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/fa/ - Fashion

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14687366 No.14687366[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We live in an age of a rapid regression of social order and tradition. People lack things to do so they revert to believing in bullshit (not to say that they never did). One result of this is the degradation of the nuclear family. Future generation will suffer tremendously because of this. Men are becoming more and more effeminate.

What is the most masculine style?

>> No.14687372

live in a real country if your country has such shit values

>> No.14687386

Healthy body, healthy mind is peak /fa/. Put that in classic menswear and you have peak masculinity.

>> No.14687439

This is happening in practically every country and is the product of post-modernism and excessive comfort

>> No.14687481

Definte "effeminate".
In what way are most modern men more effeminate when compared to older generations?
How is this going to make future generations suffer?

>> No.14687490
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The nuclear family is a pitiful and crude shadow of the extended family of old. It's a direct product of the industrial revolution and cold consumerism. You seem to abhor the death of tradition and kinship and still idolize the very same things in the nuclear family

>> No.14687491

they don't get jobs or chase women
it's like they have low t or something

>> No.14687497

This. The nuclear family was the first step towards the destruction of the social fiber. It separates a small group of individuals within a defined group, isolating them from the larger group they came from. Who even knows their 3rd cousins nowadays? This was the first step towards the hyperindividualisation we face today.

>> No.14687498

In that case, I misspoke. I'm referring to the traditional family structure. It would indeed be the extended family.

>> No.14687506

>they don't get jobs
the job market is a complete mess, the economy is in shambles, thank boomers for that
>they don't chase women
feminism poisoned modern women, tinder and social media gave them access to Chad, 20-80 yadda yadda etc.

>> No.14687512

>thank boomers for that
Do you really think the boomers had any control over the Federal Reserve or the international banking cartel?
You're being divided and conquered, son.

>> No.14687520

Yes, that is exactly what I think.

>> No.14687532

>We live in an age of a rapid regression of social order and tradition
I love how zoomers think the "good ole days", as depicted in posters and magazine ads, were actually wholesomeness for everyone and life was some sort of White Male utopia, while they forget the fact that everyone was on either upper or downers, McCarthyism and the like on every facet of society, how shitty life was if you were a non white, and worst of all, that the life their /pol/ propaganda posters depict only lasted ~10 years and it was just that, propaganda

but keep spewing your /pol/ vomit about muh decadence of boomer "values" while posting on a jap image board full of the dregs of society, a board which btw would have been deemed blasphemous in your mad men ad tier fantasy land

>> No.14687537


fucking commie

>> No.14687539

>being this triggered

>> No.14687542

globalism and the rise of minorities in america

>> No.14687545
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also onions and plastics, supposedly

Anyway don't dress in gaudy nigger fashion

>> No.14687550

>on a fashion board from a anime based website
>complaining about 'commies'
el oh el

>> No.14687561

The true manly man doesn't care if he is manly or girly, the true man seeks out to know himself, and, once he achieves this he no longer cares if tradition is dying, he no longer cares if people are degenerates, he no longer cares that he can't change society, he no longer cares what people say about him, because, the true man has found himself

>> No.14687563

protip: your true self cares

>> No.14687574

ironically "commie" countries were and still are far more "trad" than boomer america could hope to be

>> No.14687576

No it doesn't, the true self is beyond description, because the true self escapes all words and senses, the man who has truly found his true self doesn't understand it, and that doesn't matter, because that isn't the point, to qualify the true self has having the power to verb and more so to even care about physical things is incorrect

>> No.14687585

if you don't understand it, how do you know it is your true self?
seems stupid on it's face.

>> No.14687601

Since we are talking about the true self, which escapes the realm of materialsm, we are unable to recognise it scientifically, because he escapes all senses, so you may ask, how can I truly know him?, I don't, nobody does, as long as we are attached to a physical body we may never be able to touch or gaze the self, the only situation where one may become the self is the so called illumination

>> No.14687609


there is nothing more trad than 1 party state

got it

>> No.14687618

>muh magical sky dad

>> No.14687629

I don't believe in God, and I'm pretty sure I haven't mentioned him, what I'm simply saying is that such criteria as manly or girly is simply non existent and unnecessary for the development of yourself, you should grown focusing on yourself, not trying to fill a made criteria

>> No.14687641

this but unironically

>> No.14687647

The most trad is royalty/paternalism/feudalism which is one party in charge.

>> No.14687682

Actually family size has fluctuated heavily in European history. Extremely large interconnected families weren't common throughout most of European history, with "the nuclear" family actually being the norm for large periods of time. These usually come at either economic extremes with "the nuclear family" being the norm in extremely poor times and extremely good times. Additionally, only particularly wealthy groups actually had truly large families. In Rome for example, large extended families were almost always a Patrician thing, with only wealthy landowners really being able to pull it off. "Nuclear Families" were quite common among the lower classes, where migration was common.

In the Medieval period, this frequently occurred because migration of the peasantry was actually really common; the meme about peasants never moving from their plots is complete fiction, Lords were always looking to scalp young men to come and work their land. Lords died, men simply up and moved, economic downturn meant they could just pack up and go, in high times Lords would often convert their land from farmland to more profitable ventures, so on and so forth.

In fact as far as "tradition" (in America) goes we're experiencing the exact same thing that Rome did around this time (the complete collapse of familial networks). Of course, we've been experiencing "the exact same thing as Rome did around this time" for quite some time now and will continue to for about the next four hundred years.

>> No.14687706

Honestly what does that have to do with the other?

>> No.14687711

The preoccupy themselves with frivolities and feeding their egos instead of improving and building their homes and communities - a responsibility outsourced to the state along with the raising of their kids. Basically the basedboy meme.

>> No.14687728


>party state

it's like leftists are a different species

>> No.14687736

the most masculine style is one that a masculine man wears

>> No.14687765

you're the one who called it one party
you think the nazis were actually socialists?

>> No.14688008


Pure delusion. Men who cry and complain at the first sign of trouble might think themselves "manly" for owning but they are, regardless of their self-perception, absolutely pathetic

>> No.14688014
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You have to go back

>> No.14688033

This particular moral panic has surprised me with its virulence. I don't think men are generally getting more effeminate, but I think there is an increased tolerance of effeminate men across the board socially. I guess you could perceive it as being effeminate w increased elasticity in how people dress. The bottom line is that whether or not you're all that girly, it is in the interest of the cosmetic company economically to see certain taboos regarding men wearing makeup go away, so they can make a shitzillion dollars off of it. I fucking guarantee in ten years regular ass straight dudes will be wearing mascara.

>> No.14688035

hahahahahah those darn post modern marxists!!!! we need to be like the lobsters!

>> No.14688047

>Who even knows their 3rd cousins nowadays?
I checked on a family tree app and one of them was a girl I dated in HS lol

>> No.14688055


>> No.14688059

>chase women
Only beta cucks do that tho

>> No.14688191

Shut the fuck up faggot let's how much of a man you are dipshit whore man baby

>> No.14688214
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They're not marxists; they're neo-marxists.
"Post-modern" in this context refers to their conglomeration of classical marxism with intersectionalism, with the '"oppressed" "minorities"' acting as a replacement (both ideologically and physically) for the proletariat.
It's not that we need to be like the lobsters—it's that we as humans inevitably form hierarchical social structures, owing to the reality of biological inequality and our inherent and automatic ability to quantify people based on these inequalities (for the purpose of sexual selection), rendering any attempts at heterarchical organization ultimately futile.

Anybody left-of-centre has either failed to understand the true nature of power and sexual attraction, or has recognized their own deficiencies and wishes to destroy the beauty they cannot themselves obtain.

>> No.14688265

yeah, I know what I wrote. Thank you. Aristocracy is not a party. Thank you. Nazis shared the foundation of their organization with commies. Yes. Thank you.

>> No.14688328

cool photo

>> No.14688334

Yes, they were right-wing socialists when placed on the traditional left-right political spectrum:
However, this so-called "right-wing" socialism would make them closer to authoritarian centrists when placed on the more comprehensive political compass.

>> No.14688393

Don't backpeddle

>> No.14688425

Jesus look at those forearms. Mirin hard gotta him the gym

>> No.14688435

>right-wing socialists
double plus ungood!

>> No.14688440

English isn't your first language, is it?

>> No.14688443
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>> No.14688451


>> No.14688498
File: 122 KB, 577x441, casual-1950s-male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why you imply, with your trite literary reference, a contradiction which does not exist.
It is impossible for you to argue that they had anything other than a mixed economy without first explaining away Volkswagen, People's Welfare, Winterhilfswerk, the Reichsautobahn, the German Labor Front etc. etc.
And always you must remember that left and right are relative concepts, as the centre is dependent on a given time and place.

>> No.14688513

>fake the good ol' times fantasy bullshit with some ye olde hollywood actor

>> No.14688515

>the most prescient book ever written bar nostradamus
okay, anon, sorry to burst your provincial bubble
you're right, all we need is sky dad

>> No.14688521

Do you seriously think I was implying 1984 is trite, rather than your hackneyed reference to it?
You really must work on your reading comprehension.
>burst your provincial bubble
>all we need is sky dad
As if you know the first thing about me. Nice attempt, but pathetic.

>> No.14688529

>when you ignore all of history and the reality that every single generation in history has become gradually more socially liberal without exception.

Big brain gang time

>> No.14688533

>muh whig historiography

>> No.14688550

>when you ignore the rapidly declining influence of Western civilization as a by-product of the dysgenic effects of democracy

big DICK clique

>> No.14688596
File: 53 KB, 430x285, 1554508536527 literally me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did he died?

>> No.14688611


>> No.14688632

hhnnnnngggrrfffff 1984 is genius blllrgggggghhhh i am so smart ppppfffflllrrrghhh i do a politics hhhhhoooooaaaaaaaaaagggghhhhhhhh freedom bbfflffflllgggrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppppfllflghfg government bad

>> No.14688635


>> No.14688640

It's crazy all the trad fags who believe this simultaneously think white ethnostates should be the only ones that exist

>> No.14688660

Sounds like a bullshit conjecture to me.
Nationalists only care about what happens to their own nation, racialists only care about what happens to their own race.
Why should they have any opinion whatsoever on how the other races run their countries?

>> No.14688672

They'd argue it poses a threat to their own because theyre all inherently worse

>> No.14688676

This is one disgusting thread. The man cares, for himself and others. And when he truly cares, he is recognizing and acting upon what is good, regardless of the government and so called "society." He cares for his image, but does not conform the vapid-takes on what is of good-look. So no "fashions," but solely *fashion.* He is fashionable, because he cares for his image; he cares for the sake of his self. So it is neither a case returning to tradition, but transcending beyond the particular, in order to grasp and uphold what is universal. For example, wash yourself, wear fragrances and deodorants that are modest, cover the body in cloth to protect it, don't horde shoes, wear appropriate accessories for the day's tasks at hand, and groom the hair properly, not changing it's color or adopting outlandish hair styles. This even goes onto posture, to elevate the head, lower the shoulders, straighten the back, align the hips with the shoulders, and walk with both feet straight and un-heavy footed. And the list goes on. These are all examples of what entails *care* for the human person -- again, it is not a question of material, but the fact that what is necessary is being met.

>> No.14688682

Do you have a real-world example?

>> No.14688684

>hahahahahah those darn meme group!!!! i can't read and don't understand neurology!
Holy shit what a fucking idiot.

>> No.14688720

>Nationalists only care about what happens to their own nation
Well nationalists are blaming the problems of their nation on entire races of people who aren't white, so what do you call that? retard

>> No.14688737

I don't think you have a fucking clue as to the actual definition of nationalism.
You think brown people can't be nationalistic, and I'm the retard?

>> No.14688827

yyea nigga that wasn't a good argument. Don't stray outside the definition

>> No.14688862

feels good knowing you could beat them up all at once

>> No.14689018

how is that inconsistent? is it impossible for problems in a nation to be caused by other nations? does blaming those nations for your problems mean you care about what happens to those nations? i don't get your argument

>> No.14689053

I think a very basic style is best, jeans and well fitted shirt or t shirt. Anything more than "does this fit me" or"is this practical" and you've become a vain twink

>> No.14689059

Dont believe his lies kids, this world is sick and it didnt used to be this way

>> No.14689603

Give me actually reasons masculinity is a good thing

>> No.14689609


>> No.14689825

Building and maintaining healthy societies. War. For arguments see:
>The society today
>Germany and his Russian occupiers after the Greater German Defence War (also known as WW2)

>> No.14689843

Human Biology

Masculinity isn't made up. It's a part of our biology and natural social structures.

>inb4 so should we go back to eating shit like our ancestors becasue it's natural?

Stop being an idiot. Human interaction along with the interaction of most other animals is based on the difference in behavior between males and females. Masculinity is necessary to be exposed to in child development, much like femininity.

>> No.14689846

Buy a shotgun and paint the walls of your house with the innards of your brain.

>> No.14689850

>What is the most masculine style?
Rick everything

>> No.14689853

This is what happens when the only science you take is in secondary and your teachers are American

>> No.14689855
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If anything, the responses in this thread just prove to me that /fa/ is the lowest IQ board on here.

>> No.14689859


okay tranny

>> No.14689871

You have no idea what is post modernism right ?

>> No.14689872

>We live in an age of a rapid regression of social order and tradition. People lack things to do so they revert to believing in bullshit (not to say that they never did). One result of this is the degradation of the nuclear family. Future generation will suffer tremendously because of this. Men are becoming more and more effeminate.
you sound like such a bitch honestly
get some pussy you nerd

>> No.14689875

Ahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahah, you are retarded.

>> No.14689884

"The poetry of heroism appeals irresistibly to those who don't go to a war, and even more to those whom the war is making enormously wealthy. It's always so."
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

>> No.14689920

And Mccarthy is vilified by the current rulers

Wrong. You can't grow yourself without working with what you have. If you're born male, that means working towards fulfilling a masculine role.

Heartiste is cringe at times but he laid this out pretty good.. https://heartiste.org/2013/03/21/the-fundamental-premise/

>> No.14689945

Wrong. You can grow yourself by chasing after what you feel is right for you.

>> No.14690076

hows game of thrones

>> No.14690085

> McCarthyism
good thing
>how shitty life was if you were a non white
why should I care?
>keep spewing your /pol/ vomit about muh decadence of boomer "values" while posting on a jap image board full of the dregs of society
its the only place that lets you speak freely

>> No.14690086

were but aren't

>> No.14690088

>hurr durr only i matter

>> No.14690091

not really faggot. the bigger issue is white traitors rather than nigs nigging around

>> No.14690101

White hands wrote this post.

>> No.14690357

What's your point?

>> No.14691320

There's no political parties in feudalism/monarchy.

0 parties is better than 1 or two.

>> No.14691359

I don't think postmodernism is as leftist or degenerate as Peterson says, I think you can agree with his theories (minus the classical liberalism) and be postmodern, and be right wing.

Because if at the root there is no inherent value or meaning in anything, and it's all just relationships of power, then that in effect justifies the existence of hierarchy as natural, just as Peterson claims.

>> No.14691364

Embrace it. It is neither better nor worse.

>> No.14691370

Basically even the lobsters are postmodernists.

>> No.14691382


shitty comeback, as expected. A true leftbarassmnet

>> No.14691494
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>muh traditional masculinity
we live in a society you fucking conservacuck boomer. traditionalism is a mental illness.

>> No.14691545

It's not "post modernism" you alt lite retarded fucking youtube cock cleaning zoomer faggot. It's modernism, it's industrialism, it's capitalism, it's welfare, it's multiculturalism, it's globalism. It's technology. Kill yourself

>> No.14691716
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You're completely correct that there's room for right-leaning applications of postmodernism, and these would of course not be as leftist or degenerate!
I think Peterson is mostly using "postmodern neomarxists" as a term that is easily-digestible to laymen, to refer to a specific strain of academics (as well as their sturmabteilung) who are proponents of the synthesis of classical marxism and intersectionality, which is most certainly as leftist, degenerate, and destructive to the West as he claims.

The pervasiveness of the postmodernist worldview stems from its capturing of something that is fundamentally true, about how we subjectively perceive reality through the lens of the self, and as such it cannot be hand-waved away as many on the right attempt to do. I must commend you on your intellectual bravery in confronting and incorporating it into your thinking; there's not many who are so intellectually honest and forthright, but I urge you to consider that the noumenal can be still be accessed through the application of rational thought.

One example of RWPM is the nascent metamodern (or postpostmodern) movement, though certain actors within the movement may not realize that what they're doing is partly reactionary (as well as neofuturist).
There is also the ostensible parity between metamodernism and the recent interest in quantum physics (specifically quantum-level superpositions) to consider, as there's always an interrelation between philosophy, art and science. I feel this could be an untapped resource in shaping 21st-century thinking.

Just as the printing press and the computer previously brought about new paradigms of thought, we stand on the cusp of true novelty after decades of onanistic stagnation; it's an exciting time and we should soon expect to see new ideologies, aesthetics, and fashions borne out of this new metaxical mode of thought.
I'm already seeing the first signs of it filtering down from the art world into the mainstream. Picrel.