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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 914 KB, 1079x1509, Screenshot_20190715-124843_Snapchat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14483515 No.14483515 [Reply] [Original]

do NOT take the buzzpill. this is me one year ago shortly after buzzcut. i can now safely say that having hair makes a big difference, and for most dudes having none will just make you look like a criminal.

>> No.14483533

looks good, buzz it again

>> No.14483534
File: 403 KB, 1471x1816, 20190331_184540_HDR~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the buzz pill so you can grow it back out better than before

>> No.14483539

criminality is tight though u fuckin weenie

>> No.14483541

What does your hair look like now?

>> No.14483542

Buzzcuts look good, faggot. Some people just confuse buzzcuts with going completely bald mode.

>> No.14483561
File: 642 KB, 797x807, Saitama_serious_profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious buzzpill master race, from Xerxes to Saitama to The Rock.
Gas the horseshoes, bald war now!

>> No.14483562
File: 284 KB, 702x874, Screenshot_20190715-130916_Snapchat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't cut top since I got the buzzcut just been trimming sides and back now its finally getting a bit longish

>> No.14483563

Can confirm. I buzzed because I'm balding and I look 100% like a criminal.

>> No.14483564

You unironically look better with the buzz though, that haircut is fucking gay and played out

>> No.14483566

I actually like the criminal look I have after buzzing.

>> No.14483569
File: 51 KB, 1200x630, pulp-fiction-tim-roth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks better now, buzz really didn't suit you. You look like the this guy from Pulp Fiction.

>> No.14483571

I am just here to warn that there is no point in buzzcut if you arent balding, better to be gay and played out getting attention from normal girls than buzzcutted and having only issues women interested

>> No.14483574

>and having only issues women interested


Are you telling me that buzzcuts attract shitty women?

>> No.14483578

not necessarily shitty overall, just with issues in my experienced

>> No.14483589

That makes no sense to me but maybe in your country buzzcuts are associated with gang members or gang members

>> No.14483593

*are associated with gang members or neo-nazis

>> No.14483607

not really, I'm in the USA lol. Pacific northwest:D

>> No.14484855

when did this become about neo nazis? are neo nazis literally on your mind at all times? just rope yourself you inbred NPC. So sick of you people.

>> No.14484861


go dilate

>> No.14484887

>I am just here to warn that there is no point in buzzcut if you arent balding
Gonna stop you right there, boy.
The fact that you have the face of a 15 year old twink doesn't mean men can't pull off a buzzcut.
The fact that only undatable brainfucked roasties want to date you, doesn't mean other people can't land a decent woman, you just have low standards and are afraid of being alone and you will settle for whatever piece of trash floats up your stream. That's totally on you, not on your fucking haircut lmao.

You ain't gonna make it.

>> No.14484889

he looks fine you bald coping fag.

>> No.14484902

>do NOT take the buzzpill if you're ugly
ftfy. having hair softens up certain facial characteristics (like your massive nose) and will just accentuate them when you buzz

>> No.14484908

You surely look better with hair dog - you look like too much of a rosy soft boi to pull it off as well as the bomber, none of those things bad, but you're better playing to your strengths

>> No.14484911

>t.2016 tourists
Neo-nazis have been associated with buzzcuts for many years now.
Because of fashion trends being so flexible and a lack of a cultural homogeny, you can get away with wearing mostly anything without a fear of association.

>> No.14484912

stop trying to justify your shitty decision to buzz by lying about what looks better

>> No.14484950

Is the word neo-nazi really that triggering to you?

>> No.14484991
File: 2.46 MB, 2448x3264, 20190716_085111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of buzzing before the school year starts. Would it look good?

>> No.14485005

You look like the guy from trainspotting, get sweatsuits and embrace it lmao you can sense the insecurity in all 5 senses from looking at your face and post

>> No.14485008

Fuck no

>> No.14485010
File: 126 KB, 634x706, gazza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look 12 but your jaw says 50 what the heck

>> No.14485015

>he looks fine
fucking IMPLYING lmao
I have no idea why I still come to this sad-ass place, it's clear everyone here is underage.

>> No.14485046

I'm a quarter black so I got the "don't crack" gene.

>> No.14485088

it doesn't matter if it's "gay and played out" if it looks good on him (it does). Stop caring about what's trendy

>> No.14485112

what is supposed to crack at the ripe old age of 15, you ginger cunt?

>> No.14485114


>> No.14485353


>> No.14485365

Will a buzzcut look good if you have a good jawline?

>> No.14485367


>> No.14485376

tell your brother mark i said hi

>> No.14485382

no a buzzcut will look good if you have a good everything line otherwise youre in denial about looking good with a buzzcut

>> No.14485855
File: 2.01 MB, 3264x2448, 20190716_151547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got more compliments without the hair but I agree that it doesn't really fit my style. Still growing it out, this is a few months after that other one, lost some weight too

>> No.14485875

Christ those are the gayest glasses I've seen today

>> No.14485877

get rid of those glasses

>> No.14485888

so fucking cute
i love blonde boys

>> No.14485895

U look like that gayboi serial killer Dahmer

>> No.14485897
File: 1.07 MB, 2944x2208, 20190716_125357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i buzz my mates keep roasting me saying i look like Jimmy Neutron on crack

>> No.14485904

you actually just need to grow your hair longer so it doesn't spike up like that

>> No.14485925


>> No.14485932

>imagine being this triggered

Just kill yourself tb h

>> No.14485937

>having none will just make you look like a criminal

oh I know, seems like being male is basically a crime in itself these days.

that being said, the buzzcut meme is okay and some people will like and some won't but it's too negative to label it as criminal looking immediately.

>> No.14485940

your friends are stupid. it looks alright.

>> No.14486026

honestly buzzpilling makes it so that it is a bit harder for you to be cringe (but still very possible). For example, pulling off a leather jacket without looking like a weeb neckbeard/wannabe cringe greaser is very hard with any sort of hair, but if you get a buzzpill you are more likely to look good.

This is also somewhat true. I noticed I attracted cops way more (and got pulled over more) this summer after I took the buzzpill than before. Also going into stores was muc more uncomfortable as I saw all the workers constantly looking at me.

>> No.14486894

suck on the end of a shotgun barrel you NPC, just because a bunch of neo nazis do it doesn't mean shit. You think the military is full of nazis? oh wait don't answer that of course you think that.

>> No.14486902

Fuck you’re so fucking retarded. No one is saying that the buzzcut is a neo-nazi haircut you piece of shit learn to read

>> No.14486911

Actually a few have, like >>14484911

Ironic since I bet you get visibly angered when I say nigger and face no consequences.

>> No.14486918

lmao you’re so fucking dumb, nigger. Can’t even interpret the meaning of simple 4chan comments.

>> No.14486923

Retard he literally said that buzzcuts are ASSOCIATED with neo-nazis and not that buzzcuts are, in fact, a neo-nazi haircut. kys

>> No.14486933

he's implying only neo nazis get it, he's probably you and you're just doubleposting in anger.

>> No.14486936

haha oh no you’re so stupid

>> No.14487158
File: 485 KB, 1080x2066, Screenshot_20181227-194436_Snapchat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty accurate post thank u ahha

>> No.14487170

you're an idiot, don't touch your hair

>> No.14487178
File: 41 KB, 600x330, 0BF7FC99-286A-4A13-9E98-2EE021865C7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jay Leno looking nigga

>> No.14487189

how? he doesn't have grey hair an angled face? I thought apes like you were kept in cages.

>> No.14487198

Damn bro don’t be too sensitive about your chin

>> No.14487199

Im not him, im just saying you're retarded for seeing similarities.

>> No.14487201


>> No.14487209
File: 521 KB, 2049x2050, BB32E2FC-FAF8-4344-87D5-E716504B870D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took it, only really did it to regrow my hair. The last time I had it this short was elementary school.

>> No.14487215

Buzz it and see if it looks good on you,it's literally the only way to find out.
You look good

>> No.14487242

you look ten times better with buzz than the shitty curtain cut. it makes your head looks huge with that tiny cut. i would buzz or do something else with your hair because that is not a look for you m8 im sorry

>> No.14487702

easy, Ringo

>> No.14487706

fock. Let me date you when you cut again

>> No.14487881

>not balding

Why are retards so omnipresent right now?

>> No.14487955

buzz looks best if you have head full of hair

>> No.14488035

The buzzpill is best taken by the low maintenance man.

>> No.14488042

what the hell is going on with that chin?

>> No.14488044

the main problem is the face, no offense

>> No.14488059

A buzz cut is the ultimate pleb filter for good looking people. If you look good with a buzz that means you are genuinely good looking. So everyone who says they look bad with a buzz are just ugly. Face it plebs. You ugly.

>> No.14488073

Jesus this is the only time ive ever seen it pulled off 100%

>> No.14488077

we want the ig

>> No.14488116


>> No.14488122

>a young Thom Yorke before the eye problem

>> No.14488653


Lots of zoomers and eboy faggots have that lol

>> No.14488843

Pretty 90's/10 brother. Used the same cut during my senior year back in high school

>> No.14488986

He answered the call...

>> No.14489007

OOps, you look better with the buzz actually, and I’m a big opponent of the buzz pill.
With the buzz i was like oh he’s cute, he looks good, and then I saw this one and was like oh... :/

>> No.14489012

Yeah you look 40 and looks like you’re balding, go for it

>> No.14489108


>> No.14489168

Easy to cut
Easy to maintain
Drys quickly
Looks the same in any conditions
Shows you don’t care to some degree
Might look worse

>> No.14489377

He cant refute, that means you struck some truth

>> No.14489402

post profile shot please

>> No.14489734

you arent supposed to answer the call anon

>> No.14489922
File: 623 KB, 1862x2157, IMG_20190718_115950~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels so good

>> No.14489932


>> No.14490002
File: 2.00 MB, 1024x1244, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I buzz? if not what kind of haircut would suit my face shape

>> No.14491235

buzzcut only works if you have a huge jaw and have a perfect hairline

>> No.14491248

>should I buzz?

Not even think about it senpai

>> No.14491253

jesus christ anon you look like humpty dumpty

>> No.14491262
File: 61 KB, 160x208, m2k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't buzz because if you do you will look like a blend of mew2king/runescape bot. probably something shorter in general but not buzzcut short

>> No.14491496


>> No.14491811

Why is your ring so fat?

>> No.14491869

A lot of young /fa/gs in this thread.

For the sake of helping some actually considering this, please don't socially alienate yourselves with a "buzzpill". Nobody will know about your "core" and will assume either you're a skin-head, or if you're lucky that you suffer from leukemia.

>> No.14492494

Ignore these retards. You look pretty good with hair but the buzz makes you look like the nazi villian from indiana jones

>> No.14492496

>no, you

>> No.14492502
File: 31 KB, 540x660, 1446624400326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Jimmy Neutron on crack

>> No.14492529

don't mind the seething faggots, anon, you look fine

>> No.14492550

this what I think about when I hear someone looks retarded

>> No.14492565

ever heard of the term "skinhead", moron?

>> No.14492567

You look so young. How old are you, dude? I already took the buzzpill, but only because I hot a really shitty haircut.

>> No.14492571

How is hair gay? Both look good to me.

>> No.14492875

I was 18 when I buzzed, now I'm almost 19

>> No.14492937 [DELETED] 
File: 956 KB, 1440x2560, photo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i buzzcut or grow or what

>> No.14494318

too skinny. You'll look like a leukemia patient

>> No.14494320

You like a dwarf but scaled up

>> No.14494729

Looks great on you.

>> No.14494853

fucking hell this board cracks me up

>> No.14495693

ITT: People with long faces getting buzzcuts and acting like it's the buzzcuts fault they looked worse

If you have a long face, you need wider hairstyles to balance it out.

>> No.14496369


Do NOT buzz.

thank me later

>> No.14496422

Wow its insane how a buzzcut can turn almost anybody into a more intimidating person

>> No.14496423
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 1552346643738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son of Bogdanoff

You have great hair. leave it

>> No.14496479

Do it.

>> No.14496487

your face shape is tragic but the rest is fine, your hair is fine. leave it ffs

>> No.14496488

my hair goes well past my shoulders, im gonna shave it all soon just for the novelty of the drastic change

>> No.14496492

i hope you donate your hair to make wigs for cancer victims

>> No.14496512

too many extra steps man i would, but im just gonna have a friend diy it because i dont want to pay to shave my head