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14582752 No.14582752 [Reply] [Original]

My vote goes to dark brown

>> No.14582759

cannot refute this fact

>> No.14582760

color doesnt matter (as long as its not brown that's shit tier) shape is way more important

>> No.14582764

played out desu

>> No.14582801


>> No.14582820

Green or blue with dark hair and pale skin

>> No.14582822

It's literally the rarest eye color you fucking moron.

>> No.14582824

>literally the rarest eye color
I doubt it is in the fashion world

>> No.14582828

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? 2% of the world's population has green eyes.

>> No.14582837

Green eyed individuals have been disproportionately scouted b/c of how rare they are, so now like 20% of models and actors have green or greenish eyes. I see them so often in media that they're just not that exotic to me anymore.

>> No.14582848

Violet or heterochromia.

>> No.14582849

my dad looks like this and he isn't effay at all

>> No.14582917

You only have 3 choices really, brown, blue, or green. Everything else is just a variation of these 3. Hazel is just a variation of brown.

>> No.14582920

green eyes are just a variation of blue

>> No.14582923

I would argue that hazel is different enough to be it's own eye color.

>> No.14582924

Nigger are you stupid?

>> No.14582946

Anything but brown, only NPCs have brown eyes.

>> No.14582985

My eyes are literally black. As if I have no soul. I always have to look very carefully in the mirror to see where my iris and pupils are.

>> No.14582994

Maybe in your third world country

>> No.14582998
File: 39 KB, 657x527, sad frog annoyed pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when father's eyes are grey/blue and I had to be borned brown-eyed

>> No.14583004

i'm talking about cute skinny girls of course

>> No.14583046

for me, hazel or light brown eyes with pale skin and light brown hair

>> No.14583047

I’m not a big fan of brown or brownish “green” eyes, but then again I’m not into niggers in general.

>> No.14583148

A limbal ring is the most important aspect, color comes second. I'm talking about the eyeball anyway, otherwise >>14582760 is right.

>> No.14583475


>> No.14583479

brown eyes are lovely

>> No.14583481

Brown eyed women are my kryptonite. There’s more depth to brown.

>> No.14583536

I feel you man

>> No.14583547
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Effay and scary

>> No.14583557
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>my father has dark brown eyes
>my mother has green eyes
>I have slightly lighter brown eyes
feels decent man

>> No.14583712

fucking obviously

>> No.14583776

Honestly, as long as you have a normal white sclera you're fine. My right eye's sclera is kind of dark purple and it fucks my face completely making it look asymmetric.

>> No.14583801
File: 57 KB, 1052x192, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like my eyes is the place where i really won the genetic lottery.

>> No.14583886
File: 313 KB, 993x1405, B29933A7-F4C0-40BF-844D-3A2A0F72334C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green eyes and it’s not even a contest. Clear brown eyes are very underrated tho (mostly because they rarely stand up that much in pics but when you see them in real life they can make a person look so much better).

>> No.14584172

tfw i was blessed with light green eyes.
ty based genetics

>> No.14584207
File: 1.38 MB, 2048x1943, Screenshot_20190825-222330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green eye master race. Get owned brown eyed plebians

>> No.14584214

gunmetal blue

>> No.14584217
File: 254 KB, 1242x2208, FE5F6777-E946-45D3-8ED4-D9BA6BC50DB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my eye

>> No.14584219
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>> No.14584225

same, my dad has blue eyes, moms genes cucked me

>> No.14584913

my dad's bestfriend daughter feels like that too.
Her father has really light blue eyes and she has dark brown eyes. In a country where 90% of the people have brown eyes.

>> No.14585347
File: 333 KB, 750x742, IMG_1065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grey-blue girls master race
dark brown is best for guys

>> No.14585355
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I think my eyes are aight. Brown but kinda got some interesting patterns going on

>> No.14586236

This is what I'm talkin about. I have brown eyes myself but I still think brown are sexiest for women, or at least darker shades of blue/hazel/green

>> No.14586445

A well defined limbal ring is more important than eye color.

>> No.14586450


>> No.14586885
File: 41 KB, 480x690, gallery-1450720891-gigi-hadid-gold-eyeliner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grey are pretty interesting imo

>> No.14586929

same situation here

>> No.14587012

Hey you're the guy who posted in the other eye thread

>> No.14587017
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>> No.14587361
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Ana's eyes are pretty hard to beat

>> No.14587433


>> No.14587442

Deff green 90% of compliment for girl is for my eyes

>> No.14588611

Depth? There is nothing vulnerable or deep in having brown skin or eyes. You cannot make out cuts and scarring with skin, subtle expressions of the pupil and movements with eyes. Clear eyes have an electrified appearance instead of this lack of personality, lack of selection, and overall primordial look.

>> No.14588634

every girl I ask says I have nice green eyes

>> No.14588701
File: 49 KB, 765x488, 69643618_897184977323876_9132856644768628736_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown eyes look best on men. It's the comfiest eye color.

>> No.14588821

Cerulean blue master race as always. Cope harder everyone else

>> No.14588830

Brown eyes are disgusting.

>> No.14588849

Dark charcoal gray. Rare to the extreme but cool to the same degree.

>> No.14588864
File: 29 KB, 543x443, 2n8ndr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you only exist because of inbreeding

>> No.14589687

am i missing something?

>> No.14589730
File: 979 KB, 500x281, D2339686-B7CC-41CC-AA3E-7FC5FA0E0F34.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green eyes are the GOAT as long as they are paired with dark hair and a dark complexion overall

>> No.14589738

Jew eyeball

>> No.14589739

Tbh she looks too much like my Mom (who actually has even greener eyes than Eva Green) for me to be attracted to her.

>> No.14589741

>Jew eyeball
Must have missed that one in my Jew identification handbook

>> No.14589753

Same anon that posted her here and I gotta say that I don’t find her that attractive but in that movie she looked like a solid 10/10

>> No.14589756
File: 59 KB, 682x1024, qXlDuXpDlx7JTxtB78qG9DgKIzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if you look closely her eyes are def not green. Grey, maybe, but in my opinion just a pale blue. I think her surname serves as a subliminal suggestion.

>> No.14589762


>> No.14589791
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her eyes are the same color as my gf’s. Green but sometimes can look blue-ish

>> No.14589794

I can't find a single pic where here eyes look like the actual color green

>> No.14590125

>Dad has blue eyes
>Mom had brown eyes
>Sister got blue eyes
>I got brown eyes

>> No.14590149
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>> No.14590175

>tfw no sith lord gf

>> No.14590186

Black. Which is techincally dark brown but much darker than in the one in the pic

>> No.14590216

Green or blue. Brown is SHIT

>> No.14590275

What's pol reaction to this?

>> No.14590750

Look at the shape. It you're OP and that's you... Then consider why you feel so named. If it's not you, then you got it from a definite jew.

>> No.14590757

Protip: if you take internet memes seriously you should kill yourself for your own sake.

>> No.14592069

That is my eye and I'm actually not Jewish at all, but thank you for the laugh.

>> No.14592374


>> No.14592456

Brown is the best by far

>> No.14592698
File: 2.20 MB, 2259x2087, 20190829_093804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant tell if mine are green or hazel. They look super green in direct sunlight

>> No.14592747
File: 89 KB, 1151x301, 30CBD4E0-D8BC-4EB6-A73F-E159F9F20E44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14592758

blue sucks and is overrated unless its dark blue
light blue eyes look soulless and alienlike

>> No.14593397
File: 92 KB, 232x247, haah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom had green eyes
>dad had brown eyes
>brother has dark hair and green eyes
>I got blue eyes and blonde hair
we wuz nordic n shittt

>> No.14593521


>> No.14593526

Is violent even an actual color irl? Or is that just an anime thing only?

>> No.14593652
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Elizabeth Taylor’s eyes were said to be violet.