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File: 983 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20190707-224723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14463998 No.14463998 [Reply] [Original]

The style god posted a raw footage day

>> No.14464030

are you kidding me? I haven't watched whole video but is this guy really not using any hair-gel and just water only?

>> No.14464071

So what? I never use hair gel either, i just wash my hair, then comb it, then dry it, then comb it again and it does the trick. Gels dehydrate your hair and makes it feel really ugly

>> No.14464082
File: 333 KB, 1920x1080, 1562534399219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would spaghetti so much of I ever meet him
I legit find him a very interesting personality, the same as Steve

>> No.14464087

See this is what I mean, when I say that character trumps the looks all day every day. Objectively, his face aesthetics are about 3.5/10
Incels need to stop looking for excuses and coping.

>> No.14464103
File: 451 KB, 1920x1080, 1562534867192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find him quite unique, in terms of his face
He looks kind of beat up compared to other videos in this one, though
Probably a bad night of sleep

>> No.14464111

His face looks like if it is protruding from the rest of his skull. His usual hairstyle definitely fits him better.

>> No.14464117

>His face looks like if it is protruding from the rest of his skull
ehat did he mean by this?

>> No.14464122

>Using gel
Ay, jabroni, Jersey in the 90s called you's, they want they hairstyle back on mom's

>> No.14464126

His videos are too long and I don't eat fast food, so I never watch, but I like knowing he's there.

>> No.14464132
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>> No.14464133
File: 1.59 MB, 277x202, reviewmah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14464134

You may like this one
He does it annually, sort of like a day in the life, so he goes into a lot of style stuff

>> No.14464140

She looks like a retired model, kind of stylish and slim

>> No.14464141

His mom's kinda cute, in a waspy way

>> No.14464147

>tfw no reviewbrah mom gf

>> No.14464160

I honestly hope he's not eating fast food garbage all day

>> No.14464251

Pure unfiltered attractiveness
Cute af

>> No.14464268

She looks like jodie Foster

>> No.14464280

>Pure unfiltered attractiveness
>Cute af
If DJ Qualls were gay and cutesy

>> No.14464292

dude has amazing hair

>> No.14464297

He wakes up at 4pm?

>> No.14464310

where are his parents?

>> No.14464328

Making threads about him.

>> No.14464336

mfer is like a vampire, goes to bed at like 8am

>> No.14464406

Isn’t he like 25 tho? He looks like a child but he isn’t one

>> No.14464424

He was in the past. At least in this one he moved on to frozen chicken tenders and canned green beans. Maybe next year he'll actually cook something.

>> No.14464426

He lives with his mom I think. She also is usually the one holding the camera whenever it's not stationary.

>> No.14464429

in his first video he was like 14 but looks 10.

>> No.14464452

Reviewbrah is a total lad in a world of animals

>> No.14464478

does he have a gf?

>> No.14464480

i really hope he doesnt turn out to be a paedophile because he sure does look like one

>> No.14464724

Reviewbrah isn't gay he's asexual.

>> No.14464785
File: 2.84 MB, 3000x2135, 1480434970870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always pictured his parents as really old and fat, or maybe that he lived with his grandparents.

I wonder how they raised him for him to turn out like he did (I mean that in a good way).

>> No.14464797

I would fuck the shit out of both of these people at the same time oh my god.

>> No.14464798

Does anybody have an idea if he goes to college, or has a job other than making the YouTube videos? Do you think he makes enough money to justify unemployment of conventional jobs, and waking up at 4 PM on most days?

>> No.14464829

pretty sure he makes more than enough money.

>> No.14464846

what the FUCK did he mean by this?

>> No.14464868

i cant believe i watched that whole video. Ive never even watched reviewbrah before.

>> No.14464882

some serious oedipal vibes

>> No.14464886

He looked like such a cute timid kid.

>> No.14465166
File: 85 KB, 1024x684, vuPaD7Hh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post a bunch of reviewbrah style kinos. These are his most aesthetic videos. Nothing about fast food involved
First, his day in the life from last year, were he appeared dressing casual for the very first time, becoming a 90s god. MUST WATCH
His train review video
His skin care routine. That robe literally put him on trending
His suits video, another staple
It's very known he has tried to upload a thrift store video haul since forever, but he has run into issues, both from the place, or from his anxiety. He is kind of a night person, and sleeps during the day. There's some pics of him testing around suits there, that get posted constantly

>> No.14465168

Of course he does, he’s probably making like $2,000 per video if not more

>> No.14465170

He has addressed this in the past plenty of times, and he is very open about it
He stopped going to uni about two years ago because of his health and YouTube and shortwave radio seems to be what he really enjoys
He is very vocal about shortwave radio, so he may end up being a radio host

>> No.14465171

Whats wrong with his health? I've only ever watched a few of his videos.

>> No.14465172


This guy is such a pencil necked little shit. If I ever see him irl I'm going to punch him in the cocksucker

>> No.14465174

Anxiety, he had ups and downs, he was bullied... He is kind of a frail dude for some reason. I honestly believe his eating habits and his sleeping schedule are part of the problem, but his personality, as anyone can tell, is quite unique and sophisticated

>> No.14465186

>she looks at him and bites her lip
>tfw no one will ever wanna bang you like reviewmah wants to bang reviewbrah

>> No.14465212

Damn what a MILF

>> No.14465249
File: 721 KB, 1600x1128, sub-buzz-28995-1515530069-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he havre the Biggest baby face ever or is it just me

>> No.14465303

His hair is your typical thin caucasian hair, you don't need any gel for it. Hair wax can spoil it too.

>> No.14465539

this. she looks like the char. jodie foster plays in panic room except with bangs

>> No.14465566

Steve the MRE guy?

>> No.14465579


>> No.14465631

They both are so damn cute

>> No.14465775

reviwbrah will definitely have a role in broadcasting. his videos are with zero cuts all made in one go and everything comes from the top of his head. thats a really rare talent to not slip up in words.

>> No.14465890

Based reviewbrah. Zoomers will save the world

>> No.14465922

Why does everyone pretend to like this guy?

>> No.14465937

is there a reason to dislike him?

>> No.14465947

Why do you assume we're pretending, are all your emotions forced or put on?

>> No.14465962

Hes boring and ugly

Because it comes off as ironic. People like him for the memes not for him per se

>> No.14465971

You're boring and ugly (AND obnoxiously contrarian).

>> No.14466019

he‘s ugly. and? that doesnt make him less likable.

>> No.14466035

I unironically like him, he seems like a genuine guy, and his videos are pleasant.
I can definitely sense the irony from teenage faggots in the YouTube comments etc. though.
Especially from females who would encourage him being bullied in real life, fucking fake cunts

>> No.14466081

>Because it comes off as ironic. People like him for the memes not for him per se
My ass
It shows you know shit about him or watch his videos
The reviewbrah lore goes way back
The memes come from the Reddit fags

>> No.14466086

She so looks like she belongs in some late 90s TV show or film set in NYC

>> No.14466119
File: 279 KB, 812x526, 133009A3AB72818D52F6A16BD7A63D2AE38AEB6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14466131

you have to be 18 to post here kiddo

>> No.14466153

Reviewmah seems to appear in this episode, but her face is not shown
She sounds very stylish and refined. A lovely woman, probably a huge influence, fashionwise, to our guy
Go to 3:27

>> No.14466203

You know guys, as much as I love our ReviewBrah, I'm really afraid that one day 4chan will turn on him, just like we did with pretty much every e-celeb that became a bit too popular.

He's a really cool dude, and I wouldn't want him to get drowned in hate because he said some shit that /pol/ or whatever autismboard disliked. He's just too pure for that, you know ?

>> No.14466211

am i alone when i say he looks like a young Niles Crane from Frasier ? someone help me out here.

>> No.14466218

>Hes boring and ugly
I don't actually think he's ugly, he's a skinny overall which doesn't look great, but there's nothing ugly about him

>> No.14466229

He’s ugly dude I love reviewbrah but he’s ugly and I even think he'd look uglier if he was of normal weight

>> No.14466237

nice choice of painting, i rlly rate that 1

>> No.14466243

I disagree. look here

I'm not saying he's what I consider good looking, but I think he's in the middle, not below the line into ugly

>> No.14466249
File: 92 KB, 1400x910, IMG_20190708_213211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The brah takes care of himself nicely and it shows
He has solid face genetics, although not the stereotypical male model type
He is very unique and lovable as fuck

>> No.14466273
File: 360 KB, 1400x661, Brah and Steve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14466293

In his latest video he implied he was going to be buying a home within the next year. Which wouldn't surprise me considering how much his channel has blown up in 2018/2019

>> No.14466296

Nah, just you. Everyone else thinks he's a rugged lumberjack type.

>> No.14466402

just spam his inbox with that image.
he needs a reality check.

>> No.14466416

He already made it through that period.

>> No.14466431

literally who? eceleb fights are cringe as fuck

>> No.14466556

>I find him quite unique, in terms of his face
OK so say “I find his face unique.” What the fuck is this “in terms of” shit? If you’re saying “in terms of” and “regarding” and bullshit like that, then you’re wasting words and looking inarticulate and retarded. Be clear and economical instead.

>> No.14466572

i think he's actually quite good looking
he's not conventionally attractive but his look is "striking" similar to some models and definitely not ugly

>> No.14466575

anyone else notice how steveMRE and reviewbrah have very similar facial features? Steve looks like a 15 years older reviewbrah.

>> No.14466614

Nah, I'll keep doing my thing while you complain
Find better things to do, lad. Changing others is a waste of your time

>> No.14466635
File: 10 KB, 346x250, 1561415418699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14466648

he's a pretentious dickweed.
it's just fucking stupid to watch some retard eat fast food, watch him shove it in his mouth after saying "this is the faggot shitburger by xyz....going in." and then "critique" the whole bullshit. if only he did something more interesting than this.

>> No.14466682

His radio show is what you're looking for. The food reviews are just a vehicle for his character and personality. The people subscribed don't really care about hamburgers they just want to see him doing his thing.

>> No.14466784

good. I also know he does consulting for some media firm on the side. so at least I know it's not only cringe he does.

>> No.14466790
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 38f527022977c44b1797c5257870502d_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude reminds of louis from American Psycho lmao

>> No.14467456

She sounds so youthful, it's odd. More so, his speech mannerism, and tone of voice, is ridiculously similar to his mothers.

>> No.14467476

i remember always seeing this painting at a local art museum and riding the streetcar with my mom at lunchtime when i was back in preschool

>> No.14467489
File: 1.23 MB, 320x179, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh mmy god yoour right

>> No.14467734
File: 298 KB, 660x888, review_brah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14467839

This is true now, he fucking sold out but he was one of us once
He did an ama on r9k, with voice recorded answers

>> No.14467840

How do we know it's his mom and not his gf in this video, she looks and sounds young
>inb4 he has no gf
He's making big youtube money now, the e-girls will be seaking him out

>> No.14467859

Plenty of queues
His attitude towards her
Her hands
Her manners
Her attire
Her thumbs up being literally the same gesture
Also it seems she's dressed like in the gif that gets posted of her
It's obviously the same woman

>> No.14467864
File: 16 KB, 240x239, 1449790520722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14467865

I bet it's either her or his wine aunt

>> No.14467866

man he looks so pale in that bathroom segment, even worse than me and I'm pretty much a hikki

>> No.14467869
File: 191 KB, 470x600, ?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think ReviewBrah browses/posts on 4chan?

>> No.14468255

He unironically posted on pol, r9k, tv a few years ago. I remember him making vocaroos in threads answering fan questions and stuff like that. He stopped posting though because of all those memes of him being white supremacist, or at least he doesn't associate anymore with chans now.

>> No.14468538

bumped into him one time

he's very friendly and cordial, almost to the point where you question after whether he was genuinely nice or consciously compensating to not sound condescending

10/10 would spaghetti again

>> No.14468544

fuck this makes him look like one of Floop's Fooglies

>> No.14468594

Adorable desu

>> No.14468720
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>> No.14468730

you can post yt link and it gets embedded on 4chan, try it

>> No.14469884
File: 13 KB, 569x294, xthe-concaveconvex-and-the-convexconcave-types-2.jpg.pagespeed.ic.-fkb565WXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14469994

You need hair product for even caucasian hair. This guy probably just washes it with cold water, hence the oil stays there to hold it in place.

>> No.14470000

It could be that he does the no shampoo thing. If he does that, that means that natural oils could give him the slicked back appearance, as long as his hair is long enough to do that. What's unusual about Review Brah is that most slicked back hair enthusiasts go to barbers and ask for something of a 1960s, '50s, '40s, '30s, or '20s haircut. His hair is instead cut by himself to be very long all around his head, almost like a bowl cut when let down all around. He just carefully styles it all back, so it looks much shorter than it really is.

>> No.14470004

He only did the self cut for a year or two he goes to the barber now.

>> No.14470014

CAN CONFORM! I used get as a kid, "L.A. Looks" and ever since I have had dandruff, never been able to get rid of it. Its been getting better this last year, I stopped using shampoos, conditioners and "dandruff shampoo" and just use a bit of baking soda and then brush it out after a shower. you're body is your gardens, promote your personal biome.

>> No.14470019
File: 651 KB, 1280x1280, 1536205814773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bottom right will never be your reviewgf


>> No.14470063

Top right looks like Andy Black

>> No.14470137

first one is meme man

>> No.14470178

beardbrah looks like he fucked your gf

>> No.14470196
File: 30 KB, 321x320, 1366060865761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? I genuinely like him

>> No.14470201
File: 29 KB, 753x707, 1559853485239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking normies...

>> No.14470217

he is boring as shit and disgusting to look at dude he doesnt even edit much

>> No.14470359

4pm is early for him. The last 3 or 4 times he was getting up at 9PM.

>> No.14470508

Why would anyone bully him? He seems lime the type of guy who could get along with everyone

>> No.14470829

he is fucking weird man