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/fa/ - Fashion

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14400026 No.14400026 [Reply] [Original]

>post /heelspo/
>stay hydr8d

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Are high heels /fa/?
Is it normal to be intimidated by girls in high heels, especially when their heels are longer than your penis?

>> No.14400108
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>the humiliated footfag from /r9k/ starts posting his fetish shit on other boards
wtf is wrong with you anon? literally have sex

>> No.14400122
File: 80 KB, 1080x1322, 43728538_1550746651691602_5761897420145295360_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post heelspo retard

>> No.14400235
File: 45 KB, 540x810, shoes-heels-fd-jives-sblacknbpu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mary Jane heels are by far the sexiest kinds of heels a girl can wear.

>> No.14400301

to be fair heels are hot on chicks, so he's not on the wrong path unless he's a footfag

>> No.14400386

Thots aren't fa

>> No.14400413

Heels make me horny as fuck but unfortunately only genuine thots ever wear them over here.
Not a single 'normal' girl would even consider wearing heels such as in the OP on a normal occassion that isn't her wedding

>> No.14400421
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>> No.14400429
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>> No.14400437

where is this

>> No.14400493

The Netherlands though I'm sure it's very relatable for Germans, Danes and Scandis.
The only girls I see wearing heels on a normal day are immigrants and very trashy looking Dutch girls (often combined with horribly out of shape legs).'normal' Dutch girls think they are enlightened as hell for dressing as unappealing as possible.

>> No.14400537

german here can confirm
fuck the downfall of the west, and fuck women without heels

>> No.14400544

See, the thing is your women are very sexually uninhibited so I don't understand why wearing heels would be so taboo
Easily some of the most sexually uninhibited women I've experienced

>> No.14400552

What does that even mean?
Women in North-Western Europe always rank 1st on those list of most sexual partners before age 25 and such.

>> No.14400560

Right and to me that's far trashier than wearing heels since and since you associate heels with trashy women, it's weird for me. Different cultures I reckon

>> No.14400569

The whole idea to never dress sexy comes from feminist ideas that you shouldn't have to wear anything for men/the expectations of society. The same type of thinking which also says that having casual sex shouldn't be taboo at all.
Our women are weird like that. They see a girl in a short dress wearing heels and they call her a slut but will also engage in a #metoo march over women being called sluts for having casual intercourse.

>> No.14400630

Yes, I was going to say that it's funny the heels things when they're so slutty and also horrible feminists but didn't want to turn it into an argument
Shame too because they're very pretty

>> No.14400791

Hello fellow kaaskop!

Sadly, it’s true a lot of girls here don’t wear heels and actually dress lazy af and putting the most minimal effort into their appearance.

This is pretty sad to me, bc I personally wear a lot of heels and incorporate them into my outfits, but I pretty much am one of the very few in my area.

>> No.14400819

god bless you
tell your friends to do the same

>> No.14401266 [DELETED] 

Heels hurt your feet and could cause damage to someones back, feet, joints, and calves if worn regularly. They look great but definitely shouldn't be worn too often.

>> No.14402445


>> No.14402497
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anyone like high heels especially when they are longer than your penis

>> No.14403306

disgusting legs. Actually disgusting body and face with fake tits.

>> No.14403316

Luscious legs

>> No.14403735
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>> No.14403901
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I wear heels all the time because I like them.
"normal" is subjective, i give 0 fucks if people assume negative shit bc of how I dress
why do you think they're disgusting? Its a really nice pic to me but everyone is entitled to their opinion so who tf am I to judge

>> No.14405210


>> No.14405407
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Tall with heels is top aesthetic.

>> No.14405442

bro this kills me, I am going to the Netherlands this fall for my masters and I was really hoping to actually be around some beautiful well-dressed women instead of the usual Bible Belt fatties

>> No.14405617

only effay if its jimmychoo

>> No.14405618

Well at least they are not fat, but really don't expect a lot of very fashionable women. They dress extremely basic and 'functional'.

>> No.14406517

Is it just me? Or are heels the biggest agp trigger?

>> No.14406668
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>> No.14406671
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>> No.14406676
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i love this one

>> No.14406683
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>> No.14406688
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>> No.14406692
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>> No.14406729
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>> No.14406733
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>> No.14406739
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>> No.14406744
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>> No.14406748
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>> No.14406750
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>> No.14406753
File: 29 KB, 450x450, tumblr_lzsi7vdPka1qdu4c7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about _these_ heels

>> No.14406756
File: 61 KB, 480x720, Unit_Meinke_Klein_Garage_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love these

>> No.14406772

op if your plan is to propegate that kind of heels because you have a foot fetish its futile, women dont browse /fa/

heels are only for clubbing and dating and shit not for the outside its just not gonna work

>> No.14406782

not op, but, did you just ignore the last 14 images i just posted? if you don't like the thread, just leave?

>> No.14406923

No I'd rather shit on your trash tastes, thanks

>> No.14407021

What country are you talking about?

I've been to a dozen countries where heels are everyday where for almost every woman. There are many countries where women aren't scared of femininity.

>> No.14407121

lol they look like one of those devices for prisoners, whatever they are called

>> No.14408891


>> No.14409100
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>> No.14409102
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If I were in front of these girls, I wouldn't know what to do.

I'd stutter
I'd shake
I'd whimper.

They'd take one look at me and laugh.

I'm not confident enough to talk to girls, and will never be.

>> No.14409163

cringe bro
keep that shit to yourself, just bottle that shit in we dont wanna hear it

>> No.14409276

I would grab, tie up, best up and rape. Maybe not though hahaha