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>> No.14417061
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>> No.14417084
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I just moved my bottles onto a shelf, now it’s cosier and I’m not triggering my OCD to don’t knock off anything when reaching for them. R8

>> No.14417120


>> No.14417125

get some wooden stands or something and elevate the pic

otherwise good taste anon

>> No.14417175

tacky and cringe :/

>> No.14417456
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Summer rotation for 2019

>> No.14417624
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Epic scent

>> No.14417715

which hdp is that?

>> No.14417722



>> No.14417723
File: 108 KB, 1024x629, 7A0F231A-DA15-43ED-AF05-A559231B25D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not these bottles kek
Yeah, I should
Daily reminder to don’t buy Lutens bottles newer than these with white labels
How is it comparing to Eau Sauvage and it’s current Parfum version? I love the latter but Turin claims that it is only a shadow of the former self by Roudnitska.
I think 1725 Casanova

>> No.14417724

Also the current bottle got improved by a margin

>> No.14417788

What do you guys think about Zara frags?

>> No.14417792

i want to try the Amazingreen, is it any good or just a wacky experiment

>> No.14417797

Very different imo, much stronger oakmoss and it projects like crazy.

I'm gonna try the newer bottles to see how they are, only tried 2016 before

>> No.14417811

I’m still impressed how good this infographic is. It might need a small update but I find myself coming back to it which is funny because at first it was too overwhelming for me.

>> No.14417830
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Objectively the best men's parfum in existence

>> No.14417886
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>> No.14417888
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>> No.14417890
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>> No.14417892
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>> No.14417894
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>> No.14417901

Lol @ almost none of them are niche, all mass produced overpriced designer crap you can get at Neiman Marcus

>> No.14417910


>> No.14417952
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Do you think Jerememe scored her?

>> No.14417973

Should I try out some of the Tom Ford blue bottle frags? Since I only work 3-4 hours per shift for morning and night longevity doesn't matter too much.

>> No.14418005
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With each wear I'm more and more underwhelmed with Xerjoff's Nio. Possibly I got a fake decant (but I doubt it given the conversation with the owner and photos) but I can pretty much get only green notes and a bit citruses from it. I mean, the green notes are nice and remind me of plant buds in early spring pulsing with juices but overall Nio just reminds me of a glorified car air refresher. Anyone else tested it?
Any other recommendations of an upscale niche summer fragrance?
They're ok but not worth the price to be fair.
I see, interesting. I'm glad I'm happy with the current Parfum formulation though.

>> No.14418039
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That's also a daily reminder to sample frags before buying. I was very high on this stuff initially and now I would have a pricey bottle that I don't particularity appreciate if I bought it without wearing it for a couple of times.

>> No.14418187

I don’t think Jeremy actually has sex. I’m pretty sure he just jerks off in front of a mirror.

>> No.14418193

That's so cringy when girls try that hard to be a xerocopy of Ariana Grande

>> No.14418209
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I mean, look at her. Going in a full make up that she spent hours on to a bathtub just so a horde of pathetic beta males can masturbate to this photo

>> No.14418247
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Good alternatives to this?

>> No.14418261

You know girls wash their makeup off every night and reapply it the next day, right?

>> No.14418269

>Daily reminder to don’t buy Lutens bottles newer than these with white labels

>> No.14418273

I don’t think you understand thots, m8. I dated a girl for a few months who would specifically wake up early and sneak out of bed to do her makeup before I woke up so I’d never see her without it. You vastly underestimate how shallow and insecure they are.

>> No.14418283

Is there anything with a pepper/bergamot combo like sauvage that isn't headache inducing?

>> No.14418285 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 599x600, DSC_1882_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to post about this hidden gem. Razorock (the shaving soap company) makes a Rive Gauche clone under the brand name Zcent, called American Barber. I got a 30 mL and wasn't expecting much at all. I got the package and sprayed some immediately and was really disappointed. It just smelled like plastic, alcohol, and some Cool Water type rosemary smell. I just busted it out today though about a month later and it smells excellent. I guess these smaller brands make less product so they're fresher and need more time to settle in the bottle. After I finish my real RG bottle I'll probably order a few more of these

>> No.14418302

eh since the real Ariana Grande is an asslet, i'll take a B- or C-grade imitation with a nice brapper desu

>> No.14418366

I can grab 50mls of Luna Rossa Carbon and Lacoste Blanc for about £60 together.
Is that £60 well spent on work frags for summer, or am I better off investing that £60 towards a bottle of BDC or Terre D'hermes Fraiche?

>> No.14418390

Demi Rawling wears six sprays of Tobacco Vanille, which is a miasma of biblical proportions. I feel conscientious with three sprays.

>> No.14418553
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Implying that she didn't paint her face just for a sake of taking this photo for instagram.
Try Lalique White. It's dirty cheap and great fresh fragrance. People talk only Encre Noire but Lalique has so many cheap gems.
Prada is fine but Lacoste is mediocre at best. Buy Bright Neroli and Lalique White instead of it. These three would set you for summer and you won't get as easily bored with this rotation as with one bottle of BDC/TDH (which aren't really of better quality than any of these three imo).
To be fair I really think that women are way bigger oversprayers than men. I remember the year Lancome La Via Est Belle started gaining popularity, I was choked by sweet clouds of this bloody fragrance every time the second I entered subway. Stacy miasma is real.

>> No.14418613

What's your anxiety calming frag, /frag/? Thinking of spraying some lavender, but maybe this is some homeopathy level shit I'm going for.

>> No.14418630
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What an embarrassing name holy shit

>> No.14418634

Probably the original Egoiste.

>> No.14418641

Someone post the copypaste about German Kreativiti from few threads back

>> No.14418688


From a lot of his reaction review videos I get the vibe he has a very low tolerance/patience for women. Not necessarily a sign of him being gay but maybe some sort of narcissistic autistic asexuality. His interactions with them are purely social proof for his brand because he can’t stand them outside of it

>> No.14418706
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Are you a psychologists by any chance?

>> No.14418712


Just my observation, I could be wrong

>> No.14418714

He's a trans man aka FTM
He likes men

>> No.14418735
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Going to da club this weekend. Will this help me get approach by the ladies and finally get laid?

>> No.14418740

If you feel more confident while wearing it, then yes, it will help you.

>> No.14418765


I don’t think he likes men but he has some kind of sociopathic envy of ones he perceives to be greater than him. Like in his Tom Ford video he couldn’t help but make a dig on him in public while simultaneously worshipping him. The same with Erwin Creed where Jeremy was practically tearing his hair out and skin off to get Creed to tell him that his fragrance was good. His entire aventus cologne review was to butter him up in hopes of his fragrance being agknowledged. You could see him becoming visibly frustrated by Creeds Chad aloofness. Jeremy has to be doing the mogging, he spurgs out if he’s beaten by a bigger fish.

>> No.14418783

He just did a vid with a black gigachad where he literally blacks himself. Very cringy

>> No.14418869

>Lmao this is so true but inexplicable at the same time for everyone who has spent some time in educated international spheres. I remember a conference I attended long time ago at Nantes, France. We went for a posh dinner after the first day of the conference. There was me, a few Italian colleagues, a few frenchies and some other randoms. One of these randoms was German. We had a typical light hearted dinner chit chat talking about history, where are we from a bit of culture etc. The German guy didn’t contribute anyhow and just sat there silently laughing at our jokes. At some point one of the organisers asked him “and zoo are you??”. It was his time to shine. He said: “Bonn.”. Everyone was looking at him nodding heads waiting for him to tell something more about the city or himself or whatever. He probably realised that and said “That’s where Haribos originate from! Do you know what Haribo stands from?”. “Hans-Riegel-Bonn”. Silence. He apparently thought that no one has understood his wittiness so he decided to explain it further “HAns-RIegel-BOnn!”. Everyone was cringiying and hiding their laughter, so one of the frenchies said “clazzik German creativiti” to make the atmosphere bearable again. Everyone burst with laughter and the German guy understood that we’re laughing at him not with him. The rest is history. He started some autistic screeching rant about great German composers and philosophers to show how creative the German nation can be. Everyone was getting more and more amused listening to him - it was like watching a circus. Then he moved to conclusions about modern times and how EU is only a thing because of German taxpayers and how this conference couldn’t happen without their money. I’m sure that if you wanted to you could hear crickets playing their sweet Nachtmusik on the other side of the window it was so silent at our table.

>> No.14418872

>But me and, I think, everyone enjoyed the show severely. It was almost unreal conversation. The same Frenchie who triggered him broke the silence and said nonchalantly “well, letz make a toazt for Angela for letting us be here” everyone burst with laughter again and we came back to our chit chat ignoring the German guy. He left soon after. I really loved the Jeremy’s video with Creed for the same reasons. His behaviour stems from the very same dark spot in German soul that the rant of this autist during the dinner came from.

>> No.14418902

Day two of wearing Roja Fruity Aoud. Really enjoying it. It dries down to something not unlike Joob, but without the incense and snices, and more fruitiness. Less heavy, too. I think it actually works for summer. Projects well, but not Chad miasma tier.

>> No.14418932


Sounds about right, honestly. I don’t think he’s gay, I just think he’s a narcissist, hence my comment about him jerking off in front of a mirror. I agree he probably just uses the girls in his videos to get pajeets and fuccbois to watch them/buy his shit.

>> No.14418938
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What are some good fragrance with some good longevity at 90F (32C), i fucking hate Summer.

>> No.14418976


>> No.14418990
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Are there any other Rive Gauche clones worth mentioning besides Fine Accoutrements? I got this one last month and when I first sprayed it I got a plasticky alcohol smell, but I dug it out again today and it's really nice and very very close to RG, only missing the super fresh opening. I guess with these smaller brands they make less product so you have to let them sit for a few weeks after you get it? It smells way better than when I first got it.

>> No.14419018

Please stop wearing fragrance
You fatties are causing global warming with the amount of stench that evaporates off your corpulent forms

>> No.14419100


He's who I first watched when I got into /frag/. If you are a novice it is easy to come under the impression he is the GOAT and you don't need to look anywhere else other than him. Over time it was the same fragrances over and over. I was on other 4chan boards and came here and found this thread and have been on it ever since. Here is Jeremy review

>(thot), what do you think of this niche (not paying me) frag
>*death stares girl*
>uh 5/10 Jeremy
>haha ok cool, and how about aventus
>*death stares girl*
>She is internally rating it 6.5/10 and about to say it
>oh, um 9/10, Jeremy
>ok haha awesome sweet you see guys its the best

>> No.14419178

Is SMW a good first niche work frag if I want something clean and presentable for an office job? Obviously going to cop a sample and see how it works with my skin and if I like it and all

>> No.14419200

I noticed he tends to lead people a lot. Like, he’ll have them sniff it, ask what they smell, then when they answer, he’ll add notes they didn’t say. Like, they’ll say “I like it, it smells fresh, very clean...” then he’ll kind of cut them off and be like “wood... vanilla...” and they’ll just go “y-yeah”.

Seems like he leads people to say what he wants them to say about a fragrance.

>> No.14419211

No shit. He's a salesman, not a fragrance reviewer. He did have some actual reviews when he was starting out (where he dedicated like 12-20 minutes to one fragrance and just talked about it) but everything in the past 3-4 years has been sales points. It's hilariously obvious if you've ever worked a sales job before and had to learn what he's doing.

>> No.14419328

Some of them are half decent, but the problem with nearly all of them is poor longevity and that the drydown is never as well copied as the opening. Considering how cheap they are they're decent enough I guess.

>> No.14419336

Diptyque Eau des Sens is incredibly long lasting on me. Same with Terre D'Hermes Eau Tres Fraiche. Anymore specificity (e.g. genre or notes) you're looking for?

>> No.14419483
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Cont. Aquatic Sampling. 1/2

6/18/19 Update, next 4:

6. Acqua di Sale, Profumum - This smells like a sweaty chick took a dip in a saltwater seaweed lake to cool off and is now sitting next to me outdoors chewing Bubble Yum. Like it doesn’t smell dirty, but it’s not particularly “fresh” or “clean” smelling - kind of powdery and aromatic female musk. Felt too “thicc” for hot weather. The very opening reminds me bubble gum. Later on, I start to get the salty / marine / seaweed thing, but the bubble gum is still there and I don’t like it. Drydown remains the same - it’s linear. Same complaint I had for Bleu Astral and He Wood - why is it that these woody aquatics seem to smell like bubble gum?

7. Kenzo Homme Night for men - This shit is pretty fucking fruity for a “masculine” fragrance. You got the mango and grapefruit mixed w/ some coconut and tonka bean as an opener with some woody undertones and some spice. Honestly this smells like it would appeal to a teenage girl more than anything. It’s not really aquatic at all, highly synthetic smelling, and I would not recommend this for a man. I guess this could be “silly and seductive” if you were under the age of 16 and just didn’t know about all the better scents out there. It’s pretty cheap and definitely smells it.

8. Heeley Sel Marin - This is another zesty aquatic that kind of reminded me of Erolfa - It’s like AdG’s classier older cousin, but with a hint of seaweed, light salt, and woodiness that you don’t really get from AdG or Erolfa. You do get the white-sand beach vibe from this. The citrus/zest definitely takes the forefront on the opening, so if you are not looking for something citrusy, then don’t get this. This was gone after 4-5 hours on my skin as well, unfortunately. Pretty unisex here, maybe slightly masculine.

>> No.14419490
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Cont. Aquatic Sampling 2/2

6/18/19 Update, next 4:

9. Eternal Return CB I Hate Perfume - FINALLY a fucking woody aquatic that doesn’t smell like fucking bubble gum. It’s like clean ocean water, slightly salty in a good way, and has a little woody sweetness to it that I liked. If Every Storm a Serenade is a moody art hoe, this is her more outgoing and slightly more attractive sister. Very linear and not many notes going on - I like the simplicity and doesn’t smell synthetic to me. It’s not a sunny day at the beach, it’s more like a saltwater lake surrounded by trees on the coastline, partly cloudy day with a breeze but still warm enough to wear just a t-shirt and shorts. Pretty fucking comfy. The downside is it doesn’t project all that much and unfortunately only lasts about 4 hours on my skin. This one also leaned a little feminine to me, but if you’re a sexy man you could pull this off.

>> No.14419527

Who dat semen demon?

>> No.14419542
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top is isabella rodriguez on IG i think. bottom one i dont know, try reverse image search

i like 'em black hair tan skin big titties boi

>> No.14419604

So now that AdP Essenza has been neutered in a reformulation I'm looking for a new "dirty/clean" summer scent. I have Kouros, a vintage bottle of Versace L'homme, vintage Dior Eau Sauvage, vintage Bowling Green, Xerjoff Kobe and Guerlain Vetiver. I dont like boring summer scents, if its fresh and clean it has to be unique like Hermes Voyage EdP.
What should I try next? And before anyone says Kouros is for hairy old men, I am a hairy old man so don't worry about it.

I'm going to try Rogue Perfumery Mousse Illuminee because apparently it's heavily inspired by vintage Polo Green.

>> No.14419613

i got an ongoing aquatics review - interested in any of those?

If i was you, I'd sample some of the creed shit if you haven't already. silver mountain water, erolfa, virgin island water, royal water - those are all p fresh / zesty

Personally i find myself likeing some of the darker stuff like Every Storm a Serenade and CB Eternal Return - these are not fresh and clean but in a good way

>> No.14419625

I respect Creed but their quality control and pricing system is utter horseshit.

I've beem wearing frags for over 30 years now. GIT, BdP and Taborame Miliseme are my favorite Creeds but the first two are done equally as well for far lower prices elsewhere.

I respect aquatics but I find most of them boring due to market saturation. I like AdP Profumo and Polo Blue EdP Gold edition because of the incense. Caroline Herrera Chic is another one i like due to the peppery watermelon combo but overall i prefer different scents.

>> No.14419734

aslo the acqua version ifyou know about it pls

>> No.14419760

butterface poo-in-loo tbqh

>> No.14419792
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i like her dopey face

you gona rec me an aquatic to test this next batch or what??

>> No.14419801

>I've beem wearing frags for over 30 years now

damn throw me some recs dude you're probably one of the oldest noses here. i've been sampling new shit every season for about 6 years now, only copped 2 actual bottles so far because it's a fucking process to find something thats just right.

I'm looking for an aquatic that is NOT zesty / lemony / citrusy. I want something that smells cold in this hot and humid weather. if you would, read my reviews to date to get a better understanding of what i'm goin for. so far Every Storm a Serenade and Eternal Return have been my favorites.

>> No.14419839

Try Pino or Acqua di Selva breh

>> No.14419845

TF Oud Minerale.

I hate oud it makes me want to vomit but this one is acceptable for me. In fact I actually like it. It really reminds me of salty sea.

>> No.14419861

i was actually looking at that earlier today. i will cop a sample thanks

unrelated question: does it matter if something is a dabber vs a spray - does that really affect the scent?

>> No.14419879

Old fuck here. Non citrus aquatic: Penhaligons Blasted Heath and Olympic Orchids Kingston Ferry are two great ones. In the cheap realm, Fendi Aqua is a leathery aquatic that is citric up front but turns leathery ASAP.

Hermes Jardin Monsoon is aquatic in that its the smell of wet earth, pepper, and spices.

I think you'd enjoy Blasted Heath. Aquatic with tobacco and whiskey.

>> No.14419884

Not that guy but I own it. Supposedly the performance isn’t supposed to be that good but when it’s hot and I’m sweaty it tends to project very well. It smells citrusy and oceanic, with a strong woody note. Try before you buy.

>> No.14419915

Yes, very much. I buy a bunch of disposable atomizers to transfer splash samples into.

IMHO you don't get as much projection or note seperation when you dab.

>> No.14419921

Old fuck part 2. I'd bet the bubblegum smell you dislike is Neroli. Can come across as a sort of grape citrus mashup.

If you can, get a sample of Dunhill Icon. Its a neroli bomb and presents the note front and center. Its a cheap and easy way to become familiar with it.

>> No.14419968

>I'd bet the bubblegum smell you dislike is Neroli

I do "dislike" the smell of Neroli, but I don't think it smells like bubblegum. I don't dislike Neroli because of the smell itself, I dislike it because to me, it has the faint smell of every 75yr old lady I have ever smelled in my entire life, so I associate Neroli with "old lady smell."

I hypothesize that the bubblegum smell may come from a synthetic ingredient that may be designed to help the fragrance project and add to its longevity, but at the cost of turning off people who only want natural-smelling fragrances.

>> No.14420058
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What are some frags that will help me pull ~18-25 year olds?

Is pic related good?

>> No.14420106

Ah thats a shame, I love neroli. But i also like old school scents because....well, I'm an old boomer.

Try out some of the aquatics I mentioned , I think you'll dig Blasted Heath.

Also, if you aren't adverse to old school get a sample of Aramis New West. It's basically a proto aquatic that's equal parts wood and aquatic/calone notes. Even if you don't like it, it's useful to smell one of the progenitors of modern aquatics.

Issey Miyake Bleue is another uncommon one, it's an herbal pine bomb. Very spicy, almost dirty with an aquatic heart. Smells nothing like the original.

Besides aquatics what other genres of fragrance are you interested in? I love discussing frags and helping people out, normally I write reviews on other sites. I never knew 4chan had a fragrance thread, glad I stumbled on it.

Oh I forgot, Bond Shelter Island is another interesting aquatic. I'm not a huge fan but its a very not citric briny aquatic.

>> No.14420109

Unironically Dior Sauvage.

>> No.14420127

How old are you?

If you're in your 40s trying to pull an 18 year old, dont act like an 18 year old. Don't dress like one, don't smell like one. If an 18 year old wants to fuck an 18 year old, she will fuck an 18 year old not a 40 year old larping as one. Replace 40 with 30 or however old you are.

>> No.14420134

im 25

>> No.14420139

where do you live?
and how the fuck did you end up on dunhill icon racing? like how were you raised?

>> No.14420150


>> No.14420151

>has been neutered in a reformulation
i literally just copped a new bottle to replace one i got about two years ago and they are identical

reformulation autists baka

>> No.14420189

What are some cheaper non-meta fragnances for a summer?

>> No.14420226

The trick is to smell different from guys your age while still smelling great. Try Cartier L'envol EDT,Bvlgari Man in Black, Polo Red Extreme or Intense, Varvatos Dark Rebel, Mancera Cedrat Bois, etc

>> No.14420229

Theres way less musk in the bottle I have now.

>> No.14420233

best normie winter frags? fragrance newbie in the southern hemisphere reporting in

looking for something that can be worn in an office environment but also out at night

>> No.14420274
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my man :D

>> No.14420280
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Comments on this are pure gold, he actually responds to people complaining about the price.

>> No.14420304

>got this as a gift
Any good for everyday use?

>> No.14420305

Only if you're in secondary school. Otherwise the SEX frag is Eros.

>> No.14420307
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Forgot pic

>> No.14420316

dude is such a cringey fuckwit

>> No.14420358


How old is Jeremy?

>> No.14420360
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>> No.14420422

195, he keeps his youth by sucking the life force out of his audience by scamming them

>> No.14420469
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Funny thing, there was actually a Danish instathot that accused him of sending lewd texts over snapchat. This said instathot is no where to be seen on social media anymore. I wonder why.
> Warning cringe horny drunk Jeremy sexting: https://imgur.com/a/q7ncC23
He is 30. I remember he posted on his social media a creepy picture with #30 balloons all alone in his office. It was actually sad :(.

>> No.14420481

>that pic
When you finger and rub your face all over a thot's tanned orange ass

>> No.14420489

Wow, does he have webs on his right hand?

>> No.14420508

Is SMW worth sampling? Over the likes of Aventus or 5 o Clock Gingembre??

>> No.14420582

he's only 30? thought he was in his mid to late 30s desu. he looks pretty weathered in the face despite being handsome.

>> No.14420613
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What picrel would wear?
>I've beem wearing frags for over 30 years now.
Top 10 fragrances?
Can second it.
Kek, was that Jeremeposter?

>> No.14420620

There's a 50% sale in Selfridge's fellow Britbongs. You can get Kiehl's Musk for £40 and Rojas for half of the price

>> No.14420621

haha, posts definitely related
just some very expensive tanning lotion he thought was moisturizer.
Being very lean and not having a lot of sleep shows up very quick. Also, all the time he spent in Ibiza sure didnt help his skin.
Definitely try it over Aventus. Also all the other Creeds anons suggested above.

>> No.14420628

>just some very expensive tanning lotion he thought was moisturizer.
I'm talking about the skin between his fingers, if that wasn't clear.
Or do you think that's lotion?

>> No.14420659

wasn't me anon. I already have two bottles of Orifice for Men. Both at 80 euros a piece.

>> No.14420663

Very white sunless kraut vs bad orange lux lotion

>> No.14420705


>> No.14420768
File: 155 KB, 434x645, Roja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, if they can casually make discounts by £1250 on these as a retailer then imagine how overpriced these fragrances must be. Selfridges is literally the last element in the chain. There must be other middlemen inbetween that also make money on that. Also it's unreal to see some of these bottles for around £100. Here goes your reputation as an ultimate exclusive brand Mr. Dove. That's why you can't discounted Chanels. However, in a way I appreciate how cynic businessmen Roja is. Extracting the money straight of rich Asian kids and Arabs.

>> No.14420776

anyone here have any experience with mdci i want to buy a bottle for the aesthetics

>> No.14420825

Latest Jeremy upload is good if you want to pull a German milf anytime soon.

>> No.14420880

Chypre Palating is goat chypre if you're into them

>> No.14420912

>Besides aquatics what other genres of fragrance are you interested in?

right now just aquatics because it is getting hot and really humid where I live, so want something to counter the heat. i kinda just rotate with the seasons, come september / october, I'll be looking into scents to counter the cold.
i like Tobacco Vanille for winter but the shit is pretty potent and too sexy for daily use... maybe. Might be a little over the top for office use. i like burberry london as it's cheap and dapper, but it only lasts like 3 hours. you know anyhthing like London but lasts 8 hours?

i'll definitely cop samples of all the ones you rec'd, thanks. i have actually sampled neroli portofino and it was pretty good, just that neroli old lady thing stops me from wearing it. got drunk last night and decided to throw on some Every Storm a Serenade again - basically spilled half the vial on myself lol. shit doesn't smell as "cold" as I would like it to. also made me feel like a seaweed monster. cool smell but not sure if I could wear it in public - it might be a better smell for an outdoor candle. got any recs for frags that smell "ice cold" ? is it possible for a frag to smell cold?

>> No.14420927

I know it's been used to death but for this summer for work I'm seriously considering just using the OG ADG

>> No.14420929

The old school fougeres work great in the summer too, ignore the babbys who say they’re “grandpa shit or “old man”. I stand by my rec of Azzaro Pour Homme from last thread, beautiful natural lavender smell with a sporty clean lemon and anise over sweet powdery woods and amber, for like $20.

I’m not really a fan of aquatics. I already live on the coast, but if you’re landlocked and never get to a beach or something I guess I see the appeal.

>> No.14420930

judging by her instagram pics, jeremy was kinda right when he said her clock is ticking... lol. she's 25 going on 30 real quick
honestly I would not expect a 30 yr old and a 25 yr old to be texting like this if it's really them. seemed a little immature, like it was a couple of 17 yr olds

>> No.14420936

would they ship to the US? whats the website

>> No.14420942

yeah go for it, if it's just for work, who cares

>> No.14420964

What do yall think about mint fragrances? Will they make me smell like toothpaste?

>> No.14420978

No. Carven L'eau Intense by Memedjian is goat
Idk, try it i'm not their sales rep
Wtf, is this the famous hitting the wall? She's at most 6 on good photos with full make up. Why'd a guy like Jerememe even care about such a girl? I thought he's surrounded by ig-thots all the time and has the abundance mentality yet he was horny and clingy for a 6.

>> No.14420993

Autism, m8. Also, I feel like he probably didn’t actually care about her specifically, but the fact that she said no to him is probably what made him go full Weinstein. Narcissists can’t stand it when people say no to them.

>> No.14420998
File: 582 KB, 968x719, ifuonlyknewhowbadthingsare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I even stalked her out mate. And then just found this. I thought it was a Jerememe at first but she has found herself a youger copy of him. Kek, a 6/10 chick friendzoned him. What's going on society?

>> No.14421004


The original is a lot better than the 'Acqua' version. While that one smells a bit brighter and fresher, it doesn't last at all long. Original doesn't last that long but it's at least acceptable and forgiven slightly by the uniqueness of it.

Actual smell though, fairly unique. Has a smooth, driftwood smell like lighter woody scents and a great natural marine scent from the seaweed note that's brightened up by some citrus ones. It's a great effort at a largely unrepresented genre; a hybrid of Italian-style colognes but with an aquatic twist.

>> No.14421009

Invasion Barbare is gorgeous

>> No.14421020

Fuck! I cant stop laughing

>> No.14421040
File: 103 KB, 794x762, wasistpassiert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14421043

That dude has serious resting homo face, though. Very possibly her gay best friend. Or he’s just European. 6 of one.

>> No.14421048
File: 183 KB, 957x960, 62981245_2404897122908229_8257441236378451968_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf, the similarity is uncanny. Did she just started hanging out with Jeremy Jr. to pull Jeremy Sr.'s leg? That;s some dark triad shit

>> No.14421057

Jeremy One: Younger Gay Version for Men

>> No.14421059

But on a serious note: what cologne he’s wearing?

>> No.14421063

Fragrance One: I've Fucked Her Raw For The Whole Night Afterwards And Sent Snaps To Some Youtuber for Men

>> No.14421066

lmao did that really happen?

>> No.14421087

cmon guys i dont need this level of cringe this early in my day
can we just talk about frags

>> No.14421091

is it a gay club? you're good

>six sprays of Tobacco Vanille
jesus. i got 1 spray of that on a jacket one time and it was there for like a week

>> No.14421136

I wore one spray of TV on my forearm under a jumper once, and three hours later I sprayed four sprays of Prada L’Homme for work and TV overpowered it completely, and the sleeve on my jumper smelled of it for a week. Immense fragrance.

>> No.14421307
File: 13 KB, 350x110, together 4ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you absolute mad lads did this?

>> No.14421310

did you she become famous from that jeremy stuff or what happened? You know if anything no matter what the drama or bad stuff he has done he just keeps getting more popular. I think its a pretty interesting from a psychological and social perspective honestly...

Granted for what its worth from the text messages I saw, he just seemed thirsty and didnt seem that awful to me. But he still cant live down that stealing money from people on paetron, and the bullshit videos etc for me.

>> No.14421318

typical Kraut faggotry imo

>> No.14421389
File: 24 KB, 905x296, mrfragrancesadface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only sampled a few and they smell really nice and fresh. Some GOAT are Cartier Roadster Sport and Mugler Kryptomint. Diesel Only the Brave High and Joop Homme Sport are great true gym fragrances, they last just enough for a proper lifting session.
Unfortunately a reupload, but another pure gold mine for Jeremy autism (pic related). These kinds of videos are actually very interesting. You can see what kind of circles Jeremy hangs around. Do people actually think he bought his Ferari from Patreon money? (in the original Ferari video you can see his mom actually co-leasing for it). Jeremy just wants to become something more than a trust fund brat. Unfortunately his autism and egomaniac tendencies are proving to be quite hindering.

>> No.14421402

>"sophie's mom" pops up on screen
KEK jerememe is running thru the whole family

>> No.14421427

Smells like a synthetic mess unless they changed the formula

>> No.14421433

It was me.

>> No.14421487

God bless autism anon

>> No.14421536
File: 12 KB, 428x424, 1C8CADB5-4342-468A-9D25-03B1A263AC3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck he has zero self awareness

>> No.14421585

what is the coldest fragrance you have come across? looking for something icy pls help

>> No.14421617

Lmao he’s even wearing a black suit with a slim tie. I though that no one but Jeremy does that. Is there somewhere in Germany a factory of Jeremies? Is this the standard ‘nice guy Jeremy’ model whereas our Jeremy just didn’t pass the quality control and hence these autistic and narcissistic malfunctions?

>> No.14421674

Old fuck recs.

Havana by Aramis
Polo Green Cosmair Version
Xerjoff Renaissance, Ivory Route and Kobe
Vintage Versace L'homme
Ralph Lauren Purple Label
Cdg Hinoki, Kyoto and Black
Amouage Jub 25, Honour, Silver Man and Dia Man
Penhaligons Blasted Heath
YSL Kouros
Kiehls Musk
Guerlain Vetiver, Pour Homme Parfum, Heritage EDT, Habit Rouge EDP
Cartier Pasha
AdP Colonia Assoluta
Tom Ford Vert de Fleur
Gallagher Bergamust
Zoologist Macaque
Dame Monsoon
Serge Lutens Daim Blond
Rasasi La Yuqawam
Rochas Lui
Hermes Voyage EDP
Trumpers Sandalwood
Dior Homme Cologne
Memo African Leather
LaP Caligna

Those are some of my favs, top tens are too constricting

>> No.14421696


based old sage, could you please recommend the coldest / iciest smelling fragrances?

>> No.14421725

The problem is unlike "spicy" which is a feeling and a smell, what we associate with icy is more of a feeling than an aroma.

An excellent slept on mint fragrance is AdP Colonia Club which is bracing like a retro aftershave.

My favorite "cooling" frag is Dior Homme Cologne. Like spraying on cold, musky lemonade.

Hope that helps!

>> No.14421867

I love Bergamust, never see anyone mention that one. I’ve posted about it once or twice, but I always get the “GTFO shill” shit. Not sure what it is about Gallagher, specifically, that triggers the autists here, but they seem convinced that Daniel comes here personally to push his stuff on the 3 or 4 people here who might actually consider buying his stuff.

But yeah, love it. Musky, smooth, not too sweet, and lasts for ever. Nuclear projection, too. I don’t wear it a ton, but I really do enjoy it when I do. Have you tried any of his other frags? I like Amongst Waves a lot, too.

>> No.14421907

Gallagher is a meme. Garish, low class, amateur. Though I'm a habitual blind butter, I bought a sampler pack out of suspicion and saved myself hundreds of dollars.

>> No.14421912

>>14421867 #
Gallagher is a meme. Garish, low class, amateur. Though I'm a habitual blind buyer, I bought a sampler pack out of suspicion and saved myself hundreds of dollars.

>> No.14421925

Thx, mind posting a photo of your collection?

>> No.14421938

kiehls original musk is one of my top 10s for fall and winter. shit is so money.

>> No.14421960

See what I mean? Just triggers the fuck out of the autists.

>> No.14421963

The secret of Kiehls, much like Kouros is that its amazing in the summer. Get sweaty. Embrace it, lean into the sleaze.

>> No.14421964

Never sampled it myself but based on the descriptions of it I'm pretty sure I smell it pretty commonly on random people, both men and women. I should really check it out to confirm. For what it's worth, what I've been smelling which I'm assuming is probably Kiehl's is an extremely light, airy, almost muted version of Kouros' muskiness + some white florals. It never strikes me as a "perfume," more like someone who just smells that way. Am I way off base?

>> No.14421974

I'd rather not, to me collection pics are basically dick waving but thats just my view on it.

>> No.14421977

You're spot on. Its my favorite "you, but better" frag.

>> No.14421985

Thanks, I'll check it out then. On men I'm always caught off guard when I smell it and it smells like super clean clothes and laundry with the muted muskiness of Kouros, but on girls it seriously smells like they're in heat. Really interesting stuff.

>> No.14421986

It's honestly the only frag of his that i like and performs well for me. Amongst Waves literally makes me queasy, but I'm not a big fruity aquatic guy.

Truthfully some of the hate he gets is warranted due to price. 180 for his shit is highway robbery, I got lucky and won a partial for a song. If i paid full price i probably wouldn't rate it as highly.

Contrast that to CdG frags which I would pay 50% more for and not balk.

>> No.14421990


just ordered these samples

Tom Ford Oud Minerale
Penhaligon's - Blasted Heath for men EDP
Hermes Un Jardin Apres La Mousson
Acqua di Parma Colonia Club

they didnt have the other ones on the site.
I have Issey Miyake l'eau d'issey and also Bleu Astral. I like l'eau d'issey for like casual fridays and i fucking hated Blue Astral, per my earlier review.

You got any recs for a starry summer night frag? Blue Astral was supposed to evoke that feeling and it kind of does, but its too bubble gum and feminine. You're out in the wilderness on a summer night and you look up to a starry sky - what does that smell like?

>> No.14421991

I use Kiehls for many reference points and examples in discussion, two of them being the quality for pricw point and how radically different the same scent smells on the two genders. Its amazing.

Also try a sample of Oto Parisi Bergamask. A more citric, opulent, skankier take on Kiehls.

I love musk scents because they are so bold and so many people in my country are scared to wear them.

>> No.14422002

I'll check out Bergamusk too but it's probably a bit more expensive than Kiehl's. I already own and love Kouros so I'm not too averse to blind buying a bottle of Kiehl's once I get some more money.

There was an interesting article on Fragrantica I read a few years ago where they talk about how Orto Parisi's perfumer Alessandro Gualtieri deliberately tries to mimic the scents of certain steroids/hormones which I thought was cool.

>> No.14422011

Yeah, I don’t like many of his scents, Amongst Waves and Bergamust I love, but his others I haven’t been impressed with. I got mine back when he was selling bottles for 120.00, and I got them on sale on top of that, so I got a pretty fair price. I agree that 180.00 is too much, that’s like midrange niche (or 50ml bottle of Creed) prices. Could probably get a full bottle of some Amouge scents on discount sites for that. His scents are definitely not on that level.

I just think it’s funny how every single time he gets mentioned, someone has to either call the mentioned a shill, or make sure to tell him that he’s a pleb, has shit taste, etc. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone cause so much rustling of jimmies so consistently.

>> No.14422018

Hermes Orange Concentree
Dame Perfumery Herb Man
Dior Eau Noire
Davidoff Good Life
Comptoir Sud Pacifique Mage D'orient
CdG Sequoia

To me summer is some florals, herbs, wood, spices but I don't live near the ocean.

The CsP however is a different take on Virgin Island Water and definitely smells like summer nights on an island to me.

>> No.14422032
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, IMG_8128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me one reason why I shouldn't cop this right now

>> No.14422035

Forgot to add
Carven Le Vetiver. A more opulent, boozy take on vetiver

Guerlain Homme Parfum. Mojitos and light woods

Xerjoff Kobe. Neroli, fruits, woods and musk. Hot weather opulence.

Tauer L'air du Desert Marocain. Literal hot fucking air in the desert.

>> No.14422050

Or, you know, people with discerning taste

>> No.14422058

>Orto Parisi
Daily reminder that Orto Parisi is just a hype type fraghouse that aims at creative middle class so they can put their bullshit fragrances on a new issue of Kinfolk on a coffee table. Seminalis is the only one worth attention, rest are synthetic ripoffs of their mainline scents from the parent company Nasomotto

>> No.14422064

*tips fedora*

>> No.14422081

Interesting. Please let me know what Nasomatto frag Bergamask smells like. Ill wait.

This is what irks me about the frag com. None of us are right, none of us are wrong. Taste in frags is completely subjective and at the end of the day, you buy your frags with your money.

I'm sorry you think its a pleb fragrance and that you're above it somehow, but I enjoy it, I have enough money to buy what I like, so I will continue to do so and enjoy what i wear.

Daily reminder: Your opinion is the one that matters most since its your cash. Wear what makes you happy.

>> No.14422100

Doesn't matter because the ladies in that age range love the smell.

>> No.14422101
File: 12 KB, 355x261, 81BCAF8F-CBDD-4005-8302-7CAE45974A66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought the 3.4oz of this. Thoughts?

>> No.14422112

Considering im the one who's been hyping it, I can't. Its a fantastic more grown up aquatic that is more cold ocean than warm tropics.

Solid price for it too.

>> No.14422118

If you like it, it's a good purchase.

However it's not very distinct, it doesn't perform that well and it's not that exciting. Personally, it wouldn't be what i would grab even for the price point.

>> No.14422124


Honestly, it’s not even most of the frag com. Yes, there are some snobby dipshits on fragrantica and basenotes, but mostly, it’s just people discussing whatever they like. This shit is a 4chan problem. Everyone here feels the need to be aggressively elitist and opinionated for sone reason. No respect for other people’s opinions, you like what I like or you’re a pleb shitter who wastes money on memes, don’t get laid, and are probably a cringey, bluepilled soiboi, or whatever the /pol/ buzzword insult du jour is.

Best to just ignore those faggots. People like that are never successful in real life, that’s why they have to be so aggressive online. No one here knows what a loser they are, so it’s all they’ve got to cling to.

>> No.14422167

I'm a bit too old to really get riled up about it. What irks me is that someone who's new in their journey might take it seriously and miss out exploring and finding something they love because they took a strongly presented opinion as fact.

I only give recomendations, no one should attempt to present an opinion as a reality.

>> No.14422247
File: 86 KB, 900x900, D1185CE6-F903-499F-B1F6-36A8405AF247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Azzaro Visit? I’d sample it but it’s so cheap there’s no point.

>> No.14422248

Very good point, and I agree. I give my opinions, my opinions are not objective fact, just how I feel. If someone is interested in something, sample it. See what you think for yourself. If you like it, buy it. Try things, make up your own mind.

>> No.14422264

are outlet stores worth visiting is there ever anything decent under the radar that most people would miss thats available, should i worry about fakes?

>> No.14422268

Like tjmaxx or Marshall’s? Yeah there’s always cool shit there.

>> No.14422274

Fantastic fragrance, the fact that its cheap is a bonus and not the reason its good.

Dry, woody and spicy, works surprisingly well in the heat

>> No.14422339

I see a great ad campaign.

>> No.14422531


>> No.14422595

is this the skit they send out free samples of on fragrancenet? its garbage.

>> No.14422600
File: 33 KB, 599x337, 35278099-28D8-4FFB-94D8-FC1B28FDC2CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought the 3.4oz of these. Thoughts?

>> No.14422604


>> No.14422775

Is it acceptable to wear a fragrance to work if your position is very physically active?
I work with the storage/stocking crew for a clothing store and while I don't deal with customers I am constantly working closely with people thus my interest in smelling nice.
The girls would wear their body mists usually but I've never smelled any other fragrance from my co-workers except for this guy from the sales floor crew who always comes in reeking of Sauvage which you can smell coming a yard away.
Anyway should I stick with body sprays or are there some perfumes suitable for this line of work?
What do you work as and whats your preferred office frag?

>> No.14422807
File: 151 KB, 526x664, 215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tested some fragrance samples lately, pic related + normal Acqua di gio, here's my opinions about them:
>Acqua Di Gio
first you smell some orange+lime, after some time a fresh water smell, but that's about it, after 2 hours is gone, and some faggots on youtube said it last a long time.
>Acqua di gio profumo
a lot of bergamot and ocean smell strong at first, after 1-2 hours you can smell the Geranium and that's about it, after 4 hours on my skin is gone.
>Mancera Cedrat Boise
i like it, but has a lot of Bergamot at first, but after some time you can smell some lemon and fruity vibe, I could not smell spicy notes, i don't know why, anyway last four and a half hours.
>Artisan Pure
to be honest i don't know why people hype it so much, is ok, but that's all about it, nothing special or unique. At first you get a lot of oranges and lemon, after a while you get some ginger and then end in smell like some generic shit, last four and a half hours on my skin.
>Mugler Cologne
to be honest , one of the best fragrance i tried for Summer, at first you can smell some Bergamot but after a 30 min is gone and you will smell like soap+ some leafs, also has some grassy smell to be honest, but not in a bad way, the longevity is something between 5 and 6 hours, one of the longest longevites I've found on a Summer Fragrance.
>Hermes Terre Eau Tres Fraiche
to be honest I had great expectations especially after reading some reviews, but was a meh, you get some nice oranges and water vibes at first, after 20-30 min you can smell Citruses and that's about it, is gone after only 4 hours.
>Hermes un Jardin en Mediterranee
is something like Artisan Pure but with some leaf smell and Juniper, the longevity is shit less than 3 hours, for a $ 100 fragrance to last less than 3 hours, is a big a disappointment.
>Bvlgari Amara
i had some expectations, but i was disappointed, at first you get some Mandarin vibes and Water notes,after 30min, become a spicy until it disappears,last 3 hours

>> No.14422851


>> No.14422873

Did you wear it? Do you like it? Then yes. It's not the brightest CK fragrance but it's ok.

>> No.14422884

Kek this >>14420274
But in all seriousness, just go with vetiver based fragrances. It's universally perceived as clean and manly. Personal favorites for summer are Guerlain's Vetiver and Lalique Encre Noire Sport.

>> No.14422893

This anon knows his shit

>> No.14422911

Its alright althought it wears off in relatively short time like 2 hours. I guess i've wanted opinion on it.

>> No.14422917

most underrated fragrance?
>plum japonais

>> No.14422939

Thank you. I've spent an embarrassing amount of time and money on this shit.

>> No.14422972
File: 52 KB, 551x1024, 1558852156605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some blind buy from that list you would recommend?

>> No.14423003

None are actually blind buys on that list. But about 70% can be sampled in stores
My favorite from CK is All, a more manly take on CK one and the summer flankers from Eternity. The 2015 version was GOAT and the current 2019 is pretty good if you want a slight citrus clean lavender for high heat. Longevity is great too.

>> No.14423191

mugler pure energy/shot
actual arctic fresh, icy fragrance for hot summer, none of those pseudo fresh skunks like DG light blue intense or Bvlgari Aqua that smell musty as hell

>> No.14423194

How do you guys look for new perfumers? Do you just randomly order samples from unknown ones?

>> No.14423230

You are getting shit longevity because you are dabbing a 1ml sample. Not nearly enough juice to replicate a real wearing.

>> No.14423240

Not true. 1ml should be enough for 3 wears

>> No.14423274

This or he lives on the sun

>> No.14423324
File: 9 KB, 263x322, 1558166211613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fragrance noob here, I bought a bottle of Chanel bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum, how should I apply it?

>> No.14423328

Are there any decent Jo Malone frags? Or are they all overpriced trash with shit longevity?

>> No.14423343

One spray on each wrist. One on each side of your neck. One on the back of your head if you want to.

>> No.14423348

it's a potent perfume, wont that be too much?

>> No.14423406
File: 398 KB, 385x580, THE CHAD MAN'S BURDEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ten hours in MS Paint

>> No.14423424

Try two on the next, one on the wrist. I tend to do that for every new fragrance. If there are no comments, I’ll add one. Remember that underspraying is as much use as not spraying at all.

>> No.14423440

On the neck, not next...

>> No.14423460

Old fuck here.

Blind buying is a short term thrill with dubious payoff, like playing slot machines. It also skews your perception of a scent.

If you drop 300 on a scent you're going to be less objective than if you spent less on a sample first. It's basic psychology, and when you see some really bizarre or rabid opinions I blame shit like this.

Do I blind buy? In some cases for vintage scents, I have to. Take Cosmair era Polo Green. I can't sample that in a store. However I'm old enough to remember what it smelled like back in the day, so it's not really a blind buy for me.

Hell I remember going into Ralph Lauren stores in the 90s and smelling Polo Green, Polo Sport and Polo Crest wafting through the air. Same shit A&F did with Fierce but this smelled so much better.

Disclaimer: I really liked the original formula of Fierce, but I just cant bring myself to wear it.

Back to my point: You guys have it easy. Between eBay, facebook, The Perfumed Court, Basenotes, Fragrantica, Lucky Scent and Crystal Flacon there is no excuse not to sample something first without much difficulty.

>> No.14423473

First its very considerate to think of your work environment and your coworkers when it comes to scents, good for you.

Heres what I do. My job involves being in an environment that is 90-115 degrees year round. Only spray on your chest at or below the nipple line, wear an undershirt. Mutes projection, enhances longevity, a win for everyone.

>> No.14423499

>If there are no comments, I’ll add one.
but it is unlikely for someone to get a comment on the perfume they wear. specially that I will use it for a date.

>> No.14423515

Not true at all.if I’m on a date and the girl likes me, it seems like she almost always compliments my fragrance. Most of the time, it’s only on bad dates where there’s no chemistry that I don’t get a comment. Of course, this does beg the question of whether it actually matter what fragrance I’m wearing, since she’s probably just using it as an excuse to compliment me anyway...

>> No.14423521

I see, i took it that you meant bad comments about the fragrance being too strong or something. Is there a way to know though? I mean how offending the fragrance is? I don't want the room to smell of me.

>> No.14423549

Is Burberry Brit a safe blind buy for a cheapie to use casually and for work?

>> No.14423557

I know Jerememe is Jerememe but he actually did say something smart (to my tastes) in a video a few years back: Fragrances that project loudly and leave a long trail are for women.

>> No.14423566
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i got this ma cherie hair oil that smells like flowers of cherries or something. can anyone recommend something to spray on myself like this?

>> No.14423567

Just practice and common sense, really. Most people won’t tell you if you’re wearing too much, maybe friends or family will, but strangers usually won’t. But really, there’s different philosophies when it comes to scent. Some people think it should be very subtle and intimate and shouldn’t be smelled by anyone unless they get very close to you. Some people feel like there’s no point in wearing fragrance if everyone around you can’t smell it. I tend to think somewhere between those extremes is about right. Really depends on your personality. If you’re a loud, outgoing kind of guy, it doesn’t really make sense to wear something that sits really close to the skin, in my opinion.

>> No.14423632

I don’t think it’s a hard and fast rule, because things like Tuscan Leather aren’t for women. I know women can wear it, but it still tends to be more masculine. I suppose it’s more about gender roles, or whatever you want to call it. Women are “supposed” to be more outgoing, make statements with their fashion of fragrances. Men are “supposed” to be more reserved, more modest, and let their personality do the talking. I think it’s why ADP Colonia was so popular with Hollywood stars. They were big personalities and didn’t need a bold fragrance. That’s not to say men can’t have big and bold fragrances, obviously they can, but they should be used sparingly.

>> No.14423721

chergui is so fucking good i havent smelled it in years honestly im salivating at the sheer memory

>> No.14423745

>just go with vetiver based fragrances
Hadn't thought of vetiver based ones. Only one I tried has been Terre d' Hermes and to me it just smelled overwhelmingly citric but I will try out those you recommended.
>Only spray on your chest at or below the nipple line, wear an undershirt
Will try out

Thank you both for your wisdom

>> No.14423753

>smells like citrusy and water notes
>kind of aquatic, maybe some citrus too
>it's orangey, theres some citrus and aquatic notes
>citrus and water

please don't wear cologne, it's not for you

>> No.14423790

Do you have really sweaty skin or something? Some of those frags should last longer than that

>> No.14423810

Yeah, easily the best tobacco fragrance and I really like this note as you can see in the photo with Aramis Havana and Burberry London

>> No.14424172

I think Phaedon Tabac Rouge and Diptyque Volutes are better personally.

>> No.14424213

Hey /fa/, I am looking for something masculine and "old styled" (If that makes sense). Should I go for the "woody" ones (like it says here >>14417061 )? Thanks in advance.

>> No.14424240

Brut, Azzaro Pour Homme, Kouros, Eau Sauvage

>> No.14424252


we appreciate the reviews anon but if you could get more creative with your descriptions, i think it would help. you never described how any of the scents made you feel or sparked any thoughts.

>> No.14424267

I think Roja Enigma is the best tobacco scent, personally, though it doesn’t have that classic tobacco scent smell.

For “classic” tobacco scents, I like Chergui and Back to Black. Need to sample Volutes one of these days.

>> No.14424305

Fougere is what you're looking for. Most "classic" men's fragrances fall under that.

>> No.14424310

If you've tried Pure Havane Volutes is like a much higher quality more natural version of that with the honey

>> No.14424315

Why would you want the thoughts of someone who described every scent the same way and is so stupid he thinks they are gone in two hours?

>> No.14424338

>smells like summer nights on an island to me.

excuse me but I didn't see any stars in your description?? CsP looks decent but i'm not sensing any cosmos from it

>Tauer L'air du Desert Marocain.
>Inspired by Saharan Desert in the moonlight, a Moroccan night.

ok now you got my attention

>> No.14424351

Sounds snice. I do have Pure Havane, bought it years ago before I started really getting into fragrance. It’s alright, but yeah, it does smell pretty cheap and artificial in my opinion. Don’t wear it too often anymore.

Sounds like Volutes is something I need to try.

>> No.14424361
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Considering this for summer desu

>> No.14424370
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I tried a lot of them in a Douglas fairly recent. They were rather simple, mostly relying on two or three notes and it smelled quite natural and high quality. My favorite out of what I sampled was Myrrh and Tonka. It's a really beautiful comforting scent. Just the right amount of sweet and really clean. Really classy.
One of the female fragrances that stuck with me was English Pear and Freesia. I could imagine a sweet charming young lady in a beautiful summer dress wearing this.

>> No.14424385

Yeah if you like tobacco scents it's really worth trying. Over winter I went on a tobacco sample spree and that and Tabac Rouge were my favourites. Chergui and Herod were just below.

>> No.14424422
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Going to cop Pour Homme Versace, for office/casual, good or bad choice?

>> No.14424574
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>> No.14424627

As a 22 year old male can anyone recommend me a good TF private blend fragrance? Or a few for different occasions
Versatile helps, I've tried tuscan leather and tobacco oud but I'm not really sold on them..

>> No.14424647

The AdP

>> No.14424745

Theres discussion if chypre palatin was reformulated and this big kafkaesque blog post with the french mdci dude swearing it wasnt and they just cut out the dye fluids
Is it true or is it still worth the price point? Hesitant to get a sample now but i might since they apparently cut your sample box price from your full buy apparently if you buy from them directly?

>> No.14424854

because everyone deserves a second chance anon

>> No.14424857

Would you recommend Azzaro Pour Homme for someone under 40?

>> No.14424859

yeah the basic tier frags like Versace, Gucci, Dior, etc - all of the basic "pour hommes" should be pretty safe for office / casual wear.

>> No.14424866

Tobacco Vanille for winter - just be careful about the occasion because the shit is potent and sexy - great for date nights. Neroli Portofino is a nice aquatic marine scent if you like Neroli

>> No.14424867

or under 30?

>> No.14424967

great podcast, i bought Yatagan because of it and love it

>> No.14424970

i blind bought terre d'hermes edp
i absolutely hate it
waste of $80

>> No.14424993

But it's a great dusty orange peel

>> No.14424996
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Just bought some morris motley oakmoss as my first cologne.
Is it an okay choice or did I get memed on?

>> No.14425011

smells like rotten orange peels in the garbage. hated it. you shoud just sell it for 1/2 price to recoup your losses

>> No.14425159


Smells like fruity coconut scented sunscreen. Apparently the biggest warm weather seller surpassing neroli portofino (according to nordstrom rep). Was very underwhelmed.

Unpopular opinion: Tom ford cant into warm weather frags. (neroli portofino is literally the only good one and I tried them all)

>> No.14425166


Its shit. I was excited to try it from all the hype and its oppressive orange skank. Daily reminder not to blind buy from hype on here. Always sample. A little money can end up saving you a lot

>> No.14425207

I’d say Venetian Bergamot is pretty decent for warm weather too, but I largely agree. Tom Ford does heavy cold-weather scents much better.

>> No.14425216

"Pass me zhe controller, bro."

>> No.14425238

One of my all-time favourites. Great choice.

Oud Wood is one of the safest without being generic.

>> No.14425367

Most of his stuff is very very heavy and almost unwearable even in cold weather. I do really enjoy smelling them in passing though.

>> No.14425388

Literal noselet. I bet you love the urinal smell of Kouros

>> No.14425395

You can wear whatever you want, as long as you like it. I'd go for Platinum Egoiste personally, chad iron lavender

>> No.14425430

should of gotten the edt my memer

>> No.14425438

Did you buy just the TdH (brown cap) or TdHETF (white cap)?

Idk man I really like ETF, my gf likes it as well.

>> No.14425448

waiting for a sample of tdh edt, knew there was an edp and a parfum but theres also this? what's it like in comparison?

>> No.14425456

ETF (Eau Tres Fraiche) does have this rotten orange smell but it smells stronger on edp. I just bought an edt and it smells better and not as harsh. However after some time the rotten orange smell will go away with both versions. It's just there in the opening.

Tried the vetiver version, me and my gf absolutely hated it.

>> No.14425520
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I dress all black and am probably intimidating a bit at first glance, but my goal is not to scare people off.

In any case, despite the image I may project, I now conclude that I'm not that fond of ''dark'' and bitter fragrancea. Quite the contrary actually. My favorite scents are almost always female fragrances. I bought several niches bottles and I got a shitload of samples, but I still dont know what to wear.

I'm a kid who sees the world in color and magic at heart, Im not an edgelord, but I am only comfortable with black clothes, some sort of protection perhaps.

Anyway, im not looking for a compliment getter, i want something unique. Something that smells sweet and magical. Unisex and/or masculine. Etheral. Not something that smells animalic. Not too foresty either. I prefer when we cant exactly describe them.

Frags that i love so you get an idea:

-intelligence and fantasy by geza schoen

-Slow explosion by imaginary author

-Eldo tilda swinton Like This

-Indult manakara

-psychedelic love by initio parfum

I would love suggestions thank you.

>> No.14425606

Cool water by davidoff

>> No.14425624

probably not. sounds like an autistic fantasy by one of our fellow autists here desu

>> No.14425639


>> No.14425721

>Serge Lutens Daim Blond
Hello oldfag, I'm thinking of buying a sample of this. Isn't it too feminine leaning?

>> No.14425749


>> No.14425777

I've got a sample of 'reformulated' Chypre Palatin from Wafts and it's goat. People shouldn't fall for the colour fallacy as most of fragrances without dye would look pretty transparent >>14420880

>> No.14425793

Have you tried smiling?

>> No.14425821

You tried any Zoologist?

>> No.14425824

Just got a new bottle of Jubilation XXV and I was wondering if this stuff was always so weak. People have mentioned that it has been reformulated but it is really bad this time.

>> No.14425889
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Mad man is doing it

>> No.14425900
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He's gonna make it and jealousfags gonna still hate.

>> No.14425915

I will unironically buy club for men just for the memes of a Jeremy miasma

>> No.14425936

im really intrigued, but I'm probably gonna wait a few months before sampling since it's a colder weather scent
Probably gonna read the part about subtracting the 75€ sample pack price from your full purchase again and maybe sample sooner together with other scents to see what else they offer

>> No.14425945

Office for Men unironically chokes people in small spaces

>> No.14426062

Fragrance One: I dress all black and am probably intimidating a bit at first glance, but my goal is not to scare people off.

In any case, despite the image I may project, I now conclude that I'm not that fond of ''dark'' and bitter fragrancea. Quite the contrary actually. My favorite scents are almost always female fragrances. I bought several niches bottles and I got a shitload of samples, but I still dont know what to wear.

I'm a kid who sees the world in color and magic at heart, Im not an edgelord, but I am only comfortable with black clothes, some sort of protection perhaps for Men

>> No.14426071

Jeremiasma: Clubbing for Men

>> No.14426091
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I'm this >>14424213 guy. Today I went to a perfumery in the city centre to try out the fragrances. I didn't like the Azzaro and I couldn't try the Platinum Egoiste (I'm not blind buying) so I finally went with Gentleman (2017) by Givenchy after trying it out. I really like it so far, it's more elegant and subtle. I highly recommend it, even though these things are subjective. Anyway, thanks to both of you for giving me some recommendations. Now I am a step more effay thanks to you. Godspeed.

>> No.14426155

Wouldn't that be Fragrance 2?

>> No.14426327

Yeah I dont really like them
I tried all the penhaglions with the animal heads they were interesting but i didnt end up buying any of them
Will i ever find my signature frag

>> No.14426333

When people talk to me

>> No.14426360

what are some good mens' dark frags? i like frags that give off late night alone at bar vibes

wearing tom ford extreme noir atm and its amazing, would like to hear about more frags like this one

>> No.14426363
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Step aside for the GOAT

>> No.14426375

nothing special but costs like 10 hookers in thailand

>> No.14426379

versace eros flame

>> No.14426413

How about CB I Hate Perfume?

>> No.14426534


>> No.14426634

Good shit thanks for update, interested in the long term reviews

>> No.14426644

I wear Grey Vetiver, Polo Blue, L'eau D'Issey and Spicebomb Fresh to work, no word of my frag.
Wear fucking ADG tonight and get told I smell nice.
Fucking normalfags REEEEE

>> No.14426666

Literally every frag u posted is normalfrag tho

>> No.14426716

I love this but goddamn don't wear this in the heat. If you sweat and it mixes with this scent you will smell like a fucking swamp.

>> No.14427045

Same goes for anything green-herbal-fern. Those kinds of scents do not mix well at all with natural body odor.

>> No.14427054
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>> No.14427057
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>> No.14427061
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>> No.14427066
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New thread:

>> No.14427077

thanks based dubs cat!

>> No.14427790

kek he deleted it

Jeremy is really losing it, isn't he

>> No.14427861

top fucking kek

keep this meme going pls