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File: 249 KB, 1200x800, qPARzcU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14679132 No.14679132 [Reply] [Original]

From age to 18 to 23 I became self aware of how good looking I was compared to the rest of the population and began slaying pussy left and right. Today I turn 29, and I havent had sex in over 5 years.

What changed you asked? I went bald. Aggressively bald, within 2 years I went from thick wavy hair women would lush over, to a fucking NW7. My confidence dropped from a 6 or 7 on a good day to a fucking 1. And my looks objectively dropped with it.

I'd like to describe to you what happens when I try to meet girls online now--theres only 2 scenarios really:

Scenario 1:
>send girl a photo of myself with a hat on
>she gets even more talkative and eager to meet me
>reveal to her that I am bald; send new photo without hat on
>she immediately goes silent and ghosts

Scenario 2:
>send photo of myself without hat on
>she immediately goes silent and ghosts

These are the only 2 scenarios after countless of tries throughout the years to just have a connection with someone. Hell, I would even ask to be friends with them, nothing sexual, and I would still get the same result. Sometimes they would ghost me after days of us chatting and getting to know eachother, having good conversation and all that. Sometimes I would even ask them if a shaved head was a deal-breaker for them, and upon saying no they would still ghost me after sending a pic.

The most ironic part is how sweet, loving, and nonjudgmental some of them make themselves out to be before I show myself. But after I show myself to them, they just drop me without a second thought--Ive never even gotten a "sorry, Im just not interested in bald men"--its always just fucking cowardly silence like you're an object to them.

It's over guys, I think Im done with this life.

>inb4 shave head, get fit, dress well (i already did all those)

>> No.14679143

>>inb4 shave head, get fit, dress well (i already did all those)
well what else would you like to hear? having a completely shaved head definitely looks better than having a clearly balded head. if you're already fit and dress well, this is your best option

>> No.14679156

The whole fucking thread right here,
I know a lot of women who have been attracted to bald men.
Keyword being BALD not baldING.

If you embrace complete baldness and are fit, stylish, hygienic and optionally have well groomed facial hair....
then there is quite literally no reason women wouldn’t want to talk to you unless your personality is insufferable.

My advice to to OP is to stop focusing on women over the internet, regain your confidence and to try and see if maybe it’s YOU who has changed and not your hair.

>> No.14679172

op, I have a disease that makes all the hair on my body fall out, including eyebrows, it happened at 15 it was a devastating blow to my self image, yet, I still lost my virginity at 15 aswell, I still get plenty of sex.
This doesn't invalidate your experience, but the truth is, that if a guy like me can find not one, but multiple women, there is absolutely hope for you.

>> No.14679186

hairlets never learn

>> No.14679201

>give me a magic potion to cure my baldness ( :c

>> No.14679217

I already shave my head with an electric shaver with no guard. It obviously looks better than the balding look, but bald is bald, man. The only women that could genuinely be attracted to bald men are if they have a fetish for it. Theres nothing else I can possibly do to be attractive to women unless Im noticeably wealthy.

>My advice to to OP is to stop focusing on women over the internet, regain your confidence and to try and see if maybe it’s YOU who has changed and not your hair.
It's even harder to pick up women in real life, and yes I have chanced, but I dont let women see my insecurities, I act completely normal.

Good for you man, unfortunately I dont have cancer or some rare skin disease causing baldness, so no pity points for me from the ladies.

>> No.14679225

Before and after pics, nigga

>> No.14679226

Your own fault for not taking fin. Doubt you're as good looking as you thought though.

>> No.14679249

no and no, i dont want to be made fun of on the internet.

I was in denial, I thought it was from stress and would come back. I fucked up but I didnt think the world would hate me for it.

>> No.14679258

If she doesn't agree to fuck bareback within 5 mins of meeting, she will never be into you, period, it took me forever to realize this.

Girls would chat you up waste your time for months to not fuck you ..

If she isn't down to fuck, raw, cum in pussy within 5 mins she's not interested.

5 mins in generous, you can actually go around a club and hit up every girl with do you want to fuck right now ... And Dave yourself a night and money buying drinks for sluts

>> No.14679261

This even goes for virgins, I've only fucked like 5, but when I asked them their answer was yes.... Then they'd warn me about not knowing how to fuck Because they never have.

But fucked raw, came in pussy each time no games if she's into you.

You'll never convince a bitch who's not into you to fuck by talking to her...ever

>> No.14679267

You might be surprised.

>> No.14679293

No doubt about it, thats why I send them a photo within the first few messages now.

I dont want to be surprised. All you need to know was that I was pulling solid 7 and 8's and now not even fatties from reddit want me.

>> No.14679295

Post your ugly head

>> No.14679304

Do bald guys still like...shampoo their nothing just to delude them selves

>> No.14679307

Congratulations anon now you know what it feels like to be your average women who hits the wall, youve squandered your looks and now have to make do

>> No.14679321
File: 2.63 MB, 2784x2256, 1568100057594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how women see me as now

we scrub it the same way we scrub every other part of our body.

even women who hit a "wall" do not come even remotely close to these feels, anon.

>> No.14679332

See if they care if you wear a wig, also wtf my dad is fucking bald and he does well

>> No.14679381
File: 86 KB, 900x680, Scalp-Micropigmentation-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll still be bald but at least you'll have a hairline. dress military/punk and fuck goth hoes, the end

>> No.14679386

This is fucking pathetic

>> No.14679394

what website app do you use to get girls??? don't want to post pics of me online in tinder

>> No.14679396

Oh but they do anon, and just like them you too will learn the painful way that you must work much much harder to even get the attention of women that you would have ordinarily turned down in your past life.

You have gone from having intrinsic value in the eyes of others to close to none and now have to learn what normal learned during their late teens to mid twenties.

Objectively speaking your life like the wall hit woman your situation isn’t too awful however for both of you it is unbearable because you became so heavily accustomed to the fruits of youth. It’s like an addict going cold turkey

>> No.14679400

have sex incel

>> No.14679404

so you became a coomer?

>> No.14679407

How about you go whine somewhere else kid, I have enough problems in my own life without having to worry about some rando cunts on the internet

>> No.14679415

>( :c
What is this supposed to be

>> No.14679417

this never looks good irl, it just looks like someone tattooed dots on your head. appreciate the advice though

i just try meet them on /soc/ and various r4r subreddits

most women and men hit their "wall" much later in life, its nothing like balding under 30.

no, but i feel like him

>> No.14679432

>this never looks good irl
whoever you saw probably had a terrible job done

>> No.14679441

I know someone who had it done that works at a supermarket. it's honestly not bad, looks better than pure shiny bald. I was wondering for a while what he had done, if it was hair follicle implants or what, but it just never grew in kek.

>> No.14679442

Get a hair transplant, problem solved
If you don't have enough donor hairs for the whole scalp fill up the front and back and then keep it short. You could spend your time whining or do something about it

>> No.14679464

Dude just take the fucking bald pill. And you will get girls. TF are you doing in that photo

>> No.14679475

ok but obviously its not good since you knew he had something done. or had you seen him bald before? would you have guessed his hair was a tattoo if you had met him the first time?

>> No.14679477
File: 50 KB, 508x508, medusa hair edinburgh male hair replacement thumbnail_albumtemp_2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glue fake hair on you idiot

>> No.14679509


why the fuck are we wasting time trying to cure aids and breast cancer instead of MPB, this thread is fucking horrifying

t. norwood 2 and unironically suicidal about it

>> No.14679518
File: 7 KB, 250x230, 1541156662298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw drew myself in to a hairlet thread again

>> No.14679522

I dunno dude. I went bald and went from above average sex life to just a decent one. I don't use those apps or social media though. I feel like years of think I was ugly when I actually wasn't made me develop a personality and sense of humor, which might help. If that fails, follow the four R's:

>rocking chair

>> No.14679523

>>inb4 shave head, get fit, dress well (i already did all those)

learn to talk to women, get confident. If you're fit, dress well and shave your head. You shouldn't be having any trouble after 20. I've shaved my head bald since I was 20 (now 26) and I still get women easy as. I'm self deprecating about not having hair too.

Also try other ways to pick up women. Sounds like you're using tinder or some shit and have your pics all with hats on. Be open about it. Most girls genuinely don't give a fuck. It's like men dating women purely because they have huge tits. Men really don't care that much.

>> No.14679528

if you are bald is fucking over. assuming im female for a moment why would i want your genes in my womb if you have the bald defect?

fuck that

>> No.14679541

> I feel like years of think I was ugly when I actually wasn't made me develop a personality and sense of humor
Really? Because years of thinking I was ugly made me develop autism and a sense of wanting to murder every roastie in a 10 mile radius.

>> No.14679544

Because it's not a defect that affects a man's physical or mental capabilities in any way you retarded cunt. Best case scenario, MPB indicates high testosterone (which is GOOD), worst case it indicates the hair follicles on the man's head are highly sensitive to testosterone (which is only bad for aesthetic reasons).

>> No.14679565

it is not good i makes young people look gross and disgusting why the fuck would i want that on my children
bald people are inferior

>> No.14679579

>online profile
>they only find out after chatting for a while

They feel tricked you retard, you need to show that bald head from the start in your profile
If they don't wanna date a baldfag no conversation will change their mind

>> No.14679600

Well I wasn't a virgin. I had girlfriends throughout high school until now. I just didn't think I was attractive and didn't believe them if they said I was. It was probably because a lot of my friends were (and are) 9's or 10's, that I always thought I was the ugly one.

>> No.14679642
File: 109 KB, 737x739, 1a041cb132bfc1e86aa5e2a4555556c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go full Johnny Sins. He's considered a fave pornstar by female watchers

If you say you have a good looking face you may as well pull it off.

>> No.14679674

Hair transplantation, they are cheap @ Turkey

>> No.14679678

you have to take fin to keep both the implants and the remaining natural hair from falling off, might as well cut your balls off

>> No.14679685

The implants are from the hair that isn't sensitive to DHT you retard. Also if the remaining natural hair falls off, get another transplant or wait ten years for cloning to become viable.

>> No.14680168

>regain your confidence and to try and see if maybe it’s YOU who has changed and not your hair.
dumbest shit I have ever read

>> No.14680177

did a bald guy fuck your imaginary gf or something

>> No.14680187

I hate this stupid fucking picture. Yeah no shit Chico would look bad with that proto-Jude Law hairstyle, but if he just got a close buzz he’d still mog everyone on this site

>> No.14680194

Post body

>> No.14680256

i wonder how social dynamics would change if girls also got male pattern baldness

>> No.14680288

for every bald man in existence, a woman should have dht injected into her head

>> No.14680296

I mean he's already hot and has a huge cock, regardless of his being bald. People who need hair are those who aren't hot/don't have huge cocks.

>> No.14680300

Women also go bald, just at a significantly lower frequency. It's also more diffusion-style balding rather than intense local area balding that MPB usually manifests as.

>> No.14680385

lol i cant even imagine having to fuck the kind of women you are describing. enjoy your awful life filled with siren whores

>> No.14680409

your advice on women goes into the dumpster, sieg, because you have only ever fucked women lowly enough to find your fat disgusting body appealing

>> No.14680437

Blur your eyes out, faggot

>> No.14680774

God make it fucking stop

>> No.14680777

No he wouldn't you delusional fucking faggot

>> No.14680822

A significant proportion of men are experiencing some form of balding by that age. It does not slow them down. I was shaving my head three times a week by the time I was 22. It did not slow me down. You're doing something wrong other than just not having hair, dude.

I don't know if it's copypasta or what, but the guys who get all apocalypse-posting about baldness need to get over it already

>> No.14680851

holy shit first time i've been on here in like 8 years and you're still about and still fucking pathetic lol

>> No.14680872

Hair transplants and finasteride retard.

>> No.14681041
File: 1.60 MB, 3264x1836, 20191002_202325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% sure this post is bait. Great bait. Mind you. But for Christ sales anon, do something actually productive with your life instead of baiting on a god damn internet chat room designed for weaboos.

>Side note. Slayed more pussy whilst being bald/fit/ and /fa/ in the past 6 months then I have in my entire life

>P.s. never go to /fa/ or /fit/ for advice. Most are severely autistic and have no idea what they're talking about

>> No.14681075

>Thinking you get laid through pity

Already can tell you're full of shit. Stop being so pathetic.

>> No.14681084

To be fair it doesn't really seem like you have a smashing personality either. The fact that you refer to your <targets> as reddit fatties indicates that you're probably somewhat of a cunt to women. My advice? Stop crying shave your head dress well, embrace it and stop being so insecure about it. Insecurity is not attractive. Fix your shit dude.

>> No.14681096

If he's a NW7 at 29, then his balding was probably too aggressive even for fin. He was destined to be bald no matter what.

>> No.14681105

You absolutely need to take fin before and after hair transplant. Do some research.

>> No.14681220

I never thought baldness was a thing, but over the last year more than half of my friends went bald (all of them wear hats all the time now)
I would just embrace it, have it like the guy has in the second pic, and grow a beard
sieg (lmaooooo) speaks the truth, women are stupid as fuck, and if you cant manipulate them, you deserve to be alone

>> No.14682425

Going bald fast is fucking ideal. Have the whole process over in a year or two and then get a full hair transplant in Turkey.

Slowly receding hair is the worst since you have to wait ages, seeing your looks diminish. Getting hair plugs early won't stop the process and you'll have weird bald spots behind your transplanted area which you'll have to get filled out.

>> No.14682443

>Good for you man
>unfortunately no pity points for me

Victim-hood mentality if Ive ever seen it.

>> No.14682461

Woman already lose hard by default once they reach mid 20s. No need to punish them even further.

>> No.14682472

If the Photoshopped guy on the right actually shaved his head instead of keeping that embarassing “hair”cut he would still look good.
If you look terrible with a buzz or completely bald you probably weren’t that attractive in the first place.

>> No.14682488

imagine being this sieg how awful

>> No.14682568


Thread closed

>> No.14682953

Once you go bald its over for 95% of men

>> No.14682975

jesus christ 4chan is so cringe
i 1) had sex before marriage, and 2) got married, and i wasn't dressing well, nor was i very fit.
try treating women with whatever respect they deserve. if they act like trash, treat them like trash; if they act with respect and care, treat them with respect and care. plenty of girls at my uni are garbage humans, but some aren't, and they are the ones worth spending time with

>> No.14682982

just be CONFIDENT... which is easy to say but how do you get confident with a certain set of circumstances (shit parent that constantly bullied you)?

>> No.14683012

This 100%. If you were really a Slayer, you'd still be one. Go talk to girls in real life, not the internet

>> No.14683015

When I was a teenager I was coasting on my youthful good looks and some hairline. You lose confidence with age if you hikki neet

>> No.14683032
File: 88 KB, 519x740, me child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst thing is that you still perceive your self as that cute young kid with hair. But you are a fucking balding old man. It fucks you up.

>> No.14683062


Honestly you could get a toupe.


>> No.14683069

Dunno m8, I'm bald and have been for nearly a decade. It definitely isn't a plus, but it's really not that bad. I'm not even at dyel status, being 135 and 5'10. I think the idea of it is limiting your potential, that or your head is straight ugly looking.

>> No.14683071

Stop trying to meet girls on line and go out and let your personality shine.

Or did years of "slaying pussy" stunt your personality.

Also, maybe it's time to stop trying to sleep around and actually get into a meaningful relationship.

>> No.14683080

Women don't give a shit about anything as long as you aren't deformed

>> No.14683084

hmm ok skimmed through the thread a bit.

OP you sound like you have an aweful personality and were probably coasting on your ok looks + your (then) confidence.

Once you balled your confidence probably dropped a bit and your're probably not as attractive as you thought you were. Maybe just average.

But now you have that to deal with on top of your horrible personality. You should maybe work on that.

>> No.14683095

>regain your confidence and to try and see if maybe it’s YOU who has changed and not your hair.

stop posting then kys

>> No.14683129

>tfw when you still have a glorious full head of hair in your dreams

the horror...the horror....

>> No.14683134

>picking up drunk british slags who will ghost him the next day when they sober up


>> No.14683146

pretty much this.

If you don't close the deal the night of, you'll never get it.

>> No.14683151

mr worldwide?

>> No.14683155

Sorry to hear that Anon, but don't you think you're old enough to start looking for long-time partners instead of hookups? My boyfriend doesn't care at all that I'm becoming permanently bald with no cure (femanon, only mentioning this for context, no tits because I'm loyal and this is a blue board). He even wants to try some wigs on with me even though he has a full head of hair. Mine is autoimmune related but I'm assuming yours is just simply male pattern baldness, right? Did you try rogaine and that one pill I forgot the name of? Have you went to a dermatologist? If all else fails you could just wear a wig, or better yet accept the hair loss and weed out all the people who are so shallow that they wouldn't date you because you don't have hair. if you want someone worthy of marriage then you don't want someone who is going to judge you for that.

By the way if you do go the wig route for the love of God remember to pluck the hairline. People not plucking it is the number one reason they look fake.

>> No.14683172

Take it from a permanently balding (fem)anon when I say: it's just hair. I'm not trying to diminish your feelings because I have absolutely been there, but do some research about the options available because you have options. I don't. I never will. My only option is wigs which it's actually a really great option but it's still not my own hair. But you know what? I'm fine with that, genuinely, because hair is so much easier to manage when you can take it off and put it on a wig holder, and if you want to try out a new color one day and switch back to your old one the next you don't have to fry your hair you just have to put on a different wig. As for you, I'm sure you still have options. Sometimes hair follicles are still alive and you may be able to grow back your hairline considerably or maybe even completely. You'll want to talk to a dermatologist, not a GP or physician.

>> No.14683183

good, fuck you, suffer.

>> No.14683223

Sexual predator?

>> No.14683229
File: 162 KB, 1080x1080, 1563652126663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I appreciate your kind words and advice. Im very sorry to hear about your condition, but as you know being bald as a man is very different than bald as a woman. See, you can wear a wig and people would call you strong and confident, no one would bat an eye. Honestly I feel like wigs even look great on women, and many times I cant even tell. But when a man wears a wig? They are shamed for it and laughed at; Im sure you see it all the time in the media. Im not trying to diminish your struggles with baldness as a women, but I can guarantee you that society is way less judgmental about it towards women and people with conditions causing baldness, than men with male pattern baldness. We are just expected to "man up", shave our head, get fit and look like a clone of pic related or else we'll be thrown to the curb by society.

Also here's a video of a women revealing to her date that shes bald and wears a wig. Guess who turned the other down? THE GIRL.

>> No.14683231

That could be a cool photo but if I saw an older man dressed like that irl, he'd come across as bit of a freak.

>> No.14683235
File: 12 KB, 226x300, putin reaction (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks gay

>> No.14683372

Isn't this an issue entirely dependant on age? I'm closer to 30 than 20 and I've started to notice more and more guys starting go bald/balding, pretty noticeable too, and girls are still dating/fucking them. That being said guys with full heads of hair have a huge advantage, arguably even more so because it's more of a rarity but generally woman won't care too much anymore because they can't be as picky. Also being fit, as in actually properly well built, is the biggest advantage you could possibly have outside of maybe being tall.

tl;dr last for a year or 4 more and get decently buff.

>> No.14683379

there's a massive difference between balding and being bald/buzzed. like you underestimate how many years being balding adds. but at 23 it's a pretty huge negative either way.

>> No.14683382
File: 90 KB, 483x670, 20140523231908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah brah, it's us baldies who are the abnormal
picrel "thinning" but actual bald like myself are even fewer

>> No.14683385

what age group is this

>> No.14683388

Why do bald people have so much fucking self pity? I sometimes go to that hairlosssomething forum and I swear they're all incel school shooter tier. It's pretty pathetic.

>> No.14683389

It's interesting that Russia shows fewer baldies because in Russian media (haven't watched in ages, but in the olden days) a lot of actors were bald

>> No.14683392

Probably under 50.

>> No.14683393

yeah no shit but there's a significant different between 20-25, 25-30, 30-35 etc when it comes to balding.

>> No.14683396

Maybe I'm crazy but I really don't see THAT much of a difference in amount of girls pulled between bald(ing) and guys with hair, unless the dude with hair is just really good lucking in which case he's gonna get a lot of pussy obviously.

The thing I'd hate about it more than pulling less roasties is the fact you just lost something you can style and make your own, like you suddenly can't wear shoes anymore or something. But you never hear baldlets say anything about that, it's just crying about women.

>> No.14683406

baldies are crying because it completely fucks up your aesthetics, see >>14679132

so you have to adjust your internal bohemian rockstar to this bullshit reality

>> No.14683411

I mean I'd agree with them that it sucks but every baldie thread inevitably has at least some posts whining about women and not aesthetics.

>> No.14683444
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically get a hairpiece glued on.


>> No.14683447

I'm not a fake woman

>> No.14683450

That's what Elon Musk has, and not "transplants", those don't work.

>> No.14683462

Okay well if you say being bald is your problem and are simultaneously unwilling to fix it then idk what to tell u buddy. Just wallow in self pity I guess.

>> No.14683476


>> No.14683492

Retard. Physicians prescribe fin to help keep the remaining native hair, not because it's necessary for the donor hair. In general, more fin = fewer necessary transplants.

>> No.14683514

>Imagine having sex with a girl and she starts grabbing your hair a bit and she starts to see your entire scalp peel off.

Yikes, I'll pass.

>> No.14683558

Then just be unhappy forever, I guess. Obviously you hate that you're bald and unattractive, but you won't do anything to change it. There's no magic answer that will make your hair grow back, buddy. Why even make this thread if you don't want advice? 4chan isn't your blog.

Fair enough, but you'd have to tell any girl you were dating eventually anyway. My bf has alopecia and wears one and I don't mind at all, it make him look and feel better and its not like the whole world has to know.

>> No.14683586


>> No.14683590

I am bald and attractive

>> No.14683607

>not mutually exclusive
do you even this thread?

>> No.14683840


What the fuck are you?

>> No.14683847

>after I show myself to them, they just drop me
get their pussy wet before you take off the hat

>> No.14683853


Even bald women have tons of men willing to date them. 3/10 females still think they deserve a 10/10 guy.

>> No.14683854

wear a wig you fuckin poofta

>> No.14684359

>and not "transplants", those don't work.

why not?

>> No.14684365
File: 46 KB, 634x422, putin reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't believe the hype

>> No.14684369
File: 314 KB, 504x689, der coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if he were /fitfa/