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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.50 MB, 1512x2016, 20190710_232745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14471284 No.14471284 [Reply] [Original]

Long hair thread, get in here and suffer together.

First time growing my hair out, how does it look? I plan to get it longer but the current shape is roughly what I had in mind. Any advice?

Also is it normal to shed a ton of hair? I have a lot of volume so I tell myself it's normal but I'm also wondering if I'm balding

>> No.14471285

hair thread

>> No.14471288

Is there anything more juvenile than long hair on someone older than the age of 13. I honestly can't think of anything

>> No.14471289

posting on /fa/ in any capacity

>> No.14471290

Damn, I guess it's time to buzz it all uh? I'm taking the bugmanpill

>> No.14471291


>> No.14471295


>> No.14471298

Not sure if this the right place but i dont wanna make a thread about it

Is thick hair when you have a lot of strands or when each strand has a thick diameter?

>> No.14471302
File: 137 KB, 800x800, 1469141240485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. balding boomer lmaooooooooo

>> No.14471336

Ask me how I know you never had sex

>> No.14471345

Have sex

>> No.14471352

kys balding faggot

>> No.14471360

Why do you guys assume I'm balding. Lmao I have a manly shaved head because I'm not a juvenile faggot lol

>> No.14471372

Yeah you shed a lot of hair. never had a girlfriend? sink would be like a nest after she ran the brush through her hair.

>> No.14471393

>i-i chose to shave it off
hahaha look at this coping low test faggot ahahahaha

>> No.14471394

My ex shed a lot too but blamed stress and hard water. Good to know though, that's reassuring

>> No.14471395

>manly shaved head
hahahahahahhaha stop coping retard

>> No.14471401

After listening to a JRE podcast where Rogan said it was the best decision of his life to shave and he'd do it even if he weren't balding, I took the baldpill. It's so much easier to take care of and mature women love a manly shaved strong (muscular + beer belly) man.

>> No.14471410
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>> No.14471632

>this party is fun but have you tried dmt??

>> No.14471701

>beer belly
the pieces come together

>> No.14471793
File: 2.67 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20190711_034422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let your beard grow for a week or 2 then keep it trimmed short and you are Gucci. I bet you listen to dadrock like me.
Also no, you aren't balding, I too seem to lose many hairs under the shower but that's just because they are long, it's just an impresson, dw.

Mine are getting way too long, I'll just let them grow until September and then see if I look decent since I look like shit with short hair.

>> No.14471862
File: 502 KB, 1576x2098, F7B2A9BB-39F4-4D43-BED3-7BDA16F0F369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I keep growing? What kind of hair cut should I get it no?

>> No.14471873


The level of cope here is unimaginable even for /fa/. Also why would you want a “mature” women? Some old hag with a couple kids? Women don’t mature, they just get old.

>> No.14472104
File: 2.07 MB, 2208x2944, 20190710_222705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never know what to do with my hair,do you guys think I should let it grow or should i get it cut?

>> No.14472109

Get in shape and grow

>> No.14472162
File: 173 KB, 768x857, hairlong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread makes me want to take the buzz pill. I got a big round melon head though, I'd just look even goofier. Does anyone have some nice long hair inspo to post or something? I have no idea what to do with all this hair

>> No.14472174
File: 2.16 MB, 3264x1836, goal hair length.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14472207

You look like Jon Snow. Looks good mate. Do people treat you different with the long hair?

>> No.14472254

based and dare I say red pilled

>> No.14472295
File: 286 KB, 1744x2226, hairstyle-for-oblong-face-male-45284-oblong-face-haircut-men-new-mens-hairstyles-for-oblong-faces-to-her-of-hairstyle-for-oblong-face-male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14472516

No, they just assume I smoke weed and know everything about music

>> No.14472719

you should loss weight first

>> No.14472727
File: 3.19 MB, 2038x3393, 20190711_163849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I achieved my goal lenght, maybe I let grow the back longer and I will make a mullet, these bad boys are coming back soon

looking good
nice texture you have there

>> No.14473021

I could grow a decent beard but I don't like how it looks and it makes feel gross and uncomfortable (might be autism). I like the 5 oclock shadow but that's about it

>> No.14473774

Fucking quality

>> No.14473783

I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean anon? Is the resolution too high? I downscaled it a bit but figured it's important to keep details when showing hair. I'm sorry if I used too much of your bandwidth, it wasn't my intention

>> No.14473788

No as in your hair is pure quality, some good shit right there

>> No.14473800 [DELETED] 

Well thanks anon, that nice of you I tell you what

>> No.14473888
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>> No.14473906
File: 26 KB, 259x235, Screenshot_20190712-013159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to roast you on your facial hair, looks like a hollow goatee in the thumbnail

>> No.14474395

So I've been growing my hair out since November when I cut it really short and I heard people say that getting it trimmed helps? Are they just bullshitting? Sounds counterproductive, I mean right now it's kind of awkward but I usally just comb it back while I wait for it to get longer.

>> No.14474438

it grows much faster if you trim
don't trim a lot off just the ends
it also prevents split ends which fucking suck and and if you leave them too long they go further up the strands and you gotta chop more off

>> No.14474764

I don't understand the science behind it but okay. I thought you only got split ends if you use a lot of hair products and straightened your hair?

>> No.14474786

I might come post a pic later but I've been growing dreadlocks since august 2018 and even though my hair doesn't shed at all, it takes so long to grow it feels like. This is my first time growing my hair out though, I always kept it short or bald.

>> No.14474789

Oh yeah I'm black, before anyone starts trying to tell me I'm a retard for having dreadlocks.

>> No.14474791

People will probably just tell you you're a bigger for being black. Curious about dreads though, do you use products or just let nature do its thing?

>> No.14474814

billy budd-core

>> No.14474898

When I first started I used to use beeswax or styler gel. Then I learned that is was bad for your hair so I just use water and sometimes oil whenever I retwist my hair. Lately I have only been retwisting every few months and letting my hair congo and get more natural looking. Turns out dreadlocks are as easy as just not combing your hair and then washing it once a week.

>> No.14474909

People use "thick hair" to refer both to density and diameter, but I think more often than not they are referring to density.
"Thick hair" is usually a good thing either way

I actually think long hair looks better on guys who are older than 16, more masculine faces create a better contrast with the long hair while young guys have more roundish faces which sometimes create a weird look. It can look cute on some boys though.

>manly shaved head
Now I understand everything

>> No.14474965
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I'm apparently a Nick Cave look-alike. Just curious if people would have advice relating to the hair this time around. Planning to grow it shoulder length.

>> No.14475065
File: 1.29 MB, 1980x2640, 20190712_083333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from a few days ago. Excuse my facial hair I don't have any clippers to keep it trimmed right now.

>> No.14475722

Split ends happen naturally over time. Straightening and overused product will damage your hair too though.

>> No.14475730

It probably grows at a normal rate, but because it's tightly coiled, it takes a long time to get any length. Just patience

>> No.14475783

I don't know shit but I asked my sister if I had split ends and she said no. Should I still get a trim? I haven't gotten a haircut since November.

>> No.14475803


>> No.14475826

Looks good man

>> No.14476104

Idk, depends on how much your sister knows about hair, she might know best. I think a trim is justified after 8 months though

>> No.14476241
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 8d29ac16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have literally the same hair right now

>> No.14476292

never seen such a high concentration of shitty looking hair in a thread before, is long hair the new buzzpill?

>> No.14476300

I do my best to be patient, but I'm definetly excited to have it long enough to do something with it.

>> No.14476375

You look more like a character from Whoville

>> No.14476558

Be my fren?

>> No.14476571

fuck, you really look like nick cave

>> No.14476725
File: 3.39 MB, 2621x4101, IMG_20190712_184047__01__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been working 60 hour work weeks lately, so I look pretty bad at the moment.

>>14471284 Yours looks good man, no worries there. I've also been wondering about shedding hair, because I'll wake up with loose hair in my mouth, it's disgusting.

>>14471793 Looks really good, dude. Totally suits you.