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File: 3.93 MB, 4160x3120, 20190408_223828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14246123 No.14246123 [Reply] [Original]

Room Rate Thread

>> No.14246127
File: 86 KB, 409x409, 1279639623001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That round rug really ties the room together.

>> No.14246130

stfu donny

>> No.14246132


>> No.14246133

>weed pipe
>end of evangelion poster
would chill in/10

>> No.14246136

Based, you play melee don't you?

>> No.14246140
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>> No.14246153

Who's ur main?
Also melee melee melee!

>> No.14246168


>> No.14246385

That's sick, I've always been a fan of anyone who has the balls to play link. You have my support, anon:)

>> No.14246389


>> No.14246647 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14246650
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>> No.14246663

That's your room? Pretty patrician

>> No.14246725

yes what do u mean

>> No.14246819
File: 1.79 MB, 4174x1716, WP_20180916_12_26_11_Panorama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have a digital piano on the foot of the bed and an actual amp in front of the couch that I use as a makeshift table now.

>> No.14246874
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It needs some cleaning, but it's quite comfy

>> No.14246911
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>> No.14246984
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Ignore the mess. My bedroom is untidy because my gf is messy as fuck.

>> No.14246996


Room in a student house tier

Would be incredibly effay after a tidy. Love those big windows

>> No.14247021

>Room in a student house tier
Well that's what it is, but I'm curious why it's so obvious

>> No.14247716


>> No.14248162
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>look guys, I smoke weeeeed!

>> No.14248188


>> No.14248196
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>he doesn't have his own library

>> No.14248204

What city do you live in, anon?

>> No.14248598
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By time this patch of the room looks acceptable I'll have moved and it is only part of apartment I like aside from deskspace.

>> No.14248616
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It's not load of mismatched junk found on streetcorner even if I often feel it must look as such.

>> No.14248632
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>living together
>not married.

>> No.14248649

Wtf are you muslim? That’s what differentiates western civilization.

>> No.14248658
File: 134 KB, 334x393, 1497513725455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the current state of the west is a good thing.

>> No.14248689

>implying that restricting personal freedoms is a good thing.

>> No.14248921
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>the state has to tell me what's right and wrong in life.

>> No.14248966

Autism posting

>> No.14249141
File: 37 KB, 340x565, 1501039506632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.14249173

>personal freedoms
u a meme

>> No.14249181

I don't think I'd be proud of that one.

>> No.14250097

Lmao how did you guess? I also main link

>> No.14250473

>he hordes knowledge rather than share it with a public institution like his local library
Absolute propertarian.

>> No.14250483
File: 2.65 MB, 4032x3024, 1548945883936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apartment

>> No.14250510

not that guy, but you're just retarded.

Discipling your own impulses to build better relationships and maximize your actual agency IS the western tradition, blindly blubbering about "muh freedoms" is typical caved in brain mediocritist talk

>> No.14250651

Dude position your monitors properly aaaaaAAAAAAA

>> No.14250674


would be better without all those tables

>> No.14250697

just put the cum towels away

>> No.14250700

What's wrong with Link? He always seemed to OP whenever I played him

>> No.14250710

My quess is Finland, am I right?

>> No.14250943


>> No.14250959

Too tryhard

>> No.14251167

imagine the mixes this guy makes :)))(

>> No.14251187

>displaying a condom box
cant decide if this is ultra chad or autistic

>> No.14251205

It says Berlin on a paper.

>> No.14251209

I'm.making fun of him for being against unmarried people living together.

>> No.14251222 [DELETED] 
File: 2.15 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my room
thinking about getting a bigger bed soon.

>> No.14251229
File: 861 KB, 1367x2151, room - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my room.
been thinking about getting a bigger bed

>> No.14251230

It used to be the norm not to live with a girl until you were married with her up until like 1960

>> No.14251236
File: 7 KB, 261x203, 20882674_638802582993234_6326567304536694894_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to get married

>> No.14251240

Cringe. Kys normalnigger

>> No.14251242

it looks very wet

>> No.14251256
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Fuck off, hedonistic sodomite.

>> No.14251258
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>> No.14251265

Most combinations of big leafy plants and large windows is effay

>> No.14251316
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x2448, battle station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14251318

thats cuz of all the pussy i get.

>> No.14251353

what's your secret

>> No.14251427
File: 19 KB, 624x468, image0-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to my pit

>> No.14251434

you get those signs for free?

>> No.14251570

pls stop embarrassing yourself, it really hurts to watch

>> No.14251574

everything is free, if you start stealing

>> No.14251575

What must hurt more is sleeping alone every night, circumslave.

>> No.14251758
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>> No.14251770

thats not a very /fa/ looking library

>> No.14251878

I guess at a casual level he's pretty good. His spin attack is super broken, you can kill noobs with it at like 30% lol. But at a competitive level, he's just too slow to be viable, particularly in terms of his punish game. He mostly has to fish for stray hits and try to avoid getting raped by any character faster than him, which is most of them.

>> No.14252006

i dont strive for your degeneracy
you re like a crack addict telling me im missing out
as told before, stop embarrassing yourself, smooth brain

>> No.14252011

Ah yes, because cohabitation is so controversial. Muslim-cosplayer.

>> No.14252032

>traditional western values
>hurr durr u a muslim!!
kek you really are one dumb as shit nigger lmao

>> No.14252042
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>> No.14252050

You own a copy of plantasia, dont you?

>> No.14252057

All of you guys have really big rooms.

>> No.14252150 [DELETED] 

where at

>> No.14252334


I can barely fit my bed and desk in my room. I've considered adapting to sleep on the floor so I can eventually ditch the bed and fit in more hobby stuff.

>> No.14252415 [DELETED] 
File: 3.77 MB, 3971x2233, 20190411_022258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my fuckin level

>> No.14252504

Implying freedom is possible with unrestrained passions. Liberate your will from earthly desires my dude

>> No.14252508


>> No.14252513
File: 3.69 MB, 3264x2448, 20181220_220451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14252514

When they come you'll be the first to get the stones.

>> No.14252519

Jesus. Why do you have so many of these?

>> No.14252521

what the fuck

>> No.14252528 [DELETED] 
File: 1.87 MB, 3264x2448, 20180721_002856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats all sparkling water btw not beer

>> No.14253271

I get a bad taste in my mouth out here... aluminum... ash...

>> No.14253390

this is terrifying and i have no idea why

>> No.14253432

a l u m i n i u m

>> No.14253730

>in a seemingly 19th century apartment block
>great window proportions
>probably adequate location
>high ceiling

This is very good, literally impossible to find in my city

>> No.14253735

Those windows are great, damn

>> No.14253761

Nope but I'll give it a listen

>> No.14253763
File: 37 KB, 177x278, 131836603500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have a meme reaction folder

>> No.14253769

Let me know what you think. :^)

>> No.14254174

fucking based, this is what i want my apartment to look like
best of luck to you faggot

>> No.14254177

>implying it isn't

>> No.14254185

I just am not an incel retard

>> No.14254191

All of the same guy? Strong evidence of autism m8

>> No.14254288

That molding is really great too

>> No.14254411



>> No.14254498

the crt television gives it away

>> No.14254881

>obtaining all of ones self worth merely by some flesh hole
there is your problem, smooth brain

>> No.14254887

it's called love

>> No.14255013

it's a room centered around your desk with a computer on it, which happens to have a bed and clothes in it. i think you should re-arrange the room so that the sofa is not where it is but against a wall. you'll need to move the bed. poorly thought out.

>> No.14255016

>jonnies on a shelf
>monitor in the corner of the room

>> No.14255023


>Rocking chair at the desk

>> No.14255027

>does drugs
>watches anime
would not talk to or be associated with in any way

>> No.14255029

you can start by developing a heroin addiction

>> No.14255032

why don't you take a hike off a bridge. playing videogames competitively is for third worlders and bugmyn.

>> No.14255037

then why dont you marry her? :^)

>> No.14255039

unapologetically right.
if you're living with a woman you need to marry her. obviously you're just fucking her and floating around like fairies; do something with your life you miserable sack of human garbage. >>14246984

>> No.14255042

Hitler even commended Islam in the many things they got correct.
The Jews just use Islam as a scapegoat for their own wrongdoings these days.

>> No.14255050

>living your life in a ceaseless mélange of passion underlined by apathy and confusion.
don't do that.
I too was once socially conditioned to think what you currently think, but you'll come to realize the Jew has you by the balls.

>> No.14255057

and we're making fun of you for being uncultured and dumb.

>> No.14255058

that image is a repost you insufferable faggot. the guy was a manager at kfc.

>> No.14255083

this refutes my post in which point, cocksucker?

>> No.14255092

they throw those signs out.
In fact, I think that's the backroom of the KFC.

>> No.14255143

why do you have so many children's toys

>> No.14255150
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>> No.14255186

Nice rugs

>> No.14255252

still doesnt refute my point, low brow

>> No.14255583


>> No.14256203

me irl

>> No.14256280
File: 1.61 MB, 2528x1686, DSCF3685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14256299

Why the fuck do you hang your board like that

>> No.14256536

nigga u sleepin in ur office u better make up with the old lady

>> No.14256547
File: 20 KB, 445x549, 1553201347747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rugs on carpet flooring

>> No.14256809

>laminate on carpet flooring

>> No.14256835
File: 23 KB, 554x306, absence of god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rugs on carpet lmao america needs the nuke

>> No.14256988

i like the book shelves, but the books look mostly like shit and that string of lights and other crap looks absolute tard tier
do those shelves belong to your boomer dad??

>> No.14257018

I know right, that is so tasteful

>> No.14257341

pallet wood.
Oh you faggot

>> No.14257348

Enjoy sleeping next to a toxic fume of formaldehyde

>> No.14258384

Plz explain

>> No.14258405
File: 181 KB, 416x430, 14342146861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carpet flooring

>> No.14258571

Literal definition of degeneracy.

>> No.14258624

non argument

>> No.14258649
File: 23 KB, 320x299, Pg1x2IrMTlsCzILeQzYxjVlKr2u8Rh75FUBNdWK1EJ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plant resting on cardboard box
>walking boots on carpet

>> No.14258658


Did you buy all those books from the dollar store to try and look smart? Have you read any of them?

>> No.14259641

I'd never turn down a five dollar fill up

>> No.14260139
File: 145 KB, 405x400, 1421620902871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pallets on wall

bad idea, anon

>> No.14260144

i used to live just like this. v comfy anon

>> No.14260303


>> No.14260846

>all those mail order readers digest novels
why would you keep those? they're such garbage quality

>> No.14260982

Northern Indiana

>> No.14261318
File: 47 KB, 383x504, 1428624585142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a /fa/ x /sp/ fag

I pity you

>> No.14261339

It's legitimately disgusting how many of you leave alcohol out in the open.

>> No.14261356

Really doesn't matter as long as it isn't exposed to direct sunlight.

>> No.14261625
File: 250 KB, 596x448, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really liked the lightning here

>> No.14262683

Definitely nice lighting. Large windows with translucent curtains are 10/10

>> No.14262930

Jews want marriage/divorce you absolute mong. Marriage is a social construct with no actual value

>> No.14263004

i can't believe eurofags get to live like this. how do i escape the US bros

>> No.14263226
File: 2.08 MB, 4032x3024, 2D84202A-84BE-462C-A1A7-190DB0E86916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ok anon? im presuming you are are an angsty teenager who still lives with his parents lol. If you want, I can give you some tips on how to get a nice apartment and a cutie loving gf. Here is a picture from my balcony, I hope it inspires you to find a nice place and be effay.

>> No.14263232

I will do. But where we live, it’s normal for civilised people to get married when they are in their 30s. And she is only 21 and I’m 28 lol

>> No.14263249

I had a daughter once.

>> No.14263252

Everything is possible man. You just got to believe in yourself and work hard.

>> No.14263253

Post pedal board

>> No.14263268

I live in Berlin anon

>> No.14263563

so you arent actually that invested into the relationship to marry her, but are willing to use her body for your fleshly desires
yes that totally sounds like "love" and not taking advantage of some young girl with daddy issues
>civilized people people be fucking around like rabbits no marriage durr
you mean deranged people, you obscure mongoloid

>> No.14263569

Neither do you.

Buying random books to look "smart" =/= building a library. Anyone who actually reads can see through this from a mile away.

>> No.14263575

You seem very angry anon. I hope you all the best lol

>> No.14263605

>jewish semantics transfiguring civilization to barbarism and disfigured humanity
why do they persecute me so much?
why are you angry?

>> No.14263615

How did you get your shit to hang upside down like that?
It's cool as fuck

>> No.14263638

this anon speaks the truth. wish I could get my lifelong friends to realize that just using girls for sex is fuckin caveman tier and usually just ends in a bad way.

>> No.14263640

but then again, female hypergamy is 100% real, and marrying any woman is seriously a bad idea.

>> No.14263762
File: 1.62 MB, 2560x1440, 1516757459931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it always incels who have only had a woman look at them for a millisecond before turning away in disgust that have these "no sex if I wont marry the bitch even if I am only 20" thoughts?

>> No.14263771
File: 1.07 MB, 2000x2000, 3x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool poster

>> No.14263806

1 nice wohnung ngl freun

>> No.14263921

I don't care if I sound like an edgy faggot when I say that I deeply wish the Christians are right and that their will be another Noah and a great flood.
Today I found out about Ashleymadison.com, it has over 23+ million users.
I'm never going to lose my virginity to a woman and be her first, marry her and live a content life. It just isn't happening. The modern world and technology won't let it happen. It's like Sisyphus, the boulder and the endless horizon wanting a quiet life with a woman. They overdose on technological thrills, endless lines of people wanting to satisfy their every whim and parent-funded never-ending holidays. How the hell am I supposed to compete with that?
Sure, I might be the best at one thing in her relationship history, but I'll be #20th at loads of other things. Even in a small town women have expectations like flying to the moon.
If an attractive woman had to live for one year as an average guy I have no doubt she'd kill herself or go completely nuts. The amount of work I put in just to feel good about myself is still nowhere near what is "wanted". My only solace is that many young women's lives are hollow spiritually. But quite honestly, in a world where everything is becoming more and more impersonal and borderline satanic, it's not much of a change.
When I look at guys who do 'make the big leagues', almost all of them, without question, still pine after the 17/18 year old high school sweethearts they missed out on, filling the impossible goal with cars, watches, cocaine etc.
I don't consider myself an "incel" although I am by definition, but I don't think I'd be first to say that the problem is that people still tell their kids (average, not poor, not rich, no job or shit job) that the 50s family unit exists for them somewhere.
I was raised protestant in a rural town and when I went to university it sent me into a moral depression so vast I don't think I'll ever leave, even though I'm now agnostic.
You asked, why.

>> No.14264066
File: 39 KB, 379x269, 1493909880958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just mount the instruments to the f_cking wall

>> No.14264114

>had a woman look at them for a millisecond before turning away in disgust
what ever you have to tell yourself friend, but its neither true nor an argument

>> No.14264239

I don’t get it either anon. Effay room by the way 8/10

>> No.14264262

nice location brudi

>> No.14264271

based. missing the crucifixion tho

>> No.14264311

immerhin parkste deinen kackeimer aufm balkon
hohlbirne biste trotzdem lmao

>> No.14264323

Alles klar Kevin. ;)

>> No.14264331

recently gone through a breakup myself, didn't take long for my ex to find someone else. it's sad, really. but what can a man do besides be the best he can be?

>> No.14264364

That's what I'm alluding to pal.
We are told to "be ourselves, act naturally".
And then we are told that our best is not anywhere near her idealised version of a man at his 'best'.
Even when we are told not to perform, we are performing badly.
I completely sympathise with douchebag pick-up-artists, in that nowadays, not to be equally cunning and un-investing is to lag behind in a world where no one cares.
Love is more controversial and provocative than promiscuity in the modern world as Zizek claims.
People are afraid of love or being themselves because they are termed by 'falling' or 'submitting to honesty'.
Modern 'I don't need no man' women have lost the vast majority of their nurturing, bonding ability and ironically are the biggest perpetrators of toxic masculinity. They hate it when men are even the slightest bit vulnerable, society tells them that a man with emotions is not a man. The 'best' men are self-help robots with wallets.
I know this guy who is a complete tool and he gets women all the time because he's insanely shallow and a textbook manipulator, it's impossible to talk to him because all he talks about are material things. Women (not all but the vast majority connected to social media) see men in Dubai and in Lambos as being their 'best', and not the spiritually happy men at their best.
Being the best you can be doesn't often line up with this. If you want to be the best you, in the modern age you have to sacrifice a large portion of your life (incl. women) just to weather the storm.
>50s: women marry men and help them in their successes
>2019: women marry successful men and either divorce them or leech and cheat.
I know maybe there are a few cases of actual love, but it's so goddamn rare.

>> No.14264707

did you think your skill increases each time you purchase an instrument?

>> No.14264750

i may not have your skill, but enough money to buy as much guitars as i like

>> No.14264861

different anon, formaldehyde in the wood behind your bed

>> No.14264886

how to get rid of the formaldehyde?

>> No.14265025

apartment for bats

>> No.14265034

indusy plant

>> No.14265062
File: 285 KB, 1200x630, 17-trump-meme.w1200.h630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desk facing away from the door is poor feng shui and gives you anxiety since doors are where thing enter and go through and it has you anticipating it all the time. I can somewhat confirm this for myself at least because I also have my desk in such a position and have had it in such a way in the rooms I've inhabited for years. Face your desk toward the door like the POTUS.

>> No.14265132

That's your problem. Arab woman where I'm from get a college degree and then immediately marry and have children. All I have to do is tell my grandma I want to meet a girl and in an hour I'll have 20 girls lined up to choose from, no exaggeration. As long as you aren't poor and have a decent family name it's easy af. If I don't find what I'm looking for here in the states where I was born that's my back up option, feels pretty good. Seriously feel bad for white boys

>> No.14265148

iirc this is where a mom who was neglecting her daughter lived until a cop investigated and found her or something like that

>> No.14265592

obscenely comfortable.

>> No.14266123

jesus this is fucking unsightly

>> No.14266505

Is feng shui effay aesthetic but for interior decorating?

>> No.14267174

Feng shui is basically some pseudoscience that determines how interior furniture and decor should be arranged according to the cardinal directions and elements they represent in Chinese superstition
It sounds good in theory but basically comes down to obvious design principles like "don't put your bed in a corner," "don't cram furniture" and "don't make your sofa face away from the room's entrance and center"

>> No.14267336

wood looks fucking dumb with the moulding.

>> No.14267509

Nice rooms, but even more entertaining are that one virgin incel and ahmed in this thread.

>> No.14267589

looks super comfy, i love having plants in my room
10/10 would chill in

>> No.14267591

0/10 for ibanez guitar

>> No.14267598

comfy as fuck, but whats the through process behind stacking princetons???? if you want it louder why not just buy a cab

>> No.14267603
File: 332 KB, 1536x2048, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my room is way weebier and i dont have any good pics but heres my living room

>> No.14268359

why tho?

>> No.14268519

By getting rid of the wood

>> No.14268578

>When I look at guys who do 'make the big leagues', almost all of them, without question, still pine after the 17/18 year old high school sweethearts they missed out on

I was a beta in school and grew to be pretty successful and attractive. There were a few girls I had huge crushes on that have messaged me out of the blue. But they're all fat, old, ugly... I feel absolutely nothing for them and am insulted they think they have a chance. I can still pull 18 year old girls too... hotter than my original crushes ever were.

Work on yourself, focus on yourself, I promise shit gets better and life improves tremendously.

>> No.14268582

t. fell for the jazzmaster meme

>> No.14268598

How old are you chap?

>> No.14268620

I am detached from your worldly comforts

>> No.14268628
File: 2.73 MB, 4000x3000, IMAG3804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gogurt pic

>> No.14268636
File: 17 KB, 474x266, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh nice power rack I guess

>> No.14268804

Is the Martin a D-35? I can never remember the ones that aren't an 18 or a 28. In any case, lovely instrument anon. Porque no HH guitar though? Surely a nice SG or LP would be a good addition.

>> No.14268820

dream room
but that is sum gayfingerfuckingchopstickdick chess u got right there sorry

>> No.14268822

i dont get it :(

>> No.14268903

Any long desk recommendations before I just buy an IKEA bekant?

>> No.14269353

The weird thing is that I know this is major depression but somehow I've managed to make my house fairly neat.
It shows when my bathroom / kitchen floods and I can't be fucked.
What happens when you no longer think of your place as somewhere for others to enter anymore.

>> No.14269543

Depends on your budget.

>> No.14269649


>> No.14269863

>jack daniels

>> No.14270318

>I don't care if I sound like an edgy faggot when I say that I deeply wish the Christians are right and that their will be another Noah and a great flood.
this isn't edgy, it's cringe worthy

>> No.14270977

<one shelf just has a cable>

>> No.14271612

this looks like a really weird prison cell

>> No.14271724

really like this, looks cool dude

>> No.14271748
File: 148 KB, 333x480, Lilith_with_Lance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Lilith print <3

>> No.14272082

what a meme chess pieces

>> No.14272112

can't decide if the resolute desk is cool or corny, leaning towards corny

>> No.14272123

you people are seriously retarded

>> No.14272151

Based guitar choice bro

>> No.14272691
File: 1.65 MB, 3941x2955, 20190407_182045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My chess nook

>> No.14272835

Checkmate bby

>> No.14273232

what are some aesthetic studio monitors/speakers. I usually just use my headphones so I'm not too aware of what is out there but a lot dont seem to look so great

>> No.14273847

my god.
fucking shiplap.
is it actually from pallets? if so then it's even more retarded than usual

>> No.14273857

hey what's the single cutaway c/lassical?
and does it have built-in electronics?
trying to find decent a single cutaway with no onboard eq, pickup etc in the ~$1K range

>> No.14273860

jeez that looks cozy
New England somewhere?

>> No.14274052

nah, Chicago.

>> No.14274059

nah, Chicago

>> No.14274079
File: 391 KB, 1920x1894, 1552196387628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice

>> No.14274101

Thanks, same to you. Is than an ocean, or a lake?

>> No.14274123

You really couldn’t even be bothered to get a cool Peavey solid state

>> No.14274134

Nice board. Other than that, pretty eerie shit, dude. Hope you're okay.

>> No.14274162

>”Alexa, what is a stereo rig?”

>> No.14274166

Do you just not see the PRS

>> No.14274278

based hardcore rotter

>> No.14274424

kek you fucking dork. I genuinely did not see it until you even point it out.

>> No.14274614

technically speaking, it's a glider.
a more patrician form of a comfy chair.

>> No.14274624

basement dungeon tier.
cast concrete walls.
truly maximum weeb/incel/geek core.
all it needs is giant piss bottles.

>> No.14274633

how many sets of old encyclopedias you got stashed in there?

>> No.14274791

nice view.

>> No.14274832

For you

>> No.14275101
File: 3.06 MB, 4032x3024, 56D92936-4010-49BC-928A-1311358FF07A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t take both sides of my room as it’s kinda small. This is my favorite side though

>> No.14275142

I bet youre a relaxed individual

>> No.14275145

>my plant kingdom

>> No.14275156

Thanks I try to be

>> No.14275160

I've seen you on /g/, always love it. How much does that flat cost?

>> No.14275224

hah - Yessongs! right on bruh
Pioneer receiver? can't really read it from the pic

>> No.14275249

1972 Pioneer sx 626, a very good midrange receiver
YesSongs was one of my first LPs I ever purchased thanks to my mom’s recommendation.

>> No.14275268

is your mom hot?

>> No.14275293

I mean she my mom, but all things considered, she’s definitely the hot, legit cool boomer mom who’s best years were in the 80’s, spending all the money she made on shows and concerts.

>> No.14275333

so, no pics?

>> No.14275348

Based aussie.

>> No.14275349


>> No.14275356

gotta get back on the fllor... started using the mttress last year after 2 yrs on tha floor. never a good rest,,, sleeping on the floor always makes me well rested, more natural. good look my friend

>> No.14275389


>> No.14275402

>game of thrones
go get upvotes on reddit, faggot

>> No.14275415

imagine actually thinking this.

>> No.14275581
File: 59 KB, 489x535, 72964B74-5DBC-483F-878F-B3D4A3720929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rugs on carpets

>> No.14275654
File: 1018 KB, 1134x638, bst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Student appartment

>> No.14276239

i was gonna guess chicago based off the bay windows. whereabouts are you if you dont mind me asking? my buddy and i are trying to find an apartment rn but shits expensive and nothing jumps out really. any advice?

>> No.14276441

Pretty much dead in Chicago. A lot of people are moving to Logan Square. It's been getting gentrified since like 2006. It's pretty trendy there. Not for everyone though.

Look into Humboldt park, Logan Square or around UIC/Pilsen for cheaper options. Where are you coming from?

>> No.14276686

>2 tvs

>> No.14276701

this one is great, very cinematic

>> No.14276715

i don't know why i fucking loled at this one

>> No.14276719

i would get rid of the action figures and helmet

otherwise, pretty nice

>> No.14276765

Not the guy that posted that pic, but I fucking love Plantasia.

>> No.14276786


>> No.14276927

you can find bay windows in most major cities,
the brick building you can see from THAT bay window has a unique look though

>> No.14276997

Those are my Halo 3 and Reach collectors edition items. I love them too much to part with them.
Within the bottom shelf is an NES ROB, and old 60’s chrome robot, and in the darkness my old 90’s Darth Vader figure I’ve had forever. One of the few old things I kept when I got rid of most of my childhood things when I moved out.

>> No.14277033

where tf do you live

>> No.14277057

where'd you get the bed from?

>> No.14277161

Idk why I could instantly tell this was Chicago. I guess our architecture is pretty distinct.

My best guess here is Logan or Pilsen, right?

>> No.14277189

for sure, he has so many 1st books in series and not the rest

>> No.14277320
File: 2.71 MB, 4032x3024, 58969F2E-8804-4C10-9128-BC8A5EFC1D13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other side of my bedroom with my desk, pc, and Zenith Space Command crt for my NES

>> No.14277359

A desk is a work station. You need a proper, sturdy desk chair not a la-z-boy

>> No.14277398

I'll tell you if you happen to be a chess player

>> No.14277423

Based milano cookies

>> No.14277770

this is most based ez

>> No.14277772

>room is clusterfuck
>can't even clean it up

>> No.14278134


>> No.14278220

dangerously based

>> No.14278360
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>> No.14278362
File: 199 KB, 1280x960, 1529110217446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I'm going to get a new monitor pretty soon

>> No.14279093

I like the curtains, reminds me of my time living in a vicarage.

>> No.14279143

Wtf does that mean?

>> No.14279540

comfy. I want to have sex in that bed

>> No.14280479

he was referring to onions

>> No.14280488

fucking nice lamp

>> No.14280490

I live in "kill phoneposters"

>> No.14280702

I would like to see a picture of people like you.

>> No.14280723

You got memed into believing 4chan anon. Your view of women is exactly what someone who only ever goes online into incel forums would think

Despite the propaganda this site exudes, not all women are unfaithful whores.

>> No.14281604

Why do you think there's so much tension between the genders currently?

>> No.14281611

A Beautiful mind

>> No.14281635

>mx master

>> No.14282821


>> No.14282844

wait what? How does that relate to a place? Please specify

>> No.14282849

Extremely simple,yet gorgeous, best in thread

>> No.14282851

This is the exact room my normie 16 yr old cousin that dreams of going to coachella has

>> No.14282854

That lidl beer sucks

>> No.14282856

Bland as fuck

>> No.14282857

Wow larping as a retarded /pol/ user must be fun

>> No.14282859

>u retarded, u tell me not to hab my cummies >:(

>> No.14282861

Extremely tryhard german weirdo core
fuck this is amazing, bonus points if you dont live with your parents here
Depressing as fuck for some reason
Disgusting reeddit söy

>> No.14283157

bottom left is alright the rest is overkill imo, but if you are some kind of botanist expert then power to you

>> No.14283331

kinda tacky bro

>> No.14283379

Would chill with/10. We have the same taste.

>> No.14283587

>501 must visit destinations

>> No.14283591

looks cluttered. turn the sword on its side and take down the triangle

>> No.14283708

it looks like a cluttered corner in the family living room

i'd take the bayonet and put it somewhere else - Mauser?
is that a burial flag in the frame?
it may be painful, but i'd put it away. you'll eventually feel better about doing so
umbrella? wtf m8
is that a china cabinet? can we see some more of the room??

>> No.14283716

>gf is messy as fuck
hopefully she has a nice body and acceptable face.

>> No.14284033

I don't play guitar nigga lmao im just laughing at how many guitars you've got

>> No.14284047
File: 318 KB, 4904x1848, 1540261004145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit nigga is this your room?

>> No.14284052

A ghetto intelectual

>> No.14284098

this dude drinkin carton water

>> No.14284111

i gagged

>> No.14284117

based elisha

>> No.14284250

more than you

>> No.14284287

i got two (borrowed em but dad doesnt play anymore)

>> No.14284586

nigga what the fuck...

>> No.14284677
File: 8 KB, 180x180, 275 - QO6Cy9P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye, what an autist keeping birth control near his bed

>> No.14284725

>Fucko Poops

>> No.14284955
File: 326 KB, 1280x849, mail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what plant this is or does someone have the houseplant infographic? ty :)

>> No.14285219

is that some mini futton chair?

>> No.14285313

Anal. Lots of anal has occurred here.