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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 76 KB, 1000x664, DSC_0177[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14507496 No.14507496 [Reply] [Original]

Crockett and Jones Islay Edition

All boot related faggotry goes here. Post your boots, ask for recs, get help and discuss leather care questions here. Post YOUR boots in this thread so we can see each other's collections.


Helpful links:
>How to polish boots
>Learn about leather (long read but recommended)
>Common types of boot
>Includes helpful boot related articles so is worth a browse
>other handy tips

Old thread:

>> No.14507501
File: 1.33 MB, 3000x3000, S8-551-OX-G_Solovair-8-Eye-Derby-Boot-Oxblood-Hi-Shine_02_(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c these for cheap?

>> No.14507507

Read the OP
Wrong thread, buddy.

>> No.14507529


KYS with these shits

>> No.14507611


I'm a weeaboo girl actually, but I already have docs and want a pair of nice black tall boots that aren't docs

>> No.14507642

Considering black suede chelsea boots to get that SEX.

is suede really that difficult to look after?

>> No.14507677
File: 3.09 MB, 2622x3320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of buying some boots to match my belt any suggestions

>> No.14507698

The ones you have with you

>> No.14507721


>> No.14507722
File: 238 KB, 1080x2050, Screenshot_20190725-144630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Anons, I'm 28 and live in a tropical-ish country so on winters (14c-18c) I'm always in a variation of pic related (pls don't judge it's just a very close match heh). When it gets too humid and windy I just use a heavier jacket.
I'm a relatively short guy and have been trying to grow out of my white/black Stan Smith's as well so I was looking for a pair of boots because they seem like a great choice for me.
I'm definitely someone that prioritizes comfort over style but I don't skimp on good items either, and I'd love to hear some of your recommendations.
I'm more familiar with US brands since that's what is imported the most here and I could buy online as well.

>> No.14507741

Iron Heart

>> No.14507747

Check out NPS

>> No.14507768

Those are definitely waaaay above my budget, I regularly go for footwear like Stan Smith's so I'm looking for boots in that kind of relative price range ...if there are any.
I know I'm gonna spend a little more but not from $60 to $700 lol, I'm also a boot noob so ...

>> No.14507778

Do you have any particular style or shape in mind? For a tropical climate my thoughts would go to something lighter. Maybe Astorflex?

>> No.14507779
File: 41 KB, 900x900, Untitled-1_ef6baacb-cb38-46d7-9c44-cad557aaa7e4_900x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are perfect
Thank you friend

>> No.14507782
File: 22 KB, 375x498, A49BDAA0-A3A7-4354-913C-6FB1EF1B26B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about copping these R.M. Williams boots, thoughts?

>> No.14507786

do it if you have the money. albeit they're on the chunkier side for chelseas

>> No.14507815
File: 2.85 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20190724_202258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tall docs/solovairs>>>>>>>anything else

>> No.14507820
File: 131 KB, 1534x1024, Loake-1880-Chatsworth-Waxy-Brown-Jockey-Last-02_1920x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no speedboats

Why do this to yourself.

>> No.14507827


>> No.14507834

You forgot to write a sperging essay like on Plebbit.

>> No.14507854
File: 106 KB, 1537x497, MP leathers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose your character.

>> No.14507887

I have them in black, Dainite sole and cap toe.
But Baker's has way more leather options though. You don't have to settle for CXL or waxed meme flesh.

>> No.14507894

I'm only gonna rock them on autumn/winter so it's okay, they get pretty humid and windy so they let us layer up.
I don't know boots very well but according to the op guide I like hiker boots the most, they look comfy and not too dressy.
My combo is always jacket+jeans so I think it can be pulled off? With brown and darker colored footwear (I don't ever use light colored shoes except for white stans)

>> No.14508091

bullboxer kelden

>> No.14508115

how cringe/shoyu would it be to wear iron rangers around campus as a grad student?

>> No.14508123

The least cringe. It's a lot worse being a grown ass adult and still wearing running shoes or Vans everyday
Boots look grown up and mature

>> No.14508133

i started late at college and have no problem. even get compliments. but I also don't really dress up, just compared to the average college student.

>> No.14508136

do rangers still have a basedboy connotation or are they safe to wear now? I got mine before basedboys were a thing (thinking about just selling them now)

>> No.14508152

I don't think they ever had such a connotation among normalfags.

>> No.14508207

I like to suffer I guess

I agree

>> No.14508215

Literally no one outside of 4chan incel posters associates them with basedboys.
No one will think twice seeing an adult in Rangers

>> No.14508217

The average college student is now a zoomer and wears joggers, running shoes and graphic tees.

>> No.14508234

Go back to /p/

>> No.14508243

k, based. thanks anons

>> No.14508270

help me Anons!

>> No.14508304

does Julius make decent boots/derbys? considering copping a pair of derbys from ~2006-2008 but I’m thinking I should just spend a bit more & go with Guidi instead

>> No.14508334

Like I said, compared to the average college student.

>> No.14508427

Try Grailed maybe. Or save up, they are well worth the money

>> No.14508429

Look up Solovair they make amazing British made boots just a bit more money than docs

>> No.14508438
File: 13 KB, 267x267, FB76A483-D83F-4E54-B59D-856A1696DA4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those look so good beat up! What model? Want the astronauts style but can’t decide on colour . I like these too though

>> No.14508443

This is the whol womenz collection

Oh wait sorry saw someone already posted link

>> No.14508470

I ordered these and cant wait to start wearing them!

>> No.14508474

Mind taking some pictures of yours? I've been eyeing the black one but I feel like they look different in every single photo of them I see.

>> No.14508560
File: 840 KB, 720x720, 1512275270803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bf's birthday is in October and he really needs new winter boots. I don't know much about men's boot brands so I could use some suggestions. As long as they're suitable for a Finnish winter and aren't spergy """military""" boots, they should be fine

>> No.14508609


>> No.14508623
File: 874 KB, 1920x1440, 20190725_215301~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem!

>> No.14508624
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>> No.14508626
File: 699 KB, 1440x1920, 20190725_215318~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14508627

/r/ing combat boots

>> No.14508628
File: 729 KB, 1440x1920, 20190725_215344~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14508633

>No problem!
Meant for>>14508474, but that was obvious

>> No.14508635

Solovair is made in britain, by british people, by hand. This is not bait. You are fucked in the head tho.

>> No.14508643

>British people
That's a weird way to spell Pakis

>> No.14508654

I'm pretty sure they're going to be my next boot if I end up ordering another pair this year.
I typically do one pair a year but some years I'll buy two.

>> No.14508664
File: 762 KB, 1323x637, jesse_highlanders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh really? do you live in Northamptonshire? And you must work in the NPS factory then eh mate? Nice. Now be a good boy and kill your self.

>> No.14508669
File: 898 KB, 753x652, ruboff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14508671

Imagine getting this upset because a complete stranger on an anonymous image board said a thing you didn't like about a pair of shoes.
Holy shit, you're pathetic. First day on 4chan? Go to reddit instead, they're less likely to hurt your feelings.

>> No.14508672

Stop posting these here. We don't like Docs/Sol in these threads. Make a fucking Doc general if you want so we can filter it.

>> No.14508674

The irony of this retard sperging out because someone overreacted on cuckchan. Water is wet.

>> No.14508678

Get out of this thread. This is for comfy boot discussion. Go somewhere else

>> No.14508683

Okay ill go somewhere else *pisses on you*

>> No.14508690

Reminder that this is not for people to get upset when someone doesn't like your boots.

>> No.14508732




YOU gtfo of MY boot GENERAL

this is boot GENERAL

u r the one who needed to make some esoteric shit boot thread for whatever the fuck it is u like to post about

If u don’t like DOCS or SOLOVAIR BOOTS then gtfo of this GENERAL

This is a GENERAL boot discussion and this is 4chan. Fuck of to creddit or styleguide forum or whatever the f it’s called

>> No.14508733

I made the thread. I make the rules. Please post somewhere else

>> No.14508743

Shut the fuck up . This is 4chan, not your private Boot Forum website where you can choose what gets discussed.

>> No.14508753

They're good but I can't help but feel like black just makes them look like every other black boot out there. Thanks though, it's good to get pictures of them in just a normal habitat without any special advertising effects.

>> No.14508800

You know how fucking stupid you sound? Maybe you should go make a Jeans General, but put
>No Levi's Wrangler or Dickies Discussion allowed.

As if it matters anyway, anons can discuss Solovair, Docs or whatever the fuck they want anyway in Boots General.

4chan is 80% poor college students and neets, and you have the audacity to even say the shit you do.

If you actualy REALLY loved BOOTS, you would not care what brand anyone else wore.

How many young anons have you shit on, and turned them away from owning their first pair of Boots, because Docs and Solovair are the most basic and entry level brands you can get?

just fucking kill yourself. You don't belong here.

>> No.14508819

I have the exact same boots in brow oiled smooth. I can post them tomorrow when I wake up if you're interested in seeing a different color.
If you're set on black though than nah

>> No.14508826

Guys, just let it go. Damn. Post what you want and ignore what you don't

>> No.14508834
File: 161 KB, 600x848, tumblr_nknf8dAOlx1u0rie9o4_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread need some patrician inspo to save it from r*ddit curse

>> No.14508835
File: 30 KB, 525x600, tumblr_nknfbdQtOc1u0rie9o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14508838
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>> No.14508842
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>> No.14508844

Okay, anon. That's enough of that

>> No.14508846

>tranny gimp prostitute weeb core

>> No.14508853

Why do boots have loops on the back?

>> No.14508863

To help you get them on easier. They're called pull tabs.

>> No.14508870
File: 116 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_oyc63deaG41rrb9vco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>said the pleb redditor

>> No.14508874
File: 311 KB, 424x681, Blood_loss02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14508882

Is that gopher hair?
These look pretty sick, except that heel stack looks a bit too feebly put-together

>> No.14508911

check out nungars for some good deals on rmwilliams

>> No.14509003

What kind of jeans to go with boots? I need jeans but don't know which jeans.

>> No.14509193

Dark indigo is your best bet. Black with black works too. Stonewashed for the dad look

>> No.14509298

any as long as you tuck your shirt
don't question this

>> No.14509300

Middle or right.

>> No.14509335
File: 209 KB, 1359x1362, 1563218180916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a service boot. Dayton or White's? Or someone else? I'm talking both fashion and quality

>> No.14509431
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x3024, 20190726_102331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14509592

Whites are handwelted, Daytons are Goodyear welted. Both are going to be very high quality and made of good materials. It will come down to price and which look you like more.
The only comparable brands would be Viberg, which is significantly more expensive but makes an amazing looking boot, or Truman who basically rips off Viberg but is cheaper but has sketchy quality control and notoriously bad customer service. I would never give my money to Truman even if you held a gun to my head.
If it was me I'd get the Whites but Daytons are great too.

>> No.14509675
File: 124 KB, 1240x1240, boots-nike-sfb-field-8-womensmens-sageolivesage-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy some jungle boots. The nike sfb's look great with skinny jeans. And would be perfect for your environment

>> No.14509694

Yeah, it'd be great if you could post those as well. Still debating on colors.

>> No.14509719

Is it dumb to order boots online? I don't have any good stores near me so can't try shit on.

>> No.14509724

If you know your size it's fine. Or they have a good return and exchange policy in case they don't

>> No.14509751
File: 986 KB, 3000x3000, alternate_11188-02e_lt-assault-2_blackout_v3_141834_png_zoomsq[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14510164

literally not replying is all it would take for people to stop asking

>> No.14510177
File: 576 KB, 1920x1440, 20190707_183845~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In brown oiled smooth. Leathers like these are only available through Bakers website, but they're bulletproof and a lot tougher than CXL. Honestly they're overkill for a boot like this but I like that

>> No.14510178
File: 501 KB, 1920x1440, 20190707_183857~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14510400

Not sure when or why you'd ever wear something like this

>> No.14510438


>> No.14510449

These are made in England in the North and one of the finest boots a young man can buy.

>> No.14510471

Is this like reverse trolling? You're tricking people into thinking they're good boots so retards buy them and then realize they fell for it after
Not gonna lie, I'm impressed

>> No.14510526


Yeah but part of the fun of /fa/ is telling all the idiot doc posters to shove it.

>> No.14510535

I find insulting people and collecting inspo to be hugely entertaining

>> No.14510717

That's why I do these threads

>> No.14510953
File: 1.28 MB, 3962x1536, 4A42C5AB-82C0-4A05-8C75-9079F919F723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Postin’ NSTs

>> No.14511012

Why get four of the same boot?

>> No.14511038

Any of you have cobbler horror stories?
Had to get my cap toed oxford boots resoled and had an issue with the inside lining starting to come apart at the heel so I looked up the top reviewed businesses in my area. Took it to the shop, 45 minutes and $75 later the boots had huge leather patches sewn haphazard as fuck at the lining which left uneven sloppy stitching across the back of the boot

The soling was middling but nothing horrible.

>> No.14511045

How much these pointy shoes make your feet appear larger?

>> No.14511074

They’re not the same boot.

>> No.14511147

KoK I hope so badly this is actually bait.

>> No.14511421
File: 67 KB, 1200x701, fgg-2010-nb1000-445x260-26331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make way for the boot that does literally everything perfectly.

>> No.14511530
File: 127 KB, 1242x1192, squirrelcondom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like something a 1th grader in special classes wld wear

>> No.14511657

>1th grader
>oneth grader

>> No.14511703
File: 254 KB, 765x754, Screen Shot 2019-07-27 at 11.04.56 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? I think these would look pretty sweet with my grey wool trousers.

>> No.14511736

What brand?

>> No.14511737

Also, they all look brand new

>> No.14511755


>> No.14511909
File: 57 KB, 800x533, 86-F_P10.22.18_SSM10182_c08c6a94-a0c6-455d-a631-98f0789841e7_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown feels like a good choice as well, but I think those might be a bit too reddish for me. Considering pulling the trigger on this color though. I feel like not being a completely solid color all the way through like the black one helps make the details stand out.

>> No.14511953

If anything I'd describe the color as chocolate. But it does scuff to reveal red undertones which is awesome.
Black CXL is a tea core leather anyway, so it will scuff to reveal brown underneath.

>> No.14511954

what does it generally cost to have a pair of leather sole boots re-soled and heeled in the UK?

>> No.14511994

>go to a shoemaker and get a pair of boots handmade for dirt cheap 'cause no brand

>> No.14512003

If it's cheap and they have boots to see the quality then why not?

>> No.14512025
File: 1.30 MB, 1339x1103, bootstobuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

115€, y/n?

>> No.14512054

How come functional boots always have this ugly ass aesthetic?

>> No.14512056

die niggwerss

>> No.14512057

I have these, but the laces are a gently orange rather than that shitty yellow.

>> No.14512062

Get better jeans

>> No.14512065

They're always neon green or bright orange laces with those black swirls. Still, the greys look like shit how about the same thing except in black or dark brown or some shit

>> No.14512108
File: 48 KB, 780x845, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cop or not?

>> No.14512160
File: 35 KB, 745x665, 2342341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i cop?
will be starting uni soon. looking for something versatile and understated. Does brown go with indigo jeans?

>> No.14512174

>brown go with indigo jeans
Absolutely, best combination

>> No.14512361

look like timbs lol
"ny nigga but make it upscale"

>> No.14512372

How does it feel to be a generic human being?

>> No.14512427
File: 435 KB, 1500x1500, mens-skinny-slim-washed-chinos-in-black-product.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can anyone help me with an ID on these? Thanks guys.

>> No.14512508

What an absolutely stupid post
How are boots in any way generic?

>> No.14512588
File: 96 KB, 1146x500, 34289779243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone recommend me a good pair of suede leather chukka/desert boots

>> No.14512649

That style, you idiot.

>> No.14512664

n they look like mall boots you'd find at aldo
way too confused in design, kind of a mess

>> No.14512679

Speaking of Aldo, the above boots reek of it. I see these everywhere, usually with disgustingly cheap looking synthetic fibers intended to be suede.

>> No.14512705

I seriously hope you don't actually believe that

>> No.14512729

What's up /bg/,
I can't afford Islays, should I get pic related to sate the thirst?

>> No.14512734
File: 20 KB, 395x395, 618TJtmuL7L._UY395_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How embarrassing. If I miss the pic again, It's the Allen Edmonds Dalton Lace-up.

>> No.14512941

>i make the rules


>> No.14512999

Don't post in my fucking thread again

>> No.14513095
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, thorogood-oil-rigger-8-inch-steel-toe-work-boot-804-3233-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered these steel toes, what think?

I killed my last pair cleaning a pit of toxic sludge

>> No.14513099

Timbos son

>> No.14513127
File: 760 KB, 2000x1500, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14513242


>> No.14513274

Ill never understand the draw to regular boots without a capped toe

>> No.14513399


>us flag hanging out
>shitty logo embossed heel

wtf? why did they have to trash these?

>> No.14513486

i think i'll be copping a pair of these for Christmas. I'll want burgundy CXL or dark waxed flesh though.

>> No.14513513
File: 415 KB, 1080x1843, whites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burgundy CXL would be really nice. I'd love to see a pair in person

Now choose your fighter

>> No.14513524

>paying $600 for CXL
If Im getting a pair of leathers that'll get gouged by a gentle breeze Ill just buy Thursdays for a third of the price. By the time you need to replace them (if need be) the MPs will be so horribly beaten up theyd need replacing anyway.

>> No.14513525

Maybe you're not from where I'm from and they're remained what they always were. But here they're in all the low end high street shops, even teenagers started wearing thenz they're a joke now. I would pay £500 for a quality pair at this point.

>> No.14513526

These boots cost 400 though and that's pretty normal for CXL

>> No.14513529

I have maybe seen one person in real life wearing brogue wingtip boots.
If I ever saw someone wearing some C&J Islays I'd go up to them and strike up a conversation about them

>> No.14513530

Link? Im seeing $580
Regardless its CXL which isnt a durable quality leather, $400 is still steep

>> No.14513531
File: 56 KB, 750x500, 8D6DAD04-494A-41F8-91BB-CC8F1DE11F91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh these are hideous. The leather is way to thick and stiff. It’s like belt leather from an archaic belt-driven lathe machine

>> No.14513533

CXL buffs almost everything out and ages well. These aren't work boots, they don't need to survive war.

>> No.14513541


>> No.14513542

Being so thick and being CXL I imagine the leather is very prone to loose grain creasing but I could be wrong

>> No.14513548

Okay, so it's not 400 but it's definitely not 600.
If you subscribe to their newsletter you get 10% off which saves $52. So it's like $460 actually. When Vibergs cost 700 for the same boot basically it's a no-brainer to go with Whites

>> No.14513549

>CXL isn't durable
Says who? It's tough as hell, easy to clean and wipe away scuffs, and it's soft so break-in is a breeze and they're comfy

>> No.14513551

You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Don't post about a boot you've never seen or worn because those who have know how ignorant you are.

>> No.14513554

Whites is known for having some of the best CXL clicking in the industry. I'm always on forums and places looking at pics and getting inspo and i can't really remember ever seeing someone post a pair that got loose grain.
Whites isn't Allen Edmonds or Wolverine

>> No.14513557

>accidentally pressed submit
They aren't AE or Wolverine who will use the shittiest parts of the hide that aren't suitable for being made into boots to save money. Their clickers know what they're doing and looking for and only use what they deem acceptable for making a boot with.
That's what sets them and brands like Vigerg, Wesco, Dayton and Nicks apart. Pay 300 for a pair of Wolverine trash and you'll get loose grain and bad creasing. Pay 500+ for one of the others and look forward to better hides being used and much less chance of loose grain.
I can post close ups of mine that show how tight the creasing is and no sign of loose grain anywhere on the boot.

>> No.14513578
File: 108 KB, 564x542, 1545557776794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recommend me some nice emo combat boots

>> No.14513583

>post close ups of mine that show how tight the creasing is and no sign of loose grain
Can you do that? Also some pics of loose grain for comparison

>> No.14513768
File: 16 KB, 305x194, Mactonighttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le post

>> No.14513771

solovair yw

>> No.14513778

Ok that's why you have this opinion.

>> No.14513794

You turned Crockett and Jones into Betaboots. Congrats.

>> No.14513845

What a pointless comment

>> No.14513942

just like you.

>> No.14513987
File: 109 KB, 1232x671, D8uuRSh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14514015

kitty store

>> No.14514180
File: 27 KB, 500x500, firetrap-zoa-ladies-chelsea-boots-brown-ladies-boots-large-elasticated-inserts-23253-2940-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im looking for female chelsea boots, something pretty low like pic related but I've been told not to buy firetrap. Does anyone have any brand recommendations?

>> No.14514185

You can just rip the flag off and the heel logo will just fade out eventually.

>> No.14514220

These seem somewhat similar

>> No.14514221

shit didnt realise this was a boots thread and posted dms

>> No.14514331

I own them. I know exactly how thick the leather is and how stiff it is.
They're extremely comfortable but you wouldn't know because you've never see or worn a pair. But that doesn't stop you from making posts about them as if you do

>> No.14514336
File: 552 KB, 1170x719, McjbHaN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are in no way betaboots. At least now I know you're just one guy posting all these posts about the boots.
Let me guess, a guy wearing them fucked your oneitis and you found out so now you trash them online?

>> No.14514338

They're as much boots as McDonald's is real food

>> No.14514371
File: 68 KB, 870x675, i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these Red Wings for a decent price.

What does /fa/ think and how do I wear them/what do I wear them with?

>> No.14514376

Do you know anything about them? They're Blacksmiths but that nitrile cork sole ages them quite a bit. They look awesome though, I love the Blacksmiths.
They look like they could use a conditioning and a clean up though. Great find!

>> No.14514389

bump for more opinions

>> No.14514395

>Do you know anything about them?
Not a whole lot. To be honest been holding on to them for a while so I blew some dust off before taking the photo. Can't imagine myself wearing them with anything but jeans

>> No.14514409

They look cheap

>> No.14514438


>> No.14514447

how good are leather soles for long distance walks?

>> No.14514453

Yeah, they're pretty much just for casual wear. Clean em up and they'll be awesome.

They're comfy but not very durable.

>> No.14514458

is it possible to get something more durable attatched to the leather sole?

>> No.14514491

Absolutely. Any cobbler can add a leather top or if you want resole them with something more durable

>> No.14514526

What's more important than the sole is the material and quality of shank used in the boot. A shank provides support to the arch of the foot and gives the boot a solid, rigid platform. If it's a cheaper boot with a shank made of wood or plastic it won't last very long and will collapse. If it's a steel shank extended walks will provide some discomfort. Fiberglass shanks are the most expensive to include and are most comfortable, with the exception being Allen Edmonds which are manufactured with a cork bed sole levying the necessity of a shank.

>> No.14514537
File: 161 KB, 1385x1846, Alyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14514540

You forgot leather shanks

>> No.14514596

Why are Doc Martin's and Solovair not allowed? I dont know much about boots or clothing.

>> No.14514624

sanders playboy chukka

>> No.14514633

They're shitty ugly fast fashion boots marketed towards teenagers, lesbians and neo-nazis. They're not /fa/, they're not quality, they don't belong in these threads.

>> No.14514634

Leather shanks break into your foot for turbo-comfort.

>> No.14514661

What is the best looking functional work boot?

>> No.14514691

Functional work boots don't look good and they're not designed to

>> No.14514694
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 0001021_rm-williams-stockmans-buckle-boot-b652y_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about coping a pair of these, thoughts on RM Williams?

>> No.14514709
File: 170 KB, 1300x792, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are spurs /fa/?

>> No.14514727

Is $520 a lot for a boot or is that pretty standard?

>> No.14514750
File: 79 KB, 1050x883, 25304203.D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 4chan. If something is popular it is automatically shit. Hating something poplar makes you edgy and intelligent.



>> No.14514751

Pretty standard for a boot worth owning. Red Wings can be had for 300+ and that's about as low as you'd want to go before the quality is shoddy. Trash like Wolvermeme costs more than that but is much worse quality.
400-600 is Alden, White's, Truman, Nicks, Dayton tier and their reputations speak for themselves, except for shitty Trumans.
700+ is entering Viberg and Wesco tier but honestly, I'd kill for a pair of Wescos, they're that good.

>> No.14514753

Being popular among lesbians and teenagers isn't a good thing

>> No.14514755
File: 474 KB, 1272x1064, 23519204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loose grain is rare and is probably not what you think it is.

>> No.14514758
File: 56 KB, 522x662, wescos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google wescos

>> No.14514766
File: 138 KB, 1080x1080, 47681793_10161656535730393_197899560285110272_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're most known for their firefighter, work and motorcycle boots, but their casual and fashion boots are about as good as it gets quality wise. The fact they're 100% customizable is awesome, though you pay for it

>> No.14514770
File: 61 KB, 900x600, veck1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know exactly what it is. Pic related looks like shit and if my boots got that I'd be pissed

>> No.14514793

Thanks, that's exactly what I wanted to know.

>> No.14514802

Thank you anon

>> No.14514807

Allen Edmonds, Frye, Chippewa, Wolvermeme, Thursday, etc. are all entry level stuff that is cheap but has QC issues but can be had for sub 300. I'd rather just get Red Wings and not worry about it

>> No.14514835
File: 202 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Claims to know what loose grain is after erroneously implying it is common.
>Posts stock photo as evidence.

Kek and snigger.

>> No.14514849

Dude, fuck off and go wear your Docs. Doesn't matter what anyone posts in this thread, you're always going to have some stupid remark because you have to have the last word. Just give it a rest and post somewhere else.

>> No.14514863

rip AS.

>> No.14514872

You responded to a troll post ending with "I could be wrong".

What do you expect?

>> No.14514875

Imagine having such a shallow existence that you resort to trolling a thread dedicated to posting shoes on a Japanese image board.
Like, how does someone allow their lives to get that low?

>> No.14514889

Life is strange.

>> No.14514895

Pointing out your incorrectness isn't trolling.

>> No.14514918

>At least now I know you're just one guy posting all these posts about the boots.
nigga wat?

>> No.14514940

I don't even know what you're on about.
You said loose grain isn't what I think it is, so I said I did and posted a pic of what it looks like. You said the fact that I posted a stock pic somehow negates my post. I don't own boots with loose grain because I don't buy cheap boots.
You can search styleforum, r/goodyearwelt and other places with reviews and see a loose grain trend on certain brands to see how common it is versus other brands where it's rare. Wolverine is notorious for it, Alden gets it quite a bit on their Indy boots and AE gets it a lot on their Higgins Mill boots. All are known for questionable clicking to save money versus a brand like Whites which is known for having very good clicking.
I'm done with you.
I'm done replying to you, you just want (You)s.

>> No.14515101

just how expensive are fiberglass shanks? im thinking of having some very nice boots re-soled and i wonder if i can make them into my every day walking boots because i cant really afford a large shoe collection.

good to know

>> No.14515132

Someone is going to seethe that I'm posting this, but it's actually very informative about which brands use what kinds of shanks

>> No.14515178

I had no idea shanks were even necessary, I though they were just needed in safety boots. I've got some golden fox boots with a rubber sole, no shank. How are my boots any worse?

>> No.14515216

cheers man, thats a good introduction. theres no real info on prices there though, and i dunno if googling is a good idea given ill be buying these at a brick and mortar place.

>> No.14515239

I have generally understood it as steel being the standard and virtually everything else just being cost cutting. Obviously it's much more than that but in general many of these brands using fiberglass and other things is the result of trying to save money by not paying for steel.
Now, a better question is do they serve their purpose? I have heard of wood shanks and fiberglass breaking breaking. Some shanks have a tendency to shift within the shoe/boot and that's why many brands use cork to fill that space so it has nowhere to move.
Shanks moving or breaking isn't very common, so I wouldn't worry about that, and as long as they're supporting the foot correctly like they're supposed to do, material shouldn't be too much of an issue.
I have two pairs with steel shanks, two pair with leather shanks (which is a thing, especially on firefighting boots) and two pair with no shank. I haven't had any issues with any.

>> No.14515252

i mean, my thing is ive got a pair of old but quite pricey boots im gonna need to have re-soled. im just wondering what i can do to make em as useful for day to day use as possible. i wouldnt mind doing some long distance trail walking, if they can be made fit for that then id be quite happy to spend a little extra on that, but not fruitlessly and not if its gonna cost an obscene amount of money relative to what a reasonable quality dedicated pair of hiking boots would cost.

>> No.14515256

If they've lasted you this long then after a resole they'll still be serviceable. The cobbler or whoever resoles them will most likely use the original shank it came with unless it's damaged in some way.
Don't worry about replacing the shank, the cobbler will use his discretion as to what the boots need.

>> No.14515268

theyre not mine, theyre used and of unknown brand but their origin guarentees they were almost certainly quite expensive. the soles are tattered and the heels coming apart so theyll need redoing there. the flip side is im getting them stupid cheap and id be mad not to have them, but if repairs are needed i might as well see what else i can do to make them the best day to day boots they could be.

>> No.14515276

In that case, get them resoled and ask for a steel shank. It's essentially the standard and you can't go wrong with it.
Post a pic of the boots here so we can see and maybe identify them.

>> No.14515509
File: 2.37 MB, 5616x3744, blackboots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh ugly brown boots
Every time that gets posted on /fa/ this is what I imagine typed it.

>> No.14515531

Opinions on timberlands? I’m thinking about getting a pair and wanted to know the consensus

>> No.14515534

Opinions on timbs? I want to buy a pair but wanted some opinions first

>> No.14515538

Anyway, they're pretty much nigger or construction worker tier. Nigs wear them because that's just what they do, and construction workers wear them because that's just what they do.
Which of those two camps do you fall under?

>> No.14515539

Sorry I’m fucking retarded, thought it didn’t post the first time and I’m having to be a mobilefag rn

>> No.14515543

I’m actually a white girl, and I wanted to get a custom pair that was pink and white

>> No.14515545

You're in the wrong place for that.

>> No.14515553
File: 107 KB, 750x520, 7A206730-1149-4A74-80A9-7AC0845606A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro I just want to know if anyone thinks these would be cute and acceptable to wear

>> No.14515696
File: 278 KB, 600x546, look-at-me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any fag know of some decent-ish Euro brands (excluding the UK)? Like Eastern Europe won't be importing Wolverines or Dalton's White's, etc. anytime soon, and I gotta try a shoe before buying it.

Looking for a service boot mostly, not flat and fashionable, but more rugged and weather-resistant .

>> No.14515890

>I own them.

>I know exactly how thick the leather is and how stiff it is.
Do you though? In relative terms?

>They're extremely comfortable
Well, your understanding of comfort must not be very vast, as anyone who knows leather, knows the most comfortable leather is calfskin, but this is a luxury shoe, not a "workwear" shoe. And while Workwear shoes/boots can be "luxurious", they will never be as comfy or lux as actual luxury offerings. A true high end luxury shoe/boot, is made for the sole () purpose of being as comfortable and stylish as possible, durability is simply a given.

>but you wouldn't know because you've never see or worn a pair.
I don't need to see them, thanks to higher definition pics from actual wearers (as opposed to Glitzy product pics)

>But that doesn't stop you from making posts about them as if you do
It most certainly doesn't.

>> No.14515892

congrats, this is the most faggoty post I've seen on 4chan in a week. go dilate

>> No.14515934
File: 136 KB, 785x757, 6342F178-EF88-478D-A5D9-E5EBC60EEAC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whole entire week?!!! Wow!

>> No.14515936

are you OP?

>> No.14515939

I most assuredly am

>> No.14515941
File: 261 KB, 2048x1536, 4306f8e4a0d03b8f2f670c5ef3d939a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made that mistake and bought some ordered some fanner boots, now I have to sell then online.

What about these? Hight quality full grain leather, and made in Italy.

>> No.14515949

unfunny beta fag confirmed.

>> No.14515968

Look real nice, but strike me more as hiker's than as service boots, they're real thicc. Can't see the embossed logo on the side, and image search yields naught, care to give a name so I can peruse what they've on offer?

>> No.14515974

I forgot you said service boot. These are hikers but nice ones you can wear daily. I'm going to buy a pair.

Alico summit

>> No.14516021

>loose grain creasing
radio silence intensifies

>> No.14516027

Sure why not. If you like them, fuck what these
autistic boot fags in here think, they are all incels lol.

>> No.14516052


>> No.14516130
File: 304 KB, 480x458, 1483758596240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but oh my GOD I've been looking for boots like this for so long

>> No.14516140

Me too! I found them on the forbidden site. They're just the perfect compromise between built for rough conditions and nice looking. Can't wait to get them in dark brown.

>> No.14516340

anyone got any advice on beeswax? the shoes ive just got kind of merit the best i can do to take care of them, so i figure i might as well do as the army does and polish them with melted beeswax. will any old ebay beeswax do, will a mini-butane torch lighter do the trick for melting it, and should i use any special cloths?

i will do once i get them. cobblers says the steel shank will be just fine assuming thats what it has, and itll be £25 to have them fully repaired with a rubber sole, which is preferable where i am assuming its a good one (which it will be i imagine, this cobblers sells fucking expensive shoes and did talk a bit about the importance of quality rubber in your soles).

>> No.14516771

This belongs on Reddit, not here

>> No.14516777

OP here. I am definitely not that faggot. Fuck him and his Reddit posts

>> No.14516819

Just ordered a pair of burgundy chrome whites. Now just have to play the shitty waiting game

>> No.14516853

Post pics when they come in please. Thinking of getting the same

>> No.14516895

Ordered them yesterday from bakers. Didn't do anything special with them so hopefully it won't be 4-6 weeks but definitely I'll post em

>> No.14516924

In stock boots ship almost immediately. I got my CXL boots in a week, shipped and delivered.
Where do you live? That would affect delivery time

>> No.14516925

This is what loose grain looks like. Looks like shit

>> No.14516944

kek those are Wolverine 1K's too.
Any other pics for research purposes? I think a lot of people confuse creasing with loose grain

>> No.14516958

NorCal. It shouldn't be that bad, White's operate out of Washington right?

>> No.14516984

Yeah they're in Washington. Assuming they're in stock, which they should be,you'll see them in a couple days

>> No.14516988
File: 742 KB, 3888x2592, x0Fy2FS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here on some OSB boots, which are terrible boots.

>> No.14516991
File: 164 KB, 800x600, 1000mile-before.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pair of 1000k boots. Imagine my surprise

>> No.14517153

What's the ideal cut of pants to wear with service boots?

>> No.14517158

Anything you want. Slim/straight looks good on them in my opinion

>> No.14517411

braindead retard here, what would you expect of better boots?

>> No.14517495

Well clicked boots made of the best parts of the hide are expected to have tight creasing. It's what you would typically associate with "normal" creasing on boots or shoes.

>> No.14517504

Tapered, pinrolled

>> No.14517505


>> No.14517517

Check out these>>14508624
That's an example of good creasing. That's what you want to get with a pair of CXL boots.
Not >>14516991which is an example of a terribly clicked hide. The hide that made these was not suitable to be made into boots but the clicker cut it anyway

>> No.14517726
File: 33 KB, 570x570, 1555861520528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would I go about dying brown leather boots into black ones? would submerging them in dye and leaving them there overnight work?

>> No.14517740

thought of maybe antiqueing those things? i bet if you put enough effort in you could make those look amazing

>> No.14517742

Just pay a cobbler to have it done, while he's got the boots he'll clean them, retap them if necessary and won't make a fucking mess. Be sure to specify if you want the heel stack to remain brown or sanded down and also dyed black. Afterward they'll be shined and perhaps at additional cost treated. Do your research on where you take them and if you have any special requests be vocal. They're your boots, you spent your hard earned money on them.
Just isnt worth attempting yourself.

>> No.14517762

Whats wrong with Solovair? I heard theyre good as opposed to Dr Marten

>> No.14517764

Read the thread. It gets posted in every single thread

>> No.14517794
File: 78 KB, 1154x1154, 166159_ts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys what the fuck do i wear with black combat boots? im autistic as fuck and i dont know how to dress myself. my euro friend always looks /fa/ as fuck in all black but i look like a schizo wearing falling apart shoes, torn hoodie, and ketchup and cum on my pants because ive never really cared about looking presentable.

>> No.14517806

These make you look gay desu

>> No.14517818

Those boots are hideous and you'd look like you're going to shoot up a school wearing them

>> No.14517840

theyre not the exact same as pic related, more bulky, arch isnt as pronounced, and theyre pretty worn but yeah i can see what youre getting at. seems to be a trend for girls to wear them now which sucks balls.

yeah thats what im going for, people have always told me i look like one. anyways, inspo for looking like an edgy cunt or militant schizo?

>> No.14517844
File: 659 KB, 1800x1405, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone ID these Timberlands from the movie Prisoner, worn by Gyllenhaal?

>> No.14517848
File: 26 KB, 640x437, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic for reference

>> No.14517884

Docs or Solovair will make you look like a cringy autistic skinhead, or a dyke, whichever you're going for

>> No.14517889
File: 20 KB, 608x608, BlackSuedeJodhpur_3.4Profile_Grey_608x608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on black suede jodhpurs?
Want to delve into a little more adventurous of a boot than my oxfords, something other than leather that'll wear well especially in the fall season. They're pretty wardrobe limiting (only black jeans) but the silhouette and seamless transition is great

>> No.14517891
File: 1.52 MB, 3024x4032, 20190729_231049-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeping with thread edition

>> No.14517892

ive seen docs done well, but i doubt anyone here who needs to ask will pull them off

>> No.14517906
File: 426 KB, 672x1025, 182346M255002_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some Officine Creative boots.

they are buffaolo skin btw

In General is there something I should be putting on Boot leather to take care of it?

>> No.14517915
File: 495 KB, 500x443, yuru-yuri.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wax those bad boys
shine em good

>> No.14517918

Leather conditioner, shoe cream, shoe polish, in that order. Brush between wears, and remove dirt and debris as it accumulates. You don't need to fully clean and polish them every other wear; just keep an eye to it and if it starts to look parched and dry then a conditioning is in order. I usually wear my shoes/boots a few times new and then condition them because you never know how long they've sat on a shelf drying out.

>> No.14517920

what is the best boot wax?
How often should this be done.
also lol

>> No.14517923

>what is the best boot wax?
depends, do you want military tier mirror finish? if so, apply melted beeswax and heat the cap and heel til it forms a hard layer, with the inside padded out with wet newspaper to prevent damage from the heat like the british army does, then finger tip polish with kiwi.

if not, get a fancy high wax polish, and pay more than you would for the beeswax and kiwi.

>> No.14517926

You can also get a similar sheen by sprinkling drops of water on dried polish, buffing with a shammy (I use a shammy stuffed into a piece of pantyhose tube), and then continue adding layers of polish. The ol spit shine. Don't put the layers on too thick or it will flake and crack away.

>> No.14517931

yeah, its just a lot of work when the beeswax will give you a surface thatll need like half the coats at most. also water is a must for building up that mirror shine.

>> No.14517945
File: 34 KB, 447x456, 51DVsZ+WqeL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14517947

kirby allison/10

>> No.14517955

Looks great friend

>> No.14517963

Just got em today; I'm extremely pleased with them

>> No.14517965

Looking for some slim boots, especially the toe box. I'm assuming this would mean something on the dressier side of boots? Any good suggestions

>> No.14517978


>> No.14517980

Crockett and Jones Harlech boot
It's $$$ though

>> No.14517987

This thread is almost at bump limit so be sure to post more in the new thread to make sure people can see them.
They seriously look great

>> No.14517994

Hi Kirby.

>> No.14517997

what is this kirby meme?

>> No.14518000

The Gentleman's Gazette youtube channel is a guy named Kirby talking about shoes and suits and stuff and he absolutely loves to shill that stuff. I'm pretty sure Saphir is paying him to do it
Never tried the stuff personally.

>> No.14518004


>> No.14519006

I don't even think they're worth it. What do you get with their shoes that you can't get with a high quality shoe from another good but hundreds cheaper brand?

>> No.14519309

omg so cool, guys, check it out they're PRE DISTRESSED wow it's as if I actually wore them to cool places omg i'll be like my favorite movie character PEW PEW i love starwars omg

>> No.14519314

>looking good in skinny jeans
Pick one.

>> No.14519344
File: 42 KB, 600x600, polo-ralph-lauren-polo-ralph-lauren-resin-back-karlyle-sznurowane-sportowe-new-snuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got my first chukka, ralph lauren karlyle
bit annoyed there is bits of glue here and there between sole and the material for the price, fucking chinks

>> No.14519353

gentleman's cuckett is not the same as kirby, both are lame though

>> No.14519375
