacks detail so i'll let that slide) doesn't mean a knife is better. The knife still failed.

>> No.14758449

lol okay bud keep carrying it on your keychain next to your rape whistle then. I've been pepper sprayed before when I worked at a prison and it doesn't do shit, especially if you're pumping adrenaline- and I'm talking about CS spray that is too concentrated to even be available commercially in the U.S.

>> No.14758451

The knife's pretty good at disabling situations where the other party isn't an absolute retard, because if they're not retarded, they'll likely disengage upon seeing a knife

>> No.14758452

and pepper spray will disable someone? you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.14758457

>assuming a person mugging you isnt retarded
Sick self defense man
Yes. It does.

>> No.14758458

I didn't get lucky bro I fought back and I won. with a knife.

>> No.14758459

Yes it does. End of story.

>> No.14758460

You don't consider blindness a disability?

>> No.14758462

You're just dumb bro sorry.

>> No.14758463

except like I said before I've been CS sprayed before and you haven't. It will hardly disable most adult men and this is spray that you can't even buy off the shelf.

>> No.14758465

Nah you're just an idiot kid.

>> No.14758467

Seething brainlets, stop posting already

>> No.14758469

>pepper spray didn't stop me dude the adrenaline
>but a knife? totally stops people high on adrenaline
Again, you're a fool.

>> No.14758471

I'm not going to waste my time arguing anymore with a faggot who thinks that something marketed to be put on college coeds' key rings to give them a false sense of safety is a legitimate self defense implement. if CS spray doesn't disable even half the people I've seen it used on in my professional life then the thought of you having so much faith in pepper spray over a deadly weapon i.e. a knife is just ridiculous.

>> No.14758472

>and you haven't

>> No.14758476

There are different levels of pepper spray. And knives are on the same level of marketing so have no idea what your point is there.
Have fun running away with your tail between your legs. You're wrong.
I hope nothing bad happens to you anon. Pleasant days.

>> No.14758479

this is what your brain looks like on knives. lol

>> No.14758485
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>obviously not fucking dirt huts
>i believe theres more of a spectrum between the two extremes

Yeah, and the halfway point between Manhattan and dirt huts is somewhere like Kathmandu or Varanasi, not the fucking midwest.
Where have you been in the third world?
in;b4 Thailand

>> No.14758487

don't bother, they're clearly retarded.

abloo bloo bloo

>> No.14758492

i'm confused, are you advocating whittling people to death or not?
what's your ideal self defense knife, a fucking claymore?

>> No.14758494

>stab someone with knife again and again
>they're so high on adrenaline and god knows what else they don't even know that they've been stabbed(actual thing that happens)
>knives dont stop people
>not an immediately debilitating wound
>guy hurts you or worse

>use pepper spray
>there are literal physical particles in his eyes that obstruct his vision and cause immediate pain to a very sensitive organ
>run and live

inb4 your stupid boomer sheepdog brain tries to interject some dumb bullshit about how pepperspray doesn't hurt and you're so fucking tough. fuck off you ebt loser

>> No.14758498

>you're either first world or third world
I'm outta here man. You're just trying to have an argument off an incredibly innocuous comment. Go show off your college education somewhere else.

>> No.14758501 [DELETED] 

First world is something like Japan or one of those European countries where you have no rights but the government takes care of everything
Then there's America
Then its places like kathmandu and such
then the 3rd world.

>> No.14758508

lmao you fucking samefag sperg lmao.

>> No.14758509

Nah man sorry

>> No.14758511
File: 30 KB, 659x197, Screenshot from 2019-11-02 17-21-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did those comments even have in common?

>> No.14758513

imagine carrying a knife because you think itll save you

>> No.14758520

the only reason i'm so strongly opinionated here is because i don't want 4chan people to die because of some false sense of security. just because a knife looks cool doesn't make it useful in life or death

>> No.14758524

Not only will it save you, anon, it'll make you turn into a real man. Only real men can survive on the mean third world streets of Springfield, Illinois. People are whittled to death every day there: you have to fight tiny pocketknives with tiny pocketknives.

>> No.14758525

Where did OP mention using knives as weapons?

>> No.14758526


>> No.14758528

every time he talks to someone

>> No.14758537

Can you explain why pocketknives are more effective than pepperspray, anon? I'd like to hear your well-adjusted and reasonable opinions on stabbing people with knives designed to cut twine.

>> No.14758550

Fuck off. Like I told you I and many others I know in our professional lives have been sprayed with CS spray and have felt absolutely nothing. I am talking from experience, I used a knife in self defense. It helped me way more than any pepper spray ever could. Go fuck yourself you stupid fucking clown. I know more than you. You dumb ass college kids try to fuck around with me and explain shit when you know absolutely nothing. I hope we have a war and you get drafted you retarded kid. You spend all fucking day on a fucking fashion board you fucking joke

>> No.14758554

Whats "a knife"? Could you be more specific?
I learned how to be specific from my book lernin, so maybe it's unfair of me to ask.

>> No.14758556

lmao I'm the dude who originally posted about stabbing someone and about being a prison guard and getting the CS spray and this isn't me and neither are like more than half the posts that are replying pretending to be. this thread is so bizarre.

>> No.14758562

are you me?

>> No.14758577

>be me
>post in a thread on /fa/ about knives
>some miscreants are saying knives are bad
>tell a real story about how a knife saved my life
>they still say its bad and get upset with me
>they say pepper spray is better
>use my experience as a guard to tell them that the spray does nothing to someone under adrenaline
>they scream at me and call me names
>now people like this guy are pretending to be me
What's going on?

>> No.14758581

College is a scam

>> No.14758583

Good talk, buddy

>> No.14758587

Still wondering what "a knife" is, can any of the four to eight prison guards ITT tell me?

>> No.14758588

I regret college so much man. I burned my diploma im so ashamed. What awaste of a life

>> No.14758593

I have AIDS, in my asshole

>> No.14758603


>> No.14758605

I hope you OD on PCP

>> No.14758607

Is this a good self defense weapon

>> No.14758611

Is this a good self defense weapon?

>> No.14758614


>> No.14758631

So you were holding the platonic ideal of a knife, true knifeness that goes beyond mere material forms such as fixture of blade, single or doubled edgedness, or blade length?
At that point why even work as a prison guard when you could ascend to a higher plane of existence?

What a strange thing to say.

>> No.14758636

I'm a guard for the prison that is your waking life. PCP will set you free

>> No.14758638

This is fucking retarded desu. Where did this retarded idea come from that knives aren't weapons? Seriously who comes up with this stupid shit?

>> No.14758645

Cause they arent you moron

>> No.14758659
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Same place that "traps aren't gay" comes from

>> No.14758675

People who aren't into tactical pens.

>> No.14758686
File: 222 KB, 1675x753, knife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14758699

are you the one who made multiple spin off threads of this already? you need a psychiatrist I'm not even trying to make fun of you. or get off the internet seriously.

>> No.14758711

>you need a psychiatrist
says the guy who uses a self defense weapon to butter his toast

>> No.14758718

I use my key to butter my toast. My knife is a fucking self defense weapon I don't want to just fling it around like that

>> No.14758732

>not being into tactical pens
what kind of a fucking faggot are you?

>> No.14758925

it's a selfedfense weapon against hunger, i guess

>> No.14758935
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>> No.14758960

edc fags/redditfags leave

>> No.14758969
File: 48 KB, 655x808, knoif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad's old german switchblade with some kind of antler grip. Opinels are also nice.

>> No.14758985

>how you fags see your pocket knives
>you are all overcompensating for something

>> No.14759002

who are you quoting?

>> No.14759041

That’s a folding knife, not a switchblade.

>> No.14759050

it is, you are just a braindead retard, but go on

>> No.14759287


>> No.14759293

Is that a paper weight?

>> No.14759346
File: 2.46 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20191102_180815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chose this Spydie solely based on my EDC knife preferences for actual use, but I also think it's sort of elegant while still being minimalist and utilitarian like lots of Spyderco's. Fits well with my personal style

>> No.14759369

A fine choice

>> No.14759445
File: 1.54 MB, 2560x1440, 20191102_201904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rotate

>> No.14759448

Microtech Dirac.

>> No.14759452
File: 3.10 MB, 4032x3024, 20191102_202201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a retard, forgot pic.

>> No.14759457

mall ninja tier

>> No.14759462



>> No.14759496

>imagine owning a tool that has proprietary screw heads, so you cant easily access and maintain it

>> No.14759498

ha u a dum dum
look at >>14759287

>> No.14759512

I bought the bit for my Microtech, but proprietary screws are a dick move. Worst use of 20 bucks in my life.

>> No.14759530

>"hey man hand me a knife please, I need to cut this rope"

>> No.14759532
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>t. doesn't carry a wallet

>> No.14759571

What the fuck happened here? I thought this was going to be a thread about knives.

>> No.14759581

Concentrated autism

>> No.14759619
File: 537 KB, 2103x1892, 5016127-SIL00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of these in my bag because it can come in handy once in a while.

I don't pretend like it's going to help anyone in some sort of self defense situation. It's for poor people and Americans who live such poor places that they have to think about their safety.

>> No.14759714
File: 1.47 MB, 2984x2238, zt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this fucker back in 2016. Had the blade replaced once and the pocket clip swapped, but it's still my go-to knife for most days.

>> No.14760260
File: 792 KB, 1200x857, knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14760615
File: 37 KB, 640x560, knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I carry pic related everyday

>> No.14760724

1: a knife isn't a weapon it's for cutting shut

2: buy a gun you cuck

3: " I can whip someone with my keys" ; "I got stab them with my Benchmade" ; "I can jab em with this kubaton" none of that shit will end a fight.

45 acp to the chest creating a sucking chest wound willl

>> No.14760846

Fucking finally, best choice. Not autistic, great quality and useful and not creepy

>> No.14761598

>calls knife a tool
>retard tripfag screechin how it isnt a weapon
you're right, but instead of shadow boxing against some strawman , you may just wanna gtfo or lurk, if you aint gonna contribute shit

second of all
>ending a fight
quite gay to not enjoy every second and keep it going, but who am i talking to

and finally (You)

>> No.14761609

Not everyone works in an office environment. I work for the railroad and I use my Spyderco PM2 on a routine basis.

>> No.14761626

the fat mexican is right this time, being a tough guy
>grr I like fighting
isn't winning you any points here fag

>> No.14761862

so you're gay?

>> No.14761887

that's not your everyday carry, that's your work equipment.
I use a gait belt on every patient I see and I always have one with me but I wouldn't consider it part of an every day carry.

>> No.14763009

>virtually no one sells wine in corked bottles anymore
The fuck? I know screw on caps are catching on but most wine still uses corks.

>> No.14763014

yikes bro stop showing off your constantin, you already did it in another thread

>> No.14763024

You are grossly overestimating how dangerous a corkscrew is.

>> No.14763076

>People like you make the world a more dangerous place.

this is not a bad thing, humans should never forget their capacity for violence

>> No.14764198

What flyover state do you live in?

>> No.14764215

it's the halfasian inbred girl, with the disgusting skin condition

>> No.14764263

>being this triggered by sharp pieces of metal

We are balls deep in a culture-wide mental health crisis right now.

>> No.14764275
File: 171 KB, 800x800, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just carry a cheap $20 folding knife with scales bearing depictions of comic book zombies in green and a seatbelt cutter hook and glass breaker integrated into the frame. blade is a drop point with a serrated section. Had it for over a year and it still cuts like new despite seeing casual use for food, packaging, and on a few occasions self defense.

>> No.14764789

What does she look like?

>> No.14764878

horribly disfigured
you probably know her from pics

>> No.14764921

where to get cheap OTF knives??

>> No.14764924

stabbing someone doesn't damage the knife, spas

>> No.14764964

Nobody is triggered by your mall ninja toys you mcdojo wannabe

Anything that says "self defense" onnit that doesn't go bang bang bang really fast is trash

This goes for pepper spray...this goes for otf knives, balisong knives, extendable batons

All that shit is fucking worthless when you got some dude at 100 yards with an ar-15 trained on you

>> No.14764974

Yes it does, causes edge chipping, tip breakage or even blade breakage.

Unless you plan to stab them somewhere where it doesn't hurt.

Knives are only good for opening Amazon boxes, but if you're desperate try to shove it in the exposed crevice of his lung to create a sucking chest wound

Everything else is covered by bones and rib cage hence why you want to just destroy that with something that throws metal really fast and hard...what kind of self defense weapon throws hot metal really hard and fast like faster than the speed of sound....

>> No.14765359


>> No.14765408
File: 14 KB, 280x342, BE6E0C55-B7BE-4D02-A73A-E4FC7EEB442D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like knifes

>> No.14765414
File: 100 KB, 865x1300, 51D48178-FECC-4C26-8AA8-8878FC840C26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look hugugu my everyday Carrie xd

>> No.14765553

Bladehq. Search otf knives, price low to high.

>> No.14765564

where the fuck do you live? almost every wine bottle I've ever seen was corked

>> No.14765709
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>"And on a few occasions self defense"
What, you whipped that out and your attacker laughed and went home?

>> No.14765791


I've actually been gassed with CS before, and you can fight through it pretty easily.

The knife guy is not wrong. Being sprayed is an unpleasant inconvenience. Being stabbed is way way worse than that.

>> No.14765794


This is blatantly false.

Billions of people throughout history have been hacked or stabbed to death.

>> No.14765820

no where in the OP it is stated as a "self defense weapon", it was clearly framed "a tool"
so i have to ask you to leave, as you clearly are projecting
>muh guns
go open a box with your gun, you fucking sperg

>> No.14765885
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>Is my knife effay?

>> No.14765886
File: 331 KB, 2000x1334, IMG_2863L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOG Pentagon Elite Mk II with Sharktooth Tip.

Clips into the back of my jeans. Opens in less than a third of a second.

>> No.14765899
File: 17 KB, 600x370, 1549628280134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate NYC laws so much, you can not have anything, literally anything over the size of a swiss army knife. It is the most bullshit law in the fucking world and it serves no purpose other than to disarm us against wild fucking animals.

>no big knives
>no OTF's or Assisted Opening
>no knives over 4 fingers
>no knives allowed to be worn on outside of the body
>one of the hardest states for a CCW
>no brass knuckles
>pepper spray is legal but not allowed to be shipped to a NY address.
>breaking in these rules results in an illegal weapons charge

what do bros? Any recommendations on some effay self-defense tools?

>> No.14765905
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>> No.14765922

This post is literal projection, dude. Plenty of people use pocket knives on a daily basis. Just because you don't, doesn't mean the whole idea of them is stupid. It's almost as if humans are different and do different things on a daily basis. What a revelation.

>> No.14765926


>> No.14765928

move, retard

>> No.14765997
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I used to carry a nice folding knife but since I was using it almost exclusively to cut boxes, I just started packing a box cutter.

>> No.14766255
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>> No.14766841

it fucking worked didnt it?

>> No.14766996

With a 2" Amazon opener?

>> No.14767090
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The only edc knoife itt that actually gets used everyday. The rest of you are tacticool fags

>> No.14767125
File: 1.13 MB, 1536x3292, A25D6BED-E45E-4B64-8765-5EFD40BF8B33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knife and knife holder

>> No.14767135

Guns are for small dicked dillweeds.

>> No.14767138
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fucking based

>> No.14767141

You have obvious never been stabbed by a corkscrew.

>> No.14767143
File: 1.81 MB, 3024x3024, C3A4B669-5409-4056-9D64-BE3D494CB1E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have had this on my belt everyday for 7 years

>> No.14767144

I have a smaller Kershaw version of this. Best thing I have ever added to my keychain.

>> No.14767148

>try to leverage open the filing case in my boss's office while he is having lunch
>blade snaps
>push blade out further
>snaps again
>boss cuts himself later that day while going through files
>boss wasnt vaccinated against tetanus
>boss dies
>am unemployed now
>cant afford new interchangeable blade
>will never get to know whats in this file case or the amazon box beside me

if only i had invested in an actual knife, but i just was too afraid to be called a larper on some hawaiian dodgeball forum

>> No.14767150

get a box cutter or move

>> No.14767168

knifelets btfo

>> No.14767180


>> No.14767200
File: 202 KB, 750x796, 51A5F7BA-C0ED-4BA8-A592-70BF128358BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What tools you boys got

>> No.14767219

man you're going to look good at the airsoft field. don't forget to pack a lunch.

>> No.14767242
File: 56 KB, 660x660, 79888BF5-6AA0-43E0-BDA5-87D4627B26A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a temp job where i cut cardboard boxes for 8 hours straight

I got extremely fancy with it and did research and bought this cause its so damn cool

>> No.14767262

he IS looking good. thanks for pointing that out to me

>> No.14767299

You may have owned it for 7 years but you didn't wear or.usenit for that long

>> No.14767304

You got any tools to get rid of that spare tyre?

>> No.14767306

Your bayonet isn't original

This is what a legit one looks like


>> No.14767322
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It’s an Ontario knife
Only original part on rifle is colt upper

>> No.14767374
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>> No.14767383

i'm looking for a good tough folder, which can take some abuse and be with me for a few years.
framelock, good steel, blade which is easy to sharpen on a stone, not too colourful in nature
any brand/knife you'd recommend? been looking at some crkt's

>> No.14767394
File: 678 KB, 788x810, tripfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it must be hard typing with such fat fucking fingers sieg.

>> No.14767399

were trips always that bad on a fashion board?

>> No.14767415

I’d go with Zero Tolerance but I’m biased. Look at a 0562 or 0770. They’ve been around long enough and prices are well below msrp on most online retailers.

>> No.14767421

he's a special breed of autism. he starts shit and when people calls him out on it he just resorts to calling them poor.
I don't get why he's too pussy to show his face, yet posts his fat gf's face in barely relevant threads.

>> No.14767424

i saw the zt in your collection but proprietary screw heads in that price segment are really off putting ngl

>> No.14767450

Not all of them have propietary hardware. Spyderco has some framelock options as well but they’re a little overpriced imo.

>> No.14767526

>Sleek, efficient design.
>Superior Japanese steel
Mein niggas

>> No.14767528
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this is OP

>> No.14767870
File: 125 KB, 1125x914, 09723_083_mini_copperlock_front_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a bunch of knives that are only ever used for opening packages. I think they're cool though.

I prefer the boomer looking ones to the tacticool or jap looking ones but I have those too.

>> No.14768156
File: 617 KB, 2048x1152, 15730513923017064908019606821224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been obsessed with this one since I bought it. 1920s J.A. Henckels Pen Knife

>> No.14768222

I have lots of guns, but none of them are very good for cutting things.
Why are you so triggered?

>> No.14768258
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>> No.14768393


>> No.14768396

Sheepsfoot blades are super practical, if you like it cop it.

>> No.14768540
File: 22 KB, 780x816, kikkerland-hammer-multi-tool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have pic related at home. i don't carry it because i'm at a campus with a no knife/gun policy. I bought this at a gift shop at a science museum

>> No.14769895


>> No.14770878

Maybe you should use lockpicks instead of a knife. Or maybe a prybar since your being a nigger. Or maybe you should try not being a nigger at all

>> No.14771139


>> No.14771665

Kill you're self

>> No.14771721

You do not have a 1k lighter anon. Fake and Gay

>> No.14771764

Keep one of these in my truck. Love that thing. Also, the screwdriver works better than any actual screwdriver I've ever owned even if the handle is less than ideal.

>> No.14771779

you don't believe the $1k lighter but you believe the $180 eraser, $1500 pen, and $25,000 watch?

>> No.14771839

the lighter seems just wasteful

>> No.14771969
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>> No.14772551

>carrying a box cutter and a prybar around is better than just a knife
I won't disparage lockpicks though.

>> No.14772678

>what do bros?
Do read the laws more gooder and find out that there are tons of options. Also, if a criminal pulls an illegal weapon and gets away, how are they going to find you if you defend yourself with an illegal weapon? They already can't catch people.

>> No.14772728

He is from /k/. He's fucking retarded about guns and we all hate him, so he moved here because you guys didn't recognize him so this was a fresh start for him. Somehow he got bold enough to come back to /k/ even though we still hate him and he is still posting retarded shit. The whole calling people poor thing is what we say to him, because his guns are made of dogshit. I guess it cut deep because he is trying to use it on you guys too. I'm sorry he shifted his autism onto you guys, but we were just hoping he would stop posting altogether when we bullied him.

>> No.14773287

Oy! Where's your loicence bruv?

>> No.14773318

I am a croissant of fine knives and I dub this fine knive a SPOON!

>> No.14773323

Enjoy being cucked-uh-civilized as Mohammed rapes your daughter and Jamal fucks your wife

>> No.14773330

I have the silver one, good knife
accidentally took it on a plane with me once because security didn't notice
also have an Opinel 10 in my bag usually

>> No.14773519

I have been both stabbed and tried CS, one is incredibly painful and potentially deadly, the other is annoying.

>> No.14773593
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I wouldn't buy any other knife.

>> No.14773709
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Knives with heritage are the best ones.

>> No.14773718
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>no guard
enjoy cutting your hand open

>> No.14773721
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>> No.14774326


>> No.14774361

They sell canned wine now

>> No.14774555
File: 105 KB, 711x800, Microtech-Exocet-Dagger-CA-Legal-OTF-SW-157-10-BHQ-99150-jr-large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whattaya guys think about this microtech moneyclip?

>> No.14774561

How the fuck is that $250 when they have full size OTF's for the same price or just a little more?

>> No.14774562
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it's beautiful

>> No.14774566
File: 156 KB, 711x800, Microtech-Exocet-Dagger-CA-Legal-OTF-Automatic-Knife-Stonewash-BHQ-99150-kp-zac's-pic-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is weird as fuck.

>> No.14775131
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>> No.14775358

You out yourself as a şöýboy, "opening a package to you only means cutting tape from an Amazon box. Maybe I'm wrong though so tell me what keys you carry that cuts through nylon banding, 7mil mylar bags, supersack drawstrings, 10 layers of 80 gauge stretch wrap around a pallet etc.

>> No.14775378
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As a joke I was going to post a picture of a knife with a rainbow flag on it and say:
>I carry this because if some wahmen rats on me to HR for having a knife I will tell HR she is prejudiced against me because she saw I am part of the LGBT community.
But after a brief googling this was the only one I saw.