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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.46 MB, 2733x4100, DADF1E21-F67F-4261-A034-1CE0D18CA175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14181755 No.14181755 [Reply] [Original]

i became a laughing stock in my work place because i told all my co workers about how i did modelling and how i love designer clothing and fashion in general

i’m handsome and tall and unironically look like a low trust chad so i was fucking astonished at how even though i look a certain way, they still kind of bullied me just because of personality

this proves that people irl are not shallow they will not judge you based off of looks. i should be respected because i look the part but everyone made fun of me because i came off as autistic (i said i wanted to be a vampire and walk runway shows) i am genuinely fucking bullied by guys who are ugly as sin and girls who are 2/10’s

>> No.14181757


>> No.14181760

go fuck yourself, cringe

>> No.14181766

at end of they u are handsome if not larp so u win

>> No.14181767

Good faggot that’s what you get for telling everyone what a homo you are. Now that the men know you have low test they will dominate you naturally

>> No.14181768

>i am genuinely fucking bullied by guys who are ugly as sin and girls who are 2/10’s
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Manlet And Uggo Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Dust Off The Envy Like Nigga Glance Contemptuously At Them Haha

>> No.14181769

I’m sorry it happened

>> No.14181770

yes but i’m not “reaping the benefits” of being handsome which is what is causing me eternal termoil and depression

i should be respected and should be allowed to like weird stuff like fashion. Chad likes building model trains and girls find it unique and quirky

>> No.14181775

unrionically this lol i know that i played my cards wrong becuase i would Laugh it off with them, kind of like accepting i was the bud of the joke

being angry at them is equally cringe so the correct response is to glance at them

be like this. :/ or -.-

>> No.14181786

>i said i wanted to be a vampire
Why would you say that if you didn't want people to make fun of you?

>> No.14181791

Post face

>> No.14181797
File: 129 KB, 736x1104, Fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-i have ch-chad looks guys why are the normies being mean!

>> No.14181798

incel websites told me that people who look good can get away with saying anything like when chad collects stamps girls say he is resourceful

>> No.14181811

I don't know about all that and you're gay af but that girl on the left is prime breeding material.

>> No.14181818

lay off my girlfriend retard

>> No.14181827

I'd like to lay on her some pipe while you watch and cry.

>> No.14181833

I got bullied at middle school for my last name and my ethnicity (german descent) by kids who were ugly as sin/short and smelled badly.

>> No.14181834
File: 207 KB, 893x1360, 71eZM+cXrFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should unironically read this book. What it's about is how normal men act and how to not be a fucking retarded sperg around them.

Last time I checked you can get a pirate copy of this via google in seconds and it would be pretty easy to read, even on a screen.

>> No.14181894

got. bonor reading this

>> No.14181906

I wish you were in that Mosque that day

>> No.14181912

youre not reaping the benefits because you're not handsome. it's like a 6' guy seeing himself as a 6'5" guy, pure delusion. the worst part is that average is actually very ugly, average is very short, above average is the actual ugly/short/etc you're thinking of, you have to be better than just above average.

>> No.14181920

That stomach is gross. No homo.
Was it supposed to be cute?

>> No.14181932

it’s incredible, idiot

>> No.14181934
File: 1.42 MB, 290x221, 156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14182049

nice blog post retard

>> No.14182057

Honestly the greatest image I have ever seen and I don't even know why.

>> No.14182245

This is the only true thing I ever witnessed someone say on this board.

>> No.14182268

You talk like a narcisistic autist

>> No.14182271

if they're really that ugly and you're actually that pretty then the best way to retaliate is to be as understated as possible, look them in the eyes, slight smirk, and just flick your eyes up and down them before going back to whatever you were doing.

If you aren't confident you're gonna get torn apart, you have to be entirely impervious and above it all, you'll be an asshole but it'll cripple their self esteem in the moment

>> No.14182274

Summed up in this

>> No.14182287


Wait so you are concerned with what a bunch of losers think about you? You definitely are autistic to not see what's going on. If you are more attractive than everyone it is definitely envy that drives them to ridicule you. They know they could never have the confidence or looks to do what you can. Absolute plebs.

>> No.14182290

You're just a brad. Since you're not Chad enough to realize how that would end

>> No.14182293
File: 1.97 MB, 1344x1306, 1513620955602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope for your sake that this is bait
Kill yoursef ma dude

>> No.14182297

It is over.

>> No.14182349

>incel websites told me that people who look good can get away with saying anything like when chad collects stamps girls say he is resourceful
Most incels are autistic and/or have very little experience socializing with adult women because of their anxieties and depresiions. They also over-exaggerate things in an echo chamber community.
Women can overlook a handsome man having a few nerd interests if he has most of his shit in order and generally acts like an adult. But if a handsome man has only autsistic manchild interests he is clearly retarded, and would make for a bad provider AND bad breeding material. So women avoid him. Being handsome give you leeway, but you can't get away with anything like the incels say.

>> No.14182456

Unless you are famous for modelling,you will come off as lame to people. You may be handsome,but people dislike narcissists.

>know a guy
>looks like a tall johnny depp with blue eyes
>does modelling but tries too hard, he volunteers for every fashion show and does it for free,he gets in but people feel the desperation
>paid for several photoshoots of him recreating famous movie scenes

Point being, people will think you are desperate and insecure if you want to become a model but if you are a model,that's a different story because people are asking you to.

>> No.14182488

you are either not as good looking as you think you are or just an unlikeable fucking retard

>> No.14182493

They thought you were gay because you aren’t attractive physically and neither have a girlfriend.

>> No.14182590

personality is important too whether incels admit it or not, if someone notices something I’ve made and and I tell them I made it they normally say they are jealous or something similar

>> No.14182621

>the bud of the joke
Sounds like a damp squid mate. They need to get off their pedal stools.

>> No.14182680
File: 1.37 MB, 207x207, 1429439363281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jack Donovan
I fail to see how becoming a gay biker would benefit OP

>> No.14182704

What are chad hobbies?

>> No.14182750

Fucking retards its obvious that i’m likeable and handsome so it is out of the question of “hahaha op you’re delusioonal”

What’e really going on is what some other posters said, they probably thought i was gay or it probably just came off as too autistic so my looks didnt matter and couldnt save me from my incel tier hobbies

a big factor is jealousy, you guys dont get the benefits of being handsome, guys envy me and girls think im out of their league - Lose Lose

>> No.14182756

How about you try reading the book before making smart(dumb)ass comments?
Consider how big of a fag Jack is vs how the most homophobic people in western society are willing to concede it's an all right book.

>> No.14182763

Way to play up the autism, Dracula

>> No.14182767

legit af

>> No.14182886

Remember that Elliot Rodger was a moderately attractive well dressed guy but he was so insufferable that women avoided him.

You're exactly the same OP, anybody that knows a single(one) woman knows that they aren't intimidated by someone "out of their league"

>> No.14182935

god damn that girl is hot

>> No.14182959
File: 373 KB, 400x504, faggot1411851921021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this proves that people irl are not shallow they will not judge you based off of looks. i should be respected because i look the part but everyone made fun of me because i came off as autistic (i said i wanted to be a vampire and walk runway shows)

lol faggot

>> No.14183069

You sound like elliot rodger retard

>> No.14183140

Nobody takes twinks seriously. That's all that is going on here.

>> No.14183355

yup this could be the most basic answer

skinny men are not respected

>> No.14183499

Having threesomes with models in the shower while posting from your waterproof laptop

>> No.14183505

I will fight you to the death for that comment.

>> No.14184543

But i have, anon-kun, years ago when faggots were recommending him on /lit/ when the reactionaries were first gaining traction

>> No.14184554

All right, so why are you discouraging OP from reading it? You should know as well as I do that what is contained in that book will help him be less of a spastic.

>> No.14184792
File: 36 KB, 432x600, 11109msmo107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op is completely autistic or just baiting but I've been in similar situations in the past, I'm 6'2 and live in Mexico, I like clothes and shit so I sometimes wear shit that is a little out of the ordinary but also normie, I'm always learning and growing but some people might describe it as "quirky".
People don't care really at all but I like experimenting with shit, have this bald manlet though that is kind of an asshole, originally he was my friend, we would talk about work and shit and we were buddies, dude introduced me to his daughter and I'm autistic and honestly didn't find her very attractive, she was busty and thin but she wasn't really all that cute, kept rejecting it and putting it off and now he hates my guts, makes "jokes" about me being gay and shit but he's like 5'4 soo I it's hard to take the man seriously, people don't really take him seriously either so it's not a big deal, just keep talking back and call people out on their flaws, really dig deep for that shit, took me 20 years to realize that staying quiet is the worst thing you can do, keep fighting back verbally and think about your responses methodically.

>> No.14184796

OP why u tripping over what outsiders have to say about you? these people aren't even in your same sphere of influence you just work with them. wait until it effects your passion not just ur confidence

>> No.14184801

That image makes me feel so many things.

>> No.14185042


>> No.14185071

the one in the dress is ready for a baby

>> No.14185157

>kind of bullied me just because of personality
>this proves that people irl are not shallow
bullying people for liking different things is peak shallow

>> No.14185217

Haha u got dubs u Lucky Fuck!!

>> No.14185239

>i said i wanted to be a vampire and walk runway shows
you said something silly and got treated appropriately

>> No.14185299

the moral of this post,

you utter retard,

is that i should be able to say slly things and get away with it, becuause Chad does

So fucking legit holy shit. ever notice that the loudest and meanest are the UGLIEST without fail (balding manlets)

staying quiet is the right thing to do, though, spirutually. I'm not bruning in hell for roasting a disgusting subhuman, i'd rather keep my mouth shut and absorb the rudeness

>> No.14185303

how have you gone this long without knowing you are not chad then you mong? know your place and stay in it, some people are just ugly and some people are uglier than they think you are. you are likely in some area of overlap between those two

>> No.14185308

this is out of the queston. im ignoring everyone saying "lololol but Your not Chad!!" because it's obivously wrong and i said myself i am pleasant looking in the thread why bother refuting it?

I'm good looking and treated like shit by peers because of my autistic tendancies/hobbies/personality

>> No.14185401

Post a pic you fucking ass burger

>> No.14185409

in you're dreams kid

>> No.14185418

>look them in the eyes, slight smirk, and just flick your eyes up and down them
Jesus Christ no. Him being a cunty woman won't help.
Then as far as we know, you're just another uggo overestimating his looks.

>> No.14185421
File: 585 KB, 3000x4000, IMG_939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fail to see what's the point

i am stating in the fucking thread that i'm handsome and you really need proof. anoying board.

here's a quickie from after work

>> No.14185425


>> No.14185446

this thread is gold

>> No.14185453
File: 1.26 MB, 1011x667, 1550655072634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want stuff like this to be real because it is hilarious, but at the same time I feel like its too perfectly set up to be real, and also if it was real it also makes me angry that someone can be this delusional about themselves

>> No.14185457

Lookism faggots are mentally ill and should be put out of their misery

>> No.14185458

Unironically this. You're an insecure retard and told people you're an insecure retard. Looking good isn't a free win, but being ugly is an automatic loss.

>> No.14185460

Oh god. Please don't let this really be OP. We've been had!

>> No.14185466
File: 225 KB, 682x600, 1506233058691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14185468


The person behind this post is a known user of a website of people who delusionally think they are handsome. I wish OP was larping but i has bad news for anyone viewing the thread, it's legit and the guy in the pic is a known delusionalist

>> No.14185477

proof? whats the website?

>> No.14185503

I usually can't tell if a man is ugly unless he is deformed, but boy, are you fucking ugly. Everything's wrong with your face.

>> No.14185508



>> No.14185513

Finally someone said it. Above average is not beautiful. Half of the population is above average, maybe 20% are percieved as above average and maybe 2-5% are percieved as beautiful. You have to be WAY above average to be beautiful.

>> No.14185555

It's not though, it's a manual for spergs on how to act "manly" within the incredibly arbitrary bounds that this autist created for himself, followed by a rambling rant about feminism.

Anyone that unironically promotes this book is basically confessing their autism and lack of social intuition

>> No.14185788

>Half of the population is above average

Learn math buddy, that's not necessarily true.

If 99% of the population are 4/10 and 1% is 9/10, 99% of the population is below average

>> No.14185842

In your ridiculous discrete example, sure, but that average is 4.05, which makes your scale bad. It's fair to assume potential attractiveness is normally distributed, making the actual attractiveness skewed due to shit like the obesity epidemic. That still means average is fucking bad, though.

>> No.14185939

why does OP’s post imply that his coworkers respected him before he made his fag comment

>> No.14186241

Oh Lord please let this be real.

You're an autistic twink with delusions of grandeur. Do you even lift? If I had to see you all the time at work, I would be laughing at you as well.

>> No.14186273

Well sure, I guess you can slap the midpoint of your scale onto any arbitrary point on the distribution curve, but that doesn't make it an average. That's now how statistics work.

>> No.14186288
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>> No.14186289
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>> No.14186292

I don't think attractiveness is normally distributed due to exactly that. Obese people, deformed people (unfortunately), and ugly NPCs are all 0-2/10, and they make up a disproportionate percentage of the population.

Also please note that I'm not saying that the average is attractive.

I'm not sure what you're trying to argue here, I was referring to the mean

>> No.14186299

it looks almost exactly like a female roman statue's belly, acquire some taste

>> No.14186333
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>No other sizes of this image found.

>> No.14186359
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>> No.14186379
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, ian-curtis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean, normal people are fucking losers. who cares? if you like weird shit then like weird shit. everyone else in here is larping as normal people, but based on this board, they're full of shit. just like what you like and find someone who likes it too.

at my retail job i was a weirdo who everyone called "emo" and "goth" all the time, but they still liked me, they just thought i dressed kind of dark and strange. but i was funny, so everyone knew i wasn't completely crazy or terribly unlikable.

just be yourself, unapologetically, and if they don't like it then why care what they think anyway?

godspeed, anon

>> No.14186382

>just b urself, it worked for me
OP only ended up in this situation because he was himself. Being yourself doesn't work when you're a shit person.

>> No.14186421

op should bee themselves, so they can get treated by others appropriately

>> No.14186425

I used to think this way. Important lessons to be learnt

1. You probably are not as handsome as you think. You may try to fight me on this but trust me. I was like you once.

2. Looks alone don't get you anywhere. Ugly guys with game get more girls and social favours than a handsome man who can't do shit. Being handsome doesn't mean you can get away with being autistic, especially if you're skinny. You need to actually know how to talk to people and fit in to put any good looks you may have to good use.

Stop being so fucking entitled. You probably aren't as good looking as you think and even if you are it doesn;t mean you are owed shit. Life will never hand you things on a silver platter. Real chad knows this. Real chad learnt at a young age that you need to work for the things you want.

I will kill you for saying this

>> No.14186429

The thing is being hit isnt a concrete thing. There isnt some weird cut.

You have negative features that out way the positive and your features dont compliment each other.

You are plain looking nothing really stands out. or you have a negative feature that is negligible. This is where most people stand.


Your features naturally compliment each other and you've been blessed with good genes nice smile, clear skin ect.

>> No.14186456

what sucks about this decade is how there are no real scenes, just people bullying and shaming each other over the internet
and with the normalization of net "culture", that shit has now leaked into real life.

>> No.14186495


OP, I'm about as weird as it gets. My job is weird, my taste in clothes, food, women and movies is weird, I just do what the fuck I want and fuck everyone else. And I'm not ugly either, I'm not model hot but I'm an artist (very well employed), and that lends me a certain license to have an aloof smouldering big-dick intensity about me.

However, the difference between you and me is that you are clearly so far up your own ass that you're wearing yourself as a hat. You may look the part, but if you're also an insufferable asshole then the the only part you will fit is that of the human target. Because if you hold yourself above others, you better have something to back it up. Otherwise you're sitting on a chair with one leg, and NOBODY can resist sweeping that motherfucker from under you for a quick laugh.

Get some interests. Get some personality. Laugh at yourself. You're probably never going to be a model, so start working on the backup plan.

>> No.14186506

OP is an autist but he's right

>> No.14186562
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>> No.14186605

Redistribute 7/8 higher than 5/6 so that 9 is highest natural tier and 10 is impossible without plastic surgery or makeup

>> No.14186629
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>> No.14186733


>> No.14186760

how did he never realize he was just not "ok"?

>> No.14186807
File: 72 KB, 226x265, 76089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half of the population is above average

>> No.14186814

>You may look the part
Scroll up

>> No.14187140

>this proves that people irl are not shallow they will not judge you based off of looks

never really thought about it that way

>> No.14187339
File: 178 KB, 747x1119, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14187349

the most likely story is you have no social tact and came across like a weirdo/asshole and someone said something that didn't rise to the level of unnecessarily polite so you got hurt and ran to 4chan to make this cringe thread

>> No.14187353 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 540x540, ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14187354

i will never not laugh at that' elliot rodger wuz actually handsome' meme -- he looked weird as fuck, had a fishman face/lips, revolting voice, and was like 5'6"

>> No.14187376

Goddamn has bieber done well for himself. w2c such a pretty, such a lovely girl like Hailey?

>> No.14187378

Try Easter Europe

>> No.14187380

step 1. be rich

>> No.14187384

She isn't too lovely, she is pretty superficial and empty and even a little bitchy.

>> No.14187411
File: 236 KB, 580x563, 13976528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That tummy makes me want to inject my seed in her

>> No.14187459

This is your periodic reminder that Rodger was alarmed to learn that the average dick size is 5" erect.

>> No.14187525

>Thinks he has Chad looks

>> No.14188552

Ahahaha never change /fa/

>> No.14189487
File: 10 KB, 650x650, DDEC347C-DA03-4BD0-8088-44A620CAB9E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14189500

If 5 is your average then 6 is one standard deviation above average and 7 is two standard deviations above average.
It's kind of like you're saying someone with a 130 iq is average.

>> No.14189508
File: 906 KB, 2544x4000, 1503396029227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add me to the screencap boys

>> No.14189516

i know this is a troll but youre a literal fucking retard
your lack of understanding of how basic human interaction works will always be unnattractive

>> No.14189586

where do you live op?

i want the van to keep an eye on you before you post the manifesto ;)

>> No.14189598
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>> No.14189600
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>> No.14189601

Why do we give a shit again?

>> No.14189611
File: 1.02 MB, 1236x1068, 1547887661197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14189624

someone needs to put you out of your misery, holy fuck dude

>> No.14189669

You took the words right out of my mouth.

>> No.14189679

Absolutely based.

>> No.14189695
File: 171 KB, 750x925, ORSON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazingly out of touch with reality. You need to unfuck yourself, asap.

>> No.14189708

I don't agree with that dude, but I don't think you understand averages.

>> No.14189864

Disregard this >>14189708
I reread your posts

>> No.14189993

You need to find inner peace

>> No.14190234

I imagine what kind of subhuman job you must have for people to laugh on you for being effay

>> No.14190235

igor so cute

>> No.14190321
File: 38 KB, 680x530, 1470386724940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no

>> No.14190325

its cuz ur a dyel faggot not because of fashion, i talk fashion at work with my female co-workers all the time nobody questions my masculinity, you know what people say save a thousand and suck a dick ur a cocksucker you aint a saviour

>> No.14190356
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>> No.14190357

Bitches are ugly

>> No.14190375
File: 13 KB, 320x240, latkes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I be part of the screencap

>> No.14190376

Unironically diamonds...

>> No.14190383
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>> No.14190800
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>> No.14190806

>Cute potbelly

>> No.14190811

>/fa/ in a nutshell

>> No.14191198

>why I don't like women and fuck men instead
the book

>> No.14191247
File: 763 KB, 200x146, jonah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a 5/10 my man, 5,5/10 if you're tall

>> No.14191270
File: 77 KB, 866x838, laughing2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dios mío, la creatura

>> No.14191279

Go back to lookism, fucking fatman

>> No.14191345

I mean some people just don't deserve their genes I guess. You can't win'em all

>> No.14191866

That's being very generous.

>> No.14191884

They're laughing because having your boyfriend take instagram photos of you isn't actually "modelling".

>> No.14192018

looksim.net or looksmax.me

>> No.14192035
File: 78 KB, 1087x1080, 1541817833370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"im a chad"

>> No.14192071

>masculinity is arbitrary, it has no basis in anything biological

>> No.14192184

Fix your skin, hit the gym harder, maybe grow a beard

>> No.14192337
File: 99 KB, 768x860, 1476380703794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14192350

I marketed it in that very post as a manual for spergs so you are not saying anything new when you point that out.
I suspect that you felt the need to post something so redundant because you know your "andro" style, or whatever you subscribe to, is deficient and weird.

>> No.14192511
File: 42 KB, 720x431, image01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yowza op

>> No.14192594
File: 514 KB, 607x609, 1549818376944.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this wrong

>> No.14192608
File: 92 KB, 757x576, mad but OK!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being so cute, Igor! I wanna kiss!

>> No.14192610

It does, but this book reaches for, and tries to make, a lot of connections that simply aren't there. Try reading it again, but this time, be critical of the information instead of believing it because it's in a book.

Nah, I don't fuck with /fa/ enough to become a malfunctioning twink, I made the post because you marketed it as a halfway decent manual for spergs. In real life I'd rather deal with spergs that are just socially retarded instead of dealing with socially retarded spergs that have misconstrued views on masculinity on top of that.

>> No.14192612
File: 251 KB, 800x1505, Front_views_of_the_Venus_de_Milo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>14187339

>> No.14192614

Your problem is that you are mentally weak. if you know that you are handsome why are you bothered with what some people might think of you. All you had to do was act the part and you couldn't even do that with everything that got handed to you. You are pathetic lmao

>> No.14192866
File: 6 KB, 210x240, 8EDDB58C-7811-4AA6-801C-7D004D4F711F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14192901

Why should anyone listen to you when you self-admittedly do not want what is best for them, only what benefits you?

>> No.14193264
File: 285 KB, 629x608, 1549606285621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14193313

Why do you cling to the idea that the book would actually help them? What I'm saying is that the book would just make them a different, even more annoying brand of autist

>> No.14193332

You sound like a fucking nerd. "Breeding material". You think that sounds GOOD/COOL? lol

>> No.14193337

Sure your good looking...

>> No.14193676
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>> No.14194417
File: 96 KB, 800x437, kekekekekekekekekekekek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is who's calling you a nigger on 4chan

>> No.14194639
File: 470 KB, 1995x3015, data.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this proves that people irl are not shallow they will not judge you based off of looks.

You reached the wrong conclusion.

People are shallow when they don't know you and have nothing else to judge you on other than what you seem to look like.

When they get to know you better, they stop being shallow, because they have info on you beyond what you look like.

The rather stupid flaw in your reasoning is that you never looked at your own psychology to find out the answer, instead seeing *other* people as fundamentally different from you, like other people were a different species or rather simplistic and irrational animals, and believing in stereotyped messages from fashion ads.

>> No.14195090


>> No.14195165
File: 57 KB, 885x516, Chomsky_BBC_c0-22-640-395_s885x516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14195406

>Chad likes building model trains and girls find it unique and quirky
You need to get off the chan for a bit dude. You're starting to take exaggerated jokes people joke on here as absolute truths. For starters, there isn't an objective metric of what makes you a chad. Different women will say a guy is hot or ugly.

>> No.14195412


>> No.14195413


>> No.14195447
File: 444 KB, 1057x1600, ef0a48b57304e3bd9f3cbcd8db1975f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So? Why in the flying fuck do you care what they think??

If you really love that stuff it doesn't fucking matter

Also if this is somewhat true, then it REALLY shouldnt matter what a bunch of uggos think, do what you love and do what you enjoy, dont seek validation from pathetic drones from work lol

>> No.14195473

what do you do for a living as an artist, what kind of work do you make ? genuinely curious

>> No.14195781


Top kek ol' chap.

Clearly you are not nearly as good looking as you think you are.
Infact, judging from your photo you appear to be just some creepy looking dyel twink.

>> No.14196484

>shitty hairline
>crooked nose
>also it is fucking huge
>tiny lips
>tiny neck
>huge forehead
>uneven eyes
>no jawline
>no chin
etc. etc.

>> No.14196691

i dont even care if this is the biggest bait on this godforsaken board

lol just fucking lol

>> No.14196737


75% graphic design, 20% sculpting/prototyping (clay, silicone, plastics etc), 10% just making shit using the various practical skills I have.

I'm not rich, but I always have something to do and I don't go hungry. The graphic design pays most as it's my day job, but my artistic stuff gets me mad pussy because women think I'm all tortured and genius and shit. Some women you tell them you're an artist and their legs fly open, same way saying you're a musician does.