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/fa/ - Fashion

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>> No.14113243

>tfw live in a tropical climate and its literally never barbour weather
really like those things too fuck

>> No.14113251

Barbours are too expensive

>> No.14113281

Actually they're really good value for the quality they offer. Especially the made in England ones like the bedale.

>> No.14113341
File: 101 KB, 800x533, 8623D25E-6548-44F0-95F5-953B7E05AEF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beams Plus SS19: https://hypebeast.com/2019/2/beams-plus-spring-summer-2019-lookbook

>> No.14113515

If you're in the USA get them from Cox the Saddler. It's the only place in the UK that'll ship to the us and has Europe prices short of flying to Europe and picking one up.

When the temperature is around 60 at night but gets hotter during the day I'll wear mine over a polo or linen shirt.

>> No.14113526
File: 141 KB, 458x800, 1550222414750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post darker preppy stuff that pasta-niggers could pull off better.

>> No.14113551
File: 131 KB, 486x538, D2B9C61B-7221-4BA3-8F10-82FF4AE090D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shows trad
>calls it prep

>> No.14113698

sometimes reviewbrah fits do go off

>> No.14113714
File: 300 KB, 1353x1600, ralph lauren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and my son laughing at the last boatload of 5th gen Italian Ellis Island immigrants being torpedoed at sea by the USS New Albion

>> No.14113811
File: 138 KB, 604x800, FED2E825-6E00-45CD-820B-9FF6B4379E9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14113816
File: 137 KB, 700x505, D183FD73-3B7B-4091-8C16-A0F1E2A4DF9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14113820
File: 99 KB, 500x689, 8FAA4EF1-7D02-42E2-8EF8-58C5CAAC589A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14113823
File: 68 KB, 480x612, 8186F778-FD66-45C4-8D3D-4471B48D188A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14113979
File: 81 KB, 754x754, 18839080_1026997340769292_5226933097815371595_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this?

>> No.14114293

You can find them for 200-250€ at british websites: endclothing, countryattire, theidleman

a weirdo

>> No.14114315

Is balding prep?

>> No.14114408

Nothing to do with this thread.

>> No.14114589

t. prince william

>> No.14114769


>> No.14114924

No, but it is trad
Depends on the pattern though

>> No.14114931
File: 499 KB, 1080x1349, 42CD54D7-B82E-4538-8DF9-C8242AA66E47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source on her?

>> No.14115078

mail order bride from Slavlandia

>> No.14115181

as a prep, i find one of the hardest things to find are a good quality pair of jeans. i feel like preps cant really wear raw selvedge jeans, or any kind of crazy washes or stuff with holes. a prep should wear a basic, conservaitve pair of plain, high quality blue jeans. but such a thing is hard to find now days. can anyone relate?

>> No.14115183

nah. jeans are my knockabout pants. i just buy regular fit wranglers/lee that have 100%cotton

>> No.14115200

My gf

>> No.14115206

I am a private school kid, literally don't know how to dress otherwise

>> No.14115208

buy one second hand, they were really popular a few years ago so there is loads of them on ebay/depop etc

>> No.14115210

levi 501 button fly

>> No.14115292

Its used in /pol/ memes (https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/202389790/))

I get mine from Pedro del Hierro, the result is far better than Levi's and are cheaper. Wrangler might be another conservative and good option

>> No.14115313

I wear jeans (excluding my work jeans for doing occasional physical labor) maybe once a month. I don't think they're worth spending a lot of money on, so I got a pair from Banana Republic that fits me.

>> No.14115498

What's wrong with raw selvedge denim? Just wash it and treat it like regular pants instead of trying to get epic sick fades.

>> No.14115704

anyone else addicted to buying this shit?
i now have the prep basics and can create outfits but i just want more and more, different colours, niche shit

>> No.14115719
File: 2.78 MB, 3264x3264, Custom Slim Long-Sleeve Polo (Ralph Lauren).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Custom Fit Long-Sleeve Polo / Ralph Lauren

>> No.14115730

More pics?

>> No.14115752
File: 1.42 MB, 786x1973, IMG_20190219_214430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use plain jeans with a slim or straight cut (just depend the shoes i'm wearing) normally in mid blue or navy and from time to time in light grey/blue

>> No.14115757

Same. I can't stop but I'm too poor

>> No.14115763
File: 951 KB, 3264x1916, Men's Crew Neck Colourblock Ribbed Wool And Cotton Sweater (Lacoste).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14115766

what are you doing

>> No.14115773

Have you tried just not being poor?

>> No.14115788

>Not doing it naturally by being a prep school kid who always had to wear uniforms and dress codes
>Not already having the wardrobe by necessity for the aforementioned reason
We can tell who the proletarian larpers are even if you try and dress like you aren't

>> No.14115794

you are the LARPer because people in prep schools and Ivy league colleges no longer dress like this anyway

>> No.14115803

You know, I didn't say anything in the last thread but that's a fucking awful shoot day fit if that's really where she is.

>> No.14115805

wdym? :)

>> No.14115819

oh wow i love this.

>> No.14115847

I went to 12 years of private elementary and college prep private high school. We had a uniform including ties K-8 so we couldn't even dress this style until high school. By that time anything other than a uniform seemed casual. Then we wore a dress code in HS that this thread's style reflects which came naturally to us after wearing uniforms... the dress codes have not changed and it is still the standard, which is why its often easy to tell the poors who try and larp it.
Our "dressing down" would be more like OP's pic... I wore similar after high school when I was at Brown 14 to 10 years ago for my first degree because almost my whole wardrobe developed into it by necessity. Now I work at a firm where its still common on business casual days when we dress down, and most of us have a similar background and still wear the style. Wearing full suit with a tie bar HHM style today though. Nice try though pleb

>> No.14115902
File: 24 KB, 480x480, 13873143_1068780939864266_6813929869214824182_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent $2000 in 3 months please fucking stop me it hurts so much

>> No.14115904

what didya buy, anon

>> No.14115914

>Burgundy Brogues
>Two belts
>Three RL polos
>RL chambray button down
>Madras shorts from BB
>About four BB oxford shirts
>Three ties
>Three pairs of chinos, khaki, white and green
>Two pairs of patterned chino shorts solely because they had little birds on them
>a FUCKING silk scarf I love in the tropics what was I thinking
and basically my shit is fucked up now because I'm redarded

>> No.14115919

>Needing to buy it
>Not already owning it
>Not having daddy buy it for you

Nice try larper

>> No.14115931

bullshit lmao
everyone needs to buy shit
no daddy buys his 25yo son all their clothes, thatd be cringe as fuck

>> No.14115950

It's not that your father buys stuff for you, it's just that you spend his money.

>> No.14115968

If you actually went to private/prep school... you already own it by necessity

>> No.14115971

Not gonna lie, I'm pretty jelly of you. Sounds like an amazing haul

>> No.14115980

my dad is fat as fuck. You ever seen an XXL oxford shirt? I have
Look it was fun but I have to live and this sure took a bite out of my budget lmao

>> No.14115982

What to match with a brown lightweight polo sweater? I was thinking grey trousers, but what else?

>> No.14115986

oh. well who doesnt to some extent
so? you never buy new clothes? your 10year old shit is not due for replacement ever?

>> No.14115998

You probably haven't seen the frugality of the wealthy in New England. There's no reason to buy a new shirt/jacket/pants/car/couch/house/whatever when the ones you already own are perfectly fine. If you need to buy 2k worth of stuff, you probably aren't in the in group, therefore making you a larper.

>> No.14116006

im not even that guy
but you are taking LARP to extreme levels
no one goes a year withouth buying atleast a couple new shirts or new throway shoes like camp mocs or boatshoes

>> No.14116010

I agree but all of this is a lot.


>> No.14116019

As I said I dropped that fucking money cause hand me downs aren't viable when your dad looks like santa claus with a close shave. Not that I need to prove shit lmao but my own credentials are Ausfailian private school, rowing and rugby team followed by a time at what we call a "sandstone uni" and after graduation a placement at an international business. I actually got all this stuff cause I was finding I just simply didn't own enough for work purposes (because I hadn't before). its not a charmed Maine life but its the next best thing

>> No.14116031
File: 90 KB, 1200x800, D005E496-D577-49EB-B8E2-68073F716F6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you prepfags pray and go to Church every Sunday? You’re a LARPer if you don’t do this.

>> No.14116033

Yeah but I cop mostly suits now, not this style. I'm more commenting on those larping the style. I've probably got enough preppy clothes for a lifetime aside from a few pickups here and there, 3 closets of them, some of my favorite shirts I simply find the identical replacement when I wear them out. Like I said, have all of these things from necessity and haven't grown since 2004 or so, and have so much I rarely wear out clothes so I rarely need to replace much. I do buy a lot, but I collect suits now though which is wear I focus since I wear them 5-6 days a week.

>> No.14116042

Wagecucks living in flyover states larping as Prep is really hilarious

>> No.14116048
File: 419 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20190219_233217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on these hip "streamlined" collars?

>> No.14116049

I've been going to a High Church Anglican service its amazingly comfy. My old school chapel services were very austere low church Presbyterian but something about having outward signs makes it much more compelling. You're also more physically active with all the kneeling and standing and crossing etc. Getting dangerously close to POPERY and my grandma is very wary of it but the Rector is a great guy and its nice they have an explicit no homo rule too. You know its really old school when you get a rendition of God Save the Queen on an 1840s organ

>> No.14116055

Yikes on the collar and the shirt in general.

>> No.14116059

I'm sorry, I grew up in an atheist environment and my father comes from a strict atheist family

>> No.14116060
File: 136 KB, 249x409, dick questions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on bit loafers v penny loafers?

>> No.14116064

you're an adult anon you can call your own shots now. Also what a world going to church is rebellious behaviour lmao

>> No.14116071

My family would consider me a weirdo and a rebel for going to church, such is life in western Europe. Church is for the elderly and the proles here

>> No.14116083

in my experience in Australia everyone is 18 or 80. Boomers just aren't on the scene. Which country? Holland or something I bet?

>> No.14116106


>> No.14116112

Sounds like a serious religion, anon

>> No.14116114

Is that guy wearing a button-down under a rugby shirt lmao

>> No.14116132

women in suits is NOT trad

>> No.14116143
File: 241 KB, 601x801, papal-gallery9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14116156

some guy in the last thread's gf

>> No.14116164

I gotta keep the P in WASP

>> No.14116195

why not both?

>> No.14116221

This guy calling everyone here a LARPer is delusional.
Just because you don't come from old money and we're private schooled and all that doesn't mean you can't wear prep. I wasn't private schooled and now I wear prep because I like it.
I'm almost 30 and gonna be a lawyer soon. I'll be making 150k a year or more. Am i supposed to wear t shirts and hoodies because you'll accuse me of LARPing otherwise? Fuck no, I'll be rich and an adult.

>> No.14116347

Bit loafers are cringe, too over the top

>> No.14116392

Is this something people actually do, or is this just autism?

>> No.14116398

peaky blinders?

>> No.14116400

i dont do it but it is fine
i like how it looks, might start doing it

>> No.14116444

Bit loafer for a formal loafer.

>> No.14116549

>Wearing a button shirt and chinos is autism
Why are people so upset and threatened by the most bland and basic clothing style of all time?

>> No.14116557

Summer fags

>> No.14116562

Bc they’re nu

>> No.14116564

this is almost milspo
those shoulder button things are used in military uniforms to display rank

>> No.14116597

>shoulder button things
They're called epaulets

>> No.14116599
File: 234 KB, 1080x1349, 82648C08-9982-4FA8-A374-278D11FF329B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t wear jeans casually
Like this?

>> No.14116819

You misunderstood, I was referring to the button-down being worn underneath a rugby shirt, nothing to do with "the most bland and basic clothing style of all time," I'd just never seen that done before

>> No.14116848

Omg you are a summer fag hahaha

>> No.14116849
File: 1.96 MB, 2304x3072, img_6259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Bean's quality been dropping over the past few years? I was looking to replace my mocs and it looks like they replaced their old design with some sort of shit, sneaker-like shoe. recommendations on other companies to look at for a similar replacement?

>> No.14116862

No, you’re just comparing their quality with other shoes

>> No.14116873

Good for you anon well said

>> No.14116898

quoddy, rancourt

>> No.14116932

what highschools hand out 3/2 roll navy blazers and ocbds? I went to the same private school as my dad and yet there was absolutely nothing preppy about it because no-one wears their fucking school blazer and tie after they leave the campus. We even played had rugby union and yet no-one wore the contrast collar rugby shirt, they haven't been the standard uniform for over 30 years

>> No.14116954

>no-one wears their fucking school blazer and tie after they leave the campus
Not the guy you're replying to but we had to wear our uniform off campus until we got home. If you were caught with your uniform untidy even a shirt untucked you got your shit fucked up.
>We even played had rugby union and yet no-one wore the contrast collar rugby shirt, they haven't been the standard uniform for over 30 years
yeah thats true at the national level too iirc today rugby uniforms are usually horizontal stripes in school/national colours made from that synthetic material. Did a double take the other day cause RL was selling a rugby shirt in my school colours lmao

>> No.14117033
File: 74 KB, 564x705, 9e2c097d153c9491bdfcf6d04fa21385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured you guys would be the best place to ask.
What is this stile of shirt called? And do you know of any brands that have them in decent quality and price?

>> No.14117035

a mariniere polo?

>> No.14117072

That's basically a rugby shirt except the collar is navy instead of the usual white. I get mine from Columbiaknit.

>> No.14117081

rugby shirts have thicker stripes though

>> No.14117083

places to buy sweaters? it's out of season for llbean

>> No.14117103

Rugby shirts can have thicker stripes.

This is the rugby shirt I'm wearing right now, notice the thin stripes alternating every 2 warps.


Compared to a thick stripe shirt


I'd consider both of those rugby shirts since they both have a heavy cotton knit and a twill white collar as well as the hidden placket and rubber buttons.

Side note: The second shirt is the exact same one selling at Drakes for about 200 less.

>> No.14117206

anyway looks liek some sort of rugby shirt or maybe one of those old style long sleeve polo shirts

>> No.14117211

he's evidently more cultured than most of the mongloids here. he's using the italian word for style

>> No.14117318

any chance of a US rugby shirt vendor who ships to australia? We actually play rugby so its next to impossible to search google effectively. The best lead I've found is custom "year 12 jerseys" as we call them, however these are never in the classic designs and are too blatantly high school (we all get one of these in our final year)

Neither barbarian nor columbiaknit seem to ship to straya, all I've found are the SLIMFIT $200 ralph ones in department stores. It's a style that's slowly coming back in, but it's always in a fast fashion way, and not in a dependable staple kind of way

on that note, any aussies found somewhere to buy surcingle belts? Might be larp-tier here but I think it'd go nicely for a vacation look

>> No.14117358

>A stile is a structure which provides people a passage through or over a fence or boundary via steps, ladders, or narrow gaps
'ate italians
'ate wops
love cuntry terminology
love english
simple as

>> No.14117414

my gf, private pic, do not post


>> No.14117524
File: 308 KB, 1290x1290, 9373-59596-21-closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone own any Eton oxfords?
the collar roll looks pretty decent

>> No.14117600

How does this cost 2k lmao, I'd spend 250 tops

>> No.14117605
File: 145 KB, 790x987, 50530674_310332306496915_7905546019963277411_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer jacket options?
- Haspel wash-n-wears
- Unconstructed Seersucker/Cordlane/Madras/Poplin/chambray sportcoats
- Madras shorts

>> No.14117606

probably 2k AUD
and australia is expensive as fuck

>> No.14117612

some guy wearing norm shit ca.1978

>> No.14117622

What can I wear with black chinos? Bought them without thinking. Don’t know what to pair them up with

>> No.14117690

Are collar rolls all that important when rocking an ox casually?

>> No.14117727

>70s berkley academia core

>> No.14117735

yes but it's a catholic church
a-am I a LARPer

>> No.14117740

would you rather be an earthly larper or a spiritual larper?

>> No.14117742

if I'm one of the two I'm definitely LARPing my prep

>> No.14117748

never allow yourself to doubt the ine true Faith.

>> No.14117785

Breton polo shirt, take a look at Armor-Lux and Saint James

>> No.14117816

Collar roll only matters when you've got a tie on imo

>> No.14117826

yeah, when it lays flat on the shirt it looks bad

>> No.14117837

Recently bought some random colored ones from banana rep and rl. The collars seem to be smaller than >>14117524
Why is that

>> No.14117853

Maybe it's just the picture, but the cloth in her suit looks ghastly. Papertweed tier.

>> No.14117867

Not bad day zu

>a FUCKING silk scarf I love in the tropics what was I thinking
If it's colorful wear it cravat style in the evenings sometimes, not rigorous prep but you live in a different climate anyway so fuck it.

>> No.14117877

Eurofag here, seersuckers (the old one, with plenty of thinner lines) and of course charcoal/dark grey pants, white shirt and burgundy/navy blue paisly tie.

>> No.14117922

you have to be over 18 to post here

>> No.14118009

>When you wake up and check if your posts got replies and realize you made a typo

>> No.14118026

Looking at buying a pair of penny loafers. What color would be best? I was looking at tan or burgundy

>> No.14118154


>> No.14118185
File: 1.07 MB, 1501x1216, 2019-02-20 09_01_22-Men's Shirts, Shirts for Men - Classic Men's Clothing ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any opinions on Taylor Stitch? Not particularly IVy-core, but they do have a lot of shirts with texture that I'm eyeing now

>> No.14118218

jc penneys has those same shirts for 1/5th the price anon

>> No.14118222


>> No.14118224

Too MFA-core

>> No.14118240
File: 34 KB, 270x317, 1H19034.430.detail.a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone wear shorts or pants with embroidered critters on them? thinking about getting one pair to have in the rotation. cant decide if i should get lobsters, or flags, or whales

>> No.14118241

Every sunday. T. Catholic

>> No.14118267

Beautiful birds

>> No.14118284

Is Vineyard Vines any good? How do they compare to BB or Ralph?

>> No.14118354

VV is nu-prep trash. It’s a parody of what prep really is.

RL is worn by nigger subhumans, spics who can barely speak English, and just degenerates in general. I saw a homeless guy wearing a navy RL polo today.

>> No.14118391

So what should I get then?

>> No.14118394

How long should a linen-cotton shirt be for this summer?

>> No.14118402

i like Gant Rugger a lot. they sort of fly under the radar. Gitman Vintage too , obviously, but its a bit pricey

>> No.14118417

It's basically madeinmalasia j.crew tier. I wouldn't bother with this quality. If you're some poorfag kid I guess it's ok.

>> No.14118420

are you going to say everything is trash without giving recs?

>> No.14118422

gant rugger is so much higher quality than jcrew. dont be a shit head

>> No.14118477

Fuck you guys for making me feel insecure. I now check EVERY detail of my fit and I'm afraid to go outside preppy now because someone else might notice the off detail

>> No.14118521


Same as a normal shirt

Ignore that hater. BB and RL are good brands, and both better than VV.

>> No.14118558

Confidence is preppy, insecurity is not. Seems like you're doomed to wearing hoodies.

>> No.14118562
File: 99 KB, 483x771, bfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for brands that have oxfords in a slim fit and 100% cotton for sub $100.
I don't want to hear your shit opinions on slim fit, you don't know my body. Slim looks great on me, I drown in any other size. And please no stretch or non-iron stuff. I just to find shirts that are soft and get better with each wash.
Please and thank you.

>> No.14118568

Land's end Hyde park on sale if you want them really cheap.

>> No.14118574

Look at Virtruvian, they do MTM shirts that are completely custom. I have had really good luck with them so far, despite being made in India.

>> No.14118600

Spiers and Makcay,Luxire

>> No.14118604

Marco manzini

>> No.14118616


Not one suit, wtf.

Questionable buys:

>Burgundy Brogues
>Three RL polos
>RL chambray button down
>Madras shorts from BB
>Two pairs of patterned chino shorts solely because they had little birds on them
>a FUCKING silk scarf I love in the tropics what was I thinking

>> No.14118618


AMAZING show. Trad's should take note.

>> No.14118621

if youre poor, you shouldnt even aspire to get into prep. its not for you. it will look totally inauthentic and try hard. so just stop, and go get into another style if you cant afford nice clothes.

>> No.14118631

where do you find good critter shorts/chinos? I've seen a few places online but they all kinda look the same and I want something a little more interesting, like RL does but a little cheaper if possible

>> No.14118637


Get a load of this guy.

>> No.14118639

When did i ever imply that I'm poor?

>> No.14118675

Madras is passable since it is an Ivy staple, but everything else is shit. I’m assuming he’s either a nigger or a spic because no true Anglo would by 3 RL polos.

>> No.14118681

they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.14118703

>Chambray button down
Indeed, should be a must from day 1

>> No.14118757

there is some inspo for brown skin guys?

>> No.14118763

No, fuck off.

>> No.14118787

It really isn't. Also the ocbd collars are babby tier and the shirts are too thin, too slim and too short. It's not gap but it's hardly any better than j.crew. Their sweaters are thin and the two feel pathetic compared to the higher quality stuff I've been buying as I'm getting older.

I live in Paris so I can't give yank recommendations. If you're still at university Gant is fine but once you start earning a salary, it's much nicer to buy decent clothes. The one exception for me would be some of their outerwear. I got a double decker jacket that's lasted me years. But that's one of Gant's more classic items so I'd expect it to be a bit better. Here's some recommendations.

Trousers:Natalino/Scavini/Cordings/jeans from APC/
Workwear stuff bleu de paname/albam
Casual stuff barena/maison standards/A day's march (nice sweaters)
shirts: luxire/shirtonomy mtm brooks brothers from yoox/triplstitched
workwear: boggi
outerwear: tailored vintage

Now if you're American, there's a rediculous amount of recommended stuff. Just look at the previous threads. For shirts I've had experience with Ration clothing and Kamakura shirts which are both nice.

>> No.14118793

>Same as a normal shirt

Even if I don't tuck it in? I always get my shirts at 80cm or so (31 inches) so they tuck nicely.

>> No.14118794

I would like some too.

>> No.14118799

>sweaters: albam, jamiesons, bosie,

>> No.14118823

>I’m assuming he’s either a nigger or a spic because no true Anglo would by 3 RL polos.
its gulf arab immigrant core these days I know but its what I grew up on as a little kid so I just got some basic shirts to throw on casually

>> No.14118836

>Not one suit, wtf.
I'm getting that stuff custom made next week or the week after just cause I enjoy burning money. Flying to Singapore for it causes its
1. cheaper
2. my dad knows the guy so it will be cheaper again

>> No.14118851

>RL does but a little cheaper if possible
What country are you from? If America you have tonnes of options. Australia has one ok-ish domestic brand. Britain doesn't have anything that preppy iirc lots of trad stuff though obviously.

>> No.14118879

>All these people shitslinging over who is and isn't rich
If you actually came from money for real and not just online roleplaying a Nantucket gentleman who obsesses over collars - rule one mummy and daddy would have taught you is that its very rude to talk about money. Anglos don't do that. Rich Anglos never ever do. In fact the more money you have the less you talk about it. Not just because its vulgar in general to even mention money but because to make someone feel less than you is impolite. In the real world we care about a man's handshake not whether his Gucci loafers are sufficiently worn in. All this talk about the right brands and whether buying or not buying this and that gives you away as a "fake", when the real measure is morals and manners. And that is a far bigger give away and far harder to fake than owning the right clothes.

>> No.14118932
File: 103 KB, 870x678, 1_QbX4LvZoxIfdIGQjLa7COQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this bullshit about who is and isn't a larper has been addressed before in these threads. It's completely fucking irrelevent. Do people not realise we are on a fashion board? It's hilarious how bent out of shape people get about ocbds and chinos considering how basic these items are. Raging against prep and arguing about who is and isn't true prep says more about a poster's sense of inferiority and ignorance of style than anything else.

Prep/ivy style is just that, a style. It's more about clean-cut styling, good hygene, good taste, no extravagance, plain and simple grooming (no dyed hair), good manners, good education and being well spoken. It's about natural fibres, long-lasting, simple styles, fabric with nice drapes and importantly, comfort. It's not about being rich anymore than streetstyle necessitates being a black american or workwear necessitates working in a factory.

Coming from old money is like the least important thing here IMO and if you think that's important you should go on /soc/ or r/Navy Blazer or some other place that prioritises 'authenticity' over personal style.

>pic related.
None of these guys went to ivy league colleges but they're probably more stylish than you'll ever be.

>> No.14118936

lol this absolute madman I knew from my old job wore hugo boss/RL/Armani Exchange polos and tees with scumwave trainers and jogging bottoms.
I suggested he buy a pair of chinos but he straight up said no

>> No.14118958

>Raging against prep and arguing about who is and isn't true prep says more about a poster's sense of inferiority and ignorance of style than anything else.
> It's not about being rich anymore than streetstyle necessitates being a black american or workwear necessitates working in a factory.
Not necessarily true. I think if you showed up to a work site with black knit tie and seersucker trousers you'd probably be laughed all the way home. Everything has a time and place. This style not just suggests but demands a certain lifestyle otherwise its just horribly out of place. So while I wouldn't say there should be some Nuremberg Laws style checking of family trees to make sure at least 5 generations back all went to the right schools I'd say if you worked in a tuna packing factory maybe forget about the brogues and stuff.

Personally depending on which part of town I go to I'll play it up or down. If you live on a housing estate your go to hell pants are going to just make your life hell.

>> No.14118982

>Personally depending on which part of town I go to I'll play it up or down. If you live on a housing estate your go to hell pants are going to just make your life hell.
That's pretty reasonable. You've got to work your fit into your environment. I'm going to a fairly rough part of Italy this weekend so I'm certainly not going to dress as I might here in Paris. However I would say that prep/ivy is a pretty generic, safe style that is pretty easy to modify according to the social milieu that you find yourself. Maybe it's easy for me to say since I come from a fairly preppy background (literal prep school Englishman) but I feel like the core of the style is something that anyone can get into. I mean, what's so controversial about chinos and an ocbd?

My main objection is to posters who continually go on about personal background as if it's the most important thing. I don't think they're interested in style as much as gatekeeping. We're posting on an anonymous vietnamese craigslist, who gives a fuck.

>> No.14118995

As I said here >>14118879
Seeing as you're from a similar background to me I'm sure you had the same talk I did as a kid where you get told to just shut up about money. Like my old pa says "the more someone talks about money the less they have of it." People who go on about shit like that are absolutely compensating for something itt or otherwise

>> No.14119010

>Don’t wear jeans casually
are you saying wearing jeans formally

>> No.14119026

I agree completely, but the reason I reiterate that certain brands are trash (ex. VV and RL) is because the individuals who buy them typically buy them as a status symbol (individuals who have a low socioeconomic status usually buy RL, middle class suburban kids usually buy VV). That doesn’t necessarily make a person a “fake”, but I’m inclined to believe they are coping if they’re a walking billboard.

>> No.14119037


>> No.14119038

Caramel, dark brown or navy suede

>> No.14119047

Sub 100 for good shirts you must be dreaming kid

>> No.14119062

Yeah RL is a brand thats really become mall tier (not as badly as tommy) but they do have some good things here and there. Where I'm from its both chadcore and pajeetcore so I don't know what to make of that. If you get the discreet Polo stuff I think thats fine but you can fuck right off if you buy that huge pony shit. Real estate agents and pajeets are the target market for those shirts

>> No.14119097

Don’t wear jeans at all unless your doing something outside lol

>> No.14119105

Burgundy if there’s no brown

>> No.14119470
File: 89 KB, 750x1334, aUdqet3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like an absolute faggot
I don't even like to bother with the utter larpage in this threads I'm just here because I like the way it looks
I'm a third generation attendee to a prestigious private school as well as a very well known college prep school that i'd really not even mention on this website and everyone knows you don't dress like that because of the "rules" you dress like that because it looks good you weird fucker, its tradition
and that's real tradition, not whatever bullshit (likely founded in ~1989) school tradition you think you have

>> No.14119483

t. pic related

>> No.14119485
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forgot pic

>> No.14119559

>outerwear: tailored vintage
What men's vintage shops do you recommend in Paris?

>> No.14119562

>Not just because its vulgar in general to even mention money but because to make someone feel less than you is impolite.
This plus talking about money makes gold digging whores appear like flies around rotten meat. Even if you thought there weren't any women nearby, some bitches with shiny eyes and no breeding will materialize and that shit's fucking horrible.

>> No.14119654

I used to buy all my chinos at Bonobos, but literally everything they sell now is stretch cotton or "high tech" bullshit. Where can I get nice chinos that are 100% cotton with no special treatments and no bullshit?

>> No.14119684
File: 441 KB, 640x1136, F34581D3-B111-42F1-A132-27D83622B9FA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon but you wanna focus on Barbour, Alden’s, higher end UK companies, Mercer and Sons for preppy custom made shirts. Real prep requires money see pic attached.
LL Bean is alright if you need to be frugal.

>> No.14119737

What is that graph from? Can you post the full thing?

>> No.14119793

>no stretch
>100% cotton
You must be a twig

>> No.14119811

Because I don't want stretchy bullshit? I'm not thin at all, I just hate synthetics and I don't see any need for my pants to be stretchy.

>> No.14119819

>Barbour jacket with a baseball cap
jesus americans really need to stop

>> No.14119828

I’m not a huge fan of Bonobos, but they’re the only brand, that I know of, that sells high quality 7” shorts. J Crew and VV do as well but the quality isn’t as good.

>> No.14119836

Are you actually retarded? Should I break out my top hat instead?

>> No.14119955

*tips fedora*
>Got em

>> No.14119956

I have big broad shoulders, how do I manage to pull off, trad/ivy fits?

>> No.14120021
File: 116 KB, 854x854, brown-tassel-moc-loafers-alden-x-leffot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bit loafers if you wanna be flashy
penny loafers if you wanna be acceptable
tassel loafers if you wanna become god

>> No.14120108

I'm American, what are actually good brands, ones online seem kinda tacky and I can't tell the quality

>> No.14120164

That's perfect, just look up some athletic inspo.
Rugby players, polo etc.

>> No.14120316

Not a lot I'm afraid. Would love to know any which aren't the standard trash kilo shops that only sell crap. I usually get my second hand clothes when I go back to England (charity shops are awesome).

>> No.14120349

I wear some out there stuff but for some reason tassel loafers are a bridge too far for me. I have very conservative footwear but hey I might risk it all and get a pair lmao
Personally I never buy clothes online because I can't tell quality and the sizing is often all over the place. If you've exhausted everywhere driving distance I'd say for the amount of money you'll be spending only go for the big reputable brands that have been around for a while, read reviews etc etc. This website has a few good links in this article and the sponsored ads on the side are all solid brands too.

Again, do your research to prevent buyers remorse, but you shouldn't be disappointed by the quality of anything on that page

>> No.14120392

What's a good midrange chino brand lads?

>> No.14120411

not prep

>> No.14120415

I'm really struggling with the shoe part of prep. Only sufficiently dressy shoes I own are some black derbies but I don't feel like they go with the colouring of most prep attire, and I'm not red pilled enough to start into boat shoes and loafers and the like.

>> No.14120418

Saddles my friend if not some mocs?

>> No.14120419

brown is the classic ivy/prep shoe color. if you prefer lace-ups over loafers, try wearing brown bluchers or derbies w/ brouging

>> No.14120420

Don't tell the others but I'll often just wear sneakers bruh. I've got a couple colours of the converse one stars that I think looks fine.

>> No.14120421

Ll bean they have a nice rise as well

>> No.14120429

I always buy online because there aren't any good shops in my city. Decent sites will have their sizing readily available and if not you can always email them for info.

Then you just get a tape measure, measure your clothes and compare.

>> No.14120463

>tassel loafers if you wanna become god
I am thinking on getting suede ones for summer

>> No.14120538

>Suede for summer
You better not.

True, more like mixed trad. Anyway the looks and fits varies between Americans and Euros (brits included here).

>> No.14120587

Where I live is really hard that in summer temperatures go above 32 ºC, I dont think suede tassel loafers will be too hard. I use nobuck boat shoes and no problem at all

>> No.14120695

Info on the jacket?

>> No.14120767

It looks like an olive green M65

>> No.14121091

Only acceptable summer suede are white bucks

>> No.14121431

Desert Boots and wallabees are good options too

>> No.14121523
File: 61 KB, 650x343, 36137FB_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want a pair of boat shoes that are really sturdy and bombproof and will last a long time, and dont mind paying extra. Do you think these gokey "worlds best boat shoes" are too grandpa-ish looking? i have no doubt the quality and construction are great, but they look sort of hideous

>> No.14121588

dad core boat shoe

>> No.14121674

yea thats disgusting, if you really want quality just go quoddy

>> No.14121705

Got my harrington jacket coming in the mail tomorrow.
What are some other prep jacket styles that look good for when it's cold but not freezing?

>> No.14121714
File: 24 KB, 700x700, 81DA5499-2909-4D25-B4DA-FA9C0F914E1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those kinda look like my Minnetonka moccasins lol

>> No.14121732

Colorful lightweight windbreakers with a crew neck underneath

>> No.14121775

Barbour Beaufort/Ashby/Bedale. I wear my beaufort almost exclusively between 30-60 degree weather.

>> No.14121780

Anorak, lightweight parka, varsity jacket, military jacket (M-51), down vest/gilet, mac coat.

>> No.14121838
File: 633 KB, 2715x2030, 96917D5490EF428F83479E35DE92B61D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure this was posted on Reddit or something but what do we think of the advice?

>> No.14121869

It's a little basic but it's not bad advice. It would benefit from a little more variation in the shirts, especially for summer as well as a bit more color.

>> No.14121888

I'm not familiar with Gitman Vintage as I don't have a store near me to try them on.
How are they? They're about 130 or so for a shirt

>> No.14121891

Some of the brands aren't my preference, and I would rather have more variety instead of 3/4 of my oxford shirts being blue and 3/5 of my pants being khaki and the other 2 being blue. I would lean towards more linen and light shirts and less flannel and a lighter jacket, but I live somewhere hot. Maybe some boots or something for rain.

>> No.14121933

There is nothing wrong with it but it is very "business casual core" so try not to fall asleep when you look at yourself in the mirror. Gotta throw some yellows, reds, pinks and greens in there man. Madras Bermuda shorts, trousers with lobsters on them, belts with 3 different colours etc etc

>> No.14121936

Great materials
Great patterns
Decent collar roll (3 inch around about)
Annoying as fuck length
Inconsistent sizing

Buy on sale.

>> No.14122090

use the pennies as beaters and the guccis more sparingly

>> No.14122093

too small, just buy bb

>> No.14122121

Its a good guide for starting, some things might need a tweak though

>> No.14122147

things lacking in this wardrobe:
no basic white sneakers
no polo shirts
no black pants/jeans
no basic denim jacket (i would argue this is a prep essential)

>> No.14122149

Can people post some prep inspo with denim jackets because I'm having a hard time picturing it. Same with black pants.

>> No.14122171

Black denim and denim jacket seems more skater/punk than prep.

>> No.14122177
File: 11 KB, 255x391, set1of7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i think 80's george michael (in his wham days) was very prep. like, the faded jeans, faded denim jacket with collar popped, and a bright polo shirt

>> No.14122185

Black should be only use on funerals or really important night events (suits/dinner suits)

>> No.14122206

These threads are so sad
why isn't this on mfa?

>> No.14122208
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>> No.14122228

>anything i don't like is mfa

>> No.14122231

because mfa hates this

>> No.14122258

denim isn't prep

>> No.14122361

this. There are far too many non-whites and poor people in ivies nowadays.

>> No.14122376

Why should it

>> No.14122379

Harvard is notorious for their diversity acceptance
If you're white and male with a 4.0 you're going to be passed over for a minority anything with a 3.5, no matter what.
Happened to my little brother with a 4.2 Every Ivy he applied to denied him

>> No.14122454

can confirm, my brother is at Princeton and he's told me all kinds of horror stories

>> No.14122468

That was the first school my brother applied to and the first he was rejected from.
If he wasn't white he'd be in

>> No.14122679

Thoughts on Gitman Bros? I don't really like to pay more than $100 for a shirt, but they look pretty nice.

>> No.14122727

These are a really nice model. Cordovan?

>> No.14122734

Just ordered my first oxford from Kamakura. I'm 6'3" and thin so I went with the New York slim.
If they're nice I might just keep getting more from them as they have loads of different styles and materials. Their lack of colors though is unfortunate, it's basically either white or blue with them.

>> No.14122737

There are thirty six thousand high schools in America. It's safe to assume at least one person at every high school hits just as hard as your brother in the grades department. Ivies can't accept all of them, if you don't have the grades you're screwed but you also need some proven finesse in a specific field, you need to indicate you're going to be an industry leader of someone of note when you graduate.

>> No.14122744

Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in here?

>> No.14122746

Black is also used at some weddings, depending on the time of day.

>> No.14122759

It's just crazy how you can have a weighted GPA of 4.2 or higher with JROTC background and all that and still be looked over but Tyrone Jefferson who can barely read gets in for being black. Or just be non-white at all or a woman. If you're a non-white woman you have the best chance of all.

I wouldn't go to Harvard for undergrad, but for something like business school or law school I would.

>> No.14122769
File: 90 KB, 836x1024, SION01543990_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their oxfords are based, especially the vintage ivy ones. I really want a yellow one but they don't have any in manlet fit right now, just new york fit. I also am kind of skeptical of their non button-down shirts because they all look like they have really wide spread collars.

>> No.14122781

Yeah, I'll probably stick to their button downs as they all look really good from their pics. I feel like I know what I'm getting with them as opposed to a dress shirt

>> No.14122787

Not prep more like rebel core

>> No.14122790

>beginner guide
>recommending thousand dollar shoes
Also the whole outerwear section needs to go straight into the trash

>> No.14122795

>no polo shirts
Agreed, but everything else isn’t prep

>> No.14122883
File: 5 KB, 400x211, D70207FB-8C87-4327-A1DB-53659754246D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest opinions on Land’s End?
Imo their web gives off this cheap material vibe, but I’ve never ordered anything from there so I can be totally wrong

>> No.14122891

Good for low end stuff. I really like their Hyde Park OCBD and have been meaning to get a few of the polos for beater shirts.

>> No.14122892
File: 89 KB, 640x480, batik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are good brands for casual, unconstructed, unlined summer sportcoats in light fabrics, with halal details?

>> No.14122963
File: 51 KB, 960x717, 22C3EF0D-B803-4149-8139-68FE76EB2F33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I cop a good rugby shirt sub $100?

>> No.14122973


>> No.14123062

Beware. Their OCBD’s collar is like 2.75 inches and only collars >3 can produce a quality roll, so only wear them casually without ties

>> No.14123076

Unironically minorities do deserve a break in the education department. If what you’re saying is true (while it probably is an exaggeration) then 20 years down the line, black and Latino populations will be much better off and there will be much less racial tension in America. Even if youre a middle class white cis white male you can safeguard a path to an Ivy by distinguishing yourself in a field. For example, you could write a short story/novel if you’re gifted in literature. Or publish a scientific paper if that is what you wish to pursue. It’s not a crapshoot for everyone it just takes some extra pinpointed focus if you have the same characteristics (white skin, a penis) as the majority of other applicants. Forgive me for any typos I’m a mobilefag.

>> No.14123255

10000 dollar question

For my money, spiers and McKay

>> No.14123275

stfu nigger

>> No.14123276

how do they dress? like dumb normies? i’ll pass

>> No.14123279

Wow great people who are objectively dumber getting gibs over people who are objectively smarter. Should be good for society!!

>> No.14123330

Fuck off
I can just imagine how thick your stupid glasses are and what shade of blue your dyke hair is today.
If you work hard and earn it, you deserve it. If you're white and work for good grades you should get accepted into a good school. If you're black and do the same you deserve it as well.
If you're black and have worse grades and extracurriculars than a white then guess what? You don't get accepted over them because they earned it. That's the way it should be. Affirmative action is bullshit and no matter how you SJW pieces of shit try to spin it, it's true.
I don't care what color skin someone has. They have to earn what they get just like anyone else.

>> No.14123336

Ben Silver still makes decent natural-shoulder linen sport coats. Most of them have a lining & 2-button closure, though.

>> No.14123414

USA: Columbia Knit
EU: Ryder & Amies


Not prep

>black pants/jeans
>denim jacket
WTF, that doesnt suit with any of the styles talked here

>> No.14123464

Fucking pol is everywhere now

>> No.14123466

Meritocracy is the one true progressive way

>> No.14123530

Meritocracy doesn't exist. It's a meme invented by the elites to keep plebs under control.

>> No.14123532

>have a political opinion
>hur hez frem pol
Haven’t been in that cringy shithole since 2017

>> No.14123575

Harvard can do whatever it wants and you can’t stop it. Why don’t you stop whining on a Siberian Volleyball forum like a snowflake fuck and do something about it?

>> No.14123671

Holy shit, shipping to EU at Castaway Clothing is 85$, they have some cool items I want but the shipping is too much, and then I would have to pay customs tax (24% extra)

>> No.14123711

buy in bulk

>> No.14124179

But I dont want that many items

>> No.14124233

Is this possible in a hot Southern weather? How to incorporate tho?

>> No.14124238
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>> No.14124414

Shirts: Polo, linen, madras, ocbd
Pants: Light chinos, chino shorts, linen, seersucker, madras
Shoes: boat shoes, camp mocs, penny loafers, derbies, blucher mocs, etc.

If you want to wear a jacket wear summer weight wool, cottons like madras; seersucker; and twill weaves, or linen

>> No.14124443
File: 1.58 MB, 834x1210, Screenshot 2019-02-22 10.40.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there sub genres of prep, like for example , is "golf prep" a thing?

>> No.14124651
File: 209 KB, 785x1190, Mid-Season-11 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14124687

of course. people wear different shit on different occasions what do you expect?

>> No.14124710


that looks gay

This, add sunglasses, no show socks and embroidered or surcincle belts (something like smathers & brandson)

>> No.14124798

to answer your qiuestion yes but whats going on in that picture is retarded and is not prep. Chinos+polo shirt+belt+golf shoes there you go. Its that easy. Whats happening in your pic is not something anyone in their right mind would wear ever lmao

>> No.14124906

I want some damn cords but winters leaving..

>> No.14124915
File: 8 KB, 900x500, 6B175858-6145-470E-A01F-BE6EECBDE492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here buy from bonobos? Experiences with their clothing?

>> No.14124928

Their plain washed cotton chinos used to be my favorites and they had all kinds of colors, but now literally all their pants are stretch bullshit or technical synthetic bullshit, so I'm looking for a replacement. Now they sell a bunch of shirts too mostly in a bunch of loud prints, I bought one a while ago and it's alright I guess.

>> No.14125044

the rise was too low for me

>> No.14125170

I refuse to buy stretch pants especially for how much they're asking.

>> No.14125207

They used to be 100% cotton and based. They got bought out by Walmart so I guess that's why they're shit now.

>> No.14125237

The "new" J. Press has a bunch of items that fit that description, from the Japanese catalog, as does Brooks Brothers Black Fleece (rest in pieces). I believe Beams Plus has them every summer, including this year and Mr. Porter, Need Supply Co, etc have them (with heavy markups) but one can sometimes find them on Ebay for much less. I also remember Club Monaco of all places had unlined, unconstructed sack jackets for the summer a few years ago, I wonder if they still have those...

Other than that, one has to go vintage or do some unspeakable things with J Crew Wallace & Barnes or buy vintage Tommy Hilfiger stuff. If one goes with the suggestions from the other uses, the cut tends to not be a sack (waist darts and all), not to mention the cuff buttons.

>> No.14125318

>bought out by Walmart
Pls let that be a joke

>> No.14125320

Fuck you’re not kidding

>> No.14125484
File: 64 KB, 929x1072, 42A8317F-A064-4D92-A4B5-5D05D6639938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 or 8 inch?

>> No.14125486
File: 56 KB, 929x1072, 3BB549B8-B3CE-4F23-BC9D-DB1FE9FB00EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14125502

Ya boating prep, horse prep, squash prep, sporting prep, polo team prep, winter/skiing prep. Basically any expensive sport combined with the clothes that go best for doing it.

>> No.14125534


>> No.14125631


>> No.14125697

8 it is

>> No.14126475

Buy once, cry once.

Extremely durable and timeless piece of clothing. It doesn't cost that much when you realize it's 2029 and you are still using it.

>> No.14126503

Chinos and linen trousers when it's warm, corduroy when it's cold, mix wool trousers where they fit.