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14737127 No.14737127 [Reply] [Original]

Can you get rid of acne without accutane? Does the acne scarring go away?

>> No.14737138

Why dod you post that web

>> No.14737141

this is strangely lewd

>> No.14737183 [DELETED] 

The lady in it wears clothes so it's related to the board.

>> No.14737391

I ttok some pills for 3 months when I was 14. Wasn't allowed to drink alcohol under any surcumstance due to the liver being pressured by pills.
Don't remember their name, but they helped a ton. I look like someone who never had bad acne

Will take some time though

>> No.14737517

You probably have oily acne prone skin. After washing your face with a cleanser at night, use an astringent like witch hazel and then put on your moisturizer. Acne scars will go away if you use a dark spot serum

>> No.14737523

wash your pillow

>> No.14737535


>> No.14737543

why does she have her feet in the sewer water

>> No.14737568

accutane fucked my life up and I still suffer from it 6 years later. did cure my acne tho but at what cost..

>> No.14737577

You can opt for Tretinoin instead of accutane, it speeds cell turnover so it will help fade the scarring. Once acne is gone you can use a Vit C serum to fade the rest.

>> No.14737583

>Can you get rid of acne without accutane?
have you tried a shotgun?

>> No.14737591
File: 159 KB, 982x988, 1569816349530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck are you that asshole who made that thread threatening to burn his face to get rid of his acne the other day???


You would see results already if your stupid ass actually followed my advice. Im tired of seeing these threads about acne when you could literally spend $7 and get rid of ance for good.

>> No.14737595 [DELETED] 
File: 323 KB, 1589x2560, feeling good burns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're suffering from depression, the book 'Feeling Good' by MD David Burns can help.
It's about cognitive-behavioral therapy, a successful treatment for depression, dealing with negative thinking patterns.
Link to PDF:
(if you don't want to use Mediafire, look for it on libgen.is - it's a good site for PDFs in general - browse/download at your own discretion).

Also listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmDwl2-IZEk
It's an audiobook of 'Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway' by Susan Jeffers, a self-help book on overcoming anxiety.

You can also try some St. John's Wort (it's a plant) tea for immediate relief (I mix mine with Melissa for the calming effect).

It might also be nice to learn to meditate, as it can relieve your mind of negative thoughts. nperov.com for learning materials.

Or maybe you just have a vitamin D defficiency, see >>/sci/thread/S10221251 Go get some sun.

>> No.14738182

What sides did you get anon?

>> No.14738189

No and no.

>> No.14738195

god i wish that water we me

>> No.14738248

Fuck, I'm a footfag now. Thanks dickhead.

>> No.14738270

wash your face when you wake up and before you go to bed

wash your face 1h after every meal with cetaphil or something weak.

change your cotton pillow case every single night

don't wear hats

keep your hair clean and not at all greasy

eat healthy food in general. the more grease you eat the more it ends up on your face

>> No.14738507

You probably took accutane aka roaccutane

>> No.14738510

same. also made me barf my guts out often.

literally fucked my mood into suicidal in a couple of months from formerly neurotypical.

>> No.14738515


>> No.14738517

All the advice in this thread is shit, OP.

If you have androgen receptors that are more receptive to DHT causing an uptick in hormonal cystic acne then no amount of cleaning your face, swapping your bedsheets, or avoiding hats is going to help make that go away. Bottom line, the root cause of your acne is most likely hormonal in nature and what isotretinoin/accurane does is it blocks the conversion of select 5-alpha-reductase and DHT on your skin among blocking acne causing enzymes.

If you're not going to take isotretinoin orally, then take doxycycline antibiotics that have fewer side effects but works the same. If you're going to apply anything topically, get some benzyl-peroxide cream and tretinoin.

If you're being suggested accutane from a dermatologist, then you probably have more than just the occasional breakout. Nothing over the counter is going to help you and you'll be wasting more money than the prescription costs for these medications that actually do work.

>> No.14738520

Yeah, it's called doing away with dairy and all animal proteins. Adopt a plant diet like your body wants.

>> No.14738532

Try changing your diet, shit like dairy, onions, oils and sugar can trigger acne.

>> No.14738535

onions = S O Y
Why is this word censored?

>> No.14738597

I took it for 12 months in 2008. Been suicidal ever since. Its all I think about. It got rid of the acne though. But no way is it worth having to pretend you're cheery 24/7. My older brother told me not to do it and to just ride out the acne, he had 2 mates who took it and both ended up taking their lives at 16. I should've listened.

>> No.14738601

no and no

>> No.14738603

holy newfag

>> No.14738680

I dont get the appeal of the Webm

Do I need to be a footfag to get it?

>> No.14738720

No, but you need to be straight

>> No.14739326

i took different pills like antibiotics and shiet for 2 years when i was 16 they didn't help a bit. i was clean, washing my face with expensive solutions, changing pillows every day. after two years i just took accutane for 8 months (i was 80kg at that time) and they were gone at the end of the 8m of treatment. it's been 4 years since i stopped taking accutane and i'm fine. no side effects for me desu. just ask to your doctor and t'll be fine. don't listen to those fags who say my brother's friend took it and get fucked to death. acne effects your daily life and you should do something about it.

>> No.14739334

>Can you get rid of acne without accutane?
Depends on the person.
Try tea tree oil

>> No.14739391

Get a basic routine with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide first + cleanser and moisturizer ofc

Then if that doesnt work get retinoids

Then get accutane

>> No.14739581

you either take hormones or antibiotes or you suffer from acne

usually the side effects are worse than the acne

>> No.14739603

Naw guys, you're all suicidal cause you're godless nihilists. The culture would have killed you whether you took tretinoin or not.

Yall need Jesus

>> No.14739623


>> No.14739631

honestly, go to r/skincareaddiction
almost all the advice in this thread is terrible and will fuck u up
redditors are annoying but they're general helpful and nerdy

do not wash your face more than 2x a day
always mositurize even if you have oily skin
use serums/treatments with active ingedients, but start slow (1-2x a week) and never combine actives. retinol, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, etc exfoliate the skin and prevent acne
patience, simple skincare, good diet and lifestyle habits will work. unless you have severe acne due to hormones, you should see a dermatologist in that case

>> No.14739644

try using some benzoyl peroxide

>> No.14739719

try it and buy me a beer later. You will thank me

>> No.14739793

undiluted tea tree oil can chemically burn your face
and it doesn't get to any of the root causes of acne (hormones, hygeine, diet, bad skincare, etc)

>> No.14739888

Try see a good dermatoligist if its bad.

Ive been using every meme facewash and cream I could get with little to no effect.

Derm looked at my face for like 20 seconds and he said I had fungal acne. He has given me a cream and my skins pretty much come back to normal after a week.

Everyone just likes to self diagnose what they have but just be aware it could be something else.

>> No.14739899

Good advice. Browse r/skincare and learn as much as you possibly can, don't just start slapping shit on your face to see what happens. If all else fails see a derm.

Oh, and wear fucking sunscreen.

>> No.14739962

imagine if where just walking past her and stopped and just spat in the water and the spit would jut flow down towards her feet haha

>> No.14740490


>> No.14740502

based footfag

>> No.14740503

who cares feet are often dirtier than saliva

>> No.14740508


are you washing your face twice a day

>> No.14740694


OP, I've been on isotretinoin (accutane) for a couple months now, about to start my 3rd month. I can tell you that before I took it, I had tons of suicidal thoughts and depressive moods. And afterwards, I've felt fine. Maybe just a coincidence, or I'm a unicorn, idk.

Anyway, my acne was purely hormonal and no amount of washing or diet would fix it. It was really bad on my chin/mouth and neck. 2 months in and the acne on my face and neck are GONE. Still have some cystic breakouts on my shoulders and back but not nearly as much as it used to be. 4 months to go.

I recommend doing it.

>> No.14740714

double cleansing, niacinamide, a good moisturizer for acne prone skin & rose hip oil for scarring.

>> No.14741181

Ight i'd say my advice is reliable don't listen to idiots that has never had actual bad fucking skin except occasional zits. A shit ton of chemicals isn't going to do shit and these "skin care routine" bitches with clear skin would still not have bad skin even if they stopped with their routine.
First off, cut out all processed and sugary foods, minimize Meat cpnsumption, cut out dairy, eat a shit ton of vegetables and drink alot of water. This is The most basic shit that even clear skin normies Will tell you and it's True. Second of all, most skin care products do not work on People with actual bad skin and most moisturizers and cleansers would make me wake up with even more zitz. Most cleansers and moisturizers contain a bunch of chemicals that may reduce oil which is bad because The skin Will overcompensate by creating more sebum.
Anyways, honey is the only natural cleanser that worked for me and aloe vera is The only moisturizer that worked. Don't shower to much since it Will dry out your skin and make it produce extra sebum so shower AT Most once a Day and always wash your face in The morning and evening, wash your hands, don't pick at your skin because it will only make inflammation worse and you'll get a bunch of shit clogging your pores, eat good, exercise because it will stabalize your hormones, change your pillow case Every 3 or 2 days, get enough sleep, and don't stress too much. I wish someone told me this in 7th grade so I didn't have to suffer for 7 years and now I have so much fucking scarring but at least my face is clear.
Sorry if the text is messy lmao and remember to stay happy anon, if you treat your body right it will reward you in return. Oh and derma roll plus aloe vera to get rid of scarring.

>> No.14741184

So yeah you can get rid of acne without accutane but not scarring

>> No.14741313

Accutane was the only thing that cured my acne
Never had any kind of mood swings or bad side effects
The only ones that were kinda annoying were the dry lips and little nose hemorrhages