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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 147 KB, 750x750, 1500041662170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14560575 No.14560575 [Reply] [Original]

What is the male equivalent of art hoe style?
Or rather, the style they find as exhilarating as I find theirs

t. asking for a friend

>> No.14560583

eboy lol

>> No.14560586

Soft boys

>> No.14560594

Post examples

>> No.14560599

>spoonfeed me
use google

>> No.14560608

So, effeminate guys?

>> No.14560641
File: 2.99 MB, 3200x4136, 1443673440747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the zoomer version of the modern male. Picture the unhealthy, hypersexual addiction to social media. Any girl can be an egirl because all girls are attractive on social media. But all eboys must be extremely attractive or they're just sad cringy losers - also they won't even break the threshold to be successful where internet reputation corresponds to aesthetics, unless of course you are hideously deformed in which case you can become popular by being a freak show (see Ricky Berwick). A porn addiction is necessary, bonus if it's hentai and/or transexual/trap. Also you'll need to emulate female behaviour and style, e.g. paint your nails, dye your hair blond (better if platinum blonde or pink), and wear tight black jeans. Also, don't go out in the sun or lift weights, you have to be a twink to be an eboy. The only time you should leave your room is when you can't post on social media, Fortnite is down, or there is a sesh that you are going to.

Much of your personality will revolve around shallow trends and algorithmically decided content, of which is most likely to consist of, other than the regular TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram content, Twitter memes and the offshoot content of what used to be content found in r/deepintoyoutube r/youtubehaiku r/dankmemes, etc. This is good because you benefit from there being other people like you, except you're special - in the sea of simple and unimportant and atrophied teenagers, you rise above because you look the best. As for music, just listen to whatever is in the top 10, most likely something whiny and sad like lil peep, Billie eilish, or PewDiePie. Speaking of PewDiePie, you will also watch the top trending YouTubers and twitch streamers, again this is not because you have chosen amongst the millions of other meaningless videos uploaded every minute, which is of course impossible for anyone to do, you will watch the content that floats to the top of the algorithm all being unoriginal dogshit vlogs - nurture > nature.

>> No.14560647

you're not fascinating or insightful whatsoever you unoriginal mediocre underage loser

>> No.14560663
File: 1.38 MB, 1400x1400, You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry some more little baby angry girl

>> No.14560665


Pic looks like some shit a boomer brained millennial would make

Just go back to your James alsup videos

>> No.14560675

Have I upset you, little person?

Just go back to your meme compilations

>> No.14560704
File: 2 KB, 70x88, ruurd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top fuckin kek, you sure made some boys mad here
I don't want to be the equivalent of the girl, I just want to obtain one
>play music, produce own indie tracks
>lift weights
>have p long beard
Am I screwed, anon?

>> No.14560736
File: 60 KB, 640x640, d173ee62f06b107b63fb22dfdf399236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to tell without seeing a pic and knowing more about you. The lifting weights and long beard part precludes you being an eboy. But if you want to attract a girl you don't really need to be one. Girls are attracted to attractive men; lifting weights and having a hobby is a good generic start. You could aim for something like pic? Although, you have to consider that attractiveness is also contextual, an egirl will value different signals as being more attractive (you'll attract girls that like indie music), but I doubt it is a major factor - if you are fit and successful the you'll be fine.

>> No.14560747
File: 1.61 MB, 1080x2340, It Me 2k19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me, not too long ago. Anything to add/remove from my rather basic style?

>> No.14560756

just dress better. you already look like a hipster but you dress like a dad. If you want something you need to try harder.

>> No.14560760
File: 1010 KB, 1015x803, 1565948294181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks so bland it's not even normcore. That's not a bad thing you look 'fine' but you could look better. Try a more outdoorsy look or scandi minimalism? Pic attached is something I remembered from another thread which might work.

>> No.14560763

Funny you should say like a dad. But thanks anon, I can work with this. I wish to be a bit more expressive, yet I try to walk the fine line between too effeminate, and too preppy.

>> No.14560768

I think I might know you, Minnesota right?

>> No.14560774

Nah man, wrong continent. I'm Dutch
Wew, thanks anon. I've been aiming for that basic look for a while now, but it's getting a bit too sterile. Will try!

>> No.14560799

tuck your shirt in manchild

>> No.14560812
File: 29 KB, 460x276, OK_kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tucking t-shirts into jeans

>> No.14561188

>Find chokers and nose rings very attractive
>Hate art hoe personality type
Life is suffering

>> No.14561245
File: 288 KB, 750x757, E1127EBF-6E8F-4333-B37F-7C7385645A4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14561284

I feel like this is a myth, I currently go to college and I've maybe only seen 1 kid like this.

>> No.14561288

This. These fags only exist on Instagram

>> No.14561297

what's the actual age group of these though?
i'm 22 and if i dressed like this i'd feel like a right retard

>> No.14561306
File: 477 KB, 706x706, zoomertwinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That pic describes a millennial

But your description is SPOT ON.

>> No.14561310


All the TIkTok stars pioneering this look are int he age range of 15 - 18. So probably high schoolers/secondary school

>> No.14561318


Look at "yells at his parents" indicating a teenage rebellion phase and "bullied at school for being a lesbian" implying grade school since people in college don't give a shit about ouftis. Tells you everything you need to know

>> No.14562551

why is Asap Rocky in there

>> No.14562556

how do i keep coming back to this board. its like the msot predictable shit. soemtrhing to do with art hoes and hairlines. all dress like shit anyway too. im not learning anything new or seeing anything cool and i keep coming back lol

>> No.14562558

get a life then

>> No.14562838

I feel like Rocky and Tyler are more from a older generation now
Current kids listen to these soundcloud trash-tier sadboi rappers

>> No.14562882
File: 93 KB, 750x927, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a pretty zoomer faggot

>> No.14563025
File: 67 KB, 602x709, 1560257626510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14563027

This shit is barely legible

>> No.14563029

Because even they don't have the gaul to expose that shit to the public

>> No.14563075

zoomers, not even once

>> No.14563661

It's mostly and urban highschool thing. I'm a senior (not underaged) and a lot of faggots dress like that, obviously toned down a bit. The trend is super new so basically the younger the age group the more you see it

>> No.14563803
File: 9 KB, 200x224, nice 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was telling my sister the other day that If I didn't get into Uni I was going to start taking Taekwondo classes

>> No.14563807


>all these freshman zoomers running around in dumb middle parts and black fingernails

>> No.14563821

>dress like an e-boy but im in a trash metal band but also play drums for an jangle pop band
>hate art hoes with a passion
>few of them have spread rumors im gay
i cant wait to fucking move

>> No.14563836


Do you go to secondary school or high school? The immaturity of your peers seem to point to that.

I can't see why people would make rumours about people in college about being gay when there's pansexual trans people running around in university/college.

>> No.14563855

im in college. but the 90% of the diy shows are ran by females who are """"bi""""""""""" but only fuck guys
when we play shows at bars its fine. but they only host shit once every couple months.
whole scene is kinda nasty when majority of ppl have fucked each other & when it goes south somebody is an "abuser" then your band can't get booked anymore.
i just wanna play my music & go home. if i get a free beer & weed thats a bonus.

>> No.14563889

w2c those boots? I already have a similar jacket from the same brand

>> No.14563917


It's in a college town right?

Man, that sounds like a shithole. Graduate and move out of that place ASAP

Man I remember in college, there was so many art hoe feminist fucks. This was back in 2016. I assume the situation at colleges has gotten worse

>> No.14563931

yea college town. luckily i never had sex with any of them or said anything sexual towards them.

worse they can do is call me gay or creepy. im out in a year.

>> No.14563959

Nah girls are attracted to simps they can control
Chads are at best a side fling

>> No.14564216

>lifting weights and having a hobby is a good generic start.
>he fell for the "lift for girls" meme
lift for yourself but when you do something just for girls it's sad

>> No.14564220

that's for edgelords not current day emos

>> No.14564288

just go any where near the west coast and you'll find plenty of these guys lying around ive seen many just being around the SoCal region

>> No.14564301

wait a second, threatening suicide for clothes? how does that work? I'm quite interested now.

>> No.14565078
File: 284 KB, 1024x1536, kanyebruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking hell, fashion trends always hit SoCal or NYC first.
I remember seeing current year Instagram SEXCORE in SoCal as far back as late 2013/ early 2014 I believe. It was basically fashionable among streetwear circles. Because back then , Kanye was the first to pioneer this the skinny jean, oversized top look later popularized by H&M and Zara. That type of style back then was associated with hypebeasts and people ahead of the curve on fashion so to speak.

Nowadays, SEXcore is not so fashionable anymore since streetwear/fashion circles have abandoned it. This happened when Kanye opted for dadcore during the 2016 election. Nowadays SEXcore is associated with your average generic good looking douchebag. For example, meathead chads, fuckboys with fades and etc. You see it a lot if you frequent certain places like colleges, clubs, bars and etc. Especially in places with a high population of ethnics.

90's /2000's style slightly baggy tucked in stuff and twink eboy lil peep revival shit is the new trend for people/zoomers in SoCal nowadays, which I've noticed from fashion at high schools, middle schools, college campuses and places where under 23 year olds hang out. I guess the youth of SoCal is always trying to stay on trend or ahead of it, because they live in an area where IG and the media influences their lives and what is seen as cool is influenced by these two factors.

idk, just my thoughts

>> No.14565081

you're right

>> No.14565088

>I'm thinking about taking taekwondo classes
Fuck you. Taekowndo is a legitimate martial art that requires que work and dedication.