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/fa/ - Fashion

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14372357 No.14372357 [Reply] [Original]


>someone here gives me tips about wearing natural makeup to cover up my acne scars
>do it, look in the mirror, looks alright
>go to party (college friends)
>"W-W-W-W [stutter so hard I can't even get a word out]
>do a 360 and walk the fuck out of there

You fucking motherfucker. Now I'll always be known as the makeup guy. Fuck you.

>> No.14372432
File: 11 KB, 705x400, Think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were going to be upset about wearing makeup then you shouldn't have worn makeup.

Also just because someone asked you if you changed something about the way you look doens't mean they're automatically shaming you for it, it just means you're insecure in your masculinity when it comes to wearing makeup

Imagine asking for hair advice then flipping out when someone asks if you got a haircut

>> No.14372444

Nah fuck you. This is your fault

>> No.14372478

What a fucking beta
You should have said yeah and and make a self deprecating joke
Everybody laughs, nobody gives a shit

>> No.14372722

You just say "Yes I am" and its whatever, dont be a pansy beta bitch about it

>> No.14372726

>"lol ur a queer or wat bro"

How do you respond

>> No.14372731

>"Covering acne scars bro"

Its that easy

>> No.14372738

Lmao this is peak autism
You either put way too much on so its noticible or you used a conceiller that doesn't match your skin tone
You a funny nigga

>> No.14372763

>do a 360
>walk out

You ended up looking 10 times more stupid spinning in front of everybody just to walk back inside

>> No.14372786
File: 376 KB, 1280x544, The.Last.Circus.2010.720p.BluRay.x264-LPD.mkv_snapshot_01.12.13_[2015.01.28_19.53.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, Anon came ba-

>> No.14372849

>have acne scars
>your friends have all seen your face countless times
>one day get to the party, wearing makeup, expecting that no one will notice that your scars miraculously disappeared

you are straight up retarded

>> No.14372858

Imagine being this new

>> No.14373020


>> No.14373023

>Do you wear concealer, anon?
>Yes, to hide my pimples.
Where is the problem, wtf.

>> No.14373103

>going to a house party
>gf puts silver eyeliner on me
>get countless complements on my eyes throughout the night

If you're trying to be subtle about wearing makeup, people will know that you're uncomfortable about it. Embrace it, own it, and people will actually respect and appreciate you for making an effort. Stop being a pussy

>> No.14373121


>> No.14373135
File: 923 KB, 1080x1061, 1557158479343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must take revenge.

>> No.14373140 [DELETED] 

does your gf have a boi pussy you gay nigger

>> No.14373149

>posting on a fashion board
>calling other people gay
This board is populated by nothing but wokstars and twinks. You really think being a fag is uncommon here?

>> No.14373160
File: 421 KB, 908x1802, Screenshot_20190531-074533__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thick silver is GOAT with blue eyes. Ostentatious male makeup cyber dystopia when?

>> No.14373191


>> No.14373247
File: 117 KB, 680x510, 1551435579135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14373412

You know what will make them think you're cool again? If you touch my peepee

>> No.14373486

How many times do I have to touch it?

>> No.14373497

Niggah this isn't high school. Own that shit and nobody bats an eye. Do a cringy 360 and people will laugh at you.

>> No.14373630

Should have just said yes and get a best friend girl who can help you do it better.

>> No.14373835

In korea you just put a bandaid over it and everyone implicitly agrees to ignore it

>> No.14374404

>implying Korean men don't wear makeup
Let me guess, you've never been

>> No.14374410

Sounds like a great reality show: Taking advice from 4chan(nel) seriously.

>> No.14374433

This made me chuckle, thanks

>> No.14374436
File: 14 KB, 480x319, 2W4Q2Jh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now I'll always be known as the makeup guy

This is where you are wrong OP. It won't be the makeup wearing guy. It will be the makeup wearing faggot !

>> No.14374464

Do you feel better about yourself now?

>> No.14374606

i'ma be real w/you, OP. there is no way to wear makeup w/o people being able to tell you're wearing makeup, especially people who know you. but also, anyone who gives you shit for wearing makeup ain't worth your tmie

>> No.14374614

>be me
>have herpes breakout
>cover it with makeup and go on random tinder date
>hookup with her at the end, kiss for a long time and eat her vag
Who else here /bugspreader/

>> No.14374623


What did you expect fr, now you will be the makeup fag just bc you were a bitch about it and walked away

>> No.14374641
File: 444 KB, 200x171, 1559327630303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled

>> No.14374664


imagine getting baited this hard, faggots

>> No.14375857
File: 638 KB, 2480x3508, main-qimg-1a32d5861df4f0ed3d149e7761c3cc5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have said "yes" and went closer to the person who said that, put your butterfly knife out and said "let's put a smile on that face". btw gamers rise up

>> No.14375984

It's that easy

>> No.14375999

I like eyeliner now and then. People don't bring it up anymore

>> No.14376164
File: 196 KB, 432x444, 1555254145389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14376167

Thanks OP, don't kys, this made me kek

>> No.14376168
File: 459 KB, 500x270, AshFox.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is that suppost to mean?

>> No.14376198
File: 191 KB, 416x312, elsuave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14376844

suck his dick

>> No.14376892

Take your check, faggot.

>> No.14377059

you could just eliminate your scars over time with differin. then you'd be superior to thots that wear makeup because your face would look better by default

>> No.14377063


>> No.14377161
File: 2.36 MB, 394x310, tenor (25).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a "man"
>wearing makeup
You asked for it.
Unless you like to suck dick, you don't have anything to do with makeup on your face.

>> No.14377183

Oh GOD FORBID someone thinks ur queer.

>> No.14377198
File: 676 KB, 641x640, 1555741889226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That happened to me once at a redneck party once they found out game fucking over for me my excuse was my neighbor paid me to model for her. Don't know if it worked or not still partied

>> No.14377224

it has to match your skin tone for one, and two theres like 5 different kinds of acne scars. If you have a crater face like george lopez you'll need a derma fill and then get a foundation to put on.


>> No.14377403

Quit giving that retard ill advice.
Males and makeup are a mismatch.

>> No.14377832


>> No.14377842

>"W-W-W-W [stutter so hard I can't even get a word out]
You're just a cuck. I just acknowledge their question and get to fuck since girls think it's cute. Fuck off beta cuck.

>> No.14377952

definitely based, questionable if redpilled

>> No.14378249

>college people acting like that

>> No.14378256

Homie just try to take better care of your face, wash it twice a day. Water and good diet. It will get better if you just accept what you look like and stop being stressed. These people want you to spend a lot of money on shit that may not work, or even make things worse. You are a man, deal with shit like one.

>> No.14378300


>> No.14378998

I had really bad acne when I was younger so I became obsessed with skincare and now am an expert and have flawless beautiful skin. The downside to this is that women always ask me if I’m wearing makeup and I have no idea why, I always inform them I’m not wearing any but they never believe me and it’s starting to really bother me. Wha do I do?

>> No.14379096

this is the kind of content /fa/ needs

you are clearly overwhelmingly insecure, please go and find some self confidence

>> No.14379309

Do you also tell them that about your skincare? If you're leaving that out, tell them

>> No.14379421

Im an insecure and socially awkward person and it's all your fault, 4chan: Chapter I.

>> No.14379425


>> No.14379637

Please explain how you fixed it. I do everything yet still have mild acne

>> No.14379707

Ah the classic merely pretending

>> No.14379855

This lamo you fucking idiot

>> No.14380350

Fuck you. You try getting laughed at by your peers

>> No.14380421

Wash face twice a day, use a face wash followed by toner and then moisturiser and on top of that an oil free sunscreen. Exfoliate every other day and at night cover face in benzoyl peroxide gel, this is the main thing really it is a godsend! Also do a face mask every week and take salt water baths and wash my face any time I get sweaty. Also started using a double edge safety razor instead of cartridge because they break my skin out. My skin is so smooth and women always compliment how great my skin looks. Downside is it makes me look feminine and younger than I am, everyone always thinks I’m 3-4 younger.

>> No.14380425

Forgot to add diet is important too! I’m on a strict vegan diet and hardly ever eat sugar and this has helped a huge amount to.

>> No.14380873

Whadda cuck!

>> No.14381768

Shit brother you should not have walked out. Now you look even more like a faggot. Should a just ‘lol yeah bro’ and got a bitch to sit on your Fenty Beauty® foundation caked face.

>> No.14381776

‘Y-yes daddy’.

>> No.14381796


>> No.14383141

Bro the fact that you even considered it made u metrosexuell at the very least to begin with, just start worshipping superior black/Asian cock and give it ass to jamal

>> No.14383247

Fucking zoomers just kys

>> No.14383249

Back to your discord tranny

>> No.14383249,2 [INTERNAL] 
