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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.93 MB, 720x1280, media.io_f954abd6edce2b04501aefb1789772d1 (1)_1_1 (1) (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14287395 No.14287395 [Reply] [Original]

Which tik tok thit is most /fa/?

>> No.14287397

Thot* fuck my dyslexia

>> No.14287733

feminst cunts adopted cute animie style only to attract more males so they can complain more about sexism

>> No.14288193

The way liberals dress is so cringe

>> No.14288202

Please tell me about your absolute alpha taste in women.

>> No.14288221
File: 144 KB, 999x856, 1250035_938745-GlRockwellAP_6007040-e1504400544969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? i think she looks nice and i'm an unironic nat soc.

>> No.14288576

Women can change clothes all they like but they still are for the most part in artistic institutions merely mimicking substance

>> No.14288617

She looks like a fucking idiot. When you look like you are larping you've done something wrong

>> No.14288626


>> No.14288705


>> No.14288794

her 2nd fit looks like the bitchy, single, feminist, crazy cat lady teachers I had growing up who loved the girls in the class but bitched at all the boys for little shit.

>> No.14288885

Her 2nd fit is the first fit

>> No.14288891

Exactly; she's not owning the clothes, the clothes own her. That's never good

>> No.14288906

How do you own your clothes as opposed to your clothes owning you, and how do you tell the difference between the two?

>> No.14288917

that was so fucking gay and I'm saying this while browsing /fa/

>> No.14288921

Why are you incels so toxic

>> No.14288923

why not
fuck women

>> No.14288935
File: 93 KB, 819x1024, 1554669392230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all women are bad anon

>> No.14288991

but liberal woman are

>> No.14288997
File: 48 KB, 406x720, Gothic+communist_ffbd0f_6296624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftist men are just as bad, if not worse.

>> No.14289003

Whoa, that's a pretty cool style, dude.

>> No.14289073

If you are self-conscious about wearing a certain article, or feel the need to be performative (which is arguably the same thing) then you do not own the clothes.

>> No.14289088

tik tok was the moment i realized my generation's time was over and that the zoomies were the target.

enjoy your time under the commercial magnifying glass.

>> No.14289094

Tik tok is the last bastion of white identity

>> No.14289728


>> No.14289731

she legit looks way worse after dressing up

>> No.14290076

Stop lying

>> No.14290091
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>> No.14290136
File: 1.79 MB, 720x1280, 1553919341528.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's ellaj420

>> No.14290140


>> No.14290142

dam boi

>> No.14290172
File: 11 KB, 492x328, 1547538865016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14290239

If you honestly for one second think there isn’t some subhuman reject out there who hasn’t tried to do a FaciGoth thing or some shit you’re delusional m8

>> No.14290344

I mean you're not wrong.
However, i'm not insulting the way he's dressing, but how contemporary leftists in general tend to be miserable excuses for men.
Just to add, studies have literally proved conservatives on average have higher testosterone levels.

>> No.14290622

No, you were cringe first. Don't deflect

>> No.14290627


>> No.14290676

The fucking toilet on this one

>> No.14290746

im done with social media
4chan is all i have left
zoomers are too much for me

>> No.14291236

Anyone who uses or posts on tik tok is fucking cancer

>> No.14291326

Pretty cringe desu bro.....

>> No.14292164


>> No.14292179

top half = thot
bottom half = farm animal

>> No.14292238

You have a poor working knowledge of fashion history

>> No.14292254
File: 206 KB, 1242x1267, 6a8ilf24cit21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this upcoming generation has most of their identity online, like that's their true self or their preferred self. It's horrifying because it's within a context of constant competition for likes or whatever. Instead of promoting unique personality, art, fashion, and photography, it produces copypasta bullshit in an attempt to garner as may likes as possible.

Less of the fault of the generation and more of the system they were born into. Hope they can break from it. Anyone who has been online for ten or more years can tell you it's a dead path and it takes more than it gives to you.

>> No.14292349

>Hope they can break from it.
they wont

>> No.14293015

It's really not hard to break from it, people are just retarded and enjoy attention
t. someone that doesn't have an instagram/twitter and only uses Facebook for uni at age 21

>> No.14293030

She does look cute, but with that shit on her face and her pink hair it's obvious she is a liberal cunt and trying too hard.

>> No.14293151

holy shit Magnus Carlsen!

>> No.14294714 [DELETED] 


>> No.14294718

Great news, we don’t want to attract men of your type anyway, win/win here

>> No.14294727

Weird. So does that mean lib women dress to get attention from numales and onions boys?

>> No.14294731
File: 54 KB, 394x379, sir-oswald-mosley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm attracted to your type and i'm a fascist.
We gonna hate fuck now or nah?

>> No.14294733

Tbh I don’t really dress to get attention from any particular men but I like “basedboy”/beta types as you’d classify them idk about onions never heard that reference but I’m gonna go ahead and say yes

>> No.14294734

Fashion is liberal

>> No.14294736

Holy shit the word filter haaah

>> No.14294737

How so?

>> No.14294739

Its kay we prolly already have b4 no homo
“Communism is a deam. Socialism is a program. Fascism is aesthetics”—-Leon Blum

Fascism is the aesthetization of politics and the politization of aesthetics. A fascist should dress in a manner that embodies fascist virtues: masculinity, discipline, hierarchy, tradition, and self sacrifice. The look must be austere but also eye-catching, since your politics are your fashion and vice-versa. You can’t go wrong with black, but will want to stay away from Goth. Goth is a fashion statement that conveys alienation and despair. You want a black look that symbolizes your identification with totalitarianism, including in dress. Even if you don’t belong to a fascist group, make people think you do. Fascism is organized violence, as music is organized noise.

>> No.14294740

That's retarded. I'm rightwing as fuck and I'm an artist.

>> No.14294753

Then you’re probably more feeling than thinking. And that’s not right wingly. But if you’re an artist you should be able to enjoy Jackson Pollocks paintings, which is something right wing fellas refer as unartistic.

Art is not right wing. Most musicians aren’t right wing. Those who do, aren’t innovative with their arts. Don’t get me wrong, I’m an ancap, but I’m not as rigid as you nationalists.

>> No.14294773

Anyone can be anything you retard. Just because I hate faggots niggers and Jews doesn't mean I can't paint or play my harpsichord.

>> No.14294777

Hatred is emotional and personal. It would be much more acceptable to not support them based on a rational reason, but hatred is just shitty and left wing like.

>> No.14294779

I have reasons to hate them. I recently went to the USA on a trip and now I hate niggers more than ever. Damn it's fucking bad in that country. I honestly feel sorry for them and understand why the whites hate the blacks so much there.

>> No.14294791

Did you go to California or urban areas? Not only blacks, even the whites there are shitty. Blacks who were raised in small towns are much more based.

>> No.14294819

Road trip across the east coast. Even those based small towns I hear about on 4chan turned out to be shit holes with whites that pretty much acted like niggers. It was quite the black pill to see the state of the USA. It's funny because I thought Canada was getting too multicultura, but compared to the states we are white as fuck.

>> No.14294830

Nothing about that hive of mental retardation is effay.

>> No.14294831

Well, I guess that’s what makes americans unique, right? I always see white america as the most masculine in the entire western hemisphere, everyone else is just stiff and awkward.

Even the trashy and conservative ones just look exciting and fun. I’m nonamerican myself and I wish to visit Utah one day. Seems unusual and exciting for a western country. Unlike some other bland grey and depressing white countries.

>> No.14295350

Damn she T H I C C. If she started doing some weight lifting to add more definition, she'd be near perfection desu, Would still go balls deep tho.

>> No.14295441


We get it. You only want to attract betas because they are easy to gold dig.

You now a guy will neverbe a feminist right? Either they are against it totally or they just don't care about it. Those who don't care just pretend to get laid

>> No.14295458

Hitler was an artist

>> No.14296005

Bob Ross tier.

>> No.14297073
File: 141 KB, 1080x1217, 46911435_227991484792141_2548216720801782043_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aespup is the prettiest. her personality seems pretty insufferable but she's only 18.

>> No.14297725 [DELETED] 


>> No.14298279

"American boy" by Bonbibonkers

>> No.14298596


Damn, imagine how many stools that ass can hold.

>> No.14298609

thicc tocc

>> No.14298705

i dont know or care i want to fuck her

>> No.14299239

Right? There'a just something about her

>> No.14299264

I work with teenagers all the time and the under 18s have largely moved away from social media and listen to classical music and act like boomers. It's real weird. Millenials had the online lives, so doing that shit is for old people to the zoomers.

>> No.14299297


she does post some dumb shit though, like the most recent "i relapsed" post

why do all women have mental issues

>> No.14299298

I would slap my dick against those soles so hard my frenulum would break.

>> No.14299307

Thats a top shelf dumper

>> No.14299311

Yeah my brother is 14 and he uses Snapchat and insta a little bit he doesn’t have a Facebook or anything
When I was his age MySpace was my whole life

>> No.14299314

>why do all women have mental issues

They crave attention.

>> No.14299603

I'm finishing up my freshman year in college and none of the college kids I know are like that. They're closer to millennials than they are tiktok-esque zoomers, but it could be because they're all 18+

>> No.14299612

I'm pretty far right, I'm in college for engineering and I spent my formative years as a semi-successful artist. I'm the most artistic person in my family and top 3 in my extended friend group. This is total bullshit.

>> No.14300030


Yes you do. Women alwys say they hate one thing but want it anyway

A girl send me a message on tinder yesterday commenting how good looking I am. In her profile she says she hate beards and onlywant clean shaven guys. I have a full beard.
Thats proof to never listen what a women wants and just be a man

>> No.14300061

>I spent my formative years as a semi-successful artist. I'm the most artistic person in my family and top 3 in my extended friend group
Wow, where did you exhibit? How many prizes did you win? How many residencies did you do? It's so obvious that you don't know what art even is.
Art types are usually left leaning because that system is better for their broke assets, it has nothing to do with magic emotions or whatever else you retards imagined. The big famous guys all probably vote for the right.

>> No.14300082

What the fuck are you even saying? Old mate was just commenting how the notion of "fashion being left" isnt really the case, and providing an example. Kill yourself schizo
t. Right wing in film industry

>> No.14300087


In tokyo this would look good. But in white country they would look like clowns

>> No.14300297

It's plain English ya goon. This fucking idiot claiming he was up there with Liam Gillick and Pierre Huyghe when he was 15.

>> No.14300371

That's nor what he said.
He said he's artsy but right wing.
Neither are the tumblr-fags

>> No.14300384

>that's not what he said
>>I spent my formative years as a semi-successful artist
Liam Gillick is a semi-successful artist. The anon in question obviously has no idea what art is and you are a brain dead white knight defending a retard because you are equally retarded.
Someone mentioned Jackson Pollock who was literally a cold war propaganda tool funded by a right wing government as an example of left wing politics, so you're all retarded.

>> No.14300434

Semi-successful can mean anything.
This board is anonymous after all.
He could have sold some pieces for a lump sum of cash.

>> No.14300448

Please stop replying. How does selling things = successful artist? It doesn't. There is no fucking teenager exhibiting works, getting offered residencies and being nominated for awards in art mate. You don't know what art is. And there's no correlation between the entire practice of art and a political bias. And none of that at all has anything to do with fashion, unless you're some try hard wearing a beret and a smock to look "artsy".

>> No.14300768

Why don't you define "successful artist" then?

>> No.14301382

I did.

>> No.14301499
File: 425 KB, 712x591, 1C24331D-CBD0-4DC7-A8DC-DB7B9EF09360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14302131


>> No.14302144

Really? Link the post. I just finished reading the thread and don't see it. I haven't read a single good argument coming from you.

>> No.14302241
File: 1.34 MB, 328x198, 781eb0dbcd9218f7a6c535c1d730d40a138389d80f9fb59dc0143a3042464ec5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT roasties getting toasty

>> No.14302256
File: 349 KB, 1434x960, ZOOMED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not all women are bad anon
It's generally true...
Are all Asians short? Generally speaking yes but a few of them are tall most are short so you can make this generalization which isn't wrong.

>> No.14302305

Can you be my gf?

>> No.14302310
File: 86 KB, 960x842, 543C8D4CB780496AA2FAEC380D82CD06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
Jesus christ

>> No.14302487


>> No.14302491

fuck me i hope thats a trap

>> No.14302610

There are just as many bad men as bad women

>> No.14302893
File: 109 KB, 1080x915, dajinism-20190117-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for the new fap material

>> No.14303216

some really do, some really don't. I'm a 22 yo and people in my (kinda dead) hometown are very much into this. but people of the same age at uni aren't, mostly.

Moving over there soon, many chill people there

>> No.14303288

>tfw frenulum removed at 14

>> No.14303314

Doomer detected

>> No.14303369

Those are two different girls, left is at chin height on chad dad while right is shoulder height on Manlet twink, they both have differently shaped eye brows, different forehead, different eyes, different nose, and different mouth, even different head shape. They don't even look remotely similar besides the fact they are both young girls with dirty blonde hair.

T. Private investigator.

>> No.14303373

That's probably because you can't read, lad.

>> No.14303397

Literal semen demons. Jesus

>> No.14304060

No u

>> No.14304200
File: 671 KB, 720x1280, vlcsnap-error696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14304403 [DELETED] 

No u

>> No.14304465

same for conservatives. its just fedoralord the style. white people (non-european) just have shit fashion sense and will always do

fashion is anarchist

>> No.14304472

>that embodies fascist virtues: masculinity, discipline, hierarchy, tradition, and self sacrifice

all gay cuck virtues.
masculinity is fragile af not caring is better doing your own shit looking how you like even if androgynous is more manly
dicipline, heriarchy, tradition aka
>knowing your place like a bitch
>obeying a boss like a bitch
>fitting in like a bitch
>low individuality like a bitch
>no autonomy like a bitch
>pls cuck me daddy slave morality virtues

Self Sacrifice aka biggest cuck virtue, the gayest of all moralities.

And all that started of from cuck abrahamic religion. Which is Jewish in origin so even more cucked.

This is what stormfags worship baka biggest cucks

>> No.14304696

Majority of people are cattle. They might as well be led by an iron fist.

>> No.14304820

id on that hoodie pls

>> No.14305562


>> No.14305595

Sort of. Cattle don't go around bragging to each other about how unique they are while actively trying to be the same as everyone. Cattle are pretty based compared to the average dumbass human.

>> No.14305927

Fuck you and any other cunt that perpetuates this absolute fucking BULLSHIT.

>> No.14306120


>> No.14306131

who is this, she cute

>> No.14306159
File: 100 KB, 675x1200, DxOe1zsUYAACOQ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14306164

need a gf with pretty eyes lads

>> No.14307262

Need a gf lads

>> No.14308157 [DELETED] 


>> No.14308252
File: 301 KB, 1080x960, 1522529947636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need a gf (lad)

>> No.14308363

is she cosplaying as that doomer idol with the big tits?

>> No.14309257

somebody make a pepe out of right pic

>> No.14309399
File: 3.22 MB, 2500x2500, 1544901936706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? i think she looks nice and i'm an unironic archeofuturist Duginist 4th positionism racist accelerationist hypermonarchist.
Get with the times, old man

>> No.14309406
File: 164 KB, 1920x1080, 1530402354184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? i think she looks nice and i'm an unironic technocratic hyperfascist anarcho-primitivist

>> No.14309506

wide load

>> No.14309577

It's insane how similar those two girls look.

>> No.14309888

Kinda want to lurk tiktok to see what it is about but do I really have to download the fucking app??

>> No.14309998

>someone actually did a real fact check on this

>> No.14310061

There's compilation videos out the ass on youtube, so you don't have to take the plunge and mail your phone data to china outright. I know the majority of teens aren't actually producing tiktok but If this is how the kids are nowadays the kids are alright.

>> No.14311504

Bumpy for thotty

>> No.14311542

Why the fuck does she have a controller in hand during this? She isn't even playing a video game. Gamers are NOT rising up.

>> No.14311546

>“basedboy”/beta types as you’d classify them idk about onions never heard that reference
Wow, you're a dumb bitch and a newfag. Winning combo here.

>> No.14311552


Super gross. But it's good to know quite a few men prefer this shit. More medium to skinny ass for me.

>> No.14312017
File: 2.17 MB, 360x238, 1554473130293.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucky for me I don't like trannies anyway

>> No.14312038
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, fashwave bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok nigger

>> No.14312211

Why is it always that guy who is posted to make fun of "fascists".
First off, that guy is clearly a MAGA civ nat.
Second, i can post pictures of commies and libshits, the majority of which are far more beta than your average conservative man.
There are low hanging fruits of every movement.


>> No.14312287
File: 86 KB, 455x675, 1553707608063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad

>> No.14312385

>phat puss
>Mini thigh gap
>Thick ass and thighs

>> No.14312725

Imagine the smell

>> No.14312729

why don't you find an example for us

>> No.14312732

i've fucked plenty of bitchy arthoes despite being a fascist but nice try
majority of women are fucking retards who don't see past the physical regardless of their rationalizations

>> No.14312737

gatekeeping the arts is so fucking pathetic lmao
literally a published author and musician, dress flamboyantly, dye my hair, am obsessed with psychedelics and yet i am about as right wing as they come politically
stop existing and conforming to a stereotype and try becoming an actual individual

>> No.14312753
File: 1.33 MB, 2880x1800, wallhaven-142374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh did i create that

>> No.14312756

*hits pipe*

>> No.14312791

There are praised right wing artists faggot, futurism for example was spearheaded by downright fascists for example.

>> No.14312901

>the kids are alright
they're actually retarded

>> No.14312967

Why larp as a penniless, oppressed, euro-poor from the days of extreme euro-poorness and poverty?

>> No.14312990
File: 252 KB, 980x1460, 7b1nll1ul7c21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14313635

idk if im right but the drawing looks like the count your lucky stars records logo

>> No.14314864


>Nazgoth flashbacks

>> No.14315204

I dont think that dumpster is going to age well at all