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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 109 KB, 1080x1255, 66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14043009 No.14043009 [Reply] [Original]

Why do girls dress so immodest on a night out?

>> No.14043012

Why wouldn't they?

>> No.14043022
File: 2.18 MB, 1280x1571, zzactkvflgkz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont wear assless chaps in the club so why do thots wear dresses with the biggest titty window they can manage

>> No.14043026

Why would you wear assless chaps. Nobody wants to see your ugly ass anyway

>> No.14043028

as a sign that they want to get railed

>> No.14043034

I do want

>> No.14043040

This bitch really contoured her titties

>> No.14043047

so you incels will have something to be upset about

>> No.14043049


>> No.14043060
File: 266 KB, 413x463, 1436051433323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you probably buy private snapchats foh

>> No.14043076

To attract dick, why else?

>> No.14043084
File: 1.55 MB, 3264x1836, 20190110_201218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This screams incel

>> No.14043091

OP here how the fuck did you get my picture!?

>> No.14043092

to distract chad from hotter, higher effort girls

>> No.14043128


>> No.14043154

Because Chad / rap niggers primal instinct urges allow them to choose the best temporary mate based on mammary size, and modern Jewish media has indoctrinated them into believing this is what males want and that this is "liberation" and female "freedom". Then after they're single mothers to mulatto children they can retire the slutcore outfits and settle down with a simp incel or basedboy to raise their child for them

>> No.14043159

You misspelt thots, anon

>> No.14043228

>be at uni
>late Saturday night, temp is about 5F after wind chill
>get to bus stop
>thot walking across the street wearing miniskirt that only covers her ass, wearing top like OP pic, except short sleeves
fucking freshmen

>> No.14043229


>> No.14043233
File: 145 KB, 640x799, 1531909071479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like she fucks white bois.

>> No.14043250

>incel this incel that

So this is what it felt like when cuck was the meme insult.

>> No.14043266

all chaps are assless.

>> No.14043287

Both are generally used accurately, though. I mean you can't know if a dude really is an incel but you can observe him exhibiting non-normie behaviours very easily.

>> No.14043293

this. the internet is filled with incels and cucks. barely even see normal people anymore

>> No.14043296


>> No.14043311

Why won't thots clean their rooms before taking pictures? I am worried if that sandal will find its brother

>> No.14043322

This, most girls with ugly faces try to draw your attention away from their ugly faces by showing a lot of skin, it works temporarily for that night.

>> No.14043323
File: 42 KB, 720x720, 1543456637887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want to be raped

>> No.14043327


Because they're looking for dick?!

>> No.14043332

These women are unironically incredibly picky and turn down any advances from men. They just like knowing that men are looking at them.

>> No.14043471

gay men are literally known to wear assless chaps you retard. if you're trying to attract men then you wear this shit.

>> No.14043558


You just need to get better at pretending you're a vapid chad.
Changed my bio on Tinder to where it says I like having soup and a conversation more than getting shitfaced and the thot matches stopped almost instantly.

Tldr; lrn2chad

>> No.14043579

Wait, is that a positive outcome for you or not?

>> No.14043596


Depends on my mood, I guess.

>> No.14043686
File: 494 KB, 637x480, 2D9F745E-7514-4F96-B7E1-A3B844ADA769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14043688

Girls seem to dress up for a 'fun' night
How they dress reflects what they deem as fun.

Side note brits seem to dress like turbo thot drag queens.
Like a parody of themselves.

>> No.14043699

you couldnt have posted an uglier bitch

>> No.14043827

a hoe never gets cold

>> No.14043936

laco of a proper outlet for sexual behavior
if you are getting properly fucked why would you bother except for 'effay' sake enjoyment?

>> No.14043943

What's your favorite soup tho

>> No.14043961


Tom yam koong.

>> No.14043966

For me, it's French Onion soup.

>> No.14043971
File: 15 KB, 322x322, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reverse image search
>nothing found

>> No.14043974

For me? It's lentil or pea.

>> No.14044051
File: 2.21 MB, 588x1080, creep girl bikini.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this girl that gets posted often on other boards, people only really notice her body and ignore the face.
Girls showing skin really turns guys back into cavemen and makes them lose the ability to judge properly.

>> No.14044068

chicken and corn

>> No.14044080

Just ignore the whores.
They're animals on display.
Let them to the rapists and psychos they give out themselves to and then whine about men being bad.

>> No.14044082
File: 91 KB, 700x674, dfghjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a bunch of stupid little bugs incels are. men can do the exact same thing.

both of them tho wouldn't be allowed inside mcdonalds for too long.

>> No.14044088

lobster bisque of course

>> No.14044098
File: 340 KB, 1440x808, okkiddo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incel spotted.

>> No.14044100

She looks like the female Evan Spiegel

>> No.14044108

For me, it is the chicken soup. The best soup.

>> No.14044173

who remembers when you could call a whore a whore without getting called an incel

>> No.14044211

me in the back

>> No.14044314

for me, its borscht

>> No.14044330


Look at her fucking body though you moog.

Look at how tiny her waist is and how flat her stomach is.

You’re not eye-fucking her facial bone structure and symmetry when you see a girl like this....you’re eye fucking her personality :3

>> No.14044340

She’s gonna have to put clothes on eventually, then what are you going to look at?

>> No.14044344

for girls it's:
for guys it's:

her face is not an issue when her body is better than 99.99% of all women

>> No.14044350
File: 2.25 MB, 722x1080, creep girl bikini 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14044352
File: 2.52 MB, 588x1080, creep girl bikini 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14044353
File: 1.71 MB, 1130x1080, creep girl bikini 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14044354

People barely even read bios anymore now that you don't see them instantly. You have to click into their profile. I for one maybe read about 10% of all bios.

>> No.14044356
File: 176 KB, 383x489, ahhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck did cavemen even function when you had girls like this walking around naked

>> No.14044361

she is 16 or 17 in those videos

>> No.14044364

So, the prime age of a female?

>> No.14044382

Even better

>> No.14044384
File: 76 KB, 650x1000, sexcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well damn, I thought I could escape no fap by coming to this board.

>How the fuck did cavemen even function when you had girls like this walking around naked

Because they were pic related.

So? Stop this puritan like everything is pedo blah blah blah. 16 is the age of consent in most countries and she's not naked, she's in public ffs.

>> No.14044414

hard to be inaccurate when an insult has no specific meaning lol

>> No.14044415



>> No.14044419


God I wish that were me

>> No.14044420

They're neanderthal not cavemen. I mean homo saipian cavemen.

>> No.14044427

its because women didnt look like that then. they didnt have leggings and their skin wasnt as smooth (shaving constantly). they didnt have makeup. they didnt even have shampoo. so nothing would have looked like that (hair, skin, face, hairless) all these tools were made to accentuate our base desires so when you add them up you go into overdrive thinking you hit the genetic motherload and feel like raping her if ur high T

>> No.14044446

Back then cavemen took what they wanted, if they saw a pretty lady I’m sure they would likely bludgeon anyone attempting to contest them, and rape any female not willing to consent to them and that was the norm. In today’s society women have their six inch stilettos so far up today’s male asses they could wear their nuts on a chain and it would be considered nothing more than “empowerment”.

>> No.14044455

the amount of raping going on is overrated. you still had a hierarchy and if you got out of line it literally meant death

>> No.14044457

Tell that to Ghengis Khan (Not a caveman obviously but you get the point)

>> No.14044460

raping your enemy's women is different, that was done all troughout history by all entities.
only recently have there been laws agaisnt that

>> No.14044506

Take out all the buzzwords and this is quite accurate.
They're riding the cock carousel

>> No.14044510


Well, that's what happened. Will test with chad bio for science.

>> No.14044532

Miso or Hot and Sour

>> No.14044570

underrated post

>> No.14044698


>> No.14044704

She's got an adorable face, the fuck are you on

>> No.14044724

as if these kind of women wouldn't go for the same kind of guy their entire life. Keep lying to yourself incel

>> No.14044728

because they want to get fucked. if you get out sometime you would know

>> No.14044736

stay mad brokeboi, keep reporting these girl to the IRS to own the libs

>> No.14044738

shut up virgin

>> No.14044819

>Ghengis Khan
the guy was literally a king

>> No.14045877

I don't know what kind of shithole country you live in, but I've never seen one girl driss even remotely like that. And I live in one of Scandinavias biggest student cities and have been out clubbing at least 150-200 times during the past 4 years.

>> No.14045906

have you looked up? or incel feet watching?

>> No.14045909

You think I go clubbing and only stare at my feet?

>> No.14045977

checked. someone post that pic of the underboob compared to the underballs

>> No.14045981

big if true i think so too

>> No.14045988

For me, it’s cream of tomato by Fort Belvedere

>> No.14046170

You probably go to clubs that actually play good music then. I'm sure you can find turbo sluts like in OP at any normie venue.

>> No.14046217

why do you dress like shit everyday?

>> No.14046256

I don't know if I should be turned on or grossed out

>> No.14046287

>hoop earrings

>> No.14046374

Dude looks like a 1970s serial killer.

>> No.14046388


>> No.14046393


Dude's dressed like James May from Top Gear

>> No.14046464

For me, it's Minestrone.

>> No.14046913

Why are you dressed like you're an extra in Narcos?

>> No.14047438
File: 24 KB, 670x549, stop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14047442

For me, It's tomato soup

>> No.14047447

too many to choose from. soup is the GOAT winter meal

>> No.14047512

Alright I'm a decent looking guy who also happens to be incredibly picky, the compliments and advances are sometimes nice but going through the effort to look good (working out, eating right, dressing well, grooming well etc...) isn't about attention. I like looking good for me, it's good for my mental and physical health, I don't do it to get hit on. Most women will and have echoed that sentiment.

>> No.14047513

Pozole, unless that's considered a stew

>> No.14047533

Hot chocolate and marshmallow soup

>> No.14047544

I can confirm brits are the fucking worst at this

>> No.14047596

I was going to correct your flawed understanding of pre-historic society but then I realised you were being hyperbolic. Ooga booga to you, good sir.

>> No.14047600

Who’s >>14044444

>> No.14047620

when they look sexy enough they don't have to pay a penny for anything. they get free entry, men buy them drinks so they can just enjoy dancing and boost their egos with all people hitting on them. clubbing is only expensive for men and ugly women.

>> No.14047719


>> No.14047733
File: 114 KB, 1080x1350, 1518787655967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drives fiat500
>drinks costa
>eats nandos

>> No.14047745

they are presenting
it's biological mating behavior and they want alpha males to notice them
this is natural

>> No.14047747

>that's her purse on her lap
>her dress is actually far shorter than first appears

>> No.14047763

I've been looking for those Webms for ages. Who is she and why is she constantly posted?

>> No.14047770
File: 26 KB, 640x1079, 50995022_2069264816697868_795830961475420160_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The state of /fa/

>> No.14047771

Just some random chick that was getting lunch. The full video ends with her eating the burrito she just bought while the guy filming hides in the bushes.

>> No.14047777

got a link to the fullvid?

also the reason i never saved it is that i thought she was underage. is she?

>> No.14047789
File: 3.73 MB, 320x240, 1433000234015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you really need the extended video of a 15 year old girl standing on the sidewalk?
are the 3 webms posted not enough to sate you?
you really gonna be this thirsty?
men can do better

>> No.14047804

No I don't, but it shouldn't be hard to find just click the triangle next to the post number in click on google image search. She looks underage to me but videos of teen girls in bikinis aren't illegal to have or fap to. And the full video isn't worth the effort just save the webms they're highlights of the parts you want to see as the rest of the video is literally just her sitting down and eating the damned burrito as the guy films from the bushes.

>> No.14047895

You mean cus she's white with a bad spray tan?

>> No.14048007

tell me about it

>> No.14048071

also that body is pretty specific to a balance of diet and exercise. a woman that has to work too hard to survive would be either more muscular or thinner, the combination of the two is a privilege of how easy it is to live in modern society. the chicks in war zones/holocaust are thin and walk a lot, but their bodies look nothing like that because they're stressed.

>> No.14048103

Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and my head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.

>> No.14048192

i'd eat her cheeky nandos if you sniff my drift

>> No.14048358

she's got a beautifully proportioned body.

>> No.14048362

why does this nigger think he can taint Madara's name??
also, when he says ''Gods'' does he mean black people?

>> No.14048365

High T E S T

>> No.14048397

>why does this nigger think he can taint Madara's name??
Black people can't like anime now?

>also, when he says ''Gods'' does he mean black people?
In this instance yes he was using as a general term for black men, however, the that term is usually reserved men who are practicing members of the Five Percent Nation. A sect of Islam founded in NYC. God or Godbody are the slang terms they use to refer to each other, but it can be used in a general sense or as a term of endearment for Non-Five Percenters.

>> No.14048505

Not him but there's a distinct difference between cavemen tribes and a large-scale, warfare based society that is constantly raping and pillaging whoever they want
Ghengis Khan and the mongols raped a bunch because they were constantly razing cities to the ground and executing people who weren't under their thumb, you can't pull the same stunts in a tribe of ~20 people where everybody knows each other and the occasions for violence are rarer

>> No.14048858

when i go clubbing i always got jocks on and desu i would go in assless chaps but only leather ones

>> No.14048865

Clam Chowder

>> No.14048893


They love the attention and are exhibitionists.If they get attention from the right guy then very likely you can take them home. Sure some might be looking for Mr Right Now however he not someone who has to ask.

>> No.14048909


>> No.14049139

lentil carrot cream soup

>> No.14049180

dude looks fresh. id hang

>> No.14050040
File: 57 KB, 720x960, 50950890_2293488204199183_4196289000740225024_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14050062


>> No.14050074

everyone's a fucking weirdo in some way or another

>> No.14050079


>> No.14050089


>> No.14050320

>women dress like a total slut for other women
lol okay

>> No.14050340


Where did I say that? Learn 2 read.

>> No.14050640

thought she was gonna trip on that shoelace thanks for wasting my time asshole

>> No.14050652

because they're cruising for some chad dick

>> No.14050659
File: 167 KB, 1125x1127, 44EC79BE-1350-4A60-875F-20D70998BDE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.14050680
File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, Why+dont+they+just+make+the+refueling+planes+do+all+_1973d46202277d7d54e928427775c822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move bitch, get out of the way!

>> No.14050835

reading comprehension aside, why would you think trying to look like a "better" option for a man is so unbelievable? they're not trying to turn on other girls, they're trying to compete with other girls.

>> No.14050968

Yes she's underage, valentina valboa.

>> No.14050986

Valentina Bilbao*

>> No.14051012


>> No.14051030


Will do but not own the libs just to own you simpering faggots

>> No.14051121

Cuz we dont say anything duh cuz muh freedom
Plus for thotting for chads

>> No.14051128

U sound like the guy that pays cam whores n ask for amateur nudes

>> No.14051131

Twist its tyrones baby an he wants to take care of it

>> No.14051137

Dam ur good...i totally ignored the face

>> No.14051185

>Those flabby forearms

>> No.14051282


>> No.14051346

I would never pay for cam whores, I just jerk off to their instagram

>> No.14051375

they're not flabby, the bondage tape is just too tight

>> No.14051409

i find it quite entertaining to go out on a friday or saturday night and observe all the groups of people that go out clubbing etc.

>> No.14051527

absolutely based, incels btfo get off our board

>> No.14051658

whoops, excuse me
*walks around*

>> No.14051768
File: 341 KB, 749x650, 1543210039224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"m'am, excuse my presenc' while i go through, have things, important things to go do on my own dorm room"

>> No.14051825


>> No.14052066


>> No.14052279

Do not date this bitches
They love cock but it's not worth it
I know you'll try to date one of these anyway...

>> No.14052287

95% of women vying for the top 5% of men. Gotta stand out somehow

>> No.14052315
File: 144 KB, 492x399, 1516594758267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its pho, for me baby

>> No.14052503
File: 13 KB, 360x360, Peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, raping a woman was not a risk in itself because they are weak creatures, her father, uncles, brothers and cousins are another story however.

When you approach a woman you are always anxious not because you are really afraid of her (an average man could kill a woman with one hand tied to his back), you are actually afraid at a primal level that men in her families will come and fuck your shit up for daring to approach her.
That's why during most of history noone gave a flying fuck about woman consent, only the consent of the patriarch in her family was important, still is the case today in muslim countries.

>> No.14052507
File: 40 KB, 560x315, 5265636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Million dollar idea: a dildo that looks like a bunch of Vietnamese spring rolls in a row. To impress your "foodie" thot gf.

>> No.14052731
File: 37 KB, 977x729, FB_IMG_1548215787392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce pls

>> No.14052745

It is pretty much only a meme insult. Every mid-20s desperate virgin I know in real life isn't mad at women. In fact, their biggest problem is putting women on pedestals. They hate themselves more than women. I see it at work all the time. Anytime a new awkward plain jane girl starts work, all the beta "incels" gravitate to her because they have literally no standards. They just get lonely. All the old "sharp elbows" jokes don't make sense. People who have the highest standards and also treat women the worst are those that get it too easily.

>> No.14052892


>> No.14052939

get the fuck out of my way!!!!

>> No.14052968

Hoes want nothing more than to be desired. Most of their behaviour can be put down to this imo. They are picky with dudes b/c having a top tier man proves they are desirable.

>> No.14052974

She's English

>> No.14053144

so this is where all the fucking electrical tape went ffs

>> No.14054570

somethin is not right with this picture ......

>> No.14055285

they are peacocks of our specie

>> No.14055335

Are you that weird, fat, black guy who always tries to talk to me when I’m promoting?

>> No.14055347
File: 130 KB, 1080x1150, bonnielowry1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d imagine you’d gotta get pretty drunk to end up with this one after a night out.

>> No.14055466

Men have liked boobs before jews existed

>> No.14055473

>them gods
I really hope black people stay poor

>> No.14055483

uh, you got that backwards fren

>> No.14055531

would that not hurt like hell to take off... or maybe thats the point

>> No.14055571

Sounds pathetic bro, no lie

>> No.14055613

I am a girl and I do not dress like that for a night out. Or, let me rephrase that. I am a female/lady and i am not a girl in a bad UK underground establishment.

>> No.14055731

>I am a female/lady (male)

>> No.14055740
File: 139 KB, 500x899, 1529271621567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /r9k/ here? Go post on r/looksmaxing you fucking losers. Or better yet just off yourself.

>> No.14055874

Did not knew /b is here. I was pointing out that "girls" and more specific "easy girls" dress like that.
As for me you can believe whatever you want about me it will not change facts.

>> No.14055883



>> No.14055949

Yes, M'lord!

>> No.14056339

You’re just jealous that boys would choose these girls over your frumpy self

>> No.14056501


>> No.14056504

Pretty much, not sure what else you were expecting

>> No.14056526

from what i gather this is mainly an anglo phenomenon, you'd be hard pressed to find women dress like that outside of a whore house anywhere outside of english speaking countries desu

>> No.14056586
File: 135 KB, 788x960, 1547182793483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they want a chad. Nothing women hate more than a nice timid guy. Remember, women would rather be beaten to death than bored to death.

>> No.14056857


>> No.14056860

To be fair it is also true for guys.
Plus, most of you like to pretend we are ice-cream down there

>> No.14057189
File: 98 KB, 640x960, 1451349134273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post

>> No.14057201

Dont lie james may is effay

>> No.14057215

she looks ripe af
you can't fight nature

>> No.14057302

only a desperate incel would eat a women
i would know

>> No.14057318


>> No.14057388
File: 104 KB, 1200x798, hanley slip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry desu, it'll come back round to bite the whores

>Pic related: uploaded to facebook by my local nightclub

>> No.14057395


>> No.14057425

How does it feel to live in a shithole?

>> No.14057443


>> No.14057537
File: 60 KB, 748x561, 308B6E4A-FED6-4F94-BBD5-3EE2F97BB11A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is wrong this this incel just LOL

>> No.14057538
File: 983 KB, 285x285, 1373469329070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen too many titties fall out on a night out.
The girls spend ages taping their tits down and readjusting the tape multiple times over the night
like bitch dont wear that top if your titties are gonna flop about when youre dancing to tyga

>> No.14057687


>> No.14057691
File: 8 KB, 250x206, DE9C31E2-AD4B-49FB-A330-3D7A536B1FF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black bean

>> No.14057706


>> No.14057745

they just raped them

>> No.14057859

Imagine the constant shrinkage pre-house man must have had living in the cold North

>> No.14057919

Oh shit

>> No.14058429

mortal kombat kore

>> No.14058966

turkey and spring onion

>> No.14059090

Does stew count? Haemul Sundubu.

>> No.14059425












>> No.14059528

leek and potato

>> No.14059606

her face is perfect

>> No.14059713

Shit & wrong opinion

Perfect body, mediocre face

>> No.14059886
File: 277 KB, 1080x1295, 1518918819025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Vegas there are TONS of these kinds of thotties
And most of them have sex for money

>> No.14059929

Her name on twitter is Sadgalbri but I think she may have deleted her account/changed her name cause I cant seem to find her anymore. Oh well, you can probably still find some of pics by searching that name

>> No.14059939

they are called escorts

>> No.14060088


I remember when this joint was called Liquid

>> No.14060122

It's clam chowder

>> No.14060183

red or white?

there's only one correct answer

>> No.14061451

White obvious answer

>> No.14061630


>> No.14061648


>> No.14061679

Melbourne, Australia mate

>> No.14061710

Fiction in Hanley?

>> No.14062038
