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File: 109 KB, 1422x800, 1561399007567122-vetements-paris-mc-donalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14534666 No.14534666 [Reply] [Original]

Vetements literally represents everything wrong with modern high end fashion
>offensively overpriced
>lol random design
>social media inspired
>no real clear style
>worn mainly by asians
>makes sneakers
>laughable or too autistic to be interesting a lot of the time
>uses ugly male models and women in menswear shows

>> No.14534674


Why do Asian FOBS like to wear expensive shit?

>> No.14534696

That looks like HOMO uniform

>> No.14534704

Russian Police

>> No.14534714

Why do Asian fobs do fucking anything? Don't try to understand them anon

>> No.14534914
File: 158 KB, 683x1024, LOOK-07-002-copy-683x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, it sucks pretty bad; the first two seasons (FW14 / SS15) where Demna was fresh out of working for Margiela were actually not bad. Would have been really cool to see him develop this direction further. Pic related is from the first season and is kino.

Third season he begins introducing all the graphics and it starts to get more ridiculous. Was actually interesting at first though. I think this season (FW15) was the break out one where people really began to take notice.This might be his best season too because it has a really nice blend of the two styles. There's some graphics and fuckery afoot but it's supported and anchored by actual nice design and tailoring.

Following season (SS16) is when Demna really gives up. I think it was at this point that he began to put on the mask and go full evil retard. The type of really ironic, graphic heavy, meme streetwear he became known for all traces back to this collection. The DHL and Titanic print basically sealed Demna's fate. Those were the dumbest, easiest, cheapest pieces to produce in the collection and they got all the press and all the sales. Imagine all the time and effort and thought that went into the first two seasons and the DHL t-shirt is what makes the brand blow up.

I honestly think at this point Demna becomes a sort of evil depressed retard that wants to inflict as much pain as possible on people. Next season (FW16) is probably Vetements most iconic but also the most cancerous. The retarded purple barney bomber jacket inflicts untold misery onto the world. I think this is also the season where you see the last vestiges of early Vetements die. The meme-wear simply does too well. The world is simply too stupid, and so Demna marches on.

>> No.14534925
File: 955 KB, 2000x3000, 08-vetements-mens-ss-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The season after (SS17) is the most phoned in of anything Vetements has done at this point. Almost everything is a rehash of previous work. Obviously the DHL shirt took all of his creative energy to think up and he must recharge like a dumb evil retarded fashion vampire. Also of note, Demna now has the Balenciaga gig and it's obvious he has gotten the absolute most mileage out of being an evil retard.

Next collection (FW17) is important because it's where the creative bankruptcy truly begins. This is the beginning of Vetements using goofy ass locations and stupid looking models, which is one of the cheapest tricks in the book when the clothes suck ass. It's slightly less rehashed than SS17 but it's still blatantly obvious Balenciaga is what Demna is focusing on.

Afterwards (SS18) you have a new high mark in Vetements being the fashion equivalent of an open sewer. Demna has become so incredibly lazy and preoccupied that for the first time there's not even a runway show, just a lookbook. The trend of using non-models is taken to its natural extreme, full on fat geriatrics are casted (pic related has for a while now been the mental image that is generated in my head when people mention Vetements). Also has probably the least actual design and tailoring of any collection so far. Anything that's not a truly easy to make / easy to sell piece of meme wear has been cut from the brand.

The followup collection (FW18) the runway returns but it's another snoozefest not too dissimilar to SS17. Massive amounts of rehashing. The styling is the most telling element here, every model has like 3-5 layers on. It seems the only creativity Demna has left for the brand is finding new ways to hide the fact that he has nothing new to show.

>> No.14534928

Hitler was right about almost everything

>> No.14534933
File: 891 KB, 1708x1456, Screen Shot 2019-08-05 at 9.52.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last handful of seasons (SS19 & FW19) I don't even feel like commenting on. It's just rehashes and meme wear and other gay shit. There's some pseudo edgy softball political commentary and masks and hijabs. More signs of total creative bankruptcy. I will say most recent season (SS20) is another amazingly bad high mark with the McDonalds locale. Basically I think for about 4 years now Demna hasn't really given a shit and only lives to rip off dumb retarded rich kids and to occasionally take a massive steamy shit on the fashion media who turned him into this and whom I think he resents as a result.

First two and I guess now that I've looked back third season are great though. I just wish it could have been explored further instead of pic related.

>> No.14534942

Vetements is such a trash and uninspired brand. And as far as OffWhite goes, Virgil Abloh had a tweet from 2012 which basically said that design in clothes is ultimately irrelevant cuz people will buy anything.

That's why Virgil Abloh is a fucking awful, pathetic excuse for a designer and shouldn't even be considered one. His designs are plain and wack as fuck, if I saw him on the street I'd voice my opinion about him and his shit brand. Him being considered a designer completely devalues the title itself. Yohji, Jun Takahashi, Rei Kawakubo, Junya Watanabe etc. are examples of REAL designers.

>> No.14534948
File: 34 KB, 760x1164, ac194ebb-1a46-4488-89d1-aca2aa12bf94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a shirt with a literal phone screenshot of a taco recipe that they sell $600.

>> No.14534956

Jesus fucking christ. Please be a joke

>> No.14534965


It has a graphic on the front too if that makes you feel any better

>> No.14534984

>I think it was at this point that he began to put on the mask
Why does he wear the mask?

>> No.14534993


Crash the fashion industry with no survivors obviously

>> No.14535020

>puts quotes around your clothing, maybe a big ugly box on the back
That'll be $2500 plus tax goy

>> No.14535039
File: 161 KB, 1436x2111, pood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vetements literally stealing ideas from fucking pewdiepie now

>> No.14535049

I liked the ecstacy Explorer shirt but it's pretty much redbubble design tier
says a lot desu

>> No.14535113

I've thought on this subject for a while and the only plausible explanation is that Demna is a genius. He's totally got his finger on the youth pulse. It's an internet generation that's jacked into everything all the time and fetishizes a past they were barely old enough to remember. Gemna has nailed that with Vetements and gone even farther back to take on menswear and workwear.

I think he's working with the current decompartmentalizing of subcultures. There aren't punks anymore, there aren't emo kids, there is a blending of social groups under an umbrella of technology and by extension style inspiration. Vetements takes on everything from streetwear to business suits and turns it all wonky. Demna is not picky about what he's choosing to deconstruct because kids don't care anymore. The options now are edgy or not.

>> No.14535136

I think this all relates to some of your gripes with the brand.

>random designs
A kid on the internet today sees so much random information, pictures, and graphics that anything goes. Relevance of a design is tossed out the window.

>no real clear style
The cool kids don't have a clear style anymore. It's a melting pot. The coolest kids aren't decked out in Abercrombie anymore, they're pulling a Jaden Smith and going ham on a bunch of different styles.

>uses ugly male models and women in menswear shows
Again, sign of the times. Basically, you must be a geezer if you think this kinda stuff is weird in 2019. My friend is a high school teacher and her first question to a new student is what gender pronoun they prefer. Zoomers are the nascent destruction of boundaries as everything is connected by technology; they're taking be yourself to the extreme and vetements is a catalyst for that.

>> No.14535150

never said its weird. just said that theyre whats ruining modern high end fashion and are easily seen when analyzing Vetements

>> No.14535162


He just stumbled onto the idea of fashion memes. The concept of creating a garment from the ground up with the express purpose of having it go viral on social media. He was absolutely the first person within designer fashion to really figure that out. I'll give him credit for that, he got the Balenciaga job pretty much exclusively because of his ability to go viral, fair enough.

Now with that said, consider what he's done with this talent of his. Vetements is like the fashion equivalent of click bait. Everyone across the board unanimously agrees it's garbage but rich nihilistic teenagers eat it up because DUDE ITS BAD ON PURPOSE LMAO. He knows what he's doing is trash and he does it anyway because he understands in todays world no press is bad press. In this regard Demna pretty much has no integrity whatsoever. He will do anything for clicks. Is this really someone that should be lauded or looked at as a genius? The vast majority of his clothing has no real lasting appeal. It truly is meme wear because just like memes it's totally ephemeral and only funny briefly before becoming gay and cringe.

>> No.14535171

I think they're evolving it. The runway show is dying a slow death. High fashion is so fucking homogenous as an industry. How long will stodgy white people get offended when you ask why their runways have no models of color or older models? Though people like Yohji and Rick have embraced abnormal models Vetements has put them all in once place and I think it's just the shape of things to come.

>> No.14535201


Evolving? Vetements has been stagnating for years dude. Speaking of zoomers it's also quickly losing it's youthful cachet. It's basically a boomer brand now dude. This is the problem with this type of hyper modern hyper relevant hyper meme design. It's live by the sword die by the sword, as soon as you're irrelevant you're fucked. Vetements is not evolving because it's not building a stable lasting business. Demna is basically doing a bank run dude. He's trying to get in his licks and make as much as he can while he's captured the zeitgeist. There won't be a follow up or part 2.

You mentioned Yohji and Rick, contrast them to Vetements dude. They're actual good designers, that really can evolve because they've built for themselves a solid foundation. They might not go viral as often (if at all) but their clothes and ideas are actually good and have lasting appeal. You could wear Rick or Yohji in the 90's, 00's, or 10's, and most likely the future as well and it would look dope.

This ultra ironic ultra nihilistic meme thing isn't forever dude. People are already getting sick of it. When the wheel turns (as it already is) Vetements is going to look stupid and gay and cringe dude. In the future it's going to be looked back on as the poster child for late 2010's gay cringe core fashion for rich lowkey depressed teenagers that desperately wanted to fit in and be considered relevant and self aware. It's fucking sad and gay dude. Mega cringe.

>> No.14535204

I think Vetements is so popular because it captures the youth zeitgeist so perfectly it creates a mirror of it's audience, which is it's main appeal.
The themes of nihilism, mockery, and irony are just a reflection of the youth of today, and the rich older customer buys Vetements to try and capture that feeling.
The collections are getting weaker and weaker, but I guess it's what he had to sacrifice to thrive at Balenciaga.

Personally, I actually kinda enjoy Vetements, it's definitively more interesting than another carbon copy collection from any heritage house, but I wish Demna would actually lead Vetements with some direction, rather than going from a theme like identity through clothing to something like the deep web.

>> No.14535211

Sounds like you're not reading past the DHL/Titanic stuff. His tailored pieces really are interesting. The cuts are unique to the point of intentionally deforming the silhouette into something off kilter. It's the kind of edge that shows Demna's Margiela roots.

I think Demna is really beyond the self-aware point to the fuck you, fashion is a different ballgame now. Demna's saving luxury fashion, not destroying it.

I think that Vetements is not just in it 'for the clicks. They intentionally release limited stock of a small collection of items so it all sells out immediately and nothing really goes on sale. It's the oversaturation of cheaper luxury goods that's diluting luxury fashion. Vetements is actually fighting that with a high price and low stock to increase exclusivity and aftermarket value. Anyone can afford a shitty Gucci flex piece these days and that's what's ruining high fashion, not designs that frustrate you with their inane simplicity.

>> No.14535217
File: 31 KB, 600x600, dfg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virgil Abloh is a Zionist nigger (I'm black I can say that).

>> No.14535226

You seem awful focused on pigeonholing the brand. They are more than just memey graphic pieces. Go check out the construction in person and study the less basic pieces. Demna is more than capable of working outside of one box. Sure he's riding the zeitgeist but that's kind of what birthed the project in the first place. I'd argue that Demna has done what he set out to do and it's not like anything's branded with his name. He's free to hang up the Vetements hat anytime he chooses and start a new project. The beauty of limiting production is that you don't have unsold stock collecting dust and when it's gone it's really gone, move on.

>> No.14535228


Dude I said earlier in the thread his first 3 seasons were dope. FW15 is the high point for the brand for sure, because it has the most of what you're talking about. Every season since there has been less and less of that.


Antonioli has their entire FW19 buy up. They've been one of the earliest and biggest supporters of the brand since day one. They always buy deep (not just tees and hoodies like SSENSE for example) and look at how absolutely booty next season looks. That's been the brand for more or less the past 4 years dude. The only way Demna could be saving fashion is if you're an accelerationist dude.

Also the brand hasn't been even remotely limited for years now, I think that's a soundbite you got from some interview around 2014-2015 when the brand was just taking off. That's a pre-Balenciaga ethos that Demna obviously no longer holds. Not to mention with the exception of the most coveted meme pieces Vetements has NEVER sold out, historically it has pretty much always gone to 50%+. The reason stores would carry it is because of the social media traffic it generates and also the absolutely bonkers margins on the cut & sew. But the idea that not only is the supply limited but that it's also selling out is both patently false dude.

>> No.14535236


Dude the brand pigeonholed itself years ago by constantly putting out clickbaity trash. I KNOW Demna can make good clothes which is why he's so cancerous and has no integrity. He actually has much more to answer for than someone like a Philip Plein, who can't help being shit.

>> No.14535249

I guess I didn't know you were the same poster from above. I took you to be the OP. Seems you and I are on the same page as far as the brand's earlier stuff.

I see you're better informed about the current state of Vetements than I am. Sad to hear they've abandoned the stuff that originally made them interesting beyond just the clothing itself.

>> No.14535349

the worst part about vetements is that the name is so fucking lazy holy shit it's just clothes in french i don't even know how the hell it's even allowed for them to trademark this name

>> No.14535471

good thread, nice to see we still have a few people who are actually interested in fashion

>> No.14535486

>My friend is a high school teacher and her first question to a new student is what gender pronoun they prefer

Wait, really?

>> No.14535499

That is literally their goal retard. It's a parody of the current state of high fashion.

>> No.14535509

He's crashing fashion with no survivors and you Jews are crying about it

>> No.14535588

IMO Vetements can be devided into different layers. On the one hand Vetements is pushing "ironic" fashion as far as they can, including their fashion shows, their prices and their name. All of that is on purpose, just to show that designs that would be considered terrible compared to more traditional ones will sell if the demand is there. It is as if Demna would be selling Phillipp Plein pieces ironically.
On the other hand you have the actual talent of Demna. The cuts and shapes in his first collections for the brand were interesting, in a way a revival of the anti-fashion of the 90s. Sadly his last couple of collections have shown that Demna is not really interested in making Vetements a lasting name in the industry, which is understandable due to his role at Balenciaga

>> No.14535759
File: 171 KB, 406x431, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NIGGER (I am not black)

>> No.14535853

not the op, but yeah pretty much how it's going these days