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14234082 No.14234082 [Reply] [Original]

Do you surf anon?
or atleast have an effay hobby that isnt anime or video games?

>> No.14234090

anyone who lists vidya or anime as their hobbies deserves to be hang

>> No.14234113

I fingerboard
coulda gone pro but I aint in it for the fame and money

>> No.14234131

i play gatar

>> No.14234150

fitness, literature, art house film, guitar, writing, making youtube videos, shitposting
effayer than you faget

>> No.14234165

is playing an instrument always effay or does it depend on the kind of instrument?
t. Accordionfag

>> No.14234179

does urbexing count? id like to do more shit but no monies. also buying plants like homosexual

>> No.14234199

Accordion is muy effay amigo. I play piano

>> No.14234321


Yes. Grew up in SoCal surfing and skating since the early 80's . Gave up skating due to age, gave up surfing due to all the moronic "watermen" with SUPs , and clownshoe kooks clogging every fucking break. Now I just write music and get crazy at shows.

>> No.14234374
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>> No.14234379

yes very

>> No.14235561

Surfed a bit when I lived in Tahiti, but I've since moved to WA and beaches are ass here.

>> No.14235563
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I hike, camp, build furniture, do random construction, grow food, and yeah, I watch anime. Why would I watch a bunch of rich jewish kids playing pretend?

>> No.14235569

*snap* this one will go in my cringe collection

>> No.14235571

is selfsucking a hobby?

>> No.14235572

i hike, smoke a pipe, fish, read and urinate

>> No.14235578

Yes, but mostly I don't feel that connected to the surf culture, apart from fantasising how cool and fucked up the whole scene must have been in the 70s before it became a massive industry. I know few towns where it clicks, and I love it, but most of the places are ruined by germans and dutch by now.

>> No.14235581
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>> No.14235751

/fit/, /lit/, and making origami desu

>> No.14235756

Into tea, not exactly effay but some of the paraphernalia looks pretty cool, awful money sink though

>> No.14235774
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Fapping. I fap a lot and I enjoy it. Recently I even made a fleshlight from a glove myself to take my passion to the next level.

>> No.14235812


>> No.14235813

dangerously redpilled

>> No.14235823


>> No.14235849

Waiting for Stadia here as it will lower the entry barrier and make it as normie as watching tv shows or listen to music. A streaming app is effay, a console is manchildren tier and pcs in 2019 are kys tier

>> No.14236329

is building rc models effay?

>> No.14236459
File: 49 KB, 620x424, cipollini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cycling, lifting, reading (kindles and audio books are not effay)

>> No.14237623

Yes of course I do!
Smoking cigarettes, my favorite hobby, is incredibly /fa/

>> No.14237631


surf x skate x anime
also literature

accordion is based, not in the goofy hipster way that a lot of underage retards say based but actually based. i hope you play moody ballads.

not really unless you're doing b&e at places nobody else dares to go

are you one of the annoying pipeheads on /out/? smoke a cig dude.


>kindles and audio books are not effay

>> No.14237862

I’m an /out/ crossposter, anything /fa/ in the woods is maximum gearfaggotry.

>> No.14237877

sounds comfy
i like tea too anon :)

>> No.14237915

fuck you for ruining /out/ with you retard larp pipe smoking threads

>> No.14237932


>> No.14237935

Stadia is just gonna mean a bunch more laggy 3rd world fucks playing games. In the developed world, it's already as normal as watching TV or movies.

>> No.14237953

I backpack and do unimpressive woodworking

>> No.14238397

>not really unless you're doing b&e at places nobody else dares to go
but i do anon

>> No.14238487

thats nice, you into the whole chinese tea thing or more western uk style?

>> No.14239560


>> No.14239656

Yeah, I’m an artist photographer by trade. Prettty effay I’d say

>> No.14239681

okay yeah its based then

>> No.14239732

>Yeah, I’m an artist photographer by trade.
it's effay, but have fun with that complete lack of reliable, consistent income, poorfag