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14170790 No.14170790 [Reply] [Original]

Hi all of you, I put on this outfit and I'm curious about what you think.
Preferably along with your reply you could also leave a rating from 1-10

>> No.14170797
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>> No.14170800

Post boipussy

>> No.14170885

Awful desu. Only redeeming feature is the jacket. Maybe swap out the poo brown shirt for a tucked in white t-shirt.

>> No.14170897

Fuck off incel

>> No.14170904

Hmm, I guess I could try the thsirt, I wear white ts from time to time but I'm a sucker for shirts

>> No.14170917

Not awful at all as is, but could probably work as well with the white too.

>> No.14170992

Are you in uni? I'd advise against wearing that. I also hate the color scheme you have going. It looks like you tried hard but still flopped, and if you're dressing up somewhere, you'll look really cringe.

>> No.14171014

I dunno man. Probably a little bit too far in the department. It has so much going on that I feel like I should sit down and think about it but I'm already sitting down so I guess I should lay down? I dunno. I feel like the face doesn't really work with the get-up. At the same time though that's probably the kind of person that would wear that kind of swagger. That jacket is a no go in my book. Way to boring. And that haircut is giving no positive attributes either. I dunno. I can't really see what got on your feet. Maybe if you got some nice kicks you could pair up with that fur? Maybe that what I need to see to understand what this individual is trying to express. I like kinda think the belt works with that jacket but it's just too much. I dunno. His eyebrows are giving me bad vibes man. Like I don't trust this kid if he has weird ass eyebrows. And most of all you need to drape some color on your body. Honestly, lose the jacket and trim them brows. Get some color. Maybe see if you can get a new cut. Show me some fire on those feet and I would possibly approve. I dunno. That photo makes it hard to judge as well. So like all things considered I would give this artistic fabric of self confidence a 4.5/10. I dunno

>> No.14171031

FYI the things on my feet are some cowboy-ey looking boots.
About the colors, I like from time to time to wear a checkered t-shirt with white, blue, grey and a light pink, I thing some people dig it seeing as since I last wore it I've never gotten as many looks as when I went to a bigger city instead of my small town.
Also got a pair of pants in a red-ish pink tone that I think would go really well with that, I'll have to post later.
In the end, regarding the haircut, what would you suggest?

>> No.14171038

Super villan eyebrows
Gets rejected by girl
Shoots up the college

>> No.14171042

DESU I was actually thinking of going sooner or later again to trim my eyebrows a bit.

>> No.14171043
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It's not going to get you laid, if that's what you were wondering.

>> No.14171046

Let's have her say that when I have my glock pressed against her forehead, kek

>> No.14171081

summer starting way too early

>> No.14171086

It's spring break

>> No.14172490
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Not bad dusu

>> No.14172498

You look like you're out to suck dick.

>> No.14172503


>> No.14172543

school shooter/10

>> No.14172561

I can smell the onions in you

>> No.14172565
File: 91 KB, 998x1000, 1551987923334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually pretty nice

>> No.14172602

ngl you look p cute, but do replace that brown shirt with white

>> No.14172621

Nothing wrong with it, but nothing right either. You're still young lad, dress your age.

Please take care of yourself. We miss you.

~ Dad

>> No.14172660

I like it. It's simple and clean. I hate browns, but if that works for you then keep doing it. It looks natural and nice.

>> No.14173149


>> No.14173152

Sigh, I wish my dad cared that much, or my mother too in the least since you said we.

>> No.14173154

What is Morrissey-core?

>> No.14173190

why are you looking so angry :(

>> No.14173197

Wouldn't say angry, just trying to put on a smile but couldn't think of something to make me smile

>> No.14173214

sad nigga hours out here

>> No.14173218

Change the shirt, change the shoes.

>> No.14173227

Australia or what?