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/fa/ - Fashion

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14368867 No.14368867 [Reply] [Original]

Altough most of you got into fashion for women, how many of you actually talk to women and or got something out of your fashion sense when it comes to women (got laid, favours or got a relationship out of it) and try to be honest. I'll start by saying that I started dating a girl only because she said she liked the way I dress, also now am talking to another girl and might visit her in a few weeks for a meet. Traps, twinks or people that aren't attracted to females need not respond

>> No.14368874

Girls just notice me more, fashion really has become more for me, I don't really need it at 6'2 with an ok face.

>> No.14368878

didnt read
got me more attention and confidence
each their own
Rick Owens is an idiot

>> No.14368893

Women are actually sensitive for things like how men are dressed compared to current trends, since they care about your social status.
It won't get you laid, but definitely easilier noticed.

>> No.14368909

I didn't start for women, I started back in high school in an attempt to look more normie and less dressed by mom. Honestly it didn't change much my romantic/sex life. I got my first gf a year or two after I started caring about fashion but it wasn't directly related to that, although it might have helped improve my image a bit. We broke up almost a year ago and things are normal right now. I don't talk to women much outside of my best friend and my coworkers, and the occasional ones I meet at friends' parties. I don't think fashion brings me anything special in that department, it's more of a fun personal thing.

>> No.14368937

>most of you got into fashion for women
Retarded crossboarder detected

>> No.14368990


>> No.14369049

Similarly for me. I got into fashion because I didn't want to get made fun of or look retarded because of severe social anxiety. It didn't help me get girls though, I get hit on by gay men more than women. It's really uncomfortable.

>> No.14369065

I just do it cuz i like to look
Not really interested in relationships

>> No.14369089


>> No.14369097

dressing like classic beatles with skinny suit / denim and chelseas got me my best gf in late 2000s

>> No.14369410

I unironically got into fashion after getting a gf. She boosted my confidence enough for me to try out new clothes, products, etc. Something i always wanted to do but couldn't cause of social anxiety.

After i began dressing less like a sperg i did get more positive attention from women, but that doesn't matter much right now.

>> No.14369469

pretty much this too the point I decided to shave my head, to make myself less attractive to guys. Then all the girls start telling me how I looked a lot better with my hair, or ask why I cut it.

>> No.14369727
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fashion has not helped me in love. if anything it has opened my eyes to how basic even the most well dressed normies are and its made me more alienated. i dress fashionable for the look good feel good dynamic. as it is a potent pick me up.

when I dress for women I throw on like a nice plain dress shirt and some regular black jeans. and that's it. women seem to like simple fits and solid colours. idk why.

>> No.14369805

> dressing for women
> lifting for women
Why do people unironically do this?

>> No.14369843

got into fashion in highschool to help set myself apart, too busy experimenting w psychedelics to care about women rn

>> No.14369886

maybe it just gives me confidence but nice clothes and nice body make girls see me as a artsy cool guy... if i was out of shape and wore walmart clothes then i would assume my life would be easily recognizable as the sad descent into addiction that it rly is

>> No.14369895

I was about 14 or 15 when I got into fashion. It started with me wanting to look like Johnny Thunders or Richard Hell. By 16 I wanted to look like Bowie. My girlfriend at the time wished I dressed like an emo fag. By the time I finished high school I had started actively following a handful of designers I liked, even though it was often stuff I would never wear, so it definitely wasn't about impressing women, and I would keep this interest to myself. Theory disproven.

Women outside of the fashion/design world would prefer you simply dressed well over being into fashion.

>> No.14370390

I was dressed like a fucking loser before
now I dress like a decent human being (but I'm still a fucking loser)
anyways, appearances matter

>> No.14370434
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When I was around 15 I began dressing better for girls and confidence, but once you actually get to a point where you're happy, you realise that your confidence comes from yourself from the inside, not from the identity you form with your clothes/hobbies/whatever. Since I became more confident I started getting more attention from girls, also became closer with friends, things just got better I guess, but I would not at all say it's because of fashion, it was just basic grooming + realising confidence is only dependent on your mentality, if that makes sense. Girls might like your clothes but the most important is your personality. A little fashion sense is all you need for most chicks, but if your personality only revolves around clothes then you're destined to fail, even with girls who are very into fashion

Fashion ended up sticking with me anyways and I really enjoy it, but a rule I try to stay true to as much as I can is don't dress for other people and do it for myself

tldr yes but not really, just helped me be myself once i realised clothes weren't what made me confident

>> No.14370439


>> No.14370443

I have personal insecurities which make sex, romance, love and relationships seem distasteful for me. I don’t dress for women. In fact, I’ve given up pursuing women a long time ago. I’ve lost the genetic game and anyone will only cheat on me.

Fashion and skin care is just a fun thing to do. They keep me busy. Sometimes girls will lay their eyes on me (I look OK) but that’s it, I have no interest to do anything to them.

>> No.14370595

I got in to fashion for self improvement, but I would say it's had a generally positive impact on my relationships with women. My current gf always asks me to dress her, and always talks about how good my taste is. I think most girls assume I'm a better person because I dress decently, most girls I talk to are willing to do anything I ask. I get a lot of compliments from random girls on the street, I get hit on if I go to a shop, and elderly people cross the street to compliment my hair.

I don't think fashion is a very effective way to get girls though. If you work on your personal hygiene/grooming, personality, and fitness (in that order) then you will have better success with less effort. I wasn't a stinky/asshole/fat cunt to start with, to fashion helped me out.

If you are a painting, then fashion is your frame. It's great to have a beautiful frame, but you need to have a nice painting too. That said, even a shit painting with a solid gold frame is worth a lot.

>> No.14370599

You should work on your insecurities anon, your attitude is essentially sour grapes. You developed a distaste for sexual intimacy to protect yourself, not because you disliked it.

Maybe try not being so serious about relationships, it's ok to be friends and have sex without being together forever.

Idk mate, just seems like you have some issues to work out and I hope you can work them out.

>> No.14371517

I was pretty basic but fairly well dressed as a teenager (janoskis and skinny jeans), but when I left for uni I started dating a girl who studied fashion at CSM so it became severely apparent I needed to up my game. Part of the fun when you have a fashionable gf is bouncing ideas off each other and being able to find complementary colour schemes and styles, leaving the house with her feels so good when our fits are well coordinated.

>> No.14372806
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I get a lot of compliments from women but I’m also too much of a sperg to talk to them beyond casual convo so I guess it’s only marginally been helpful

>> No.14373017

god that sounds fucking gay

>> No.14373022

where do you live that you get away with wearing a suit

>> No.14373025

eh, so what did she force you to wear?

>> No.14373029

>My current gf always asks me to dress her, and always talks about how good my taste is. I think most girls assume I'm a better person because I dress decently, most girls I talk to are willing to do anything I ask. I get a lot of compliments from random girls on the street, I get hit on if I go to a shop

now i am REALLY curious how you dress

>> No.14373061

I don't remember why i got into fashion tbqh. But not because of women.

>> No.14373062
File: 1.54 MB, 3024x3558, 49D321F8-D8D0-486F-A9B9-7E8CD59F1EAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girlfriends are gay
Never change, 4chan.

Yeah not what I was saying. See pic related, the t shirt and jumper is mine and the jacket is hers but we bought them separately with no intention of “matching”, but they certainly work together, no?

>> No.14373075

Body language is 100000000% more important than clothing.

>> No.14373079

it does, but the jacket looks quite feminine

i thought girls would dress their bfs in something more masculine and aggressive

>> No.14373092

read my post again, the jacket is hers, not mine. And besides, despite every other thread you see on here not every girl wants their man dressed head to toe in SEXcore

>> No.14373097

I did, I just thought you’re wearing her jacket along with your items

The stuff shown is too little to judge tbqh, it’s just a graphic tee

>> No.14373098

I can somewhat relate to this. I'm slowly turning into Patrick Bateman.

>> No.14373446

>I started dating a girl only because she said she liked the way I dress
thats just sad

>> No.14373464
File: 163 KB, 500x500, 068FE0FB-082B-4447-96FF-CC9B74FF24C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get laid on tinder just by my fashion and music taste
too bad i’m still ugly and have no personality

>> No.14374188

My mommy compliments my fits

My mommy is the most beautiful woman in the world, so that’s all I could hope for

>> No.14374228

be virgin kissless fag

Start losing weight and dressing more fa (specially punk) and got a cute skinny gf

Broke up after almost a year and have fucked some girls since, am tatted and attractive now and girls love my way of being

It does work if you got the face

>> No.14375162

lol same thing happened to me :(

>> No.14375176
File: 35 KB, 393x702, 76D87B29-5341-49E6-8129-FE19613227DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont talk to women

in college i lost weight and had long hair. I got complements from women and that made me feel nice. Now i want to grow my hair longer and get even skinnier

>> No.14375178
File: 29 KB, 680x631, 81E5094C-AAF3-45FF-A4BC-26060220E09A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 20 btw, dropped out of college becus it wasnt for me. Maybe i could work at starbucks once i get skinny enough

>> No.14375557

help guys what to do

i have good fashion sense and good genetics
> 184 cm
> 63 kg
> not ugly af

I have 0 self-confidence, and my body show this. As long as I don't walk or speak, girls likes me, but when I stand up or talk, my body language destroy everything.
I can't speak and when I do it's weird. I had 2 gf's yet, but they was art hoes and they liked this thing.
How can I get confidence?

>> No.14375565

i was like you
find a way to hang out with chad types and mimic them remix with what u got now.
i found my chads at my job

>> No.14375739

Psychotherapy and/or medication, your problem has nothing to do with fashion

>> No.14376043

just tell them you have cancer and AIDS

>> No.14376066

>> 184 cm
>> 63 kg

nigga, im 176 cm and 71.5 kg, somewhat fit. With your height you need to be 80 atleast to be in shape, probably more. You must be anorexic level of skinny.

Reading you post, starting to lift would help you tremendously. It will make you fitter, have more testesterone, more confident in youself (just by hormones alone). I advice you read a sticky on fit and start lifting.

>> No.14377153

I actually talk to a girl and I got into fashion since it fills my desire for attention and it helps that women actually do like a sharp dressed man.

>> No.14377381

Manlet fitlet has spoken