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File: 101 KB, 604x604, 5C7E423D-BF79-43EF-946B-304327704E5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14384111 No.14384111 [Reply] [Original]

>post thinspo
>stay hydr8d

Previous thread >>14375032


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Fasting Resources:

Feel free to post questions and requests, report about your progress, and ask for support.

To get helpful replies make sure to post:
>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for

>> No.14384119
File: 145 KB, 1200x1200, 22803d78b09fedcffa19ca819430cd47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for suzi

>> No.14384125

What’s the point of aspiring to be a a skelly as a male?

Girls will ignore you, males will laugh about you, your relatives will be worried.

>> No.14384128

she looks fat

why is she sucking in her gut? (dont try to deny this; its obvious)

>> No.14384133
File: 111 KB, 1080x1080, e6062a0cc29c5e1696a0de0335e02a86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I don't care - I just think she's cute

>> No.14384134
File: 27 KB, 592x512, 3BE7DE54-F239-4E64-BC9F-5FE8BB53E510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont care
i just want to be skinny

>> No.14384138

>pants up to waist
oof you have horrible taste

>> No.14384139

Fuck off tranny

>> No.14384141
File: 79 KB, 768x1024, 1559380736057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep talking, buddy, I like what I like.

>> No.14384156
File: 112 KB, 625x730, 2AB41134-E31A-4D56-9B9A-16CEA7A8A2C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anorexia. What exactly do you think this thread is?

>> No.14384183
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>He lives his life to impress others
Top fucking kek

Anyone who changes themselves for anyone but themselves is a fool.

>> No.14384228

who's that qt

>> No.14384243

i miss cigs

>> No.14384254

Me too, but I've been limiting myself to two a day.

Plus it took away my hunger, at $10/pack and 2 packs/week, I had to quit to save money.

Ironically still less than I spent back when I was fat on junk food.

>> No.14384264

i quit cold turkey when i started fasting
really bad cravings lately

>> No.14384280

I like how it looks and feels.

>> No.14384283

Get a vape with nicotine-free oil/juice OR CBD oil to get rid of your oral fixation?

>> No.14384320

that wont help
guess i could chew nicotine gum or something

>> No.14384323

Up to you, CBD helped me a lot. I was more addicted to the act of smoking than I was addicted to cigarettes

>> No.14384330
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>> No.14384334
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>> No.14384411
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can't go to the gym til i get a new job and the weather sucks for running, what are some bodyweight excercises other than the usual pushups/situps/squats i can do in the meantime?

>> No.14384446

does black coffee break your fast

>> No.14384461

if you are just fasting for weight loss: most places are fine with it, it helps, it's an appetite suppressant

if you are for some reason fasting to deliberately trigger a body response like autophagy: even black coffee disrupts that process, so stay away.

>> No.14384464

How do I fast without dying?

I eat once a day and my cravings are gone - I think I'm ready for a multi-day fast

>> No.14384522

>if you are for some reason fasting to deliberately trigger a body response like autophagy: even black coffee disrupts that process, so stay away.

>> No.14384537

so this is the rare specimen that could pull of SAINT LAURENT

>> No.14384543

Trust me the first time you complete a multi-day fast you'll find it forever easier. It's just about proving to yourself you can do it, like, you're the only one stopping yourself, cravings are a meme.

>> No.14384550

I meant like, literally how do I safely fast? Just drink water? Then what happens after the fast?

>> No.14384564

Oh, yeah, like nothing complicated. You could fast for 10+ days just with water. It's only month or more fasts you have to care about electrolytes and shit. Afterwards just introduce food back with small meals.

>> No.14384569

>he changes his body and lifestyle to appeal to other people
So fucking pathetic.

>> No.14384575

You will most likely feel like shit on 3+ days fasts without salts.

>> No.14384576

but i feel like shit any way

>> No.14384641

any vegetarians here? how do you deal with the carb issue, I eat two meals a day and don't eat after 8pm (had French omelette and a bowl of spaghett today) but feel as if I should be considering other options

>> No.14384715
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, DA421ADA-6DB6-454D-9C9F-60CA67EFC656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here watch korean tv or kdramas. They're like so much better than american tv and anime

going to have to re bookmark myasiantv.se again
i've been binge watching Hello Counselor on youtube

>> No.14384720
File: 85 KB, 1000x1000, 4042D3A8-8CAA-49C9-98AE-944336157686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to watch "Perfume" soon
cant wait

>> No.14384774

I like to stare at my dick hoping a boner would come out of nowhere, still no progress

>> No.14384790

post some skinny leg (f)

>> No.14384907
File: 1.18 MB, 640x1136, 268E07BC-3AA5-4410-B40C-79CEAA69F643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14384911
File: 1.53 MB, 640x1136, 169E9CCC-C3CB-4CDF-83E5-0F7DF4D0BB40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinny milfs are the best

>> No.14384913
File: 1.12 MB, 640x1136, A2DA6D74-06D4-4045-83AA-4E99974CE3A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love an older woman that likes to show off

Especially when she’s skinny

>> No.14384917
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>> No.14384947
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>> No.14384950
File: 1.22 MB, 640x1136, 486B6F75-C405-4D89-B643-479F79220109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else know some skinny milfs?

>> No.14384951 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 634x349, camps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy pulling off low calories with such ease! How does he do it?

>> No.14384956
File: 9 KB, 285x370, thinspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On 200 calories a day.

>> No.14384962
File: 199 KB, 1247x774, cheekbones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Achieve model-tier cheekbones by starving yourself for only 90 days! Incredible. Thinspo saved my life

>> No.14384967
File: 96 KB, 468x596, bodyfat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annilhilate any bodyfat you have by simply restricting your calories. Bodyfat equates to disgusting disease. And you can't have any of those disgusting lipids manifesting inside your pure body. You are poisoning and killing yourself.

The best course of action is to starve yourself until you are terminally ill, heart about to give out. At this moment, you will acheive pure bliss, your body will be perfect, no more lipids or fat soluable molecules riddling your body. PERFECT

>> No.14384970
File: 19 KB, 334x500, thinspo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More thinspo. This gentleman decided that being imprisoned and forcefully starved was alpha. And of course it was.

Just look at him. The ladies swoon, he could knock out any boxer. He could compete in a marathon. This man is healthy. He will live to be older than 55 for sure.

>> No.14385005

>oh hey!its those skinny nerds again, time to reach for my AUSCHWITZ file yet once more

>> No.14385014


skinny nerds and auschwitz weight profiles are the same senpai. Stop sharing your toxic mental illness with the world.

If you wanna be chronically underweight either do it on your own or get help

>> No.14385016


If some fat cunt tried sharing his belief that being fat was good then you'd be absolutely disgusted. Well you're doing the same thing, just on the opposite end of the spectrum

Ano's die faster than fat cunts. Let that sink in.

>> No.14385017

Why are you so mad? Why do you care so much, you know you’re wasting your time right?
I never seen someone so mad at some strangers on the internet

>> No.14385020

that fact that you have a file full of AUSCHWITZ survivors ready is really fucking funny to me

>> No.14385026

onme on youtube has good bodyweight workouts
korean qt

>> No.14385030

Huh? I never realised, they're ano inspo for me.

>> No.14385034


I dont like toxic, poisonous mental illness trying to perferate itself throuigh social groups for validation.

I dont like fat people. I dont like anorexics. I dont like anti vaxxers trying to convince people to stop giving their kids vaccinations. Eating disorder people have an illness that is poisonous. They want affirmation. and it disgusts me. Stop it. Get therapy.

>> No.14385212

go back to re*ddit

>> No.14385250
File: 113 KB, 403x334, 081D5DB6-670A-4B21-9867-D4BA35EF9090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>STOP starving yourselves PLEASE!
>Inject yourselves with burger grease immediately or you may die from not getting enough burger!

>> No.14385254

Not trying to be a skellington, just didn't want to be overweight anymore. I've gone down from 172 to 144, but I keep gaining and losing the same few pounds. Is my body just getting used to less calories?

>> No.14385261

>yo-yo effect
You have to consistently eat less and exercise. There are lower maintence thresholds for the lower you get on the scale. You simply are eating too much

>> No.14385272

normal people who doesnt have an eating disorder cannot lose and maintain low weights for as long as someone with anorexia (atleast a year). Thats why you are failing. You dont have the drive to lose weight no matter the costs. You dont excessively exercise to keep your metabolism high

>> No.14385408

>you have to have an ED to not be a fat fuck
okay buddy

>> No.14385442

You like soft onions fat

>> No.14385495

>I don’t like
>I don’t like
>I don’t like
Do you think we care about what you like or don’t like? Who do you think you are?
Get a grip

>> No.14385509

She doesn't even have enough calories to power her brain enough to form complete, coherent thoughts. Sad.

>> No.14385519

I hooked up a older milf just like this a few times my senior year of college. Same glasses and everything. She was really into marathon running so she was very fit and skinny. I’m also into long distance running so we hit it off. Met at a bar like 30 mins off campus but she was a professor at my school. She was a freak in bed and had a son and daughter both in high school. Funny because after I hooked up with her a few times she tried showing her daughter off to me saying we should date. Made me lol. She was honestly crazy but the sex was good. To this day the weirdest relationship I ever had.

>> No.14385525

-1 glass water x 8
-22 red kidney beans

>> No.14385853

>you have to be either a walking skeleton or an ultraturbo fatass

>> No.14385884

Just give us the sauce

>> No.14386008

what time period do you guys usually eat
ive been trying 7-15 but eating dinner at 2 kinda sucks

>> No.14386019

dinner at 17:00-18:00 and then a small snack before bed, around 21:00-22:00

>> No.14386030

8am to 8pm but it's more like 10am - 6pm

>> No.14386036

Im normally not awake before 2 pm so i just eat dinner a few little things and try to resist eating trash past midnight until i got to sleep

>> No.14386038

>tfw the new mcdonalds veggie burger is actually good as fuck

>> No.14386047

>eating expensive fast food kike trash

actually good goy

>> No.14386054

ids my special monday treat : DDD
I get two large fries, iced coffee and now a veggie burger for a fiver and flirt with the 35 year old polish cashier who likes me

>> No.14386068

literally everything in this post reeks incel s o i

>> No.14386085

Who is she? Looks fucking AMAZING

>> No.14386110

Go clean ur room f-slur loser this thread is different

>> No.14386215


>> No.14386274

in Poland we have McCoffee™ for .50$ on mondays and all cashiers are polish, you'd like it here

>> No.14386308
File: 35 KB, 600x900, 1540938793277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

citations needed

someone got triggered
reminder that ranting makes you look like a nerd

>> No.14386315

I only drink cold coffee, hot coffee is disgusting

>> No.14386326

heretic, both are great but hot with a lil bit of milk is s tier
big question is do you have cheap coffee on mondays or is it just a local thing?

>> No.14386338

must be unique to poland because we don't have that deal here

>> No.14386374
File: 79 KB, 446x602, 1559231638515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...and for you, sir?
>Just water, thank you.

>> No.14386379

Do you even have a job or does your 5th period teacher just not care about phone use during class?

>> No.14386452

This is the typical catfish dating profile pic. You are fat in reality

>> No.14386557

who is she

>> No.14386605

Why do americans hate weightloss so much?

>> No.14386614

because 90% of americans are severely addicted to food/sugar or whatever

>> No.14386634
File: 61 KB, 960x684, AA88316C-FA81-4C7D-B125-188DBB395BF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

americans are so petrified by the words "eating disorder"

>> No.14386770

Some Brazzers-tier pornstar.

>> No.14386780


Americans eat shit processed food and wash it down with the vile syrup they call "soft drinks" because it's easier than spending the slightest bit of effort of eating right, then complain about how fatty they are between Marlboro puffs and gas station malts liquor. They project this attitude of "whatever I'm going to die someday anyway" where they'd rather feel like shit to maintain their WAY COOL apathy instead of getting off the couch and doing literally fucking anything to improve their health.

>> No.14386962

Who is called.....

>> No.14387133

It's even worse, since many of them think that they're still healthier than someone who is restricting their calories. They must think it's some sort of mental disease to not give into every hedonistic and gluttonous impulse.

>> No.14387242
File: 2.83 MB, 750x1334, C65C0472-4E02-4E80-8F8C-6335B232D868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one achieve hollow cheeks?

This is a picture that I just took. My bf % is around 10%, so is it just because of my bone structure?

>> No.14387251

So how one would lose weight faster, eating 500 (or less) calories throughout the day, or fasting for 23 hours then eating in one hour?

>> No.14387283

eating 500 cal or less. You can eat way more than 500 calories in a feeding period of 1 hour with or without eating calorie dense food

>> No.14387383

It's a reaction to the hulk body type of the 2000s and 2010s. I hate both thin and the bulked up high body fat body.

thesis: bulking
anithesis: /thinspo/
synthesis: return of the neoclassical physique (lean, 150 to 175 pounds, low body fat).

>> No.14387412

I think it's bf% and bone structure. If you don't get it from losing weight then you just won't get it.

>> No.14387414

Oh sorry, I meant eating those 500 calories in one hour not throughout the day

>> No.14387425
File: 1.30 MB, 640x1136, 03F2DF25-526B-48C5-A5AE-8452D5451123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s a photographer famous on Instagram

Her insta is @kat_in_nyc

>> No.14387481

it doesnt make a difference, your body uses nutrients and calories when its available or tries to produce its own and fend for itself when its not there. It doesnt make a difference biologically if you eat 50 calories an hour over 10 hours or 500 calories in 1 hour. Also stop being a fucking dumbass and eating that little, 1000 calories is far less stupid even though its still stupid and you will lose 10+ pounds in a month

>> No.14387491

you would be surprised how many girls like skinny guys
do you think women actually like overweight tier "gym bros"?

>> No.14387498
File: 48 KB, 259x224, A54A3384-9C8F-4DBF-815A-CD298EDAD02B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you eat 500 your body will be forced to consume more bodyfat

doesnt sound stupid to me

>> No.14387501

i dont care if literal whos dont like it. Being skinny is what i want to achieve

>> No.14387507
File: 1.05 MB, 640x1136, 073D60A9-0F1E-4094-876B-EB31AF3E3418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverse thinspo

>> No.14387510
File: 1.04 MB, 640x1136, AD7F6F47-F1B5-44CD-9CC4-58D56ED06B52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14387513

Then it doesn't make a difference. We do need energy to digest food, but it is relative to the total caloric intake and nothing else.

>> No.14387520

posting reverse thinspo:
>my 600 pound life
>supersize vs superskinny

>> No.14387538


>> No.14387545

600 lbs and still has more confidence than me when it comes to taking pictures

>> No.14387555

what type of men do you think she likes?

>> No.14387557

v based anon

>> No.14387561

I can’t take it anymore! I am 6 feet tall and have been as low as 110 lbs and it doesn’t matter! My torso is still boxy and wide as fuck! My shoulders and hips are too wide and my rib cage is fucking huge! I just want to be narrow and flat and instead I’m emaciated but still look like Donald trump I hate this body and I’m trapped with a stubborn inelegant bone structure!

>> No.14387574

post pics

>> No.14387581

This isn't a transsexual board, mentally ill retard. Wide bone structure is a good thing in men.

>> No.14387913
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>> No.14388117

I can't stop eating while on ritalin but I need to keep taking it because my work is improving.

I gained back 5lbs in a week. What do I do, I worked so hard to lose 67lbs, I can't go back to fat?

>> No.14388137

are you guys all too poor for coke or something?

>> No.14388139

I was fat when I did coke.

>> No.14388265

why wont incels literally have sex

>> No.14388327
File: 92 KB, 590x892, 769D9914-BD56-432E-912C-BB03892BC9E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is finn wolfhard thinspo?

>> No.14388339

behaviorist spotted
persist and resist, embrace the distress

>> No.14388349


>> No.14388350

>momoland nancy

>> No.14388357

just don't eat brainlet

>> No.14388373

yes if your aspiration is to starve yourself to the point when you reverse pubity

>> No.14388378

he's young and growing so he's stretched out, most young teens are thinspo unless you live in the US of A

>> No.14388386

don't eat when you're calm to save calories you'll intake while stress eating
also don't have food around, if you have time for that go to a store to buy shit for breakfast, keep eggs and ham in the fridge but buy the buns, etc you know the drill, same with snacks, whenever I want to eat something sweet I go to a store that's 30min away to buy it so it cancels out (I still log it tho)
learn to deal with the stress in a non food enviroment, go for a bike ride or something and don't take the lock so you can't leave it and buy anything

>> No.14388393
File: 326 KB, 898x1024, 1504580597221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna jizz on her braces

>> No.14388400

why do incels feel the need to tell everyone that they would have sex with someone.

literally just have sex already

>> No.14388609

Low body fat here but no hollow cheeks. What are my surgical options? Fillers or something?

>> No.14388615

Han solo and Chewbacca

>> No.14388659

get skinnier

>> No.14388676

how do people let themselves go this bad?

>> No.14388693

john cena

>> No.14388766

Without coffee, green tea, or water; its hard as heck keeping myself from eating.

>> No.14388868

>gna lose weight guyse :DDDDD
>still fat a year later

>> No.14388883


>> No.14388953

Face still fat lmao

>> No.14389141
File: 1.08 MB, 640x1136, 07BBE366-0AA2-4B64-ACD4-562F5BEAC31B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14389180


>> No.14389267

yes same

>> No.14389539

because I want to

>> No.14389607
File: 3.43 MB, 1920x1080, ant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that sue fucked anth

>> No.14389684

you will also feel like shit physically in addition to mentally the entire time along with having health problems from nutrient deficiencies.

at least eat a couple eggs a day as part of the dumb 500 calorie plan to get some protein and nutrition

>> No.14389711
File: 45 KB, 768x768, 53A03595-6E90-4D5F-8D06-8BEBFA5B7B6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah when i feel like eating 390 calories I eat 3 eggs
>you will also feel like shit physically in addition to mentally the entire time along with having health problems from nutrient deficiencies.
thats momscience; I already feel like shit all the time. losing weight is a process of starving the body of nutrients in order for your body to burn its stored fat. What im
doing is no different than eating 1200-1500, just more fat is being burned.

one pound of fat equals 3500 calories

>> No.14389724

feed nana, etc

>> No.14389743

how's your belly button?

>> No.14389748

Bulbous, like a ring for service bell

>> No.14389754

you can get all the nutrition you need from 500 calories of food especially since i doubt you will be eating clean protein or veggies and fruits/beans. Theres a difference between feeling like shit mentally because we are all mentally ill and suffering and that plus your brain and body not having the energy to even get through the day.

>3 eggs
>390 calories

what the absolute fuck kind of eggs are you eating? Even massive steroid chicken jump eggs are 100 calories each

>> No.14389758

ate an ice cream today lads

>> No.14389762


>> No.14389908

eggs are 70 calories each. The nonstick spray is 0 calories

>> No.14389913

Im not looking to maintain my bodyweight so i dont care about hitting all my macros and micros

>> No.14390071

>The nonstick spray is 0 calories

The teenaged girls on this board are so unbelievably stupid

>> No.14390226
File: 840 KB, 1242x2003, 9B0DD962-D07A-4AFE-9CEA-C033D55D455E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok retard

>> No.14390230

Emily Oberg

>> No.14390242

>1/4 second spray

>> No.14390254

All of you guys will die if you don’t start eating right

>> No.14390351

That's alright, I lost 10lbs on ice cream OMAD.

>> No.14390506

>imagine thinking that calories don't exist if you you vegetable oil in small enough increments.

You're absolutely retarded.

>> No.14390510
File: 868 KB, 500x227, B1A6D0CF-BA75-48AD-8D9B-E8BFBE1D7F29.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the point of these threads? If it’s to lose fat and later get into shape that’s good, but all I see is anorexic shit around here. Most of you aren’t gonna be models and normies won’t find you attractive. So what’s the point?

>> No.14390523

how long do you fast? Im on the fourth day now.

Only water.

>> No.14390556

I think it’s a USDA thing where if something has <5 kcal per serving it has to be shown as 0 Calories.

>> No.14390833

Yeah in America calories in food is rounded down to the nearest five

>> No.14390857
File: 44 KB, 620x827, 1559576943695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can she be so flawless? what's her secret?

>> No.14391096

You deserve to be fat

>> No.14391109


I will be a qt sticc soon

>> No.14391113

we're all going to die anon

>> No.14391185
File: 586 KB, 746x929, skeletwins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14391346

Weight: 109 last i checked
Height: 5'1
I eat around 700-900 cal per day and then do a 10km bikeride in the evenings. I also bike to and from work. I'm not seeing any results. Should I eat less, exercise more, or both? Not aiming to be Mr Skeletal, but a visible collarbone and flat stomach would be nice.

>> No.14391592

who cares

>> No.14391725


>> No.14391783

Igor and Grichka

>> No.14392045
File: 1.40 MB, 944x1188, skeletwins2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jake and Joseph Dupont

>> No.14392055

r they trannies?

>> No.14392089

No they are just androgynous I think

>> No.14392138

theyre so gay its making me uncomfortable

>> No.14392514
File: 187 KB, 1200x1200, 524F32A2-A8FE-429B-A103-25015D208F71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might make it after all guys :’)

>> No.14392566

It makes me happy she got fat
Her resting bitch face made her an eyesore and now people ignore her. I love Korea and Japan's view on size.

>> No.14392611

if you're under 20 then it's just you're too young else its bone structure

>> No.14392641

when will they ever learn?

>> No.14392643

>when you realize it would only take 1-3 months for anyone on here, plebbit, mpa to reach their goal weight and stop posting, but everyone is larping as anorexic.

it's really silly when you think of it. all the "i only eat 500cal/day people" are lying. they'd log off after a month if that was even remotely true

>> No.14392659

Alright it's now been two days with very little calories (small bag of pumpkin seeds yesterday, a small serving of black beans today) and I've been taking tramadol to suppress my appetite. I'm starting from 160 lbs (5'8) and my current goal is 135. How long will it take before I reach that goal realistically? Do I cut out calories completely? How else can I suppress my appetite without drugs? I don't wanna overdo the opiates. Also I know two days isn't shit for a diet, but it's been hard for me because I like to eat.

>> No.14392674
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>> No.14392697

truer words have never been said.

>> No.14393036

how long does it take for chipmunk cheeks from purging to go away

>> No.14393160

Where the fuck do I buy 26" waist mens trousers?

>> No.14393325

Cooking from scratch is the key to making it. You are the god of your kitchen, in complete control of what goes into your dishes. Innovation is key to cutting calories while cooking. So anon, what did you cook today?

>> No.14393347

I'm literally 110lb skello and fucking 25 and I still have baby fat and child cheeks
P sure if i become an anorexic they still fucking there

Any remedies?

>> No.14393351 [DELETED] 

have sex

>> No.14393354

i doubt it
if you really got anorexic your chubby cheeks would disappear

just lose more weight

>> No.14393359

boy's section

>> No.14393401

my mum cooks for me

>> No.14393663

??? eugenia cooney

>> No.14393813

Man, it’s so frustrating, fasting like crazy and nothing
I look like a fucking 10yo

>> No.14393878

Probably just bone structure. It may get better as you get older.

>> No.14393919
File: 256 KB, 971x1037, tumblr_pru7q0e8TJ1wu6z8i_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell coworkers I'd prefer not to have a waterpark summer party
>"why anon?"
>"I'm kind of insecure about my body"
>"anon you're so tiny though!"

I don't know if i have body dysmorphia or if they're just trying to be nice. I feel like lard, especially in a bathing suit.

>> No.14394017

Does decaf coffee suppress appetite as well as regular? I accidentally bought decaf

>> No.14394058
File: 141 KB, 1320x1569, 1558914390115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah because the caffeine is what suppresses it. It's a mild stimulant. Just return it, and try not to be an idiot next time.

>> No.14394088

What’s the absolute fastest way to lose weight? I was fasting with only drinking water. Then my mom forced me to eat dinner. Made me so pissed off, I feel like punching the fucking wall. Anyways, what is the fastest way idc if it’s unhealthy or dangerous. I need to lose up to 20 pounds before the end of July.

>> No.14394094


>> No.14394095

Insane amounts of cardio with a low caloric intake of healthy foods, stimulant addiction, or opiate addiction. You're mom loves you and only wanted to feed you like any mother does. Stop being a bitch about having a good mom.

>> No.14394125

oh yeah
i guess your cheeks wont go away then

>> No.14394128
File: 99 KB, 634x920, A8C01918-C359-4DBA-8E8F-DEF236F65A3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

body dysmorphia making you hallucinate and see yourself as obese is a lie potrayed by jewish media. If your stomach protrudes, you're fat

>> No.14394211

What about skipping calories and still doing cardio? I don’t want to take eat unnecessary food if I can just lose more weight by not eating at all.

>> No.14394215

eat less
move more
lose weight
don't forget to fuck off as well you spastic zoomer

>> No.14394218

Yeah dude good luck having the strength and energy to do cardio without eating at all

>> No.14394279


>> No.14394399

Trying to insult me by saying I’m younger than you? Wow you are such a retard.

>> No.14394606
File: 978 KB, 1242x1723, 0D1EAA88-6B0C-49D4-873F-2D8DE4404DC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys!
My chest isnt a barrel like pic related

does this mean im twink material?

>> No.14394613
File: 255 KB, 1337x1601, IMG_20190608_224846~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this acceptable or do I need to lose more body fat or muscle mass? I used to have a lot more muscle mass but I cut my calories to fit in clothing better

>> No.14394617

side angle pls

>> No.14394624
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>> No.14394631
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>> No.14394633

Nah man I'm not an incel

>> No.14394637

how tall are you 5'6? you look barrel chested. Suck in your gut and you can check for yourself.

tldr Yeah you have a beer belly; lose weight

>> No.14394639

Yeah I'm barrel chested. 5'8
Aite, thank you

>> No.14394644

does your first name start with a D

>> No.14394645


>> No.14394651
File: 13 KB, 253x338, IMG_20190117_185750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok just wondering..to answer your question you look good but could lose a little more fat. probably nothing more than 20 pounds though

>> No.14394654

It starts with a C btw, thank you- that's what I needed to know

>> No.14395035
File: 102 KB, 424x639, 1A32D5EA-4BA0-48E1-898C-A855119476D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically skinny/anorexic looks better than fat/buff 2b honest

he actually looks good
nice cheekbones

only downsides
> left eye (which is lazy)
>deformed left brow
these guys look good
this guy looks like a chimp, but hes slavic
(he also has no cheekbones btw)

horrible quality so no evaluation can be made

now onto my provided pic

nice facial aesthetics
nice hair
honestly thinspo

i'd rather look like him 2b honest

>> No.14395043
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>> No.14395045
File: 126 KB, 863x1390, 4162F4CC-1BC4-44C1-8764-5C02048DFE53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skinny is honestly more aesthetically pleasing than a gymmaxed physique

>> No.14395046
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>> No.14395049
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>> No.14395691

how would someone lose 30 ibs in 60 days? I'll do literally anything at this point


TDEE: 2304kcal
goal weight: 130ibs
I exercise 4 days per week and work 2 strenuous serving jobs
i try to eat well but it doesn't always happen for me

>> No.14395696

Have you tried opiates before?
Ive been taking Percocets and fasting is super easy on them
Or maybe since you're a server try Adderall

>> No.14395704

honestly I tried adderall the other day and it was great! I was going to buy some off of a friend for the days that I work doubles. Do you think that'll be enough though?

>> No.14395709

Yeah it's a super effective appetite stimulant. Comedowns may sometimes make you wanna engulf everythinc edible in your fridge, so you just gotta keep a hold on that. Remember to stay hydrated though!

>> No.14395736

Do you think Kratom would have a similar effect? Isn't it in the opiate family

>> No.14396146

It would be better than nothing. Probably be better than just plain water too.

>> No.14396159

I'm more upset it wasn't me>>14389607

>> No.14396160

Lol wtf are you high?

>> No.14396167
File: 452 KB, 1624x1923, 20190520_203243_HDR-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I looking lads
5'10 130 lbs
100 lbs bench, 155 lbs squat, 165 lbs deadlift, 45 lbs OHP

>> No.14396177

just do an EC stack its cheaper and works the same

>> No.14396215

EC comedowns suck a lot more. Dirty stimulant imo

>> No.14396222

Kratom gives me the munchies personally, more than even weed does. Really odd opiate. It does feel good tho

>> No.14396223

Eating to lose weight is a meme. Dry fast until you feel like garbage then do a low carb refeed and repeat.

>> No.14396225

Snake diet

>> No.14396422 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 403x604, Vy7OBvY6MO4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i did EC stack and stopped counting calories would I be good (as in not gain weight)? getting hung up on numbers makes me depressed as shit

>> No.14396511

EC only really helps with the hunger (+ very marginally with inc. metabolism).. you still gotta eat a deficit. It's very useful for hunger though.

>> No.14396533

3x0? fucking 0 you idiot.

>> No.14396764
File: 968 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-05-21-18-52-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was starting to lose weight but then I started staying at my friend's house almost a month ago and their parents keep feeding me greasy ass food. :'(

>> No.14396821

>blaming other people when you're the one that has zero self control

>> No.14396931

U don’t understand the difference between protein and fat

>> No.14396933

See and ice cream also has all the nutritional value u need

>> No.14396937
File: 136 KB, 748x1300, CF892270-013E-484E-AE17-4309C76B3AAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Body dysmorphia is not a Jewish lie u retarded loser

>> No.14396938


>> No.14396940

Yep I'm already fasting
I got butthurt about being called fat initially but I think I needed that to motivate me even more

>> No.14396945
File: 28 KB, 300x400, E6DEB54C-39BA-4F64-B812-59964FFC9BCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look ok but u must have thick as fuck legs if u r still 130 being 5’10. A la Trent reznik

>> No.14396947

Your welcome

>> No.14397833

So this is what 10/10 looks like.
I have been wasting my time lifting heavy things (and then putting them back down).

>> No.14397834

is eating 400kcal/day of highly balanced and nutritious food for a month (until I get down to my desired weight) a good idea?

>> No.14397835

>not making burgers at home
They're healthy an nutritious when they're not pumped full of chemicals

>> No.14397843

Chonky boi

You are currently in community college Chad mode.

>> No.14397891

I just can't get passed the 3rd day of a fast. Three times now, I've quit on the third day. I just don't know what to do.

>> No.14397900

her asshole's cute that's for sure

>> No.14397905

kill yourself

>> No.14397907

yes i'm calling you a dumb cunt of a child, correct

>> No.14397909

that post makes it look like the front one has gyno

>> No.14397942

Unless you're only a few kilos away from your ideal you probably won't get there in a month even with such a dire diet.

>> No.14397956
File: 26 KB, 743x909, 1532850040557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 68kg and I'm looking to get down to ~63kg

according to this website calculator I should be able to reach it on 400kcal a day, I'm already planning on doing a few light anabolic exercises so I can keep muscles in the places I want to, but I'm still worried about things like hairloss and stuff

>> No.14398037
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 1559136837493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was a girl

>> No.14398044

who doesn't

>> No.14398053

If you hold your finger on the story the name and rest dissapears and you can screenchot without it

>> No.14398085

you look good. probably work out a bit more for more muscle mass, but you're definitely in an attractive shape so keep it up anon

>> No.14398093

you're unironically attractive, perhaps you can work on your core a bit more but unless you want to be a cursed skellington like us you don't need to lose weight

>> No.14398300

me, i LOVE having a cock

>> No.14398311

okay fine having a cock is nice but imaging having breasts, soft skin and a cuteface?

>> No.14398325

you can have all of them you know
>hormone injections for soft skin and boobies
>facial surgery to look cute
>keep peepee
>still dress and act like a guy

this is true masterrace

>> No.14398328

>tfw only have one of those

>> No.14398331

the true masterrace would be being born a cute soft scandi boi

>> No.14398341

Any tips for getting over a plateau?

I was stuck at the same weight without eating fuck all, as soon as I ate a little more than usual I seemed to put it straight on.

It can't just be water retention, right?

>> No.14398826

been at my ideal weight for a while
bought some boris and emanuel blanck
looks fuckin amazing on me

>> No.14398836

>It can't just be water retention, right?
it absolutely can be, way too many of you dont comprehend how much water your body is capable of holding, you can put on or drop 4 or 5 pounds of water overnight. If you do keto you can drop up to 10-12 pounds of water weight after a week. Its why weighing yourself multiple times a day is incredibly dumb and mentally damaging

>> No.14398927

i'm 5'7 and 135 lb's and got a crazy baby face still, starting my first day of /thinspo/ today guys hehe

>> No.14398971

How long should I fast? It's been 3 days of water fasting and I kinda feel like shit. I'm too afraid to eat though cause I don't want to gain more weight. I'm not obese or even chubby but I need to get down to a lower bf%

>> No.14399638

God I wish you hadn't posted that.
Now i'm horrified.
What if that happens to me

>> No.14399643

Dude what the FUCK

What if thats me.

>> No.14399646

this is honestly all i want. shirts to drape and my pecs to not show through tees. lifting was a bad idea

>> No.14399652
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>> No.14399662

im pretty sure you'd have to be extremely fat to not realize you're pigeon chested

>> No.14399723

you have to go back

>> No.14399749
File: 67 KB, 460x369, 1558924206698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'7" manlet reporting in to say i begam 2019 at 190lbs, now im 145lbs. life's good, frens

>> No.14399786

>I just don't know what to do.
Don't eat. Or just do multiple 72 hours fasts, with one refeed in-between, instead of a single long one, if it's easier for you.

>> No.14399869
File: 823 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap2019060823h06m59s714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting my husband every day of my 1 month fast

Say : 1

>> No.14399873

Ahh fug I don't mean a one month fast, I mean one month of 24 hour fasting with 500Cal meal inbetween

Ohwell, cya tomorrow frens

>> No.14399875

jojofags are truly the most intolerable cunts on the planet

>> No.14399916

oof those stats
at 135 you should be benching 155

>> No.14399929

>Or just do multiple 72 hours fasts, with one refeed in-between, instead of a single long one, if it's easier for you.
Is that sustainable? I really enjoy fasting... the first two days anyway.

>> No.14400240

thank you based /fa/ hegel

>> No.14400400

do any of you guys keep bullet journals? do they help?

>> No.14401195

Because nothing tastes as good as skinny feels you absolute cretin

>> No.14401280

Does decaf coffee help suppress appetites ?

>> No.14401296

No you idiot, it only suppresses your appetite because caffeine is a mild stimulant

>> No.14401355

I know I'm weak lol, only been lifting for 3 months
My bench is going up by 5 lbs per week right now so I'm not too worried about staying weak

>> No.14402124

Going to sleep hungry is tiring

>> No.14402172

it will if its black, theres still tannins and stuff in iy

>> No.14402784

Best thing to eat at a sushi place to stay low cal but not make my coworkers think I'm anorexic?

>> No.14402950
File: 615 KB, 1535x2232, 624ECC7E-25E2-40F9-895B-987D2EF276FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have problems with my body!
I keep losing weight, so far lost 25 pounds, and this is how I look when I sit down. Will I have a flat belly after losing 22 more? I feel like Im not muscular and I will look skinnyfat. Also do I have gyno? If yes how tf do I get rid of it??

>> No.14403153

will a 0cal 0sugar energy drink break my fast?

>> No.14403161

Yes, drink black coffee instead.

>> No.14403171


>> No.14403270

>Will I have a flat belly after losing 22 more?
maybe, only one way to find out
>I feel like Im not muscular and I will look skinnyfat.
lose more or start lifting, choice is yours
>Also do I have gyno?

>> No.14403303

It's kinda comfy. Fasting is worst during the day. I hate how otherworldly it feels and can never concentrate on anything.

>> No.14403346
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1504981425881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not speaking nutritional, is weight loss by calories 1:1?

Like if I eat 1000 calories a day to stay a decent amount under my TDEE. Is 1000 calories of say pizza the same as 1000 calories of steamed fish?

>> No.14403435
File: 113 KB, 1638x1050, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should my gf lose more? Shes just under 100 and I think 5'4" or 5'3"

Complains like fuck about being fat and is currently dieting so I want to support her I guess

>> No.14403443
File: 140 KB, 828x787, 4d9c656102f1cfb092b5ff7c217298d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently 5'2 and 95 lbs
I want to lose 10 lbs
I mostly high restrict or b/p

>> No.14403968





>> No.14403975

Start doing cardio or hot yoga
It'll take forever just reducing calories at the weight you're currently at