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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 739 KB, 500x2410, 1510000000579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14551125 No.14551125 [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/, /pol/ here. found this guide and was wondering what the hypebeast teens would think of it

>> No.14551134


>> No.14551136

>/pol/ here
Go back, cancer.

>> No.14551137

lame and cringe

>> No.14551146

Go back, neck yourself

>> No.14551175

Nothing wrong with the style in question, but what does it have to do with /pol/???

>> No.14551181

>classic dad look
imagine being unrepentantly narcissistic enough to look down on anybody after sincerely typing this sentence

>> No.14551186

>literal autism shirts
I hope youre just a troll. If not go ahead and dress like that im sure it suits your personality

>> No.14551193

my favorite thing about this pic, which I never get tired of no many how many times it gets ironically posted, is how its completely normal inoffensive vanilla business-casual until the end where it tells you to wear a highschool class ring

>> No.14551194

Thats how a sane White man should dress

>> No.14551196

Hello /pol/, /fa/ here.
The style in that image is great for any mature young adult and for the rest of his life.

However, here on /fa/ most are teenager and fags and they think they are supposed to look "different" so they wear extremely weird clothes that 99% of the time look ridiculous. They will unironically think that the style in your pic is bad, and that their own style is good (yes really, and yes it's laughable).

So I don't know what you wanted with your post, but I can tell you that for all normies it's good to dress like that. For /fa/ it's generally not.

>> No.14551197
File: 723 KB, 1440x2560, 1565476921013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to emulate this look. Notice how it's effortless.

>> No.14551203

So /pol/ has basically made fashion choices a political thing?

>> No.14551208
File: 589 KB, 1440x2560, 1565537268628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this blue one lol

>> No.14551209

Only ring a man should ever wear is actually the wedding ring.

>> No.14551218

They would believe that you’re an insecure nerd that takes fashion advice from his grandpa

>> No.14551228

fuck off idiot

>> No.14551233

This guy gets it

>> No.14551237

hot daddy

>> No.14551241
File: 18 KB, 174x174, fedora hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay classy

>> No.14551245
File: 5 KB, 454x520, jack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing wrong with the style in question

>> No.14551247

Or for religion

>> No.14551248

Is that Audrius of kc?

>> No.14551253

Not the other anon, but besides being boring what’s wrong with the style? It’s a perfectly non confrontational appearance. NPC wear if you will, which I appreciate because if I need some info I could probably get it from a guy dressed like this.

>> No.14551255

trying to imagine the kind of man who would wear an engagement ring

>> No.14551273

It isn't bad but outdated
Wolverine has QA issues. there are better MiUSA brands out there, notably White's.
Bill's Khakis have gone through some changes lately. Last I heard quality had remarkably decreased.
Some RL shirts are made in the third world, probably most.
Overall the look isn't bad but do your research on brands, quality etc.

>> No.14551277


>> No.14551284

I don't think a guy who needs an infographic from /pol/ to tell him how to dress should be plopping down $600 for White's boots

>> No.14551288

Imagine being twenty

And unironically wearing a brand named Bills Khakis

>> No.14551293

Graphic is old as sin and total shit. Go back.

>> No.14551330

Just check out the prep trade ivy thread. Same style, but with taste and better material

>> No.14551345

>what's wrong with dressing like chris chan circa 2007
this might be the board of 4chan most disconnected from reality. please wear this shit

>> No.14551351

There is even a ring with CWC on it in the infograph lel

>> No.14551392
File: 1.67 MB, 1800x2332, Official pol guide for both genders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14551407

>giving you're hard earned $ to (((eBay)))

>> No.14551575

wow, it's worse

>> No.14551666

this is how frat boys and rich white kids from my school dress. also the jeans are really bad

>> No.14551717

prep works really well for white guys, but this image is awful

>> No.14551849

/pol/ here, whoever made this is a jew

>> No.14551854


>> No.14551886

You're a retard and so is this image. Go outside and stop jerking off to your feigned sense of white superiority when you're literally so retarded and degenerate you think fucking /pol/ is real or worthwhile of spending time on

>> No.14551899

I came here to laugh and I leave satisfied

>> No.14551926
File: 3.71 MB, 320x320, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't understand what kind of American man wears an engagement ring? Seems Buzzfeed-tier to me.

>> No.14551994

>a high school ring

>those fucking chris chan shirts
you know what actually this is perfect for y'all. you nailed it mate.

>> No.14552016

Is it /fa/? No
Is it perfect for normies? Yes.

This obviously isn’t “fashion”, it’s function. If you think everyone thinks about how well they dress, you’re the disconnected one.

>> No.14552044

oh ok, I get it now. it's a fashion guide for people who don't think about fashion. brainlet. if you're not thinking about how you dress, you don't seek out this guide

>> No.14552057
File: 45 KB, 700x522, shit is fucked up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not this shit again

>> No.14552067

Hey Igor, if you're still here, how much do you weight at 5'11?

>> No.14552072 [DELETED] 

I'm 5'10 barefoot, maybe even less ._. 1m77
currently before bed ~175lbs

>> No.14552081

/pol/ has always been a fashion victim.

>> No.14552089

I'm 5'9 barefoot (1m77). And that happens to be my current weight before bed ~177 lbs. But I'm nowhere near lean.

>> No.14552093

I am not being ironic when I say I think this guide is great and anyone arguing with it is either angry about it originating at /pol/ or a trash person who feels personally attacked.

>> No.14552103

It looks great if you wanna be NPC.

>> No.14552113

Okie dokie eboy. Let me know when your 10th $45 black t-shirt gets here.

>> No.14552127
File: 265 KB, 2031x2886, Screenshot_2019-08-12 Rewards History - Pizza Profile Edit Details.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw just annihilated another small pizza in a sitting. I'm not even plannign on going back to lean anytime soon.

>> No.14552130
File: 49 KB, 640x480, Chrischan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g2b chris

>> No.14552155


>> No.14552768

/pol/lack here. /fa/ sees itself as strictly non-suit wearing. If suit threads appear, the knowledgeable are in it at times.

>> No.14552771
File: 885 KB, 500x2410, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.14552870

this fucking thread again, fucking pol doesn't know how to dress themselves without being told how to, pathetic

>> No.14552890

>high school ring
The proper way is to eear a profession gift. Wtf is a high school ring? Are ameeicans proud to finish high school?

>> No.14552994

Keep wearing them ugly, autist rugby shirts
Everything else is good though

>> No.14553002

my girlfriend made me watch "90 Day Fiance" and the guy who married the Mexican foid was forced to wear an engagement ring. She dumped him after the show anyway to pursue her "modeling career"

>> No.14553010

no meme
shirts and jeans are fine but boring
if you think that “adults” only ever wear collared shirts, youre a moron
khakis are a real way to bring a look up
quarter zips were invented by kohls to make sales, those things are trash. cardigans, unstructured jackets can both look much better

>> No.14553013

if its a private highschool i reckon
even then it shows how much of a faggot you are for taking pride in your education

>> No.14553015
File: 697 KB, 1080x1920, pol_newfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14553023

"autistic 40 year old who gets all his style reddit"-core
also idk if the rings are some murican thing or whatever but these look like they're available to buy in packs of 10 on aliexpress under the name of "novelty rings painted plastic prank play fun toy"

>> No.14553070
File: 885 KB, 768x960, amerimutt faces of the us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High school ring

>> No.14553239

Nice projection, faggot.

>> No.14554098

pol here 2. I hate this image so much.

>> No.14554416
File: 44 KB, 150x225, 1541478869973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high school ring

>> No.14554429
File: 135 KB, 768x960, 7ED9B7A6-172B-4355-B61E-8D1EA06232E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. Guess you’re trying to dress like a closeted college republican in a third rung fraternity.

>> No.14554431

eat shit and die you nazi prick

>> No.14554437
File: 29 KB, 480x518, FB_IMG_1490584375511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14554446

Its great if you want to look like a balding white father

>> No.14554447

you look completely retarded

>> No.14554522

haha just another day in HELLWORLD surrounded by NAZI CHUDS am I right fellow chapos?

>> No.14554601

Is this a guide on how to dress like a pedophile?

>> No.14554668

Or a child. It looks like a five year old's mother dressed him.

>> No.14555525


>> No.14555570

Y'all are definitely going to be "extinct" soon dressing like that then.

>no shirts with collars, and no ties
Kek I knew /pol/tards were NEETs

>> No.14555588

Classic style that will be around longer than all the third worlders leaching off the current western welfare state.

>> No.14555637

/pol/ is a board of peace.

>> No.14555687

/pol/ is neither sane nor white though

>> No.14555744

What is a high school ring

>> No.14555812

>someone made this image

>> No.14555824

those striped shirts are chris chan-core

>> No.14555861

in america, everybody wears a golden ring with the name of their high school and their birth stone

>> No.14555864


>> No.14555882

Do americans really do this?

>> No.14555928

>goes to Wal-Mart
>buys the same shirt in 7 different colors
>cycles them every week
>"why don't girls like my mature and adult look????"
No your not being a mature adult, your being lazy and acting like a pussy cause you can't fucking put effort into your own style that represents you. And no that style doesn't represent you. Its a fake shield you put up because you don't want people knowing you arent actually a mature adult since all you do all day is call people nigger, post memes, and shit on other peoples opinions. You are the furthest fucking thing from an adult, you are a man child, but you don't know how to change yourself so you hide it instead. Hell you didn't even come here for genuine opinions on your style, i assume you came here to either shit on us because we have an interest that we can openly talk about in public OR you came here to try and show off how responsible, mature, and smart a shitposting retard can be. Either way its pathetic.

>> No.14555934

Meant for OP not >>14551196

>> No.14556454

Get the fuck back and neck yourself, nazi/borderline nazi.

>> No.14556457

Have /pol/ become a cult or something?

Nevermind, who am I fooling. No person from /pol/ would ever be willing to go out and meet other people.

>> No.14556462

Post body

>> No.14556463


>> No.14556500

/pol/ are some of the most suggestible and naive people on the internet. it's the retarded and schizophrenic leading the retarded and schizophrenic

>> No.14556501
File: 44 KB, 720x900, clickbait3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14556579

this is as boring as it is disgusting

>> No.14557214
File: 367 KB, 768x768, IMG_20190524_220129_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank goodness I don't have to comb through the archives, I was looking for these. Anyone have the altright one with the fall, summer, and spring looks?

>> No.14557220


>> No.14558131


>> No.14558253

you'll look great, White Aryan Creator. put on your chris chan shirt and enjoy 30 seconds of retribution before your guns jam up

>> No.14559227

>wearing a high school ring
holy shit only the biggest losers around do this

>> No.14559636

If Im wearing white sneakers do I get brown or black belt

>> No.14559927


>> No.14559928

80s chav
or modern day lads in australia